#Sibling Album
rolandrockover · 4 months
Comin' Loud and Lonely
In order to take up the concept of so-called sibling albums today, just as it is often and regularly practiced in certain fan circles, I have decided to take a little look at Asylum from 1985.
This would provide more than a little confirmation that it must also be an album in this category, in my opinion, however, it is much less likely to be a sibling album of Animalize (1984), for example, as it seems to be set in stone in the handbooks of many hardcore fans, but much more likely one of Creatures of the Night (1982) (1).
And to go a small step further, I would even respectfully classify Asylum as a sister album to Creatures of the Night. And by that I don't mean a little sister, as Wendy O. Williams' W.O.W. (1984) , for example, is affectionately known, but a sister of the same age, naturally on a par with its male counterpart. Sometimes more and sometimes less, but I don't necessarily want to split hairs.
If I use key words like dark, aggressive or heavy in the direct context of Creatures of the Night, I'm pretty sure that nobody will try to dispute their accuracy, because these are all attributes that are often credited to a certain masculinity, or rather a male mindset. And men usually love Creatures of the Night unconditionally, don't they?
Well, if I now try to find a few hopefully accurate descriptions for Asylum, the terms colorful, emotional and melodic immediately come to mind without much thought, which doesn't necessarily scream femininity, but in direct comparison to Creatures demands a significantly higher degree of sensitivity and sensibility, which for me would generally still be more feminine than masculine attributes.
And despite the fact that Asylum is still clearly heavy and extremely saturated in terms of production, there is no shortage of male fans who find the album cover of Asylum, which is based on the three primary colors, anything but easy to deal with, which of course also applies to the equally colorful Asylum costumes.
I'll try to illustrate this briefly using the example of the chorus of Who Wants to be Lonely. And what chorus of which testosterone-driven cock song from Creatures of the Night do you think I might have in mind? I mean, what could be a more fitting example than Keep Me Comin' with its screaming, dick-driven foundation, on which Who Wants to be Lonely builds, not exactly quietly and certainly not stealthily, just equipped with a little more… Color, melodic embellishment and empathy in its vocal chorus.
Add to that Who Wants to be Lonley's Ohhhooooh-Ohhhoooohs from the chorus appendage, which are hardly anything other than a more melodious, sensitive version of the hyper-masculine and super-hard Hey-hey-hey Yeaaahs from I Love It Loud.
I guess you can't always be the hardest one walking under the sun, after all, otherwise where would that lead? Anyway, there are still enough male Asylum fans, so not all hope would be in vain. Perhaps they like Asylum so much because it subconsciously reminds them of Creatures of the Night, and maybe even Unmasked (1980) . Who knows?
But of course we must never forget that we're still dealing with Kiss, and that Paul, presumably to compensate for the prominently foregrounded femininity, and therefore on Asylum actually sowed at least the dick lyrics a little more liberally.
Ultimately Kiss are Kiss are Kiss.
Side note:
(1) However, I would also add Rock and Roll Over and Unmasked to Creatures of the Night, but I would be more than happy to talk about this in more detail on another occasion.
Who Wants to be Lonely (1985)
Keep Me Comin' (1982)
I Love It Loud (1982)
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undeadorion · 1 month
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I refuse to believe it happened any other way. It's just the nonsense you do with with a sibling, especially when super close in age.
And if you don't get it, just......just watch this. Even if you don't know or like Ghost. I promise. It's worth it.
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petitesmafia · 10 months
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twirls hair
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2hoothoots · 10 days
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bad influence
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hyperblue · 1 month
I really want more ppl to focus on the fact that Tim would be a 16 year old father, like ik it's already a known fact but I just really want it to be talked about deeper, that's a CHILD having to care for a whole other CHILD and I am aware of what that does to someone's brain and I really would love for someone to write/talk more in depth about it yk? Like, being 16 and you're raising someone, and you have to go through all this shit!
You have this bond that you've never felt before but you're also not prepared for this, what are you supposed to do? Are you even doing it right?
