#oc questionnaire tag
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oh-no-another-idea · 3 months ago
OC Questionnaire
Thanks for the (ancient) tag, @kaylinalexanderbooks! I'll answer these for some of the crew of Stars and Ships 💙🌑🌠
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What's something that was horrible in the moment, but in hindsight is hilarious?
Jax: "Meeting Aaliyah. Yeah, now, looking back, my own ship becoming a maze where I was steadily being hunted down by an assassin is kinda ironic, actually. Thank god she decided not to kill me." Aaliyah: "Meeting Jax." Quin: "The time Jax accidentally glued me to the console."
Do you often get lost in thought? Where does your mind go? How do you focus?
Jax: "Yeah, I do, but that usually means I'm gonna work through some other problem that's been marinating in the basement of my brain, so that's helpful. How do I focus? The stars have to be in alignment for that one." Aailyah: "I am very focused. When my mind wanders, it's usually to my childhood and the horrors I faced, or to my family now, and my affection for them." Quin: "If I'm lost in a thought, it's probably a thought about how much I want to murder someone. Honestly it helps me focus."
Who do you worry about the most?
Jax: "Oh, hands down my family. Aaliyah is the love of my life and Quin is my responsibility and one of my best friends. Taking care of them...it's a mission I take extremely seriously." Aaliyah: "Jax and Quin. They're my boys, and they're idiots, so you might imagine how much worrying I have to do. There's...something beautiful about tying yourself to others through love." Quin: "My dumbass big brother who thinks he knows everything. Jax is all I've ever known, you know?"
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@pandoras-comment-box @eccaiia @awritingcaitlin @halfbakedspuds @revenantlore
@k--havok @karkkidoeswriting and anyone else who sees this! 🌈 Your questions:
What is your most precious belonging?
Ice cream or cake?
What was the worst day of your life?
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space-writes · 1 month ago
OC Questionnaire Tag
tagged by @the-inkwell-variable thank you! since i’m still in the figuring things out phase for Dark of the Moon and these women are gnawing in my brain like mice, I’m going to give three OCs worth of answers for the price of one tag game and see where it takes me
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[ID - a purple and black decorative divider]
If you could kill someone with zero consequences, would you do it?
Otienne: Her answer comes instantly, with a dazzling smile “Of course! A no-consequences way to remove an obstacle? Only a fool wouldn’t take such an opportunity.” Ihrone: “I…no. No! Never, there’s never a good reason to take a life. Never.” She sounds more like she’s trying to convince herself of this fact than you. Osyinra: “Perhaps. Does this killing include immortal beings, or only mortal ones? Because taking a mortal life without consequence is hardly a gift for me, but the ability to remove one of my sisters…now that’s a chance worth taking.”
What kind of crimes are okay to do, in your opinion?
Otienne: “The ones you can get away with.” She laughs, charmingly. “The kind of crime is largely irrelevant to the reward it brings. And of course, it matters more who does it. It does no-one any good to allow a peasant to get away with theft and treason and murder and such; it sets a very poor precedent.” Ihrone: “Ones for which the laws making them crimes are morally unjust.” Her hands twist together. “Ones committed out of necessity. I’m not saying there should be no consequences, only that context should be considered when judgement is passed. Context,” she emphasises “not social station.” Osinyra: “I think if you draw blood, you ought to be allowed to indulge in it. If you want something, you ought to be permitted to take it. Mortals put far too many restrictions on simple desire.”
Instant ramen or fancy ramen - which is better?
Otienne: “Fancy, and prepared by someone who knows what they’re doing, and what my tastes are.” Ihrone: “Simple fare is well and good, I hold nothing against it but…there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the taste of fine things, is there?” Osinyra: “Oh, I’m not particular. I do find it tastes better from someone else’s bowl, though.”
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[ID - a purple and black decorative divider]
no-pressure tagging @viscerawrites @tabswrites @willtheweaver and @chauceryfairytales and your questions are:
If you could fix the problems of one person in your life, who would it be, and why do they deserve your help?
Hot showers or cold baths?
What do you do when you need to calm down?
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winterandwords · 11 months ago
OC questionnaire tag
Thanks to @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag!
📝 Answer the questions provided with your own OCs perspective. Then create new questions for those tagged to continue the game.
I'm answering for Noah from November Breaks and Spin Cylinder...
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Do you prefer working on one thing until it's finished or many things at a time?
I prefer not working. If that isn't an option, I need completion. I hate loose ends.
2. You are in a talent show! What is your talent?
Killing people. I don't have very talent show-ish talents, but I make excellent coffee.
3. How do you feel about your birthday? Do you have a best or worst birthday?
I'm mostly indifferent to my birthday. The one when I got the first part of my sleeve tattoo was satisfying though.
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Tagging @drippingmoon, @duckingwriting, @dyrewrites and @eyes-talks-ocs if you'd like to do it, with an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in 💙
The questions for your OC are... 1. What was the last injury you had? 2. What was the last injury you caused? 3. Do you have any bad habits?
Reblogs, replies etc on my tag posts are always welcome, but if you're doing this tag yourself, please make your own post instead of using mine to start a reblog chain.
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mysticstarlightduck · 7 months ago
Character Questionnaire Tag!
Thanks for tagging me @alinacapellabooks (here)!
What is your worst nightmare?
Do you have any favorite bedtime routines?
What's your favorite scent?
Let's go with Rhys Whitewood (Scrapyard Boys), Jasper Astrophell (Supernova Initiative) and Saoirse Richards (Scrapyard Boys)!
1.) What is something you would never eat, even if you were starving?
Rhys: Um... I think something I would rather die than eat would be bodily fluids? Like I don't even like to think about that, because just the thought makes me nauseous, haha.
Jasper: Anything that isn't perfectly cooked, fresh food made with top-of-the-line, completely edible ingredients. My body is my temple, so why would I ever ingest anything less than exquisite?
Saoirse: I'm not really a picky eater, but I wouldn't eat anything that looks like it could give me food poisoning, or that seems like it was made by someone less-than-hygienic, y'know.
2.) Would you die for someone?
Rhys: Without a doubt, I would sacrifice myself to protect my twin, Gwyn, or our half-brother, Adrien. Even if he can be a piece of work sometimes and is far from the easiest dude to deal with sometimes, we're still family.
