#mentions of side jily
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months ago
⭐️ Sirius Sundays ⭐️
Sirius + Harry + James hanging out together
Sirius crouches down on the ground, knees digging into the plush carpet and providing a warmth that the outside couldn’t bring. It’s cosy here, in the Potters living room, always has been. It’s one of his favorite places to be.
In his hand, is a blue little wooden train car, and he pushes it along the carpet, puffing out his cheeks and making animated steam train sounds with his mouth. He screeches, one eye squinting shut when the wooden train approaches a mountain, and prepares itself to go up.
The wooden toy with rickety wheels turns up, climbing over socked little toes, darting up a chubby leg and racing up his little body. He makes zooming noises with his mouth, so expressionate it makes little Harry burst out with laughter as the train zips over his head and back down the other side of him.
He laughs so hard his little face goes red, and whilst grabbing his feet, he begins to topple backwards.
Sirius drops the toy, hands darting out to catch the boy before his head hits the ground. On this plush carpet, no damage was sure to be done, but Sirius worries about his Godson. One can never be too careful, he believes.
Harry doesn’t relent with his giggling and Sirius begins to worry if the sweet boy can breathe at all. He lifts Harry high into the air, giving him a little shake that has him wiggling his arms and legs about with joy. And in one swift movement, he pulls Harry down into his hold and snuggles him tight, slapping dramatic kisses all over his chubby little face.
Harry is delighted by this, and he grabs for Sirius’ hair, small fingers trying to twist between the strands, but Sirius has it tied into double braids so no strands find themselves wrapped taught around his fingers.
That had happened, not too long ago, a strand of Lily’s hair had the babe crying so hard they rushed into St Mungoes for help. Now, there’s a strict rule to keep all hair tightly tied back, and double braids seem to be working the best for Lily, so Sirius bites.
He clicks his tongue, tutting at his Godson with a smile, “No, no, no, little Bambi. That’s my hair, you’ll get your own someday. If you turn out to be anything like your dad I promise you’ll have a glorious mop to mess with anytime you-“
“Oi!” James shouted, cutting across the living room to continue hanging decorations. It’s Lilys birthday today, and they’re going to have a party. Sirius is supposed to be helping with the decorations, but how is he supposed to get anything done when playing with Harry and his trains are an option?
Harry giggles some more.
Sirius sets him back down, sitting flat on his own arse now, Harry between his legs. They both face the little toy train tracks, and Sirius reaches to pull everything closer so Harry can play. He picks up a red train and shows it to Sirius, incoherent rambling leaving his lips until he’s blowing spit bubbles and laughing to himself. Sirius can’t help but laugh too.
“WOW!” Sirius gasped, “That story truly is magnificent, Harry.”
Harry smiles and turns back to his trains, leaning forward until he’s crawling, pushing the train back and forth a little distance. He’s trying to make zooming noises, just as Sirius had. With a smile, Sirius grabs his own train and makes noises for Harry to imitate.
The little boy makes his train zip around, laughing every time his crashes into Sirius’, the little rascal. He really is just like his dad.
Harry makes his train go up the hill of Sirius’ leg, and crawls along to make it drive up his torso and over his head, which Sirius had to lean down in order for Harry to reach.
Harry is beside himself with giggles, so Sirius snatches him up to tickle and blow raspberries on his puffy cheeks. His laughter is so delightful, Sirius can’t help but feel a tremendous amount of love for the baby. He’d do anything to ensure that laughter never dies. He’d do anything for Harry, anything at all.
Harry smiles at him, now held closely in Sirius’ arms for a cuddle. He presses a soft kiss to Harry’s brow and whispers, “I love you, Harry.”
Harry smiles up at him, little hands reaching up to grab at Sirius’ face. He tries to bring himself closer, and Sirius moves him where he likes, and Harry presses a kiss to the high of Sirius’ cheek. Or, well, what he supposes is a kiss. Harry just opened his mouth and pressed it to Sirius’ face, letting his slobber get everywhere in the process, and he popped his lips to imitate the sound of a kiss his parents always make when giving him kisses.
Sirius smiles at the boy, and smacks another dramatic little kiss on his cheek, and Harry goes to kiss Sirius’ nose, leaving it covered in saliva as well. Sirius laughed, smacking a few kisses all over the baby's chubby face, and Harry, of course, copy’s his behaviour, and by the time he’s done, Sirius’ face is wet and smells of formula.
“You are lucky you’re just a baby, Harry.” Sirius says, lifting the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face, “That is disgusting,” he says, sticking out his tongue in distaste.
Harry is beside himself with laughter again.
Sirius sits him back down on the ground between his legs, handing Harry the red train again, racing him with his own. James takes a seat on the ground beside them, clearly bored of setting up all on his own.
“He really loves you.” James comments, reaching out to pet his son on the head, “Thinks you’re the coolest.”
“I am the coolest.” Sirius says with a flourish of his hand, flicking a braid back behind his ear.
“I’m glad to know he has you if…”
“Don’t think about that, James.” Sirius said, putting a hand on the other man’s thigh to soothe him, “Nothing will happen to you. I’ll keep you safe, always.”
James smiled sadly, leaning his head over onto Sirius’ shoulder. He’s so tired these days, always so tired.
“Harry will grow up a happy boy.” Sirius said, nodding as if his words were certain. And to him, they were, he believed every single one of them.
Many years later, he’ll think about those words, all those promises he made, and they’ll haunt him.
“You and Lily will watch him grow, Prongs, I’ve no doubts about it. We’ll win the war for him. He’ll be the reason the war is won, I can feel it in my bones.” 
