#Meena sing
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coolchevistianofficialsite · 5 months ago
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So we're getting a new Sing short tomorrow on Netflix
No tricks, only treats. A brand new SING: THRILLER short arrives exclusively on Netflix tomorrow.
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lemonisntreal · 3 months ago
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A little exercise in the different paws and hands we see in the Sing universe :: [[ Feel free to use as ref ]]
I was drawing Ash and realized that I wasn't too sure how I actually wanted her paws to look? Because so far, I've just been using the "default hands" that the movies use- or just Buster's paws except with shorter claws and the normal amount of thumbs. But I'm wanting everyone to look a little more distinct than what we see in the movies, so I fucked around with some references and made anthro versions of how various paws look in real life.
Porcupine paws are probably my favorite to draw, with narrower fingers, claws, and messy fur, and perfect paw pads/beans.
I LOVE KOALA HANDS SO MUCH, I'm actually kinda pissed Buster doesn't canonically have two thumbs on each hand because it's genuinely SUCH a cool feature omg. I headcanon him being able to be super dexterous because of it [despite his clumsiness]
Pigs are by far the easiest for me to draw. They actually have beans too kinda? Like they definitely have some pad irl. So I draw it kinda emphasized so they can actually realistically grab stuff in-universe.
Sheep/Ungulates hooves are similar, except they're actually the HARDEST for me to draw. I genuinely hate how hooves are done in the Sing movies, like why are they fleshy. So I didn't really have any reference and had to basically bullshit the entire thing lol. Yeah the "hoof-fingers" bend at that part that looks like a joint. Yes it's gonna be weird technically.
Wolf paws are easy. Truly default. And cat paws are actually kinda similar, so I didn't draw them [laziness too lol]
Bear paws are just BIG Wolf paws. Love how wide they are. Can't wait to draw Harry, I love Bears so muchhh ughhghohjsud
Mice paws are weirdest, but I have fun with them. Really close to human hands. Love how they're pink on the bottoms <3 Mike's gonna be so cutie patootie
Gorilla hands were the second easiest to draw. Mostly because I'm pretty ok at drawing human hands, so it only really needed a little translation [don't ask me about drawing the rest of the Gorilla though, I'm still struggling to draw Johnny to this fucking day-]
Nvm, Elephant "paws" are the weirdest actually. That's just a circle- how do they grab literally anything in-universe? [I tried defining fingers, but it still looks a little odd. Might be weird looking in some drawings lol]
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globoxuuu · 1 year ago
I feel like this could happen lol
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I almost forgot the queen
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mismess · 1 year ago
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I had a dream I was Buster Moon and I was driving around in heavy heavy snow. It was going poorly. Anyway He Can't Drive
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nardpup · 5 months ago
Sing: Thriller - MJ’s Thriller by The Sing Cast
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cowpokeace · 2 months ago
HELLO TUMBLR.. is the sing fandom still alive ..
Wanted to hop on here and talk about something that has bothered me in this fandom for a LONG time, and that is the Meena hate. I just have never understood it.
One of the main reasons I see why people hate her, is that she's a "Pick me", which I think is completely not true. A few years ago it was a huge trend to make fun of Meena for this reason, and I've just never understood it. Not ONCE in the movie did Meena put down another woman for male validation, which is the definition of a "Pick me girl". I've seen a lot of people hate on her for her "Happy birthday dear grandpa" scene, and I COULD understand this if her family were annoyed by her singing, but no, her grandpa enjoyed it and wished she'd show off her voice to the world, along with her mother.
Another reason is because of her size, which is just complete bs.. she's an ELEPHANT, THE LARGEST LAND MAMAL IN THE WORLD! She's going to be big, do they expect an elephant to be small? No. The media just wants another reason to hate her for some reason. The reason why she broke the stage at the end of the first sing, is because she was jumping. Let's not forget how just one strum of Ash's guitar was enough to crumble it.. the stage was in SHAMBLES, of course it wasn't stable.
