Just Here for Butcher & MGG Things.
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Over 18, MDNI. Just here for Butcher things. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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billybutcherrtrash · 14 hours ago
Happy Birthday To Me - Garrick Tavis x Reader
A/N: Couldn't not post a birthday themed fic on my birthday about my favourite Fourth Wing/Iron Flame man. Thank you to those who gave me ideas for it! And thank you for all the birthday wishes! Warnings: 18+, Smut (only a small amount and implied)
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To everyone else today was just another day. Another day in the riders quadrant. Just the way I had intended it to be as I stretched out in my bed. I extend my hand out to find the space next to me empty and cold. I open my eyes to see Garrick who was there when I had fallen asleep was gone. Had been for some time apparently. I couldn’t help the slight hint of sadness that washed over me.
Garrick and I were just friends with benefits. Close friends with benefits. He didn’t always stay the night, most of the time opting to go back to his room to try keep our arrangement a secret. But part of my had hoped today he would be there when I woke up. On my birthday. A silly hope considering he didn’t know when my birthday was. No one in the quadrant did. I’d never had a good birthday when I was younger, my parents usually forgetting or claiming to be too busy. And once they had died with the end of the rebellion, I didn’t want someone else to disappoint me. So I never told anyone. The group of people I now considered close friends always asked. Nearly three years later none of them knew. But someone did. Out of the corner of my eye, sitting on my bedside table was a card leaning up against a small box, a dark green ribbon wrapped around it. My favourite colour. I push myself up, manoeuvring to sit in the spot Garrick had been in when I had fallen asleep last night. I reach for the box first, the child in me wanting to see what awaited inside seeing as I’d rarely gotten gifts on my birthday. I open it to reveal a black choker, with a small green gem hanging from it. It was beautiful. I had pointed it out a few weekends ago in town when we had all gone down on one of our rare days off. Meaning this could have only been from someone in our friend group who had gone that day.
We walked through the main road through town. Our voices and laughter echoing off the walls as Imogen tells us a story about Bodhi becoming a flustered mess around a girl he was interested in. Again. For someone who grew up around Xaden and Garrick who were the epitome of confidence, Bodhi was the complete opposite most of the time, and it made for a lot of moments like this. As we pass by one of the few jewellery stores in town, something catches my eye. I drift away from the group as they keep laughing at Imogen’s story. In the window was a choker made up of thin black leather cord , and hanging off it was a beautiful green gem. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I must have been gone from the group longer than I had realised as a familiar presence joins me. I don’t have to look up to know its Garrick. His shadow easily fell over me without even trying. And his smell easily gave him away. The familiar scent of leather, musk and cinnamon I had grown so use to other the last few months. A smell that I swear was permanently on that side of the bed he always laid on.
”What you looking at?” He asks as his eyes scan the items in the store window.
I point my finger at the choker on display in the middle of the window display. “Just that choker. Nothing special.” I tell him.
”Why don’t you get it then? Seems you really like it.” He pushes. I really must have been standing here looking at it longer than I realised.
I shake my head. “I’ll just end up losing it in a challenge or something. Just thought it was pretty.”
With a final look at the choker, I smile up at Garrick before wandering back to the group standing a few feet behind us.
Had Garrick gotten this for me? If he had, he would have gotten it while we were there. But why wait till today to give it to me? I had never told him when my birthday was. Hadn’t uttered a single word about it since the day I had gotten here. There was no way he knew what today was. I place the box on the bed in front of me before grabbing the card that had been placed with the box. I open the card to find the very familiar scrawl I knew belonged to Garrick. I had sat next to him in nearly every class after he had befriended me in Gauntlet training back in first year. I would know his handwriting anywhere.
I promise you’ll never lose this. I’ll make sure of it.
Head to where we first met - Garrick
I move faster than I ever have before. Jumping out of bed and pulling on my uniform and brushing my hair in record time. I’m halfway across my room when I remember the necklace still in the box on my bed. I rush over and grab the necklace. My fingers fumbling nervously on the clasp as I try to secure it around my neck. After many failed attempts I manage to finally clasp it together. I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips as I catch my reflection in the mirror. The sun hitting the green gem on my neck just right, casting a subtle green glow around it. It was beautiful. I don’t even hesitate as my feet take me towards the gauntlet. Garrick and I had technically met before the training sessions had started. We we’re in the same squad. But until gauntlet training had started, we had never uttered a single word to each other. Not even a hello. And as I round the corner into the gauntlet I know my gut feeling was right. Exactly where we had said our first words, had our first interaction say another box with a green bow. Right where Garrick had saved me from falling to my death.
I didn’t have enough momentum. My footwork was all wrong as my body jerked forward on the third last post. I was falling and I was going to die. I close my eyes so I don’t see it coming. Don’t have to watch my death come to me. But suddenly I’m not falling forward. The wind rushing around me gone. Instead I’m swinging back up as something grasps my arm. I thud into something solid, before we both topple to the ground, rolling into the next obstacle. I lie there in shock, my eyes still shut. There was no way I hadn’t died. My mind was playing tricks on me. It had to be. But a deep voice pulls me from my thoughts and has me opening my eyes.
”Hey, are you ok?”
I open my eyes to see the biggest cadet in our squad and probably the entire quadrant looking down at me. Worry etched on their face and in their hazel eyes. Still in shock from almost dying all I can do is nod my head. Clearly he senses I’m still in shock as he grasps my hands and pulls me up with him. I barely reach his shoulder as we both stand on the small landing. The landing I was very close to not being on if it wasn’t for Garrick. Who I could have sworn was half way up the next obstacle as I started mine. He should have cleared it by the time I had started to fall. He should have easily cleared it by then.
”Think you can make it up the next one?” Garrick’s question pulling me from my thoughts.
I turn to look at the upwards climb we would have to make. Something I could easily do. “Yeah, I think I can manage that.”
”Good. I’m Garrick by the way.” He holds his hand out to me.
I grasp it, his hand dwarfing mine instantly. “I’m Y/N.”
This time I had easily made it across the posts. Right over to the box on the small landing. I kneel in front of it, pulling off the green bow. Inside was a wooden carving of my green dragon. A wooden carving I knew Liam Mairi had done. I had seen him making carvings for some of the other riders. And I had dropped hints multiple times I would love one of my dragon. He kept telling me he would get to mine. But I had a feeling mine had been done for a while as I had only started asking recently. Underneath the wooden carving is another note from Garrick.
I’m glad I caught you that day. Even though I didn’t know you, I hate to think how my life would have turned out if I hadn’t.
Meet me where it first happened - Garrick
I can’t help the smile that breaks out on my face as I read his note, or the way my heart beat increases ever so slightly. The others had always joked I brought out the best in Garrick from that day onwards. I had to take their word for it, as Garrick had never changed in my eyes. He had always acted the same around me. I turn and climb up the last of the Gauntlet. Thank god once we cleared this on presentation day we didn’t have to do this to get up to the flight field every single time. Even with it being far easier now than it was back in first year. As I pull my self over the top I head straight for the stairs to take me back down to the quadrant. The only place my mind went to with the words ‘meet me where it first happened’ was his room. So that’s where I went.
