#Slugs of Healing [ Tsunade ]
oc-lootcrate · 1 year
The hospital bed that Ari lay in was just as uncomfortable for him as ever, his body aching from his lack of movement thanks to his actively decaying lungs. He'd thought he would be used to the feeling by now, having used his clan's jutsu in battle before, but no matter how many times he did, without the proper training he'd needed growing up that he wasn't able to get, the damage done to his lungs would get him right back in the hospital once again with the feeling that his lungs were shriveling up.
With the number of times that Ari has ended up in this exact position, knowing that Tsunade was the one that patched him up 95% of the time, he could already see her expression as she walked into the room, seeing just exactly who it was she was dealing with and then realizing just what exactly had happened for him to have gotten in here. Not to mention, didn't she say something about this the last time that he was in here for this exact same reason?
❝If I see you in here because you can't fight someone without having to use that jutsu of yours, you won't have to worry about your lungs being the thing to take you out.❞
She had paused, taking away her stethoscope from his chest after listening and gathering what info she had already known, considering this was slowly becoming a more regular occurrence.
❝I'll take you out myself.❞
As Ari lay there in the bed, now sweating bullets at the memory, he considered getting up and opening the window to his room and making his great escape before there was even a chance to encounter the woman, ready to live out the rest of his days, no matter how small the number, in the comfort of his home. Just as he went to sit up after talking himself into it, the door to his hospital room creaked open, and Ari slowly turned to see the one person who he didn't want to see.
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❝I'M SORRY!❞ His body jolted at the sound of her voice, trapping him on the bed from the pain that wracked his body. ❝IT WASN'T ON PURPOSE, I SWEAR! I ONLY DID IT AS A LAST RESORT! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I'M TOO YOUNG!❞
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tozettastone · 1 month
An AU where the Sanin's summons are switched : Tsunade the Snake, Orochimaru the Toad and Jiraya the Slug.
Konoha's access to antivenom drastically improves
Every shinobi healed via Katsuyu's baby slug thing in canon now simply has to hope a medic can get to them
Orochimaru grows warts, and has learnt an extremely specific medical technique to freeze burn them off
Tsunade refuses to summon Manda. He's rude.
Jiraiya has like five new techniques that revolve around slime. He tells everyone that slime is actually very attractive because it's so shiny. Women like shiny things, you know. Nobody believes him.
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orochiposting · 2 months
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Naomi Senju🍶🐁| Mouse of the Leaf ๋⭑⚝
art credit to the lovely and talented @ its.sunjyo on Instagram again ! <3
Daughter of the 'Slug Princess,' Lady Tsunade, and the 'Toad Sage,' Jiraiya. The living embodiment of the Three Legendary Sannin. Great Granddaughter of the First Hokage. Bearer of one of the first of Orochimaru's curse marks. Multitalented in wood style, needle jizo(like her father), and healing ninjutsu(like her mother).
just a bust/pfp i commissioned of naomi for myself and a little info about her <3
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thottyimagines · 1 year
I need what the sasuke/tsunade training dynamics would be.
Sassy brat + alcoholic takes no shit = funniest thing ever actually
Sasuke/Tsunade Sageswap
Sasuke tries his surly shit and gets decked on the first day.
He also gets decked on the second, third, fourth, tenth, thirtieth, and sixtieth day.
Sasuke is...a slow learner when it comes to not attempting to pull his Uchiha privilege.
Tsunade contemplates invoking the old Senju/Uchiha wartime hatred of it all. Then she remembers she can just beat this brat into submission and he doesn't even hate her, he's just traumatized and doesn't know what to do about the growing familial feelings he's developing for her.
In turn, she develops familial feelings for him and grows 10x more aggressive, for now he must survive.
Sasuke is forced to learn to heal without his Sharingan first. He needs to learn chakra control for a what-if worst case scenario.
Then he needs to learn it all over again with his Sharingan, because now he can see the chakra flow and it's so much easier it's insane.
He's furious with Tsunade for depriving him of his natural advantage. He does not realize the gift she gave him with learning chakra control all by himself until he's well into adulthood.
Sasuke makes himself a Yin seal by 15.
Tsunade is appalled.
Sasuke becomes a slug sage and weaponizes his awesome healing power into pummeling Itachi and forcing his cells to heal and reproduce to cancerous levels. He commits fratricide with the tools Tsunade gifted him.
Tsunade glows with the knowledge that she is the only one who has an apprentice truly surpassing the master so quickly.
Given this particular sage swap, I guess Orochimaru is miserably attempting to override the nine tails' willpower and possess Naruto's body, and Jiriaya is no longer allowed to write porn or be a massive pervert and is instead teaching Sakura everything he knows about sealing.
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mata-aetara-if · 1 year
Summoning Animal Options
Me, finally announcing the possible summoning animals mc can choose from? Crazy!
As a real quick reminder! I will release things for this if slowly sometimes, I want to take my time and have fun with it ^_^
Okay so! Info! Summoning animals will be an option in Mata Aetara. However, not until a later part. I haven't decided how much later, but it won't be at the beginning when mc is 13/14. (Most likely I'll add it when mc is around 17). To acquire a summoning animal, in general, mc will need to make a blood contract with the animal/group of animals. Every contract varies in some degree witch will go more in depth in the actual if. I plan on having mc acquire their summoning animal an actual mission (traveling to a location, befriending/gaining respect of animal, making contract).
