#Sergio Endrigo
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beyourselfchulanmaria ¡ 1 month ago
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Magdalena Wosinska  
When He Met Her, Los Angeles (2014). From Fahey/Klein Gallery 
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I love this song very much 💋  只愛你的我 Io che amo solo te / singer & writer by Sergio Endrigo (1933-2005),被人們譽為義大��歌曲創作最傑出的代表之一
  Io che amo solo te by Sergio Endrigo  
C'è gente che ha avuto mille cose, tutto il bene, tutto il male del mondo. Io ho avuto solo te e non ti perderò, non ti lascerò per cercare nuove avventure. C'è gente che ama mille cose e si perde per le strade del mondo. Io che amo solo te, io mi fermerò e ti regalerò quel che resta della mia gioventÚ. Io ho avuto solo te e non ti perderò, non ti lascerò per cercare nuove illusioni. C'e' gente che ama mille cose e si perde per le strade del mondo. Io che amo solo te, io mi fermerò e ti regalerò quel che resta della mia gioventÚ.
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amorechevai ¡ 1 year ago
Sergio Endrigo − Dimmi la verità
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casaannabel ¡ 2 years ago
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valesempretanto46 ¡ 7 months ago
Era d'estate e tu eri con me. / Era d'estate, poco tempo fa. / Ora per ora noi vivevamo / giorni e notti felici senza domani.
Era d'autunno e tu eri con me. / Era d'autunno, poco tempo fa. / Ora per ora senza un sorriso / si spegneva l'estate negli occhi tuoi.
Io ti guardavo e sognavo una vita tutta con te, / ma i sogni belli non si avverano mai.
Era d'estate e tu eri con me. / Era d'estate, tanto tempo fa / e sul tuo viso lacrime chiare / mi dicevano solo addio.
Io ti guardavo e sognavo una vita tutta con te / ma i sogni belli non si avverano mai
Era d'estate e tu eri con me. / Era d'estate, tanto tempo fa / e sul tuo viso lacrime chiare / mi dicevano addio, soltanto addio.
Te lo dissi che semmai fosse successo qualcosa, sarebbe stata questa la canzone con cui ti avrei salutato. Sembrava troppo strano che potessi di nuovo provare ciò che per me è Amore, sembrava troppo strano che stesse andando tutto cosÏ bene. Ma ogni cosa che va avanti senza ostacoli è per forza una menzogna. Ecco cosa imparo da questa situazione. Se qualcosa sembra troppo bello per essere vero, è una menzogna nella maggior parte dei casi. È una truffa.
Hai truffato il mio cuore come solo Lupin avrebbe potuto, con una maestria, una capacità di calcolare tutto che anche a me, ex mentitore/manipolatore seriale, ha lasciato senza parole. Dai miei sbagli passati ho capito quanto fa male mentire, manipolare. Fa male a te stesso, non agli altri. Mentire, manipolare, significa che c'è qualcosa dentro che non sta affatto bene, significa vedere la realtà in maniera distorta, significa stare male con se stessi. Significa dover creare un'immagine di sÊ che non rappresenta la realtà perchÊ la realtà ci ferisce profondamente e non sappiamo accettarla, abbiamo la necessità di modellarla anche a costo di sentimenti, di persone intorno a noi.
Penso a tutte le cose che mi hai detto e mentre lo faccio, si sovrappongono tutte le cose che hai scritto a S. Vorrei resettare tutto, tutto quello che ho provato, tutto quello che provo, tutte le parti del mio corpo che hai toccato senza pensare un minimo a cosa significasse per me, tutti i progetti che abbiamo fatto e che avremmo realizzato, a tutti i sacrifici che ho fatto per cercare di esserci il piĂš possibile.
Non conta. Amare, ragazzi, nella vita non conta nulla per l'altro. Non fa la differenza, non porta a porsi domande nel momento in cui devi ferire oppure no. Allora poi ho capito, amare conta per te. Sei l'amore che dai, sei l'impegno che metti per accontentare tutti, sei il rispetto che dai, sei la disponibilità e la voglia di fare che ci metti. E allora ecco perchÊ non provo dolore, non sono arrabbiato. Sono cosÏ fiero di me stesso, di come mi sono comportato sin dall'inizio e da come ho gestito il tutto. Ho imparato cosÏ tanto dallo stare con me stesso tutto quel tempo, non ho piÚ paura. Non ho piÚ paura di restare da solo, di essere abbandonato. PerchÊ meglio la propria compagnia che quella di una persona che non esiste. Allora è proprio vero che il dolore, se gestito bene, insegna.