Jasper: Why would I lay down my own life for somebody else? That's ridiculous, my friend! I'm far too marvelous to die - much less for somebody else. However... I think, if it was strictly necessary or an absolute spur-of-the-moment last resort, I might put my life at risk if I needed to save my Father.
Saoirse: Death kinda creeps me out, y'know. But if I had no other choice, I would definitely say that I would die for my friends - they're my family, for better or for worse. Our little Chaos Gang, until the end of the line, that kinda deal.
3.) If you could only save one thing from your home in a fire, what would it be?
Rhys: If my siblings were still inside I would definitely prioritize getting them out before even thinking about other things. But if they were already out... I think I would get some money or clothes. Maybe a cellphone or something like that too.
Jasper: Ha! As if my house would ever be on fire, human. The Astrophell mansion has the most high-tech, thorough security systems in our planet. A fire would be put out by it before it could even start, and if anyone wanted to purposefully start a fire they would have to bypass the security measures, and honestly, good luck to them, haha!
Saoirse: (Doesn't answer at first, gaze seeming distant and viscerally horrified at the mention of a "house fire", hands fidgeting and shaking for a moment before she shakes herself back to the present)... I-I don't wanna talk about that, can you just change the subject?
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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ominous-faechild · 8 months ago
✦ OC Questionnaire Tag ✦
Following open tags from @yourpenpaldee (post), @honeybewrites (post), and @pixies-love-envy (post)!
I liked a lot of your guys' questions and really wanted to try them out! Hopefully that's okay, I'm really new to this kind of stuff so please be patient with me if I do any of this wrong! 😅😊
Characters from Sun and Shadow: Crow, Freya, and Daleira.
Crow (the detective's progeny)
Would you do something illegal if you were getting paid a large sum of money? (You can choose the illegal thing) I mean, aren't I already being paid to do illegal things for lots of money? Breaking and entering, very consensual information-gathering, theft of evidence, falsification of identity, planting of evidence when and where necessary... wait, who's asking again? Change of answer: I would never. 😘
What is your favorite non-human creature in the world and why? (Gods count) That's easy! My familiar, Aria! I don't care if she's connected to me, she's not human--and don't you dare make a joke about me not being human either! I am cursed, not something else! And why do I love her? I mean--is she my favorite non-human creature? Well... there's a lot of reasons. For one, she's my familiar. Like, she chose me. Even if she's a crow, too, because she's taken on a bit of my curse... I mean, that's my fault isn't it? Ha... no, I think she's fine. She's still able to sing, and that seems to be enough for her. I guess I like that about her, too. Eh, this is all too gushy. Next question!
If you were forced to kill one person you have met, who would it be? (Not yourself) *looks at the people they've gotten thrown into prison* Yeeeeaaaaah, there's a lot of options there. You really want me to pick one? Look, I already only spared them because it was against the law and my father would've been upset about it. If I'm going to go against their wishes... I'm going to pick a lot more than just one. 😉
Frey (ex-fisherwoman and heiress to the Ula company)
Are you spiritual at all? Are you not? There's so much magic in the air that most people are fae-touched one way or another, and you'd never know if you're speaking to a spirit in disguise or an avatar of the gods. Plus, my dad is an avatar--so it's kinda hard to not worship the gods or whatever other spirits out there that demand your respect. I mean, you want to get on their bad side? *scoff* Good luck with that.
Do you want children? If so how many? Uh, I've never thought about that before actually. Probably not? Maybe? I don't know, honestly. Maybe eventually? *sigh* Give me some years and maybe someone I could actually see myself settling down with and we'll see.
What’s your favorite memory? Oh... this is probably kind of depressing, heh... but it would probably be the day my dad came back from his year-long trip around the world. It'd been storming horribly, he was supposed to be in the area, and I was ten so I thought that him not responding to his transceiver had to mean something happened to him! Turns out, he'd come back early and wanted to surprise me with some gravlax he bought from a specialty place in town. He apologized when he saw how terrified I was, ha, and we spent the night together playing stupid board games. Oh, and he taught me how to make skink! ... I miss him. Dammit...
Daleira (magitech inventor and faerie)
What does your rest day look like? Ha! What rest day? Okay, okay--I actually do rest, but just maybe not in the way you usually would. I enjoy working with all these little magical devices, tinkering with them, figuring out how they work and how we can recreate them... wait, what was I saying? OH RIGHT! So my "rest days" usually just have me working in my workshop with Faer if he's there, haha. That, or maybe taking a stroll around the city! (*mischievous smile*) Anyone who thinks they're going to mess with a lone, helpless girl... well, that's their mistake.
What would be your last meal? I mean, technically--okay, no, sorry, this is supposed to be a game where I take everything literally. No ifs, ands, or buts. Alright. In the situation where I had to choose a last meal... what would I choose? Oooo, I know! I'd love a feast with as much sweets as possible! 🥰 What? Can't a girl love sweets?
If you were a hybrid, what would you want to be morphed with? Ho-kayyy, so! Ignoring technicalities and all of that stuff again. We're going to assume here that I can't choose anything that I already use and that I can't switch my appearance anymore after? Alright. So... I think I would probably pick some kind of bird? 😅 Ha... it's kind-of nerve-wracking to think I'd never be able to shapeshift again, but I like birds! Their wings, and they're pretty, and... yeah, it would be nice to fly.
Your questions!
If you could commit any crime for free and completely get away with it, which crime would you commit? (Saying "I would never commit a crime!!!" is a goody-two-shoes acceptable answer)
What would be your dream ending? Like, if everything in your life went exactly how you wanted, how would it turn out?
What is your greatest fear? And, if you were asked your greatest fear by a creature you thought might use it against you, what would you tell it?
Tagging (with no pressure): @darkandstormydolls @fantasy-things-and-such @yourpenpaldee @themboty and whoever else wants to join!
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silurisanguine · 9 months ago
OC Questionnaire Tag (bookish-karina questions answered)
Thanks to the lovely open tag by @bookish-karina I have more questions to answer as my OCs! I am loving doing these so if i haven't answered any you guys posted, send them my way!! As usual I'll be answering as Seren Jones, Aeryn Ryder, Zofie Orel and Kiara Black under the cut! Tagging @vorchagirl @despicablediet and @bearlytolerant @staticpallour @fangbangerghoul
@atonalginger @eridanidreams @toxiclizardwrites @therealgchu @aro-pancake @a-cosmic-elf and open tag to anyone who like to answer these questions three as their OC- 1- If you could time travel without consequence what moment in the past would you visit? 2 - Do you have a favourite food and drink? 3 - What do you think about the supernatural and magic?
