Lifeless Life
14K posts
I'm Gassu. || INFP (prev INTP), Non-binary, from Finland || This blog is about random stuff, games, art, life and death. || Current fandoms: Marvel, MP100 and Good Omens. Sometimes other fandoms too (e.g. BNHA, One Punch Man, Dragon Ball, anything Disney, different video games, etc.).
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ganet · 2 months ago
Spin this wheel to receive a transformation potion ^_^
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ganet · 3 months ago
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rewatched the Avengers recently and now I'm obsessed with a 10 year old dead ship 🫠
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ganet · 3 months ago
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Past Tense, Pt. 1"
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ganet · 3 months ago
You have been booped by this empty wrapping paper tube.
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Reblog to boop all of your followers with it.
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ganet · 4 months ago
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I still care about them, your Honor.
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ganet · 7 months ago
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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ganet · 8 months ago
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ganet · 8 months ago
Public submissions for my digital batarou zine, Lyrics of Love, will open August 1st!
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Since the theme of the zine is song lyrics, all submissions, whether it be a short fic or a piece of artwork, must include or be inspired by a song lyric of your choosing! Fics must be 2000 words or less, and artwork should be in a 2x3 aspect ratio 2100x3150 pixels or larger.
Additional rules and information regarding submissions are included in a google doc that will be posted once submissions open. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to DM me or reply to this post!
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ganet · 8 months ago
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Click and drag or screenshot to find out what you wouldn't (or absolutely would) steal
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ganet · 9 months ago
it used to be 2007 you know
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ganet · 9 months ago
Oh, I am definitely interested! :D
I'm excited to hear about your Science Bros Community project. I hope it takes off and I would be very much interested in finding out more about what you have in mind.
Hey. That's great to hear!
Sorry I didn't answer sooner. I've been crazy busy.
So mainly I want to make the Community a fun place to share our love of Science Bros, RDJ and Mark Ruffalo, MCU and comics. And all kinds of creative work, ship related and original work. I know we have a lot of writers, artists, gif makers, etc. in our small fandom. If you're a reader or a lurker that's fine too. No pressure on anyone!
I have to set up the rules of the Community and invite members. I was thinking of making it 18+. I'm Gen X and prefer not to interact with minors.
Of course I'm going to put the usual rules - no hate, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny.... etc.
I didn't want to ban anything, but I will put that you have to tag and put trigger warnings on things. Specific suggestions are welcome.
The Community feature is new and I don't know how well it will work, but we'll see. It says that in the future I can add moderators. I'm American but I live in Italy so I'll need someone looking it over when it's daytime in the US.
I'm going to tag some people who I think might be interested, but feel free to reblog and add people. I've met a lot of people in this fandom and I think we could have a lot of fun.
Let me know if you're interested:
@sallyidss @werevampiwolf, @rpepperpotshipssciencebros @tonybannerblog @ganet @dresupi @polizwrites @queenofalotofdifferentworlds @featheredschist @newnewyorker93 @aserendipitousworld @lesbiangummybearmafia
Please add anybody that I forgot!
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ganet · 9 months ago
"This post [art/article/etc] is really neat, I will reblog it but alas I need to properly tag it and I am too tired to so I will put it in drafts and properly post it later"
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ganet · 9 months ago
Sorry for dropping a bunch of Versus manga posts, but these were just sitting in my drafts and I have kind of been vibing with the manga now.
Obviously I still follow OPM as well. (+ I have an oooold post of that in my draft as well. Need to work on it again someday.)
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ganet · 9 months ago
Thoughts on Versus' sibling relationships
Original post
One thing ONE likes to write is sibling relationships and I noticed this is a theme in Versus as well. (And as firstborn child I do support this wholeheartedly.)
Hallow & Zaybi
The series starts with first chapter introducing the brothers; Hallow and Zaybi.
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Chapter 1: Zaybi and Hallow as children.
They were so cute as kids. And we are told how Zaybi is the brains while Hallow is the muscles in this dynamic. This would later reflect on the fact that Hallow became a hero and Zaybi is a mage.
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Chapter 1: Hallow sees Zaybi.
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Chapter 1: You can really see how it hurts Zaybi to see his little brother hurting, and he tries to comfort him.
