#Sirius black is best godfather
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springs-hurts · 2 years ago
I wasn't going to say anything about Sirius today but saw a reel and now I'm messed up.
People out there really think that Sirius thought Harry as an stand in for James. Like no no no, he didn't, he didn't, he did not.
He did compare him with James at some points no denying but he didn't saw him as James😭
As someone has already said on this site(i don't remember who worry) Sirius would never ever think of Harry as James, James was different, 𝘑𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴.😭
He knew perfectly well about the difference b/w harry and James.
That's it.
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bananacat890203 · 2 years ago
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「HOME」 ❤
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padfootswhiskers · 1 year ago
listening to the poa audiobook and it’s crazy how harry sees himself in sirius even before he knows who he is 😭😭 he’s got messy hair?? uncle vernon doesn’t like him?? god, me too
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timdrakemybeloved · 3 months ago
rant time:
people LOVE sirius black, and they don’t even know it. they want their faves to be sirius black so fucking bad, but their faves just aren’t, so what do they do? they give all of sirius’ complex, sometimes bad, sometimes good, extremely iconic and well known character traits to their faves, and make sirius one dimensional. meanwhile canon is right there proving them wrong, and their faves are a knock off sirius black, and canon sirius just does it better 🤷🏾‍♀️. they hate him so bad bc their faves could never.
like they make barty crouch jr and that evan rosier dude impulsive and sometimes cruel copy pastes of sirius in “slytherin skittle” fanon, even though we have like two seconds of canon from rosier and everything we know about barty is from insane circumstances. we know nothing about rosier, and we only know that barty is good at dada, kind of a competent teacher, insane and devoted to the dark lord. the entire time we know barty, he’s literally pretending to be someone else. and he’s succeeding, so much so that dumbledore, who knew moody for forever didn’t realize.
they makes regulus a heroic champion for disenfranchised groups even though he literally does not give a fuck. he didn’t care until his house elf was harmed. and they make sirius a bad guy for not rescuing regulus like hello?? sirius rescued himself. it was not his responsibility to rescue regulus. if regulus wanted to be rescued so damn bad, maybe he should have done it himself. they make regulus a scapegoat in the black family as if he wasn’t the perfect son who believed in their bigoted beliefs and swore as a death eater willingly… like if you want a rebel, someone who was disowned for their beliefs SIRIUS IS RIGHT THERE. and andromeda now that i think about it.
they make sirius short and dramatic and twinky and one dimensional and dumb so remus can be a tall genius who pulls people left and right. meanwhile, sirius got all o’s while putting in zero effort his entire time at school, he’s tall and charming and he’s an extremely complex character. oh and REMUS IS SHOWN READING A BOOK ONE TIME. how does that make him a genius. sirius is in fact one of the least one dimensional characters in the entire series, one of the few people with a nuanced view on dark and light, good and bad, death eater and non death eater, slytherin and non slytherin. and he teaches harry that, he tells him how the world isn’t divided into good people and death eaters, he tells him how everyone has good and bad in them and the only thing that matters is your actions. i firmly believe that if sirius found out about harry almost sorting slytherin, he would not have been phased.
they make sirius conflate harry with james, when that’s literally not true. he lashed out when harry wouldn’t agree to meet in gof, because harry cared more about sirius’ safety than sirius did, because sirius needed to help harry. and the “nice one, james” isn’t even canon to me, or canon in the books. but his priority, always, is harry’s safety and happiness. just because molly weasley wants to hide information from harry, that he’ll later find out anyway in horrible ways from people who use it against him, doesn’t mean sirius is a bad parent. just because molly thinks hiding information from harry will signal to voldemort that harry is a child and shouldn’t be attacked, doesn’t mean sirius is a bad parent.
sirius is actually the best parent for harry, because he understands that whatever harry wants, harry will be a target. harry needs information to keep him safe. i mean, see what happens when people don’t tell harry that the dark lord wants something in the department of mysteries and would try and trick him there! sirius is VERY vocal about harry not being reckless, and harry listens to him! when he send a note not to be reckless, harry thinks snidely about sirius’ hypocrisy and then does exactly what sirius asks, like a normal teenager. this is the balance needed to be an effective parent to a child like harry potter. and you know who DOES conflate harry and james, even though they’re two very different people with very different pasts? SNAPE.
and what is it with people giving harry a third parent, and it’s like…. regulus, who they erase lily for. they erase james too bc in what world would james go for a death eater? he has SUCH rigid beliefs, to the point of harming people for being death eaters in school. or it’s remus, who doesn’t give a fuck about harry, and doesn’t even remotely have a relationship with him. he gives up chances to be in harry’s life constantly, and he’s not at all reliable or a constant figure in harry’s life. or it’s fucking snape, who verbally abused harry for the entire series… like do y’all really think the dark lord was monitering snape and crucio-ing him if he sees signs of snape being a neutral teacher? snape’s actions towards harry (and neville actually) are reprehensible and entirely his responsibility, not some act to satisfy voldemort.