Now to answer the questions given me - 1-have you ever wanted to stab someone? 2-what's your worst memory? 3 -what are you hoping to avoid? First up Seren Jones ( My Starfield Coemancer Starborn)
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "Wanted to? I have, multiple times, with my beloved Va'ruun painblade 'viper's fang' - Spacers, Crimson Fleet, Fanatics and other Starborn. Damn I sound bloodthirsty don't I? Just the Settled Systems are the frontier, It ain't safe for an explorer and especially a Starborn one. You got to know how to defend yourself. But In truth, the only one I've ever really wanted to drive my blade into would be The Hunter for who he is, what he represents...what he did and could do again." What's your worst memory? "...Oh void, I hate talking about this, but... seeing Sam dead in front of me on the floor of the station. The Hunter had killed him, but I blamed myself for not being fast enough, for choosing to protect the people in the Lodge and not run to the Eye. It took me a long time to accept it wasn't my fault. But it hurts, especially when I see another Sam. I'm learning to live in the moment now, jumping through universes, taking a little happiness where I can until I find the right one. But that wound is still there on my heart and not sure if it will ever heal." What are you hoping to avoid? "Becoming like the Hunter in the amount of times I jump universes. Losing my humanity and compassion like he has to become this empty, cold and bitter creature. I... also really want to avoid dying before I find a universe to finally stop and settle down in again, like Aquilus has managed to do. Much as I don't subscribe to his faith, I admire what he's done." ✨ Next Aeryn Ryder ( My Mass Effect Andromeda Pathfinder )
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "Yeah! That son of a bitch Archon would get the pointy end of my asari blade if I could get close enough to him. The rest, I don't want to do it, I just have to as they are trying to kill me!...well maybe if I ever find out who the Benefactor is, they might get to meet my blade too for what they did to Jien." What's your worst memory? "Dad told me that mom never wanted a funeral, that she didn't want people standing around her body crying, so we had a memorial service to celebrate her life and I remember just feeling so empty that she wasn't around anymore. That all I had were memories of her. That stayed with me. Close second would be waking up to find my dad had sacrificed his life to save mine after I'd...died. I didn't get to say goodbye or anything and then becoming Pathfinder, I haven't even really had chance to mourn or process the fact that I...died." What are you hoping to avoid? "Oh god, failure. Failure to live up to my dad's standard as Pathfinder. Failure to secure a viable home for everyone in Heleus. Failure to stop the Archon and the kett. Also really like to not die again." ✨ Next Zofie Orel ( My Deus Ex/ Assassin's Creed OC)
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "I am an Assassin in the Coterie of Assassins. It's my job, so yes I have stabbed someone...many someones. Whether I wanted to, was very much up to learning what they'd done to warrant such an action. Sometimes it wasn't so much a want as a need. They were doing bad things, even if they thought they were doing good and couldn't be convinced otherwise. I took no pleasure in stopping them." What's your worst memory? "I could say it was the attack that caused me to be augmented, but truth be told, I don't remember it well. Being hit hard in the head has a tendency to do that. I think the worst, was waking up in the LIMB clinic and finding out Sarah, a fellow Assassin I was...close to, had died saving me, and my goshhawk Ghost had been killed too. That devastated me for quite some time. But I channeled that into my recovery, swearing vengeance for them both." What are you hoping to avoid? "Having to prevent Jensen from interfering with my mission. I'd prefer he was on board with what I have to do. So far the signs are good and I think once he finds out the full story he wont want to miss working with me." ✨ Lastly Kiara Black (My Dishonored/ Thief OC)
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "Wanted to? No...maybe? Sometimes I saw an Overseer in Dunwall abusing his power, scaring someone, threatening them and I wanted to hurt them for it. But I don't really know how to fight. Garrett's shown me how to avoid fights and how to take someone down without them seeing you, but it's always no lethal. But there is a part of me that wants to see those who hurt people- be stopped for good. I have a feeling Garrett did that once, but he wont talk about." What's your worst memory? "...Finding out I might have caused my best friend's death. I was fourteen and Dylan was my only real friend. I thought I could trust him with a secret but he must have talked about it and it caused the Abbey to come to his family and try and take him...there was a fight, he and his family were killed by the Abbey and my family and I had to flee Caulkenny to Dunwall. I hated him for blabbing about what I told him, but I never wanted anything like that to happen to him or his family. That still haunts me." What are you hoping to avoid? "Getting caught. Either by the Abbey back in the Isles or by the City Watch here in the Eternal City. Both are as corrupt as they come, though if I had to choose, I'd take the Watch. least I know I could probably escape them. What the Abbey do to 'Heretics'... I think I'd rather die than be caught by them."
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romances-not-tragedies · 9 months ago
OC Questionnaire Tag
Thank you once more @bookish-karina for the tag!
Today, the spotlight is on Luisa Confesor, reputed wild child, flapper, and theater actor-slash-playwright:
what's your favorite color? why? I like blue! It is the color of the almost-cloudless summer sky. It is the color of sapphires (at least the blue kind), my favorite precious gem. My favorite Manila Carnival gown is made of a rich royal blue silk. One of my favorite ensembles is a blue chiffon dress with cherry embroidery on the bodice and a dark blue slip. I feel good in a blue-hue dress.
if you could only take one person with you to an abandoned island, who would it be? I do not know, but probably my anonymous penpal who I have been corresponding for a year about our feelings and aspirations and has been one of my inspirations as a playwright. And we discuss anything except our real identities and jobs. If he or she even exists, so here you go.
weapon of choice? A knife, because it is easy to hide and if you want to maim someone quick, it is the weapon you can rely on. Also, I like a fancy handle for the knife.
Tagging: @winterandwords, @chauceryfairytales, @satohqbanana, @kaylinalexanderbooks + open tag to those who want to join. Here are the questions:
If you have a bad day, what do you do to remedy it?
Which do you prefer to do, dance or sing?
What is your leitmotif if your life is being made into a movie?
Happy Writing!
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njnetails · 11 months ago
OC questionnaire!
