thottyimagines · 1 year
I need what the sasuke/tsunade training dynamics would be.
Sassy brat + alcoholic takes no shit = funniest thing ever actually
Sasuke/Tsunade Sageswap
Sasuke tries his surly shit and gets decked on the first day.
He also gets decked on the second, third, fourth, tenth, thirtieth, and sixtieth day.
Sasuke is...a slow learner when it comes to not attempting to pull his Uchiha privilege.
Tsunade contemplates invoking the old Senju/Uchiha wartime hatred of it all. Then she remembers she can just beat this brat into submission and he doesn't even hate her, he's just traumatized and doesn't know what to do about the growing familial feelings he's developing for her.
In turn, she develops familial feelings for him and grows 10x more aggressive, for now he must survive.
Sasuke is forced to learn to heal without his Sharingan first. He needs to learn chakra control for a what-if worst case scenario.
Then he needs to learn it all over again with his Sharingan, because now he can see the chakra flow and it's so much easier it's insane.
He's furious with Tsunade for depriving him of his natural advantage. He does not realize the gift she gave him with learning chakra control all by himself until he's well into adulthood.
Sasuke makes himself a Yin seal by 15.
Tsunade is appalled.
Sasuke becomes a slug sage and weaponizes his awesome healing power into pummeling Itachi and forcing his cells to heal and reproduce to cancerous levels. He commits fratricide with the tools Tsunade gifted him.
Tsunade glows with the knowledge that she is the only one who has an apprentice truly surpassing the master so quickly.
Given this particular sage swap, I guess Orochimaru is miserably attempting to override the nine tails' willpower and possess Naruto's body, and Jiriaya is no longer allowed to write porn or be a massive pervert and is instead teaching Sakura everything he knows about sealing.
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sagaciouscejai · 2 years
Ah okay! Wait how old is kasen in the Modern and other AU? And how old was she when she lost arm?
Modern AU Kasen is probably like, in her mid 40′s? 50? She’s definitely an older lady with history with other characters. I can imagine at least a decade has past since she lost her arm, but i could also see much longer as well.
Sageswap AU was originally a Touhoustuck derived, so all the younger sages in this setting are designed to be teens in high school by default. It definitely makes the arm loss thing a WAY more recent thing for Kasen, maybe even a bit too soon, as a lot of Yukari’s whole thing is basically dealing with feelings of long-term internet-style abandonment, but yeah. We could push it to have the incident happen in high school and the current day be college with very little being lost on the feel of the setting.
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1rakus · 2 years
sageswap inosaku moodboard
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sasuketheenegro · 3 years
sageswap sakura would absolutely learn how to ninja crispr/cas9 your genes to make u bioluminescent and poisonous for fun
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konansgirlfriend · 5 years
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sakura should be orochimarus pupil so she can unleash her mad scientist energy
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cappucino-commie · 5 years
  Okay but I like the idea of SageSwap Sakura where Naruto & Sasuke are just totally convinced she’s dead. I mean, she disappears during the Konoha Crush, hundreds died, what the fuck else are they gonna think? It changes their entire character arcs. Naruto becomes a healer, determined to never lose another comrade. Sasuke starts learning from Jiriaya because he needs the strength to protect his friends and kill Orochimaru to avenge Sakura (people tell him that before he sets out on a journey of revenge to dig two graves- he’ll need far more than that).
  But just spending 3 years coming to terms with their dead teammate and living to honor her memory. And then, both being dispatched on a raid on one of Orochimaru’s labs, and the betrayal when their long lost teammate steps out from the shadows.
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diamondnokouzai · 4 years
i like the idea of sageswap sakura specifically if shes orochimarus mentee because those two both have such crazy rich girl who bullies people energy but i think that if for some reason like jiraiya ended up sakuras mentor i think that someone would end up stabbing the man.
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thottyimagines · 1 year
more orochimaru & naruto teacher student duo I am Begging
Naruto & Orochimaru Sageswap
Orochimaru finds himself being Naruto's unwilling therapist as he works out the rage and rejection of the first ~12 years of his life. Orochimaru also agrees that the way everyone handled things was supremely fucked up.
