#Sing: Tone Deaf
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lemonisntreal · 3 months ago
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TONE DEAF :: Rosita and Norman <3
The first in a [hopefully] series of redesign + headcanon posts where I give you my take on a character for my AU
I'm grouping the two together because a] a lot of fluff headcanons I have, they share [because they're literally husband and wife]. And b] if I made an individual post for every single character, I... would go insane. So yeah. A bunch of characters are gonna get clumped together.
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[FULL MASTERPOST HERE [yet to be made <3]]
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic [also autistic]
Both of them are the same age, mid to late thirties.
In terms of general intelligence: Rosita has gifted IQ, while Norman is at genius level.
I know. I know Norman seems kinda dim in the movies. But guys [LMAO]. "I know it looks like there's nothing happening behind those eyes, but...... he can make entire computers!"
He's so smart yet so stupid. He's that kind of character. Like he can do all of this super impressive shit, and is super talented and can do math like BOOM done, but he's also kinda a "deer-in-the-headlights" when it comes to life [I LOVE HIM 👹]
Both of them worked hard and have their college degrees almost completely paid off at this point because of the scholarships they earned.
Rosita has a degree in engineering, Norman's a computer scientist.
They're both in STEM, it's just that Rosita likes to handle more of the mechanical aspects of things while Norman's better with the technical stuff, which I think is cute af.
Yin and Yang <3
This dynamic is just how they are too. How they act. Like for example, Rosita can be very to-the-point-
She's very much a problem solver and will get right to it once she understands what she's doing. Like yeah, she often takes a very methodical approach to it [see the scene where she's got all the papers laid out to try and learn to dance- very new territory for her], but once she learns, she gos all in. And EATS.
Norman's gotta have a plan before doing anything, meanwhile. He has a morning routine that can't be interrupted or else his whole day and mood will be thrown off. He reads through a recipe twice before even starting. That kind of stuff.
He's a lot more hesitant to even try.
A lot of people find Norman boring. But Rosita is enraptured by every word he says, she LOVES his long spiels about hyper-specific [and often mundane] things.
Norman is also a closeted DORK. He ran a tabletop games club in highschool with a couple other of his geeky ass friends [he's still into D&D to this day and has introduced Rosita to the game too]
[she's fun to play with, but super competitive. This goes for ANY game, actually, not just D&D. She'll kinda accidentally turn everything into a "contest" due to her inability to not do her very best] [it's mostly inspirational, not annoying, if that makes sense?]
I also wanna say Norman was in a weird amount of drama that he didn't want to be in at this time. Like all of his friends had falling-outs, and he was just always caught in the middle of it.
He's afraid of confrontation [UNLESS IT'S FOR HIS WIFE] [HE STANDS UP FOR HER RAHHHH] [this is gonna happen when I get to rewriting Sing 2, he's NOT just gonna take Crystal calling his WIFE "mommy pig"]
They're sooo "excuse me, he asked for no pickles"
Norman and Rosita technically met in high school, in Junior year when Norman first moved to Calatonia.
WHICH, he and his family did this because this was a point in time where laws having to do with the rights of animals were VERY flimsy, and Calatonia was one of the first and only safe places at the time-- for Pigs especially, actually.
The 3 Little Pigs is deadass CANON TO SING. So Pigs were/are actually a marginalized species in this universe.
[[during the warring period that I have yet to really talk about, they were often victims of the anarchy and poaching, so stigmas and insults around them still exist to this day]]
[[[[see Jimmy Crystal]]]]
So anyway, they "met" in high school- Norman totally crushed on Rosita from afar whenever he'd catch her in volleyball matches-
Rosita had a major tomboy phase throughout high school, slowly falling out of it during college [still only saves dresses and skirts for special occasions really]
[[Fun fact, Rosita is also sapiosexual [attracted to intelligence] [Roxanne Ritchi ahh] ]]
[[Norman is bi]]
They actually got introduced to eachother and had a proper arc when they went to the same college [which might've been a college in Redshore actually? But I'm not 100% sure on that headcanon. It would line up since Rosita's "wanted to perform in Redshore since she was a little kid" and Redshore is obviously a massive city with a lot of notoriety. Idk though- and it's not really that important to the story anyways]
Norman and Rosita had plans together- they were gonna make it big and live freely. Things were looking up with the lawmakers, who were finally repealing a bunch of nasty stuff that was put in place during the war times. And the two had hope that their dreams could actually be accomplished.
Rosita, who was originally gonna play it safe and become an engineer, was now thinking about attempting to become a performer [which Norman has supported since the beginning, he LOVES her singing, and often tells her that she's "better than some of the people I've heard on TV!"]
But. Life got in the way...
Present day, Norman works in Redshore at Crystal Enterprises. He's the head of some sort of organizational team- not really working on what he loves at this point.
