#Slavery in the US
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nebula1734 · 2 months ago
I studied this in an American Social Justice course.
“Convict leasing” is something that has been done, especially in the southern US, since the reconstruction period. This is the reason why laws about things like loitering were created. In fact, this is why the 13th amendment outlaws slavery EXCEPT as a form of punishment.
When the 13th amendment was created and put into effect, the company and plantation owners who had used slave labour were (in their eyes) in a difficult situation. They could hire their former slaves, but they didn’t want to pay them. They could hire white workers, but they demanded hire pay. They could do a mixture of both, but that could lead to class solidarity, which the rich did not want.
So they worked with law makers to create laws that would specifically target people who were trying to get on their feet, and had very little.
A specific population, such as the newly freed African American population in the south, who had not really been given anything to help them start a new life.
Some of these laws were direct and outright targeted people of colour, but others were more subtle and could technically be enforced against any race, but were rarely enforced against those considered white.
Today, the racial aspect is more hidden since the social rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s, but the practice remains. A large portion of military equipment in the US is produced by prisoners, often working in working for little more than a few cents per hour, if that.
Don’t let them fool you. Slavery is still alive in the US, it is just a part of one of the World’s largest prison systems.
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newluddite · 1 month ago
The 51st State is Puerto Rico idiots
I am Canadian, but I grew up in the USA. Specifically Connecticut, in Fairfield County. By grew up it was from 2 months old to 21 years.
I was born in Winnipeg Manitoba. My father got a job in a research lab just outside of New York City. That is why this situation occurred. I could have and perhaps should have got a US citizenship, but I did not.
All countries have their myths and legends. England has King Arthur, France has Napoleon. The USA has the founding fathers. I know the US national anthem, when it was written and the music it was based on as Francis Scott Key was not a composer, but a poet. I know that the story of the US revolution was not about freedom and liberty.
I can go on about that and I may later.
When I graduated University I moved to Western Canada. Jobs for engineers were not easy to find in New England, which is what they still call that part of the USA. I found a good job in Alberta as an Engineer. Had I not I may have got US citizenship like my brother did.
Part of my decision was an unease I had with the stories and myths the US puts into the heads of school kids. They are a very conservative society. In Elementary School we had to recite the lord's prayer and pledge allegiance to a flag. This was in Liberal left wing New England. Imagine the stuff they did in the conservative south. By the time I was in middle school the prayers and pledge were no longer required. On the TV news the two main subjects were black people fighting for the same rights white people had, and a war in Asia against a small country.
A nation that beats its chest about freedom but denies it to some people? A nation that is proud that it threw off the yoke of a colonial foreign nation is at war to impose its will on another country? This was the daily news and weekly magazines, and a message pounded into the population. And it was not right. It was not true.
When as a child I knew things. I had no allegiance to that flag, my flag was different. The tyrant that was overthrown was the few times great grandfather of the sovereign I was supposed to be loyal too. I did not believe in that god as the stories made no sense. But I went along so as to not be an outsider. I grew up with heavy doubts.
So when I moved back to Canada it was with a sense of relief and hope and a feeling of not really belonging there either. But the myths were gentler and mostly true. There was no range wars against Indians. There were unfair treatment and other things. But Canada proved to be a loyal and reliable friend and ally when called upon. World War One started in 1914 for Canada. The US did not show up until it was almost over in 1917. World War 2 started in 1939 for Canada. Canadian soldiers were dying in battle while the US was debating and a nascent American Nazi party was formed. The USA joined the side of good and true in late 1941.
Canada has a real tradition of trying to be just. Perfect, far from it.
The destination of the underground railroad for escaped slaves was Canada, not northern states. There was a federal law to capture and return to the South those that got only as far as the Northern States.
Land of the Free, its Canada not the US.
Every nation in West Europe is free and democratic. There are rights for people and the rule of laws applied equally to all. A minority of people elected a US president that has bragged that laws do not apply to him. He is a convicted Felon. Convicted by a jury. (By minority I mean of eligible voters. Trump had 31% of all those who could have voted.)
The US has serious dangerous problems, and they are all of their own making. There are too many guns. There is digitally spread hate and racism. There is a failed health system, that is so bad the life expectancy of an average American is lower than any other major nation. But worst of all is the leadership is based on lies. Truth is a stranger to most of the elected US government. That is exacerbated by a extreme right wing media company (owned by a foreigner) that supports radical right views far beyond reason or truth.
So what rational intelligent nation would submit to the fate of being forced under threats to join the US. Not Canada.
If 20% of people here think it would be good, fine. That is a minority. If they want they should just move there and be done with it. They mostly look and sound just like Americans. Trump may even not deport them.
