focsle · 1 year
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Cell shaded commission for @silikat of their character Dani--thank you!
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quixoticrobotic · 8 months
Question entirely on a whim - classpect the comicrew, go!
i also have jaeris, joanna, erin, and allen bc sburb aus delight me i also have chumhandles, i can share those if you like
also i assume you want reasoning
Linkara: Knight of Mind. Hes such a knight of my god like insisting your fine when you arent? absolute knight behavior. i chose mind because one of my favorite aspects of linkara is hes like. the kind of character who needs to have a plan for everything which is usually a bad guy trait and is a trait you see in a lot of neurodivergent ppl so its nice to see in The Hero
but yeah a knight of mind would use logic and thinking as a weapon which linkara really enjoys doing
90s Dude: Mage of Hope
hope players represent! (im seer of hope!) but yeah hope is a broad term bc like lots of things can inspire it, hope plays typically have something they're really passionate about, something that sparks that ability to believe and like i dont have to say what 90's dude's is. he wears his passions on his sleeves, he gave us "more radical, less sadicle", the stuff that hes passionate about is his strength. mages are kinda like seers except less direct? instead of sharing knowledge to help the team they have this very personal, intuitive understanding of their aspect and how to wield it. fits the sleepwalker arc p damn well
Harvey: Prince of Time
every time i have to make a character i love a prince like i know you'd hate these pants im sorry
but ok i knew harvey would be a time player bc time is associated with music and death, two things that are very relevant to harvey as a character. i think i settled on this bc i saw a quote on pintrest "not living, just killin time" and harvey was the character i was fixated on that week. princes destroy their aspect/are destroyed by their aspect/destroy with their aspect. so if you wanna put a less gloomy spin on this you can go with "making up for lost time"
also i rarely get to have a session that has both a time and space player and thus isn't automatically doomed, which brings me to
Linksano: Seer of Space
multiverse and green. also seer fit since his official job on the team is science consultant like, he uses his knowledge of the multiverse to help his friends
Jaeris: Thief of Void
THIS IS ANOTHER MEAN ONE like thief bc of him stealing magic weapons BUT ALSO thief's tend to have a "my way is definitely the correct way of accomplishing this goal" and it bites them in the ass. i saw a theory i take whith a grain of salt but its basically void players tend to have their perspective skewed by some personal bias
and meanest of all
jaeris gets nothing. thieves take their aspect for themself. void is nothing. jaeris gained nothing. im so sorry space cowboy u make it too easy
Joanna: Witch of Doom
so doom is destiny, fate that cannot be changed. but this often represented by computer code/coding (which fits so neatly into the at4w 'verse tbh)
witches manipulate their aspect
now of course we know joanna sees the tapestry of fate and pulls out a seam ripper
but i also headcanon joanna is a cool gamer hacker babe who likes computers/ai/robots/ect. she and jaeris are a steampunk/cyberpunk power couple. also i like to think think by giving her one of the most OP classpects i'm making up for her lack of screen time
Erin: Rouge of Light
rouges allocate their aspect to help the team, light is luck, fortune, and fate that can be changed. fits Miss "Technically I was always your friend. Just in very weird and roundabout ways." who was introduced stealing the magic coin
Allen: Page of Life
im not gonna lie allen is mostly here so we have an even number of players. im sorry allen fans
i dont actually have a gt for mark bc linkara needs a strife specibus
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gutachter · 2 months
Mineralischer Innenputz
„…Mineralische Beschichtungen sind ideal für den Innenraum: Sie setzen keine Schadstoffe frei, beeinflussen die Luftfeuchtigkeit positiv und besitzen aufgrund ihrer natürlichen Alkalität einen biozidfreien Schimmelschutz. Südwest hat ein Vollsortiment mit Farben und Putzen entwickelt. Ein Beispiel für eine erfolgreiche Entwicklung ist die neue mineralische Innenfarbe „Bio-InnenSilikat“. Sie…
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leonxperience · 1 year
Wymiana nagrzewnicy, zbiorniczka wyrównawczego, płynu chłodniczego i czujników różnicy ciśnień
Szczerze, to kompletnie nie mam ochoty zamieszczać jakiegokolwiek wpisu na tym blogu. Tym bardziej takiego. No ale zabrałem się w sobie i mam trochę czasu, więc coś napiszę. Kolejne problemy z układem chłodzenia. Tym razem problemem okazała się przytkana, zatkana nagrzewnica. Jakie były objawy? Jadąc w jakiś chłodny dzień (tak w sierpniu w Polsce mamy chłodne dni) okazało się, że nie ma ciepłego powietrza w kabinie. Zero. Null. W pierwszej kolejności pomyślałem, że problemem mogą być zacięte klapy nawiewu. Zrobiłem kalibrację, ale w żaden sposób nie rozwiązało to mojego problemu. W dalszym ciągu z kratek nawiewów leciało zimne powietrze. Auto odstawiłem do mechanika, który potwierdził moje przypuszczenia. Nagrzewnica. Dość powszechny problem w tych samochodach za sprawą płynu chłodniczego G13 i zbiorniczka z sylikatem. Od razu kupiłem nowy, pozbawiony sylikatu zbiorniczek i oryginalny płyn chłodniczy VW G12evo. Zbiorniczek został wymieniony, nagrzewnica również, a cały układ został wyczyszczony i zalany świeżym płynem. Dodatkowo zostały wymienione dwa czujniki różnicy ciśnień. Jeden z nich wyrzucał od czasu do czasu błąd, więc trzeba było to zrobić. A jak wymieniać - to od razu oba.
