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*Offer Khan the Sonic curry*

a feast fit for a king
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♡~♡ what cuties !!!
#drawing#digital art#drawings#murder drones#cute art#murder drones n#murder drones uzi#serial designation n#uzi doorman#md uzi#n my beloved#md n#nuzi#n md#murder drones v#n murder drones#murder drone#serial designation v murder drones#serial designation v#n x uzi#uzi md#uzi x n x v#uzi x n#uzi x v#v x n#ship art#murder drones fanart#kisses
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🌙 “Fue el tiempo que pasaste con tu rosa lo que la hizo tan importante” El Principito AZUL #idaKHAN HH 🤴 the Little Prince SuntVerbaRerum Latin Are Words Things 📍🎲 ... Alea Iacta Est‼️⭕️ Chaos 🌹idaEco in The Name of the Rose idaBond UmbertoEco SeanConnery 🎴 DIvina Commedia L'Inferno Dante Alighieri WILST il SOMmo POE PoETA eta beta gamma Delta ♥️♣️♦️♠️ TIME COSMIC virtual Tragedy tragi-comedy patom Tragedia Comica Virtuosa Global COOK chef Miso Soup tweety bird YukiMiaki99 Sushi TheGodfather Stark Mona New York Taiwan Korea Japanese cusine Epicurean Epicurus Spinoza idaSPINOZA idampan s father MarioPan taught us CQFP ♡◇♧♤ Come Quando Fuori Piove = Cuori Fiori Quadri Picche No CARD or Video Game CASINO theGambler 🎱 #WordsInLineSpaceAndTime 🚀 Mona x Mon AMI 🗨 idamariapan idampan ⚖️ panidamaria idapan 🩸mariapan 🚀 idealeconcepts 🎨 idealistamagica IMPan I m PAN am #ART MonaCoion💡 #idaXFiles #Words #Magic ☕️ one more cup of coffee #BobDylan DylanIMP idaTesla Elon Musk ABC 123 Maga Meme 🍒 MDBXyz #idaEINSTEIN zero #Einstein #ATOMIC 💣 explosive idaHUXLEY idaORWELL #AldousHuxley #GeorgeOrwell #idaByrne 🔥 Fire onDe #Waters Meta H20 XYZ Virgin Con #CERN r #Galactic idaVirgin #NASA #SpaceX idaZiggy DB Stardust idaNewton 1st name was Issac NEWTON 🕸 WEB James Webb #Space between me & you InFinite ♾️
Fazza WATTS doYou THINK 🤔 & HH His Highness the Aga Khan #AKDN #AgaKhan the AgaKhan Development Network #Fazza #Faz3 GroupFazza Elon Musk (weNeed2Talk 1on1) noFUN idaNietzsche Dragon Rocket Ss blow FLAMES #FFFxyz MonStreSS Monsters (*) Will write Downey what i found on Twitter yesterday: PRETENDERS not Ismaili w LIES religious IMPostors impostoring & insulting any common decency @fazza3hamdan @groupfazza
#AFRICA #BW #CHiNA #RUSSIA #Ukraine #Syria #IRAN #ISraEL is RA E L im no Engineer have 0 #POWER #UN I worry KANT Usee people R dying WAR Hunger Children Sex Trade Sad NEWS 😔 EU humanitarian Crisis no bricks #LEGO Put in #Putin together = #LAW lex LeGis Legge Law Supreme Court #HumanRights #Justice #Truth Veritas iCC inertnational Criminal Court the Judge KHAN force Giustizia nobody's above theLaw Mann idaMann Thomas idaBIG told Me Isa BIG jobs UTOPIA + #TheodorAdorno #Disney #Marvel #Facebook #FakeNews I get DE #PRESS ed Ted plus Blue cause all these FASCISTS und NAZI right Left n center ... everywhere Fascism I Dispise DIs Di Spies ciencia Science Idiots believe dei are GOD DC gods have la Scienza InFusa in Fusa come quelle che fa il GATTO 🙀 CATASTROPHE idaPicasso idaDALI CAT astrophysicists Fromm d Star 🌟 t Anyhow idaCohen member Leonard COHEN Euler Leo Leonardo Da Vinci b4 asking AreYouVincent ass in ARTIST Vincent Van Gogh EXPERIENCE x MaryCBeal Ally McBeal or Douglas Coupland ... auction Sotheby's Christie's exhibition up COMEY coming Komehini
In FORM pubic OPS Public + readers DATA idaWEI came to Be tube Tubi idaKAPOOR best Friend Sunday Morning idaREED Lou Reed Velvet Underground idaWarhol Andy Warhol shall show share Al Jazeera
Can art change society? - Ai Weiwei and Anish Kapoor | Studio B: Unscripted
From: Studio B: Unscripted
Can art change society? – Ai Weiwei and Anish Kapoor
Artist and activist Ai Weiwei and abstract sculptor Anish Kapoor on the changing role of art in today’s world.