”F-fuck, Garrick.” I practically moan.
Garrick’s hands grip my thighs tightly, keeping me firmly seated on his face. His tongue licking slowly over me, before wrapping his lips around my clit. My hands gripping his head board tightly as my body trembles and my toes curl. Garrick’s name was tumbling from my lips with every stroke. I gasp out loudly as his tongue probes my entrance, Garrick’s hands gripping my thighs tightly in response. I feel his groan rumble through me as I grind down on his face, his nose grazing my clit, a loud moan escaping me again. One of his hands moves from my thigh to firmly grasp me ass, encouraging me to move back and forth. I whimper as he removes his lips from me, earning a chuckle from Garrick. I had been so hesitant to do this, and now here I was whimpering at the loss. But he quickly replaces the loss with his fingers. I instantly clamp around them, head rolling back in pleasure.
”Fuck Y/N, you look so pretty like this. Way better than I ever imagined.” His voice dropping an octave lower somehow. “Look at you coming undone on just my fingers and tongue.”
All I can do is moan and whimper in response as he adds another finger, curling them inside me. I nearly collapse at the feeling. Garrick and I had barely started and he already had me falling apart on top of him. As Garrick sucks on my clit again, my whole body starts shaking, my climax quickly approaching.
”That’s it sweetheart. Let go. Come apart on my fingers.” He mumbles against me.
And I do. Hard and loud as I moan and scream his name.
My hand hovers over the handle to Garrick’s room, shaking slightly as my heart beats loudly and fast in my chest. The green bow on the handle telling me I was in the right spot. Meaning Garrick was most likely inside based off the wording of his note. On the other side I pick the faint sounds of someone pacing back and forth. Was Garrick nervous? Garrick who I had never seen look phased or scared of anything in the time we had been here. Yet hear I was listening to his pacing back and forth. I suck in a deep breathe and turn the handle and push open the door. Garrick who was pacing towards the other side of the room turns quickly and looks at me. A smile gracing his lips as his eyes lower to the choker still clasped around my neck. I look around the room, and situated on the desk is a cupcake from one of the bakeries in the local town with green icing on top. Next to it what looks to be a book with some slim boxes stacked on top, secured together with another one of the green bows. Garrick had known today was my birthday. There was no denying it.
”How did you know?” I ask him as I walk over to the desk, Garrick standing behind me and placing a hand on the small of my back.
”Lets just say I have my ways.” He says with a chuckle. I don’t have to turn to see the smirk that will be on his face.
”What ways? I’ve never told anyone here when my birthday was.” I tell him as I undo the bow holding the book and boxes together.
Garrick watches silently as I open the first box. Inside was a new set of daggers. Tyrrish runes decorated the handle. They were gorgeous. The next box held a new set of charcoals to go with the sketch book lying underneath.
”Being a section leader gives me access to information on all the cadets under me.” Cadets that included me as I was in his section. “I had also noticed over the last two years, that you always seemed off around this time of year. That something bothered you. So I already had my suspicions.”
”You didn’t have to do this.” I tell him as I turn and look at up him, trapping me between Garrick and the desk.
Garrick just smiles and reaches up and brushes some of my hair behind my ear, then resting his hand on my cheek. In my rush I hadn’t done my usual braid or bun, leaving it to hand loosely around my face. Something I knew drove Garrick crazy. He loved it when I’d let it down during our more intimate moments.
”I did. I needed to do this for you. Can’t have my girl hating her birthday.” He tells me softly.
Garrick was always good at keeping his emotions off his face. But his eyes always spoke what he was trying to hide. I could see the nervousness in them, the slight darting around my face to see how I would react.
”You’re girl? We’re just fr-”
”What if I wanted more? Wanted more than just some heated moments in each others beds. But kept convincing myself I couldn’t have more. What if I was stupid enough to fall for one of my closest friends.” He pleads, resting his forehead on mine.
”Good thing we’re both stupid then.” I say.
I briefly catch a smile on Garrick’s lips before they’re on my own. Our hands pulling at each others clothes as he guides us towards his bed, two piles ending up on the floor. I go to grab his hand to pull him down to the bed with me, but he smacks it away as he kneels in front of me, pulling me towards the edge of the bed.
”Today is all about you darling.” He says, his voice dropping an octave lower than normal, bringing out the husky tone that he knows I love.
I go to object, but my words are silenced by my moan as Garrick runs his tongue along my centre and pushes his fingers inside me. Happy birthday to me.
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billybutcherrtrash · 2 days ago
The lack of Garrick x reader fics makes me so sad
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billybutcherrtrash · 4 days ago
Garrick: I spy with my little eye, something that starts with ‘S’.
Bodhi, looking at Xaden and Violet: Is it sexual tension?
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billybutcherrtrash · 4 days ago
Xaden in Fourth Wing and Iron Flame: We should not trust Aetos he is bad news
Garrick: Okay
Xaden in Onyx Storm: I think we don’t put enough trust in Aetos
Garrick: Bitch you are the one who started it
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billybutcherrtrash · 4 days ago
***Onyx Storm Spoiler***
Dain seeing riders use second signets while in battle
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billybutcherrtrash · 4 days ago
Xaden: In my defence, I was left unsupervised. Violet: Wasn’t Garrick with you? Garrick: In my defence, I was also left unsupervised.
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billybutcherrtrash · 4 days ago
Xaden: “Okay everyone, safety briefing for this weekend.”
Xaden *to Ridoc and Bodhi*: “Do not add to the population.”
Xaden *to Imogen*: “Do not subtract from the population.”
Xaden *to Rhiannon, Sawyer, and Garrick in order*: “Do not end up in the newspaper, the hospital, or in jail.”
Xaden *to Violet*: “If you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly.”
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billybutcherrtrash · 4 days ago
I've said it before and I'll say it again
I want Xaden's POV for his first 2 years at Basgiath
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billybutcherrtrash · 4 days ago
Can we talk about how even though he nearly died, we all know Garrick 100% still teased Xaden for having to give him mouth to mouth
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billybutcherrtrash · 16 days ago
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A master list for all my writings. Mainly for Fourth Wing and our rebellion boys. But I do write for other books so make sure to check my request guidelines to see who I am currently writing for.