Any information about the animals below may change later but as of right now I think I like what I have in mind for them!
~ options ~
Giant Snake
main skills: evasion, speed, strength (coiling around enemies), poison fangs
location to find snake will be difficult to traverse through
appearance: customizable
size ref:
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2. Toads
main skills: each toad has different skills, some have size & strength, some use ninjutsu, some are trackers, some are message deliverers
will need to meet and train with Jiraiya
appearance: not customizable
sizes vary, there are toads the size of buildings, the size of horses, and small enough to sit on your shoulder
3. Giant Slug
main skills: spit acid, fast healing, mass healing
will need to meet and train with Tsunade
appearance: not customizable
size varies, she can be summoned as the size of a building but then split her bodies into smaller slugs anywhere from the size of an human, to a dog, to small enough to be on your shoulder
4. Giant Spider
main skills: releases many baby spiders that will wrap prey in webs constricting movement and chakra flow, numbing poison, web traps
no special requirements
appearance: not customizable
size ref:
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5. Tortoise
main skills: releases block attacks, knock down enemies fast, can bite through anything
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref:
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6. Boar
main skills: tracking by smell, dodges enemies well, headbutts
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref (not a naruto screencap):
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7. Giant Clam
main skills: produces a mist that creates a mirage where it is impossible to see the summoner and confuses the enemy, extremely hard shell that protects from physical attacks
no special requirements
appearance: somewhat customizable
size ref:
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8. Caracal
main skills: tracking, stealth, extremely long/high jumps
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size is just the normal average caracal size
9. Large Bat
main skills: sensory hearing, ultrasonic waves genjutsu
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref (the size of a swoobat, not a naruto screencap obviously lol):
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10. Owl
main skills: message relaying, night vision, stealth
no special requirements
appearance: customizable
size ref:
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Mistakes Were Made
Characters: Tenten, Maito Gai, Hatake Kakashi
Words: 2,997
Note: Thank you to @celestialmudd for reading this through and helping me improve it <3
Slugs were the superior summoning animals. That much Tenten knew without a shadow of a doubt. Lady Katsuyu’s healing powers were second to none with her ability to split into hundreds of forms of herself and heal multiple people at a time. More importantly, she was Tsunade-sama’s summon. Tsunade, who was known across all of the lands for her incredible chakra control, the Byakugou seal that allowed her to store up her chakra until she required a huge burst for a tough battle, and her medical ninjutsu.
There was no better Medical ninja in the world, and Tenten had always looked up to her. Becoming a shinobi like Tsunade-sama was a dream of hers, and to do that she needed all of the same skills.
That included having the same incredible summon. 
Not a single summoning animal could compare, no matter how cute it may be or how powerful it was. Tenten’s eyes were set on signing a summoning contract with Lady Katsuyu and only Lady Katsuyu.
There was no chance she was going to budge on that, especially when the only other option she’d been given was that grumpy old tortoise Ningame. She was certain that there was no summoning animal she liked less than her Sensei’s.
It was just awful.
“I can’t believe you would suggest this,” she waved toward the Tortoise that her Sensei had summoned up with such pride. “This is what you think I should summon? What does it even do?”
The tortoise just stood there staring at her. Not a single word left its mouth for a whole minute, which seemed odd since all the books she’d read about summons said they could speak.
The silence didn’t last, though. Just as Tenten was about to continue her complaints and demand an explanation from her Sensei, the tortoise opened its mouth.
“What I do, child, is fight,” it answered her question. “Like any animal summon.”
Tenten could hardly contain her disbelief. Rolling her eyes, she lifted a finger and poked the tortoise right on the nose. “Fight? You?” She laughed. “Tortoises are slow. How could you provide any help in a fight?”
‘Stupid’ she scolded herself as soon as the words left her mouth. ‘ Slugs are slow and Lady Katsuyu is still amazing.’
It was hard for her to believe the same for her Sensei’s tortoise. Lady Katsuyu was a healer so speed wasn’t a real necessity. It would make no sense for her Sensei to have a summon that healed when he didn’t have the skill set to heal himself.
Everything she’d read said summoning animals was supposed to compliment their summoner. Since her Sensei was a fighter, with Taijutsu being his main style, it only made sense that his summon would also be a fighter.
Tortoises weren’t fighters though. Their speed would impede them from being truly effective in a battle. 
“I am not slow!” The tortoise snapped back at her. 
“Hmm,” examining the animal for a second, she sighed. “No, I don't see it. This type of Summon can’t be useful to me, Sensei.”
“Useful to you!?” If the tortoise had fur she was sure it would be standing up on end right now. “Why you brat! Gai!” It turns to her Sensei with fiery eyes.  “Why did you summon me if I'm going to be insulted like this!?”
“Sorry, Ningame,” he sighed before turning a sharp gaze to Tenten. Apologise,” Gai-Sensei insisted, earning himself a defiant grumble from Tenten. “Apologise or you’re doing five hundred laps around the village.”
The dread that fell over her with Sensei’s threat almost caused her to crack. Five hundred laps was a lot and she’d already suffered through a grueling morning of push-ups and sparing.