Ai Weiwei is one of the world’s most influential living artists and activists, known for addressing human rights and freedom of expression issues through his work. His memoir, 1000 Years of Joy and Sorrows, shares his family story of growing up in China.
Sculptor and installation artist Anish Kapoor has created large-scale artworks across the globe that challenge us to engage subjectively with them, including Cloud Gate in Chicago and the ArcelorMittal Orbit in London.
The two global icons compare notes on freedom of expression, how art can challenge power, and what subversive art looks like today. PoST SCRIPTUM photograph Screen shot 25.03.23 Someone pretending 2be Elon Musk had been messaging MonaVainy on Pinterest Telegram FOTO below is a sample. Kind to ask about my son... I had mentioned he was suicidal, brought by the POLICE 911 to a psychiatric hospital Now HELD in Emergency CARE @elonmuskfans
Ah ah Joker Sarcastic... Me send Money to his Manager ? ... Not likely Honey Principe AZZURRO EM (Keanu Reeves know also) - whoever YOU Are - i really like ElonReeveMusk Elon Reeve Musk BUTT @elonmuskfansgossipblog TRUST is KING in my not WHITE HOUSE Il Diavolo fa le pentole ma non I coperchi Italian PROVERB Let's see if Richard Branson Picking UP Women Girls Chicks Ducks Ducklings ... Knows the meaning #idaPACINO #idaDENIRO Al Pacino Robert DeNiro help so it Dose dos does not knot get LOST in TRANSLATION comme INA film movie Sofia Coppola (The Godfather Francis Ford Coppola's cop pola s daughter) Star ring Starring 💴 💃 Jojo Rabbit 🐰 Scarlett Johansson in Japan ttss Tokyo Tom Waits link me to RB @richardbransonpickingupwome-blog #photoIMP photography by MonaVainy all copyrights ida maria pan ideale concepts MAGNETIC FIELDS AURORA borealis Global Spectacle ... SCI-TECH daily Notification Invasion ALERT: Disease Fears raised over New Mosquito Spices Species Reported Inn FlorIDA ... SOS VITAMINS I need VITA MINE 🍋 citrus yellow green 🥗 Le mon LEMON Lime oranges 🍊 orange juice 🥤 minerals intake of IRON man my Bones ache sto male Tristezza Triste Elle Amal a mal Male partout ovunque Pain HURT chotto matte okudasai idaSAN Kiki 🤙 call Matte idaMATTA MATTA Mata Matte MATTI Mattel Matan MataHari Doso idaKADOKAWA Kadokawa TentoChito Watashi WA OnnaMusha Ichi Ban SunTzu blind Let's Meditate Focus on Confucius LaoTze Pray LOVE PRACTICE w Dalai Lama Put compassion into Action Dov'e l'AMORE L'Amour QUIBUS qui qùo qua topp Topòlino Paperino Paperne Nonna Papera Duffy Donald Duck n TRUMP Quo Vadis CarpeDiem Iger Ike Fox WB Discovery Co. FunKo POp Oprah PHANTOM of the Opera Ora pro Nobis Pater Noster OMA AMA io Remo REM a anche Tu Verbal Diarrhea idaSARTE idaBARTHES idaCAMUS SHIT idaCATTELAN Maurizio Cattelan ho la Nausea come JP Sartre I feel it coming ind theweeknd VOMITO MUORO emmit Christopher CRISTO Chris Bloomberg Boom Bloom ElstonGunn Robet Allen Zimmerman A Series of Dreams ... HighWater Mississippi MK mark Knopfler note was sweet. Yes Angel Angels 'IBelieve InYou' Don Raffae idaBrando idaDeANDRE Marlon Brando, Fabrizio De Andre' 'Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight' ... 'Volta La Carta' idaKEANU trovi pricipino KeaNu Castello Angelina Jolie ahah Aditya makes the Gioconda SMILE monaLisa Lisa Joe Gio G Johnny Cash or NoCASh 'Era gia' tutto Previso' EraTutto già Scritto Detto Ripetuto e Ribadito. Trascritto, fotografato, archiviato, Cancellato, bruciato, messo rimesso od omesso dal FeSSO ... a Roma se dice 'o fammo Mori ner FOSSO' ma Bruce lo sa Il fiume The River ... la Alma el Karma e poi la CURA tra il DESERTO, la pianura, le Valli ed I Monti... le come le LaMontagne... Neve, ghiaccio, gelo poi laggiu' la tundra, la steppa e nuovamente ilDESERTO erso la sabbia, I serpenti, ragni, scorpions, hawks Falcons avvoltoi ed il Tramonto nell'oasi col cammello O eDAI dimmi ... Dam IA N Elephant un Elefante Dumbo Forse? DONNO dontknow idaDerrida may be she k nows iq GPS Jacques Derrida Algeria Paris Albert Camus Cammo Affa Che si fa ? NESSUNO -come Ulisse- lo sa. Eneide, Iliade, Odessa ne' Virgilio, ne' James Joyce Ne er matto de me figlio SAN dirmi a chi m'appoggio, dove cazzo m'Appiglio U2 Angel XII dove se nascosto Michelangelo