Requests | Links
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Smut - 💕 Fluff - 🌸 Angst - 😡
Fourth Wing:
Incorrect Quotes
Garrick Tavis:
The Lost Sister (completed series) 💕🌸
Black Dahlia (on going series) 😡💕
Garrick Tavis Head Cannons 🌸
Just One Date 🌸
Reunited 🌸
Goodbye 😡
Means To And End - One Shot Garrick POV 😡
I Just Want To Talk To Them 😡
Happy Birthday 💕🌸
I just Want To Talk To Them Part 2 - The Reward 💕
Garrick Tavis Dad Head Cannons 🌸
Garrick Tavis Pregnant Reader Head Cannons🌸
Behave 💕
New Feelings 🌸
Is That Blood? 🌸
Wrong Advice 💕
Orders Gone Wrong 🌸😡
Threesome (w Brennan Sorrengail) 💕😡
Priority 😡 🌸
Insomnia 😡 🌸
No Strings Attached 💕😡
If I Catch You 💕
Jealousy 😡🌸
Bodhi Durran:
Love Letters 🌸
Options 🌸
He's Watching You Again 🌸
It's Nothing 🌸
Assassination Attempt 🌸
Worst Kept Secret 🌸
Shower Masturbation 💕
Praise (Shower Masturbation Part 2) 💕
Underestimated 🌸😡
Courted 🌸
Aaric Graycastle
Everyone Has Secrets 😡
Ridoc Gamlyn:
Matchmaker 🌸
Xaden Riorson:
I Think I Deserve a Kiss 🌸
All Alone 🌸
Not Meant To Care 😡
Liam Mairi
Eyes On Me 💕
Not Enough 🌸
I Only Want You 💕
Brennan Sorrengail
Can We Not 🌸
Cuddle Head Cannons 🌸
Love Doesn't Suit You 😡
Take A Chance 🌸
Secret Relationship 🌸
Forgive Me 💕
Threesome (w Garrick Tavis) 💕😡
Hidden Feelings
Dain Aetos
You Think I Wanted This 😡
Sawyer Henrick
Wrong Advice 💕
Fourth Wing Boys
Challenge Head Cannons 🌸
Accidental/Unplanned Pregnancy Head Cannons 🌸
Rejection Head Cannons 😡
Crescent City
Ruhn Danaan
Shut Up. Make Me.
Shut Up. Make Me. Part 2 💕
Bondage 💕
Kai Azer
Mirror Sex 💕
Nightmares 🌸
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billybutcherrtrash · 16 days ago
Jealousy - Garrick Tavis
Request - Jealous garrick tavis one, with angst and lots of love after confessing feelings @thegiftofacreativemind
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“What in gods name crawled up your ass and died?” Imogen snickers as Bodhi tries to hide his laughter as I glare at her.
“Nothing. Now get back to training.” I bark at her.
Bodhi rolls his eyes. “It’s because Y/N is spending less time with him. He’s jealous of her new friend.”
“I am not.” I snap at him causing them both to snicker at me.
“You do. You look like you’re about two seconds away from walking over there and ripping his head off.” Xaden adds from where he leans against the wall watching.
As much as I was denying it to them, I was jealous. I wanted nothing more to go over there and pull that damn flier away from her. Tell him to back off and find someone else to train with. But I know that wouldn’t go down well. Would earn me a slap and some choice words from Y/N. The fun of being fucking obsessed with your best friend and unable to do anything about it. I couldn’t wreck that. I was her best friend. A best friend who had a fucking reputation for not settling down. And now here I was head over heels for her and nothing I could do because she’d seen me go from girl to girl.
“I am not.” I snap again at him over my shoulder.
I barely hear the others laugh and snicker at me as I see red. On the mat they’d chosen to spar on I watch as he manages to pin her to the mat beneath him. Pinning her hands to the mat above her head. Sitting on her hips as he holds her down. Watching as his face flushes, the way his eyes take her in. His attention shifts when she throws him off her, causing their laugh to echo across the make shift gym.
He gets to his feet first, holding his hand out to her to help her up. I grind my teeth as she smiles up at Him and takes his hand. Laughing as he pulls her up and she stumbles into him, resting her other hand on his arm as she rights herself.
I move before I even realise I have. Bodhi muttering an “oh shit” behind me as I storm across the gym. The flier looks up as I approach, colour draining from his face as I storm over to them. She turns and follows his line of sight, her eyes capturing mine instantly. She furrows her brow, clearly confused as to why I look so angry as I storm over to them.
She opens her mouth to speak but the words die on the lips as I grab her arm and pull her away. She stumbles after me in an effort to keep up with me as I drag her over to the door that leads to the adjoining courtyard of Riorson house. I push her into the open door of the throne room, slamming the door shut behind us.
“What the hell was that?” She snaps at me as I pace back and forth in front of her, clenching and unclenching my fists.
I ignore her question, unsure how to answer after how I’d just reacted in front of everyone. So much for not reacting. Dumbass. She steps in front of me, stopping me in my tracks as she stands there with her arms crossed over her chest as she looks up at me. Confusion and anger are written all over her face. I go to side step her but she just steps in front of me again.
“Talk. Now.” She barks out.
“It’s not-“
“Garrick Theodore Tavis. What. The hell. Was that?” She demands.
Shit. Full name. Not good. She never uses that on me. Ever. It’s like being scolded by my parents all over again. Yet some how this is far scarier.
“I…. I didn’t like how he was touching you. Looking at you.” I admit gruffly as I avert my eyes from her. I didn’t want to see how she was going to react. Didn’t want to see the pity she might show me.
“We were sparring Garrick. Of course he was going to have to touch me. That’s the whole point.” She says with a shake of her head as walks a few steps away. “You can’t go protective best friend because I’m training with someone.”
Ouch. There it was. Best friend. The words I didn’t want to hear.
“Trust me it had nothing to do with you sparring.” I growl out as I turn my eyes back to her.
She spins around to face me, anger evident in her features. “Then please Garrick, tell me what it is. Because from where I’m standing it looks like my best friend is jealous because I’ve made a new friend while you’ve been off on patrols and missions. You can’t expect me to sit around in my room on my own while you go away for days at a time. I need other friends Garrick.”
“Trust me, he wants more to be more than just friends.” I snap at her angrily, letting my jealously get the better of me.
“And would that be such a bad thing that a guy finally showed interest in me?” She asks, her voice cracking at the end, letting me see a glimpse of how hurt she is.
“Yes!” I yell at her without thinking. “No. God dammit. You deserve to be happy Y/N, more than anything.”
“Then what the hell is it Garrick? Because I’m not sure what you want from me right now.”
“You.” I say as I take a tentative step towards her. She looks at me in shock, her lips parting as if she wants to say something. “I want you Y/N. Have for a while now.”
“No.” She says as she shakes her head in denial. “Y-you don’t do relationships.”
I can’t deny that. She’s watched casually go from girl to girl for years. Never once had I settled on one girl. It wasn’t cause I didn’t want to. It was because no one held my interest, and with everything that had been going on, committing to someone was the last thing I needed. But in the last few weeks that had changed. She’d gone from being my best friend, to someone I wanted more with. Our entire friendship toed that line, but thats all it was. Till it wasn’t. She’d been in front of me this whole damn time. And
”Maybe I do. Maybe there’s someone right in front of me that made me realise that’s what I want.” I admit, taking another step towards her, closing the gap between us.
