#She’s still sapphic I just always hc her as Bi
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moonyswarmsweaters · 5 months ago
Ok look,
I can’t really explain it but Mary had an aesthetic crush on Even Rosier
That’s it
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musicalmoritz · 7 months ago
this gonna be a weird question but ever since i have know Aoinene. I have always found a consistent theme of Aoi being a lesbian. While it cool, interesting and all, it hard to found anything canonically to use to prove the interpretation beyond "it just a vibe" . It doesnt interfer with the shipping experience but it still an interesting HC that i would love to found some canon material to build on.
I’m so glad you asked this, I’ve been trying to find a way to talk about my feelings on the lesbian Aoi headcanon for a while now. I’ve written it in my own fics a lot but I have some issues with the way people treat it so I’d like to make this a more nuanced discussion
First off, where does it come from? To answer that question you have to keep in mind that as the manga chapters were being released, fans had no idea where AidaIro planned to go with Aoi and Akane’s relationship beyond what they could infer. While it seems obvious in hindsight that Aoi always liked Akane, a lot of lesbian readers overlooked those hints because they were able to relate to being pursued by a relentless man that they didn’t want. They found comfort in Aoi’s character because her perceived disinterest in Akane was something they could connect to their own experiences with their male best friends falling for them
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Then we have this scene, which is a whole rollercoaster in and of itself. At this point in the manga, fans didn’t know Aoi was faking her personality. She only existed as Nene’s popular best friend, the girl with the rumors. And, of course, the girl who kept rejecting Akane. Aoi and Nene seemed to have a very close friendship, so when this scene came out, many readers jumped to the conclusion that Aoi planned to confess to Nene. This, coupled with her constant rejection of Akane, led many fans to believe Aoi was a lesbian. Not just as a cool headcanon, but as an actual theory. To this day some fans still call her queercoded, and that’s where I have a bit of an issue with the headcanon
Because, despite all of this, Aoi isn’t a lesbian in canon. She’s not even coded to be one. In fact her and Akane’s characters aren’t able to develop without each other. Some fans chalk this up to bad writing or lesbiphobia, stating that Aoi never showed interest in Akane up until chapter 69, but this simply isn’t true. There were numerous hints that Aoi liked Akane back, since his feelings for her were first introduced. She’s shown to be absolutely devastated at the possibility of him dating someone else, and in the Clock Keepers arc we see that she’s been encouraging his pursuit of her this whole time. Fans may not like them, but it’s impossible to deny they’ve been set up since the beginning of the manga- on both sides
However, if you were to call Aoi sapphic coded/bi coded in canon, you wouldn’t be far off. In the Hanako-Kun Of Magic au, Mei fell in love with Aoi through a spell. After the spell wore off, they were confirmed to still hang out. They hang out so frequently, that it makes Mei’s little sister jealous because Aoi is stealing all her attention
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It wouldn’t be a reach to assume they’re dating in this au, which would make Aoi bi or bi-coded in canon (though it’s very up to interpretation so I wouldn’t say she’s as strongly bi-coded as Kou or even Nene). It rubs me the wrong way when people discuss her potential queercoding and entirely ignore her feelings for Akane just because they don’t like the ship, it feels biphobic. It’s also been implied that Aoi has liked men (or people in general) other than Akane, he joins school clubs based on whoever her current type is
Canon aside though, I’d like to talk about why people like the lesbian Aoi headcanon. Namely, why I still like it in fanon despite feeling that it has a very weak basis in canon. Because for some fans, Aoi’s true personality reveal only made their love of the lesbian Aoi headcanon stronger
Remember how I said fans overlooked Aoi’s feelings for Akane because they projected onto her? I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with that as long as they aren’t bringing their bias into analyses. I’ve read many Aoi queercoding analyses where the creator completely ignores Aoi’s attraction to men in canon due to their own projection, and I hate to say it but that is a bad way to analyze. I’ve mentioned before that I strongly relate to Nene’s shallow crushes on men because they remind me of my own experiences with comphet, but I would never call Nene lesbian coded because that would ignore her entire arc with Hanako. Project onto characters all you want but leave that out of your analyses
Anyways, the reveal that Aoi had been faking her personality only gave the lesbian Aoi headcanon more fuel. At this point in the manga, fans were already fully convinced that Aoi was a lesbian…so to find out the pretty popular girl was hiding her true self from the world?? I mean that sounds queercoded as hell. And I won’t lie, I relate to that a lot too. The need to hide who you really are is a nearly universal queer experience, so pretty much any character that has that storyline is going to hit home for a lot of queer readers. That same trope also plays into Mitsuba’s queercoding, so yeah. Despite all the romance stuff with Akane that happened in those chapters, the big takeaway for lesbian Aoi truthers was that Aoi had been hiding a part of herself that the world would shame her for
This is furthered by her relationship with femininity. Aoi plays the role of the ideal popular girl, a common archetype in media. These girls are feminine, passive, kind, humble, and all the boys love them. That is the image Aoi presents to the rest of the school. However, the real Aoi is nothing like that. I wouldn’t go as far as to call her masculine, but she doesn’t act like the poster child for femininity when she’s being her true self. She’s bitter, arrogant, spiteful, and she only really cares about two people. Lesbians tend to have a very complicated relationship with femininity, because heteronormativity asserts that the defining trait of being a woman is your relationship to a man. As a woman, you are someone’s wife, daughter, mother, sister. So when a woman has no interest in men, she loses a core part of her “femininity.” Some lesbians choose to embrace this, they have no interest in femininity so they perform whatever gender presentation they want. Other lesbians reclaim femininity as something defined by themselves, not society. So when lesbians see a character faking her personality to conform to the societal expectations for her gender…oops she’s one of us now lol. This is also why the transmasc Aoi headcanon is popular, though I won’t be getting into that today
There are more simplistic reasons people like the lesbian Aoi headcanon. It fits a trope, the popular girl who’s pressured to be perfect is secretly a lesbian. Then she falls for her fun and quirky bisexual best friend. Unfortunately this is where the headcanon gets very boiled down, people want Aoi to be something that she’s not in canon. They want her to be a trope rather than her own, unique character. The aesthetic girlboss lesbian. She hates Akane and has a huge crush on Nene, maybe some mommy issues and that’s all there is to her. I don’t like these type of headcanons very much, they reduce queerness to an aesthetic rather than an experience. As I mentioned, the lesbian Aoi headcanon does have potential for fanon content, but some fans sadly reduce it to a stereotype
I’ve written both bisexual and lesbian Aoi, and I think they both have their perks. Lesbian Aoi requires a bit of stretching/rewriting of canon, which can be fun but it has to be handled very carefully. Otherwise you get fics that villainize Akane and ignore Aoi and Nene’s complexities. It’s perfectly fine to project onto a character and headcanon them a certain way for comfort, but in terms of characterization I would recommend people try to look past those biases when they’re writing analyses. Fanfic is a bit different bcuz that depends on whether or not you’re trying to stay in character lol, this might be controversial but some writers just don’t care and that’s fine too. They’re just writing it for fun, it doesn’t have to be that serious. Still, I would like to see more fics that keep Aoi and Nene closer to canon (they absolutely exist dw)
The reason I hesitated for so long to address this headcanon is because I wanted to find a way to talk about it sensitively. Queer fans, especially lesbians, already get a lot of flack for their headcanons and I didn’t want to make it seem like I was invalidating anyone’s experiences. If the lesbian Aoi headcanon brings you comfort then, yes, Aoi can absolutely be a lesbian. Fandom is about fan enjoyment, not authorial intent, so headcanon the characters however you want. Just don’t push those headcanons into others, and try to at least be aware of what’s going on in canon. And again, don’t write an analysis if you’re going to be biased. A better way to do it would be something like “I recognize that AidaIro didn’t go this route but it would’ve been interesting if they made Aoi a lesbian.” An analysis like that might have some weight to it!! Aoi and Akane are a super cute ship, but another straight relationship is nothing revolutionary in fiction. However, canon lesbians in a shonen series?? That’s something you don’t see every day. People have valid reasons for wishing Aoi had been written differently, I just wish they would accept that she didn’t get written that way rather than ignoring canon
Sorry if this isn’t what you were expecting, I hope I explained all sides of the headcanon well enough. Tbh a lot of it is just “vibes” but once you look past the surface, it goes a lot deeper. I also want to clarify that Aoi faking her personality reading as queercoding could absolutely work with her being bi too, bisexuals also have to hide a part of themselves and that’s something other lgbtq+ individuals often overlook. The reason it reads specifically as lesbian coding to some fans is because of her projection of femininity being fake so, by extension, her encouragement of the men who pursue her must be too. That’s obviously not canon but some fans believe it would’ve been a cool route to go. Okay that’s it I think I covered everything lol
Thanks again for the ask, I’m glad I finally got the opportunity to talk abt this <3
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 11 months ago
HCs for the Edenian girlies(someone stop her,she's thinking):
1)There's a skin from one of the seasons( I think) that gives Sindel fully black hair and.....Kitana really is her mama's twin. Sindel really said copy and paste with her and gave her her entire face(and body. They're shaped exactly alike. Slim figures,long limbs,small waists).
2) I like to think that Mileena either looks more like Jerrod(tbf, we're yet to see what he looked like normally,pre-Ermac) or one of her grandparents. A lot of questions got raised as Mileena got older because no one can figure out who she really resembles. Some say Jerrod, others say her paternal or maternal grandparents and still others say that she looks like one of her maternal aunts(so Sindel's sisters).
3) If Jerrod was a mess when the girls were born, it gets worse as the girls mature. Granted, they age quite slowly as Edenian Outworlders, but still. He has potraits done of the girls done regularly as they grow up (I like to think that he would be a patron of the arts as part of his royal work) among many other things. They lack for absolutely nothing as long as he's around.
4)But he's very big on keeping them grounded as people. They play with other kids(the young Umgadi recruits), they go to school with their fellow aristocrats(up to a certain age,when they start receiving private, specialized tutelage) and they live a relatively normal life within the palace walls.
5) Jerrod was well aware of Mileena's queerness from quite early on. He actually jokes a bit to Sindel about how liking girls seems to run in the family and that she passed the sapphic genes on to her. (I mean he didn't really react to or seem surprised by Tanya's presence beside Mileena in story mode. He just notes that she's an Umgadi,but not one he knows. So I think he knew that they were fruity.)