“Fue el tiempo que pasaste con tu rosa lo que la hizo tan importante”.
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Today I did a writing exercise, the timeline is the tno one,the one in wich zhadanov experiments are successful and he triumph over the third reich,more context at the bottom of the second half the story will be divided in 2
Zhadanov walked trough the remains of what was once a battlefield,his footsteps leaving a trail in the wet mud,his bodyguards in their heavy armor where leaving a much more consistent trail,one deep enough to be seeded,maybe some poppy seeds would have found their way in and nourished by the rotting corpses of the ss would have flourished. The group arrived in one of the trenches and approached a group of soldiers,their plasma rifle glowing bright over thier white armor in stark contrast with the night above,with the soldiers there was a couple of ss prisoners,that by thier look where probably starving. "This are the last ones?" Zhadanov asked while looking at the two prosioners,the first ss must have been barely 18 and the second one well over 50 "yes sir,the last nazis of the world,in their last trench" a soldier confirmed while looking at the young man "the others are either dead or laid their weapons the day before,this two and their last group was trying to blow us up with a nuclear bomb,but instead almost wiped themselves with a failed babajaga core test♧" added the leader of the squad. Zhadanov slowly kneeled until he was face to face to the old man "gute morge her Müler" Zhadanov said in his gutted German "I speak your rotten language Slav,don't butcher my own" said the old man with all the rage his frail and starved body could manage. "Good good,so how does it feel to know you lasted longer than the entire Pacific front? You must be pretty proud of yourself" the great leader said taunting the ss "good,at least I know I can put up a fight with your man's in shiny armor,unlike those Japanese cowards" "but even the legendary her Müler must kneal in the end,and you where lucky,Himler got it worse" zhadanov said while looking at the corpse of Himler near them,the corpse had a big hole center mass and was covered in mud and in the piss of various soldiers who wanted to deface the dead leader. "Your people are worse than the Mongols and you are worse than the Khan of old,your monstrous horde have ravaged europa as a whole!" The young one exclaimed in a burst of hate,his russian was not perfect but it was undestandable,before the old man could shut him, zhadanov moved his attention toward him "you think so little one? We have done nothing to you that you have not done to our people,in fact,we have been far more merciful,your people ravaged our glorious union,killed countless milions and divided our kin putting brother against brother,and this is not speaking about what your people did here in the orderstad" the great leader replied to the boy,his tone was not angry but firm "leave the little one alone,he is salty because his family was in Munich when you charred the city from orbit" the old man said before spitting at his side. "Mine was in Minsk." the unit leader said whit a voice full of spite,zhadanov firmly put his hand on the soldier plasma rifle before he could do anything to the young ss or his older colleague "calm yourself down,they have the right to a fair trial" the great leader said in a warmer tone "give me a cynide pill and let's get over with this shit,I will not stand a sham trial" the old ss said "I can do better" Zhadanov said while extracting his personal plasma pistol and aiming it at the head of the old man "for the supposed master race you die no different" Zhadanov remarked while a grin formed on his face "look at your technology! How could this be a fair fight!" The young man erupted again "it is not,war is not fair" the great leader replied while shooting the old man in the head,giving him peace,the young man stared with his eyes wide open at the headless corpse "war is unfair,life is unfair,the winner takes it all and the looser die,this are the basis of your rotten ideology, and what has this brought to you? Ruin,Germany is in ruin,burgundy is in ruin and so is most of the world,your Reich and his allies have been a scourge to the world" Zhadanov stared the young ss in the eyes while he talked,making sure to deliver the point,and then,before the ss could reply.