She lowers her head, looking down at her hands that she fidgets with nervously. “Don’t.”
”Don’t what?” I ask as I reach out to grasp her hands in mine, but she pulls them back as she cradles them against her stomach.
”Don’t say those things.” She says as she takes a step back and looks up at me, her eyes glistening with tears she does her best to blink back. Shit. “Don’t say those things and get my hopes up.”
Holy shit. She feels the same way. But she’s trying not to. I can see in her eyes that she’s been holding back. And I know it’s because of my fucking history with girls. I reach out but she takes another step back.
”Trust me, I am not getting your hopes up. I didn’t just lose it in front of all the riders and fliers here just to get your hopes up.” I growl out, her eyes widening at my tone and words. “Gods I’d do it again just to prove to you how much you mean to me and to prove I’m past what I use to be like.”
As her lips part to protest I close the distance, grasping her face in my hands as I bring my lips to hers. It doesn’t take long for her lips to move against mine, kissing me back intensely and passionately as she wraps her arms around my neck, her fingers tugging on my hair. I can’t help the groan that rumbles in my throat, my body wanting and craving her more as she pulls herself flush against my body. Her lips part easily for me as I pull her lower lip between my teeth, gasping as I claim her mouth. I move my hands down her body, grasping her waist in my hands as I hold her tightly. Just as I lower a hand to the back of her thigh the door to the throne room bangs open, both of us breaking apart to stare at Brennan who stands there looking at us in shock.
He clears his throat as he hides the shock from his face. “Might be good if you two found another place to do that.” He says, trying to hide the smile on his lips.
I nod at him, taking her hand in mine as I pull her past Brennan and out into the courtyard just as everyone leaves the training room, Bodhi and Imogen’s eyes instantly finding us as we walk out of the throne room hand in hand. Fucking great.
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billybutcherrtrash · 17 days ago
Rhi, entering Violet's room: Why are you taking so long to get ready? Violet, out of breath: I..I just can't find anything to wear Rhi, opening the cupboard: What? You have lots of clothes. Lets see, shirts, trousers, hi Xaden, jackets, more shirts
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billybutcherrtrash · 1 month ago
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I love it so much!!!
It’s okay.
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Requested by the lovely @billybutcherrtrash 💕
Spencer trying to talk down a dangerous unsub, which is a giant risk of his life and Reader being worried is an understatement.
Contains: friends to lovers, canon unsub violence, kissing, fluff, shitty writing
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In a situation such as this, waiting anxiously outside the apartment building where the unsub was located- holding an innocent couple hostage- it was hard not to think of the worst case scenario when it came to the part of the team that was inside that building, especially since it was Spencer risking his life in there.
The case was grisly to say the least, a string of murders of young couples living life that had barely begun- the pattern of the unjust crimes committed pointed to a young male who envied what these couples had- what he’d believed to be out of reach for him; taking it out on those people he’d slaughtered.
Spencer had taken it upon himself to try and get the unsub to cooperate, not budging despite protests from everyone, especially you.
“Reid, it’s way too dangerous. If we get more numbers in the building at once we can take this guy down and no one will get hurt.” Hotch’s never faltering stern voice and expression warned him, but Spencer stood his ground as you, him, Hotch and Emily drove to the apartment complex.
“Hotch, it will scare him and increase the chance of him killing the hostages. I can talk him out it, at least get his guard down so we can disarm and arrest him.” Spencer explained, his eyes clouded with determination.
“This is so dangerous, Spencer I-i can’t believe you’re even suggesting it-“
“Stop it Y/L/N, I know I can. I will.” Spencers voice was full of frustrated emotions, but kept a formal front as he adjusted his bullet proof vest. He looked at you, those brown doe eyes that showed something that only made itself known to you.
“I’ll be back before you know it.”
You were worried, so fucking worried that this would end in tragedy. Spencer was someone who had been with you since the beginning, the first person to greet you… the first friend you made.
Those feelings toward him however grew to be more than platonic as time went by how close you both became. I mean, as if anyone would blame you for falling for the pretty boy genius?
And of course those exact feelings were reciprocated by Spencer, but he wouldn’t say anything - believing that you deserved better than that, think how could you ever fall for him of all people?
But man, could he be any more wrong.
The onslaught of police cars and the rest of BAU team awaited outside, weapons at the ready as Spencer roamed the building.
The anxious flutters in your chest never faltered as you armed yourself, waiting at the door for any sign, a crumb of life to emerge from the building. You couldn’t keep those intrusive thoughts down, the thought of Spencer being hurt made your stomach twist in knots you never thought possible.
“You okay?” Morgan’s deep tone removed you from your trance. “Y-yeah, I’m fine.” You cringed at yourself for lying, to all people another behavioural analyst.
Morgan hummed humorously. “Liar.”
“He’s gonna be okay you know?” He reassured you. “Your pretty boy knows his stuff.” Morgan teased, trying to ease your anxiety. “He’s not my-“ you tried to retaliate, before a muffled shot rang through the building.
The pit in your stomach was at an all time low, your worst fears bubbling back to the surface. Is Spencer the one who shot the round? Or was he the one who had fallen victim to it? There was no way you weren’t going to take a chance, you couldn’t let the man you loved potentially bleed out on the cold floor in that building.
A blood curdling cry erupted from your chest, trying to make a break towards the entry doors.
But Morgan yanked you back- holding your shoulder with a strong hold. “No no, You can’t go in. It’s not safe.” Morgan tried to feign calm - but he was worried, there was no denying it.
“But Spencer he-he could be-“ you started to sob, trying to break free from his grip. “Don’t. We have to wait. You know what we have to do, you’re not breaking protocol-“
“We need an ambulance on the second floor now.” The familiar yet grainy voice ringing through the walkies that you had attached to your uniform. Spencer’s voice brought a sense of relief, but it didn’t stop the onslaught of tears to sting at your eyes.
Morgan, being the ever comforting person he is pulled you into his side- letting out a breathy sigh in relief. “He’s okay, kid.” He reassured not only you, but himself as well.
Long, treacherous minutes went by as you watched the ambulance and police crew enter the building, bringing out the wounded unsub and escorting the hostages to be checked over - but there wasn’t a sign of Spencer. Your gaze was on that door, waiting for the lanky figure of the boy genius to burst through them.
Emily could sense the desperation oozing off of you, the side of you that needed to see him. “He’ll be down soon.” She reassured you with a slight squeeze on your bicep. You nodded, looking at her with a nervous smile. “I know… I just- I need to see him.” She nodded at your comment, knowing there was more to just needing to seeing him.
There was no time left to wait, as Spencer had made his way through the doors of the building. His hair and uniform was unkempt, but he was unharmed and that was the only thing that mattered in that moment- nothing and no one mattered except for him.