Omg, I love headcanons. Thank you for sharing them. I love hearing/ reading other people's headcanons, so keep sending them.
1. I think this is the skin you're talking about. And absolutely yes. Kitana is literally a mini Sindel. They literally have matching hairstyles.
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(I headcanon that Sindel's hair was fully black when she was younger.)
I also noticed how Kitana is more slim and kind of petite, and Mileena looks more broad and has more muscle than Kitana.
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2. I thought about this before. Maybe Mileena's looks are from Jerrod's side of the family. I really wish we could've gotten a flashback or human model of what Jerrod looks like. The only human pic of Jerrod is that painting of him and Sindel in the Great Hall. But, honestly, Mileena looking like her father makes sense to me.
3. Jerrod is the best girl dad and malewife, and I will stand by that. I can imagine those portraits being framed and hung on the wall.
4. This makes so much sense. I feel like Jerrod wanted the girls to have a sort of humble upbringing. Like, Mileena and Kitana don't act like snotty, uptight royals. They have a kindness to them that they got from their father and their no-nonsense attitude from their mother.
5. Him and Sindel knowing Mileena was bi but waiting until she came out to them. In the story scene, can you imagine the conversation they had before they met up with everyone else. He sees how close Mileena and Tanya are, and he's just like, I knew it.
Also, I want to add a headcanon. Mileena is a daddy's girl, and Kitana is a mama's girl.
(If any of y'all want to send your headcanons, my ask box is always open.)
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dinosaursatemymom · 2 years ago
imogen should be unlabeled sapphic imo
It would be great rep plus it could help the show open conversations about how labels shouldn't be forced onto people.
By unlabeled sapphic I mean she should just be like, "I just like people, but I don't think any label really fits me, I just know I like girls" and tbh it seems like once she fully realizes she's into girls she's gonna only date them for a bit hence, "everything would just be easier if I were into girls" so when people ask her about her sexuality she can just be like, "I'm sapphic but I don't want a specific label"
Also a large amount of people in the community tend to force labels onto people and get pissed off when people don't use/do use certain labels, in my experience at least, and I think it would be cool to portray that as it is an issue within the community. I'm not saying the show should villianize any of the main characters, I'm saying that the show should show that even if someone is a part of the community or well meaning they can still mess up and make ignorant comments.
I think a interesting scenario would be if Imogen is talking to one of the kids in the group (likely nick, but maybe Tara or Darcy) about how she thinks shes sapphic and the person she's talking to, like, gives her a label or says something like, "oh well, you're bi then?" Or along those lines. Leaving Imogen upset and dejected because she feels like no labels fit her but everytime she tries to talk to someone about it they always give her a label that she still feels doesn't fit. And she just ends up not wanting to come out because she feels pressured to pick a label and feels like since none of the labels have fit she thinks she's straight (lmao totally not me projecting lol). Also if she does end up dating sahar, which it seems like they're going to, she could try and talk to Sahar about how she feels like none of the labels really fit her. And Sahar is going through all the labels trying to help Imogen, and Imogen is just like, "no, not that one" the entire time. Which could lead to Sahar being upset and thinking that Imogen isn't actually queer and just using her to figure out her sexuality/as an experiment. They fight, Imogen and Sahar both do a bunch of research, Imogen decides that she doesn't want a label and that she likes girls and she doesn't need a label to define her. Whilst Sahar realize that she needs to give Imogen some time, they both apologize and start dating.
Also if they tell the group that they're dating it should go smthn like this :
Imogen or Sahar : we're dating!!
Everybody : yayyyy coolll
Someone : so, Imogen are you a lesbian?
Imogen : nope
Someone else : bisexual then?
Imogen : no. I'm not anything, I'm just me
Somebody : but, like-
Imogen : well, I am sapphic, but i don't need a label, all that matters is that I like Sahar right now
Everyone : okah
A disgustingly adorable group hug commences
I just think this would be really cool and I def might be projecting a bit because I felt very forced into choosing a label by my lgbtqia+ peers. I also think it would be good because it could show viewers that just because someone doesn't have a label when they come out(or ever) doesn't mean they're any less valid.
Also sapphic is just such a pretty word it's just so✨🥰🌈😜😘🩷🤍🪻🤍🩷✨. It just feels so feminine and girly, it's so perfect for Imogen I just love it. I love Imogen sm. And the flagg the flag is so pretty, girls are pretty. I love women(that includes trans women too!!! I shouldn't even have to say this tbh, trans women are women) Imogen is pretty.
The issue with this is that ik the viewers would still have hc for her sexuality even if she gets confirmed unlabeled, and say shit like, "well unlabeled isn't her reallll sexuality, she obviously has to be someeethinggg". Which would go against the exact point of the storyline.
Ik this probably isn't what they're gonna do with the storyline but it would be super cool if they did.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years ago
.,,,, Toriel or Seam
okay you know i've gotta do both. i can't not do both.
sexuality headcanon: i think toriel is ace! and sapphic for sure. not sure whether she's bi or gay but she likes women for sure. and seam... hmmmmm. i'm not sure about them. arospec maybe? i think they just. like who they like and don't put a label on it
otp: for undertale toriel i'm quite partial to goatbun. that's a REALLY cute rarepair. for deltarune toriel i've become increasingly fond of quoriel lately- milf4milf couples my beloveds💙 as for seam i dunno if i have one. i don't really ship them with anyone. an annoyances to lovers arc with them and swatch might be funny
notp: i am so glad asgore and toriel are never getting back together. partially because i think she's too good for him (in both universes), partially because i adore the way the uglier parts of them are contrasted and emphasized by the other. i like their relationship the way it is- broken. for seam again i don't think i have one. i'm neutral on seavil... i saw toriel/seam tossed around once or twice and i don't like that one just cause it's my belief that seam was toriel's old stuffie but that's just me
brotp: toriel and sans of course! i also like her little friendship with alphys in deltarune. she's always rooting for her💙and jevil and seam bring out such fascinating parts of the other. they're the red and black jokers!! i love it
first hc i can think of: well there's the headcanon that seam was toriel's old stuffed animal from when she was a kid that i mentioned earlier! i love that hc so much it's unbelievable. toriel rediscovering her inner child and relearning the magic she once knew by going on an adventure with her old stuffed cat💙💙💙💙💙
favorite line: god. "and my view of this world has grown darker, yet darker" always makes me go insane for obvious reasons. also "you wouldn't want to be caught out after dark"... what do they know. WHAT DO THEY KNOW. toriel-wise... i don't know if i have one! i have a feeling that she's gonna have a few lines in chapter 3 that are gonna make me ugly cry though
one way i relate to them: i don't think i really relate to either of them? they're both much older than me, for one thing. i'm not really in a position to relate to them. i still love them though :]
secondhand embarrassment: seam is the coolest character EVER and nothing they do is embarrassing. except maybe the burnt darkburgers but they OWN their shitty cooking skills and sell them with pride. they're my hero. ditto for toriel. she risks being an embarrassing mum but only manages to be endearingly awkward. i wish i had their swag
cinnamon roll/problematic fave: i GUESS toriel's a problematic fave. i forgive her though💙and seam has never done anything wrong in their life. except maybe the nihilism but like. Not Their Fault
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longlivefanfic-net · 2 years ago
106 & 146 w nancy wheeler PLEASE dawg i need it so bad fr 🙁 also i know how ppl hc nancy as a dom but in my head that girl is my prissy princess and i need so bad to give her the sex that no man could 🤷🏽also it would be cool if you could fit in something to do w nancy x barb bc that’s a hc that I’ve had for a while :) & bi nancy finally accepting herself 🤭 okay yes im probably gg be spamming reqs like this every so often- much love !! -maxaroni & cheese (wow im so funny hahaha 😐)
Maxaroni! I feel like it's taken me FOREVER to get this finished for you (sorry!!!) but it is DONE. I hope you like it!
Prompts: “I’m going to fuck you until you forget that asshole’s name.” and “Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh…no, I was just…” “Want some help?”
Content: sapphic reader; afab!reader; afab!reader x Nancy Wheeler; college roommates; smut, just like a lot of queer smut; some pining on the readers side because why not; Nancy Wheeler has a praise kink; mommy kink; Jonathan x Nancy
Word count: 7.1k (this was supposed to be short WHOOPS)
Summary: You meet Nancy the day you move into your shared college living space and spend the next few months desperately wishing to be between her legs. But she's got a boyfriend! And a plan for her life! Right?!
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Nancy Fuckin' Wheeler
It wasn’t your fault you had fallen for your roommate. She had shown up on move-in day, had simply appeared, like the pixie she resembled, in the too-small room you were expected to share for the next nine months. Her brown hair had been curly, shorter back then, with bangs that brushed the tops of the lashes that framed her large, round eyes. She had smiled at you, striding across the tiny room with her hand already extended, and you had noticed the way her nose wrinkled, right at the tip, when she grinned and you were gone. “I’m Nancy,” she had said, picking up your hand to shake, firmly, like she shook a lot of men’s hands and was tired of being told she had a weak grip. “Nancy Wheeler.” 
You had played it cool for the first few weeks. This was your college roommate–if you didn’t fuck this up, she might end up being your best friend for life. It’s not like you could say, “Hi, Nancy, nice to meet you, I like girls and think you’re hot!” No. No way. And, if you were honest, you couldn’t risk isolating the only person you knew at Emerson. It was lonely in those big buildings, the bustling sounds of city life right outside every window yet feeling so far away. You wanted Nancy to be your friend, and you had thought that meant you had to pretend to be…like her. 
After a few weeks, though, you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. Nancy had taken to having full conversations with you while she changed in the mornings, tossing her towel on her bed when she got back from the shared bathroom. She’d hold intense eye contact with you, chattering away the entire time about her classes, and her plans for the day, and whether you wanted to go grocery shopping with her that day, and her boyfriend, always her damn boyfriend. She’d stand on the other side of your narrow bedroom, completely naked, practically daring your eyes to slip from her face, and talk at a hundred miles a minute about Jonathan, this perfect Jonathan, who was always coming to visit that weekend but never actually showed up. 