Let's not forget the hate for her shyness. "She always wanted to be the main character." Did we watch the same movie? She didn't want to be the "Main Character", (Even though she IS a main character in the movie) she was just shy and wanted to show the world her voice. Her family were encouraging her to re-audition, which is why she did. In her first audition, she was too afraid to sing because 1; she was NERVOUS, as it was her first time ever preforming in front of someone other than her family (we can assume), and 2; Mike was literally bullying her off the stage.. I agree that the writers did make her shyness her "main" personality trait, but I don't hate her for it. Meena is one of the SWEETEST characters in sing. She is such a sweetheart, and has the biggest heart. Going out of her way TWICE to bake a cake for Buster. She was looked down upon SO MUCH in this movie, I would also feel upset and nervous. Mike was constantly making fun of her, and Buster told her she never had a chance.
I've also seen people make fun of her for EATING? Are the characters just not allowed to eat anymore? God forbid she eat an ice cream cone. Elephants eat 375 pounds of (vegetation) food a day, I doubt it's any different in the sing world. LET HER LIVE FOR ONCE!
The media yet again gathers around to hate on an innocent female character. I know I'm SO late to this but it has always bothered me.
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eclipseofthemoonsmood · 5 months ago
More edited Johnny images from the Thriller Special ( I'm doing my best ya'll but its hard to get clear pictures since he's moving so much )
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( Edited and unedited )
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mysterywriter2187 · 5 months ago
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one…
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natsuki208 · 4 months ago
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More Sing cast as regular animals! 🎤✨
(I think I found myself a new crack ship)
Part 1: Johnny, Buster Moon, Rosita and Ash
Part 2: Meena and (my man) Darius
Part 3: Jimmy and Porsha Crystal
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gaybustermoon · 2 months ago
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Never let it be said I don't provide for all twenty of my fellow Sing fans
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tigresslanzhu · 4 months ago
I think I speak for the entire Sing Fandom when I say we need some Sing Build-A-Bears!
Think of all the characters you could make into stuffed animals. And not just stuffed animals, but ones where you can remove the clothes and put them in different outfits!
Think of it, when you buy an ordinary Buster Moon or Meena plushie, the clothes are usually sewn on, right? That’s bad for those of us who want to make an Alice dress for Meena-Chan! Speaking of dresses…
There are just as many options for clothes for not just the Sing characters, but for the basic Build-A-Bear plushies. When they had those My Little Pony outfits ten years ago, I just had to get the bunny, which I appropriately named Usagi. She’d look cute in a lot of Rosita or Ash’s clothes!
It could also be a good excuse to give us more accessible Porsha and Nooshy plushies. Do you have any idea how EXPENSIVE THE JP EXCLUSIVE NOOSH-CHAN IS?!? A lot of Build A Bear clothes would be her speed for sure!
Let’s all pray that Illumination thinks of this promotion idea when Sing 3 happens. We need to dress up Meena!
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bustermoonsposts · 4 months ago
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lemonisntreal · 5 months ago
My thoughts on Sing: Thriller! [finally]
I just want to vomit out some of the things on my mind because ohhh my god, do I have THOUGHTS-
Also! Link here to the short, for the people who want / need it 👍
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It wasn't just copium!
Kinda off topic, but this is getting me thinking on how different sized animal's seats are priced. Because they only grabbed one ticket I think, so I think they're literally sharing a seat [WHICH IS CUTE]. But does this mean that bigger animals need to buy more than one ticket? Or are all the seats just ridiculously big? Or am I crazy?
Also thinking of that one scene in Spongebob where Plankton gets sat on by Bubble Bass 😭
Tiny blurry Mike hehe looks like found footage
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Me when I see my fav for 2 seconds with zero speaking lines
Nana is eating also holy shit
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Also Eddie guiding her by the hand is sweet, I love their relationship so much aaywusjhisajhajk
He has such an obviously better relationship with her than he does his actual parents and I'm eating it upppppp
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The "How hard can it be to fix a stupid tire anyway???" line was so aggressive, I'm taking this as character development !