His eyes diverted to you, flashing you that tight lipped grin he always gave you as you made your way to him, walking at a fast pace as you drew close.
No hesitation was had as your arms wrapped around his torso, holding onto as if he was going to slip through your hands.
“Hey hey, I’m okay… I’m here.” Spencer said almost nonchalantly, which made you scoff a little.
“God dammit don’t- don’t ever scare me like that again.” You choked out, a soft sniffle escaping your nostrils.
“The gunshot it- it scared me Spence, I thought you were-“ Spencer interrupted you, softly shushing you. “No, I tried to get him to surrender, but he pulled out a handgun and I disarmed him. Im not hurt, not a scratch…” he reassured, pulling your chin up from his chest so he could look at you, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
“I thought I lost you Spencer.” You whispered, looking up at him with your red rimmed eyes. “You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” He tried to ease the tension within you, at least the anxious part of it.
You smiled at him, leaning into his touch which made a shiver go down his spine. Spencer called your name softly as he met your gaze, bringing you in closer- your bodies heated with adrenaline radiated through each other.
The yearning - although not appropriate to act upon as you were still at the tail end of the investigation couldn’t be contained anymore. Spencer craned his neck down to place his lips upon yours, the fiery tension between you both bursting as you embraced- as if the world around you both had just stopped.
What was around you however was the rest of your team, smiling at the fact it finally happened- even Hotch cracked a smile.
“I owe you a 20 Emily.” JJ laughed, feigning annoyance. Emily grinned at JJs comment. “God finally, it was getting sickening watching those two pine over each other.”
As you pulled away, the smiles that adorned both your features was a glowing sight. Spencer took your hand in his, shyly grinning at you. “Maybe we could- go out on a date? My treat of course, that’s if you want to go out I mean-“ he started to ramble, before you stepped on your toes to kiss him once more.
“Of course I do you doofus.” You giggled, making him blush. “A-awesome, cool um- we’ll talk about it later.” His hand squeezed yours, before Morgan whistled at you both.
“Cmon lovebirds… we gotta get moving.” He smirked, seeing the both of you laugh as you made your way over - He could not wait to tell Penelope what had just happened before his eyes- despite the hectic turmoil of the case, the glee of you both was a ray of sunshine in the moment.
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billybutcherrtrash · 2 months ago
send this star to your favorite accounts to show you that you love them! time to spread the love! ⭐️
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billybutcherrtrash · 2 months ago
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Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Contains: Friends to lovers, a lil angsty?, Getting injured on a case, him bandaging your wound and being upset (but only cuz he’s In love with u), subbish(?) Reid, smutty smut smut, fluffy ending
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“It was a stupid decision, Y/N. You could’ve been seriously injured.”
Spencer muttered as he gently cleaned your wound with antiseptic solution, hearing you wince at the sting on your gash on your collarbone- your button up, blood stained shirt hanging off your shoulders.
“Spencer I’m okay, I swear…” you gritted your teeth as he swiped the cloth over your injury.
The job was always going to be risky- going after prolific serial killers always came with it, and tonight was no exception.
Garcia had managed to locate the unsub, pinging his last known location to an abandoned farm house where he had his latest victim held captive.
You had snuck in around the back of the farm house to sneak upon the unsub, as Hotch and Emily had their aim on him as they attempted to get him to back down, to put down the hunting knife and surrender.
You had the opportunity to disarm him from behind, but the unsub had clocked that he was surrounded, his senses causing him to swing his knife behind him and slice across your collar causing you to cry out in pain, falling to the ground to avoid any further injury- Morgan taking the opportunity to disarm and take him down.
Spencer had run in- having heard your cry and immediately kneeled to your side. You looked okay, but your shirt had a wet stain of red splashed across it.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you.” He said softly, his face neutral as he pulled your shirt gently to the side to look at your skin, looking at the result of the unsubs actions. His face turned into a frustrated expression, which was unusual for him- especially when it came to you.
“Wound is bleeding but it’s not that deep- I’ll help you with it.” His tone was different this time - he was pissed. Before you could get a word in he helped you up, taking you out of the farm house.
You wanted to protest, but he was having none of it as he excused you both from the scene.
Now you were both in the bathroom of his apartment, you sat upon the counter as the smell of the cleaning solution invaded your senses.
“You should’ve stay back further from him.” He was blunt as he repeated his frustration. “This could have been a lot worse. Y-you- you could’ve-“
“Spencer, again- I’m okay. I’ve had worse injuries on the scene you know this.” You couldn’t keep repeating yourself- trying to reassure and somewhat comfort him, but his stubbornness was not budging.
Spencer shook his head, muttering something about staying behind as he carefully pressed a bandage to your wound, smoothing it out so it sat neatly on you.
His fingers grazed against your skin, sending light shocks through your spine.
“I can handle it, Spencer - I’m more than capable of taking these people down…” you told him quietly, his eyes flicking down to yours as he stood tall in front of you from patching you up.
“I know you can.” He was firm in his words. “But- dammit if anything ever were to happen to you I wouldn’t know what to do-“ he continued to ramble, his words becoming somewhat scrambled as he spoke, which was unusual for him as he was always articulate.
“I care about you- so much.” He whispered, his long fingers tracing your biceps so delicately.
“Spence, I care about you too.” You copied his volume, his touch once again making you tremble.
“No- no I mean… more than I should. More than just… friends.” Spencer closed his eyes, preparing himself for the possibility of rejection.
He couldn’t help it- the feelings he had tried so desperately to keep shoved deep down in his heart, convincing himself that you could never feel that way about him; that he didn’t deserve to have someone like you love him had bubbled to the surface.
His words ran through you like a train; trying to process his confession. You had always felt something for him- god it was hard not to with those gorgeous hazel eyes and curls, his shy personality and his intellect- he was just the pinnacle of perfection.
“I didn’t know you felt that way…” your fingers traced his jaw, seeing his eyes flicker open with a hitch of his breath. “But god I feel it for you too.”
Spencer let out a jagged sigh, full of relief as you shared the same infatuation.
“I-I tried to keep it professional… b-but you make it so. Damn. Hard.” Spencer breathed out, pressing his forehead against yours- he was drawn to you like a magnet.
“I can’t hold it back anymore…”
“Then let’s stop pretending.” You whispered, your lips ghosting over his, resulting in Spencer letting out an almost whiney sound.
Spencer didn’t miss a beat as he pressed his lips on yours, soft and gentle.
Your hands went to his cheeks, rubbing your thumbs along his sculpted face in your passionate embrace, pulling him closer so he stood between your legs as you still sat on the counter.
The heat between you both was palpable, your kiss growing stronger and heated. Spencer’s hands gently caressed your bare sides, creating a strangle whine at how soft you felt under his finger tips.
He pulled away, his breathing laboured as he gazed at you with glassy eyes.