When you cracked, she didn’t even react. It was during a rare moment of silence, her back still wrapped in her towel and turned to you as she pulled a top out of her neatly-organized closet. Your eyes were fixed on the back of Nancy’s neck; her brown hair was pinned up, and the pale skin of her neck still had beads of water from the shower darkening the fine curls that lay flat against her skin. You watched a drop of water slide down her skin, tangle in that one, C-shaped piece of hair that had fallen out of the clip, and felt your eyes glaze over; you wished, desperately, to be water, to be able to slide over her porcelain body, touching without touching, and find rest in her hair. “You know I like girls, right?” You had blurted out, the words throwing themselves desperately off your tongue to land with a disgusting smack in the middle of the room, as bare and naked as Nancy tended to be. 
She turned her head over her shoulder, barely glancing away from the shirt in her hands. “Oh! No, I didn’t know that.” You stood, waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for Nancy to call you names or tell you she was uncomfortable or tell you to request a room change but instead–instead, all you got was a slight blush over her cheeks when she turned back to you. “Did you–did you want me to change in the bathroom?” You shook your head, suddenly numb to the sounds of the cars in the street, the people yelling at each other on the sidewalks, the sounds of your other roommates making breakfast in the kitchen. It all disappeared when Nancy smiled at you–almost shyly, her lips only slightly tilting up at the corners before her eyes ducked down–and removed her towel. 
Afterwards, Nancy had taken it upon herself to make sure you knew you were welcome to bring over whoever you wanted. She eyed girls at the grocery store, the coffee shop, the diner the two of you frequented for late night pancakes, and nudged you, using those wide eyes to motion towards the girls she had picked out for you. She had good taste, you had to give her that–but the girls Nancy picked were always too tall, their hair too light, their bodies too full for who you really wanted. 
One night, late–or early, really–the two of you were nestled into the couch, swathed by blankets, Nancy’s pajama clad legs in your bare lap as you passed a carton of ice cream back and forth. The other roommates had gone out earlier, disappearing in a haze of hairspray and blue eyeshadow with promises to be back for lunch tomorrow. Nancy had declined their invitations, staying home and waiting for Jonathan to call. When he didn’t, you slipped downstairs, running across the street to the bodega for a can of Coke and Nancy’s favorite icecream. 
The night slipped away with the two of you there, sitting by the phone–”just in case,” Nancy said, biting her too-full bottom lip as she avoided your eyes. The conversation started innocently enough: You wanted to comfort her, and had started sharing stories of your own pathetic dating life. She laughed so hard she snorted, actually snorted, her nose wrinkling and her eyes creasing at the corners as she closed them, when you told her about the boyfriend you barely let touch you in high school, the “best friend” you had “practiced” with instead.
“I did that too!” She exclaimed, her voice high and breathless between the sweet peals of her laughter. Her feet pressed into the bare skin of your legs, toes digging against soft skin as you tried to ignore the goosebumps that raced down your arms. She was so warm, so full of light as she gazed at you, and the weight of her body, sprawled so casually over yours, felt so right, felt like home. “I did that too,” she said. “My friend, Barb–she was my first kiss. We said we were ‘practicing’ for when boys decided to date us.” 
You reeled in your shock, loosening the fingers that had immediately tightened around her ankles at the words. Nancy Wheeler–Nancy “Perfect” Wheeler, Nancy “4.0” Wheeler, Nancy fuckin Wheeler–kissed girls? Nancy eyed you from the other end of the couch, the television light flickering over her brows, still high with the glimmer of her laugh. Her cheeks were dark, a blush building there as she held your eyes with her own. “What?” She asked, her voice suddenly low. “You didn’t know I kissed girls?” She cocked her head, slightly, the movement exposing the side of her throat. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, aggressive thumps, as her eyelids lowered slightly. Her lips parted, just barely, and you watched the pink tip of her tongue wet the very edges of the lush bow. 
“Nancy,” you replied, your shaking voice betraying you, your body betraying you as it warmed under her gaze. “That’s…kinda gay.” Nancy rolled her doe eyes, smirking slightly. “Are you–Nancy, do you like girls?” She shrugged her pajama-clad shoulders, angling her head towards the TV. “Yeah,” she said, flicking a heavy-lidded glance back at you. “And guys. It’s not a big deal.” She said it so nonchalant, said it like she hadn’t just rocked your world and flipped it on its axis, like she hadn’t made your heart jump into your throat. Nancy liked girls. Nancy could like you. Hell, it almost seemed like she was flirting with you. Except–
Except for Jonathan. Fucking Jonathan, who happened to call at that exact moment, like your thought of his name summoned him from California, the earsplitting ring of the telephone making both you and Nancy jump. She grabbed, desperately, at the receiver, picking up the heavy plastic and cradling it between her strong chin and shoulder. “Hello?” She whispered, breathy with her excitement. “Yeah. No, it’s fine, it’s– I can talk.” She looked over her shoulder at you and, if you didn’t know better, you’d have thought she looked guilty. 
You smiled, bitterly aware that it didn’t meet your eyes, and slid her feet off your lap. Standing up, you stretched–the two of you had been on that couch, skin touching skin, for hours now, and your joints felt stiff. Nancy watched, either unaware or uncaring that you could see her eyes fixate on the way your oversized t-shirt lifted with your arms, the hem dancing over the edges of your underwear. Heat pulsed through your core, a sudden, desperate throbbing, as her eyes met yours from where she sat on the couch. Your breath caught, slightly, in your chest, and you turned, heading to the bathroom for a cold shower–and, if that didn’t work, a few minutes alone with your hand and the image of Nancy, eyes wide and hungry, jaw loose like it was waiting for you to guide it. 
After your shower–and, yes, a few minutes of picturing Nancy’s face, Nancy’s body, Nancy’s neck and skin and hair and lips–you headed back to your shared bedroom. Nancy was no longer in the living room, not lazed over the arm of the couch while she giggled with Jonathan on the phone. You opened the door to your bedroom quietly, hoping she’d already be asleep. She was in her bed, a small bundle of limbs and dark hair tucked in amidst the lightly colored bedding of her twin-sized mattress. 
She wasn’t asleep. Maybe you had turned the door handle too quietly. Maybe she heard you and just didn’t care. Either way, when you closed the door with a soft snick, Nancy kept her eyes closed, continued to thrust her hips lightly against, you assumed, the hand hidden under her bedspread. You felt your heart stutter in your chest, your knees suddenly weak; she was beautiful, gorgeous, somewhere between frustrated and focused as she worked against her own skin. “Nance,” you whispered, and her eyes shot open, wide and all-too-innocent as she fluttered her lashes at you across the room. “Were you just masturbating?” 
“Um,” she replied, cheeks dusting lightly with a pink blush that matched her bedspread, “U-uh…no, I was just…” Nancy’s eyes flitted nervously around the room, her lips pressing together into a hard, embarrassed line, and you watched her throat bob as she swallowed. It was the swallow that did it, of all things. Your newfound best friend, your roommate, laying in bed with her dark curls spread under her angelic face had already driven you to the edge, but watching her throat move as she swallowed, wishing you could taste that swallow, finally hurled you over the precipice you had been dancing on since the first time you had lain eyes on her. 
“Want some help?” The words burst from between your lips, your body going cold and then hot as the blush raced under your skin. But the words were out, were hanging in the air between the two of you, and all you could do now was wait, your veins full of ice. Nancy’s eyes widened, her jaw relaxing and going slack so that her lips parted. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the full, rosebud pink curves, wishing to be in between them; that’s why you couldn’t miss it when they shifted, just slightly, letting Nancy’s whispered “yes” glide under your skin. 
The ice in your veins melted, the sudden liquid rushing in your ears, as the heat you had just dulled sparked back to life in your stomach. You pushed down the excitement, the fear that swirled through your body; it was important, so, so important that you handle this right. You walked towards her tiny bed slowly, giving her plenty of time to say “I was kidding!” or “Nevermind,” as you shifted her blankets aside, sliding your half-clothed body into the bed next to her. Nancy shifted her face, just slightly, so that her oversized eyes were trained on your face when she blinked, a rush of blood rising to the surface of her cheeks. 
You looked down at Nancy’s slender body as you propped yourself up on one arm, pressing yourself closer to her under the warmth of the blankets. Jonathan–the mysterious Jonathan, who never came to visit when he said he would, who only existed to you as the framed photograph on Nancy’s desk–flashed in your mind, and you wondered if he was the reason Nancy was rutting her hips against her own hand; if he had spent those minutes you were in the shower whispering in her ear across the phone lines, making her desperate for him, for the feeling of his body pressed against hers. It doesn’t matter, you thought to yourself. I’m the one in bed with her. The thought made you blush, and your eyes skittered away from Nancy’s, floating down the outline of her body under the blankets she was covered by. 
“You don’t have to–” Nancy suddenly whispered, watching the heat building along your neck and cheeks, and you cut her off, jumping on the words and stubbing the burning embers of her rejection out before it could flame. “I want to,” you whispered back, the words shocking you as they pressed into the room, making their presence felt in your core with a brush of heat. Nancy just stared, doe eyes blinking rapidly as she pressed her lips together, swallowing again and–fuck, what you would have given to taste the inside of her mouth. She looked, pointedly, at her body, hidden under the bedspread, before flashing her eyes back to you. 
You pulled the corner of your bottom lip between your teeth, worrying it slightly, before slipping your free hand over her body, her flat stomach and soft thighs, until it was over the hand she still had wedged between her legs. “Move your hand, Nancy,” you commanded, watching the blankets so you didn’t have to look at her. When she pulled her hand away from her sex, you could have sworn that, for just a moment, she let her fingers brush against your palm. 
Slowly, your fingers cupped around Nancy’s folds, luxuriating in the heat emanating from her skin. When you slipped your middle finger in between her lips, stroking once, you kept your face carefully turned away from hers, refusing to watch the shuddering gasp fall from her lips. Your finger was poised at her entrance, ready to push inside of her–or pull back–with the slightest hint of what she wanted. “Nance,” you said, your voice low and quiet. “This is going to feel better if I get you wet first.” You let the silence build between the two of you, stretching on for what felt like an agonizing length of time. “Can I kiss you?”