She's an actually amazing actor in-universe and I love that
Meena Sweep
Also this set is clean as fuckkk- also a lot more realistic, but still very not LMAO
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The crunchy version is for my enjoyment specifically
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Also also.
Both GMO and Alice in Wonderland were really short plays from what we see, but I actually do think that this isn't how it actually goes in canon. When they're on the bus in Sing 2, the script looks pretty thick for one. And two- why would anyone pay for tickets for 4 minutes of show?
Like it just makes sense, you gotta understand my reasoning.
They couldn't put the whole 2 hours of play in the actual films, but I like to believe that's actually how it goes
That there's some story and depth to it as well [💀]
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Reference. For later.
Meena Gunter and Ash are absolutely partying in the back bro
I wonder how often Meena finds herself in cars. Because like there's size, but also we know she just takes the bus everywhere. I don't think her family has a car, they all feel like they utilize public transit instead
Cars that are modified for bigger and smaller animals are probably more expensive and not mass-manufactured either
Not just height but weight limit is also something that needs to be kept in mind. Elephants are like a few thousand pounds.
I think it's just easier to have modified public transit rather than modified individual cars for that kind of load. I bet public transit has way more funding in the Sing universe because of this need too. Because there's also Rhinos, and Hippos, and Giraffes-
I'm getting lost in the sauce again.
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She was AT that door. First one there, bouncing with excitement. Adorable. I wish Clay had speaking lines with her in this AGH
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girl what the fuck are you doing here, your ass was NOT invited ‼️
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The Infection AU would go CRAZY
Somebody needs to make that rightttt now, actually
I'm giving it some thought right now and how with a few tweaks this could be cool. Like I'd definitely make it so there were different phases, like the MLP AUs. And I'd keep the hivemind thing definitely, because I think that adds an extra terrifying aspect to it
Probably make the ooze stuff look more messy, eyes would be leaking the stuff, mouth.
Idk I'm just spitballing LMAO
The dog from under the table is actually terrifying
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Rare sighting of angry Meena
I have a complaint.
Why were they dancing.
For a full minute. With nothing.
No singing. Just instrumental. It dragged on for so insanely long. Like that's my one complaint about this short, is that the pacing is just absolute dogshit after they all get possessed. You can give me a Thriller reprise without making it look super awkward and boring. Why couldn't this have been a cool chase scene instead? Like actually keep up that tension you established?? Because like Crawly and Buster are just STANDING there now, and it's just like-
And then the actual chase is over so fast
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the Borb....... [Buster orb]
I hate the "it was all a dream!" trope but I can't really be mad
I saw it coming from a mile away, and I'm honestly glad because it means that this isn't canon and we don't have to deal with random zombie shenanigans in the actual lore
Or maybe not because Crawly was literally possessed at the end but whatever. Not canon.
My final thoughts are that this was really solid! I feel well fed and very happy to get some new content of the sillies. I will most likely be drawing lots of Thriller stuff because WOW were some of those shots pretty. Overall, critically? C+ short [mostly due to that minute of almost nothing happening]. But my enjoyment level puts the grade at a B+ for me so [B is for Biased].
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globoxuuu · 1 year ago
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After a long time and some day really sick i finally finish this drawing i hope yall will like it @countryrebel1995 I loved your idea and i hope you like my drawing
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mismess · 1 year ago
All hail the relationship between Buster and Meena!
Not perfect, as Buster doesn’t always listen to her, but they still get along well!
YEAAHH They are literally so funny I love them, he has his issues but they are all part of the theater family, he is like her weird uncle who is also her boss. Buster and Meena partners in... Totally not crime he prommies this time
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(Grab him Meena drag him away from whatever scheme he has brewing in his brain while you still have a chance)
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yourfavinthebasement · 3 months ago
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MEENA is locked in the basement
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