And this is because of their children, who were a very sudden appearance in their lives [which is why we see so much struggle in the chaos at the beginning of the movie in this AU]
Rosita stopped everything, and Norman grabbed the first high-ish paying job he could, spending all his spare time on clocking in overtime hours.
The kids are all adopted, and there's only 6 now: Oldest Caspar [13], twin boys Mickey and Moe [11], middle child Kelly [9], little bro Freddy[8], and Zoey the sweet baby sister [6].
They became foster parents after the death of Rosita's sister [this hc is kinda subject to change, but this is the story rn. I'll specify on this later ☝️]
So Rosita's kinda put her life on hold for these babies. She's such a great mom to them, and they love her and Norman so much
But some of the older kids [Caspar specifically] are kinda in a rough phase since they feel like she resents them [which she doesn't], or that she isn't their "real mom" [which she IS]
This is like an E plot in the story, but definitely's gonna get at least a little bit of focus.
Rosita and Norman's marriage is falling apart just a little bit due to burnout, but it'll get better <3 [I can't do anything tragic to these two they're too sweet]
Norman snuggles up to Rosita in his sleep. Rosita starfishes LMAO
They wake up entangled. This is normal.
"Pig piles" are also a thing- there have been several nights where all six children "had nightmares" and so the family of 8 all slept in the same bed.
Norman has the best bond with the two girls out of all the children. They immediately latched onto him to be their level-headed dad.
Rosita can carry two kids at once easily, and often "relocates" them like this :>
She's probably the strongest out of everyone in the troupe if you don't count the potential Meena has. She solos.
She's constantly taking notes on everyone and everything around her. At the theater, you'll catch her tidying stuff up she spots out of the corner of her vision while you're having a conversation with her [she's still listening]. She knows everyones favorite foods, and allergies, and their preferences in things, etc. She's the most attentive and considerate out of all of them [the mom]
She may have a touch of OCD.
She gives the best hugs.
Rosita is also a FANTASTIC cook [not even a headcanon, I'm pretty sure the entire fandom agrees on this one] and often bakes stuff for her sweet-toothed children [and husband]
This is actually how she initially connected with Caspar, who refused to eat or speak at first when they were all placed with Rosita.
Cinnamon rolls.
Kelly will only eat the frosting off the top, and has ruined an entire pan before by doing this.
Rosita actually isn't the biggest fan of chocolate, small detail.
Idk why she just strikes me as not being an enjoyer.
Loves vanilla though. People are furious when she answers "vanilla" with zero hesitation to the chocolate vs vanilla question.
Norman is kinda a hopeless romantic, or at least really enjoys the aesthetic of it [in a sweet and not shallow way ofc], and goes all out every Valentine's Day: balloons, flowers, the works. He's learned that Rosita prefers strawberries over a box of chocolates, however. Has a tradition of getting a fruit basket for her <3
They also have a tradition from all the way back in college, where they go out to eat at specifically the in-universe equivalent of Olive Garden [which was the fanciest thing they could afford at the time] and eat a shared giant plate of spaghetti.
Norman loves coffee. Insists he likes it black but actually prefers a good 50:50 ratio of creamer and coffee.
Norman is also ☝️ lactose intolerant LMAO
[[or would be, if traditional milk was widely accessible/a thing. I say "lactose intolerant" but what I really mean is he's allergic to most milk substitutes- like nuts and soy [gives him tummy ache, not anaphylaxis] ]]
God, parenthesis are carrying me so hard rn.
Stopping here because I'm tired, but I could go ON about these two omg-
Normita forever rahhhh <3
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 year ago
So my singing voice is alright. I can harmonize like a motherfucker but on my own I’m just like. Okay.
This one day, years ago, I was at work in retail, it was a slow day without customers. I had a coworker, M, who was extremely temperamental, but a wonderful performer. Her voice was angelic. She’d do a ton of open mics with her guitar, and rooms would fall silent to hear her.
A different coworker, A, asked me what I was getting my partner for the holidays. “Oh,” I said, “I want to get him a shirt with Marceline from Adventure Time with some song lyrics!”
“What’s the song?”
At this moment, I rolled the only nat 20 I’ll ever be granted for singing, and I sang the first two lines. It’s a dumb song by a cartoon vampire. But it sounded. So. Good.
And when I looked up three of my coworkers were staring at me, jaws dropped. One of them was M, who looked absolutely furious. I made an enemy with those two lines, upstaging her at the thing she was supposed to be best at.
Fully convinced the universe used me to punish that girl for some reason. She never forgave me for having that one beautiful moment of singing, and I’ll never be able to replicate it.