Thank you @drchenquill for the tag! It's so fun to do games like these!
I'm going to use some of the characters you'll meet in Godsfallen! Since I have yet to plan for it properly, these characters are the only ones I've thought of until now.
What would you say to yourself from the past?
Taron: "Family doesn't end in blood, but it sure as Hell won't help you even if it's found. Run away while you still can."
Corelion: "Nothing is worth losing their trust for. Let it go."
Luna: "Past me would not be able to hear me."
If you could send a message to future you, what would it be?
Taron: "I can no longer see a future. Any message would be completely f*cking useless."
Corelion: "Wake up. For Gods' sake, WAKE UP."
Luna: "Do you not remember me?"
If you could redo your life, is there a moment, an event, that you would never change?
Taron: "I would change everything, up to the smallest grain of sand, if it meant never going through the same things again. This is not a life one should ever live."
Corelion: "I will always remember the moment my eyes first landed on that scowling little boy that I have since then called my son. Everything can be different, but my love for him will never change."
Luna: "I would never change myself. Losing myself would be a struggle."
I'm tagging @thatswhereiwanttobe, @asa-writes-stuff, @insomniac-frog, @imaginationxlost, @lexiklecksi, @toragay-writing and everyone else who wants to give it a try!
Your questions are:
What is your everyday morning routine?
How far are you willing to go to get what you want and why?
What is a minor thing that you regret doing/saying?
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sarandipitywrites · 6 months ago
OC Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag, @kaylinalexanderbooks! Go check out her OCs questionnaires (and grab a mug of hot chocolate ☕) here
Rules: answer the given questions in the POV of your OCs, then give the next people three more questions!
I'll pass this tag on (with no pressure) to @stesierra, @faeriecinna, @writingamongther0ses, @elizaellwrites, @sageswriteblr, plus an open tag for anyone who wants to join in! Your questions will be: 1) What incredibly common thing have you never done?
2) What’s your best “my coworkers are crazy” story?
3) What songs would be played on a loop in hell?
I'll pose my questions to Jacqui from Spark Signature:
1) Describe your ideal life.
"It'd have a lot less customer service, that's for sure." She laughs as she says it, but she glances down the bar before she continues. "Look, the bar's great, but this was always Vy's dream, you know? If it wouldn't mean ditching the crew, I kind of always wanted to go into business for myself." She turns her chair around and pushes her hair over her shoulder. The back of her blouse is precisely cut to accomodate both her wings and the back of her chair. "I'd really want to go into fashion design - you know, clothes that are actually easy to put on? It's literally impossible to find a cute turtleneck when you have wings." She turns back around and rolls her eyes. "Like, the Convergence was two hundred years ago. It's absurd that you still can't find clothes that can accomodate an extra appendage or two." Down the bar, the alarm for the dishwasher goes off. She glares at it. "But, you know. That'd mean ditching the crew. So." She shrugs and moves over to put the clean glasses away.
2) What are you most looking forward to?
That gets a laugh out of her. "So I GM for our weekly Skulls and Shackles game - I tell the story, run the NPCs, run the monsters, all that fun stuff. And I've got such a big twist coming up. It's, like, three sessions away, tops, and they all have no. Idea." She giggles as she stacks pint glasses under the bar. "They're so gonna die."
3) What's your most unique trait?
Her wings - gossamer green swallowtail streaked with electric pink - flutter idly as she thinks. "I'm not sure there's any one thing that's totally unique to me. I mean, we all contains multitiudes and all that, right? But," she waves a glass, narrowly missing knocking it against the edge of the bar, "I will say that I own the largest collection of legwarmers this side of the Cascades, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise." You raise your brow at that; her eyes narrow. "Anyone."
Spark Signature taglist (ask to be added or removed): @leah-yasmin-writes, @unrepentantcheeseaddict, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @mundanemoongirl
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comicgoblinwrites · 7 months ago
OC questionnaire tag (1)
Got tagged in for a couple of these by @winterandwords and I'm FINALLY getting around to them.
For this set Darcy (from my book The Sound of the End) will be answering.
Is there any event from your life that you would choose to forget if you could?
Darcy: Damn, had to start with the hard one, huh? Okay, um. I’d like to forget finding my mom and my sister after they’d been killed by demons, after the Shift happened. I know it wouldn’t CHANGE what happened, but I don’t—I wish I hadn’t seen it. I wish I could forget seeing them.
2. What attracts you to people as friends?
Darcy: Well, I seem to be friends with a lot of really stubborn people. But they’re also really dependable. And I like people that don’t seem like they’re afraid of anything. I wish I wasn’t so afraid.
3. What is your most unhealthy habit?
Darcy: Mmm. Probably trying to do everything by myself. Philip gets onto me for that a lot. It’s just not easy to expect help—or ask for it—when I’ve been on my own for so much.
Tagging: @jasminewalkerauthor @worldsfromhoney @stesierra
The questions for your OC are:
Have you every intentionally done something that was risky or life threatening?
What's you're ideal career?
How do you feel about kids?
(I'll be honest, I don't know/could not find if there was a master list for these questions so I just made some up).
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winterandwords · 3 months ago
✍🏼 OC questionnaire tag
Thanks to @karkkidoeswriting for the tag!
📝 Answer the questions provided from your own OC's perspective. Then create new questions for those tagged to continue the game.
Answering for Aria from Name From Nowhere...
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What scares you? Are you easily scared?
I'm shit-scared of not being in control of my life. I guess my family and prison both did a number on me. For less huge things, I don't know that I'm easily scared as much as reactive. But that's OK because some people need to learn that the consequence for touching someone without permission is a bunch of broken bones.
Tell me about an embarrassing memory.
Honestly I'm so freaked about eating in front of people that any time someone has watched me eat qualifies as an embarrasing memory.
Do you consider yourself more of a thinker or a doer?
Both, but in the wrong order. Do first, think later
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Tagging @paintedbutton, @romances-not-tragedies, @sam-glade and @sarandipitywrites if you'd like to do it, with an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in 🩷
The questions for your OC are... Do you have any vices you could never give up? What's your favourite item of clothing and why? Where do you go when you need to get away from the world?
Reblogs, replies etc on my tag posts are always welcome, but if you're doing this tag yourself, please make your own post instead of using mine to start a reblog chain.
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months ago
OC Deep Dive Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @illarian-rambling (here)!