Ecco ragazzi, il dolore è il migliore maestro che una persona possa incontrare sul proprio cammino, il dolore conta davvero e fa la differenza. Il dolore porta a porsi domande, a immedesimarsi, ad ascoltare, a capire, a dare il giusto peso alle azioni che si compiono. Soffrite, sputate sangue, svegliatevi nella notte con il respiro spezzato e piangete. Piangete tutte le lacrime.
Fidatevi di me, un giorno vi ringrazierete!
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aitan ¡ 11 months ago
che domani ci sarĂ  la guerra
tornerete carichi di gloria
solo questo mi ha detto il generale
e mi ha stretto una mano
senza guardarmi
Mi hanno detto di morire
senza fare tante storie
e chi scriverĂ  la storia
non parlerĂ  di noi
che domani ci sarĂ  la guerra
e domani sotto la tua casa
torneranno cento baschi neri
e i tuoi occhi rotondi
mi piangeranno."
Questa è la prima versione del brano "La guerra" di Sergio Endrigo, tratta dall'album "Endrigo" del 1963.
Se vi va, potete ascoltare anche la versione degli Acquaragia Drom contenuta nell'album tributo del 2002 "Canzoni per te".
Infine, aggiungo una versione dal vivo risalente al 1970 introdotta dai versi della poesia di Ungaretti nota come "San Martino del Carso" (1916).
Valloncello dell’albero isolato il 27 agosto 1916
Di queste case
Non è rimasto
Che qualche
Brandello di muro
Di tanti
Che mi corrispondevano
Non è rimasto
Neppure tanto
Ma nel cuore
Nessuna croce manca
È il mio cuore
Il paese piĂš straziato
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perfettamentechic ¡ 1 year ago
7 settembre … ricordiamo …
7 settembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Marsha Hunt, Marsha Virginia Hunt, attrice statunitense, attiva sul piccolo e grande schermo fin dal 1935 – una carriera che dura da quasi 80 anni apparendo un numerosi film. Marsha sposò il regista Jerry Hopper nel 1938. Divorziarono nel 1943. Sposò il suo secondo marito, lo sceneggiatore e regista radiofonico Robert Presnell Jr. nel 1946. Hunt era incinta e molto malata durante le riprese…
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ilcontroverso ¡ 2 years ago
La simbologia del fiore in Sergio Endrigo
Cos’è un fiore? Questa parola, forse scontata, nasconde una complessa e articolata semantica. Nel giorno della nascita del cantautore Sergio Endrigo, Francesco Boemio ne ripercorre la poetica. #IlControVerso #notizie #pensieri #politica #libertà
Cos’è un fiore? Questa parola, forse scontata, nasconde una complessa e articolata semantica. Sembrerà riduttivo, difatti, ricorrere alla semplice definizione di “germoglio o parte di germoglio che porta foglie trasformate in sporofilli, ossia foglie fertili ecc..” [1]. Il termine sembra rinviare alla radice greca di Natura (physeos), che fiorisce, cresce e si sviluppa in autonomia. Spesso, nel…
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nooradeservedbetter ¡ 2 years ago
A soli cinque anni questa guerra è già finita È libera l'Italia, l'oppressore non c'è piÚ Si canta per i campi dove il grano ride al sole La gente è ritornata giÚ in città Ci son nell'aria grandi novità.
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edozit ¡ 2 years ago
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elafranco2024 ¡ 2 years ago
Io che amo solo te ❤️❤️❤️
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amorechevai ¡ 1 year ago
Sergio Endrigo − Mani bucate
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f1byjessie ¡ 1 year ago
being the wife to a formula one driver is hard, especially when they're far away.
( fernando alonso x wife!reader )
━━ one shot.
When you were ten, you baked with your grandmother for the first time and fell in love. With the flour up to your elbows, an apron two sizes too big looped twice around your waist, and your grandmother's sweet voice crooning along to Sergio Endrigo, she taught you the differences between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, that a pinch sometimes means two, and when it comes to cinnamon you can never have too much.