I also think that with the childhood he had it would be harder, he doesn't know anything when it comes to children and now he has to raise one?
I can't stop thinking about what his internal monolog would be.
Baby won't stop crying? You're doing something wrong obviously.( it's so normal, so very normal, I cannot stress enough how NORMAL this is)
Mood swings, your child telling you they hate you? Where did you go wrong, you're obviously horrible if your 2y/o is telling you they hate you( also incredibly normal)
The amount of stress that he would go through, especially if this is one of those things he chose to do on his own. Raising kids is HARD, it's so incredibly hard and being a child yourself makes it ten times harder even WITH a support system.
It's beyond stressful, and sometimes all you want to do is scream, but you can't, so what is there to do?
Having help is so important for parents and I think that if Kon came back and CHOSE to help even if Tim told him he didn't have to it would be such a huge weight off his back.
it doesn't MATTER how independent he's convinced he is, it doesn't matter how much complicated shit he had to go through alone as tim drake AND robin, it doesn't matter how capable he might be, he is a CHILD. as a 24 year old, 16-17 y. o. teenagers are like literal babies to me. and i also have siblings, all of them are more than 10 years apart from me, so i had to have a front row seat watching my mother and grandmother raise them and it's a colossal work, it really is. if i were to write a fic i would definitely explore the struggle of being a child with a child, because that's one of the most fascinating things about this au to me (even though it's a fucked up situation for sure. it's like watching a train wreck — you'd love to turn away but you literally can't)
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skidcd-megamix · 1 month
Slim meets Aba (and Paracelsus)
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I dunno how they would meet ����😭 maybe A.B.A finds Slim Shady digging around in the trash or something . They would fist fight then have a deep conversation about their origins then fist fight again.
A.B.A is older by 2 minutes and Slim Shady has rabies
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sapphiceloise · 3 months
Benedict, Eloise, and Francesca as Hozier's albums
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unrequited-rivalry · 1 year
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The bois sharing a single brain cell.
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wordsarelife · 8 months
all american bitch
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pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: everyone knew there was something wrong in the way that quill talked to you, and slowly you started noticing as well
warnings: swearing, making out, sexual references, trauma, death of a relative and quill acting like a jerk
a/n: i don't particulary like quill in this fic and i'm not really sure if his character development (or the reasons why he did what he did) makes sense, but i just love to write happy endings, so please just ignore it lol
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lockwood was doing what he did often, watching you sit on a stair, wating for your brother to come back, without moving a muscle.
"do you see that?" lockwood turned his head to look at george, pointing you out to his friend "he just lets her sit there and disappears for gods knows how long"
"it's a shame" george nodded and lockwood couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or genuine. "but everyone knows how he treats her, lockwood and it's her own decision, that she tolerates that. i don't think she would fancy you saving her"
lockwood decided to ignore the last thing george had said "how bad of a brother do you have to be for everyone else to know?"
george just shrugged and lockwood was ready to repeat what he had said (for the simple need of getting an answer), when lucy entered his field of vision and involuntary declared herself his new victim.
"thank you, george" lockwood patted his friends shoulder, while pushing his empty glass into the hands of one very confunsed george.
"do you see that?" lockwood stepped next to lucy, without bothering to think of a new introductory sentence.
"huh?" lucy turned her head to the side, confused by lockwoods sudden appearance. "what did you say?"
lockwood pointed in your direction and lucy followed his eyes
"y/n?" lucy asked, not sure what lockwood was saying
"yeah, y/n" lockwood nodded aggravated "just y/n" he took a glass of champagne from one of the servers trays, downing it at once. "he left her waiting again. i thought maybe you could go talk to her, you being a girl and all"
lucy rolled her eyes, glaring at the boy "you want me to go over there and tell her to not accept her brother treating her horribly?"