Throughout the current 16 chapters it became clear that they support each other in their own way, and look up to each other. Although, Zaybi being the older one seems to have raised his kid brother by himself, threatening to even spank his ass if or when he does something reckless (which means exactly that he must have been the parent in that family in their lives - and Hallow's occasional way of begging Zaybi to include him/give him permission to join in certain missions indicates this as well). Makes me wonder what happened to their parents in the first place.
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Chapter 2: Hallow thinks of his brother and how amazing he is. Chapter 3: Hallow begs that he could come with Zaybi and Keila and her team. Chapter 6: Hallow again asks to be let on the team who redirects the Titans towards Neo-Humans.
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Chapter 3: Zaybi threatens to spank his little brother for acting reckless.
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Chapter 4: Hallow seeking help from his older brother.
Poor Hallow really got everyone arguing about his plan, and needs Zaybi to help him. Which he does, albeit in his own way. (To prove a point to everyone.)
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Chapter 4: Keila's thoughts. This seems to put the brothers in important role of the story.
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Chapter 5: Hallow coming to Zaybi's aid.
You can tell how protective Hallow is also about his older brother.
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Chapter 5: Zaybi refuses to put more responsibility on Hallow's shoulders.
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Chapter 16: Zaybi seems to have hard time making a decision, and thinks about what Hallow would do.
I find this part kind of sad. There is something that tells how the brothers need each others' support. Zaybi doesn't seem to be able to act without some kind of plan, and Hallow acts without a plan. Although, in this case it was good Hallow wasn't there since its more of a risk with the parasites..
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Chapter 16: Even while thinking he will die, Zaybi wants Hallow to survive and live.
Masayoshi & Mika
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The latest chapter (16) revealed another sibling pair, Mika and Masayoshi. Mika seems to have this similar spirit that Zenko has in OPM, but their older brothers seem to be very different haha.
Other possible siblings or other family members
Honestly, Samone and Pakkya look so similar to each other. I wonder are they actually some kind of relatives..
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Chapter 14: Samone wanting to wait for Pakkya, but he wants her to leave him behind so she can leave the dangerous place.
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Monthly Shonen Sirius #229: Pakkya and Samone's official colors. Both even have a red hair with green (Pakkya) and yellow (Samone). Their eye colors seem to match also. And they both have sharp teeth. Although, their skin color isn't exactly same, but they could be blood relatives. Who knows. At least they aren't introduced as siblings or anything like that. So, maybe it is that all their people share these similarities?
And there is also Thear and that unnamed woman he has with him, who both also share same hair colors and their uniforms also sharing same colors makes them look more like siblings than anything. Their hair in general looks really special and I would like to think they are somehow related by blood, unless all their people share blue hair genes in their world. Their skin color seems to also match.
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Images from Monthly Shonen Sirius #229 and Volume 3.
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ganet · 9 months ago
Thoughts on Versus' (potential) relationships: Kiva & Zaybi
Original post
I find them rather fascinating. In fact, the more I read Versus the more similarities I see in them. Certain scenarios also play out similarly for them both, which is interesting. They obviously have their differences as well, but those only help keep my interest in them. (This also has made me ship them a bit, since the soulmate trope is one of my weakness. And I know there is a big age gap between these two, and one huge thing is that I usually don't like those with my personal fav ships so I hardly have such ships. However, there is something going on with these two that I keep my eyes open for, that is, if there is more for them in the future.)
One thing I find rather funny is the sense of style they both seem to have. You can see it's important to them, and in Zaybi's case ONE even mentions it in his notes. A gentleman killer demon with victorian gothic style (I presume, do correct me if I am wrong), and a human mage who wants to be "fashionable" (which is why he doesn't wear the mage robe normally or why he has those trinkets around his neck).
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Here's Zaybi's and Kiva's character sheets by ONE, translated:
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Chapters 1, 16, 2 & 11: They have similar ranks/class in their respective forces (captain).
Light VS. Darkness
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Chapters 2, 14 & 12: Other characters compare Zaybi to a guiding light in the darkness, the Sun, the one who gives hope in dire situations. VS. Kiva who is a demon, the despair, the (natural) enemy, leading the demons and being the one who deliberately went on his way to destroy what little hope humans had.
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Chapters 12 & 13: They are forced to use similar techniques to protect oneself (or in Zaybi's case; every human).
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Chapters 12 & 16: Similar "dying thoughts". We are shown their hands. (They are also both then "saved".)
They also seem to think about the one person that's important to them before the "(presumably) ultimate death in the hands of Madalans" (with Kiva) or "thought he dies in the hands of the Parasite" (Zaybi).