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ouch, sorry about that
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commit-arson-immediately · 1 year ago
Ok but jegulus band au where they broke up a bit ago over a misunderstanding cuz theyre incapable of communicating and regulus writes golden retriever boy and James writes yours and they come out within days of each other and like the absolute chaos that comes from that
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sunshinemarauder · 7 months ago
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Announcing... JILY WEEK 2024!
For the past two years, the lovely @thegobletofweasleys ran Jily Week. This year, she decided to step back from hosting it and passed it on to Kelsey ( @kay-elle-cee ) and me, who are so excited to share the Jily love with all of you! Jot it down on your calendar for August 19th to 25th!
To participate, post a creative work corresponding to the daily prompt - fanfiction, fanart, playlists, metas, moodboards, etcetera - anything goes! You can participate in as few or as many days as possible, but we challenge everyone to try and create something for every prompt, even if it's only a hundred-word drabble or a 5-minute sketch! Don't stress about meeting the exact prompt or the deadline - the most important thing is to have fun with it!
Remember to tag your works with #jily week 2024, mention @sunshinemarauder and @kay-elle-cee, and add any fic you write to the Jily Week 2024 AO3 Collection.
19th of August - Love is in the Hair
Featuring those iconic "wow"/"oh" moments: Lily getting distracted by that classic hand-through-hair moment from James, and James stunned speechless by Lily's ethereal redheaded beauty.
20th of August - Partners in Crime
Partners in Potions class, Aurors out on a case, fighting side-by-side in the Order, engaging in some espionage — these two do it all!
21st of August - In Vino Veritas
Those moments of suspicious-liquid-induced confessions, be they from Veritaserum, Felix Felicis, Amortentia, or a heavy pour of firewhiskey.
22nd of August - Flip the Script
Gender swap, blood status swap, talent swap, personality swap — take a characteristic from one and give it to the other!
23rd of August - Matchmaker, Matchmaker
These two are stubborn, and we all know it. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of a... push, whether from meddling Marauders or matchmaking mamas.
24th of August - Inspired By...
Write the AU of your dreams! Set as a romcom, inspired by mythology, or staged in medieval times — we welcome it all. Jily in university; as celebrities, cowboys, or vampires; transported into Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, or your favorite story — any AU you can think of, write it! Special shoutout to @maluceh for inspiring this prompt!
25th of August - Continuation Station
That sequel idea that's nagging you? That missing moment from canon or your fic that you're dying to revisit? The prequel to give some fun context to that one-shot? This is your sign to write it!
Feel free to message us or drop an ask in our inbox if you have any questions!
Let the games begin...
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chaoticfandomgirly · 6 months ago
The Stupidity of hating on fanon, featuring Jegulus.
Alright folks,
Welcome to another one of my rants because I found out that there are jegulus haters on tumblr. I have not encountered one but I saw it on my mutuals' page and I had some words (a lot of words) to say.
So let's get started...
One of the main complaints is saying that 'James would never fall for Regulus.' Umm...child, do you know what fanfic is? What fanon is? If not let me spell it out for you- it's made up. Something that is not canon and created by fans by employing their imaginations. We are not saying that James would fall for Regulus in canon at all, so please don't come barging in with your opinions. So yes, we don't really care about canon anyways.
Secondly, the argument of 'Regulus being a terrible person and pureblood supremacist' is really weak. Alright, he was a pureblood supremacist and was involved in terrible things. But do you know what else he was? He was just a 17 year old boy who grew up in an abusive household. A boy who had lost his big brother and had to learn survival at an age too young. He grew up before his time and was so traumatized that he always wanted to please his parents and do as they wish. Regulus was just another victim and he also was the one who ended up being the catalyst to Voldemort's defeat. As someone who studies psychology, viewing a person on the surface is the biggest sign of ignorance and it really shows. As for 'being terrible' then let's not forget that canon James wasn't all sunshine and rainbows either. He improved ofc, but he was still an asshole when he was young. Also, we really don't have enough background on canon Regulus to place him in one box. I love that some people want to believe him as good and fill in the blanks by writing something redeeming.
Then comes the 'it's a misogynistic ship'. Now, I won't argue it fully because I do think there are some people out there who don't like Jily bc they hate Lily. But, from what I've seen majority shippers ship both of them interchangeably or in a polyarmorous sense too. In fact, most jegulus shippers are also Marylily and pandalily shippers too. I really can't see anything misogynistic in it. I've actually read some great fics where Lily is a strong independent woman who is fierce and an overall queen.
And, if the 'canon' of it bothers you too much, then you should check out early Jegulus fics like Choices where nothing is sugar-coated. James still ends up with Lily. But in the end, it leaves you thinking and rooting for them anyways. The more new Jegulus fics are on a fluffier side but that fluff came in after bearing the pain of the full of angst fics like Choices.
Another thing should be noted is that these characters are also a big part of queer community. I've seen so many fans exploring themselves through these characters. Like Regulus as Trans is becoming a popular headcanon and it shows that through creative expression people are finding a safe place to explore. And if you're a bigot then...that is frankly a you problem. One I, or jegulus fans, don't want any part of.
In the end, my motive is not to convince you of shipping these two. It clearly started as a crackship, one even I stumbled upon accidentally. But the fandom has made it into something really beautiful and I think instead of spreading hate we should accept it. There are more problematic pairings to be concerned about, trust me. This one is the least of them all.