Rules: Answer the questions for your oc
I'll go with some of the living older siblings from my WIP Crash Stardom! for this one because I'm in a sibling mood (:
TW. Mentions of drugs (cocaine and ecstasy), mentions of high fantasy torture and implied past SA
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Crash Stardom!
Tristan Mallory: Tristan has claustrophobia. He hates being locked in a room and usually sleeps with his bedroom door wide open, and showers with the bathroom door closed but slightly ajar so he doesn't feel trapped. The only time he locks himself in his dressing room or bathroom is when he's having a breakdown and doing drugs to drown out the emotional pain (usually cocaine but his agent got him hooked on ecstasy tablets too during the story and that made it worse. He gets over his addiction by the end of the book, so don't worry, but oh boy he suffered), because he doesn't want his little brother (Noah) to find out and feel sad.
Beck Staudder: He is terrified of iron and silver. As an Aimari (an magic humanoid species that has both vampiric and lycan traits, but is closer to fey than other races), silver and iron burn their skin worse than any fire could ever burn them. When he was held captive by the Secret Society (which hunts and kills magic folk but captures a few for their 'studies'), he was forced to lie down on a sheet of iron mixed with silver or they would hurt his Fatebound (its a fey thing, where two souls that are unrelated develop a strong familial bond, like spirit siblings), Aspen. The Secret Society wanted to study the effects of iron and silver in contact with an Aimari's skin. He wanted to protect her, so he did as he was told, but his back was seared with burns. To this day, it is still heavily scarred and even the thought of silver or iron makes him flinch.
Esther Caeli: She has emetophobia, quite severe, and is also easily disgusted by quite a lot of things but she doesn't really mind it. She also has some nyctophobia and has a warm nightlight by her bed to this day, and also has fairy lights around her room.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Tristan Mallory: People who chew gum loudly with their mouth open, someone he doesn't know or doesn't like standing behind him to stare at his phone while he texts, people who refer to themselves in the third person, having to keep repeating himself because someone won't pay attention or keeps interrupting him.
Beck Staudder: Anyone watching him sleep without waking him up, summer itself - he doesn't like sunny days and the heat makes him want to die because it makes him uncomfortable, invasion of privacy or invasion of personal space, people who try to pull up his shirt to see the scars on his back when he said 'no' (he will snap their arm if they do so, he has vampiric strenght), the sound of styrofoam rubbing on styrofoam, people who are unhygienic.
Esther Caeli: Cars tailgating her car, any food that is too smelly, strangers who full-name her, people who say "no offense" after saying something insulting, her little sisters getting catcalled by strangers, trying to sleep close to someone who snores, people who underestimate her talents or her strenght.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Tristan Mallory: A scrapbook photo album with pictures of him and Noah having fun or in important moments throughout their lives, scribbled sheets of music for new songs he is composing for his shows, a cup of vanilla milkshake.
Beck Staudder: A mini fridge filled with many, many packets of animal blood he refuels every feel weeks (he needs blood to not go feral, its not his fault, he's just vampiric), yarn threads to crochet or do macramé, a gun under his bed to shoot anyone who tries to kidnap him again.
Esther Caeli: A messy pile of clean clothes on the arm chair that she swears she will fold and put on the wardrobe one day but never gets around to it so its a cycle lol, a shelf filled with sports trophies and medals along with DIY sculptures her little sisters make for her, an autographed death metal band poster on the wall above her bed.
What do they notice first in a person?
Tristan Mallory: If the person has second intentions - he's learned to spot a creep from a MILE AWAY from dealing with his agent (Sinclair, she makes his life hell) and he tries to avoid those kinds of people. On another note, he's also good at reading people's emotions and adapting to the conversation effortlessly.
Beck Staudder: If they look like a Reaper (the Secret Society's elite hunters they use to kill or kidnap magic folk) or are armed in any way. Even if someone seems non-threatening, while Beck maintains a friendly facade he's scanning them to study their face expressions and body language to see if he can truly let down his guard. He also immediately notices any silver or iron jewelry or ornaments a person may be wearing, and makes a mental note to stay away from those jewels.
Esther Caeli: If she can have a good conversation with that person, like if that person is a killjoy who will just annoy her or if she can genuinely talk with them about her weird hyperfixations and have fun. She also notices if that person has 'good vibes' or if they feel off, or if they give her The Ick. Every time she says a person is bad news, even if that person is charismatic, she is usually right.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Tristan Mallory: He hates pain, he really does. He's terrified of it. But his ability to endure any pain imaginable becomes unmatched the moment someone threatens his little brother. Yes, he's scared and hates being in pain, but the thought of Noah getting hurt is more terrifying to him than anything could ever be so he just endures it, even if he's broken at the end. The reason he lets Sinclair hurt him (beat him up, belittle him, get him hooked on more drugs to make him hyperactive so he can make more shows and she can get more money, and frequently let's her have her way with him in bed despite how much he hates it) and never said a word nor ever let it show, is because he's protecting Noah. So I would say an 8/10 pain tolerance but like, 4 or even 5 of those points are sheer willpower alone and not actual 'pain tolerance'.
Beck Staudder: 11/10. He spent quite a lot of time trapped by the Secret Society and was one of their favorite subjects for their studies. He would have gone insane if he didn't have good pain tolerance. His vampiric metabolism helps but some of it is just his determination to spite them. For example, when he was made to lie down on that sheet of iron and silver, he didn't make a sound for the first few hours. He was essentially being burned alive by the contact but he barely let it show. He only screamed at the end where they pulled him off the iron/silver sheet and it uh... ripped at his skin because of how molten/burnt it was - and even the Secret Society was impressed, despite how sick and twisted they are.
Esther Caeli - 9/10 This girl does kickboxing and many other martial arts, as well as has a reputation for getting into street fights or underworld fighting rings. She has an insane level of strenght. She's tough, she can take a punch like its nothing and return it to her assailant ten times worse than what hit her.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Tristan Mallory: None of those. His fear response is Fawn. If he's pressured or threatened he'll immediately lose all of his confidence and swag, and go into a desperate mode of trying to appease whoever is the source of the threat. He'll do whatever the person wants if it means it won't get any worse because he fears that if he doesn't appease them, then the consequences will go to Noah (and in his world and industry, that is true).