“My angioletto,” she called you, her little angel, “it doesn’t have to look pretty when it’s done. When I was younger, I made my husband, your nonno, the ugliest cookies you could imagine. But I put my love in it, and he loved me very much, and he ate every single one and for the rest of his years claimed they were the best cookies I ever made for him.”
She’d lifted you onto the stool at the counter, so you could peer down at the mangled mess of cinnamon rolls. “It may look odd on the outside, but it is just as delicious as the others, and you know what? It’s even more special because it was made by my granddaughter.”
She’d wrapped you up in her arms then, pressing a kiss to your forehead and laughing loudly and warmly when you tried to squirm out of her arms with a giggle of your own.
“One day, my angioletto, you will find someone who loves you with their entire heart, and it won’t matter how pretty your baking is, because they will eat it, and to them it will taste like heaven.” She’d pulled apart the cinnamon roll, looked you in the eye, and smiled— “Until that someone gets here, I will stand in.”
You ate the whole pan together, and neither of you cared that it ruined your appetite for supper or gave you a stomach ache a little while later.
She’d driven you home that night after the sun had set, and when you got to the little shop on the corner of the market square, a little storefront overgrown with ivy, she’d slowed to a cruise and pointed out where the old sign used to be— where there was just an off-color splotch where the walls around it had been bleached by the sun.
She had regaled you with another story of her time as a girl in the kitchen baking bread with the owner, as she did every morning before school in exchange for a few dollars a month, and then she told you, as she always did, that one day she’d buy it for herself and turn it back into the best bakery Italy had ever seen.
When you were twenty— a law school dropout, struggling to find your place in a world that didn’t seem to have any room for you— you bought the small shop on the corner of the market square, turned it into a bakery, and named it after your grandmother.
It was all on a whim, a result of what you're pretty sure was some quarter-life crisis brought on by feeling as lost as you were. Still, you were living out the lingering ghost of a pipe dream from your teenage years that your father's harsh words and mother's disapproval had shattered to pieces, and following in the footsteps of the woman who inspired your passion for creation.
You’re nearly thirty now, and you still don’t regret buying the bakery. It’s your home away from home now— your home when your heart is halfway around the world and waking up as you go to bed. You love what you do, and you feel grateful that you’ve lucked out in being able to spend your days doing something that makes you so genuinely happy.
But that doesn’t mean that every day is easy.
Today is one of those hard days. Valentine’s Day is just a week away which means orders are coming in like crazy, and on top of the hecticness it’s also the thirteenth anniversary of your grandmother’s passing. Even though you’ve made it these thirteen years without her, the reminder of her legacy— her dream, which you now live for her— is no easier to deal with now than it was all those years ago when you’d just lost her.
The smell of fresh bread from the kitchen and the deep lull of Sergio Endrigo over the bakery’s speakers do nothing but remind you of her and the afternoons you spent in her kitchen, kneading dough and icing cookies. You feel like a little girl again, laughing over old stories of your mother and flushing bright red when she’d bump her hip against yours and ask if there were any boys at school that had caught your eye.
You’d give anything to hear her talk about her days at the bakery one more time, have her guide you through another recipe, or listen to her sing along to old Italian classics.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Beatrice asks. She’s a young American woman you met a few years back when she was studying abroad. She hadn’t known much Italian back then, and you were the first person she’d met who could speak English, so she’d asked you for directions to the nearest bus station and you had walked her there to make sure she wouldn’t get lost, which had led to you both talking, trading contact information, and eventually you offering her a job at the bakery when she announced to you months later after continued talking that she’d be staying for the foreseeable future.
You wipe your hands against your apron and offer her a smile. It doesn’t come as easily as it normally does, and you feel like it shows. “Just being a bit nostalgic today,” you admit, turning your gaze to the picture of your grandmother that hangs on the wall across from the display case.
There are other pictures hung up with her— you in front of the bakery on the day you bought it, the bakery back when your grandmother still worked there nearly sixty years ago, you and your husband the day you got married, and Beatrice with her three dogs to list a few, all things and places and people you love and want to remember.
“My grandmother, who I named this place after, have I ever told you about her?”
Beatrice hums, thinking back to the many conversations you have both shared you imagine. As she does so, she reaches for a cloth to start wiping down the front of the display case. “I don’t think so,” she finally answers, rounding the counter to the glass front. “I knew the bakery was named after her, and that she taught you to bake, but not much else. You don’t really talk about her much.”