Thank you for listening to my rant. And if you have anything negative to say, kindly don't because it would just be proof of your own stupidness. There is no point you can argue about with anything substantial. Because in the end it's fanon. Let fans do what they want and if you don't like it then ignore. No one is forcing it on you.
@corwnvus I hope this covers it all. Also, I love your art. Did I mention that, already?
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unhinged-as-hell · 18 days ago
Okay but a bit of a rant here. People have their spaces in a fandom I can accept that, but people on both sides go into the spaces they shouldn't be. I did this before too, I know that, but I learned something called fandom fucking etiquette, for which I have seen an ungodly amount of people(especially in the jily tag) not follow.
At this point, I've felt more hate from this fandom then anything fuckin fun anymore because if you don't ship a popular ship and follow particular headcanons for a character, you can't interact with 90% of this fandom. I have been called homophobic three times because I don't like Jegulus, and it makes me feel like shit.
I'd bet you 100 bucks that someone would call me racist if I said I didn't like the Desi James hc, or fatphobic because I don't like the plus sized Lily hc, despite the fact that I am both Desi and fat. Hell I don't like most of the 'diversity' hcs. Am I gonna be bitchy about it? No, because those hcs aren't the end of the world. I still interact with content with hcs that I don't personally hc. But some people do act like it's the end of the world, and apparently that's my fault.
Now I've noticed this fandom has "Take the characters back from JKR" mentality, hence the diverse hcs, and I will ask you this, you know that's not gonna work, right? You can't take the characters from the person who wrote them. They still belong to her, it doesn't matter if you change everything about them, they still belong to her. She's a bitch and I hate everything she stands for(i am everything she stands against), but it's not doing anything, I have trans and queer friends who recognize it's not doing anything, because they are still her characters, and you can't take them away from her.
Now I mention this because people(people like me) who don't ship ships or hc which are diverse get hate for it, even if we don't support jkr. But we're the same. We are reaching the same destination, which is nowhere. I've said it before, if the fandom ever starts dying down I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes more of a bitch to bring it back.
I genuinely don't feel safe in this fandom anymore and I've seen plenty of people that don't either.
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prongsandpetals · 3 months ago
no one asked for this but i’m saying it anyway because i am tired of this grandpa.
i dont hate jegulus or their shippers. personally, it doesnt make sense to me and my moral compass trickles into fiction meaning i dont have much interest in any of the slytherins. it could also be the fact that when people would create oc’s for james in their fics 10 yrs ago and made lily a raging bitch id be fighting them all in the comments- a fight or flight response that now has spread to jegulus- but thats neither here nor there. it brings people joy and they are fictional characters, and it doesnt physically hurt anyone!
but there is something to be said about some of the less savoury implications it has had on the fandom. it feels as though jily is in its own subfandom sort of pushed to the side, leaving two mlm ships to dominate. unfortunately a lottt of female characters have been forgotten or pushed aside because of this. a lot of people who joined the fandom not that long ago either dont know or forget that this fandom was not built on either wolfstar (who i love), or jegulus. yes, they popularised them, but this fandom has revolved around jily for over 10 years. not to mention many of these fics were written from lilys pov, meaning there was so much more depth put into the girls characters. to erase this is to erase the fandoms history.
the diversifying of characters is something amazing that has come more recently with the popularisation of the fandom and thats one of the good parts!! however if someone still views aaron taylor johnson as their james, that doesn’t make them a racist - the man has been james since at least 2006.
another (smaller) thing ive seen is someone will post a song or a photo and attribute it to a jily moment with harry that we can realistically see happening canonically and a comment will say something along the lines of: “this but its how james felt when regulus (insert something that did not happen here)” idk if its the autism but god those always get me a little bit, especially when it includes harry.
similarly, it feels as though people who ship jily are assumed to be less progressive. as a lesbian jily shipper i can’t disagree more. just because a ship is a straight ship does not make it a bad ship - i think we can all agree there are so many amazing LGBTQ+ ships out there now for everyone to enjoy. it does feel quite strange to me to place the two characters who created the child that there are seven books about into different ships, but people like them so its chill!! but when its just complete eradication or discontent with the canon ship… ;(
i also think that to have jegulus be endgame (except aus), a lot of james’s insanely important character traits literally HAVE to be erased. his hatred for death eaters and fight for justice, his unending loyalty to his friends - especially sirius- his black and white view on right and wrong, all of these traits become warped and stretched when it comes to jegulus. of course there isnt much canon to go off of so when people disregard it entirely i can understand it to a degree. but when you erase the important canon points we have on their characters, we are basically just creating oc’s with real characters names.
another thing that i find irksome is the fetishisation of these mlm ships- if youre gonna ship two men together do it right!! why are you calling regulus a cute little baby victim and james a big strong protector!! let them be complex and messy or dont do it at all! not to mention the erasure of a lot of wlw ships... lowkey gives girl who has gay boy best friend that thinks lesbians are weird… anyways off topic! ive heard people say its not fetishisation, its because the female characters arent written with depth- that’s why people read jegulus and wolfstar! okay? go give the girls some depth? regulus is a character we basically know nothing about canonically and youve turned him into a fully fleshed character who is now a lot of peoples favourite - it can be done with the girls too. there is such emphasis placed on wolfstar and jegulus for their deep, tragic love stories - and the marauders friendship in general. the gryffindor girls are right there. dorlene is right there. marylene is right there.
and if it truly werent fetishisation, i would argue that it can be a romanticisation of toxic relationships. a lot of people dislike jily because there is no “angst”. the angst is fighting in a war at 21 years old. the angst is lily and james’s differing blood statuses and the implications this has on their lives. the angst is having a prophecy hanging over their unborn child’s head that forces them into hiding. the angst is being betrayed by their best friend, leading them to sacrifice themselves for their family and the wizarding world. the angst is literally right there, but because their relationship is healthy and happy- one of the only things in their lives that is not full of pain- they are deemed boring.
again, i dont hate jegulus. i especially dont dislike anyone who likes the ship and gets something out of it. but there is so much change this fandom has gone through since their introduction and popularisation that has made interacting with the fandom as a whole almost unbearable sometimes, and thats what i do hate.
all in all, multishippers definitely have the most fun.