“O–okay.” The voice under you was timid, shy, unlike the Nancy you had come to know in the last few months. You angled your head towards hers, desperately seeking out her face in the dim light of your shared bedroom. Nancy was watching you, eyes eager as she licked her lower lip. The warm lap of fire in your core suddenly tightened, blazing as you leaned down, ducking your head to her strong jaw. Your lips pressed against the coolness of her skin, the hard line of her angular jaw, and you felt her chest hitch under you, her body shake with the desire that buried itself in her lungs at the touch of your mouth on her body.
You pulled back, peering at Nancy’s face. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted as she lay under you, glowing in the soft beams of moonlight that slanted in through the window, radiant; she was a Renaissance painting against her pillow, a woman blissful in the throes of passion, seduced by an immortal god. Your body, your soul cried out for you to touch her, touch her, and you leaned down, pressing your lips against the long line of her throat, the column of smooth skin, before running your tongue over it. The tiniest, softest moan escaped Nancy’s lips as your tongue warmed her skin and–
You felt her body under your hand, still cupping her sex, flutter. Her walls tightened, almost imperceptibly, as your finger waited for her body to grant you entrance. When you felt the rush of slick dripping in between her folds, sliding over your hand, you slipped yourself inside of her. Nancy whimpered, eyes still closed under you as you curled your finger slightly, pressing against the warm, tight wall of her body. “Shh,” you murmured, and your free arm pressed itself into her pillow, your hand pushing her curls out of her face so you could watch her eyes tighten, her brow crease. She moaned again, barely more than a sigh, and you felt her hips tilt up, pushing your finger deeper inside of her. You couldn’t stop the grin that slipped over your lips–and she couldn’t see it, anyways, her eyes shut as her head rolled back on her pillow. 
“More,” Nancy moaned, and you ignored the spreading heat in between your legs as you bullied a second finger into her. She was tight, much tighter than you ever would have dreamed, and you could feel her clenching around the forced spread of your hand inside of her. You rotated your wrist, pulling your fingers back before slipping them in again and again, never fully pulling them out as she gasped with each thrust. “More, more,” Nancy’s voice came to you like a prayer falling from her lips, begging, pleading for you to touch her; you dipped your head, lips latching on to her exposed collarbone as she mewled. 
Nancy ground her hips against your hand, her desire coating your palm and other fingers now, desperate for more friction as you filled and stretched her. “What is it, babygirl?” You heard yourself whispering against Nancy’s throat, the words slipping out without your permission. “What do you need from mommy?” Nancy’s hips stuttered against your hand, a physical reflection of her shock at the growl in your words, the low, coaxing tone that wallowed in between your bodies. 
“Need–I want–” Nancy stuttered, and you dared to glance up at her from where you suckled on her throat.
 “Use your words.”
 “I want you to touch my clit.” 
“Good girl,” you whispered, and Nancy whimpered, a high-pitched sound that scratched itself out a home in your heart as it fell from her lips. You let your thumb push in between her folds, seeking out the swollen bud above her opening. Pushing into it, you reveled in the sound of Nancy’s breathing, harsh pants now as her hips lifted again and again. “You’re doing so good, sweet girl,” you breathed into her skin, fingers curling inside of her as your thumb rubbed harsh, fierce circles. “Keep going. Keep going until you cum for me, baby.” 
Nancy whined at your words, and you felt her suddenly clench around you, drawing your fingers even deeper into her body. You moved your thumb faster, whispering “that’s my girl, that’s my girl, go ahead, baby,” as her panting turned into soft cries, little moans that elevated in pitch as her body pulled, tightening and releasing in short spasms. When she stopped, her hips slowing, her muscles loosening around you suddenly, you kept your fingers resting in her warmth. Pulling your face back from her neck, you carefully avoided Nancy’s eyes, avoided seeking out the sweat and blush on her face that was meant to be your reward, and carefully pulled your hand from her body, gentle as her walls twitched. 
Your hand came up from under the blankets, dripping and coated in the clear expression of Nancy’s satisfaction, of what you had to assume was her enjoyment of your touch. You chanced a glance back at her, still lying on the pillows. Nancy’s eyes were on your hands, the corners of her eyes tight as her mouth pressed into a hard line; you felt the burn of rejection simmer in your gut, a byproduct of the guilt and shame you read in her face. “I’m just–I’m going to go to the bathroom,” you said, flipping Nancy’s blanket back and standing up suddenly, desperately hoping she couldn’t see the discoloration where your underwear was soaked through, couldn’t see the glimmer of slick dripping down your own thighs. 
The two of you never spoke about it. Never, not once, over the next few months did you bring it up–and there were chances to. When you brought a girl home from a Halloween party, Nancy didn’t ask if you got her off the same way you did her; when she left to go back to Hawkins for Thanksgiving, you didn’t ask if her own hand would satisfy her the way yours had; and when either of you entered your room late at night, you both always knocked first, giving the other time to whip their hand out from their underwear and feign sleep. 
It almost felt like you had made it up, like it was some too-vivid dream. Like you had dreamt what Nancy’s throat tasted like, like you had dreamt how her hair smelled like jasmine, like you had dreamt that her fingers had tightened in the fabric of your shirt as she came, like you had dreamt of her face cradled so gently in your palm while you pushed her hair out of her face. 
Or worse–like you had dreamt up the little glances she shot you in the kitchen as you poured coffee, her eyes darting away nervously as soon as they met yours; had dreamt the way her eyes pulled together with hurt when you had walked the girl from the Halloween party out of your apartment, ducking slightly to avoid the kiss the girl had tried to press to your mouth at the front door, aware of Nancy’s gaze on the back of your head; had dreamt the blush that darkened her cheeks as she took calls from Jonathan in your living room, the phone ringing for her less and less often. 
The one thing that you knew you weren’t creating in your own head was the silence. Because Nancy still changed in your shared room, exposing her full body–the soft, pale thighs your hand had parted, the pert, firm breasts you had felt against your torso when you leaned into her–to you as she pulled her clothes, but now she did it without speaking. 
You would have let the silence go on forever, would have lived in quiet for the rest of the year and moved out in the spring and spent the rest of your life pushing thoughts of Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Fuckin’ Wheeler, out of your head for the rest of your life. Would have never spoken to her again, if that’s what she wanted, until December. 
She had packed her bags, chattering at top speed to all of the roommates: Jonathan had called, had made plans for the two of them, had booked her a flight–she was going to California for Christmas. She’d spend the holidays wrapped around the boy you resented, snuggled warm under his blankets, his hand between her thighs instead of yours, exchanging presents and kisses, while you sat alone in the drafty apartment you all shared. The other roommates were going out of town, too, with promises to bring back their family’s cookies and cakes for you since you were the only one not planning on leaving for the month of break. 
When Nancy left, she had flung an arm around the neck of each girl; had hugged them quickly, but fiercely, like she wanted them to know that she loved them but not enough to stay. When she walked up to you, her arms were slower–she wrapped both of the thin, long limbs around your waist instead of your neck, pulling you in tightly. Her lips ghosted over your racing pulse in your throat, a gentle brush that could have been mistaken for an accident, before she pulled back. “Bye!” She chirped, her voice as bright as her welling eyes. “See you in a month!” 
The next few weeks were a haze. A disorienting blur of the other roommates leaving, of rides to the airport and lonely trips to the grocery store. Of waking up in an empty bedroom, no sounds of soft sighs and sleepy, content breaths from the other side of the room. You settled into a routine: Wake up, make breakfast, bundle up in your warmest coat and a thick scarf to go for a walk, come home, flick through TV while you snacked, make dinner, go to bed. It was boring, yes, but the routine settled you, and when thoughts of Nancy, images of her wide eyes and wider grin, her sharp brows and strong jaw, her long fingers and dark curls, danced across your retinas, you could shake your head and refocus on the task at hand. There was no space for the lingering hurt in your heart with your routine, no space to bemoan the state of your life and loneliness as you sat on the couch on Christmas Eve. 
The routine was familiar at this point, comforting in the way it surrounded you with people and distractions while you were entirely alone. The routine is why it was so alarming when the front door swung open, accompanied by the loud thumps of a heavy suitcase hitting the floor. The routine was the reason you looked up so slowly, why it took your brain so long to process the small woman in your doorway wearing a skirt and t-shirt, shivering aggressively as tears slid down her face. “N–Nancy?” You asked, feeling your eyebrows draw together in confusion. She opened her mouth, the only thing coming out of it a wail. 
“Nancy,” you said, standing up suddenly. You rushed to the door, wrapping your arms around her slender, icy frame. “Nancy, what’s wrong? What–Why are you here? Where is your fucking jacket?” You asked, your head turning quickly to look at the frozen flurries frolicking past your window, snowflakes glinting in the light of the streetlamps. A watery laugh burst from the chest wrapped under your arms. 
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Nancy asked, tilting her head slightly to peer up at you from watery lashes. “I come home,” she sniffed, wiping her nose as you relinquished your grip on her, “crying,” she said, emphasizing the word, “and you’re worried about me not having a coat?” She laughed again, the sound broken and making your heart ache. 
“It’s freezing outside, Nance. You–come on, you need to get wrapped up. Come sit on the couch.” You pushed her farther into the apartment, following behind to swaddle her in the blankets, still warm from your own body heat, that were piled on the couch. “What are you doing here? You were supposed to be in California with Jonathan until January.” 
She sniffed, running a finger under her eyes. “We broke up,” she said, her voice catching on the words. The story burbled out of her in stops and starts, tears and shuddering gasps interrupting her words as she recounted the morning’s conversation, how Jonathan had sat her down at the breakfast table, how he had explained that he wasn’t sure he could give her the life she wanted, she deserved, he said, and how, eventually, it had come down to the simplest words possible: We just don’t love each other anymore.” 
Her hands reached out, sliding over the blankets to wind her fingers in between the spaces of yours. “He was right,” Nancy said, her voice more even now as the tears stopped. “He was right, we just–we don’t love each other anymore. I don’t think we have for a while. But I just–I wasn’t expecting it, you know? I thought–” she shook her head, a trickle of laughter flowing from her lips. “I thought I would just get through the next four years, and then I would marry Jonathan, and we’d have a couple of kids, and we would be normal. I wanted to be normal.” Her eyes met yours, sending a shiver down your spine before she shifted her gaze to your interlocked fingers. “I don’t think I can be normal, though. I think–I think I want something else for myself now.” Nancy’s fingers tightened, a shot of adrenaline coursing through your veins at the touch. 
