#So Katelyn did
our-king-bree · 1 year
AFTG AU where Katelyn and Neil are half siblings, and Katelyn got left behind with Nathan when Mary ran away with Neil.
Everything on Neil's side is pretty much the same but Katelyn (whose real name is Natasia) is completely different. She was raised by Nathan and Lola so she was trained with knives, life full of pain and cuts and scars and punishment and just ugly. Also, every time Mary and Neil got away from Nathan's men, it was Katelyn who had to bear the consequences, so she grew up quite resentful.
Katelyn —Natasia— may or may not be involved in the investigation that led to Nathan's being in jail. Of course, she refuses completely to cooperate with the FBI investigation and that's why Nathan doesn't suspect her, at all. Once Nathan's in jail, she makes a deal with him —she wants to have a normal life, go to college, live away from Baltimore— and Nathan agrees but he also promises her that once he's out of jail, she'll have to deal with becoming the new Butcher.
So off she goes to Palmetto and everything is great, honestly. Nathan gets more than one year in jail, and it's on her second that Neil arrives and things get shitty....
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mangotelevision · 1 month
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cadenza teaching katelyn to dance
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chewingonsneakers · 2 months
KateAaron tweets pt. 1
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ninyard · 3 months
just thought about aaron going to class for the first time after the trial. like it finishes on a friday and he has to walk into a biology class on monday and act like nothing happened, and act like they haven’t all been talking about him and his brother all week, like they haven’t all been debating whether or not their classmate is a cold blooded murderer or not. did he silence the room when he walked in? did anybody even know what to say?
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rexecutioner · 3 months
Mystreet au but it’s just the comfort no hurt mcd spin off where everyone isn’t a descendent or reincarnation of their mcd selves and are just happy and content with their lives, and Minecraft Diaries is a dnd campaign that Garroth runs for his friends (main party consisting of Aphmau, Vylad, Laurance and Nicole, and eventually Dante, Travis, kinda Zane, and Katelyn join them)
“Ok Vylad, roll to shoot Zenix.”
“…nat 1.”
“Vylad shoots Brendan in the chest. Roll damage.”
”Aphmau, roll to hit with disadvantage.”
“You are trying to kill a demon warlock. THE Demon Warlock. The guy keeping you trapped on this island. Alone. By yourself.”
“Okay, I guess that makes sense. *rolls* NAT 20!!”
“…..you got him. Roll damage :( ”
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you-know-i-get-itt · 2 months
aaron minyard appreciation post
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aaron-minyard · 4 months
happy pride month to the fruitiest team in all of collegiate exy
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emmerrr · 4 months
i know that andreil and verbal i love yous are a HUGE point of contention in this fandom but i just know that aaron and katelyn are saying it to each other all. the. time.
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snekverse · 11 months
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Hey @angelmilkis do you remember a million years ago when you requested winx club inspired outfits?
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qixjone · 1 year
ranking aftg monsters rizz
credits to: searchingforglendowerwithleah for the idea!
1. neil- hes the god of accidental rizz. he rizzed people and makes them fall in love with him on accident. and furthermore hes great at flirting (out of this group) when its with andrew. i feel like we need to bring in the whole thing with andrew bc not only did he accidentally rizz him, he flirted like his life depended on it when they got together. man always knows what to say- its just he only wants to say it with andrew
2. kevin- hes so bad but hes so good. man can barely flirt with the guys he likes but damn can he rizz up a whole stadium of people. like the whole switching hands. hot. but at the same time hes a human disaster
3. aaron- medium rizz. not too interesting. he can rizz. he has rizzed katelyn.
4. andrew aka the guy who drugged his crush bc he thought he was a threat then gave him the cheesest lines ever- the MIDDLE SCHOOL FLIRTING. like. comeon. “in mot a math problem.” “id still solve u” “i hate you but that doesnt mean i wouldnt blow you.” DUDE. its a wonder he bagged neil dear god
5. nicky- no rizz. completely rizz-less. kinda creepy. idk how he even got erick. man is just weird and creepy. talks about how hot u r infront of u in a dif language? hes a strange little man (derogatory) stay away from him for ur own good.