Beck Staudder: Fight, all the way. He has the vampiric strenght to fend off any attacker with brutal ease (except for female Aimari because they tend to be even stronger than male Aimaris, but even then, he'll still fight if they're attacking his loved ones or his Fatebound). He goes into a feral, bloodthirsty mode if someone he loves or is bonded to is threatens, and it would take many, many people to take him down, or a very heavy sedative. He'll break chains, tear someone's throat off with his fangs and then continue his massacre until his loved ones are safe. It's instinct. And then he feels so guilty about it, once the animalistic trance passes because he feels like a monster.
Esther Caeli - FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. Oh she will fight - be it verbally, and trust me this girl knows how to throw some mean burns when it comes to it, or physically, because she will punch, smack or kick a bitch if said jerk crosses her line.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Tristan Mallory: Not a big family - his father (who was a good guy) died when he was six, his abusive mother remarried a jerk who left shortly after his half-brother was born, and then said abusive mother kicked out Tristan and Noah when Tris was 15 because he wanted to be a musician. Tristan had to raise Noah on his own despite him being a kid himself, but he managed and did a good job - both in the year after they were kicked out and had nothing, but also in the years after he won his first talent show and then they got fame and wealth, he was always there. Noah is his whole world, he does everything and anything to keep him safe. So he is a family kind of young man when it comes to the only family he has left.
Beck Staudder: In Aimari society, the males are the ones who do the parenting/caring for kids (be it their children or their siblings), while the females (who still are very much present), are the warriors. So he has strong parenting instincts, especially towards Aspen who he sees as his adopted little sister (she's a half-human, half-Aimari girl who was found by his community when he was a teen. Their leader wanted to kill her because they considered her weak for having human blood, but Beck didn't let it happen because she was just a little kid and adopted her as his sister/ward, and they did the ritual so she could become his Fatebound - his soul sibling - and officially join the community). He also cares a lot about his cousin, Rune, who is like a sister to him too.
Esther Caeli - Yep! Big family! She lives with her parents who have been happily married for 20 years, has six younger siblings, four of which are girls two of which are boys (the boys are really young). Her grandmother, uncles/aunts and cousins are also often around.
What animal represents them best?
Tristan Mallory: Nightingale
Beck Staudder: Feral red fox.
Esther Caeli: Wild Ox
What is a smell that they dislike?
Tristan Mallory: Sinclair's perfume
Beck Staudder: Burning flesh
Esther Caeli: Rancid things or smelly food
Have they broken any bones?
Tristan Mallory: Never.
Beck Staudder: Yes many times, sometimes even exposed a bone, but due to his vampiric metabolism it always healed faster than normal (a few days) but if he has blood available it heals even faster, with animal blood it heals within hours. If he can drink human blood it'll heal within minutes.
Esther Caeli: A couple of times while streetfighting or kickboxing but none were too serious.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Tristan Mallory: "Oh, him? He's the nation's sweetheart! His songs are always on the radio, there's always an interview of him on TV, and he's toured half the world already. He's the talk of the country most days. Honestly, I'd say he's living the dream life, the guy knows the road to success, dude."
Beck Staudder: "The insanely hot and brooding vampire looking dude with long red hair that stares at everyone from the shadows? Yeah I've seen him. He's weird. I think he broke someone's arm once in two places because they got curious about his back. Rude, am I right? What a freak. Stay away from him, or the girl for that matter. He's like her guard dog or something."
Esther Caeli: "That one is a tough cookie right there. Quite the hardworker too! I hear she helps around the family business while also attending college. She seems so friendly and no nonsense. I hear she does kickboxing too. Once a guy tried to get handsy with her on a pub and she taught him some manners with her fists, so quick. She's baddass, that girl."
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Tristan Mallory: Unfortunately nowadays there's usually so many stimulants pumping in his bloodstream along with sheer adrenaline that he tends to sleep late and wake up early, so he is both. Before he started struggling with his addiction, he used to be a night owl and was always sleepy in the mornings and loved to sleep in until 9 or 10AM.
Beck Staudder: Most Aimari's are nocturnal so he tends to be a night owl and is more quiet during the day and sleeps a couple of hours at a time during the day.
Esther Caeli: Morning bird.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Tristan Mallory:
Hates: Anything that has artificial grape or cherry flavor
Loves: Vanilla; Pepperoni Pizza; Latte Coffee
Beck Staudder:
Hates: Oatmeal, or any kind of bland, flavorless food, especially if there's no meat on it
Loves: Fresh blood (its natural to his species, its just like juice to him), Chocolate Cake with coconut frosting; roasted chicken heart skewers.
Esther Caeli:
Hates: cold or greasy food, and anything too pungent
Loves: Spicy stir fries, Parfaits, Mint Lollipops
Do they have any hobbies?
Tristan Mallory: writing new songs or just idly playing music, listening to music from other singers he likes, watching his favorite movies and series with Noah on their TV night, going out for a walk on sunset by the beach, going out for ice cream with Noah.
Beck Staudder: crocheting, macramé, making DIY stuff with yarn to focus on the texture, reading books, watching niche 1950s movies and sitcoms, walking on the ceiling (like straight up upside down within the room) to think, doomscrolling on his cellphone when dissociating.
Esther Caeli: shadowboxing, listening to heavy metal/punk rock/pop rock, kickboxing, going to the shopping mall with her siblings, painting her sisters' nails, helping her family around the house, dancing to her favorite music in her room.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Tristan Mallory: He'd be happy and really, really grateful. He wouldn't be expecting it - because he's usually so caught up with doing things for others, for the people he loves, he forgets about himself. And when he sees the party, when he sees that someone (probably Noah), put in all that effort just to make him happy, it'll remind him, even if just for a moment, that he deserves to be cared for too.
Beck Staudder: He'd react like Megamind in that final scene where the town gets all happy for him and he snaps and goes "GET BACK YOU SAVAGES" and Roxanne has to explain "don't worry, guys, he just isn't used to positive feedback!". Look it up, its glorious lol. Aspen would probably be the one having to explain that last part to people lmao.
Esther Caeli: She'd be H A P P E H (happy but 10x more lmao). Think full on golden retriever vibes but with some happy pit bull vibes as well.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Tristan Mallory: Yes, he does. He loves jewelry, especially glittery earrings in tones of either black, diamond white or light grey. Sometimes he wears necklaces and earrings too.