Naruto quickly demands a contract with the snake summons. He then also wants a neat tattoo to have on his body at all times, and he manfully sheds only a few tears as Orochimaru inks it on under Manda's baleful gaze.
Much to Orochimaru's irritation, every colleague, snake, and experiment he has likes Naruto way more than him.
Orochimaru attempts to study Naruto's insane ability to just...talk anyone out of or into anything. Surely it must be some sort of genjutsu at work.
Naruto almost talks Orochimaru out of his quest for immortality during the course of the experiment.
In retaliation, Orochimaru forces Naruto to create dozens of shadow clones and kills them all in strange and painful ways so that when they pop out of existence, Naruto gains the memory of what his shishou would like to do to him, if he only didn't have a demon in his body.
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thottyimagines · 1 year
Going off of the Sasuke+Tsunade dynamic, would Sakura then be trained under Jiraiya and Naruto turn evil under Orochimaru? Also how would their dynamics be??
Ugh, I'm actually way more interested in the potential dynamic between Sakura and Orochimaru because they could be evil scientists together. But I dug this hole, so let's lie in it:
It's so miserable for both of them for the longest time.
Sakura has crying fits trying to convey to Jiraiya that she does not want to travel the world with a huge pervert. She'd rather go home and be an eternal genin, because she does not feel safe like this.
Jiraiya has to reflect and repent. He's sorry, women.
Jiraiya needs a new cover for his spy master intel gathering, because his sweet new apprentice is too young to understand that his ladies of the night are passing him info.
Sakura makes Jiraiya write a poem apologizing to women as a whole. Tsunade somehow gets the poem and prints it in the government-run Konoha paper.
Anyway, Jiraiya can't teach Sakura to summon frogs for forever, since the amount of her chakra is so meager. But she can totally seal!
Sakura becomes a sealing mistress. She somehow revamps Tsunade's strength of a hundred seal without ever studying healing. It's insane.
Tsunade demands to take her for her masters or whatever the next level of ninja education is.
Orochimaru cleverly lures Naruto into his clutches by showing him basic human decency and telling him he appreciates him for his beastly and monstrous powers and will teach him to wield them properly. Also, Sasuke won't learn as fast as him!
Naruto is in.
Orochimaru spends his days beating the shit out of Naruto, trying to figure out where his chakra limit even is. It seems that the boy taps into the kyuubi's chakra without even noticing.
This eliminates the possibility of Orochimaru possessing Naruto's body. Therefore, Naruto must lure his boyfriend, Sasuke, to the lair.
Naruto is surprisingly not so keen on this plan.
Years are spent in a battle of wills as Orochimaru begrudgingly trains this orange brat, for he needs a sweet weapon of his own and Naruto feels some loyalty toward him due to proximity.
Orochimaru realizes he has an eternal genin and actually gets Naruto to retake the chuunin exams, in part to legitimize him, in part to show off how totally cool and legal their apprenticeship is (it's not).
Naruto beats away anyone who tries to take him from Orochimaru-sama before he's good and ready. He may have developed some form of Stockholm syndrome.
Things are really coming up Orochimaru, for all that his pupil can barely read.
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sagaciouscejai · 2 years
How did Modern Kasen and AU kasen lose their arm? 🤔
That's... nothing I've really ever thought of much. Never got into the weeds of either storyline to really find myself asking that. (Modern and 'AU' are a bit vague given my overall AU's, so i'll define those a bit more from each variant)
In the original "Modern AU" (IE Touhou but Gensokyo is a city and there's no magic), Kasen has probably not had her arm for years at this point. I imagine losing it was the point at which she broke up with Suika and everyone else in this AU's version of the Sage's guild. She would fuck off but then return years later, probably pissed off at Reimu's conduct making the news, and offer to help. No real prosthesis in this, although she's very self-conscious of it alongside a lot of other things. It's a point of regret for who she associated with and as in the past. "Sageswap AU" is the name i just made up for what is essentially taking a Touhoustuck session with MCs, scratching it so Yukari and Co. are the teen players, and then removing the Homestuck from the setting while keeping the cool ideas intact. It's... maybe a little teen drama-y for even Touhou, but really like it. It also allows for magic concepts to still exist, but for tech to be more prominent to facilitate the teen drama in a way i like. Anyways, Kasen here is a lot more wild and 'Oni-like' by her own choice, but still has Yukari and Okina encouraging her in their own shitty little friend group. She probably loses her arm by that behavior, albeit she gains a much more functional robot prosthesis that just gives her a new arm. I'd maybe compare it to an FMA prosthesis in terms of functionality. This would be the point where she starts to drift away from Yukari and Okina, eventually fully ghosting both and in time finding new friends in Satori and Byakuren.