You frown, “I guess I don’t.”
“But it’s okay,” Beatrice adds quickly. “I know family can be a touchy topic. If you’d rather not talk about her, I understand. I’m not very fond of talking about my brother, to be honest.”
The only time Beatrice does talk about her brother is when she’s drunk, which she usually tends to be when the two of you sit down over a bottle of wine and gossip about the happenings of your lives. You’ve heard plenty of stories about him, and thinking back to the most recent one in particular startles a laugh out of you.
Beatrice seems relieved when you glance back over to her with a soft smile.
“My grandmother was the greatest woman I ever knew,” you start. “Do you mind if I talk about her?”
Your employee— your friend— smiles gently at you and continues polishing away the smudges on the display case. “I would love it if you talked about her.
“She used to call me her little angel…”
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lance_stroll, and 45,918 others
yourusername i’ll leave a piece just for you, nonna.
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user that looks delicious!!
user it’s actually my dream to visit y/n’s bakery 😍
↳ user no cuz literally same, idk anyone else who makes smth as simple as bread look so amazing
↳ user it’s like how irl some foods don’t look that good but somehow in cartoons they make it look like it’s the most appetizing thing in the entire world i would actually cut off my own arm and leg just to get to try a single bite
user così carino!! ❤️❤️
user how is it possible to make food look heavenly 😳
user every time she posts food it makes me want to marry a husband that can bake bc there’s no way i could ever do this myself but i do in fact want to live a life like this so very badly
user what a beautiful way to remember someone 🫶
user she’s gorgeous aND SHE CAN BAKE???
↳ user she’s really the most wag of all wags 😩
↳ user fell down a rabbit hole of wag interactions throughout the years and y/n’s introduction into the group is so iconic bc she baked them all cookies and brought them when she first met them all
↳ user i read that in an interview that she knows all their favourites and tries to make them all throughout the season when she goes to races
↳ user she’s actually such a sweetheart irl too, i visited the bakery before i ever knew who she was or what f1 is and if i hadn’t already seen that ring on her finger i would’ve shot my shot no joke 😔😔
↳ user what’s alonso’s secret??? where can i find me a wifey like that???
user this is gorgeous
user using food to celebrate a loved one is one of the most loving things a person can do in my opinion. so much love goes into food, but especially baked goods which take time and patience and practice. this is a really touching and beautiful way to honor someone, and i hope she’s watching down on you and thinking the same thing ❤️
↳ user didn’t think i was gonna be crying today but here we are ig 😭
fernandoalo_oficial mi vida, she would be so proud of you 💛
↳ yourusername i hope so, i am who i am because of her 💛
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tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername arrivederci 💛
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fernandoalo_oficial and may it be soon, mi vida 💛
user obsessed with the way fernando is obsessed with his wife
↳ user the fact that he calls her mi vida every time he addresses her has me walking into oncoming traffic 🙃
↳ user “my life” in spanish 😭😭 i literally fucking can’t when is it my turn to get a man that loves and cherishes me like this
↳ user honestly i think it’s just time to accept we’ll be alone forever cuz if he don’t treat me the way fernando treats his wife then i don’t want him
user for the ppl asking, arrivederci means until we meet again in italian, it’s a pretty common way to say goodbye in italy
user when will he return from the war…
↳ user it’s only february the season hasn’t even started yet so why isn’t he with her??
↳ user aston martin’s hq is in the uk and fernando has to be there for the car reveal, testing/sims, training, promo content, etc. it’s the logistical pr side of formula 1 that makes the season start a lot earlier than what ppl might think
user mama y papa
user i want to grow old with someone and have pictures of our vacations to look back on and remember and i don’t think that’s too much to ask for
user she’s posting like he’s dead or smth 💀
↳ user i mean i would be too if my husband was missing valentines day bc of work tbf 🤷‍♀️
user i can’t believe fernando alonso bagged a baddie who ain’t even 30 yet
↳ user i can have you SEEN fernando alonso?? 👀👀👀
↳ user have you SEEN y/n?? 👀👀👀
↳ user two baddies bagged each other guys there’s not a lot to try and comprehend
Fernando being gone has never really mattered to you much. You miss him, of course. He’s your husband and ideally, you would be able to travel the world with him on a whim without needing to worry about who’s in charge of the bakery, but despite how perfect your life seems with Fernando by your side, there are a lot of things that don’t go according to plan and Fernando’s hectic work schedule is one of them.