When she leaned forward, pressing her wide lips to yours, it caught you off guard. You jolted backwards, breaking the first real kiss the two of you had ever had. “Nance,” you whispered. “I’m– I don’t think we should–” 
“You just broke up–”
“I don’t care. I don’t care about him like that anymore. I haven’t since–since before we–please, I just want you to touch me.” 
You bit back the words that had been pushing for space on your tongue, the denials and the rebuffs that were rational and responsible. “Say that again.”
“I want you to touch me. Please.” The last word was a whimper, soft and quiet like she was ashamed of it, but it melted whatever lingering resolve was buried in your chest. You moved quickly, bringing your mouth to Nancy’s again, pressing lips together as you tilted your head, pressing hers back so that your tongue was able to slip easily into the space between her lips. She gasped, quietly, against your mouth, and you felt your heart rattle in your chest, chaotic and longing to be closer to her. 
“I’m going to fuck you,” you whispered, moving your mouth to press harsh, hot kisses into her chin, her jawline, her neck, her throat, “until you forget that asshole’s name. Understood?” The whimper that fell from Nancy’s lips was your only verbal response, but she nodded her head vigorously, her brown curls shifting out of place with the motion; the way her fingers tightened around your arms, her nails digging into your skin as her head tilted back, a moan falling from her mouth, confirmed it for you as well. 
Your fingers flew to her waistline and were met by her hands; you pulled her skirt down as she pushed her shirt up (a trickle of annoyance in the back of your mind that Jonathan, fucking Jonathan who’s been an invisible presence between the two of you for so long, let her come back here in the dead of winter wearing a t-shirt and a skirt). Your fingers find bare skin, exposed paleness dappled with large freckles here and there. It’s the first time you’ve seen her like this–the last time you touched her, she was covered the entire time, keeping herself hidden away from your prying eyes like a sacred relic, like she knew that you were greedy and would take as much of her as you could and would never, never give up what you held in your hand at that moment. 
You wrapped your fingers around her waist, pressing your hands into the lines of muscle and sinew that separated you from her bones. Overcome, you dipped your head, pressing your nose flat into the soft padding above her belly button. The weight of your face pushed Nancy back onto the arm of the couch, her legs sprawling open as you fit your body between them so you could continue to touch the parts of her that reclined backwards. You dragged your nose up, letting your skin burn a path across her stomach as your nose and chin pushed up, up, until your chin was resting on the very bottom line of her bra. You settled your face there, Nancy’s fingers winding through your hair as she gripped your scalp, and blinked at her, a slow smile turning your lips as you took in her disheveled hair, pink cheeks, panting breaths. “Hi,” you whispered. 
“Hi yourself,” she whispered back, a gentle smile settling over her face. She loosened her grip on your hair, and the long fingers brushed against your forehead. Nancy tilted her head, slightly, watching her own hands trace patterns over your skin. When her eyes drifted back to yours, you couldn’t help but see the warmness in them, the distant echo of a centuries old fireside that represented home. “Are you done? Or do I get more?” She asked, and you had to stop yourself from practically purring at the simplicity of her request, of the implication that she was just waiting this whole time for you to decide to give her more. 
“Depends,” you said, smirking. “What’s your ex’s name?” 
“Jonathan,” Nancy replied immediately, eyebrows pulling together. 
“Must need more then,” you said, and turned your head abruptly to nip at the swell of the breast that threatened to spill out of the cup of her bra. Nancy’s sharp gasp was finished with a laugh, and your hands slipped under her torso to unclasp her bra, pulling the straps down her arms as you moved the material away from her skin. Her breasts fell free of the enclosure, the pink rosebuds already hard and drawn in the coolness of the air. You bite, playfully, at the curving line of her chest, soothing the small mark from your teeth with your tongue as Nancy whimpers. “Shh,” you whisper, “It’s okay. I’ve got you.” 
Your mouth moves, slowly and sloppily, to the hardened perk of her nipple, and you’re quick to take it in between your lips, sliding your tongue over it, around it, all but rolling it in your mouth. Nancy is gasping, little “yes”s bursting from her lips as your hands wander down from her sides, skimming over her narrow hips to clench the tops of her thighs that your body presses between. All she’s wearing underneath you is a pair of the satin panties you’ve spent the last semester watching her shimmy over her hips, wishing desperately to touch. 
You lean back, letting your eyes wander over the expanse of her body as Nancy catches her breath. Her chest heaves under your eyes, her pulse throbbing in the column of her throat. “God,” you hear yourself whisper, voice rasping. “You are so fucking pretty for me, baby girl.” Nancy’s eyes widen, her lower lip wobbling as she takes in your words. Her arm extends, grabbing your wrist tightly as she pulls your fingers to her skin. 
Nancy places the palm of your hand against her throat, your fingers instinctually wrapping around the slender column. You feel your eyes widen slightly, shocked by the unspoken request; her brows arc, right at the narrow ends, and you feel your face press into a grin. “Words,” you whisper, and Nancy’s eyes slip closed, a tiny smile playing at the curve of her full, swollen mouth. 
“Please what?” 
“Please choke me. Please. I need you to–” 
Her words end abruptly, a gentle sigh replacing her voice as your fingers tighten, pressing into the harsh pulse on the sides of her throat. Your other hand slips between her legs, finding the skin of her inner thighs slick with longing. “Oh, you’re such a good girl,” you whisper, and Nancy’s moan makes your stomach tighten, your core throb. Your fingers slide the soft fabric of her underwear to the side, pushing in between the folds to seek out her center. 
“Wait,” Nancy huffs, and you loosen your fingers around her throat, eyes flashing to her face with concern. You look over her, eyes darting for signs of distress, for too-red cheeks or teary eyes. “I just–you already–please, just let me go down on you.” You lean back, feeling your eyebrows climb over your face as your lips part slightly. “Please. Mommy.” The words are stilted, falling from her mouth like bricks, but the light blush snaking over her cheeks tells you that Nancy knows, she knows what she wants, and she wants you. 
You nod, the movement subtle. “Okay, baby girl. Whatever you want.” She preens under your words, her eyelashes fluttering as a soft smile highlights the apples in her cheeks. Nancy’s fingers are gentle, slow where yours were quick, as they grab the hem of your night shirt; she pulls it over your head carefully, eyes on yours until your skin is exposed. The cool air of the apartment hits you, causing goosebumps to rise on your soft form.
“You’re so…” Nancy’s voice trails off, quiet as her doe eyes roam over your skin. “Beautiful,” she says, the word hanging in the air between the two of you, glimmering with traces of months worth of pent-up longing. “You’re so beautiful.” Her eyes meet yours, a spark of electricity bouncing from her to tighten your heart in your chest. Nancy leaned forward, pressing her mouth to yours as you fell back against the worn couch. Her delicate hands guide you to lie down on your back, the top of your head pressing into the bottom of the arm of the couch. “Beautiful,” she whispers, pressing her mouth into your throat; “Beautiful,” she says again, her lips cloying at your collarbone; “Beautiful,” hushed, like a prayer, at the curve of your breast; “Beautiful,” louder now, spoken into the softness of your stomach; “Beautiful,” a moan, this time, as you slip your underwear down your legs, exposing your heat to her mouth. 
Nancy is quick now, her lips pressing once to the skin above your already-damp folds. You feel her fingers spread you, her body tightening with anticipation in between your clenched thighs. A finger pushes against your opening, the muscles fluttering at the slight pressure. “Is this okay?” Nancy asks, and she pulls her eyes away from your body to gaze up at you. You nod, aware that any words from your lips would come out cracked, broken, as pathetic as you’ve felt dreaming of this moment for the last few months. 
Nancy’s finger slides into your core, and a soft sigh falls from your lips. She’s gentle, caring with her hand already up to the palm inside of you. The finger curls, just slightly, as she pulls it back, and your eyelids flicker at the pressure against your walls. She pushes a second finger in, stretching you just slightly as she works her hand against you, forcing a small whine from your lips. “You’re okay?” She says, the end of the sentence rising like a question as her eyes meet yours again. You nod, your eyes already feeling hazy as you watch her watch you. “Can I…use my mouth?” The question is hesitant, tentative, shy. 
“Don’t ask so many questions, Wheeler,” you mutter, cheeks burning as your voice shakes. A slow smile spreads over her face, and Nancy pulls her fingers from your warmth and dips her face to the space between your thighs. You can feel her tongue, flat and wide, licking a stripe between your lips; when it passes your gaping hole, you whimper and lift your hips, trying to grind into her face. Her tongue whisks over your clit, barely more than a fleeting brush, but it makes you gasp, the sound echoing through the empty apartment. 
“Oh,” Nancy sighs, and her eyes are narrowed, quizzical as she looks at you again. “You want both? Want to be filled and licked?” You nod again, the desire to mock her endless questions dying on your tongue as her fingers slide back in, quickly now that she’s in familiar territory. Your head rolls back on the couch under you, and your eyelids slide closed. When her tongue returns to the swollen burst of nerves, you whimper–the sound is long, loud, ludacris when coupled with the sound of her fingers thrusting into your wetness. “Oh,” Nancy moans–really, truly, moans, into your dripping cunt, and the vibrations send shockwaves through your skin. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, and your hands are suddenly wound in her hair, giving you something to hold on to as you rut your hips against her face. Her nose, her tiny, perfect nose, is pressing against your skin, her tongue lapping fast, wide strokes at your clit, and her fingers are starting to relax, to spread from each other and stretch where you’re tightest. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whimper, and Nancy’s fingers are faster, harder, while she lets you use her face for friction. “Oh, Nance–Nancy–Don’t–Please don’t–stop–” The words are coming out of your mouth in between hitched breaths, breaking in little gasps and cracks as you force them out, desperate to tell her that if she stops–if her tongue slows, if her fingers disappear, if any of it goes–you’re pretty sure you’ll die on the spot. 
“Nance,” you mewl, the word falling from your full lips like a prayer, “Nance, I’m gonna–don’t stop, I’m gonna c–” It’s the last word you get out before your back arches, body tightening around her fingers, a sharpness in your spine curving in on itself until it’s unleashed, the arrow of your desire loosed from the bow of Nancy’s lips. The sound that drips from your mouth is high pitched, cradled on each end by gasps, and you swear you can feel Nancy grinning into your body as she continues, relentlessly fucking you through your freefall. 