“Please…” he whispered, the need in his voice clear as day. “Tell me what you want baby…” you muttered, your fingers tracing the sides of his throat.
“I-I wanna touch you… please let me love you.” His lips were parted, soft pants falling from them.
You nodded slowly, moving your hips down off the counter to plant your feet to the ground. “Cmon…” you whispered, taking his hand to lead him toward his bedroom.
You lead him to the edge of his bed letting him sit on the edge as you slowly removed your shirt off your shoulders, throwing it to the side. Spencer kept his eyes on you as you removed your bra, seeing you wince a little as the sting of your injury hit you as you moved your arms but soon move your fingers to the fastening of your trousers.
Spencer was borderline breathless, seeing more and more of your skin being exposed to him like a present.
He slowly unbuttoned his own shirt, fiddling with the fastening and pulling it off his torso before moving to his briefs and pants, lifting his hips to have his garments fall to the ground.
He watched as you pulled your underwear down your thighs, letting out a small moan at your bare figure.
“So beautiful…” he whispered, reaching out to pull you closer by your hips- his finger delicately moving along your skin.
You observed him, slowly moving to plant your knees on either side of him and straddling his lap.
His arousal was clear, his hardened cock pressed against your core. “Already so hard for me… and we haven’t even started.” You teased him, pressing a soft kiss under his ear, softly moving your hips against him.
Spencer let out a whiney gasp, his need for you overpowering his being. His hands touched your chest and stomach, trailing up around your back and down your hips and ass.
His hands then fell down to your thighs, squeezing your flesh before tracing to your soaked cunt, feeling along your silken folds. You let out a shuddered sigh, feeling his digits trace circles around your clit. Your mouth fell open, gasping his name as you buried your face in his neck.
“I can’t- I need to feel you, please...” he was desperate, not wanting to waste anymore time of not having you.
Pulling back, you looked at his pleading eyes- the need mirrored in your expression. “Lay back for me…” you whispered as you sat up slightly, watching as he obeyed your words and scooted up the bed and lay on his back for you.
You crawled over him, straddling his hips once again as you observed him below you - his flushed cheeks and blown pupils full of want for you.
Your hand snaked down to his cock, holding it gently in your hand as you dragged it along your slit. “God Spence…” you breathed, before sinking down on him.
It was as if he was made for you; filling your pussy up deliciously as he twitched slightly inside you.
“F-fuck…” he threw his head back, his hips bucking up into yours slightly.
“Spence…” you groaned, slowly swiveling your hips along his. His length hit your spot every time, causing you both to let out pleasured moans that echoed off the walls.
He whined as you bounced on his cock, one hand gripping your hip and the other rubbing your throbbing nub, your orgasm rising within you.
“O-oh Spence- I’m gonna cum, fuck…” you threw your head back, calling his name again. He watched In awe of you as you came all over him, the feeling of your cunt clenching around him sent him over the edge as he let himself go deep within you.
He was panting, moaning softly as he came down from his high- pulling you down to press a bruising kiss to your lips.
“Y-you are… ethereal.” He praised as he pulled away slightly, looking at your hazy eyes- your cheeks blushing further as you pushed his curls away from his forehead. “As are you…” you replied, still breathless.
“I don’t want this to be… it.” He whispered. “I want to give you everything and anything, if you would be mine…” he proclaimed, making your heart flutter.
“I wanna be yours, Spencer- and I want you to be mine.” The words were so damn cheesy, but that’s all that you could say- it was all you both needed in that moment.
Being each others person, it just all felt… right.
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billybutcherrtrash · 3 months ago
Billy Butcher x fem!reader
A massive thank you to @enchantedflameandflower for the inspo <3
Contains: one bed trope, butcher and reader being dumb and liking each other, reader wearing Butchers Hawaiian shirt to bed,unprotected sex, poorly written smut!!!
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The latest mission had been a major bust.
Infiltrating Vought Tower was either going to end in success or failure, unfortunately the latter being the result.
An alarm had been tripped, all thanks to Hughie losing his footing trying to be quiet. The Boys barely got away as Homelander was hot on their trail, but ultimately losing them as the group split up in hiding.
Butcher and yourself managed to disappear, taking the Cadillac and running off to the rural outskirts of town.
The car ride was silent- trying to find somewhere to lay low for God knows how long.
“You alright?” Butcher asked lowly, breaking the silence gazing at you as you came down from your adrenaline rush. You gave him a quick nod before peering out of the car window- keeping a lookout for any danger that could approach us.
He eyeballed you, seeing the anxiety in your fidgety behaviour as he reached out to tentatively pat your shoulder. “Don’t have to be on alert, we’re okay yeah?” He reassured you, giving it a slight squeeze.
His touch- however innocent it was- made your skin prick up in goosebumps.
“Sweetie we all see it, it’s not a bad thing! You both like each other… you should do something about it.” Annie nudged you with her elbow as you shared a bottle of liquor together.
“I’ve seen the way Butcher looks at you, he doesn’t look at anyone else like that.”
You just scoffed, taking another swig of the burning liquid. “Fuck no, Annie- I don’t like him like that, absolutely not, nuh uh.”
It was as if Annie was talking to a brick wall, but she’s not one to back down easily as she rolled her eyes.
“Don’t say I didn’t tell you so… you both will see it eventually.”
As you looked back at him- he gave a half hearted smile, before clearing his throat and turning his attention back to the road, his hand on your shoulder moving back to the steering wheel.
“What’re we gonna do now?” You broke the silence once again.
“Next motel we come across, we’ll set up in there. I have a feelin’ we will be there for a few days.”
A few days.
Another nod of acknowledgment from you and the car fell silent again, the heavy sense of unknown tension hovering over you both.
The evening sky started to show, the horizon sporting its warm glow as the sun began to set over the picturesque landscape as the Cadillac pulled into the motel car park.
The building was outdated - broken bricks that had been painted over with chipped white paint and graffiti, broken glass and lost items on the concrete.
“This is-“ you tried to say a positive thing about the place.
“A shithole. But it’s better than nothin’. Let’s see if we can get some rooms.” Butcher shut his car door and carried himself over to reception, you quickly following behind him.
The reception desk was furnished with ripped up pamphlets about activities and tours, all of which were dating back to the 80s as you read them.
“Can I help you?” The receptionist was far from enthusiastic, not bothering to look up from the computer from her online shopping session.
“Two rooms please… best ya got in the place.” He requested, giving his signature smirk.
“Only have one room available.” She replied, their gaze falling on the two of you.
Your eyes widened, the blood rushed to your cheeks.
“Nah that ain’t gonna work-“
“It’s the one room or fuck off.” The lady pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag, exhaling the smoke into the stale air.
Butcher took a deep breath, scrunching his eyes closed in frustration before turning to you. Your flushed cheeks were obvious to him, but he didn’t bring attention to them.