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kay-elle-cee · 1 year ago
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In Search of Something More || Read Chapter 2 on Ao3 A Jily Regency AU || 6.4K Words || Rated M || Playlist
In the sunlit garden of her sister’s home, Lord Potter had promised Lily a life of her own design, with minimal expectations—her presence at community events, companionship, and an heir. As the two stumble into the routine of marriage and work to make a life together at Stinchcombe Hall, unsolicited feelings provoke each to start wondering if this is merely a marriage…or if it could be something more.
A continuation of this Jilytober entry.
Chapter 2: Stinchcombe Hall
When Lily wakes, it’s with a stretch of her arms out to the side and a gentle flutter of her eyes as she blinks the remnants of sleep away. Once they open and adjust to the room around her, she freezes. This bed is too large, the sheets too nice, the air too cold. Not to mention the size of the room itself and all of its intricate furnishings. It takes her a moment to place herself, her thumb rubbing over the golden band on her left hand. That’s right, she thinks, Stinchcombe Hall. No more Dursleys. Her muscles relax and she sinks into the large bed—her bed, she thinks almost giddily—content to just lie there for an extra few minutes before coming face-to-face with the reality of her new life. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought herself a Countess. She was never one to dream of grandeur or strive for connections like her sister. Lily always imagined she’d marry decently, perhaps a gentleman who would court her during her season or even someone who worked in town. Honestly, she had never minded the thought of remaining perfectly average, as long as she was arguably happy. But Countess? 
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del-stars · 3 months ago
haha . saw your infidelity prongsfoot post and you happened to mention lily cheating on james w my wife mary macdonald . for the sake of my health tell me more if i dont hear about them i will fall gravely ill and my frail frame will succumb to eternal slumber 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️
let’s TALK about it
do i fw marylily usually? not really. but in THIS context? delicious.
listen. lily is not taking this lying down. AND! sorry but bi4bi jily do in fact love each other in this context. if her husband wants to get a lil gay w it on the side? now that’s none of her business. bc she also understands the urge to get a lil gay w it when ur in a heterosexual marriage. she defo needs to feel like she’s getting back at james somehow, which is it’s mary. they DEFINITELY had a similar arrangement in school so they just sort of kick back up w it, getting obscenely wine drunk and eating each other out. marylily is distinctly different then prongsfoot’s dynamic - they rly are best friends who happen to get each other off every once in a while. mary is completely unbothered. she’s like aww that husband i told you not to marry is treating u wrong again? come & sit on this face bbg
now james? james is butthurt about this. is he doing the exact same thing? yes. but he’s a hypocrite. and he shows some semblance of remorse, which lily does not. she’s getting even AND getting her shit ate by two munches. win-win for her
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jmagnabo92 · 4 months ago
Hey The Prongsfoot Anon, who is dissatisfied with James, here, ,,
THaks for taking your time out and replying.
I did not get what I was looking for but i am really grateful for your words all the same.
Have a nice day!
Also i have read the small stories you wirte on the pair. I told you that i was talking about the long stories on Prongsfoot. It wasn't about the stories you write. THey are sweet and cute. I love them all. But then I go looking for long stories and don't like that the source of all angst is about made about sirius who is struggling more than James is. There it seems that James has it easy.
Also I wanted to clear that i am not against divorce. In fact I am pro for it. I meant that in the society around me, divorce has a reason. Like in your recent fic, Marlene felt that Sirius has always been in love with James and tried with her less etc. she felt cheated and wanted to hurt sirius. THis is the type of divorce I was talking aabout feels real. In comparision Jily divoice felt like they woke up one morning. Talked , they were on the same page, ready to divorce and co-parent harry and harry is all okay and chill with his parent's sepration. No one has gone through any emotional turmoil due to sepration. all is fine is dandy. Again, I am just using your story as an example because almost all the story with lily alive and jily divorce are based on the concep of a painless smooth jily divorce and that is what i was saying that if they were so good in communication, if they are so in link with each other, why divorce and not try more for the marriage. so it feels unreal- the being in each other's life - best friends and giving advices and being all chummy after divorce.
Also the serial you mentioned. I only have watched the initual episodes of 911 but that lady and thier kids are really effected by that man's coming out. The children are not readily acceptng. THe woman herself feels betrayed for a brief period. Later they may have reconcilefd etc but they have had a journey. Also i remeber that the lady married the man because her bilogical clock was ticking. Almost like the pact of marrying your freind after certain age. Jily is different because if canon way is chosen then at 20 they were not compromising by saddling with each other. They chose each other.
I think the grit is missing with jily break and divorce in Progsffot fandom. James and Lily behave too matures.
You don't have to reply for this. I was just really appreciative of the efforts it took for you to type that long reply and i wanted to explain my side of story a bit more.
WHat I said about James's maturity is that after those early years in stories that his struggles are over. WHat i meant when i said that i imagine him as a person who will have trouble maturing is because i think that he is the perfect mix of naive and optimistic to be like that. THe teenager who thinks that all problems are over once he reaches adulthood.thinking that being adult means having anwers to all problems. Etc.