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I heard he likes hedgehogs
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Caspar Kain got angry at a concrete wall for being solid, pass it around.
He slams into walls frequently and acts as if it's the brick's fault for not being able to walk through them like in his beloved polyhedron playground. Tell everyone you know.
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Khan isn't part of the utopian bounds. You get no penalty for letting him die as the Bachelor. Maria made the list herself, and yet she didn't include her own little brother.
The Kains really forsake him, prioritising saving the lives of 4 strangers to build their miracles for them over their own flesh and blood. Barely over 10 years old and his family already turned their back on him.
Why does it sting so much? How did he possibly feel when his older sister and father were willing to leave him to die from the plague. Confining him to the polyhedron like a child grounded to his room, not expecting him to come down and attempt to help the town some way or form, never bothering to protect him.
What do you even do in that scenario as a 10 years old kid? How do you even process it when your own family doesn't include you in their plans for the future? When your survival was never mandatory, merely optional.
Khan's room is in Maria's wing of the crucible, his childhood bedroom left abandoned to the dust and mites. They were siblings, they lived together. She was there during his first step and first word. She overheard him playing with his toys in the next room over for years.
Then, one day, there was only silence. He quietly left for the polyhedron with all his favourite toys and clothes, much like a kid attempts to run away from home by stuffing their clothes in their school bag and dramatically march out the door, looking back at their family to see their reaction. It's a fundamental growth milestone in every child's life, a test to be reassured that they are wanted and loved unconditionally by their family.
Except, not a single one of them bothered to follow after him.
Khan never betrayed the Kains for Capella; they were the ones who abandoned him first.
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hi!!! yesterday i saw your blog and fell in love with your works. <3
soo can you write something where reader is the parent figure for termites + clara...
like taking care of them, feeds them, repair their clothes if they are torn, and maybe teaching them to read and write??
i really love them very much and i want them to be safe. :'((
(reader also may be familiar with artemy and help him with kids!)
Thank you <3
[Platonic, Found family, Parental figure GN Reader]
For some of the termites, it will take years to open up to a guardian figure. One of Isidor's virtues was that he got close to these kids while they were young.
He fathered the entire town after his son's departure, kids big and small. The termites grew up alongside him. He's been a constant presence in their lives more than their own parents at times.
Capella will be the hardest to get her to trust or even rely on you, especially at her age. 15-16 is a few years away from being an adult. She has already started to view the world as a series of contracts and exchanges. Offering to make deals with others in exchange for powers, sacrificing whatever necessary to gain leverage on her opponents.
There is very little you can do to influence her anymore. She is done looking for a parental figure, given up on chasing the ghost of her late mother. She rarely looks at a piano these days.