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Wymiana wykonana przy przebiegu 197 931 kilometrów.
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velthurvik · 2 years
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Auf einer Mineralienbörse in Klingmühl/Niederlausitz fand sich im Jahr 2022 diese schöne Achat-Druse. Auf einer Mineralienbörse in Klingmühl/Niederlausitz fand sich im Jahr 2022 diese schöne Achat-Druse. Durch eindringen von vulkanischen Gasen in Lava-Hohlräume nach einem Vulkanausbruch vor 280 Millionen Jahren entstanden die schönen zonierten Achate. Längst sind die giftigen Gase und Dämpfe verflogen. Geblieben ist die Schönheit der auskristallisierten Hohlräume.
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anonbeadraws · 1 year
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character sheet commission of Iris Glimmerborn for @silikat, isn't she cute! more com info in source!🧚🏻
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quantumshade · 1 year
Can you elaborate on the Clara Oswald reverse regeneration I’m so so curious to hear about it
yes i can thank you for asking <3
so series 8 and 9 are all about clara becoming more and more like the doctor -- to the point where they function basically as the same creature (see, the hybrid arc DOES make sense!) and she forgets just how vulnerable and human she is. here's another post i wrote on her character arc as a whole.
but in face the raven specifically, she knows she is going to die for several minutes before it happens. she knows her death is coming, and she does her very best to accept it. she is determined to meet her death with grace and bravery, to "die like she means it". "I know it's gonna hurt you," she says, "but please, be a little proud of me?"
she steps up to meet her death with her arms outstretched, she screams in pain like every cell in her body is on fire. but instead of popping up with a new face, bursting with golden energy, she takes one last, desperate breath, exhales black smoke, and falls to the ground dead. in short, it's a reverse regeneration.
i think it'll be easier to just show you what i mean, given that a lot of what holds this theory up is the framing and direction of these scenes.
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does any of this make sense. are you seeing what i'm seeing.
(tagging @silikat and @lyratelifeformapproximation bc they both expressed interest in hearing this theory :3 love yall)
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mondfamilie · 3 months
wortsalon und wortsalat mikrofon und microcut kommen meine reime hart eins acht sieben replikat silikon und silikat meine reime kommen hart
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cosmignon · 1 year
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A fun commission I did for @silikat's cute little pirate NPCs, Annie and Amelia! Really glad I had an excuse to use my plaid brush for Annie's dress :3
ID: An illustration of two young teenage girls standing beside each other as they smile to the camera and hold hands. To the left is Annie, a red haired, light skinned girl wearing a long blue plaid dress and brown boots. To the right is Amelia, a black haired, dark skinned girl wearing purple overalls, a white button up shirt, gold earrings, white and red striped socks and black buckled shoes. End ID.
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me-and-my-gaster · 2 years
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[COMMISSION] The Chariot of the Sea
Last card from the set, for one and only @silikat. SHARKS!
Thank you for commissioning me!
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radioaktiv · 9 days
11.09.24 - onsdag
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I dag hadde jeg matte, geologi og geologi øvelse (practical).
I mattetimen lærte vi om funksjoner og særlig polynomer. Det var mye repetisjon, men jeg er litt usikker med tanke på oppgavene. I timen gjenkjenner jeg nesten alt professorene snakker om, men når jeg gjør oppgavene er det vanskelig og jeg vet ikke hva det handler om.
I geologi lærte vi mer om mineraler, silikater, silikat tetraedere og deres bindinger.
I øvelsen måtte vi identifisere 13 mineraler med hjelp av linse, magnet, spiker, saltsyre og glass. Vi hadde et skjema for å skrive ned infoen, og så et flytskjema for å sammenlikne egenskapene mot mineraltyper.