"her brother who's a decorated member at fittes?"
lockwood nodded again "forget it" lucy shook her head, laughing dryly "i'm not getting involved in quill kipps' mess"
"it's y/n's mess too!" lockwood said angrily, outstretching his arm and pointing his hand in your direction
"why don't you go over there?" lucy crossed her arms, smiling triumphantly.
"because it's not my business?" lockwood said a bit too fast, not thinking his answer through. lucy send him a blank stare. "yeah, i'll just go over there" lockwood said quickly, not in the mood to fight with lucy and lose once again
"yeah, you better" lucy waved at him
lockwood groaned under his breath, putting his empty glass on an abondened table, before he continued his walk in your direction. as always, you were looking beautiful. your hair was curled and your dress had the most beautiful maroon color he had ever seen.
you turned your head in his direction, noticing him, when he was a few meters away. it wouldn't have taken a genius to see that anthony lockwood was in love with you, and still you had never noticed.
"hey" lockwood smiled, holding out his hand to help you up "you shouldn't be sitting on those stairs, your dress might get ruined"
"oh, well, quill has been gone for some minutes and it was too tiring to stand this entire time"
"why don't you join our table, then?" lockwood suggested
you looked through the crowd of people, trying to find quill. you laughed, unsurely, before you finally nodded "it probably wouldn't hurt" you smiled, taking him up on his offer and following him through the crowd.
"hey guys!" you smiled once your sight fell on george and lucy. both of them just stared back at you with big eyes. "sorry" you scratched your arm "do i have something on my face?" george quickly shook his head, while lucy stayed motionless in place
finally. "lockwood" lucy said through gritted teeth "could i talk to you for a second?"
you send a confused look in lockwoods direction, who just smiled at you, totally unaffected by lucy's threatening tone. "why don't you sit down with george?" he pulled back one of the chairs for you to sit down "we'll be back in just a second"
you nodded, sitting down on the chair. lockwood and lucy didn't really walk far until they started discussing. you could make out some words like 'kipp's mess' and 'saviour complex' that lucy directed at lockwood.
you smiled awkwardly at george. "how do you.. like the party this far?"
"eeh, it's fine" george looked anywhere but at you
"food and drinks are free" you smiled, nudging him "that sounds a bit better than just fine, doesn't it?"
george shrugged, seemingly uninterested in holding up a conversation with you and before you could start another hopeless attempt to get him to speak, lockwood and lucy were already back. by the looks of it they were not able to sort out their differences.
lucy sat down in the chair next to george, crossing her arms and sending looks at lockwood that could've killed.
lockwood, absolutely unbothered, didn't even look at her. instead he was watching you. "do you want to eat something?" he asked "we haven't ordered anything yet"
you shook your head "nah, i promised quill that we would eat together"
"how long has he been gone for?" lockwood asked intrigued
you shrugged your shoulders "i don't know, an hour maybe?"
"woah, that's pretty long, right guys?" lockwood looked between george and lucy, obviously expecting some type of reaction. lucy ignored him completely, while george nodded slowly, unsure if he wanted to even get involved in whatever lockwood was doing.
you shook your head "it's fine. i don't mind waiting"
"you can stay with us" lucy smiled at you and made it perfectly clear, that she wasn't angry at you, but lockwood. you always liked lucy. she was welcoming and you loved to listen to her complain about her two male roommates.
with george you didn't really have a relationship. you were friendly towards each other but never really talked apart from that.
and lockwood? lockwood something different. your brother hated him, so you weren't really allowed to spend any time in his company, apart from when they would fight with each other. but he was always nice and you could call him a friend. you had done your best to prevent it, but you had also developed a little crush on him these past few years. something quill would have your head for if he knew. but lockwood was your chance of freedom. he was everything your brother despised and that just made it all the more daunting.
"lockwood" the voice behind you send shivers down your spine.
"kipps" lockwood smiled, overly satisfied, while he turned around in his chair, putting an protective arm on yours and blocking your brothers contact to you.