Treat her as an adult, and you'll gain her respect. That's all there is to gain anymore. Friendship will never be an option on the table.
Even if you were of a similar age to her. She feels like an outcast from both her own age group and the adults she makes business with.
You could never be her parent, you could never fill in the shoes of her mother or brother, she tells you that bluntly whenever you try to get closer, sneak under the castle walls which surround her.
Her father...however is the only person she slightly acts childish around. The only remaining speck of the innocent she once held.
She is very concerned about his health and safety, so much so that she never objects to any of his overprotective desperate measures. Looking at him with pity rather than resentment, with the wisdom a Mistress may only hold.
0% chance of success - She'll never accept a parental figure, preferring to become one to the other kids instead.
He tries to walk in Capella's shoes, to follow in her example and become just as detached... but he's very clumsy. awkwardly traversing this path and stumbling on every small branch on the way.
They both abandoned their names, Victoria and Caspar are no more; died in the first outbreak.
Capella chose this path out of her own volition, but Khan never knew another way. The Kains never made space for him in their grand design. Nina died giving birth to him, or was it during the first year of his life? He can't remember. They won't tell him either.
He envied Artemy in a way, to still have Isidor's love even after killing his own mother in childbirth likewise. It took him a lot of time to get past that resentment, by the time the youngest Burakh came back to town, Khan only felt apathy looking up at his hulking figure.
If his precious tower is still alive, there is absolutely zero chance of any adult of any nature coming into his life. You're not allowed to step a single foot inside let alone walk the stairwells, no matter how much you plead your case.
But if it came crumbling down alongside the remains of his childhood, he finally concedes.
He gets up, dusts himself off, and goes to play the role of life demands of him so much. But since he's much younger, still at the edge of 11, he's more prone to accidentally looking for others for guidance. As much as he tries to resist treating you with anything but apathy, he completely fails and has to come to terms with this begrudging respect he started to grow for you.
You'll need to be supportive but never infantilising, cheer him on, praise him for a job well done, remind him that he could still go join his friends outside in a game of ball or maybe catch bugs.
Allow him to adorn this facade of maturity whilst still keeping in mind that he's a kid inside.
Unlike Capella, his walls aren't fully closed off yet. His heart is still in view, hidden expertly but still bare if you know where to look.
And maybe, just maybe, he'll entrust you enough to ask for help one day. Be it with a trivial task as teaching him how to properly wear and tie a necktie, or something more important such as figuring out what he wants to do in life.
15% chance of success - A part of him still wants a dad, and Capella can only do so much.
She's a five year old that has been given respect and authority beyond her years, mother superior is a more familiar name to her than her own.
Taya has been revered, feared, and adored all her life. She started making doctrines and announcing laws even before she learned to read and write.
There's a clear split in her personality, one wisened up to a jarring degree, ordering the executing of people without as much as a blink. Yet still fully comprehending what she's doing, that those are living people atoning for their sins and not just dolls.
Then there is the other part, one allowed to remain childisht and joyful. The side of her that squeals at the mention of candy and strawberries, the part that soaks up all the attention the kin shower her in, wearing all the jewelry and finishing her bowl of soup before asking for seconds.
You could try to dote on her, but the kin already do all of that. They already stich her clothes, wash her hair and make her bed.
Taya never resists your attempts to get closer to her, in fact she welcomes you with open arms. Enjoying whatever candy you bring, listening to the fables and stories you read her from these books with funny pictures she loves looking at so much.
But no matter how close you get, you still feel like there is an invisible barrier between you two.
That's when it hits you, oh, she was never viewing you as a guardian figure to begin with, but an overeager servant. All of your doting has been chalked up to tributes for mother superior.
She doesn't listen to your orders, never abides by the bedtime you set for her. Never takes you seriously.
You can't win her with kindness and love. You'll have to earn her respect. Impress her, give her one good reason why she should even consider your opinion worthy? What do you know about steppe culture? What do you know about the traditions of her people? Could you translate the sigils if she suddenly quizzed you?
That's what she thought.