“I-” she shivered, the words refusing to leave her mouth even when she tried screaming them. Even the threat of laps around the village couldn’t make her take back her insults.
“I can’t!” She huffed, lowering her eyes when her Sensei leveled her with the same disappointed glare that he always used when she’d done something he didn’t agree with. It was a look that had worked many times in the past, including the one time she’d been forced to apologize to Kakashi-Sensei for suggesting there were better books out in the world than Icha-Icha Violence, even though she knew she was right. 
She refused to budge this time. It didn’t matter if she had to do five hundred laps or five thousand, she would never apologize for speaking the truth again. Ningame was grumpy, slow, rude, and not even the smallest bit cute.
There was nothing about that crummy Tortoise that made her want to sign a contract with it. 
Sighing, her Sensei dropped his shoulders and turned to Ningame. “Go home,” he instructed while reaching out to pat his head. “I’ll have a chat with her.”
“You’d better,” Ningame huffed, earning himself a swift glare from Tenten. “Even the Hatake brat wasn’t this bad.”
A shiver ran down Tenten’s spine. The ‘Hatake brat’ could only be one person, and the fact that she was being forced to hear someone call her worse than Kakashi-Sensei, the man who read a porn book in public, was downright insulting. 
She could never be that bad. It simply wasn’t possible. She had standards and class.
Something Kakashi-Sensei would never understand with his poor sense of humor and terrible taste in books.
Smoke exploded from Ningame’s spot, signaling the Tortoise’s exit and Tenten’s freedom. For the first time since her Sensei had summoned the thing she breathed a sigh of relief. 
The relief didn’t last long, though. As soon as she let down her guard a hand came down on her head, parting the long strands of black hair that she’d spent so much of her morning organizing into two perfect buns. 
“Now,” glancing up, she cringed when she saw her Sensei smiling down at her. “I believe I said five hundred laps, did I not?”
“No way,” she balked. “Why do I have to apologize? It’s not my fault that your summon is a grumpy old tortoise!”
It didn’t even make sense. As weird as her Sensei was, he was also energetic and lively. The complete opposite of a Tortoise. If she’d ever given it a thought before she would have imagined him with a tiger summon, or maybe a leopard. 
An animal that matched his personality much better than a Tortoise. 
“Ningame is not grumpy,” Gai-Sensei sighed. “He can be…difficult, but that’s just part of being a tortoise. A hard outer shell and an even harder personality.”
“Exactly!” Throwing her hands up into the air, she smacked his hand away from her and fell back against the ground with a low grunt. “You’re not like that at all. You’re bright and friendly and-” She stopped herself. Insulting Ningame was exactly what had gotten her into this situation, and she had no doubt her Sensei would add more laps to her punishment if she used a descriptor that he deemed insulting. “It makes no sense, Sensei.”
Leaning forward, Gai-Sensei placed his hands on his hips and frowned down at her. “What makes no sense?”
Tenten threw her arms up into the air and flailed them around. “You! Him!” she tried, but failed, to explain. “What even are you doing with a summon like that,” Sensei’s frown only deepened with each word she said. Realizing that her words weren’t making any sense, she dropped her hands at her sides and stared up at the ceiling above her. 
For a second her Sensei just stood there staring at her, confusion etched into his face. Then, as if he’d been struck by realization suddenly, his eyes widened. “Oh!” A smile tugged at his lips, and then slowly it began to stretch until it reached right across his face. “You’re confused how someone as youthful and energetic as me could have a summon that is more relaxed?”
‘Relaxed’ was not the word that came to mind when she thought about that grumpy only tortoise, but she didn’t want to cause any more insult. If she did that her Sensei was sure to add more laps to her punishment.
“Well,” he continued, unhindered by her silence. “The Tortoise summons were not what I was expecting for myself either if I’m being honest. When I first learned about summons I would imagine myself with tigers, or perhaps wolves.”
“Wolves?” she snorted at the mental image of a wolf standing on her Sensei’s flank. If there was any animal that made even less sense to him than a Tortoise, it was wolves. They were too aggressive for her cheerful, happy-go-lucky Sensei. 
“Well,” she watched as her Sensei cupped his chin between his left forefinger and thumb and stared ahead with a thoughtful expression. “I was thinking about what kind of Summon would be able to keep up with my Eternal rival's hounds and a wolf seemed like the perfect answer.”
She tried to imagine Kakashi-Sensei surrounded by dogs, or even with one dog standing at his side, but it didn’t work. There was no doubt in her mind that the man liked dogs, she’d seen him petting a dog in the street before and he seemed to be enjoying the interaction, but as a partner animal, it just didn’t fit. 
If there was anyone who fit with a tortoise summon, it was Kakashi-Sensei. He was cool, and calculated, but also lethargic. Every Time she saw him he looked exhausted and did everything with such slow, careful movements that she sometimes forgot he was an elite shinobi capable of sneaking up behind her.
At least, she forgot until the next time he appeared directly behind her with such speed that she hadn’t even seen him move at all, resulting in her almost crawling right out of her skin from panic.
 She hadn’t seen him in a fight, but personality-wise a tortoise seemed like the perfect fit for him. Hounds would go better with Gai-Sensei. Even if he was more powerful and straightforward, like a tiger, he was also energetic and all over the place at times. Only dogs could match his personality.