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bisexualchaosdemon · 9 months
The monster lost a bet
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shadowqnights · 4 months
loverman question here, how did you come up with your rewrite of katelyn? lowkey katelyn doesn’t get enough love outside of “hot strong woman” so i think it would be cool to hear how you decided her backstory and changes you made like her family, her last name, guard academy relationships, and her role in future arcs
HI I LOVE MY REWRITE/LOVERMAN KATELYN! Let's chat about her cause I'm insane.
Honestly, I think loverman!Katelyn is one of my most authentic and up-to-date rewrite depictions that I wouldn't change much of when it came down to new-rewrite stuff. I have a LOT to say about her though so this is going to be long, my bad! I'll break down like each specific explanation for things you listed here into Sections, and then anything else I think of can just slot in.
Backstory and Family Life
I think the biggest changes lay here, and I think I actually got most of the like backstory inspiration here from Garroth. They are fables for each other, warnings about how the other could have turned out. Of course, they've got significant differences, and Garroth's position as the 'heir' is far more significant for O'Khasis than Katelyn's is, but essentially I'm passionate about Garroth and Katelyn growing up as peers and equals around the same age in O'Khasis. They both understand each other, even watching each other from a distance, being raised in rich O'Khasis neighbourhoods as eldest children expected to take up the mantle of their parents' expectations and legacies. They both attended Guard Academy together, but they weren't exactly friends there.
Katelyn's parents and their personalities are somewhat borrowed from their MyStreet counterparts - Elizabeth being a sharp and cunning socialite of sorts with strong ties to the Ro'meave family, hence where Katelyn and Garroth's relationship stems from. They would see each other regularly at dinners and large-scale events. Her father Eric is a very well-renowned guard from Tu'la; he taught her how to fight. She has a number of younger brothers, one of which is still Kacey but I haven't been able to write yet. Garroth's obviously the eldest of his brothers, and they both take up a lot of duties that involve caring for their younger siblings and trying to keep them safe from the more mature burdens that come with high O'Khasis society.
I think the big reason I wanted to incorporate O'Khasis into Katelyn's backstory was so that she and Garroth could have this interesting dynamic of both understanding and hatred specifically because of that understanding. They're not confused about each other, they knew exactly why they ended up where they did, they just don't like it because it reminds the other too much of themselves. They are each other's cautionary tales. Katelyn serves as this vision of hell for Garroth where he sees exactly what kind of terror he could have become if he had stayed as a guard in O'Khasis - he could have become a significant member of the Jury, and even if Zane had not been controlling it, he still would have become an obedient soldier. He despises her because he's afraid of that person, but at the same time wants to see her free of it because he knows, just like he once had to figure out, that she deserves better and she can be free. Seeing Garroth in Phoenix Drop disgusts Katelyn because she knows that's what she could have been. She could have run away and chosen to begin a new life, but that would mean abandoning her family and abandoning her dream. She hates that he shunned his responsibilities but she still burdened hers, and now they are exactly where the other might long to be. She wishes that she could have run, too - in a way, I think it also stings to think of Garroth living an honest country life in a small distant town, not just because that's what she could have made for herself, but also because she knows that Jeffory was raised in Bright Port and very much only became a guard to be able to go home and protect that small, cozy lifestyle. Only to also be taken in by the city and lose himself there by working for Zane. She envies Garroth because she knows that so many lives were stolen by the Jury's bounds, and now even those small-town boys have become killers.
By the time they see each other as adults again for the first time, Garroth is realising that maybe he would be more useful working to enact change from within O'Khasis - whereas Katelyn is realising that while she's helping her family from within O'Khasis, she isn't actually doing any moral good and that Zane has deceived her. They were both corrupted by their superiors back home, and now strive to find any sort of identity apart from what they were Made for. Garroth was raised for nobility but strains to hold the sword; Katelyn was made into a weapon by Zane but struggles to reclaim the young girl she was prior to that. She feels satisfied that she's taken such a far turn and separated herself from her mother, but has somehow also betrayed her father in the process of trying to protect him. She has lost herself in the sword, and since there is no amount of righteousness or goodness in being wielded by Zane, she has disappointed him.