Taya takes her role as a leader seriously and never resents the kin for killing their previous leader, her father. It's only the way of life. When a finger becomes sick, you cut it off before it infects your whole hand.
You'll have to be someone of equal footing, a leader of some sort for her to treat you as a colleague at first, then if you're lucky, a friend.
And lastly, if you're wise enough, a parental figure.
She isn't opposed to the idea of getting a guardian, she just won't settle for less. Your chances are slim but at least she's sorta rooting for you? As long as you meet her requirements, she has no qualms.
But you'll never take her candy away! No matter how much she respects you, you'll have to claw it out of her grubby little hands.
30% chance of success - bring her a new dress next time you visit
As long as you help the souls and half gang in times of need a couple time, you've earned his trust. You're alright for an adult, he admits, might make you a honorary memeber even.
He is skeptical of your attention at first, much like earning the trust of a stray cat, immediately running off after he finishes the plate of hot food you left for him.
But gradually, as you stay consistent and predictable for him, he starts getting more comfortable around you. Actually humouring your invitation to eat inside your house on the dinner table rather than watch him awkwardly inhale the food outside each time.
As long as you don't make a fuss about the mud his shoes trail in, his dirt covered hands that might stain your couch or anything that's become so normalised to him, then he'll start viewing your house as a safe space.
Not a home yet...but a nice spot to let his guard down in.
You always offer him food without asking for payment or anything in return, even refusing whatever nuts and bullets he tries to get you to accept.
You attentively wipe the dirt off of his face with a damp towel, pat his head after he puts his empty plate in the sink, ask if he'd like a cup of tea or something to drink afterwards.
Notkin is not sure what you're getting at, why you're doing this. Do you just feel pity for him? Are you trying to take in a stray? is that what this is? Part of him is angry with your unconditional kindness, another part is starved for affection and warmth.
You noticed a rip in his jeans the other day and offered to mend it for him, asking if he might as well get in the shower while you finish washing and stitching his clothes. You lend him your own clothes and offer him complete privacy.
When the lessons start, it wasn't you who brought them up but Notkin himself asking you to help him, be it with sounding out certian words or spelling in general. Despite him being late academically for his age, he's very clever and makes for a quicker learner.
Once he ends up looking up at you, viewing you as a parental figure, he does so while keeping in mind that you're a friend first. He might spend a couple days per week in the room you cleared out for him in your house, keep his treausred belongings in there, but he still goes to the warehouses most of the time, looking after his own gang.
The final step to resonate with him is to show a positive reaction to him bringing his friends over to your house. Offering them food, and a real bed to sleep on.
You watch as he helps them with their literacy in the same way you helped him, imitating your teaching methods as he explains simple math to them. A bunch of kids huddled over your dinner table, notebooks and papers everywhere, Notkin sitting in the middle and explaining long division to them.
40% chance of success - He'll never forget the kindness you showed him as he grows up.
For the rest of the kids, it's kinda complicated because, technically, they're already adopted. Sticky and Murky with Artemy. Clara by the Saburovs and Alexander Block. Grace by Peter Stamatin and the Saburov.
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okay yeah can NOT stop thinking about the termites + Clara being a friendgroup and going on silly adventures like kids are supposed to, instead of living the horrors of the plague yk?
Sure, Clara is snarky and mean at times, sarcastic at others, but you know she longs to be loved, genuinely loved by a family, and have friends who care about her.
She just spawned into existence without a single soul to watch out for her. She yearns for the Saburovs affection so much that she runs away from home just to protect them from her growing bad reputation.
Imagine the sheer mind-blowing happiness she'd feel from having a group of friends who care about her and want to hang out? They don't ask miracles of her neither claim she is the bringer of doom, they just want to play with her, they share their toys and split their candy in half to give to her, they push her on the swings and teach her how to play tag.
Grace who's usually quiet finding someone adventurous and outgoing like Clara to balance her out. Someone who thinks her "weird" traits are the coolest thing ever! Grace is the Watson to Clara's Sherlock and I will die on that hill. She enables Clara and loves exploring the unkown and spooky territories with her, while Clara can't believe someone like Grace looks at her in awe with such stary eyes. Just for being herself, not for her powers or for her mischiefs, but just for... existing.