“Oh my…” realization struck suddenly, and without a thought, Tenten jumped to her feet and turned toward her Sensei. “You got yourself a Kakashi-Sensei summon!”
“I-” her Sensei stared at her as if she’d grown a second head. “I don’t understand.”
“You,” she jammed a finger into her Sensei’s chest. “Got a Kakashi-Sensei summon. He’s just as rude, just as straightforward, and even more grumpy. You got a summon that reminds you of your boyfriend!”
Confusion melted away almost instantly, and what replaced it was a panicked embarrassment. For the first time since she’d met him, her Sensei refused to meet her gaze. In fact, he actively avoided it.
Every time she tried to initiate eye contact he would look the opposite way. 
“Ha,” leaning back, she flashed a triumphant smile. “I knew it. No one is that close to their ‘eternal rival’”
“We- we’re just rivals!” Her Sensei insisted in a panicked voice. “Eternal rivals, but just rivals!”
“Right,” rolling her eyes, she turned her back to him. “And I’m the greatest medical ninja in the world.” there was so much she was learning today. Her Sensei had a boring old Tortoise as a summon, Kakashi-Sensei had dog summons, and her Sensei was without a doubt dating his eternal rival. 
It was a lot to process, but she had no doubt she was taking it like a champ. At the very least she was certain that her Sensei had no idea just how much she was freaking out on the inside.
‘Neji and Lee are never going to believe me when I tell them’
“Oh,” glancing back at her Sensei, she grinned. “He’s still not as cool as Lady Katsuyu.”
Gai-Sensei stared at her with a dumbfounded expression for a second, only shaking it off when she stuck her tongue out at him. “That- you realize you called Ningame slow, right!?” he argued. “And you’re going to tell me that a SLUG is better?”
Tenten simply shrugged her shoulders.”Slugs may be slow, but at least they’re not ugly.”
Of all the things she’d chosen to say, why had it been that one? She didn’t even think Ningame was particularly ugly, he just wasn’t as beautiful as Lady Katsuyu looked in all of the pictures Tenten had seen of her. 
It wasn’t the Tortoise's fault that her standards were high, but rather than thinking things through and choosing her words carefully, she’d just blurted out the first insult that came to mind. 
“U-Ugly!?” In an instant, the area around her seemed to turn bright red. It was as if her Sensei had opened one of the gates and his chakra was now surrounding the area, but that wasn’t the case. Tenten knew that he wouldn’t waste the gates on her. This was something different.
This was unrelenting rage.
Tenten slunk back a bit. “No, Sensei I-”
“Now!” He pointed forward, directing her to the door. “Six hundred laps, now!”
Over the last five months, Tenten had convinced herself that her Sensei had no breaking point. That no matter what she said he would never become truly angry with her. Disappointment was likely, and annoyance was possible, but anger was something she simply believed her Sensei didn’t experience.
Now she was faced with the reality of just how wrong she could be.
Today was going to be the day Tenten died and it was all because she dared to call a Tortoise ‘ugly’. 
“Yo!” Turning her head, she stared at the man sitting so calmly on the railing behind her. With a cheerful expression and a small wave of his hand, Kakashi-Sensei greeted her as if she wasn’t about to be run into the ground by her own Sensei. “Am I interrupting?”
Seeing her opportunity, Tenten rushed forward and grabbed hold of Kakahsi’s arms. “Get him to calm down!” She pleaded with a panicked voice. 
“Whoe,” turning his attention to her Sensei, he tilted his head. “What has you so heated, Gai?”
Seeing her Sensei take a step forward, Tenten moved back against the railing. There was nothing in the world she would admit to being afraid of before today, but with death staring down at her she found herself cowering.
“Gai,” Kakashi-Sensei stepped off of the railing and landed just in front of Tenten, his body placed perfectly in front of her. “Talk to me.”
“She,” Gai-Sensei lifted his left arm and pointed directly at her. “Called Ningame ugly!”
For a second the three of them just stood there in silence. Red flames of anger radiated off of her Sensei, Tenten continued to cower behind her Sensei’s boyfriend, and Kakashi-Sensei just stood there staring at Gai-Sensei.
Then, without warning, Kakashi-Sensei started to laugh.
It wasn’t a great, boisterous laugh, but it was laughter nonetheless. 
Tenten was about to die, and Kakashi-Sensei was laughing. She’d never felt so insulted in her life.
“You’re upset over that?” he asked after a moment, his voice full of cheer even as he faced down the human equivalent of a fireball jutsu. 
“Ningame is not-”
“Who cares if he is or isn’t?” Kakashi interrupted with a shrug. “Ningame certainly doesn’t. If he heard her say that he’d just call her a brat and go home.”
“I am not a brat,” Tenten grumbled under her breath, earning herself a rather unimpressed look from Kakashi-Sensei. 
“Would you like me to step aside-”
“No!” Planting her hands on his back, she shoved him toward her Sensei. The last thing she wanted to do was face her Sensei on her own. Clearly, that was not working out in her favor.
“Well then,” turning his attention back to the issue, Kakashi-Sensei reached out and pulled Gai-Sensei into his side. As soon as his hand touched Gai-Sensei’s shoulder the anger seemed to dissipate. 