Beck Staudder: No. He likes to keep his style simple and comfortable. He especially hates necklaces, and even bracelets, as it feels constricting and remind him of when he was stuck with a silver collar that burned his neck.
Esther Caeli: Not really, unless she's going somewhere really fancy or having an important event, like a birthday or date.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Tristan Mallory: Cutesy cursive writing with glitter pens, he also adds stars to his i's.
Beck Staudder: Passably neat in a way that its more simplistic and straightforward than anything else.
Esther Caeli: Messy, very messy.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Tristan Mallory: Anxiety and Shame
Beck Staudder: Inadequacy and Anger
Esther Caeli: Joy and Determination
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Tristan Mallory: Not really, he just wears whatever will look nice while on tour and then whatever is comfortable while at home. He does have a specific style but other than that he couldn't care less about the fabrics.
Beck Staudder: Anything soft and loose, especially cotton.
Esther Caeli: Plush things, like fluffy softs and fuzzy jackets.
What kind of accent do they have?
Tristan Mallory: Fictional NYC accent
Beck Staudder: Faint british accent (fictional)
Esther Caeli: Northwestern Accent
My Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri,
@lyutenw @finickyfelix
@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives, @differentnighttale @wyked-ao3
@thelovelymachinery @an-indecisive-nerd
@zinabug-writes @dahliaontherun @fifis-corner
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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wyked-ao3 · 7 months ago
oc questionnaire
Tagged by @willtheweaver here
My questions are:
1. What is a guilty pleasure of yours?
2. You overhear someone bad-mouthing your best friend/ closest family member. How do you react?
3. Are you the kind of person who asks for directions if you get lost?
im going to bring Braith out to answer this one and may I say she may be the main character for the third book and not introduced until the second but man is she ranting to me already..
Her notes are way longer than most the others 0_o and I thought jade was the impatient one since his is the next book, lol.
so I'm tagging this one TPCG since technically she's not in TPKODR which is book one
1. What is a guilty pleasure of yours?
Braith: I'm rather fond of sparing or training of any kind but sometimes I like to play with my prey a little.
2. You overhear someone bad-mouthing your best friend/ closest family member. How do you react?
Braith: *grins* well these daggers are not just for show darl'n.
*Starts stalking the shadows waiting for a chance to strike where no one will notice. Once done she props them up in a alleyway against a wall so it looks like he's doing something shady. Before slinking back into the shadows to catch up with her friends*
3. Are you the kind of person who asks for directions if you get lost?
Braith: ye ain't lost if your going on an adventure
Your questions:
Who is your enemy?
Least Favorite animal?
Why do you act the way you do?
@jev-urisk @the-golden-comet @gioiaalbanoart @fortunatetragedy @thatuselesshuman @cowboybrunch @paeliae-occasionally
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yourpenpaldee · 8 months ago
Thank you @honeybewrites (post) and @pixies-love-envy (post) for the tag!
I'm going to have my main leads from When Art Talks answer these questions! Aniyah will answer the first set of questions, and Noah will answer the second.
ANIYAH these questions are from @pixies-love-envy :)
Are you spiritual at all?
Not really. Religion in general is something I haven’t taken the time to explore. I don’t know if I ever will, but I guess we’ll wait and see what the future holds.
Do you want children? If so, how many?
My mind constantly changes regarding this topic. At the moment, kids aren’t something I see in my future. I’m prone to catching baby fever though, so it’s only a matter of time before I claim to want children. When that happens, I say two children is enough.
What's your favorite memory?
It’s more like a collection of one type of memory, but it would be my mom driving us around to nowhere specific. Before my younger brother was born, it was a weekly tradition for us. She had a CD that consisted of her favorite songs, and I used to tease her for it. Little did I know those would become some of my favorite songs too, and I’d belt out the lyrics with her. Now that it doesn’t happen as often, our drives feel extra special when I get to spend that time with her.
NOAH these questions are from @honeybewrites :)
Cake or ice cream?
How about ice cream cake? That sounds like the correct answer to me.
If you were given the choice to read minds, but you could never lie again, would you?
I absolutely would. I expect honesty because I’m an honest person myself, but I’ve had to learn the hard way that it’s not as easy for everyone else. I don’t understand it, but it is what it is.
You're given immortality, but if anyone finds out you die, how are you keeping it a secret?
Forget about keeping it a secret. I’m not saying I would outwardly confess my immortality, but I think it’d be hilarious to write cryptic songs about it and watch the conspiracy theories unfold.
What does your rest day look like?
What would be your last meal?
If you were a hybrid, what would you want to be morphed with?
TAGGING (NO PRESSURE): @hudsuns @ray-writes-n-shit @drchenquill @moltenwrites + open tag ♡
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sodaliteskull · 10 days ago
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OC Questionnaire Tag Game
Thanks for the tag on this @pandoras-comment-box (their response is over here)! Going with the SIoC crew because duh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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1) Tell me a secret.
Yanna: You first.
Windy McBlow: Um...! I don't think I have any? Oh! Maybe, uh... I put a sprinkle of sugar in my mac and cheese? Do people know about doing that?
Lady Syrenna: I- I can't.
Ivanova: I'm the reason no one's ever been able to find the original Amber Room. Look, it was already boxed up for transport! How could I not take it?
Queen Quirky: I know my Lover's true name! I'm not sharing, though. That's just for me!
Emperor Beluga: And why should I tell you anything, hm?! What are you, some interrogator for the secret police?! BEGONE!
2) Who do you hang out with? Why?
Yanna: Mostly with Syrenna and Ivanova, because they understand me. My family too, though mostly my husband Aatrin. My children have their own lives.
Windy McBlow: Oh I love hanging out with Maris! She's my best friend! Soaking up some sun on the beach, drinking some cocktails, it's great!
Lady Syrenna: I have many friends and acquaintances among the beings in the Mystical Forest, but I love nothing more than to spend time with Yanna and Ivanova. Sisters by choice, rather than blood. Hehe, if not them, then with Kesper, and he and I get up to shenanigans I don't do with those two!
Ivanova: Syrenna and Yanna because they're always down for a little chaos, Ryle because he's the love of my life, and Moody because she always gives me dirt about what's going on in Reality.
Queen Quirky: My Lover, of course! And what fun we have!