Garroth and Katelyn disgust each other because they secretly want what the other has. They are both wanting for more, but hate each other for their cravings because while Garroth is at his best, Katelyn is at her worst, and then the other way around as well. That's why I inserted Katelyn where she is. Their bond in MyStreet is equally as interesting, but I think it's so fun to explore in MCD. They contrast and complement each other so beautifully. They even looked pretty identical as babies, since hair dye is real in my rewrites, and Katelyn didn't start altering her hair until she met Ivy. I'm fairly sure somewhere in my Ro'meave family tree that they're distant cousins or something.
NOTE: I wish I could tell you that her last name has like a deep and interesting meaning but when I tell you that I really don't remember when or how I came up with it, it just happened at random when I was mushing words in my brain for the PDH rewrite roster. Her surname is La Vatris, which I guess originally I was trying to go for something French considering la, but vatris literally has 0 meaning to my knowledge in. any language. But that's her name now and I don't want to change it, I just have to deal with the fact that it means nothing and I have no idea how I came up with it. I think largely because it complements Ro'meave nicely, considering their families are so interwoven.
Guard Academy
I love playing with my little dolls at the Guard Academy. In general I think I love fleshing out how the MCD guards were at the academy because I imagine this is how gleeful Jess was when writing PDH. For so many characters, this period is treated like their awkward, vague little blip in their lives with no real significance. They went to school x2. The End. Like no. This is the juiciest time of their lives. These are teenagers-young adults with swords. I'm putting them in fantasy high school. Fuck you. The children yearn to hit each other with weapons.
The answers to your question here are actually way simpler, since Katelyn doesn't have that many academy relationships and the ones she does have were just important enough to me to want to form earlier in her life.
Like mentioned before, she knew Garroth in the academy but they weren't really friends. In fact, it's really awkward for her to see him around, despite the fact that they probably need each other. It's plain embarrassing. Garroth's in this horrifically awkward period where he's struggling to socially relate to a lot of the other kids, who aren't exactly raised to be Lords, much less told by their fathers that they'll be a king one day. She's also actually around a year younger than him I thiiiink? They have different classes and entered at different times. Ignore him for now his only purpose is for like incredibly awkward meetings and for Zane and Garte to visit to pick him up sometimes.
There are only really two relationships that mattered enough to me to like, build a foundation upon the Guard Academy. Ivy and Jeffory.
Ivy is Katelyn's roommate, and they get along fucking horribly. They kind of hate each other all of the time, which provides great base foundation for the future where they have this toxic yuri going on, and it becomes that Ivy is the only person she can trust to communicate with about her family because they have so much hateful dirt on each other that they either have to work together or just betray each other. God I'm trying to think of how to explain Katelyn and Ivy without talking too much.
Well firstly I think it's important and definitely not projecting to write core single-sex boarding school experiences where you hate your roommate so much that you are a little bit in love with them. I will have to do a separate post talking about Ivy at some people if anyone's interested. On a surface level, they effortlessly grind each other's gears in a way that no one else can. Pure negative vibes. Ivy is relentless obsessive energy in a way that grates on Katelyn's ears specifically - Katelyn's passive aggressive silences and snarky comments are designed specifically to piss Ivy off. They fight constantly, to the point that it's so familiar that it's welcomed. Katelyn often remarks that she has never met someone so annoying; Ivy would say the same about her, despite the fact that they have such starkly different personalities. But at the same time they endure each other - Ivy dyes Katelyn's hair and she never stops after that day. Katelyn looks out for her and undergoes a well-needed arc, just as Garroth has to, about their privilege. Ivy's obsession with the boys (and specifically Garroth) serves to alienate Katelyn as she struggles to place a name to the feeling of liking women (a gut feeling provoked additionally by the paintings of Menphia hung in the academy, if you've read Loverman).