When you finish, she sits up and pulls her hand from you. You watch as Nancy sits back on her knees, slips her fingers into her mouth. Any thought you would have had at that moment–what does this mean, are we together now, are we going to talk about this, holy shit that was the best orgasm of my fucking life–dissapear from your head as you watch Nancy’s eyes close, an expression of bliss on her features as her mouth cleans you from her hand. She removes her fingers with a subtle pop, and you try to bring your gaze from her lips back to her eyes unsuccessfully. Your eyes are still on her lips, which is why you can’t miss when she says it. 
“What?” You ask, eyebrows jumping together in confusion and shock. 
“Jonathan,” Nancy repeats, shrugging her shoulders slightly. “I still remember his name.” 
You take a moment, letting your earlier conversation roll through your mind. A devilish smile turns up the corners of Nancy’s mouth as she watches you put the pieces together. “Right,” you say, sitting up with a grin on your own face, “Guess I’ll have to do something about that.”
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dalishious · 3 years ago
I really don't think you're doing it intentionally but even there you're doing it again. So Morrigan unfortunately, is a heterosexual woman. She does not show the number one sign of liking women which would be y'know, being sexually or romantically attracted to women. So, I'm very sorry but any other justification for deciding to headcanon her as bi just comes across as that. A justification (1/?)
A justification (regardless of if it is subconsious or not) for you to use bisexuality in the manner previously described which is fetishistic at best and devaluing at worst. Even more concerning now is that you said that because there's enough cishet representation that makes it okay for queer people to claim representation, which is absolutely true. However, the claiming of bisexual representation is not your place. (2/3)
You're not bisexual to my knowledge and it's feels a little savioury in all honesty especially given that as a bisexual there is no other way for me to see the situation other than under the lens of "bisexuality being used for the sake of monosexuals" (3/3)
To make it clear however, I do not think you are generally biphobic, your posts about how the term "playersexual" is harmful were perfect but still, the concern is there whenever I see bisexuality regarding Morrigan mentioned (I also thought you said the same about Alistair but maybe my brain is playing tricks on me)
I'm sorry you feel that way but given 30 people, at least half of whom are bi themselves, have commented disagreeing with you, I'm going to continue to HC Morrigan as wlw, be it bi or les or just plain queer. I'm fully aware the writers decided she is canonically cishet, but that's why it's called a headcanon.
I do also support headcanons of Alistair being mlm too, for that matter though.
Anyway your use of the term "monosexual" is really weirding me out. Me being a lesbian is not at all equal to a straight man. Especially when lesbianism has always and will always also include non-binary sapphics like myself to boot.
I would suggest you unfollow me if this bothers you too much.
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gaybarbiegirl · 2 years ago
Do you have any sexuality headcanons for DCLA characters?
Hi anon! I couldn't reply to you when you sent this because I was busy with uni, but now I figured since I'm probably going on a Violetta s2 rewatch soon this could be a good way to give everyone an updated hc list, since some of them changed quite a bit since the last time I've been really active on this blog
Vilu - ............ straight. I know, I know, 'what about Franletta' and all, but the truth is I've always instinctively seen Vilu as het, it's just the vibe I get from her. When I joined dcla tumblr I saw people shipping Franletta and it seemed like a really fun new way to interact with these characters so I decided to change my hc and give it a go too, and I mean I did have a lot of fun with it but after being away for a while my brain just went back to my first instincts (and I'm having a lot of fun with token het Vilu too)
León - bi icon, pining over his ex gf one day and eye fucking his rival the next, who does it like him
Fran - bi (with a preference for men) queen
Diego - bi (with a preference for men) king
Ludmila - I'm actually not sure? My original hc for her was bi but then as I was watching I think s2 or s3 it changed to lesbian, but the thing is I was thinking about it these days and I can't remember what made me switch (😭), so I don't know if I still agree with my past self's reasoning or not. Right now I'm leaving her as just sapphic because if there's one thing I'm sure of is that this girl kisses girls, and hopefully as I rewatch I can make up my mind
Camila - chaotic lesbian ICON like genuinely hats off to her, all of the other chaotic lesbian girlies wish their antics could come close to the red dot green dot fiasco (myself included)
Naty - THE lesbian ever nobody can compare
Marco - bi boi
Maxi - I think he's pan 
Broduey - he is indeed straight, backing up Vilu in the beloved token het gang
Andrés - he's bi and I think we as a community should talk about it more, between being so happy whe he thought he was getting flowers from Marco that one time and the whole flirting with Cardoso to try to date Emma situation I think it's safe to say he's one of the characters who said bi rights the loudest, put some respect on his name
Federico - I don't know. I don't know I have no clue. Everything related to Federico's sexuality is a whole mystery to me, I have no idea what it is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
Angie and Jade - bi wives they're kissing as we speak
Gregorio - gay KING
Soy Luna:
Luna - she's a pan babygirl (with very hit or miss taste)
Simón - bi bi bi
Ámbar - THE bisexual icon of the show you guys won so hard with this one
Matteo - I don't wanna say it but sadly we all know the answer............. a loss for bi people everywhere, my heart is with you in these trying times
Nina - painfully straight
Gastón - he's bi but he's SO oblivious about it it actually hurts to watch, this man is full on having gay sex thinking it's just a bro moment someone save him from himself
Jim - the most oblivious lesbian of all times suffering from terminal comphet, all I have to say is get well soon girl please Yam is BEGGING
Yam - a lesbian WARRIOR fighting tooth and nail against the writers to come out, rescue her comphet afflicted gf and kiss her on the lips, I admire her perseverance
Ramiro - he's absolutely gay but tragically he was never told he can have female friends and thinks he has to date his lesbian bestie to hang out
Jazmin - I think lesbian. I flip flop a lot between lesbian and bi for her but right now this is the one I'm leaning towards, and if we just leave canon crushes aside it's also what feels the most right for the character to me. Maybe it’ll switch back to bi later but for now I'm keeping this one
Delfi - I just realised I never actually thought about this one. I mean I do ship Pelfi but I think she can kiss girls too, as a treat
Pedro - honestly I think he might be straight
Nico - yeah he's straight too
Emilia - ok ok this one is a bit of a messy one, and it's mostly because the way I see it s2 and s3 Emilia are pretty much completely different characters. In s2 she's THE goth lesbian icon of this show and I adore her, but in s3 she gets that very annoying and unnecessary crush on Matteo and the way it's done I can't even call it comphet, so that'd make her bi. I don't really acknowledge s3 Emila though since I really hate what the writers did with her character, s2 Emilia is the only one that my brain allows, so she's still THE goth lesbian icon in my heart <3
Juliana - oh she's 100% a lesbian too the energy radiates from every cell of her body and I love her for it, also she definitely had a crush on that singer she listened to as a teenager that she told Yam about
Ana and Mora - lesbian wives who I love with my whole heart
And since I'm not as into Bia as I am into the other two I never really bothered to make sexuality hcs for the characters there, so I'm ending this here. Thank you so much for the ask anon <3
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venomlion3 · 4 years ago
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Last two Pride 2021 HC doodles babey! More info under the cut!
💙 Discord - Genderqueer omni draconequus who uses any pronouns! A literal god of chaos who is still as infatuated with Twilight as he was the first time they met. Still has a mischievous streak but manages to keep her tomfoolery to a minimum. Twi lovingly calls him 'old goat'. Absolutely LOVES attention and will pester its wives for hours for it, gushes whenever it is given affection (LOVES cuddles). Not always the most responsible parent but tries their best anyways. Could care less about pronouns, cause what's gender to a god?
💙 Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist - Trans demisexual/bi mare who uses She/her! The Commander of Twilight's personal guard, an occasional baker and a fireworks performer. Is partially blind in her right eye from a particularly bad magical outburst after she broke her horn, and was gifted a crystal enhancer on their anniversary to help channel her magic better. Sugar Belle's older sister, and the aunt to her many kids with Party Favor, Night Glider and Double Diamond. Holds some disdain for Starlight after what she put her sister through. A very calm and gentle mother, and is even more so as a partner despite her rough exterior
💙 Princess Twilight Sparkle - Nonbinary bisexual/demiromantic alicorn who mainly uses She/her and They/them! A chubby lunacorn royal alicorn princess who is still as short as she was pre-ascension, apparently seems to has a type for reformed villains. Sometimes has a crisis at the fact that she's already a grandmother (Spike, who she practically raised as a son, has 3 kids with Thorax), but loves her half-dragon-half-changeling grandbabies to pieces regardless. Doesn't rule Equestria and focuses mainly on her school and raising her kids. Has anxiety and OCD but manages to cope with help from her partners and friends/family :]
💙 Sunset Shimmer - Cis bi mare who uses She/her! Sunburst's older sister (and maybe even Fire Flare's sister?) and a previous student of Queen Celestia before she ran away, returned to Equestria with the help of Twilight to reunite with her family and friends. Her and Twi can go on for hours about fun facts and stuff, while their partners fondly watch from afar. Is only really involved with Twi and Tempest but is known to give Discord a peck on occasion. Is probably some kind of computer technician
💙 Rolling Thunder - Bigender lesbian mare who uses any pronouns! Thunderlane and Rumble's older cousin, still loves to tease them to this day. An inch or so shorter than Vapor, loves calling Lightning 'short-stuff' since she's the shortest out of the three of them. Rolling and Lightning love competing with each other and its probably how they started courting (hell, they still compete to this day just to put on a show for Vapor). Btw their cutiemark isn't shown in the show so I made a really quick one for them; a warning/hazard sign surrounded by lightning bolts. 
💙 Lightning Dust - Nonbinary demiromantic lesbian mare who mainly uses She/her and He/him! Met Rolling via the Washouts and the two hit it off, having a passionate rivalry that eventually morphed into genuine love. First saw Vapor when she was doing some Wonderbolt training (maybe Lightning was sneaking some glances at his old workplace) and kinda fell in love with her after that. Still has a dislike/hatecrush for Rainbow Dash. He and Rolling get most of their scars from their over-the-top (and frankly extremely dangerous) Washout stunts, and it's a miracle that neither of them have lost a leg/wing because of it.