What I mean that a James in his 30's has to have his own struggles with life. which are appropriate to experiece of a man that age which brings new obstacles and pains. Maybe Harry is entering his teen age where all kids begin hating their parents. Maybe he is having quarter life crisis. MAybe Lily is upset that he is asking for divorce when she is happy in her marriage life. Etc.
This is alos the issue, Lily is Petunia's sister. Petunia wanted to come accross as a settled woman with great life. SO, Lily being okay with divorce seems ooc.
Also I think i mentioned in my previous ask but i never said that SIruis is feminized. What i meant him taking that girly roles meant that in soap operas and in traditional romance stories, the girl is the one who is struggling and then the boy swoops in to save the day. A prongsfoot story in which James has no life problems and is chill feels like that. Not the best comparisiion but Prongsfoot angst is always heavy on Sirius's side that is why i drew the comparision.
So, yes this was all.
Again you don't have to reply again. I just thought I owed it to you to explain my side a bit better. I am not sure if I was succesful or not....
Anyways. Take care.....
Well, hello, Anon.  
I know you said that I didn’t have to answer, but I felt compelled, too, because I’m genuinely curious - what WERE you hoping to get out of these asks?  
I’m also curious about why if you know that my stories genuinely don’t focus on the Sirius angst or struggling more than James, that you came to me?  
If you’re curious, I think Sirius angst comes from being Sirius fans first.  Some people like to torture their favs and Sirius has more page-time than James does.  We know him better from canon than we do James, so we tend to focus on him.   I also don’t think James has it easy.  He still has to deal with figuring out himself and breaking up his marriage (if he’s married, which isn’t easy), he still loses his parents and finds himself without that safety net.  My dad’s 62 and just lost his last parent recently and he’s been struggling - I can’t imagine losing both parents when he’s still technically a teen and not struggling with that.  That’s almost always there.
So, he has struggles.
So, you said that this wasn’t about a particular fic, but then you bring up “Fun in the Sun” - well, what you probably don’t know is that the prompt behind that fic was Sirius/Marlene have a terrible divorce while Jily have an amicable divorce.  James was always *meant* to help Sirius per the prompt and discussion with the artist.  It was written purposely to highlight the two different types of divorces, and I wanted to follow through with that concept because it’s what the artist wanted.  I don’t usually do divorce fic (or focus on it if I do) like I did in this fic.  Jily also divorced 3 years before SM did because Marlene dragged the divorce out to punish Sirius.  So, yeah, Jily is friends and have had an easy time co-parenting because it’s been going on for *years* all the growing pains that initially happened, already happened.  
This was a Prongsfoot fic, I don’t care about Jily’s divorce, it was a plot device.  That’s it.  And like, that’s another thing with Prongsfoot Long-fics that deal with Jily divorce.  We aren’t here to focus on Jily - we’re here for Prongsfoot, so why would we bother having the ‘emotional turmoil’ especially when the divorce happened years before.
Yes, Athena/Micheal struggle at first in 9-1-1, but if you were to look at the middle/end of S2, they’re perfectly fine.  Which is approximately a year or two into the divorce - which is where Jily was during this fic.  So, yeah, no there’s no reason for there to be issues - again, that was part of the prompt.
Again - we’re not here for Jily, so maybe there’s no grit, but that’s not why we are Prongsfoot fans, so… Sorry?  Not, Sorry.  If you don’t want Jily divorce, you can always filter it out.  A03 is amazing for filters :)
Like I said, James’ struggles are subjective.  Sometimes the fic just focuses more than one thing than another and like that’s up to the writer, if it’s not your cup of tea - that’s cool, you can always write your own?
I usually don’t get into Lily’s head much, ‘cause again I’m here for Prongsfoot - over 400 fics tells you that - Although sometimes I have them share James (I bet you’d really love those fics :) ). Anyhoo, maybe she is struggling or maybe she feels relief.  But I can’t imagine why you think Petunia’s views on Divorce have any impact on her sister’s?  ‘Cause like, siblings can have different views - I know I have four siblings and ain’t none of us agree on nothing.  :)3
Lily’s view on divorce is highly subjective since we know so little about her.  But she doesn’t seem like the type to stay in an unhappy marriage and forcing someone to stay always leads to unhappiness.  
I never said you said he was feminized, although I think you did?  What you’re saying here is suggesting that he’s a “damsel in distress” and needs a hero - which is a) very sexist and b) just not true.  Sirius is a badass in every Prongsfoot fic I have ever read.  I can’t speak for every fic in existence but Fuck man, struggling and having support from James is not the same thing as being the heroine that waits around for her hero to save her - and even if that was the case… the implication that he’s girly for it really grinds my gears.
Anyway, we focus on Sirius and angsting him because he’s easier to angst since we know more about him, but if you don’t like that - that’s okay, you can always write what you wanna read.  
Thanks, take care :)
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sakura-hitomi · 1 month ago
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I'm Reaction 21 btw (yeah, I do have 10 accounts) but honestly people. Are we still even trying to not be biased atp? This TikTok post was about people claiming we should side with the victim but nobody sides with Severus Snape.
Hence this comment. Honestly, they asked but that act of asking shouldn't even happen in such a biased question because you read a book completely out of touch with the actual canon.
Not to mention that the person tells me it's all headcanons. In what fucking world is a rude Snape (so he starts like James) headcanon? I hate that book, should be one of the forbidden shitshow on the list.