I also included her relationship with Ivy early cause it's a really strong introduction to their future arcs. Ivy mentions off-handedly a couple of times these 'conspiracy theories' - and some of them truly are conspiracies, but others have foundation - things like O'Khasis planning to reinstate monarchy + rebellion against the Ro'meaves spreading throughout the city, even things like dissent in Tu'la - all of these things fed to her by her parents, but still challenge how Katelyn sees her home. I'll have to find the screenshots where I talked about it before, that Ivy is from a struggling small town forcibly taken into O'Khasis Alliance and has a very strong hatred of O'Khasis only to later be drawn into its luxuries and sticks incredibly close to Zane. She has a reverse arc of Katelyn, who on the contrary grows up being proud of her home but then later becomes disconnected from it. Life in the Jury is so competitive that they literally are put at each other's throats to vy for Zane's attention. They are bound together, but never exactly enemies, but never friends either. Hateful toxic yuri who have to stick together for their own benefit. Ivy keeps watch over Katelyn's family (half of which being rebels + fake their own deaths in order to hide) when she is away in Phoenix Drop. In return, Katelyn fights hard to save her life in the future. She and Ivy, as well as both of their families, are strongly interwoven with the future of O'Khasis and the Jury. Post-timeskip, they have a lot to do with those rebel rumours and Tu'la.
I've written so much already I am so sorry. Jeffory is a little simpler than Ivy thank god. The reason that their relationship is so strong in the academy is literally just because I want them as closely bonded as possible. I want them to have years of friendship and sexual tension under their belt. I want it to hurt so horrifically when he dies. I want her to have to bandage up a wound that keeps on overflowing despite her best efforts, one that never stops bleeding because he is quite literally an organ inside her that she needs to live. He is her first friend at the academy and quite literally the kindest person that she has ever met. She is so fucking filled with guilt over Jeffory - not just his death, but how his life changed for the worse because he met her. Despite being standoffish and cautious (think of a puffed up stray cat showing teeth to try and protect itself), he shows her complete innocent kindness. It never breaks throughout their time at the academy - even when he is bullied relentlessly, he remains golden of heart, and sticks up for her. They are incredibly close. Sexual tension isn't really the correct word. It feels like they were holding their breath for their entire lives but the release never quite came to fruition. Their friendship was so whole and pure that it just felt like it should have been a natural next step. They were best friends and they were in love with each other for years but neither of them were ever ready.
Jeffory was very much the One good thing in Katelyn's life. If she had anything, she had him. That's why it's so important for them to meet so early in Guard Academy, to be each other's first true real friends. Good enough friends for him to refuse to go back to Bright Port just to be able to stay with her in O'Khasis. He fell for her first, very early, but when she fell for him I think she was very scared. They've kissed but never slept together. By the time she had come to terms with her feelings, he was head over heels for a darling woman he met at a tavern, and that was that! She loved him enough to support him completely. She loved him! She helped to raise Abby, like, god. That's why its so important that Katelyn has Abby in Loverman. Because she was her father's everything but that little girl still looks like her mother, a constant reminder of not only Jeffory's death, but his marriage (that you kind of accidentally assisted in breaking, by the way!). How do you even live with that. Well you don't, actually, you become the weapon that your master wants to make of you and you start blindly swinging as if that will bring him back. Jeffory is literally the symbol of a golden heart, precious purity and righteousness, and she did everything wrong. He was everything right in her world, and when he died, his "ghost" becomes a constant presence haunting her, chastising her for every violence committed for Zane's sake. She is wholly consumed with this fool's assassination mission, because if its an act of revenge and its someone else's fault, then she can't blame herself for his death anymore.
(Reluctant to fully explain everything seeing as there's so much I haven't written in Loverman yet but I'm definitely willing to talk more about their relationship if prompted!)
So yeah. It's important to me that they meet as children and grow up together. It makes his death all the more tragic and upsetting for her, and his 'goodness' kind of forces her to confront the worst parts of herself. Of which there is so much of.
Future Arcs
I've already briefly mentioned Katelyn's involvement with rebels and that she and Ivy have plans to do with O'Khasis/Jury/Tu'la post-timeskip, so I won't say much more on those until I've actually brainstormed them out fully. Those are probably the most concrete future arcs I have for Katelyn, but there's one other big change I made with significance that I wanna yap about.