💙 Vapor Trail - Trans sapphic mare who uses She/her! Is still best friends with Sky Stinger, and the two had previously dated at some point before deciding to just stay friends (he's with Short Fuse and Thunderlane in Oresteiaverse if you're curious!) A very warm and loving wife (whenever she calls her partners 'sweetie' or 'honey' these fuckin butches MELT), and an especially affectionate mother to the trio's own trio of kids. Is absolutely a mother hen whenever either of her partners are injured
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crisalidaseason · 3 years ago
i read your LGBTQIA+ hcs of the scouts and i want to say that my hcs are almost the exact of yours, i always have been analyzing all aot characters w details trying to get hints or anything, especially w arumika, i think armin would always been knowing about the community and always thought the possibility he liking all genders, and for Mikasa i think she would be bi w a big preference for girls, a lot of people would not agree w this but she has a lot of hints of being sapphic in the show, also she doesn’t really have chemistry w any other male characters, at first she would think she is straight but a big ally because of armin and after she would be like what if i like girls because she always feel attracted but never noticed, she would came to armin and sasha to help her out and they would definitely help and she would start acknowledging she is a sapphic and labed herself as bi
Yes, I agree with you completely! Mika gives off strong bi vibes. She does have little chemistry in general because the canonverse is really not focusing on romantic relationships, but there are a few scenes between her and annie (even with historia and sasha) that really makes you think "okay, that's kinda sus". People usually see her as straight just because she is in love with eren in the show and that's not cool! Bissexual people can still love the opposite gender and this doesn't erase the fact they're still bi.
And yes, Armin would be the kind of person to not give a f*** about gender. Armin is really smart, naturally, knowing about the lgbtqia comunity is just like reading another book. Armin definetly helps Mika with her own queerness but also learns a lot with her. I loved when you said that Mika and Armin would come out to one another, they have such a beautiful friendship.
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion and discussion, I really appreciate it.
Thank you and until next time :)
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mallowstep · 4 years ago
What are your thoughts on Leafpool?
complicated, but what else is new?
i think i can best summarize my feelings in three parts, but first,
leafpool and mothwing are wives. this is a fact, i don't make the rules.
now, on to more "serious" content.
i. leafpaw
love her. always have, always will. she appeals to me as a young gay. very relatable. even her thing with crowfeather, all relatable.
i think it's easy to see people meming about leafpaw being a lesbian and think it's, well, a meme, but like. having reread a lot of leafpaw's narration in tnp to work on mothpool stuff, i cannot tell you how hard it is to make leafpaw sound gayer.
her reaction to seeing mothwing is to spend basically the entire gathering thinking about how beautiful she is and how great it would be to train together.
leafpaw: sapphic leaning bi icon.
ii. leafpool, before i read leafpool's wish
i was annoyed by her treatment of jaypaw, but neutral positive. i missed what made her interesting to me in tnp. not just the gay stuff, but her insecurities and her rage against the machine internal rebellion.
it's probably just because we were no longer in her pov, but i just didn't feel all that much about her.
i liked that she was helping with willowpaw. it gave me doctor moms and their doctor daughter hc that i default to to this day. (i.e., that leafpool feels more like a mom to willowshine than hjl.)
iii. leafpool, after reading leafpool's wish
i don't want to say i dislike her, but i definitely have lost a lot of the Easy Affection i had for her. there's a very good reason why i hate leafpool's wish so much.
i still like leafpool, mostly, but from a distance. i focus mostly on tnp leafpaw, because she was always my favorite.
in "ashes," a lot of people were rightfully frustrated with leafpool's early actions, and you know! yeah. because having seen more of leafpool than before, i think there's this inherent selfishness to her actions.
i was watching the moonkitti tierlist and moon said something to the effect of, "leafpool's actions have more consequences on the people around her" and yeah.
i think of myself as a Story Teller. that is what i have always done, and it is what i do. i come to things from that perspective. and leafpool's story is not an interesting one to me. the curtain has been pulled back, and i do not like what is underneath.
characterization in warriors is a mess, but leafpool has consistent characterization, and now that i know what was going on in her head, i can't really backpedal and fill in something better.
so i try to focus on the fun parts of her, and well. there's a reason i cut leafpool's story in stolag where i did. because after she has her kits, dragging out her story is not interesting. she's just there.
so yeah.
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lavender-ages · 5 years ago
I just noticed you reblogged that ask game from me um,, Lance, Pidge, Allura, and Azula?
(this may be very long lmao)
Sexuality headcanon: het
Gender headcanon: cis male
A ship I have with said character: allurance is one of my top otps, but I also like plance. And shance ...so I should hc Lance as bi? akasklklklakl who cares
A BROTP I have with said character: Lance and the Voltron team of course, especially Garrison Trio. He’s a great buddy for everyone and I think he’s on very good terms with Ezor
A NOTP I have with said character: klance. I don’t really like lancelot as well (but the ship name is maybe the best lol)
A random headcanon: he can cook pretty well and got even better once he started dating Allura, he had to impress her. Hunk was happy to give him lessons, but Lance knew ever since he was a kid, he loved helping his mom!
General opinion over said character: he’s maybe the funniest of the team, I always laugh a lot at his funny scenes! On a more serious note, Lance had one of the best character developments, I’m super proud of his growth as a man and as a paladin. I really love him now.
Sexuality headcanon: somewhere in the aro/ace spectrum
Gender headcanon: nonbinary. uses she/they pronouns
A ship I have with said character: I don’t really ship Pidge with anyone but I find plance, punk and pallura super cute
A BROTP I have with said character: same as Lance, Pidge and Voltron team, especially Hunk and Lance, Matt (I mean they’re even actual siblings). 
A NOTP I have with said character: Pidge/Shiro, age gap really too big
A random headcanon: Pidge is a Potterhead and thinks to fit better as Slytherin but all the online tests she made gave Ravenclaw results, so she wants to have a new Hogwarts house lol
General opinion over said character: one of my Voltron faves since the very start, clever, strong, compassionate, sarcastic...best person. The arc of finding Matt is one of my favourite plots in the show and when they reunited I felt so emotional
Sexuality headcanon: in human terms, bi/pan (I think aliens don’t actually care about sexualities)
Gender headcanon: same discourse as before, cis female but she’s Altean and can shapeshift into whatever she wants so... human genders are pretty useless
A ship I have with said characters: as written before, allurance. I really love it. Romellura and pallura are other good ships. I liked shallura in s1, but later I started to see it as brotp
A BROTP I have with said characters: again, Allura and team Voltron, Romelle, Keith (I like how they grew into good friends during the show), Shiro. Coran isn’t really BROTP, it’s a second father to her so I don’t put him here. I think Allura also bonds well with Acxa and her sister-in-law Veronica
A NOTP I have with said character: lotura. I really hate it. A lot. More than klance akkjaslkfdklfsadlkf
A random headcanon: Allura curses A LOT (and doesn’t just say quiznack). Since she was little she used to make special bday cards for Coran and never stopped. Another hc I find very good is that Allura, Acxa and Romelle hung out together one night, drinking and yelling against one specific purple prince, a catharsis let’s say. Ever since that day they started going out together, Allura love to drag Romelle and Acxa into elegant clothes shops (when they find clothes too expensive Allura is super happy to buy them for the girls!)
General opinion over said character: my favourite character in Voltron, I can’t put into words how much I love her. Her death made me cry a lot, I was very sad but it was also an emotional and pure moment, like...she’s literally a goddess. Anw in my post-canon headcanon she comes back (which is kinda implied in the show already, so I just go on from there).
Sexuality headcanon: disaster bi. Or lesbian who still doesn’t know she is lesbian...anw sapphic
Gender headcanon: cis female
A ship I have with said character: I think she had a crush on Ty Lee...they’d be a nice couple, after Azula works on her toxic behaviours of course
A BROTP I have with said character: I love her squad, I hope they became REAL friends after she healed. Same thing with Zuko
A NOTP I have with said character: dunno, Zuko? Sokka?
A random headcanon: when they were little, Azula secretly loved having Zuko combing her hair. They also used to sneak into the royal kitchens and steal food.
General opinion over said character: best villain in atla and among my top villains generally. She makes me kinda sad, when I think of her past, she didn’t deserve all the pressure and...lack of love she got, She’s a decent person deep down, even if I love her villain side.
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lori-hime · 5 years ago
Mystia and Letty?
Not two I’ve thought very hard (especially Letty) about but I’ll give it a try!
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian but not really like... actively interested? Like maybe sapphic aroace or something. She finds girls attractive but her mind is currently mainly on rock and youkai things (#justyoukaithings.) Gender Headcanon: Female A ship I have with said character: Kyouko or Wriggle... I know she has more dynamic with Kyouko, but I still liked the idea of her and Wriggle for a long time before Choujuu Gigaku was a thing so I have not fully converted. And like I said under sexuality HC, I don’t think she’d be actively pursuing Wriggle anyway, so it wouldn’t really be something I’d focus on for her. A BROTP I have with said character: Although I don’t mind Kyouko as a ship like I said, I think I still prefer them as a BROTP.. Because her mind IS on rock and youkai-like things, Kyouko is the most important person to her. A NOTP I have with said character: MokoMysti. This used to be a ship I liked, because a very long running, well-known doujin by Mitsumoto Jouji, called Night Sparrow Love. In the doujin’s universe, the dynamic between the two is really great. However, as time went on, Mitsumoto’s depiction of Mystia vibed less and less with my own, and here we are. Their Mystia is more akin to, I dunno, Kogasa or something. She’s very cute, shy and non-threatening. Whereas, to me, canon Mystia is a very youkai-like youkai, albeit weak. Very gremlin-y, too. Much better dynamic with someone like Kyouko, who is way more on her level. A random headcanon: Let’s see, a dynamic for Mystia and Mokou that vibes way more with me would be like.. one of the annoying youkai kids that Mokou has to shoo off from the outskirts of the village/bamboo trail. Mystia is probably full of herself and haughty and tries not to let Mokou scare her away easily, so Mokou has to actually try to look scary until it works. Or threaten her with yakitori or something. Either probably works. General Opinion over said character: Basically what I said above: A haughty, full of herself, youkai-like youkai. But she’s not actually all that strong, so she comes off as just a gremlin if you’re not a weak human. I like her as a good representation of the less threatening youkai around.