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Chapter 15: Kiva leaving the demons in his lord Jachi's hands before going for the final pounding.
Their situation is also currently left ambiguous in the manga. (We aren't shown Kiva die, and the chapter 16 left Zaybi's situation open as well. Although, it possibly will continue in next chapter or change the pov to another character. However, his situation probably will remain uncertain for the time being.)
It is also notable how some of their similar situations happen in chapter order. (E.g. Kiva's "final moment" in ch 15 VS. Zaybi's "almost final moment" in next chapter. Or Kiva protecting himself in ch 12, and Zaybi protecting every human in ch 13.)
Now, more about what happened in chapter 12 between these two:
I actually felt something happening between these two characters before I read chapter 12 even, so it did surprise me a bit how sharp my instincts have been about this when Zaybi decided to save Kiva. Although, it is not explained what spell he cast on him, but Zaybi's fellow mage was surprised.
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There's something I like about this next panel, since I like how Zaybi is calmly just telling Kiva to calm down despite being struck by him. (He also quickly put up a shield to protect himself.)
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I honestly don't blame Kiva for hitting him away, since he did technically (almost) die, and suddenly you are "resurrected" and wake up surrounded by your enemies. Seems like Zaybi understood this.
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And then I really like Zaybi's little smirk at Kiva. I do wonder how many humans have actually just smirked at the guy and not shown only anger or fear (which is understandable considering who Kiva is and what he has done to them).
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Zaybi's gamble at helping Kiva really paid off since the demon did leave the humans alone (for the time being) even though he would have done worse. This really opened up an interesting situation for their (potential) future relationship, whatever that may be (if possible).
Other chapter(s) thoughts:
Not to mention that Kiva has wanted to off Zaybi's precious little brother few times now, and we know he will lose his light if he loses Hallow.
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Chapter 14: Gyuta's final words to Hallow about Zaybi.
But, I do think if Kiva survives, he may have changed some of his views about humans.
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Chapter 15: Kiva finally understood how difficult it is to muster your courage.
This thing about bravery and Hallow seems to (presumably) also reflect on chapter 16 with Zaybi. These panels could be either him being scared or he knows the danger and his instincts are telling him not to help the woman (which would have been the correct decision, as cruel as it first sounds).
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Bonus thoughts:
Kiva was a small little demon when he got recognized by Jachi. Look at those small wings and the clothes are so small as well. (He looks also fairly short here.) It's told that he was born into a high-class demon clan. Although, he seems to have had some kind of skills (child prodigy?) if Jachi recognized him.
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Chapter 12: Kiva reminisces about his life while dying.
Zaybi didn't seem to have born in any high-class life. He does seem to have been some kind of child prodigy, and other mages think of him as some kind of genius.
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Chapter 14: In his last moments, Gyuta tells Hallow about Zaybi.
I have noticed they both are (battle) smart and can instantly act during the battle/dire situation. They are observant as well, moving with a plan/certainty. However, when there isn't any plans or things don't go according to a plan, they seem to react to it in their own way; Zaybi seems to be stuck (or internally panics), and Kiva loses his cool when he is really annoyed. This still doesn't usually stop them in the end, which I like. After all, Zaybi has a responsibility as mage captain to help the humanity survive, while Kiva's responsibility as a 11th division's captain of the great demon king army is to make sure demon lord Jachi will triumph and the demons will survive.
They also are the ones who have decided to support those important to them (Jachi for Kiva, and Hallow for Zaybi). And they seem to stand right between these two archenemies' - a hero and demon lord.
I am really interested to see where this particularly story will go.
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ganet · 9 months ago
Thoughts on Versus' relationships: Hallow & Ario
Original post
Their relationship is already established as close friends and I really like that. You can see how much they respect and care about each other.
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Chapter 1: Ario and Hallow's promise. Hallow has this shine in his eyes when he is with Ario.
However, when heroes start dying and losing to demon lords, Hallow is most stricken by the news about Ario going MIA.
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Chapter 1: Hallow reads the news about Ario.
Next time there is a significant change in this particular story is when Ario suddenly appears when the humans need a hero and Zaybi really doesn't want to put the responsibility on Hallow's shoulders.
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Chapter 5: Ario appears.
Honestly, first time when I read this chapter, I became so suspicious that this either wasn't Ario, or Ario was doing something shady here. Well, it turns out it was something else... (Which I was somewhat glad about, for Hallow's sake. Especially when I know how this turns out to be.)