MAGICK. Honestly giving Katelyn fire magick I think was one of my best decisions and I don't really know fully where it came from, just that I wanted it. Partially, it was for her to be Aphiah's teacher and for them to study both of their magicks together. In another way, it's a very literal/visual way to address Katelyn's anger. It's a literal take on her title as the Fire Fist, in which people only think that her hits produce sparks, but in reality it is fire. It provides a good contrast with a number of characters, like Abby who is implied to inherit a similar power from her mother, aforementioned Aph, and also separates her a little from Garroth in terms of raw talent. It is unpredictable and took her years to be able to control it to the point of safely wielding in battle, and even so has to use gloves + weapons to contain it. It reacts actively to Aph's magicks. It serves as a rough patch during Guard Academy where she has a very self-isolating Frozen-type arc where she is afraid to hurt anyone, and even injures Jeffory just because she got too happy with him. It's a cruel thing, that forces her to be stiff and unfeeling because any energetic emotion, anger or excitement, will start a fire, especially during hormonal teenage years. It also opens up an interesting conversation about the origin of magicks in my MCD rewrite and the certain levels of magicks. The most distrusted of which being Godspeak, the first form of magick discovered prior to the Golden Age (birth of the Divine Warriors), but also closely followed by the properties held by Katelyn and Aph, fire and light respectively, which can be used to not only heal/accelerate the growth of the land, but also to burn. Abby's would also fall under that category, that being ice that's canonically scarred Katelyn in Loverman before. So her magick is definitely a great way to talk more about that and I'm so keen to develop that further in her future arcs.
[Fun fact being that forms of Godspeak are incredibly rare, and include things like hypnosis in the form of mind control or memory-play. If that rings a bell for any other magick user :) ]
Oh my god okay I need to stop here I think I'm about to pass out sorry if any of this is worded weird I'm about to fall asleep but I suddenly got plagued with the need to answer this ask. I finally found the words. And like as always if anyone wants more clarification on a specific point they find interesting feel free to ask or even dm! You can tell I like to talk about MCD + Rewrite clearly. Have fun and god please tell me your thoughts on anything.
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ancient-romes · 2 months
Hi Romeo. I’m moving next week. Do you think I should base my new bedroom around my Zanvis pillows (JOKE)
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Absolutely. You need to paint the room half green and half black
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jurysbane · 2 years
there’s no way Katelyn and Lucinda didn’t explore eachothers bodies.
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rcarx · 7 months
Tagged by @gleerant to spell my acc name with songs:
runaway by sasha sloan
christmas morning by luz
another love by tom odell (or affection by fiji blue i couldn't decide)
rainbow by dodie
x's and oh's by elle king yes i cheated
@offthebandwagon @myhumbleme @ahappilyexhaustedperson @wearysighs @orphanblaque @princington @julianavalds
if you want! or anyone who wants to do it!
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rexecutioner · 3 months
Buckle up campers this is a long one
spoilers for all of mystreet and a bit of mcd ig??? Idk there is Demon Warlock and Irene lore
This is all about Travis btw
So I was rewatching Emerald Secret and when Tatiana was loredumping about forever potions in ep 13, she mentions Michael testing a forever potion on his son not too long before the events of s4
(implied by the fact that she was there, and supported by the facts that 1) she was missing a lot of other info, like the whole fp backstory and not knowing about Katelyn and Garroth, thanks to only recently becoming human and only knows new info, and 2) the whole “Michael (Terry), Elizabeth and Zach have been trapped in a different realm for years and only recently escaped” thing)
and it “failing”. Knowing the events of Angels Fall, this plausibly aligns with the plotline. One problem. How tf did Travis get there??? And back??? Without anybody questioning where he went??? Or with nobody noticing???
I don’t think Tatiana was referring to Ein, as she describes him as a grunt to Michael’s plans, and it’s always pretty explicitly said that Michael has a son, stated by both Tatiana and Derek, and visibly is shown to be Travis in loredrops and the entirety of s6. A son. One singular son.