“You right with sharin’, love?” He grumbled, sending a tight lipped smile your way.
“Y-yeah, fine- it’s fine.” You nodded, swaying back and forth on the balls of your feet.
The receptionist slammed the key on the counter.
“I hope you enjoy your stay.” She mumbled sarcastically, Billy taking the keys and muttering ‘Cunt’ under his breath before gesturing you to follow him to when you will both be staying.
Billy’s hand fumbled with the keys, opening the creaky wooden door to reveal the plain, cigarette smoke stained walls with paintings hung crookedly, a brown two seater couch with faded leather and another door leading to the bathroom- but it was clean and simple, all that you both needed.
That was until you both realised there was only one bed.
“I’m on the couch, you take the bed.” He pushed past you and placed his things on an arm chair in the corner.
“No, don’t worry I’ll do the couch-“
“Don’t be fuckin’ daft, I ain’t lettin’ ya sleep on the couch. I’ll be right.”
You wouldn’t back down, looking at the bed- it was big enough for the both of you, and you weren’t gonna let him have an uncomfortable nights sleep on an old couch with broken springs in it.
“We can share…” you offered quietly, which caused Billy to freeze as he unpacked. His brown eyes flickered between the bed and you. Something stirred in his gut about sharing with you that he couldn’t put his finger on.
“Alright, just don’t think any funny business yeah?” He teased, thinking it would ease the tension between them but it made the air even thicker around the room.
“Ha, wouldn’t dream of it!” You replied, mentally facepalming at how cringeworthy you sounded- the room becoming quiet and awkward.
“I’m… gonna shower, I’ll be back in a moment.” You went to your pack, trying to find a shirt that you had kept spare - to no avail.
“Shit- fucking shit.” You muttered, sighing frustratedly. “I haven’t got anything to change into…”
Billy chuckled, going through his bag and pulling out one of his spare Hawaiian shirts he always kept on him, adorned with tropical flowers.
“Have this love, just don’t be gettin’ shit all over it.” He joked.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna-“
“Don’t be an idiot, just take the fuckin shirt.”
He was final in his words, raising his brows as he waiting for you to take the it from his hand- which you did, muttering a quick thank you and bee lining to the bathroom.
His eyes followed you, the thoughts of how you’d look in his shirt when you’d come out of that room made him anxious, excited even- thinking of your wet hair draped on your shoulders, the material of his shirt hanging off your shoulders, barely covering your-
Get it together Butcher…
He mentally chastised himself, not allowing himself to think like that about you- but it was so fucking hard not to as he started to wind down for the evening, kicking off his shoes and removing his jeans, leaving him in his boxer shorts and shirt- moving to lay on one side of the bed; trying to distract his mind with whatever was playing on the TV.
The feel of the hot soapy water on your skin was what you needed after the long day, feeling the dirt and stress melt off your body as the shower cascaded down.
You couldn’t help but this of the man in that room next to you, imagining the possibilities of what the night could bring- thinking of his strong hands gripping you-
No. No.
As you finished up in the shower and dried yourself off, you draped butchers shirt over your torso and buttoned it up, pulling up your underwear and turning to check yourself out in the mirror.
It was soft, the length of it falling just below your ass- it smelt distinctly like him and it drove you insane.
Your hand reached the handle, the door squeaking open to see Billy laying on the bed as his head swung to the sound of the door hinges.
“Fuckin’ hell…” he muttered, his eyes running over your form, drinking in how you looked in his shirt.
god it was gonna be hard for him to keep his hands off you.
You looked at him from across the way, feeling that same tension from before starting to thicken the air again.
“Thank you again…” you muttered, making your way to the bed and lying down next to him.
He grumbled in response, trying not let his eyes linger over you for too long.
The two of you sat in awkward silence, your eyes glued to the tv as you both tried to squash down the ringing desire that overrode your thoughts.
His eyes however kept glancing at you, completely mesmerised by how you looked in his clothes.
“You comfortable?” He remarked quietly, a different contrast to what you were used to with him. You nodded, smiling at him as you turned to acknowledge him as he returned a soft smile.
You couldn’t take it, the weird tension was too much to have it continue like this.
You moved your leg to touch his just that little bit- to feel his warmth, to let him know that you felt how he did. His body tensed up, exhaling a breath that he didn’t know he was holding.
Billy relaxed as he felt the warmth of your thigh, his large palm hesitantly hovering over your skin before placing it gently on you- his calloused hand a stark contrast to your soft skin. His touch caused your skin to prickle, goosebumps raising up as he started to slowly move it along your thigh, a shaky breath escaping his lips as he glanced at you.
“Y/N…” he breathed out, causing you to swivel your head up to see his eyes at the sound of your name.
The distance between you both was agonising, so close yet so far; your hunger for each other was too strong as the string of restraint began to break.
His eyes averted to your plush lips, watching you mirror his actions.
“Fuck…” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Fuck indeed…” you replied, your lips just ghosting over his- making him breathe out in a fluster.
“We shouldn’t be doing this-“ you whispered back, feeling his hot breath on your face.
“But if we don’t I’m going to go crazy…” Billy cut you off, bringing his hand from your thigh to your face.
A few moments passed of just staring at each other with unbearable lust, before that string of restraint snapped- Billy muttering “fuck it” under his breath before pressing his lips on yours, pulling you toward him so he could hold you in his lap.
Pulling you up so you could straddle his hips, the kiss never broke- your tongues and teeth clashing in a fiery embrace.
Soft moans filling the room as his hands roamed your thighs, moving them up to grip and spanking your ass, the sound echoing off the walls.
“Fuck Billy…” you moaned into his mouth from his hands impact, causing him to chuckle.
“Oh you liked that didn’t ya?” He bit your bottom lip playfully before doing it again, coaxing the same reaction from you.
Your hands pulled at his hair as you slowly grinned against his hardened clothed cock, earning a groan from him.
“Bloody hell sweetheart, if I don’t fuck ya now I’m gonna explode…” he chuckled lowly, pressing his lips against your neck- sucking down on yours sensitive skin.
“God please- please fuck me…” you whined desperately, going to remove his shirt off of your body.
“Nuh uh- leave that on.” He protested, pushing you on your back, splayed out on the mattress beneath him as he moved to sit on his knees above you.
He looked at you below him- your kiss bitten lips and hair splayed on the mattress beneath you.
“You are a sight for sore eyes love…” he smirked, hooking his fingers to pull down your underwear- flinging them to the floor as he took in the sight of your glistening core. Billy licked his lips in anticipation, dragging his fingers along your cunt.
“Billy… please I need to feel you.” you whispered breathlessly, your hips rocking against his digits. “So desperate huh?” He grinned, pulling his fingers away from you and sucking your wetness off of them.
“So sweet… and all mine.” He growled, pulling his boxers down to reveal his hard cock, spitting in his palm and pumping his hand along his length, grunting at the pleasure.