Emperor Beluga: I do not "hAnG oUt"! That is for the bland and wretched folk! I have soirees and salons and tête-à-têtes! I associate with the other Islanders, as they are the closest people at hand.
3) Describe your style.
Yanna: It's eclectic. I have been known to wear a low cut top. I like sleeveless shirts, long gloves, pants and wraps, and a revealing dress now and again. Everything in black, though I'm not opposed to the colour red when it comes to accents.
Windy McBlow: Oh I like sun dresses! Those are easy to add accessories to when I wanna spice up my look!
Lady Syrenna: I tend to stick to a sort of Medieval style when it comes to what I wear. Dresses with long sleeves (to hid weapons in), loose pants and shirts (easier to fight in), robes and capes and cloaks (for intimidating my enemies), things like that. Whatever I wear has to be sturdy enough to survive life in the forest.
Ivanova: Hah, someone said I kinda dress like a pirate, and so what if I do? Is it a crime to like kick ass boots? Dramatic long coats? Belts and sashes? Well then lock me the fuck up! Well, you should probably lock me up for crimes more serious than fashion, but you'll have to catch me first!
Queen Quirky: Elegant silk or velvet dresses, depending on the weather. My kingdom may be overrun with monsters, my subjects scattered to the seven seas, but that doesn't mean I need to skip out on the quality of fashion my station affords!
Emperor Beluga: A man of my tastes has only the finest in clothing, I can assure you! I am quite partial to Edwardian fashion, and Renaissance styles, with the opulence of pre-Revolution France. All my garments are hand made, of course! I will not let the blasphemy of mass production defile my person!
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Leaving this as an open tag for anyone who wants to do this, and your questions will be:
What's something you wouldn't try (a food, an activity, etc.) even once?
A witch is going to turn you into a bug. What do you hope you get turned into, and why?
What colour do others associate you with, and does it differ from the colour you associate with yourself?
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wyked-ao3 · 6 months ago
TPKODR tag list @thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker-writes @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet @mauannacreates
@kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing @kaeru483 @differentnighttale
@theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard @mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze
@an-indecisive-nerd @smellyrottentrees @honeybewrites @pheonix358
The pirates cursed prince book two of the pirate's cursed god series. The oc Galen will be answering he is one of two MC's for book two.
Possess minor spoilers
What's your favorite letter?
Galen: anything from Jade...
do you read? if so, what's your favorite book?
Galen: I don't usually have time but I like books on war strategies, I like to apply them to politics.
Who's your favorite Least-favorite person?
Galen: Kia or Luke both have hurt my Jade. *Pacing around angrily*
OC questionnaire
Thank you for the tags Here, here and Here by @the-golden-comet, @the-ellia-west and @willtheweaver. sorry for being late >~<
My questions:
1. What is one hobby you have that may surprise others? 2. What is one possession that you would not part with under any circumstances? 3. What is one supernatural ability you wish you had? 4. Who do you trust the most? 5. Where would you like to live, if you could choose? 6. What keeps you motivated 7. How much water do you drink on average? 8. Favorite phase of the moon and why? 9.Who's your favorite person and why?
Lets get started!
1. What is one hobby you have that may surprise others?
Lilli: "I weave. People aways find that surprising 'cause my hands are soft."
Tira: "uh... I play the guitar! I don't come off very musical, though."
Camellia: "Singing." *Lilli laughs* "What?! Cheverouse likes it too."
Erain: "Hobbies? man... Its not really a hobby, but I dooo bake."
2. What is one possession that you would not part with under any circumstances?
Lilli: "this pendant. It's the only thing i have from my mother."
Tira: "hmm... oh! Probably this
Camellia: "don't be ridiculous."
Erain: "one thing? Practically, the E.S.K- but if we're talking personal belongings, this little doodle that my baby sister drew before i left. I keep it right here, in my shirt pocket. For good luck."
3. What is one supernatural ability you wish you had?
Lilli: "healing."
Tira: "Flight! well, i guess its not really a wish anymore."
Camellia: "Foresight, i guess."
Erain: "healing. by far the most useful, in my eyes."
4. Who do you trust the most?
Lilli: "...Millie, my sister."
Tira: "the most? mmm... Lilliwiess is a contender, for sure. I think she's number one, actually."
Camellia: "is 'myself' an acceptable answer? no? fine... i guess anyone in my squad, then."
Erain: "Jayson. He's a good leader."
5. Where would you like to live, if you could choose?
Lilli: "with Tira, so probably Eastern tarn."
Tira: "With Lilli! ...she said with me, didn't she."
Camellia: "er... i dunno. home? I've never thought about it."
Erain: "Northern or eastern tarn. actually, Kjerag might not be too bad...hmmm."
6. What keeps you motivated?
Lilli: "my squadmates."
Tira: "My unborn sister. or brother, i don't know, actually. I'll get to see them once I graduate here... I cant wait."
Camellia: "spite." *Tira and Lilli both laugh.* "of these two fuckers. i swear."
Erain: "Family. gotta keep pushin' for them, y'know? its the least i can do after everything they've done for me."
How much water do you drink on average?
Lilli: "uh... alot. im not sure. I drink when I'm thirsty and after sparring, so..."
Tira: "oh, probably... 4 liters? rough estimate? that feels like alot, is that a lot? I'm probably totally wrong."
Camellia: "fuck if i know."
Erain: "based on the amount of excercise we do as knights, probably alot. i'd say alot, though, mabye somewhere in the ballpark of 3-ish liters."
Favorite phase of the moon and why?
Lilli: "mmm... Full. its majestic."
Tira: "...I dont like the moon, actually. it.. has some bad memories. so New moon, i guess?"
Camellia: "probably half moon. I was born under a half moon."
Erain: "Half moon, mostly for practical reasons... it gives light on a good night. Plus, it's damn pretty to admire."
Who's your favorite person and why?
Lilli: "Tira. why is this a question?"
Tira: "...Why is this a question...? my answer's obviously Lilliwiess, but..."
Camellia: "favorite person? fuck me... Cheverouse isnt too bad."
Erain: "uhhhh.... My baby sister. she's just... so cute."
Your questions:
What's your favorite letter? do you read? if so, what's your favorite book? Who's your favorite Least-favorite person?
@wyked-ao3 @aesthetic-writer18 @emilynotfound @agirlandherquill +open tag
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