The constant traveling across the season is exhausting for both of you, even though you’re not the one doing the majority of it. You attend his races when you can— usually when Beatrice forces you to, which is more and more recently as of late, with the logic that you should get the chance to see the world while you’re still young and while Fernando is still racing— but even when you’re home in Naples, the worry that you feel for Fernando as he flies around the world and races in a dangerous car takes its toll.
You wouldn’t even think of ever asking him to give it up, but not being by his side is hard and you cannot afford— for the sake of the bakery— to follow him wherever his sport takes him. So for now, you will always worry and stress about the toll it all takes on him as well.
You honestly hadn’t given much thought that he’d be missing Valentine’s Day this year, but it occurs to you now as you scroll through the comments on your post.
It’s by far the first time he’ll be gone for the holiday, but something about this year just feels different. Maybe it’s the stress of the extra workload you’ve taken on at the bakery to make up for the extra orders this year and the employees that have had to call out, or maybe the anniversary of your grandmother’s passing is hitting you harder this time than it has in the past, but whatever it is, the idea of Fernando not being here to celebrate with you has your eyes filling with tears as you sit curled up in bed.
As you have been for the last few weeks now.
Fernando is in Silverstone, preparing for the launch of the new car and getting back into the swing of things before the new season starts, and this is part of the job you understand. You’ve been his wife for many years now. The racing may start in March, but the real season begins much sooner, and to a certain degree it never truly ends.
There’s always a push to be staying in shape, eating healthy, and staying up to date with all the up-and-coming news. Fernando has worked hard to try and find the middle ground, to enjoy his break while he has it, and take a step back from the Formula One world if only to de-stress from the sport’s particular brand of pressure.
And you’ve worked hard to accept that he will always be thinking like a race car driver.
Nonetheless, though you have enjoyed the interview clips and photographs of him being posted around on social media, and you love even more the pictures your husband’s teammate has been sending you and you alone, you can’t help but want to be selfish. You want to have him with you, in your home, cuddled up beside you instead of 1700 kilometers away in another country.
But that’s the way of things.
You’re about to turn off the lamp and, maybe, cry yourself to sleep while ignoring the very cold and very empty other half of a bed that’s too big for one— a bed you haven’t slept in the middle of since before you ever met Fernando, too used to occupying one side and finding another body on the other— when your phone lights up with an incoming call and his contact image flashes across your screen.
It’s late in Italy, nearing midnight now, and the UK isn’t too far behind. With the strictness of his daily schedule and the importance of a full night of rest, he should already be in bed by now. He should’ve already been in bed hours ago, if you remember correctly from past seasons.
“My love,” he greets, soft and sweet and sounding like just hearing you say his name has left him breathless. You can practically hear the smile in his voice. “I am sorry that it’s so late. I hope I did not wake you up, but I am calling because I simply could not bear to fall asleep without hearing you.”
You sniffle, wiping away at the tears in your eyes, but the quiet noise must’ve been enough for him to hear because he makes an inquisitive sound.
“Mi vida,” he calls to you, concern seeping into his words. “What is wrong? Are you okay?”
“Mhm,” you hum back to him, shifting around in bed to face the window and the scenic view that lies beyond. You can see the ocean from your home— the dark water pulling in and pushing out and glittering with the reflected light of the moon, and the boats docked at the marina, still, silent, asleep. The moon’s glow paints the cityscape in an ethereal haze, like something from a fairytale. “I’m okay. Just a bad few days. I miss you, Fernando.”
“I know, my love,” he coos. “But we will be together soon. Do you remember what I told you when I left?”
As if you could possibly forget. The morning he left, a fog had rolled in from the sea and you’d swathed yourself in a shawl to chase away the early, damp chill as you stood on the stoep to see him off.
Fernando had wrapped you up in his arms, an embrace so warm and safe that the feeling had lingered for hours afterward still, and he’d whispered in your ear that he would move mountain and sea to get back to you if you ever needed him.