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sagaciouscejai · 2 years
Also will you ever finish the modern au?
Also wah imma keep asking more about your aus I love it! Dhdhsbsb
Nah Modern AU is done. Talked to someone once about it and realized how bad the ideas were. Like, they were very specifically White Liberal ideas of a metropolitan Gensokyo, and it kinda took one person to really say "yeah this kinda sucks" for my own brain to take a step back and realize the ideas weren't as good as i thought. I don't feel all that comfortable sharing them either, so i'll leave that be. I could reboot it but i'd definitely change it up so heavily it really wouldn't be the same AU. Still a modern AU, but maybe better served as a modern fantasy AU moreso.
I don't mean to dissuade you on asking, though. Just, that one is a lot of bad and i'd rather focus on Sageswap or Touhoustuck rn.
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1rakus · 2 years
sageswap!sakura/karin thoughts?
theyre fucking and also insane coworkers who do NOT like each other, but they're both so uniquely bitchy and volatile that they orbit each other somewhat obsessively, like twin stars.... or lesbian preying mantises.... it actually gets better when sakura kills orochimaru because their power dynamic changes, so they both calm down somewhat. the first time karin sees sakura and ino interact she's like sakura you're a pussy for not IMMEDIATELY wifing that bombshell
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1rakus · 2 years
now where’s the akatsuki in this sageswap au?
doing the same stuff mostly. both sasuke and sakura are gathering intel on them the entire time and secretly have a pretty comprehensive case file between the two of them. as far as everyone else knows, they're not in contact at all, but sakura does randomly appear in his room at inns when jiraiya is out for the night to trade information and make teasing remarks on how he's perpetually single
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1rakus · 2 years
Sakura's relationship to the members of taka?:)
Also, the Kabuto stuff was all funny but the part about him getting his own case but getting looks for it made me weirdly sad lol
suigetsu's weirded out and scared but hes accepted that all women in his life are like this so he goes along with his day. juugo is stressed and doesnt like her because she genuinely doesnt have a moral compass but also really likes her because her upbeat attitude breaks him out of his shell but also doesnt like her because that means they get up to really weird and pretty destructive shit together. karin is fucking her but in a casual, vaguely hostile way. like fucking your coworker you don't really like because you find each other attractive and it's efficient cuz they're there
yeah kabuto's a miserable dude when he's not orochimaru's best little son-henchman-protege-handler
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1rakus · 2 years
sasuke killing off jiraya… maybe when he finds out he was the yondaime’s sensei and naruto’s godfather? family is a touchy topic for him
sasuke in sageswap becomes much more levelheaded and tactical, so he reserves his murders for opportune times and doesn't make as many decisions based on big revelations. he's initially building a case file on itachi's whereabouts but begins to discover the murky depths of why exactly itachi committed the genocide and the labyrinth of the konoha state apparatus. pein still kills jiraiya in sageswap; sasuke doesn't like him but ultimately wouldn't let such an enormous intelligence asset go to waste
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sasuketheenegro · 4 years
sakuras extremely fine chakra control scalpel. she will have you beat down and tied up and conscious. you’ll see her cold green eyes as she cuts into you with her finger, parting your skin like a line in sand. so sharp you almost don’t feel it until a few seconds after, blood running across 
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