Sexuality Headcanon: ??? Lesbian or sapphic in some way obviously. Otherwise pretty much anything would vibe with me here. Pan, bi, lesbian, aro, ace. Gender Headcanon: Female A ship I have with said character: None honestly.. I’ve heard of people shipping her with Minoriko because of the season contrast, but I can’t really see Minoriko as mature enough for that personally, even though I’m sure it could be depicted well. A BROTP I have with said character: Cirno. She is Cirno’s mom... You cannot change my mind. A NOTP I have with said character: Cirno... Read above. General Opinion over said character: I’m so sorry Letty... so far the least I’ve had to say about anyone. I do like her though I swear. But she’s always been such a passive thought in my mind. Like yes.. Letty exists and she’s kinda just there. And that’s great, but not much more thought has to be put into her. She’s just chill (a... ha...)
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theoutcastedartist · 2 years ago
Alright-y since you guys all liked this so much (which I honestly was not expecting at all lol) here be some more of my headcannons for Viney and Hunter (and a couple other characters):
Viney is an orphan. Has been since she was 9 or 10, her "fuck authority and rules" personality (alongside just being an older kid) is not something most adults looking to adopt on the Boiling Isles see as ""desirable""
When she found out that Hunter has no family (or so he believes that is the case) and just IMMEDIATELY latched onto him right after the events of Labyrinth Runners. She called dibs on him as her little brother first. Though until Luz's comment in "Thanks to Them", Hunter had just thought she was joking about being her Little Bro (No you silly little boy, she sees you as fucking family the same way Luz and Camila do!!!)
Puddles warms up and grows attached to Hunter as well, kinda acts like a guard dog to both him and Viney. In her mind, those two are her chicks and she'll be damned if anything happens to them gjsjsfjash
Darius adopts not only Hunter, but Viney too! He very much agrees with Viney's "Teenage Rebellion, stick it to those Old People(tm)" thing she has going on. Also I just like the sound of "Viney Deamonne" a lot ghdjfjaja
Hunter 100% rambles about wolves to Viney.
Viney and Edric have had a funny rivalry going on for a couple years now. No one knows when or where this started. Edric absolutely finds joy in being a nuisance to her, moreso now that they are both in the beast keeping track haha. Emira finds it all very amusing lol
Hunter is friends (or boyfriends, take your pick) with Edric, but has no idea about said rivalry. He doesn't understand why those two seems to dislike each other so much.
Viney has absolutely sicked Puddles on Edric before roflmao
Hunter has made a couple different scarves and bandanas for Viney.
Viney makes some Bomb Ass Tea, as Hunter learns. She usually makes some to help him fall asleep.
Jerbo and Barkus are Viney's best friends
Puddles and Darius have #Beef with each other, Eber Wolf always takes Puddles's side to annoy Darius (and Raine does not know what to make of any of it lmao)
Sibling Cuddle Pile! Especially if Hunter has a nightmare and can't go back to sleep.
Viney decided to take up sewing to surprise Hunter with a Flapjack plush to help him cope with his Palisman's death (with lessons from Dadrius)
They are both touch starved, but Hunter is very much worse (and is still trying to get used to the idea that touch can be gentle and not anxiety inducing)
Viney struggles with Intrusive Thoughts because I am fucking p r o j e c t i n g ~
Hunter is naive about how a lot of things outside the Emperor's Coven work. Much like Principal Bump's initial suspicions (and his growing horror of the implications of such) after the events of Labyrinth Runners.
The one thing Viney and Edric can agree on: be Gay, do Crime (fellow begrudging Arsonists, the two of them)
Viney in my hc is sapphic 💕 but currently not in a relationship with anyone.
Hunter in my hc now is Bi-Romantic, in a relationship with either Willow or Edric or both (whatever floats your boat, personally I'm more of of fan of Huntric lol) and once again I am p r o j e c t i n g ~
Willow and Viney often arm wrestle. The victor always changes lol
Principal Bump is now their Grampa because I say so.
Viney and Camila get along really well (accidentally called her "Mom" one time OOP-)
Viney taught herself archery during the timeskip somehow (she's just that cool, get on her level)
Darius is ever so grateful for Viney and her skills on the occasion Hunter manages to trying to do some massive gesture of gratitude to his own detriment
Viney and Darius have VASTLY different fashion standards (AKA Viney actively choosing to wear the most disastrous of outfits to annoy Darius for The Funny)
Hunter's comfort clothes are usually soft sweaters with patterned pajama pants. Also his wolf shirt :P
Hunter & Viney: ☆ Sibling Duo ☆
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I am simply fufilling my own need to see Protective Big Sister Viney and Sweet Little Brother Hunter content (feat. Puddles & Edric Blight)
I know the fandom absolutely LOVES Hunter being the "Protective Big Brother" to DEATH, especially when it comes to Luz and Gus (and hey so do I), but I think he deserves an older sibling to look out for him too. Plus, Viney just r a d i a t e s "Older Sibling Energy" (as an older sibling myself lmao). My headcannon is that Viney is a couple months older than Hunter.
Plus it'd be nice to have another trait to distinguish him from Caleb, who was Phillip's older brother. Will they ever be Big Sis & Little Bro ever in cannon? Lmao absolutely not, and the chances are that cannonically, Hunter is older than Viney, but the sibling headcannon is one I hold very dearly to my heart ❤
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far-butter · 2 years ago
@fthechantry Thank you for taking the time to reply. That's indeed surprising, and that's actually not the LIs I would have put my bets on! (and yeah I get the failed romance thing 😅)
In regards to what you said about Fenris and Blackwall, does it mean you play more as self-insert than roleplay/can't roleplay characters with values that are very different from yours? (that's all valid, it's just interesting to see how different people play the games and how many play styles these games actually allow)
I see what you mean with Josie and Alistair. They're cute when you want some fluff and that's definitely some people's jam, but it's not for everyone and not at every moment of your life. (though you CAN have intense psychological damages from Alistair's romance if you make bad decisions. Not that it happened to me or I'm salty or anything 🤡)
Sera's romance is very complicated if you don't want power play or abuse from one hand or the other. It sucks that their first lesbian character fits the toxic sapphic trope Bioware loves so much and you have to headcanon your way out of it so much, like with many DA2 LIs.
I refuse to believe anyone in the Circle is straight tbh (yay toxic representation with the Templars). He would've definitely been more interesting if he had been bi. He *ahem* needs to open up more. Kinda reminds me of Tali in ME2, who is very intense with femshep and they hug and then she goes "no homo tho" lmao that's cold. Maybe it's my chronic consumption of queer medias that give me a brainrot, but yea, I think you're good and he's indeed hitting on M!Inquisitor or having a small crush and then they cut it short because they didn't have the time to make him bi or something (funny how they always have the time to make their characters a straight option tho).
What happened with Solas that put you off and how come it didn't work with Bull, if I may ask? (I mean I definitely see how a certain Tevinter being around and stealing the spotlight doesn't help lol. We all have a bunch of characters we're Very Normal about)
Zev was like, the most unexpected character of the list tbh! I would've thought he would have caught your attention! Did you just got bored with him?
I like the mental image of the Warden trying to stealthily get out of Leli's grip and thinking she's completely insane, it's beautiful
The Isa approval fuckery definitely didn't happen to me last playthrough djfjfkf. Though there's a vibe about Hawke being dumped by their wife on front of everyone and divorced but nobody has done the legal papers and now you need a court order to get back the overpowered items you gave to her before she left
Based. There's a mod that fixes that on PC, thanks the Creators.
I'm a sucker for Hawke who have a very unsubtle and unrequited crush on Cullen. Garrett-dear likes Circle sandwiches and we stan. What is your HC about it? Did Hawke flirt with him? If so, how did Cullen react? How does Garrett react to Cullen in DAI (and the DAI companions, if you want to expand on it and still need some distraction)?
For all you know, when Anders in MotA talks about that fantasy, he actually meant he wanted *Cullen* to chain him and Garrett breaking in by the backdoor. He had it all planned, he said lol (fr though, I always thought Anders must have been seething and drowning in ptsd, seeing a templar from his former Circle. He can't outright reveal he's an apostate, but also man would totally be bitching behind his back and airing the shit out of Cullen's crush on Surana/Amell. I live for Anders being petty.)
Are there any LIs you never romanced in the DA franchise? If so why?
Also does any of your OC has a unrequited crush on a character?
Oh there are plenty @queer-amann, like a shocking amount considering how many times I have played these games. I am adding a 3rd option to this because there are quite a few that I have just... failed.
Never romanced:
Alistair- I couldn't really tell you why except that maybe it is because I had already seen the romance? My roommate, and best friend, played the games first while I watched her. She is a strong Alistair-mancer and so I don't need to see it again? If that makes sense. Overall, I think his romance is cute, but boring.
Fenris- I like his character arc. I think it is really interesting. I am very pro-mage though, so we clash on opinions a lot.
Sera- I have watched her romance on Youtube to see how it was. It was cute, but she annoys the shit out of me. I couldn't do it.
Blackwall- I can't get behind romancing someone who's entire identity is based on a lie. I also clash opinions with him.
Josie- Another one that is too fairytale. Much like Alistair, I find it boring. Not enough at stake. I like my people slightly insane.
Cullen- I have only played as a female one time and that was to play a Solas romance so I could see what other people were talking about. My roommate has romanced Cullen before. The entire thing is cute, but not for me. I probably would be more open to romancing him if the bisexual coding had been left in. I mean he hit on my Inquisitor? or maybe I misread his intentions, idk.
Failed Romances:
Solas- I got bored. Not gonna lie, I cannot stand Solas so that is probably why we didnt work out.
The Iron Bull- I was having issues getting him into the romance phase. Eventually I gave up and went after Dorian again before abandoning this playthrough.
Zevran- I honestly just wanted to sleep with him to see what he said. I didn't take it further than that.
Leliana- She got super clingy in Origins which skeeved me out. I backed away slowly on this one.
Isabela- I was romancing her, but then forgot to get her approval high enough and she left after Act 2. Whoops.
Sebastian- I hated playing as a female Hawke. The animations for her walk was way to feminine and it drove me insane.
(Edit: forgot a failed romance)
As for unrequited crushes, the only one who comes to mind is Garrett. Garrett Hawke has a huge crush on Cullen and wants to destroy him. He wants him and Anders to let him "Know why mages are feared" if you catch my drift.
(Send me an ask to distract me!)
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