“But I always need you,” you’d teased. He’d chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, a promise, and then pulled you in even closer, tucking your head beneath his chin and letting his fingers run through your hair and comb through the remaining bedhead tangles.
You would similarly move earth and sky to be with him again now, just to feel his arms around you, or in the bed beside you.
“I meant what I said,” he says over the phone, drawing your attention back.
You hum again, “I know. But sweetheart, you have a job to do. It’s a very important job, too.” You curl the blankets around you tighter. “Pay no mind to my musings, okay? It’s just been a rocky start. The bakery has lots of orders to get through for Valentine’s Day, and I am short-staffed now.”
“What has happened?”
“What hasn’t?” You joke, heaving a sigh. “Rodrigo broke his hand in a biking accident this past Sunday, and the doctor says he’ll be out for a month at least. I can have him work the register and do minor cleaning chores, but we really need him in the kitchen because Andrea hasn’t yet been trained to use the equipment. I am trying to have Beatrice help with that, but it will take time we don’t have. On top of that, Samuel’s wife is having her baby so he has taken paternity leave, and Gemma has gone back to France for her mother’s birthday.”
Fernando makes a noise of understanding. “You are so stressed, mi vida. I wish there was more I could do. I am sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You have no reason to. In fact, I should be thanking you because I’m feeling so much better just hearing your voice,” you answer. Feeling the tears dissipate as your husband’s joyous laughter trickles into your ear from the phone’s speaker.
“And I am better just hearing yours,” he says. “But I will leave you to sleep now. It’s too late for you to be awake. Te amo, mi esposa.”
“Ti amo, marito mio.”
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liked by yourusername, astonmartinf1, and 187,813 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, astonmartinf1
lance_stroll i’m really only here to take pictures for his wife
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fernandoalo_oficial the heart is for her only
yourusername and i appreciate you very much for it lancino 🫶
↳ lance_stroll at least someone cares about the work i put in 😔
astonmartinf1 Breaking News: Aston Martin’s Lance Stroll challenges Aston Martin’s social media admin for their job
↳ lance_stroll thanks but i think i’ll stick to driving fast cars. it’s less stress.
user if you look closely you can actually see me about to jump off the roof in that last picture 🫠
↳ user real
user why is the first one so cute??
user lance is really just fernando and y/n’s kid at this point, he’s the disgruntled son who reluctantly takes pictures of his dad to send to his mom, and he complains about it, but he secretly loves doing it
↳ user i mean have you SEEN what y/n does for his birthday each year??
↳ user no????
↳ user she specifically learned how to make bannock and a bunch of other traditionally canadian desserts and baked goods for him
↳ user i bet lance’s trainer hates that lmao 😂😂
↳ user you all are talking about them like y/n isn’t just a few years older than lance himself is 💀
↳ user leave fernando and his controversially young wife alone
↳ user guys?? he’s literally only 42?? y/n is almost in her 30s, it could definitely be worse. at least they’re both well into adulthood
user nobody talk to me for the rest of the day this is all i can think about now
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liked by yourusername, lance_stroll, and 298,513 others
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial throwback thursday, as they say, except it isn’t thursday and i just wanted a reason to post my beautiful wife. te amo 💛.
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yourusername i love you more mio carissimo 💛
↳ fernandoalo_oficial impossible, i love you the most
user adding “posts me just bc he can” to my list of standards for men
user “just wanted a reason to post my beautiful wife” oh my god fernando alonso the man that you are… 😩😩
user guys he’s the blueprint
↳ user she’s so lucky
user she’s actually so beautiful omg 😳😳😳
↳ user they’re such a power couple
↳ user super excited for y/n to be back in the paddock this year (fingers crossed it happens more) cuz she’s actually so stunning and her outfits are always very classy and fun to look at
↳ user is there a reason she doesn’t go to many races?? they don’t have kids iirc, so idk why she wouldn’t be able to attend more 🤔
↳ user she owns and runs a small bakery in italy, which means she can’t just travel for 9 months out of the year. she shows up when she’s able to, don’t get me wrong, but it’s definitely less frequently than some of the other wags
user gen imagine being fernando alonso’s wife
↳ user i think i would cease to exist
user cuando es mi turno 😭
Valentine’s Day arrives and with it comes the added stress of knowing you’ll be stuck in the bakery all day helping last-minute patrons sort through pastries and treats for their partners. This in and of itself is not a problem, you’ve always liked helping people and baking is your passion after all, but the idea of rising before the sun and being on your feet until long after it sets is not the most appealing, and even worse, your usual happiness is still overshadowed by the cloud of gloom that’s been following you since last week.