"y/n" quill muttered "didn't i tell you to wait there?" he poined across the room
you sighed silently "sorry" you patted lockwoods leg "we were just catching up and you were gone for some time, so i thought-" you didn't get to finish that sentence
"what the fuck do you not understand in 'wait here'?" quill was angry and you didnt want to fight. but before you could say sorry again, lucy jumped to your rescue.
"this is all your fault" she muttered under her breath, seemingly talking to lockwood before she turned her head to your brother "i'm really sorry" she smiled brightly "i thought y/n and i could talk a bit. i miss having a girl around"
"oh" quill said confused. his anger had suddenly evapurated. he didn't really mind you spending time with girl generally or lucy in particular. "well, i didn't know that" he averted his eyes. "i'll be at our table. see you there" he walked away and you knew that this was him telling you to be there in less than ten minutes or something would happen
"does- does he always talk to you like that?" george asked hesitantely. you could see on his face that he was unsure if he wanted an answer to that. he probably didn't even want to involve himself in anything that was about you.
"yeah" you muttered, a bit ashamed of the way your brother acted even in front of other people "at least since i'm living with him"
"why don't you just leave?" lucy leaned over the table, confusion evident on her face
"i won't" you said honestly "after our dad died, my mother wasn't able to finance my schooling, but quill was. i owe him something"
"you don't owe him anything" lockwood shook his head "don't you ever get angry at the way he treats you"
"more often than you would think" you eyes wandered across the room. quill was telling some fittes guy a story. he was laughing and widely gesturing. you couldn't remember the last time he had laughed in your presence. "he didn't always used to be like this. our father and him were close and it took a toll on him"
"you're still his sister" lucy reminded
"oh, i know that" you smiled sadly "i wouldn't have stayed if i wasn't"
"how long are you planning to stay?"
you shrugged your shoulders. "as long as i have to. i'll save some money until i have enough to pay him back and rent something"
lockwood looked at his friends. eyebrows raised. you could see the gears turning in their heads, before lucy repeatedly shook her head. george didn't seem happy as well. lockwood turned back to you
"how would you liked to work at lockwood and co?" he asked, beaming "you could move in with us, save money to pay your brother back and not have to indulge his presence. i hear you're pretty good with sight"
you were stunned at his suggestion "do you really mean that?" you asked hopeful
"yeah, lockwood" lucy raised her eyebrows, daring him to answer "do you really mean that?"
"of course" lockwood smiled "we want to help you, right guys?" lucy and george both averted their eyes. you noticed the growing tension
"you really don't have to" you said "i don't think george or lucy are too convinced. i can take another year or two with quill"
as if on cue, quill made his way across the venue. "shit" you whispered as soon as you noticed him moving closer. you did the first thing you could think of, knowing he would cause a scene as soon as he had found you. you took lockwoods hands, dragging him in the other direction quickly.
you two ended up in a broom closet. of all places.
"did you meant to walk into a broom closet?" lockwood asked behind you
"of course not" you opened the door slowly "well. it's too late now anyway" you closed the door again and leaned your back against it
"okay, why are we here exactly?" lockwood made a gesture to open the door, but you pushed him back slightly
"my brother would've caused a scene if he had found me"
"alright" lockwood said, but then raised his brows "and he wouldn't if he found you here?"
you suddenly noticed how you had brought yourself into an even worse situation. lockwood and you were standing pretty close to each other. you could feel his breath fanning over your cheek and you nodded. "he totally would" you laughed and lockwood joined in "he hates you guts"
"can't say i particulary like him" lockwood admitted shamelessly "but he has a beautiful sister"
"well, thank you" you could feel the redness entering you cheeks. at least it was a bit darker in here "he probably would cut my head off if he found us here. even if i told him that it isn't what it looks like"
"well, what does it look like?" lockwood muttered, even closer now
you looked up at him with big eyes. he almost falted under that look. he wanted to kiss you so badly and he was wishing you would indicate the same
"i mean- eh it does look pretty compromising"
"does it now?"
"yeah" your voice had jumped a pitch higher at his close proximity. but you couldn't help but wish for him to finally kiss you. "please" you muttered
"what do you want, darling?" he asked softly, pushing one strand of hair behind your ear.