Sticky finally joining the friendgroup after isolating himself from kids his age for so long and desperately trying to fit in with the adults. The only reason he joins despite rejecting Khan and Notkin's proposals before is because his little sister wants friends to play with but is clearly terrfied to her core of interacting with others despite the strong mask she wears of pretending not to care. Murky's smile means the world to Sticky and he'd take her hand and guide her towards the other kids gently, because no one better than him understand what it's like being a fish out of water.
Because things are different now, he has a little sister to look out for and be responsible with! His urge to set a good example for her outweighs his introverted side and he gives in and starts making friends just to encourage her to do the same.
In a way, she indirectly teaches him that it's okay to act childish and be a kid. That it's okay to want friends and trust them.
Capella, who's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders and watching her childhood slip by, like sand grains trickling down an hourglass the more her mistress powers manifest.
She is the oldest of the group and in a way feels responsible for every one of them, she desperately wants to look out for them before the responsibility of her mother's power start to manifest, not to mention the family business since young Vlad mentions wanting to leave the town and let Capella take over because "she is a smart kid" These kids may very well be the last friends she'd ever have before her whole life becomes a web of politics and business, the last flutter of innocence in a butterfly's wing before it's plucked off forever, to never regrow.
Khan living in the shadow of his family, always second place to his sister who's overtaking the role of her mother as the family head. So he does what he knows best and runs away to the next building over, starts a world of make believe and fairytales to reside at for eternity, refusing to come back home. Establishing an empire of kids who love and look up to him as a leader so he may never feel second place to Maria ever again. Ignoring how each time he looks in the mirror, day by day the face of his father stares back at him more and more.
Notking, Taya and Murky too oh my god. These kids deserve absolute heaven. They deserve to fight over sticker books and arguing about which superhero is the coolest. Imagine them planning their Halloween customs all excited! Khan refusing to participate thinking it's embarrassing for his age but then Capella and Notkin show up in customs and he feels left out so he scrambles for a last minute costume.
Sticky may or may not have used real blood in his zombie costume... you know left overs he "borrowed" from his father's cabinet. Murky wanting something pretty and princess like for her costume but being shy to ask Lara for help so Sticky does it for her instead.
Oh my god, Taya in a little bull costume with the horns and everything, saying hers is clearly superior, and she automatically wins the costume competition.
Clara thinking it's the most hilarious think in the world to dress up as Frankenstein's monster. She wanted zombie too but Sticky did it before her so she had to improvise. Grace is the mad scientist. Peter helping Grace and "Grace's friend" in making their costumes, having his weird little spin on them because he is just such an artist and could never settle for something mundane.
Capella dressing up as a detective! Or maybe something steampunk? Maybe her secret dnd character that she never told anyone about but definitely uses to play with her brother once a month in their running campaign.
Notkin picking the best Halloween costume possible ever! A vampire, duh! Nothing beats the classics, or so he claims. He is not just a vampire but the LORD OF VAMPIRES. A vampire king if you may. Jester has a cute bat costume, a cat in a bat costume. How innovative? Of course, you may only see it IF Jester feels like it.
Khan dressing at the little prince from the storybook? Or a classic werewolf to match Notkin's classice vampire look, or a vampire hunter just to fuck with him.
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VICTOR KAIN: I haven't made up my mind yet. I just have my suspicions. The end times are upon us if sons have ceased to honour their fathers. They are turning the earth towards the void. Toppling what their parents built is what these wayward children are best at—but they never create anything in its place!
Wow, Victor, projecting much? This is starting to sound awfully similar to a certain wayward child of your own. I know Artemy's relationship with his father is complicated, but you're talking about these two strangers as if you've been in their same exact shoes.
BACHELOR: I feel you're talking about your own son...
GODDAMMIT DANIIL.YOU CAN'T KEEP SAYING THESE THINGS TO PEOPLE'S FACES! At least wait until their back is turned, oh my fucking god. But you are so right, snatched Vitya's wig right off.