I've met too many garbage fans (3 but 3 too many) that claim everything from that book is canon and refuse to read the Harry Potter series. Everytime I see some wolfstar, jegulus and jily bs, I basically recoil. Majority of those fans step and spit on Snape.
Now, I know not all fans that like marauders do that. I'm literally one. But please, keep your brainrot to yourself okay?
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bralnwashed · 7 months ago
Blood oaths
made based on the idea from   @ludraslytherin
i wrote a lot more than i expected to, so here's 1626 words of Lily and baby Harry(with jily in the bg)
cw: mentions of blood, and dark themes.
Lily was halfway through her pregnancy when she found out about the prophecy.  A prophecy that said a little boy would be born at the end of July, with the ability to defeat Voldemort.  Lily hadn't ever been as scared as she was then.  The idea that her baby, a little boy, just like her own may have to face such evil terrified her. That day, she vowed she would go to any length to protect her child.  And preyed that that child would not be hers. 
Lily was eight and a half months through her pregnancy when she was called to go to Dumbledor.  She squeezed James's hand as they walked back into their old school.  It looked just like she remembered it but with less laughter in the halls.  these children weren't carefree and loud like she remembered them, they were quiet and scared, these were children who had seen war.  They had seen their parent's tired faces, and horrid stories in the papers, some had even been promised to the war as soon as they finished their schooling.  Lily took a deep breath and followed the professor leading them to Dumbledor's office.  He met the pair with a worried look.  That was the second time Lily had ever been scared like that when she found out that Voldemort had laid eyes on them, that Voldemort himself found their unborn child enough of a threat to keep an eye on him.   that was the day Lily first thought about dark magic. 
When Harry was born, Lily's fear seemed to vanish and grow at the same time.  She no longer feared anything for herself, her mind went straight to protecting her child.  She had never felt such love and protectiveness for anyone.  As Lily looked down on her son, so tiny and fragile in her husband's arms, with matching dark eyes and dark hair, Lily decided just then how far she would go for her baby boy. That day was the day Lily asked Mary about blood oaths. 
When Lily was up to it, they began their research.  Days and days spent in magical libraries, sitting at desks, taking notes.  As soon as she had mentioned it, Mary was right by her side, finding all the knowledge she could about blood oaths and things of the sort, anything to save Harry.  Mary had gotten Marlene, and her girlfriend, Dorcas, who had some knowledge of dark magic, having grown up around her father as a death eater.  And together the four of them scoured every single book that even mentioned protection.  With James out in the war, and Harry so tiny and fragile, these books made Lily feel strong. It was only a few months till they had found their plan.
When James came home one night and told Lily they would need to go into hiding, she knew it was time to act. That night she called the girls and began to prepare for the ritual they would need.  It took them all night to prepare, to set up candles and practice the incantations. With a sliver of light on the horizon, they were ready. now came the long process of the oath, it would protect Harry, Lily, and James, and make sure they were safe until after the war.  It took the entire day, and well into the next night.  but at last, they were safe.  Harry would be safe. 
Harry was almost a year old when he said his first word, a soft "mama" coming from his mouth.  They had been in hiding for 9 months, and it was a nice spring day, one of the first warm enough to sit outside. It was sunny and green.  Harry loved it, his small hands gripping the grass and pulling up handfuls, before throwing them.  It was pressious how he would giggle when he managed to through the green sprigs on his father's head, and James would gasp and tickle the boy's small stomach.  Nothing was better than these days.  Days when Lily could forget that they were in hiding. She could forget they were being searched for by an evil wizard.  it was just her and her Harry, and her James. 
It was Harry's first birthday when they suspected a traitor.  It was another sunny day.  The weather was warm, James was outside Peter, Marlene and Sirius next to him. They were laughing and joking around in the sun.  Lily was inside with Mary and Remus.  And Harry was toddling on his soft baby legs while Sirius held his hands, both of them looking so happy.  Inside though, Lily tried to hide her tears as Mary told her that Voldemort was getting close, their spies were worried he would find them soon.  Lily cried for her friends, one of which wasn't really their friends.  She had grown up with them.  She had known them all since they were 11. Just little kids. Now they were adults, doing adult things, like having children, and fighting wars, and betraying their best friends. That was the last night she saw them all in one place. 
Harry's first real Halloween began just like any kid's first Halloween should.  He was dressed up in a tiny quidditch costume, red and gold stripes and the Gryffindor crest on the back.  It had "Potter" written on the back, to match James who had on the same costume(just much larger)  The boys looked identical in their quidditch gear.  They had the same messy hair and broad grins, looking like angels sent just for Lily.  She had never been luckier.  Lily and James took Harry trick or treating.  He was mesmerised by how the adults would coo and say how much he looked just like a real quidditch player and hand him extra candies because "such a sweet boy deserves lots of treats"  They got home after the sun had gone down, harry had gotten cranky and fell asleep on James' shoulder, so they had brought him home.  Lily took him upstairs, put him in his pyjamas and laid him down in his crib.  She was still in awe of him.  How crazy was it that this little thing she carried in her body for months was now a full human being, jet black hair sprawled out on the mattress below him, a small teddy bear clutched in his arms?  She never wanted to stop looking at him. 