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mintaikkcorpse · 11 months ago
I think about this a lot
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jewelulu · 7 months ago
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Noting like a little serenading in the Mostro Lounge
Taglist (ask if youd like to be added!) : @skriblee-ksk @taruruchi @scint1llat3
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years ago
holding Bakugou’s face in your hands and singing the cheesiest songs to him and watching him try to complain about everything even though he can’t help but love how everything sounds and how pretty your mouth is and admire how your lips curve around that one word. gets so entranced at the sight and sound of you, he doesn’t even realize how heavy his head has gotten in your palm, how low his eyes are, and how red his cheeks have gotten <3
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hayleysayshay · 5 months ago
Guys I’m obsessed with the song they play at the end of episode seven of TLOVM. Like I was disappointed now I’m in love with it. I’ve watched the song like ten times tonight.
‘But lifes moves fast/and something felt wrong/she ran to him/but he was gone.’ I CANNOT BREATHE THE LYRICS ARE TOO FUNNY. Like. She runs to him. And he is gone. That’s literally happening on screen. I physically keep laughing ar ‘BUT HE WAS GONE’
It’s so terrible I’m like ‘actually so bad it’s good’ and I think I’m tricking myself into loving it. What possessed them to put the vocal version over the finale instead of the piano version that was in the credits I do not know.
Anyway 10/10. Filmed myself singing it because it’s currently my favourite song in the whole wide world. I should have been the singer in the episode, not Matt.
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akai-anna · 1 year ago
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divinekangaroo · 1 month ago
that second hand embarrassment watching cm do his thing on stage and the brain attempting to superimpose tommy shelby over the top
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basilpaste · 3 months ago
(i can now sing all the shitty musical theatre tenor songs i like without clipping or frying at the bottom.)
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flowerakatsuka · 9 months ago
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wip while i'm at woooork~
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vlvianya · 5 months ago
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Kirbtober Day 3 - Song
Didn't plan having another Susie one so soon, buut here it is!
Magolor and Taranza decided to give her a little gift :3
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lemonisntreal · 1 year ago
Some sketches because it's been months since I drew these idiots oops☝️🥰
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HI THERE. It's been a minute, sorry about that lol. I took a tiny out-of-nowhere and sorta involuntary break from the fandom because I lost interest for a second, but I'm slowlyyyy making my way back. With art, and some news about Tone Deaf for the people who are still wondering about that.
Also I see there's some asks in my box, I'll get to that eventually, I see you ;-; dw
As stated, I momentarily lost a bit of interest with this movie- partially because I've recently been ensnared in a new fixation that will not be named right now, but yeah. I'm digging my heels in rn, because the last thing I wanna do is abandon this project. But, also, I've clearly bitten off more than I can chew with this being a comic lmao. In over my head and going through all 5 stages of grief and currently on acceptance.
The story got bigger. Like, a LOT bigger. Too big to capture every thought in a drawing and panel it and put it out as a perfectly polished comic without seriously burning myself out. It really doesn't help that my art style evolves by the second too apparently, so I've reached a middle-ground:
Tone Deaf is going to be a fic with some comic-like segments in it. An illustrated fanfic bc I still love showing and not telling a little too much.
This'll help me not only get stuff out faster, but also to help me fill in the gaps I didn't know how to draw with just text. So I can focus on just drawing the juicy shit. This also means it'll all be collected over on Ao3 in a neat little package, and I honestly prefer that over having a bunch of posts of pages that might be hard to find. So yeah, that's the plan.
Another bonus is that the frames can now be a lot more polished and nice looking [in glorious color] rather than hastily mashed together due to my bad habit of going overboard on singular frames without realizing it.
Tldr; Tone Deaf is technically still gonna be a comic, it's just now gonna be supplemented with word-based fic mixed in because I made the project way too fucking big [the first Act has like 20 chapters I'm going to literally die]. Also it's gonna be on Ao3 and I'll probably be posting all the art here alongside any updates I make so huzzah! Help me :>
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leadendeath · 8 months ago
alright lads. does anyone know what the memey [chiptune i think it’s called?] 8bit type song is… i don’t think it’s from undertale or related, it might be, but i don’t know games that well.
the main hook thing goes like: do do Do do dododooo
it’s quite high pitched and is used in the background of youtubes sometimes… i heard it again a few days ago, can’t even remember what in, but it is driving me mad
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year ago
bob's burgers has some REALLY GOOD songs (you make plumbing fun. bad stuff happens in the bathroom. eletric love. and others) but sometimes its held back by the voice actors not having too much range or vocal experience. but central park having broadway actors and songs in every episode means they're always next level performances. apple tv didnt deserve her tbh
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lunar-wandering · 5 months ago
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out of context this sounds like an over-exaggeration but no that is QUITE LITERALLY what just happened
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wocs · 9 months ago
cannot stand swift*es that are like ‘why pit women against each other :/‘ bc taylor swift can die.
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