You're so lucky the Kains have use of love you.
VICTOR KAIN: My son has now founded a kingdom of his own. There it is, towering above our sinful earth. He wouldn't let anyone into that world—not even his own father. If you're interested to know what's going on there, give it a try. Maria thinks you're a man for whom nothing is impossible.
Okay, okay, defensive. we love to see it from a proud papa. But you're forgetting to mention this teeny tiny fact, which is Kaspar Kain does not listen to a single word coming out of your mouth, much less acknowledge your authority.
You're not even allowed inside the tower! His own father. You probably don't even know the password, do you? And he told Maria before. Victor's fixation on his own daughter, the obsessive need to view the ghost of his late wife through her, ruined any possibility of bonding with his two children.
Neither one is winning, the golden child is suffocated and forced to wear a heavy crown that'll never fit right, she's the scarlet mistress, transparent and winered; she'll never embrace the pitch black darkness which Nina once held.
While Khan, the scapegoat, is pushed to the side and left unattended. Neglect under the guise of freedom. Yet they twist his every action to make it appear within their grand plan just to save face in front of strangers. Romanticising his runaway attempt, proclaiming him the uncrowned prince of children when he finally gave up on receiving love from his family and went to seek it through friendship and adoration from kids his age instead.
MARIA KAINA: Children playing, Bachelor Dankovsky. Fifteen hundred children. It is their princedom, and my little brother Kaspar, styled Khan, is their uncrowned prince. That place is clean, No evil can enter those walls; it would bounce off them like sunrays... I can see it,
#♧character study#♧khan#♧maria#♧victor#♧bachelor route#♧p1#pathologic#♧screenshots#♧bachelor route day 3
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I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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Maria tries so hard to be Nina that she'd do anything to become just like her mother, hold a fraction of her power, but she never will.
Khan would give up anything not to end up like his father, he tries so hard not to see Victor's face in the mirror, but he always will.
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that bit about khan annihilating your steamdeck cracked me up actually. khan ily but you are NOT touching my switch
And you know his family won't pay for a replacement or even to fix it. They're the type to "let their kids pave their own paths and handle their own responsibilities" which is code for never doing any parenting EVER and letting their kids do whatever they want to other people's stuff with zero consequences or compensation!
He'd literally lose a fraction of an hp point and immediately throw both the game and your device into the floor while you're sitting there like

At least Sticky and Murky would be more careful and considerate with your stuff–I mean sure they'll leave behind mystery sticky residue from nasty unwashed hands, chips dust and melted chocolate but hey it's better for you to clean it then to leave them to do it, because they will full-heartedly run your device under tap water and scrub it with dawn dish soap.
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Stakh has him blocked
#♧several characters#♧memes#khan kain#notkin pathologic#murky burakh#sticky burakh#grace pathologic#taya tycheek#capella olgimskaya#aglaya lilich#Daniil Dankovsky#Peter Stamatin#Andrey Stamatin#Artemy Burakh#pathologic#memes#Burakhovsky#♧ships#Lilakh#♧Burakhovsky#♧lilakh#pathologic 2
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Pathologic meme dump... 6?? I think
#Pathologic#memes#♧several characters#♧memes#artemy burakh#daniil dankovsky#Yulia Lyuricheva#capella olgimskaya#clara saburova#khan kain#murky burakh#sticky burakh#andrey stamatin#bad grief#anna angel#peter stamatin#stanislav rubin#pathologic meme dump#pathologic memes
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Throwing yourself out of the window isn't an option
Poll below
you're bald + baking soda + horse legs + an aquarius + Aglaya doesn't like trains
#♧memes#♧polls#♧several characters#Pathologic#Daniil Dankovsky#Artemy Burakh#Clara Saburov#Alexander Saburov#katerina saburova#Eva yan#Maria Kaina#Khan Kain#victor kain#georgiy kain#peter stamatin#andrey stamatin#capella olgimskaya#vlad olgimsky#Big vlad#vlad the younger#sticky burakh#murky burakh#Aspity#yulia lyuricheva#♧train poll
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