So the only person she could be referring to is Travis. But what does this even mean? What kind of forever potion was used on Travis? We learn from Ein that forever potions can be reaaally specific. It could have literally been anything. What does “failed” mean? Just not working? Or Travis fighting it off? The imagery shown with the scene is a broken forever potion lying on the ground by what is implied to be Travis’ limp hand, so failed may be a bit of an understatement.
Also, again, how tf did Travis get there and back with nobody taking note of it, him not remembering it (probably more forever potions), and it never coming up again?? Not even slightly mentioned in 3 to 4 side episodes OR Aphmau’s Year, although we do get some juicy Travis lore ep 2 of AsY.
That is also when his whole “omg i feel lightheaded wait did i do that” thing started, so maybe something happened at the lodge that is never shown but implied to be what Tatiana mentioned???
And ofc, my first question.
It’s a snowy forest for goodness sake. He had to have driven there. Why would he go in the first place? Maybe he got a letter from Terry (Michael) saying “hey kid i wanna reconnect heres my address dont bring anyone with you k bye” and he went “oh boy the father that left me shaken and traumatized who just randomly disappeared leaving me alone bcs everyone else i love is dead!! I love that guy!!”
And drove out to see him only for fucking Ein to be there as well as this man in a stupid ass cloak who sounds weirdly like his absent father, they give him a forever potion and it fails (again, whatever that means) and he wakes up in a random lodge with a random backround voice in his head giving him dating advice, having forgotten everything that happened, goes “welp ig he isn’t here i must have gotten the wrong address” AND LEAVES
weirdly in character for ms Travis lmao
Did he just tell Dante that he was going on a trip for a few days and dipped?? I haven’t rewatched the 3 to 4 side eps in a long time so I have no clue if he did leave but wasn’t Travis a mildly large role in them with the whole trash thing???
Alright so I just spent like 4 hours rewatching the transition episodes and Travis is a very consistent reoccurring character and isn’t missing from an episode for more than a two episode gap, and him leaving for a while isn’t mentioned, although they do make Laurance returning a big deal, which leads me to believe he left during/right before Aaron’s Ticket, a two part mini prequel to s4, taking place only a few days before ep1.
This makes the most sense, as Aaron in Part 1 goes over to Dante and Travis’ house to get money advice from Dante, and Travis isn’t shown or mentioned at all. He never appears in AsT, and there is an implied gap between the last side ep, Shadow Knights Rule and AsT, because we also never see Gene (and by that extension, the other Shadow Knights and Ivan) again after the final side ep, though they all played mildly large roles in that ep.
It would make sense if Travis left not too long after Laurance bothered him outside of his house (the last time we see the both of them until AsY 🥲) and came back to Lover’s Lane during the small two day gap before s4 starts, after Aaron and the gang left to Bunny Hill, and they just didn’t see each other on the way back. But this also leads to another frustrating question.
Why does Travis not remember the lodge after the whole thing? We could chalk it up to forever potions, yes, but that would be a really specific forever potion, making him have to go home and forget about it. I have the inkling that Dante would at the very least ask Travis questions about his trip, and if Travis just replied with “idk lol I actually have no clue what ur talking about” he’d at least be concerned and at least ask Lucinda for advice when she got back.
It’s shown in AsY that Travis has no recollection of the lodge, only knowing about it from Lucinda (another piece of good lore from ep 2), but he doesn’t get more of a chance to interrogate her about what happened there it until he gets possessed and leaves. It is very much shown that he has no memory of even being there. Which also brings up another point. Aaron and Garroth remember Bunny Hill Lodge, even if just a bit. How does Travis of all people not remember it at all?
Aughhhh so many questions! I’m probably going to chalk up the not remembering the lodge thing to a really specific forever potion that also plants false memories in his head. Forever potions are shown to be able to do that in s4, when Zane and Lucinda refer to Ein as their brother and their memories are completely altered.
Whenever Travis is possessed, he not only gets very lightheaded, causing headaches, but he quickly loses his memory (shown in his second possession) as Michael takes the spotlight and puppets him around until he’s done with him. Travis then regains his memory and remembers what he did while possessed, with it all being kinda foggy, with him questioning if it was really him that did that and being mildly confused about what he just did, before making up an excuse for it and going about his day.