Of course when she left his room that all fell apart.  Because Harry's first real Halloween was also the night Voldemort found them.  It started as a knock on the door.  They suspected it was Sirius, as he would stop by all the time, bringing them food on grocery days, and just to hang out.  So James got up, he answered the door.  It took them a second, to make any noise.  When it was silent for a few seconds, Lily decided to call out. Calling for Sirius and James to come back, as the movie they were watching had come back from the ads. But it wasn't James that answered.  it was a nasal voice, it sounded rough like its owner had been yelling.  It sent a chill down Lily's spine. No one should be there, only their friends knew about this place. Lily didn't even hear when James told her to run, the sound of her feet on the stairs blocking out the sound.  She burst into Harry's room, the door hitting the wall with force. She never did care about the hole that was left in the wall that night from the handle. She heard a fight downstairs, James yelling. She hushed Harry, who was beginning to cry from the noise and how frantic his mother was.  Then Lily went silent, because James wasn't yelling anymore, and someone else was coming up the stairs.  She knew he was there before she could see him. Raising her wand.  She rushed, saying some incantations.  Now it was this or nothing.  She would fight to her last breath to protect Harry.  She just prayed that her spell worked. She preyed that James' last words wouldn't be "Lily, get Harry, run"  She preyed that Harry was too small to remember this day.  She prayed that she wouldn't have to tell Harry who his dad was instead of James being there with them.  She prayed that this was a bad dream.  Then came the flash of green light. 
Harry's first real Halloween was also the night Lily found out Peter was the traitor.  After Voldemort's curse had bounced off of a shield of light magically appearing between him and them, it had bounced back at him.  The man dropped dead on site.  that was also the time James got up the stairs, bloodied and shaking.  But alive, he looked so alive.  That was the only night she ever heard James use the killing curse. All of the death eaters were on the floor when the rest of the order showed up.  Including Peter, the coward hiding behind Voldemort, too ashamed to show his face.  It had taken all of James's restraint not to use another of the unforgivable curses that night. 
When Mary showed up at the house that night, She found Lily clutching a sleeping boy in her arms, tear tracks down her face.  She was shaking.  It took them an hour to get Harry out of her arms just to see the healer, to make sure the boy hadn't been physically injured.  Still, Lily had a hand on him at all times. James and Sirius were out front.  They were helping clear the house and talking out the technicalities.  That was the night they sent out a group of Aurors to track down Horcruxes.  That was the night they said the war ended.  That was the first night Harry went to sleep without being in danger. 
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starving-marauder-lover · 7 months ago
youre a disgusting fucking misogynist for replacing lily (canonically marginalised character) with regulus (canonically fascist character) get the fuck out of this fandom and take your disgusting fetish "ship" with you.
fuck you and all jegulus freaks
omg, ya'll, my first hate message!
unfortunately, they did it anonymously so people can't be aware of person who is going around harassing people. I'm sorry to anyone who also had this message sent to you, reach out if you need to.
First of all, I did not "replace" Lily. I still ship Jily, but it's not a ship that I will specifically search for as a main ship. Side ship, hell yeah! A main ship in a fic with a plot I really like, double hell yeah!
Now because you can't have an actual conversation without hiding behind the anonymous switch, I'm assuming you may not know anything about jegulus and its headcaons.
There is this thing you may have never heard about called "fanon" It's a fan's version of canon! I follow the fanon that Reg did not actually follow his families views and was actually hoping Sirius would take him when running away.
This fandom is built off of breaking away from canon. Who would want to abide by a LITTERAL TERF that aligns with fascist views? Not me. Jegulus is a ship I love because I love the dynamic they have, it's sunshine vs grumpy, not sunshine vs fascist. I would not read fics if Regulus had kept up to his canon views.
Jegulus is loved because of how wildly different they are. It's similar to Drarry if you think about it, a spin on enemies to lovers.
We also don't know much about Regulus, given that he was barely mentioned. There's not much to go off of, he could have been like Sirius, but just not had the guts to. It's very easy to separate "canon" and "fanon"
Now, circling back to you're replacing Lily because you're "a disgusting, fucking, misogynist" I believe everyone is equal. I have fought for equal rights at my school because of their misogynistic dress code, and have done school projects raising and donating money to organizations that empower women to give them equal rights when it comes to their right to get an abortion.
I am not a fascist, I have to deal with people with right-wing views and people who are against me being who I am every day. I don't need to explain myself to you.
Considering your lack of punctuation, you may not know what the obvious flag is in my profile. That means I am transgender. I was born a female and started my transition in 6th grade. That is another reason why I love Regulus, many people headcanon him as transgender, and I love that idea. If that is not more proof that I separate canon Regulus and his terrible views from fanon Regulus, I don't know what else will.
This is not how you treat a fandom, going around and bullying people because they don't agree with a idea that you have. Fandom etiquette is very important, and you are very clearly not following it. No one can "win" at ship wars. No one is better than anyone, no ship is better than any other ship. Don't attack people you don't know and don't go around attacking people in general. You can't force someone out of a fandom because they don't agree with you. These are not real people, we do not know their actual ideas. Fuck whatever JK says about them, her ideals are horrible.
To summarize, all ships are amazing and don't attack people based on their ideas about FICTIONAL PEOPLE.
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jilyradar · 9 months ago
Hello! I’m new to the Jily fandom and am looking for the best canon compliant jily fics. I love the marauders friendship sooo much! Currently reading The Life and Times but there’s just not enough james x lily yet! And I just don’t know how to find anything 🤷‍♀️ PLEASE HELP
Hello, hello anon and welcome to the fandom!! Hope you enjoy it here!
Ok, first of all I just have to mention my favorite fics ever here, they're multi-chapters so they'll blow your mind and keep you busy for a while 😂
Then this post right here I remember has a LOT of my favorite canon fics and is just excellent overall.