"please" you repeated "kiss me"
lockwood didn't wait for a second demand. he closed the space between you, interlocking your lips. he tasted sweet, a bit like marshmallows and you smiled into the kiss. your hands wandered to his neck, pushing him impossibly closer, while his hands wandered to your lower back, returning the pressure you were exerting.
he pressed you against the door and you voluntarily opened your mouth for his tongue to enter. faster than you had expected, he broke the kiss, sloppily kissing your neck instead
"shit" you muttered lowly. you quickly gripped his neck, pushing his face away from your neck and back to your mouth. you continued that play for at least ten minutes, when you suddenly remembered why you had been hiding here in the first place
"thank you for your offer" you said, breathlessly "but i can do it for a bit longer"
"is he ever gonna stop treating you this way?" lockwood kissed your temple
"i don't know" you shrugged "but i will talk to him. you guys were right, i shouldn't just accept it. my father died too"
"i'll be here anytime you need me" lockwood assured "or anytime you just want to make out"
you smiled brightly at the boy, pecking his lips, before you opened the door to the closet. "time for the real world, pretty boy"
"i like the sound of.." lockwood interrupted himself. right before the very door you had come out of, now watching your flustered faces distastefully, was standing none other than quill kipps
"what the fuck" he said angrily when he had connected the dots. you were ready to tell him that nothing had happened, but suddenly remembered that that wouldn't be the whole truth
"hey" you smiled, unsure what to say in your defence
"y/n" quill said slowly, and you were glad that the room was outside of the ballroom. the guests or anyone else wouldn't hear him scream at you. "did you two just fuck in there?" you could almost see smoke coming out of his ears. his eyes had fallen to to strap of your dress, that was now hanging at your elbow. you quickly fixed it
"what?" you asked surprised "no, of course not" you knew lockwood was smiling without looking at him. he put his arm around you, pulling you closer at your waist.
"you're not speaking to your sister in that tone" he declared and you send him a wide eyed look. it was hard enough for you to stand up for quill, but he definitely would never listen to lockwood of all people
"yeah, or what?"
"watch yourself" lockwood was angry now, too. "she's still your sister"
"and you are?" quill crossed his arms "you're no one, nothing to her at all"
"leave him alone" you muttered. you had never once even protested at what your brother had said at you, but it was different when he spoke to lockwood that way
"what the fuck did you just say?" quill asked surprised, he had forgotten his anger for the time to be
"you heard me" you said a bit louder now "and you heard him too. you can change your tone when speaking to me"
"ooh" quill laughed "the little miss is making demands"
"i tolerated it long enough" you reminded him "i understood you were griefing, but so was i. you never had any sympathy towards me, so why would i still have any for you? especially since you're ordering me around like your little maid" lockwood squeezed your side
"who put a roof over your head? who payed for everything and anything you needed?"
"you did"
"right" quill smiled smugly
"and i'm thankful for you doing all of that for me. i never even complained, but all of it does not warrant you treating me the way you do"
"watch what you're saying" quill pointed his finger at you accusingly "i prepared you for the real world, i brought you up and you go and throw all of it away for some boy. why do you act like a slut"
the gasp that left lockwoods mouth could've been loud enough for everyone outside the building to hear
"how dare you call me that?" tears entered your eyes slowly. lockwood was pulling up his sleeves, ready to fight the older boy, but you held his arm down. "i'm still your sister" you reminded quill, who looked a bit remorseful at your tears
he sighed, turning away, before he looked back at you "i didn't mean it like that. you're making it hard for me to trust you when you walk off and sleep with the enemy as soon as i leave you own your own"
"i didn't even sleep with him" you screamed angrily. quills eyes had grown big. never in your life had you ever screamed at him. "but if i wanted to i could, because i'm almost an adult"
"you're a kid" quill spat "and it's my job to take care of you. make sure that you turn out well and not get yourself knocked up at seventeen"
"oh my god" you groaned "i didn't sleep with anyone" you repeated once again
"i know" quill said surprisingly soft "but mum did. she ended up pregnant and without any degree in anything. and now, after dad’s death she has nothing to support you with, not even herself. i want you to make different decisions, to be smart and learn something, before you lose focus and fall in love"
you sighed "i understand that" you turned your head to look at lockwood, smiling slightly "but i think it's already too late"
quill sighed as well.