Your mouth fell open at the sight and his possessive words, watching as he spread your thighs further apart, shuffling in closer to drag his length along your sopping cunt, enlisting a moan from your lips.
“Can’t wait to fuck this sweet pussy…” he leaned down to whisper in your ear, hearing your whiney moans as he teases your entrance before filling you up deliciously, pushing himself inside you with a groan.
“Oh fuck Billy!” You moaned, gripping onto his shoulders as you adjusted to the sensation. Billy slowly moves his hips against yours, listening as he heard your soft gasps, little whimpers as he picked up the pace of his thrusts.
“God you feel fuckin’ incredible…” he praised, watching your face contort in pleasured expressions.
One of your hands grappled onto his back, digging your nails into the blades of his shoulders- your other hand reaching down to rub your swollen clit, making the sensation all the more satisfying as he continued his unfaltering pace, the slapping of skin and the sinful moans bounced off the walls. “D-don’t stop- oh my god…”
He groaned at how good you felt, looked and sounded - his senses in overdrive as he came close to his peak, his cock twitching inside you, feeling your silky walls pulsating around him.
“G-gonna cum- fuck…”
After a few final thrusts, his head fell forward and his face screwed up as he came deep inside your cunt, a deep growl erupting deep from his chest.
Your orgasm washed over you, crying out his name and digging your nails further into his skin, your thighs quivering as you came down from your high.
Billy looked down at your flustered, perfectly flustered features- leaning down to kiss your pouted lips.
“You have-“ he took a breath, chuckling softly. “No idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that… with ya.”
You looked up at him, letting out a quiet giggle. “Me too, shit I’ve been missing out on that?” You smiled at him, making his heart flutter.
“That is just the tip of the iceberg love, and we have all night to make up for it…” he teased, placing another kiss to your lips- knowing that it was going to be an eventful evening.
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billybutcherrtrash · 3 months ago
baby, it’s cold outside | spencer reid x reader 
nsfw, mdni
summary: spencer convinces you to stay overnight at his apartment one snowy night
word count: 1k
cw: f!reader, fluff, smut, pwp, p in v, unprotected sex
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Looking down at the street, all you saw was the bright white cover of snow. You probably should have predicted that it’d snow while at Spencer’s, but you honestly hadn’t thought that far.
“You probably shouldn’t drive home tonight,” Spencer says. He’s standing behind you and holding the curtain open as you look out the window.
You raise an eyebrow. “I shouldn’t?”
“I mean, your car is covered.” He snakes his free hand around your waist. 
The two of you had spent the night sipping hot chocolate, warming up after he got home from work. You had planned to go home, having to go to work in the morning, but the snow seemed to have other plans for you.
“I could take the metro,” you suggest, wanting to tease him. You’re fine with staying overnight, but want to annoy him a little before giving in to him.
“You’d probably freeze on your way there,” he says, “and how can you stay warm without my arms around you?”
“I see your game, Spencer Reid,” you playfully scold him. 
“No game, I swear,” he says, leaning in to speak directly in your ear. “I just wouldn’t want you out in the storm.”
You scoff, the “storm” being light snowflakes gliding down lightly. He lets the curtain fall, both arms now holding you. Pressing his lips to your temple, his fingers dance around your stomach.
His touch makes it impossible to protest, and you lean your head back to rest on his shoulder. He takes advantage of your now exposed neck, nipping at it, causing you to roll your hips into him. Groaning into your neck, his hands travel under your shirt, each one going to a breast. He squeezes, causing you to whine. 
His hands fall back down to the bottom of your shirt, slipping it over your head. You feel him pull away, and turn around to see him taking his own shirt. Leaning back on the curtained window, you watch the show, reaching for his belt when his shirt’s fallen to the floor. He watches as you undo it, growing hard every time a hand trails down and brushes his bulge. Once you’ve discarded his belt, you unbutton his pants and slide them off. Spencer grabs you into a deep kiss, balancing exploring your mouth with his tongue and getting your own pants off. When they’ve fallen to your feet, you kick them aside into the pile of your other clothes.
Now both only in your underwear, pushes you against the wall, deepening the kiss. You can feel his erection against you, your hands grabbing at anything you can. 
His hand goes behind your back and pulls off your bra. He then slides a hand under your underwear, grabbing at your ass before taking them off. He turns you back around, pressing your front against the wall. 
He reaches a hand around and runs his fingers through your wetness. “I don’t think you’ll mind staying the night,” he says as he circles your clit. You whimper, pleasure making you weak in the knees. 
“Need you, Spencer,” you whine as his fingers tease you. He understands what you’re trying to say, well versed in your language, and removes his own underwear, lining himself up with you. 
He runs his cock through your folds, causing you to whine again in protest. “I know, baby,” he says, pushing himself slowly into you. He groans, feeling the way your walls envelop him. 
Your hands are supporting yourself on the wall, but Spencer pulls them away to hold them behind you. Your back is arching, tits pressed against the covered window. 
Spencer puts his free hand on the window to support himself, slowly thrusting. He always starts slow, letting you adjust, knowing that eventually you’ll beg for more. 
His lips are all over your neck, nipping and sucking at all the exposed skin he can find. If you were in your right mind, you would be worried about the marks he’s leaving. However, he knows just where you’re sensitive, erasing any thoughts of the possible evidence. 
You lean forward, resting your head on the wall. Your skin flushes as his cock slowly drags against your walls, low moans leaving you and echoing through his apartment. 
Spencer is panting in your ear, whimpering whenever your walls flutter around him. 
“Spencer, more,” you beg, desperate for him to speed up. He obliges, pulling out so only his tip is still inside you, then shoving himself back in, filling you to the brim. Both of you cry out, hot with pleasure. 
He lets your hands go, arm reaching around to your waist and holding you close to him. He’s given up on kissing your neck, too distracted by his own pleasure to do anything but whine in your ear.  You reach a hand back, pulling at his hair, causing him to let out a loud groan. 
He’s clinging to you like a lifeline, hand squeezing at your waist so hard that you can only assume you’ll have a bruise tomorrow. 
You can feel his tip hitting you right in your sweet spot, panting along with Spencer. You’re gripping into his hair, and you pull again, causing Spencer to cry out before leaning over and putting all his weight on you and the window. You feel his releasing coating your insides, the warmth sending you over the edge. 
You stand there together, savoring the warmth of your sex, before he pulls out. His lips go to your neck again, this time gentler, lightly brushing the bruises that are forming. 
“I knew it was going to snow,” he whispers in your ear, and you can practically hear him smile.
“Spencer!” you say, faking indignation. He laughs, turning you around and kissing you gently.
“You wouldn’t have gone home, anyway,” he says, stroking your lower back.
“Maybe you’re right,” you sigh, “I wouldn’t want you sleeping by yourself in the cold.”
He smiles, picking you up and carrying you to his bed.
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