You can see how happy this makes Hallow, to see his closest friend alive.
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Chapter 5: Ario offers his help. Now look at Hallow's smile, and his eyes start shining.
What I find interesting, and different, is the relationship between Hallow and Ario, and between Hallow and his older brother, Zaybi. It's clear, while the brothers care about each other a lot, the relationships they form with other people who would understand their situation is important. Ario, being a hero like Hallow, is important in this case. They trained together and they became close friends. I think, Hallow feels like he isn't alone when it comes to the responsibility of being a hero. Zaybi does show to understand that the responsibility is something which is heavy on hero's shoulders, but he isn't a trained hero, which leads to the fact that it doesn't allow that certain level of connection between them when it comes to it. A connection Hallow seems to need/seek during these hard times.
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Chapter 6: Hallow finds Ario flirting to Keila, and then shares his thoughts. He once again has a small smile on third panel.
I like how casually Hallow can share his thoughts/worries with Ario. I do wonder how much of his thoughts he shares with Zaybi, for example, compared to Ario.
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Chapter 6: Hallow and Ario sharing their experiences about the demon lords. However, one's story may not be what it seems.
Soon enough, Ario will reveal that there are Titans coming and there are people who don't take it well since Ario didn't share this important info instantly when he appeared first time. Despite this, Hallow thinks Ario knows best, making it also clear that Hallow holds him on another level as a hero.
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Chapter 6: Hallow admires Ario's decision making.
They now have to plan what to do with the Titans and decide to enact the "Plan Hallow"; redirecting the Titans towards the Neo-Humans. When they are looking for volunteers who can approach the Titans, Hallow instantly wants to take part in it. You can see Ario's face when he looks at Hallow.
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Chapter 6: Hallow volunteers, but Ario looks stricken by this.
Keila thinks he isn't suitable for the role, but he still insists. Hallow even brings up how he can be anything in the mission, even a throwaway piece, just so he can be useful to them. Ario doesn't take it well.
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Chapter 6: Hallow offers himself as something that can just be thrown away, and Ario doesn't like it.
Ario punches him in response, telling Hallow how he would have managed to dodge his attack if he was fine. Then Ario offers himself as a volunteer.
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Chapter 6: Ario volunteers in Hallow's place.
It later will become clear that Ario abandoned his mission when he saw what demon lord Nyudo is, and he left his party and the people who needed help die there as well which he is ashamed of.
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Chapter 7: You can see that Ario was looking for that connection, understanding, with Hallow, but noticed that unlike him, the other hasn't lost his spirit. So, Ario feels like he is left alone with this situation he is facing inside himself.
Ario saw that Hallow's spirit isn't broken and felt even more horrible that he couldn't act like a true hero himself when facing his own demon lord.
Although, I think that he would have lost nevertheless and died or used as a chess piece. In which case the Titans and Neo-Humans situation would have most likely gone differently. In other words, Ario was in right place in right time, this time.
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Chapter 7: Hallow wishes good luck to Ario once his team leaves.
After Ario's mission is finished, the Neo-Humans capture him and throw him into the paleo-human prison.
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Chapter 9: Panepane tells the news about Ario, but Hallow doesn't take it well.
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Chapter 9: Hallow is heartbroken by what happened to Ario, but the children remind him about what he was fighting for.
Soon Kiva will appear with the Great Demon King Army and try to ruin what peace Ario and his team tried to give the humans.
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Chapter 10: Hallow is pissed off at the demons for trying to destroy what Ario sacrificed to protect, and for losing his close friend to the Neo-Humans.
You can see how important Ario is to Hallow in these thoughts. And now Hallow is again the only hero who the humans have left, which is not an easy burden to carry alone..
Oh yeah, there is this thing both Hallow and Ario have showcased: They are ready to throw away their lives (though, in Ario's case that was after he abandoned his mission and returned to the fortress, and became ashamed of himself + he seems to still want to protect Hallow more than himself).
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Chapter 7: "Hallow's life is worth more than mine."
(These heroes are such a sad bunch. The responsibility of having to protect all of humanity and to defeat the demon lords only to not do it. It seems their training also did number on them.. Since two out of the 47 heroes are this fuckd' up, and then there are some who were brainwashed or taken as a lab rat or they are in vegetative state because their mind is broken. Yes, I am talking about Macbuk, Fecaccio and Alicia. Those poor heroes..)