and sirius is right there!! harry trusts him, harry loves him, harry VIEWS HIM AS A PARENT, and those factors literally aren’t there for any other adult in the series. sirius was there for harry the second he could be, and he reached out over and over to make sure harry knew he could come to him, and you know what? harry did come to him. when harry had a dream of voldemort and his scar was hurting, when harry was entered into the triwizard tournament, sirius did so much for harry and never complained because he loved him and he was devoted to harry.
and sirius has a fuck ton of flaws too! he has ptsd and anger issues, he lashes out at harry when he wants harry to meet (because he values harry’s safety far over his own, while harry doesn’t), he hurts people intentionally, he hates kreacher (not because he’s a house elf, but because of his actions, and sirius’s trauma), he can be reckless, he doesn’t give a shit about legality, like he’s a flawed dude. but some things he’s not are an unmitigated asshole to children, a bigot, or an irresponsible parent.
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starchaserdreams · 9 months ago
Sometimes I have really bad imposter syndrome and I wonder if I'm actually a good writer.
Today I went back and read my little Sirius-raising-Harry one shot from James' perspective beyond the grave and made myself cry throughout basically the whole thing, so maybe I do know what I'm doing.
Here's the story, if you're interested. Thank Merlin for Sirius Black, 1,800 words.
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vigilantempathy · 6 months ago
My teenage godson is visiting and we just binge-watched both Hazbin Hotel and Good Omens together. He’s decided that the Hazbin Hotel counterpart pairing to the ineffable husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley) is the “effable”/“F-able husbands” (Husk/Angel Dust).
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siriuslylu · 6 months ago
James: Harry! Did you break the flower vase?
Harry: no
James: are you being serious with me right now?
Harry: no, I’m being Harry, *points at his godfather* he’s Sirius
James: *sighs* I knew we should have picked Remus
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whereis-mypizza · 1 year ago
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v-a-l · 1 year ago
The worst thing about Wolfstar is that Remus’ mediocrity and negligence is blamed on Sirius to facilitate a false equivalence that hinges entirely on Remus having Sirius’ personality and Sirius having no personality.
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months ago
⭐️ Sirius Sundays ⭐️
Sirius + Harry + James hanging out together
Sirius crouches down on the ground, knees digging into the plush carpet and providing a warmth that the outside couldn’t bring. It’s cosy here, in the Potters living room, always has been. It’s one of his favorite places to be.
In his hand, is a blue little wooden train car, and he pushes it along the carpet, puffing out his cheeks and making animated steam train sounds with his mouth. He screeches, one eye squinting shut when the wooden train approaches a mountain, and prepares itself to go up.
The wooden toy with rickety wheels turns up, climbing over socked little toes, darting up a chubby leg and racing up his little body. He makes zooming noises with his mouth, so expressionate it makes little Harry burst out with laughter as the train zips over his head and back down the other side of him.
He laughs so hard his little face goes red, and whilst grabbing his feet, he begins to topple backwards.
Sirius drops the toy, hands darting out to catch the boy before his head hits the ground. On this plush carpet, no damage was sure to be done, but Sirius worries about his Godson. One can never be too careful, he believes.
Harry doesn’t relent with his giggling and Sirius begins to worry if the sweet boy can breathe at all. He lifts Harry high into the air, giving him a little shake that has him wiggling his arms and legs about with joy. And in one swift movement, he pulls Harry down into his hold and snuggles him tight, slapping dramatic kisses all over his chubby little face.
Harry is delighted by this, and he grabs for Sirius’ hair, small fingers trying to twist between the strands, but Sirius has it tied into double braids so no strands find themselves wrapped taught around his fingers.
That had happened, not too long ago, a strand of Lily’s hair had the babe crying so hard they rushed into St Mungoes for help. Now, there’s a strict rule to keep all hair tightly tied back, and double braids seem to be working the best for Lily, so Sirius bites.
He clicks his tongue, tutting at his Godson with a smile, “No, no, no, little Bambi. That’s my hair, you’ll get your own someday. If you turn out to be anything like your dad I promise you’ll have a glorious mop to mess with anytime you-“
“Oi!” James shouted, cutting across the living room to continue hanging decorations. It’s Lilys birthday today, and they’re going to have a party. Sirius is supposed to be helping with the decorations, but how is he supposed to get anything done when playing with Harry and his trains are an option?
Harry giggles some more.
Sirius sets him back down, sitting flat on his own arse now, Harry between his legs. They both face the little toy train tracks, and Sirius reaches to pull everything closer so Harry can play. He picks up a red train and shows it to Sirius, incoherent rambling leaving his lips until he’s blowing spit bubbles and laughing to himself. Sirius can’t help but laugh too.
“WOW!” Sirius gasped, “That story truly is magnificent, Harry.”