We only just begin to see Travis getting possessed AFTER s4, which leads me to believe that during s4, Travis reconnects with a recently actually present Terry (guess who just escaped another dimension lmaooo) leading to him and Katelyn fake dating and going to Starlight, leading to the events of s6 and Travis getting possessed more frequently until Michael consumes him completely before he gets exorcised and murdered by Kim and Terry, leaving Travis behind unconscious on the floor.
-Born to Terry and his wife
-His mom dies (probably due to Michael?? I dont actually know lol)
-Child experimentation at a cool Lodge
-I recently learned that it was apparently a fp that gave Travis the little voice in his head, but its never acted upon until post s4
-Growing up with a father that’s possessed half the time
-Goes to middle school and meets Dante
-His father disappears at some point thanks to Garte and Derek using the realm breaker (they dont know Michael is actually Terry)
-Goes to high school and meets the rest of the main cast
-Whatever he does before season 1 during fcu
-Moves in with his homies (they kiss each other good night)
-Gets blasted to Love Love Paradise
-Starts to become actual friends with Katelyn (dont get me started on how both of these characters were wrote during season 1 and most of 2)
-Moves in with Dante thanks to his house exploding I wonder who did that
- 3-4 side episodes, he starts to learn about potions again from Lucinda
-Gets a letter from Terry, his absent father with a bad influence on him, asking him to go to Bunny Hill to reconnect
-Bunny Hill Incident #2, he goes home with a fabricated filler story, actually reconnects with Terry
-Travis gets possessed for the first time (to our knowledge) and steals Lucinda’s book under Michael’s influence
-Terry meets Katelyn, everybody's fate is sealed
-Terry invites Travis and Katelyn to Starlight Wonderland
-They enjoy themselves for a while (Travis gets possessed every now and then)
-Travlyn is canon for real this time
-Season 6. Travis gets possessed more and more frequently to the point where Michael takes over for him a lot near the climax, and Michael uses his control over the Guardian Forces to manipulate Travis into thinking he’s safe
-Travis gets fully possessed when Lucinda performs the exorcism, takes control over Katelyn and Garroth, Nana almost dies and Aphmau does die due to mildly unrelated events but dont worry she comes back thanks to the fact that shes a third of literal god
-Derek gets relic’d
-Ethereal Bonds my beloved, the lip syncing did Nana so dirty (Travis isnt really in this one i just love ethereal bonds story wise even though it’s definitely not perfect)
-Travis (Michael) threatens to kill Terry and has actually killed Holla and Derek as this twink so his threats are not empty
-Garroth and Katelyn (and Toby ig) are used as distractions to stall Michael, but he takes back control over Garroth by manipulating him and throws him at Katelyn
-Travis and Aphmau beat the shit out of eachother, cool lore, i love the Zane and Lucinda s4 trauma, everyone is a rock now
-Terry and Michael both die at Kim’s hands, the one thing she was good for (im sorry i hate Kim so much) using the cannon
-Travis is now back in control and wakes up to his bisexual girlfriend holding him and says a pickup line, very in character, and passes out again (understandably)
-everyone is no longer a rock, but thats some pretty hefty trauma you got there (i feel so bad for Dante and Laurance) (im making a separate post on them soon)
-Travis monologues about everything that happened and trauma dumps to the sky (fuck you Terry)
-Heart wrenching “not alone buddies” scene, seriously these two tried to kill each other and now they are traumabonding i love it
-Whatever the fuck Jesson has in store for him in One Last Time because i started writing this before it was announced so they might fill in my plotholes later
-He does NOT show up in Her Wish which scares the shit out of me (he isnt dead thanks to Katelyn and Dante not being utterly wrecked the entire time) (but his absence is not a warm one)
-whatever happens after that
Long story short I love Travis’s character and I hope we see more of him
there is no conclusion to this i just like ranting about characters i like and the plotholes that come in the package (headcanons sold separately)
tldr: Travis s4 plotholes are filled in by my overthinking
have some of my art as compensation 👍👍👍
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i will be re-drawing the Travis one bcs I don’t like the shading and I got the outfit wrong 😑
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