Under force it would put Canada at war with the US. For the record the worlds longest sniper kill was by a Canadian Sniper. Snipers are allowed in a state of war.
So if you want to add a star to the flag just give it to Puerto Rico, they want it. If you do not want to change the flag just give Hawaii back to the people the US took if from illegally. Or I like the Idea of Canada annexing Alaska. We could pay every Alaskan a million bucks to vote for that. It would make the map so much nicer.
Oh about the US revolution. That was because Slavery was about to become against the law in the English Colonies. A series of court cases in England in 1763 to 1772 found the state of Slavery not supported by law. That would lead to it being codified and enforceable in the Colonies. The leaders of the Rebellion were mostly southern plantation slave owners. Slavery was a major item in the Colonial economy and making it illegal would be crippling. So other reasons and excuses were invented. Those became the history as history is written by the winners.
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existennialmemes · 1 month ago
Nothing in the US is going to get better until we abolish slavery for real. Ubiquitously, with no exceptions. Protecting the rights of prisoners actively protects every person in the country.
If the laws allow for any class of people to be stripped of their rights, then any person could be stripped of their rights. And the State has an active incentive to criminalize its critics (like Briana Boston, who was arrested for terrorism despite never having committed a crime.)
As long as criminality is an excuse to strip anyone of their rights, none of us are safe.
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perrysoup · 6 months ago
Don’t let revisionists tell you otherwise
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nikidanger · 1 year ago
Just going to leave this here...
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hersheysmcboom · 7 months ago
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nando161mando · 1 year ago
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politijohn · 6 months ago
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profeminist · 1 year ago
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Source: "Cunk on Earth is a British mockumentary television series produced by Charlie Brooker. The series stars Diane Morgan as Philomena Cunk." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cunk_on_Earth
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dontmean2bepoliticalbut · 3 months ago
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low-cole-timothy · 5 months ago
“Anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitic because there are Jewish anti-zionists!”
Mark Robinson is the Lt. governor of North Carolina. Robinson wrote on a forum on the pornographic website Nude Africa that “slavery is not bad” and “some people need to be slaves . . . I would certainly buy a few,”
Mark Robinson is a black man, so if you apply the same logic the leftist antisemites do then when white supremicsts call for the reinstitution of slavery it isn’t racist because there are black people who want to reinstate slavery.
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bvckbiter · 20 days ago
fandom talks too little about hylla and reyna. reyna killed her father when she thought he'd killed hylla. hylla dragged them out of puerto rico and found them sanctuary and employment on circe's island AND became one of circe's favorites. then when they got captured by blackbeard hylla also got them out of that situation by out-pirating literal immortal pirates. then in a span of three years, they split up, found their own ways to the amazons and cj, and became the leaders of their respective factions. when hylla's queenship was being threatened by otrera in son, she plotted a counter-coup and defeated an amazon queen who couldn't die two nights in a row in one-on-one combat, THEN led her cavalry to camp jupiter. (ik this woman slept like a corpse for a week afterwards). hylla used reyna as an absolutely ruthless bait-and-switch to capture orion, and all reyna said in response to that was, "bet." reyna carries insurmountable amounts of both guilt and gratitude towards her sister. even though they havent seen each other in a while, hylla still drops everything and does everything in her power to save her baby sister when she knows reyna needs her.
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dosesofcommonsense · 4 months ago
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Oprah recently told her base that “black people need to vote Democrat because black people used to not have the right to vote”. Ahh…
1. Stop telling people who to vote for. Tell them why they should choose to vote for a candidate.
2. Oprah is a smart woman; she knows what she’s doing. Hollywood’s pimp didn’t reach the top without brains. She didn’t climb the dick ladder like Kamala. She led young girls to the dick ladder (Harvey Weinstein & Jeffrey Epstein & P Diddy), but she didn’t need that ride.
3. Black people were kept from voting by Democrats. The Civil War was fought to free slaves (more than blacks) from Democrat ownership. When the North won the war, Democrats kept the slaves enslaved and fought like hell to keep them from voting.
4. The Democrats fought against the civil rights movement, hoping to keep their slaves.
5. Most black people still vote Democrat. Why? Makes no sense.
Democrats and Globalists keep people enslaved.
Think about this. Why do Democrats (and all Globalists) scream about ending human trafficking and the sex slave trade as much as they scream about guns? There are rape trees at the border laden with the panties of kids and adults used by cartels, yet the media’s silent. One trans, mentally unstable kid shoots up a school, and guns aren’t safe for the average person.
Wake up!
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gamer2002 · 1 month ago
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kissingagrumpygiant · 25 days ago
I'm of the belief solas wouldn't fuck with emmrich actually
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