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Chapter 10: Hallow thinks about how he and Ario could have together dealt with the titans.
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ganet · 9 months ago
Thoughts on Versus by ONE, Kyoutarou Azuma and bose
So I really wanted to try to finally put into words what I think about this series. This is in no way any serious review of the series or anything like that. Just my personal feelings and thoughts about the story and characters and such.
Now chapter 16 is out. Btw, this series is officially translated in English on K MANGA and it is a simulpub there as well. (However, it is a shame that K MANGA is US region only at the moment, and it appears you have to pay to really see new chapters, unlike on MANGA Plus.)
But enough about that. Just a fair warning: This post is full of spoilers from Versus manga!!
General thoughts
I first read a chapter or two shortly after it was released in Nov 2022. But since it's a monthly release schedule, it kind of made me wait for over a year to check out again. And I am very interested in the story and characters. The whole "isekai" story idea has been done well so far. The story also really doesn't pull back on the gore or death in general. Humans will suffer one way or another, but it forces their natural enemies to deal with each other as well (and I am interested to see how this plays out with certain other natural enemies we have yet to see much of).
It is very enjoyable, and leaves you wanting more. Only negative I could think about is the update schedule, but if it's something that is necessary, since the manga is very well illustrated, I won't whine about it. Other thing I could think of that bothers me is the English translation; its weak official availability.
I like the character designs, albeit certain color choices sometimes surprised me. (I remember reading how people wish that Pakkya's hair color should be something else than red and green. Someone even said it resembles Christmas colors lol. Although, red and green are complementary colors.) But I guess there is explanations for those, since the characters are from different worlds and such.. Oh yeah, Kiva has Boros' colors. It does suit him, though.
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While the image of Boros is not the one in his armor where his skin color is similar with Kiva's, I think this image illustrates the color similarities well enough.
I really like how ONE writes his characters. They all have some kind of motives to act why they act, which makes me wonder what lead to the natural enemies in some of these worlds to hunt humans. Like, when and why did demons start doing it? What is with the nature and why it attacks the humans? What is World Tree, and when did it start taking all life from the planet? When did titans start doing their human hunting? Where did neo-humans come from and when did their sick play with the paleo-humans start? We know that madalans came from outer space one day and started their invasion, though idk if there is more there. We also know about the A.I. robots. A program went rogue and started hunting humans (though, is there more to it as well?).. And we really don't know how trustworthy all the humans actually are to each other.. Currently, there seems to be more going on than meets the eye.
I also see some improvement in the art style of the manga, since if you read the couple first chapters and then the latest chapters, you can see that Azuma is getting comfortable drawing the characters. (There's more certainty in those lines.) Then again, he has to keep up a monthly update schedule and he apparently has other projects to deal with as well. (Good luck, Azuma!) Also, I really like how he uses perspective in this story. Such a good angles from time to time. Makes me really happy. The focus on some of the emotions in the characters' faces is also really to my liking.
A panel here, a panel there
So, random snippets from the story, because why not:
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Chapters 2 & 12: Well, well, well. How the turn tables, huh Kiva.
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Chapter 1: Heroes. Ah, they look so cool. They have cute support fairies as well.
It is a shame we won't be seeing most of the heroes in action since many of them are dead. Macbuk is alive, but brainwashed, so I wonder.. We are going to see him most likely with the demon lord who most likely brainwashed him. There are also heroes like Fecaccio, who was captured as a lab animal, and Alicia, whose mind was broken so he is in some kind of vegetative state I believe. Idk where his body is, though.
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Chapter 1: Macbuk, Fecaccio and Alicia.
Although, I have a feeling we may see some other heroes who are still alive at some point. There was a total of 47 of them after all. (Or maybe not. Maybe I am just hopeful.)
Also, Alicia had a lover who was captured by the demons and he wanted to go save them. Why the lover was captured? Good question. Maybe the lover was eaten, played with first, or so on and then killed/died. Though, I have started to wonder if some demons like to snatch human lovers/spouses for themselves. Or maybe as a slaves.
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Chapter 1: Fascinating choice of words there, Jachi. Miracle, huh.
We really have not seen much about the great demon king, although we do know his name. I wonder what that demon is up to, since even the demon lords have not heard of him (or at least Nyudo and Jachi) after their world went into chaos.