There was no longer a fiery aura burning around her Sensei, or a feeling of impending doom weighing down on her shoulders. With one small touch, Tenten was saved. She was being granted another beautiful day of life. 
“I was thinking we could go out for lunch,” Kakashi-Sensei continued as if nothing had happened. “Some Sushi maybe? And then a challenge?”
Gai-Sensei’s shoulders relaxed. “A challenge?” He asked with a hopeful tone. 
“If you want.” Kakashi-Sensei agreed, his free hand moving behind him and waving Tenten away. 
Seeing her opportunity, Tenten made a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn and immediately jumped off of the balcony. There was nothing in the world that could have kept her there for any longer. Not even her curiosity to see just what Kakashi-Sensei had planned would convince her to stay.
One close call with her Sensei’s temper was enough for her. 
“Still,” she whispered as her feet touched down on the ground. Glancing back up at the balcony, she couldn’t help but smile to herself. “It could be a date.”
As soon as the thought struck her she was assaulted with the memory of that angry red aura. The way the air around her had burned with her Sensei’s emotions, and how she’d even cowered behind Kakashi-Sensei for safety.
“No,” she shook her head. “I think one close call is enough for today.”
In the future, she would have to be more careful. Ningame might be the farthest thing from ‘cool’ that she could think of, but it was obvious that he was important to her Sensei. Insulting him was no longer an option if she wanted to continue living. She would simply have to focus all of her insults on Kakashi-Sensei. As long as she kept it basic, her Sensei would continue to allow her to speak her mind without hindrance. 
Boyfriends fell somewhere under summons on Maito Gai’s ‘willing to kill for’ list. An interesting thing for Tenten to learn, though she would have rather learned it without risking her own life. 
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
Sakura should've had sage mode or why Sakura should've fought Sasuke alongside Naruto in the end
Honest opinion. The final battle in Naruto should have been Naruto and Sakura vs Sasuke. No matter how much I love Sasuke and Sakura together, I can't stand how dirty Kishimoto did her.
I get Kishi wanted it to be between Naruto and Sasuke because of the whole Ashura and Indra, but he it should've been about Team 7 and how far Sakura has finally come to being on par or even surpassing Naruto and Sasuke. Sakura should have fought Sasuke in the end alongside Naruto.
Sakura was well written in concept, but not in execution. The fact that there was toad and snake sage mode but not slug literally made zero sense and only held her back even further. Every student surpassed their masters in massive ways except for her & that was a crime.
Now how would a Slug sage mode work you may ask?
The usual Increase in Strength, Speed, and Durability that comes with Sage Mode.
Being able to Heal Major Injuries without using up their lifespan (as they do when accessing the Byakogu Seal).
Spitting acid that can melt rocks, though there’s would probably be more flexible and varied in shape than what we saw from katsuyu
It would have healing abilities like katsuyu
The ability to Slip out of tight Grasps due to making their body Slimy like Katsuyu.
immune to some physical attacks seeing as katsuyu can’t be crushed to death nor can she be impaled fatally so they’d probably have the same perk
Optional: The ability to separate any part of their body to avoid an attack and then regrow/reattach… Similar to Katsuyu
really durable and defensive seeing as katsuyu tanked allmighty push in human size and planetary devastation in it’s mini form, they wouldn’t be on that level tho
Hell, even give Sakura Earth/Mokuton jutsu, cause honestly she deserves some powerful elemental jutsu
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You might be asking when could Sakura have learned sage mode. Give Sakura and Tsunade a mini arc while preparing for the war. Tsunade takes Sakura to the Shikkotsu Forest to finish what Tsunade could not and complete Slug Sage mode.
Sakura should be the one to master it rather than tsunade just for the sake of Sakura finally having her own jutsu and power-up rather than just using Tsunade's powers.
Sakura should've had a Slug Sage mode, and been on par with Naruto and Sasuke. Sakura should've been there to knock sense into Sasuke for him to finally come home. Then give Sasuke a journey of redemption like he does in canon and properly work up to Sasusaku happening.
I. Said. What. I. Said.
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sea-owl · 1 year
what do u think of sakura and tsunades bond??? I love them so much istg
They are adorable! I really do love their teacher and student bond. I also appreciate seeing Sakura have a teacher who was able to focus solely on her and what she needed to be properly trained.
Now, this isn't to shit on Kakashi, but with circumstances what they were, she was likely never going to get that from him. Sadly, Sakura was put on a team filled with traumatized orphans whose needs and ninja career were prioritized over her own. A leading example of this is Kakashi using Sakura's success at tree walking to motivate the boys. And then not doing the next steps to help her, which would have been water walking, something that would have been very useful in a place called the Land of Waves.
But back to Sakura and Tsunade. Another thing I appreciate is that Sakura asked Tsunade to train her. It's an instance we get to see Sakura prioritize herself and her future. She's taking the reins for herself and forcing someone's spotlight on her. Do you know how much balls that takes? Sakura probably has the biggest ones on team 7 because not only is she asking to be trained by the leader of the village but by the best in the medical ninja in the world. Now mind you Tsunade had said earlier that medic nins were the hardest ninjas to train due to their specialized skills that our girls just so happened to excel in. Sakura said let me scooch in where I thrive and she ran that shit.
I also appreciate that Tsunade went above and beyond and said, hold on, my little student, let me teach how to heal and kill. Both their hands were rated E for evey single person that pissed them off. They'll break all the bones in your body and heal you back up so they can do it again.