Ever since his first late-night call, Fernando has been good about making sure to ring you in the morning before he heads into the factory, and at night when he leaves. It’s helped, certainly, but nothing ever compares to the real thing and that thought makes you feel guiltier every day that you think it.
He has a job to do, a job that he loves. Neither of you should be forced to give up your passions, and that just means needing to make a few sacrifices every once in a while.
He doesn’t call you that morning, however, and though you hide it behind as much of a cheery grin as you can manage, it stings and you’re disappointed.
But throwing yourself into your work is always something you’ve been good at, so you focus instead on kneading dough, mixing pastry filling, and icing cupcakes.
Beatrice finds you back in the kitchen an hour before the bakery is scheduled to open, and the look on her face tells you she knew it’s where you would be.
“You shouldn’t be working today,” she says in lieu of a greeting.
You shrug, sliding a pan of bread from the oven. “We are too short-staffed for me to not be working today. Plus, what would I do anyway? Sit at home alone pretending that I’m not? At least in the bakery, I can put myself to use and be distracted.”
All she does is sigh.
The morning goes well. There’s a bit of a rush when you first open, the most notable of customers is a disgruntled older gentleman who you consider to be a monthly regular. He explains a long-winded story about his daughter’s boyfriend breaking up with her over text last night, and needing something to help cheer her up. He leaves with a box of cannoli, and an extra loaf of bread you threw in for him on the house.
Near the afternoon is when it starts to pick up, but in a lull between customers just after lunchtime, Beatrice corners you in the back. Her arms are crossed over her chest, her eyebrows are furrowed, and her mouth is set in a line.
“Go home,” she orders.
You huff. “Beatrice, I am the boss. Not you.”
She raises an eyebrow.
“I am not going home! The rush will get busier later this evening and we are short-staffed—”
“Rodrigo’s coming in to work register in—” she checks the watch on her wrist, “—fifteen minutes. I ran Andrea through kitchen duty the other day and I’ll be supervising her the entire time, and Marco and Silvia both said they could pick up a shift. I also have a text from Samuel’s wife saying if we need even more help she would gladly get her husband out of the house if it means he’ll stop hovering over her, and I’m prepared to take her up on that offer should the need arise.”
You blink at her. There’s a reason she’s the one you leave in charge when you travel, but whenever you’re reminded of just how good she is at managing the bakery you’re always left a little shocked. She orchestrated everything in the span of a morning and you didn’t even notice.
“Why do you want me to go home so badly?” You ask her, shoving your hands down into your apron’s pockets. “Nothing is waiting for me there anyway. Even if we weren’t short-handed, I would’ve still been here.”
“You sure about that?” Is all she says before turning on her heel and exiting back into the front of the bakery.
You don’t pretend to understand what she’s talking about as you hang your apron up and head for home. Beatrice shoots you a wink as you wave goodbye, and it feels like some sort of foreshadowing for whatever awaits you.
Nothing, however, looks any different than it had when you left. You park your car in the empty driveway, collect the newspaper from the stoep, and unlock the door.
Your keys and the newspaper are both tossed onto the counter just inside the kitchen as you toe off your shoes. You hang up your jacket on the dining room chair as you make your way into the living room, and then you pause.
There, resting on the couch is a stuffed toy bear and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. In the bear’s arms is a little sign, and the handwriting is already enough to have your eyes filling with tears.
“Fernando?” You call out to the silent house.
You check the ground floor and find no other sign of him, so you take to the stairs and begin the ascent up to the next, continuing to call out the many different pet names you have given to him throughout the years.
You peek into the bedroom, “Mia vita?”
Stood in the center of the room, a big grin on his face, is your husband. Fernando looks mighty proud of himself, a glint in his eyes that tells you he’s had this planned for a while and he’s smug that he’s managed to keep a secret from you. He opens his arms wide when you just continue to stand in the doorway, and like a flip has been switched, you rush into him when a sob of happiness.
He wraps himself around you, and the feeling of his arms holding you so firmly in his embrace is warm and comforting, and everything you had missed in the weeks he was gone. Your face is pressed into the crook of his neck, and the smell of his cologne has you sagging even further against him, sinking as far as you can into his hold.