For even newer recs you can look around this blog, I have a number of canon fics and they're all my personal handpicked recommendations.
Also @jilyawards blog is a big help in finding great fics based on categories. If you go down the years on the side-panel, you'll see yearly lists, including for canon.
Have fun 🤗
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st4rsinheaven · 5 months ago
been thinking about that one tiktok (@doubleshotgnt) talking abt the problem with lily evans being overlooked in the fandom and how it's more bc of her being treated as an extension of james potter instead of it being solely because of the jily/jegulus debate-
and YESSSS oml ive been waiting to talk on that. I could yap for hours about how lily has such an interesting backstory and complex dynamics with other characters which could be considered as equally interesting as the main 4 marauders - watching her former best friend become a death eater, living as a muggleborn student at hogwarts during voldemort's rise to power in the wizarding world, her friendship with remus, her complex relationship with petunia WHY DOES IT NOT GET TALKED ABOUT like why do I literally see so much content for black brothers angst but barely any for the evans sisters??? when they are quite literally parallels?? cmon now.
(not to mention how she's so powerful that she singlehandedly ended the 1st wizarding war. how slughorn thought she was too gifted at potions to possibly be a muggleborn (not how it works but anyway) like girlie had some insane asf magical abilities n everytime i see her getting dismissed in those 'marauders characters with the most aura' ranking videos i feel like hitting something)
and sure, while sometimes lily being overlooked and hated on is due to the shipping arguments, i think it's more likely that she gets overshadowed because of how she gets heavily grouped in with james and harry in the hp books, and we get way more focus on james' life and his friendships and as a result lily gets pushed to the side. and guys look i love jily sm theyre my babies but GIVE ME LILY EVANS AS AN INDEPENDENT CHARACTER TOO GODDAMIT because it honestly feels as if she's only really brought up when james is involved, whether its a shipping debate or js in general. and her ao3 tag has her last name as potter when she literally spent longer being lily evans than james' wife. unironically maybe this why I like some jegulus fics for the reason that lily's character feels more well-written because she isn't just written to be james' love interest and it allows writers to explore her nuances more idk. also sapphic lily has my entire heart
so yeah <3 soz this is such a ramble guys but i genuinely js want more lily and marauders era girls representation and appreciation in general bc they deserve it
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soup-of-the-daisies · 1 year ago
so here’s part 2 of my james potter hcs bc this shitbag lives in my head rent free :))
(part 1 for those interested)
his prescription isn’t really heavy and he can technically get around without his glasses, but he gets really bad headaches if he doesn’t wear them
tried muggle contacts for a bit but got an eye infection after a month, went back to glasses permanently
can get really, really mean in the blink of an eye if he sees or hears something he doesn’t appreciate—something as innocent as feeling jealous or something as bad as blatant bigotry, doesn’t really matter. fandom may say that he was sirius’ moral compass but ohhh boy
“imagine sirius black having to reel you in” - overheard in the hospital wing by a random hufflepuff after a group of wannabe death eaters got hexed so badly for terrorising some muggleborn students they had to stay there for two days
can argue himself out of any sticky situation by being passionate and arrogant (like only getting a month’s worth of detention for hexing said group of wannabe death eaters into a two-day stay at the hospital wing)
did not relentlessly pursue lily, actually. he didn’t ask her out until their fifth year and stopped entirely after the slur-incident
did form a relentless (at times one-sided) rivalry that often went way too far with severus snape though, i’ll give you that
he’s got hazel eyes with a bit of green thank you
his nose isn’t longer than harry’s (he’s got a ‘hidung pesek’, like my mum would say). his nosebridge can’t hold up european glasses and it’s a struggle
sirius looks physically like his father which means james does, shamefully, find orion black handsome in a purely aesthetic way. he’ll take this tidbit to the grave with him though as sirius would have an aneurysm if he found out that james thinks orion is a bit of a dilf
james has tackled peter multiple times. most notably, that one time it was over the last digestive in the biscuit tin that hope lupin sent remus
peter broke his nose and james cried because he felt so bad
he’s got a dab hand at healing spells and sirius is good at cleaning spells so it was fine in the end
also ugly crier james 2k23. that man can WEEP
gives the BEST hugs. you’ll feel so safe. he just presses your face against his chest and you’ve got to take it, because it’ll relax your entire body
“it’s like i’ve been reborn” - peter pettigrew after The James Hug following the orange marmalade incident of 1975
will never talk about the orange marmalade incident of 1975 because peter asked him nicely
great secret keeper!! should’ve been his own secret keeper, actually!!
big beatles fan and really cringy about it: he even considers getting a mop top for a bit.
thinks george harrison looks like sirius (but not as handsome) and therefore george is his favourite
same james
ALSO he would be so flattered that some parts of this fandom see him as ATJ’s john lennon i swear lmao
would kill for sirius and has considered killing for sirius on multiple occasions
harry’s ‘trouble usually finds me’ gene comes from him and he has been face to face with acromantulas on multiple occasions purely by accident
harry’s ‘there’s no need to call me sir, professor’ gene is a mix of lily’s sass and james’ smart-assery. part of the reason jily started dating is bc they could match each other’s quips so well
good at practical magic with several seemingly random interests in the theoretical background of certain types of magic. will go off on a tangent on the Braach’s Sixteen Laws of Weight when someone offhandedly mentions a featherlight charm
created the runic sequences of the Map that ground the spellwork woven into the object to ambient magic all by himself and was SO proud of himself that severus was valid in saying james strutted around like he owned the place
human embodiment of the following emoticon= >:3
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cazabaranca · 1 year ago
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