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Chapter 1: Hallow and Zaybi's home, presumably.
So I find this place fascinating. Hallow and Zaybi seem to have been raised in this place. The houses look kind of cute haha. I wonder what happened to their home. I wonder if they remember their parents at all, and I wonder what happened to them and left Zaybi to be the one to take care of Hallow.
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Chapter 7: Sam kills his father against his will since the 19th Demon Lord, Nyudo plays chess with them.
Poor Sam and his dad. We really are introduced what kind of "slimy" bastard Nyudo is. Even Jachi's reaction to his telepathy is interesting..
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Chapter 7: Nyudo contacts Jachi with telepathy.
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Chapter 7: Keila wants Ario to teach her about the flower manners in Sorcerion once he comes back from his mission alive.
This is actually one of the interesting relationships I would think would develop in some way in Versus. It remains to be seen if Ario can keep his promise to show her more about what it means to give a flower to another.
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Chapter 7: Heidi giving a hug to Ario and wishing good luck to him.
This whole thing smells so bad. The moment she hugged him and Ario noticed her shivering, my alarm bells started blaring.
Especially this part caught my attention from this one neo-human:
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Chapter 9: Neo-human telling Ario how paleo-humans stink, and that they can smell him.
I do wonder if this was done deliberately on Heidi's side..
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Chapter 8: Shigeru thinks about those close to him and loses his composure in front of the titans.
This part really hit me when I realized he was thinking about someone important to him, and this was his way of trying to protect them. They seem to be his partner and child, I believe, who he is thinking about. That curly hair on the child is hard not to notice. Well, they won't see him again...
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Chapter 10: Hallow jumps to attack Kiva.
I really like how we got a glimpse of Hallow's true power same time as Kiva did.
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Chapter 10: Hallow and Pakkya attack the demon army together.
One other relationship I really like is the development between these two. It started off a bit rocky, but Pakkya appears far smarter than he lets on. Even though he is still not smart smart, he uses his head still and has beliefs he strongly believes in - like the fact that throwing away your life, after people before you sacrificed theirs so you can live, is an act of betrayal towards those people.
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Chapter 10: Jellyfish demons spotted!
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Chapter 11: Kiva kicking Hallow in the family jewels.
This part always makes me laugh. Poor Hallow. "Fu*k you, hero, and all of your possible offspring." You can tell how evil Kiva is lol. I'm pretty sure Zaybi would love to have some nieces and/or nephews in the future, if their world would give them the chance to live normally. But then there is also adoption...
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Chapter 11: Galua, a madalan/alien yells, and it seems to hurt everyone's ears.
When I saw this page, the first thing I thought about was "Man, that's gotta hurt Kiva, since he has six ears". And then he indeed did explode in anger.
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Chapter 9: Ario decides to fight his own battle.
Ario is actually pretty cool when he shows his hero side. Here is Ario the Hero. The one Hallow really believes in, or what he sees in him.
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Chapter 10: Hallow makes Kiva promise to leave the humans alone if he wins. (Although, Kiva obviously doesn't respect that in the end. He isn't there to duel, he is on a mission, after all.)
I really like this kind of dynamic between these two. There is something about both wanting to beat the living shit out of each other, since its mutual and you know Hallow can kill Kiva this time since he doesn't appear to fear the demons anymore and is very angry. Or at least, he probably has some kind of fear against Jachi, since that's a demon on whole another level.. But I like that Hallow is slowly overcoming this demon fear he had.
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Chapter 10: Spay-s? SPACE?!
I really like how this story sometimes brings up the differences between the knowledge these particular worlds have about space and such. We now know that besides Celestia, The Mecha Ordinance and Sorcerion has a knowledge about space, but The Titan's Crown and Gaia's Wrath worlds seem to be missing this particular information. (We can also presume that worlds such as Parasitica, Land of the Lawless, Extremia, The Cursed Lands, Neo-Terra and The Disastrous Metropolis are also aware of the existence of space.) Dunno about Yggdrasion and Indignia.
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Chapter 12: Bastz with the human king, until he decides to leave.
Oh Bastz. Such a mysterious guy this one is.
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Chapter 12: Galua annihilates demons.
These madalans are really strong, and it is interesting to see how these would go against other natural enemies. Or how they would deal with a demon lord.
Welp, can't insert more images (max 30), so I will probably reblog this and continue a bit more that way, but that's all for this first bunch.
Relationships & such
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