He presses a kiss to your head and sways the both of you back and forth.
“Mi vida,” he murmurs. “I’m here, my love. I’m here.”
“I didn’t know you were coming home,” you cry against him, voice muffled from where your face is still pressed against him.
He runs a hand through your hair, scratching his nails against your scalp in the way that always calms you down, and hums. You feel it in the vibration of his chest more than you hear it. “I wanted to surprise you after you told me how stressed you were. I told you, no? I would move mountains and seas to be with you whenever you need me.”
“Ti amo,” you whisper against his skin.
“Te amo,” he whispers into your hair.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lance_stroll, and 97,141 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername to the luce dei miei occhi, i love you more than life itself 💛
view all 3,731 comments
fernandoalo_oficial mi vida i'll love you in this life and the next, until the very end of time itself 💛
↳ yourusername ti amo mia vita
↳ user oh my days 🫢
↳ user i’m actually ill that is too cute
user they ARE that couple and they have every right to be
user i need them to adopt me right tf now it’s not a want it’s a need
↳ user fernando alonso once again proving why he’s the best husband on the grid
↳ user i’m obsessed with them a totally normal amount
lance_stroll every time i saw him he was talking to someone about how he had plans to surprise his wife, i’m so surprised he didn’t end up ruining the secret somehow
↳ fernandoalo_oficial have more faith in your padre
↳ lance_stroll well i’ve seen my “padre” make the most cartoon heart eyes at a picture of baked goods so i don’t think faith is really gonna cut it. you’re whipped man 🤷‍♂️
↳ yourusername lancino you must put up with so much from this old man
↳ lance_stroll you know what? i really do
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @casperlikej @pear-1206
━━ a/n: this is the longest fic i've ever written, coming in at a whopping 5.4k words! and it's also the first request i've written for! so, cheers to that. this is my little valentine's day story, because i'm actually a big sap and i really do love good fluffy romances, so writing this distracted me from the fact that i'm actually very alone at the present haha! anyways, hope you all enjoyed! i also wrote this in under 24 hours, and it's a lot, so if there's any editing mistakes please ignore them, i genuinely could not bring myself to re-read all of this looking for every single mistake.
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angelap3 ¡ 3 months ago
Sergio Endrigo - Io che amo solo te - Live @RSI 1981
Dedicata ❤️
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perpassareiltempo ¡ 2 months ago
Quando io sarò tornato A questa mia vuota solita routine Non avrò fotografie Nè conchiglie o souvenir Ma i tuoi occhi perduti nei miei
Io vorrei poter restare Nel fondo dei tuoi occhi Ogni volta che tu parlerai di me Sergio Endrigo
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abatelunare ¡ 8 months ago
Io vorrei poter restare nel fondo dei tuoi occhi ogni volta che tu penserai a me (Sergio Endrigo, La dolce estate).
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ilpianistasultetto ¡ 1 year ago
Le persone con la schiena dritta si riconoscono a naso. Sicuramente uno che la schiena nemmeno ce l'ha e' Amadeus, che durante la finale del festival della canzone italiana di Sanremo si e' prestato a mettere su il teatrino comandato da Rai-Benita Meloni per ricordare agli italiani i misfatti dei comunisti jugoslavi ai danni degli italiani istriani-dalmata. Un essere cosi invertebrato che ha provato a camuffare l'ordine rai-governativo come un ricordo alla memoria dell'istriano Sergio Endrigo, esule con i suoi genitori in sud-Italia per non finire nelle foibe slave, come ci son finite centinaia di nostri connazionali che abitavano quei territori ex italiani. Che pusillanime di presentatore! Ma non prova vergogna? Nemmeno il coraggio di mettere la condizione di disponibilita' ma solo come doverosa lettura di un comunicato istituzionale (visto che e' di questi giorni la ricorrenza a ricordo delle vittime delle foibe) senza prestarsi a certi giochetti. Anche un lombrico avrebbe saputo far meglio di "schiena curva" Amadeus. Ormai i personaggi interpretati da Alberto Sordi nel corso della sua lunga carriera che raccontavano il nostro Paese sembrano dei giganti di rettitudine al confronto di certi italiani di oggi..
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