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bethanyactually · 8 months
I love music tag things! Thanks for tagging me, @odakota-rose 💛 rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
Let the River Run - Carly Simon
Sing - Travis
Paper Moon - Miner
Sunday Candy - Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment
Beautiful Life - Soll
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
Surrender My Heart - Carly Rae Jepsen
Pretend To Be Nice - Josie & the Pussycats
Rise - The Frames
Try Everything - Shakira
low-key, no-pressure tagging @hondagirll, who tagged me in another meme I have open in a tab but haven't got to yet 😅 and a few folks from my recent activity: @ghostmaggie, @flythesail, @clare-ifiedthoughts, @runawayhorses, @silikat, @sesamestreep, @acrazyobsession, @geniusgingerprincess, @pessimist-sky, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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quixoticrobotic · 5 months
thank u Jamie!
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silikat · 6 months
A man leaves his home universe after the forces of evil take control. Jaeris, or Linksano? One fled his world and never looked back; the other fights tirelessly to regain it. But both of their paths have found them here, on Linkara’s ship, in a universe that is not their own. Stranded. The multiverse brought them to the same place, but can these two familiar strangers find what they are searching for?
Oh, hey there. It's been a minute, huh? But my self-indulgent AT4W fic is finally done, and I'd very much appreciate it if you checked it out!
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doriangray1789 · 5 months
BEYPAZARI MEDEN SUYU Beypazarı Doğal Maden Suyu
Maden sularımızda “bor” bulunduğu iddiası bana bir zamanlar zeytin yağına karşı emperyalizmin verdiği savaş sürecini hatırlattı.. (zeytin yağı yiyemem ama basmalı fistan yiyemem gibi)
Bor madeni zaten bir çok meyvede var kemikler içinde önemli(kemik gelişimde önemli bir rolü var kemik erimesinin de tedavisinde zaten kullanılıyor) …
Ayrıca, Beypazarı maden suyu, içinde “grafen” olmayan tek maden suyudur ve içinde silikat mevcuttur… Silakt, vücuttan alüminyumu attırır..
Araştırmacıların çalışmalarında kolon kanseri hücrelerinin temizlenmesinde bor oksit bileşenlerinin kullanılmasının da sağlıklı dokulara daha az zarar verdiği de kanıtlandı…
Vakti zamanında ABD de kurşun ile ilgili olumlu reklamlar yapılıp kullanımı teşvik ediliyordu neden zira ürün sahibi firmalar, ROCKFELLER grubuna aitti…tek bir kişi çıkıp kurşun zararlı dediğinde karşısında parayla tutulmuş bilim insanlarından oluşan ordu vardı yıllarca kurşunun yararından bahsedip durdular yani bilim insanının ağzından çıkanlara da günümüzde dikkat etmeli satılık kalem çok…
Coca cola gibi ürünler için bu bilim adamlarının bir lafı var mı? Ya da Katı margarine? Ya da McDonald’s için..?
Anca diş fırçalarındaki kıl sayısını sayarlar.. yahu bunların 2 açılı diş fırçası varken 3 açlıyı keşfetmeleri için 8 tanesinin bir odada bilgisayar basinda aylarca çalışması gerekti ama bir bakmışsın hooop Beypazarı zararlı… neden? İçinde bor var.. sktirin lan…yani Fransa’nın şarabı, Almanya’nın birasi,İsviçre’nin bilim adamı meşur…?!
Kardeşim istedikleri sonuca ulaşamayınca bilgisayarlarının monitörüne vuran bilimadamları bunlar….
Ayrıca Bu haberin AA da yer alması da bende ikinci şüpheyi doğurdu -> depremden sonra yaşanılanlar ile “Kızılay” a oluşan tepki neticesinde “Beypazarı” maden suyuna olan ilgi patladı…
Kardeşim ben düzenli olarak günde 2 şişe Beypazarı maden suyu içerim..
Vitamin takviyesi için bor vereceksin sonradan vay maden suyunda bor çıktı diyeceksin.. pışşşıklkk … 👇👇👇👇👇
Kısacası-> nestle, novartis, roche gibi köklü şirketleriyle besin, gıda ve pharma'da, teknolojiden bankacılığa çeşitlilikle tüm alanlarda aktif olan zengin mi zengin isviçrenin araştırma, geliştirme, bilim ve bilim enstitüleri gibi alanlarda ki bilinen ve bilinmeyen çalışmalarıyla verimliliğine de en güzel örnektirler, sürekli gelişim ve değişim halinde olmanın, varlıklarını koruyor olmanın, köklü şirket ve kuruluşlara sahip olmalarının bir nedeni var… bu nedeni bir de farklı açılardan düşünüp değerlendirin derim
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velthurvik · 2 years
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Kyanit xx
Auf einer Mineralienbörse 2022 in Klingmühl/Niederlausitz fand sich dieser schöne Disthen aus Minas Gerais, Brasilien. Interessant dabei die leicht violette Färbung.
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