I do wish Sakura got her own slug summon, though. Kishimoto stilling doing my girl dirty by not giving her her own spring themed slug.
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ancharan · 1 year
Not you completely ignoring Tsunade and Kakashi in the Hokage post lmao but also you're so completely right as always
i forgot tsunade and kakashi...... i mean anon arent you forgetting danzo too though? wasnt he hokage at one point
5. tsunade actually comes pretty close to carry hashiramas legacy, and not just bc shes his granddaughter, but bc she just rocks in general. shes invented a ton of medical jutsus, shes got some crazy-ass healing techniques, she can Commune With Slugs, etc. doesnt check any "cataclysmic systematic change" boxes, but eh
6. kakashi is the true successor to hashirama's legacy. he is mentally ill and they never should have become hokage
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(Hokage) Itachi vs. Pein (Deva Path)
// drabble from (ship) headcanons with @historias-multorum
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“Shinra Tensei! / Almighty Push!”
Itachi summoned his Susano’o to protect himself and the ANBU around him, but it did little to protect the village as a whole, he was unable to use the Yata Mirror in time to negate the attack. Konoha was completely devastated, but luckily Tsunade’s healings slugs were around to minimise the worst.
Pein floated back down in front of Hokage Itachi, who was surrounded by his personal ANBU guard squad, all former (senior) teammates when he was in the ANBU. “Now that your village knows pain like my own, do not make me ask you again, where is the Nine Tails?”
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“His name is Naruto Uzumaki,” Itachi corrected Pein. “I do not know where he is, but what I do know is this. You will be dealt with before he makes his return.”
“Sword of Totsuka.” The least he could do was seal this leader of the group, and to also this his theory. Nothing happened as the ethereal blade pierced through the Deva Path’s body, confirming to Itachi that was no soul inside to seal away.
“As I thought, you are a reanimated corpse, controlled by chakra. I had my suspicions when I analysed your chakra with my Sharingan. Which means all we have to do, is to find…” The Hokage started to explain his findings for the ANBU to hear too, but then he started coughing up blood.
“Lord Hokage, please don’t push yourself!” One of the ANBU pleaded with Itachi, he had been pushing himself with the overuse of his Mangekyo Sharingan ever since the invasion of Konoha started.
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“Even if you have realised this, you will all be dead before you reach me,” Pein stated as the other Peins landed near him, then they engaged the ANBU in battle, deliberately leading them away from Itachi. “And once I kill you, the Hokage. The morale of the Konoha shinobi will fall with you, then we can simply wait for the Nine Tails to come to us.”
“You are wrong, leader of the Akatsuki. Even if you kill me, I will entrust my will, the Will of Fire to those that still remain, it will burn through and boost their morale too.” “Itachi declared, summoning another layer of shielding around his Susano’o, ready to fight.
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“And as the Hokage, I will still protect my village until my very end!”
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agoddamn · 2 years
I don't vibe w headcanons of snow leopard summons bc I think it should be an inherent quality of summons that they're not terribly threatening under normal circumstances...until they show up the size of a house. So 'haha little froge :3--OH GOD'. Whereas a completely normal snow leopard can still take your head off.
Naruto itself already screwed the pooch (hah) by having both ninken and dog summons exist, raising the question of what exactly the difference is between the two (ninken seem worse in every possible metric, ask me to expound on this at a later time), I know, this is just me trying to narratively triage this shit.
...it kinda pains me, but I kinda think all summon families should be creatures native to Japan. Either native or impactful enough through folklore to be relevant to Japan...which tragically excludes my own personal bias, skunks :(
Every character doesn't need to have a summon; it shouldn't be like an automatic upgrade where you've reached level 20 and now you get your summon. That cheapens it. Characters should have a specific benefit they get from having a summon. It's not just flavor.
But Tobirama is listed as a summoning expert in databooks, so yeah he should have summons. I could see him with cats, although it's the Uchiha who have a connection with the ninneko (although although summons =! ninja animals).
I think it becomes a narrative problem-solving thing--what does this character get from summons that they don't get from any other technique? From that angle, I can't see any reason to give, say, Hashirama summons; wood clones can do basically anything you'd want summons to.
It was that amazing platonic soulmate fic that brought up the idea of Tobirama having yokai summons, and that just clicked in my head and felt so right. Explains both what he'd get from summons (esoteric/cursed knowledge) and why he's never seen summoning in canon (yokai are understandably unpopular, also umbrellas aren't great fighters).
But I really, honestly, non-memely think that he wouldn't have cool yokai, like kitsune or anything. He'd have tsukumogami!!
Tsukumogami parallel Tobirama's work ethic--a tool that's used enough grows a soul. The idea that Tobirama views himself as a tool--a weapon--is fanon, but it's very workable fanon that fits with his narrative role as Hashirama's support exceptionally well.
So tsukumogami summons...Naruto got prophecy shit from the frogs, right? And it's not spelled out, but it's implied Tsunade refined her healing techniques working with the slugs. So I think tsukumogami might have given Tobirama the blueprints for hiraishin, maybe even shadow clones? Not the whole technique of course, but the summons made him realize it was possible and how a human might replicate the effects.