Harry smiles and turns back to his trains, leaning forward until he’s crawling, pushing the train back and forth a little distance. He’s trying to make zooming noises, just as Sirius had. With a smile, Sirius grabs his own train and makes noises for Harry to imitate.
The little boy makes his train zip around, laughing every time his crashes into Sirius’, the little rascal. He really is just like his dad.
Harry makes his train go up the hill of Sirius’ leg, and crawls along to make it drive up his torso and over his head, which Sirius had to lean down in order for Harry to reach.
Harry is beside himself with giggles, so Sirius snatches him up to tickle and blow raspberries on his puffy cheeks. His laughter is so delightful, Sirius can’t help but feel a tremendous amount of love for the baby. He’d do anything to ensure that laughter never dies. He’d do anything for Harry, anything at all.
Harry smiles at him, now held closely in Sirius’ arms for a cuddle. He presses a soft kiss to Harry’s brow and whispers, “I love you, Harry.”
Harry smiles up at him, little hands reaching up to grab at Sirius’ face. He tries to bring himself closer, and Sirius moves him where he likes, and Harry presses a kiss to the high of Sirius’ cheek. Or, well, what he supposes is a kiss. Harry just opened his mouth and pressed it to Sirius’ face, letting his slobber get everywhere in the process, and he popped his lips to imitate the sound of a kiss his parents always make when giving him kisses.
Sirius smiles at the boy, and smacks another dramatic little kiss on his cheek, and Harry goes to kiss Sirius’ nose, leaving it covered in saliva as well. Sirius laughed, smacking a few kisses all over the baby's chubby face, and Harry, of course, copy’s his behaviour, and by the time he’s done, Sirius’ face is wet and smells of formula.
“You are lucky you’re just a baby, Harry.” Sirius says, lifting the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face, “That is disgusting,” he says, sticking out his tongue in distaste.
Harry is beside himself with laughter again.
Sirius sits him back down on the ground between his legs, handing Harry the red train again, racing him with his own. James takes a seat on the ground beside them, clearly bored of setting up all on his own.
“He really loves you.” James comments, reaching out to pet his son on the head, “Thinks you’re the coolest.”
“I am the coolest.” Sirius says with a flourish of his hand, flicking a braid back behind his ear.
“I’m glad to know he has you if…”
“Don’t think about that, James.” Sirius said, putting a hand on the other man’s thigh to soothe him, “Nothing will happen to you. I’ll keep you safe, always.”
James smiled sadly, leaning his head over onto Sirius’ shoulder. He’s so tired these days, always so tired.
“Harry will grow up a happy boy.” Sirius said, nodding as if his words were certain. And to him, they were, he believed every single one of them.
Many years later, he’ll think about those words, all those promises he made, and they’ll haunt him.
“You and Lily will watch him grow, Prongs, I’ve no doubts about it. We’ll win the war for him. He’ll be the reason the war is won, I can feel it in my bones.” 
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ouch, sorry about that
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mrsnerdygirl · 5 months ago
His eyes burned suddenly and he blinked. He felt stupid for admitting it, but the fact that he had had someone outside Hogwarts who cared what happened to him, almost like a parent, had been one of the best things about discovering his godfather... and now the post owls would never bring him that comfort again...
The fact that this is all we got in regards of the pain is insane.
I know it is a books for children, but we need an adult version for Harry Potter. I need to feel the pain that these books hold right now .
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impishtubist · 1 year ago
I’m rewatching poa and I have a new headcannon that the reason Harry was able to produce such a powerful patronus to save Sirius and himself is because he was thinking of he and Sirius living together after hogwarts because after less than 3 hours with Sirius that’s his happiest memory
Oh yes 100%! That mere daydream of getting to live with Sirius was enough to produce Harry's most powerful Patronus yet. He has known the man for three hours and already he is Dad and Harry will die for him!!! Just having an adult actually care about him for once gave him so much happiness! He was so starved for it! I'm gonna be sick.
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bananacat890203 · 2 years ago
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Clingy Godfather~!!!!
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padfootswhiskers · 2 years ago
sirius was not reckless when it came to harry send tweet
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springs-hurts · 1 year ago
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Do you understand how much I hate and love this scene? We'll be proper family " Gods! I can't- like plotwise I know it's next to impossible to have Sirius alive for it'll affect the deathly Hallows plot( I don't mind tbh)
But Harry was that one last thing for whom Sirius was living, Sirius would have liked to go the way he did, while battling but I don't think he ever wanted to leave Harry behind.
I'm happy that he'll be with James again, on the other hand, I'm sad that Harry won't have his godfather, one person with whom he could behave like a kid.
The way he asked and denied and then accepted that Sirius wasn't coming back, oh! I think that was one of the best written scenes in the whole series. In the top 3 even.
In the whole damn series there are only 4 people I care bout, two sets of best friends. One set is gone, another lives on...
I hate it I hate it I hate it.
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myheadisemptyffonly · 2 years ago
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Cute and all but how is that even a hobbie? Proff that Sirius Black is the best godfather.
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