"you didn't have to treat me the way you did" you said "you could've just been honest with me, you know?"
"i know" quill nodded "but i was never good at these things.." he paused, tears briming at the corners of his eyes "dad was"
"i miss him too" you admitted, your voice breaking "and i hate what his death did to you. you weren't always like this"
quill nodded and couldn't bring himself to look you in the eyes. you were right about this, he knew you were. but he had just tried to make a good person out of you. he knew that it wasn't an excuse, but he was working in a dangerous field and he thought that if he would be distant and mean, you wouldn't mourn his death as much as you had did your dad's. "i'm sorry" quill said truthfully and you could see the remorse in his eyes
"i don't want to hate you"
quill nodded
"but you have to be better. an apology alone is not enough. i love you but i'm not beneath receiving any love back" you told him "you have to change the way you treat me, honestly quill, it's not okay" slowly, but determinated, you stepped closer to hug him.
you couldn't remember the last time you had done that. you had missed you brothers warmth. he had always been a good brother, before all this mess had happened and you knew you could forgive him eventually. both of you had taken far too long to have an honest conversation
"we will fix it, i promise" quill muttered into your hair and you nodded, before you losened the hug.
quill's eyes fell upon lockwood. he send him a nod. "thank you for being nice to her"
lockwood contemplated to scatter salt into the wound by saying something along the lines of 'i was just doing what you apparently couldn't', but then instead he just nodded. "of course"
quill smiled tightlipped, before he turned back to you. "and once we get home, we will have a very important conversation"
"quill" you laughed uncomfortably and your brother laughed as well. the sound send shivers down your spine and you had rarely been this happy. for the first time in a long time it seemed like everything would become good again.
"i'll call you" you smiled in lockwoods direction, before you followed your brother out of the estate.
not because he had told you, but because you just wanted to and that was a very good feeling.
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daddy-long-legssss · 1 month
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adrift-in-thyme · 6 months
Most of the time I’m fine being a person who never fits in. A person who never gets the newest trends or watches the cool new videos or has the latest apps or clothes or knows every popular song artist the radio plays into oblivion
But sometimes it feels very isolating
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kep1er-net · 2 months
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hiyyih update ☆ bubble messages: "a tuktuk (tricycle) that require to hunddled together it's a bit narrow for three people ㅎㅎㅎ our hands all look the same polite hands" (translation credits)
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secondstar-acorn · 8 months
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they’re talking shit
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tsukasalover · 10 days
This is the exact reason why I hate when people ask to go through my phone. Its always Tsukasa’s fault just remember that.
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90scartoons · 1 year
Hey! I’m coming out with an album on 8/11 called 28 as a dedication to my late brother who passed away february 8th. It would mean the world to me if u presaved the album and also shared and liked this post so more people can presave. Thank u so much for ur support and I hope u have a nice day :)
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📸: some of my favorite cartoon siblings. Disclaimer: Finn and jake are adoptive brothers. Can u name any more?
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setmeatopthepyre · 1 year
I feel lighter than I have in so much time I've crossed the borderline of weightless One deep breath out from the sky I've reached a rarer height now that I can confirm All our weight is just a burden offered to us by the world
And though I burn, how could I fall? When I am lifted by every word you say to me If anything could fall at all, it's the world And it falls away from me
I do not have wings, love, I never will Soaring over a world you are carryin' If these heights should bring my fall Let me be your own Icarian carrion If the wind turns, if I hit a squall Allow the ground to find its brutal way to me
If I should fall, on that day I only pray, don't fall away from me
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