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azurelyy · 2 years
Top 5 female characters in Naruto 👀 you can elaborate on why you like them if you want 🧡 !
YESSSS. Let’s goooo~ And you know me, I will be elaborating because I always have to be verbose about everything.
1. Ino’s the top for me. She’s smart, hot, and has a heart of gold. She means well and is extremely passionate about the things she cares about, which I find to be admirable. 
I think she gets a lot of unnecessary hate because people consider her to be shallow, and I seriously wonder if they watched the same show I did. Ino is like the least shallow person on the entire show. Does she make fun of people sometimes? Sure. But at the end of the day, she isn’t going to turn those people away or make them feel bad if they come to her for help, and I think that is what sets her apart. She’s a great character and I think she deserves better treatment within the fandom!
2. Sakura. She had the makings to be the perfect female protagonist, and canon just completely wrecked all her potential. She’s so headstrong and willing to learn. I love her determination and willpower, and I think it’s unfortunate that the ball was dropped on her character development in Shippuden. 
If she had moved on from her crush on Sasuke and instead focused on herself, I seriously think she could have been one of the best female anime characters not just in Naruto, but in anime. Fight me lol.
3. Temari. Very well-rounded and an easy going chick. I think she and I could be friends in real life. She is definitely the most developed female character probably in the entire anime, and the only reason she isn’t higher on the list is because I am too in love with THE IDEA of who Sakura and Ino could be (and are, thanks to fanon!)
4. Kushina. It’s insane how a character that was only introduced late into the show has more development than those that were on the show from the very beginning (*cough*Hinata*cough*), but here we are! If you don’t like Kushina, I think you need some help. She’s one of the most likeable characters in the whole show and I cherish her.
5.  Tsunade. Sort of like Temari, I just think she had an interesting backstory and is a cool character. I wish we had gotten to see the scale of her power rather than her just mostly sitting on the sidelines using slugs to heal people, but whatever.
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daylighteclipsed · 2 years
I've only played some of the ninja storm titles so idk much about naruto aside from their cast of funny characters so please tell me: can sakura get a slug sage mode or some other cool power up? Bc while I agree magic punches is one of my favorite genres of character she looks out of place next to naruto and sasuke kaiju forms. Give her slug powers something idk
No, she doesn’t 😞 Because Sakura’s a medic-nin, she’s technically not even supposed to directly engage in combat… because, well, the squad is screwed if the medic dies, right? But her and Tsunade are allowed to break that rule because they’re super powerful.
The closest thing Sakura has to a sage mode is the Strength of a Hundred Seal, which is used for rapid regeneration/healing of the self or others.
Edit: Oh I thought you said does, not can. Yeah, she can get cool power ups, but Kishimoto sucks.
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theharrowing · 2 years
Hii 19 for the ask game 💜
hi jaz!!! 💜
19. What fictional doctor do you wish was your doctor?
i'm going to go with Lady Tsunade. she can cover me in healing slugs all dayyyyy.
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let's play! 😍
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narhinafan · 2 years
hinata's gentle fist would wreck sakura? sakura, slug summoner, byakugou seal user, apprentice to fucking Tsunade, that sakura? I don't think so. sakura and hinata don't really ever fight each other in the manga, but if you want immutable proof look at their datebook stats. in every single one sakura outranks hinata in points total, and by the third one the only areas sakura does not surpass hinata are ninjutsu, where they are equal, and taijutsu, which is literally the Hyuuga clan specialty
You just said it yourself the Hyuuga clan are taijutsu specialises, Sakura only has more total stats cause Hinata's fighting style taijutsu focused and the gentle fist focuses on internal damage and doesn't need strength behind it. Most of the stats for Hinata are irrelevant for her fighting style hence why her total is low. On Sakura's end though her fighting style doesn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu anymore by part 2 and her ninjutsu score would be attributed to her a medical jutsu which are none combat related jutsu.
The only thing Sakura has that will be effective against Hinata is the slugs by not keeping the fight to one on one. That just shows that Hinata as an individual is stronger then Sakura.
Everything else gets countered by the gentle fist, byakugou stores chakra for creation rebirth, but to unseal and interact with it Sakura needs to use chakra. Creation Rebirth heals by using chakra to accelerate cell division. CES uses precise chakra control to increase strength. Everything Sakura ahs gets taken way by the gentle fist cause they all rely on precise chakra control and chakra to use which both get disabled by the gentle fist. Once her chakra network gets damaged and chakra points closed Sakura loses all her jutsu and with Hinata's level of taijutsu with both the gentle fist and Byakugan doing so would be easy for Hinata.
Since Sakura is primarily a taijutsu fighter she isn't beating Hinata at her clans speciality whose style is well known to be the strongest in the village and arguably the world. Sakura is at too much of a disadvantage against Hinata that it is a complete mismatch. Heck Lion fist alone makes it impossible for Sakura to touch Hinata in close combat cause the size and extended range it gives wouldn't let Sakura get close without being hit by them.
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Do you think King Lee had survivors guilt after Rogue Gai passed? Especially since they were so close to overthrowing the king and have a successful rebellion, but Gai went back at the last second to protect Lee and the Youth Merry Men Rebellion (🎵~It's time to hang out at the YMMR!~ 🕺) and give them a chance to escape. Making it worse, he gave Lee the pendant he always wore that protected him.(I have hc for this entire event! Will share later/again, right now it's Lee time!) And because Gai refused to talk and give the royals any information, he was probably tortured for the week leading up to his public execution. Its due to godly intervention later, that leads to Lee's successful second attempt at a take over.
I can just see him truly trying to apologize to Kakashi and Yamato at some point. Whether or not they're there or not (so lots of praying to the two). I feel like Kakashi probably rarely interacted with Lee personally, and was more polite/ sweet with him when he was near Gai. Not because Kakashi didn't like the boy of course (far from it!), but maybe Lee was more shy around literal gods than his papa or Hiroki before him, and since Gai was mostly flirting with Kakashi they talked more when he was not around. (And Yamato is Yamato, dude seems a tad antisocial. Gai was just persistent for that friendship!). Maybe before the coronation, even trying to give back the pendant to Kakashi when the man does come to talk with him.
Kakashi's going to talk to Lee at some point, probably after the rebellion succeeds but what would he say... would he accept the pendant back or ask Lee to keep it in his family, as a reminder. Would he tell him not to blame himself?
Anyways after that goes down I'm sure Lee makes a LOT of changes to the kingdom. He fixes and extends the children's hospital and its orphanage, probably even gives it a park where there's a statue of Hiroki, healing a child (if that child looks suspiciously like Gai, Lee says its because that was one of the stories his papa told him, when Lee asked who Hiroki was...) There's also an eel pond nearby and it's like Hiroki is sitting on a bench as he heals the kid, so people can come sit next to him as well. See his healing close up wven now that he's gone... They used the gaudy statue the royals made for reference to make his face and porportions as accurate as possible, while completely changing the feel to make it as accurate to his character. There's also symbols of other gods Hiroki worshipped everywhere on it. Tsunade's Slug on his shoulder, Kakashi's dog running  are around the monument, and whatever else he treasured, they tried to include.
Lee may have never met his (sort of) brother, but he respected his memory dearly, and felt how loved he was. I could even sitting beside the statue at once at some point, trying to talk to it but not knowing what to say...maybe just saying thank you for saving his father (and decades later, saying thank you for saving his son...)
But yeah Lee does do everything to make reparations to the kingdom and its people. Fueled by a mix of guilt and duty, as well as that just being his energetic go getter personality. Lee spends his entire life running around (literally! PARKOUR THE BUILDINGS! USE ONE'S FEET TO TRAVEL! BE ONE WITH THE PEOPLE NOT ABOVE THEM! EMBRACE THE POWER OF YOUTH!!!), demilitarizing the police and creating a new guard to protect the people, putting up new schools, libraries and museums, rebuilding Kakashi's place of worship, and trying to make the kingdom the best it can, while his mother, Leona, acts as his advisor. She teaches him/ acts on the more formal aspects of being a King. And helps him create customs and trials that his future successors MUST apply to if they want to rule, to ensure they never lose their way again.
One more change I see him making is probably to the Royal coat of arms. The first one ever made was a green dragon flying in a storm. When the previous royal family lost their way, they replaced it with a red dragon hoarding treasure, two gold coins in each of its talons, and  spiders framing the corners. Lee changed it so it's a green dragon's claw holding an oak tree like an umbrella, and a storm in the back ground. A major tribute to Yamato, who Lee thanks every day for keeping them protected.
I'm sure Lee keeps busy for the entirety of his rule.
Lee Definitly keeps busy
Survivors guilt wise, i think that’s inescapable. All of the group feels that and mourns that loss of Gai heavily.
As for his interaction with Kakashi, Kakashi would tell him to keep the pendant. It was a gift he gave to Gai and Gai in turn gave the gift to Lee. It’s Lee’s and Kakashi would never disrespect Gai’s name and memory by taking it back.
I think he would maybe suggest that Lee pass it down to the one he feels should rule after him, family or not (a slow change to more of a democracy rather than a kingdom, where they begin by choosing a King based on ability to rule rather than bloodline)
For the coat of arms I think he’d actually use a willow tree to represent Kakashi and his bond to the kingdom, with a forest of oak tree’s in the background for Yamato. kakashi is more hands on, Yamato protects from a distance by growing his forest and using it as cover. He’d want to show that in the coat of arms rather than putting Yamato at the forefront where Yamato would not want to be.
Building temples, i think he’d put one in the forest. A special place of worship for Yamato. Perhaps one of his first real temples (he’s usually worshipped on farms or in the forest itself so before temples seemed pointless for him, but now people have a specific place in the forest to go)
I also see him improving access to education. That’s something i think Gai would have fought like heck for and which Lee would want to honor. perhaps he even puts a statue of his father in front of the first school he builds. one of him reading a book with an empty space on his lap for students, teachers, and anyone else to sit and feel like they're the one being read to
a sort of memory of Lee sitting on his Papa's lap listening to old stories of the kingdom and the gods
Hiroki's statue i would make one change to
the hounds aren't sitting around him. they're placed so that they look like they're running around the park. kids love to go looking for all eight of the dogs and sometimes doctor's challenge them to name all of them when they find them.
lee often visits the hospital to check in on it, and whenever he does he makes sure to sit beside Hiroki's statue
he's not sure why, but he feels a connection to it. a bond to a god he has never met
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