caroljue · 7 months
Altes Brot? Kein Problem!
Hast du mal wieder Brot übrig und weißt nicht, was du damit anfangen sollst? Bevor du es wegdenkst, halt mal kurz inne! Altes Brot ist ein wahres Multitalent in der Küche und zu schade für die Tonne. In diesem Artikel zeige ich dir, wie du aus scheinbar Unbrauchbarem leckere Gerichte zaubern kannst. Kreative Küchenmagie mit altem Brot Altes Brot ist unglaublich vielseitig. Egal, ob du eine…
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thbiedermann · 1 year
Lauwarmer Feldsalat mit Speck, Knödel und Pilzen
Lecker, lauwarm und würzig Sie essen in den Sommermonaten sicherlich auch ab und zu gern einen großen, frischen Salat, auch als Hauptmahlzeit. Gerade wenn es sehr heiß ist, hat man zum einen keine große Lust, in der Küche am warmen Herd zu verweilen. Zum anderen sind große und üppige Mahlzeiten nicht besonders angebracht, weil der Magen bei dieser Hitze dann kräftig zu verdauen hat. Also liegt…
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connyskochstudio · 2 years
Semmelknödel auf Rucolasalat
Semmelknödel auf Rucolasalat Zutaten für 4 Portionen: 1 Packung Semmelknödel (im Kochbeutel) Salz 250 g Rucola 3 Radieschen 1 hart gekochtes Ei 5 Essl. Rotweinessig 5 Essl. Keimöl 1 Teel. Zucker 1 Teel. Schnittlauchröllchen Zubereitung: Semmelknödel in kaltem Salzwasser 10 Minuten quellen lassen. Dabei gelegentlich umdrehen. 1 Minute kochen und bei schwacher Hitze 10 Minuten ziehen…
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minischmidtblog · 2 years
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// S E R V I E R V O R S C H L A G #knödelkunst 🍽️ • www.minischmidt.de • #minischmidt #mittagstisch #essenistfertig #semmelknödel #semmelknödeln #knödelliebe #minigourmet #polymerclayart #fimofood #myfimo #minifiziert #nichtessbar #kleinkünstler #miniaturkunst #berlin #neukölln (hier: Neukölln, Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnPBHoTsXkR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ky-loves-to-eat · 2 years
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eisbecherovka · 2 years
The guy who makes those cooking tiktoks is the food video equivalent of the youtube gamers who overreact to everything and make the soypogface or whatever it's called whenever anything happens
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my-foodys · 3 months
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zweigabeln · 5 months
Traditionelle Bayerische Semmelknödel – Ein Klassiker der Deutschen Küche
🍽️ Entdeckt das Rezept für traditionelle Bayerische Semmelknödel! Perfekt flauschig, mit frischer Petersilie. Ideal als Beilage oder Hauptgericht. 🌿 #Kochen #Rezept #Semmelknödel #DeutscheKüche
Semmelknödel, eine traditionelle Beilage in der süddeutschen und österreichischen Küche, haben eine lange Geschichte, die bis ins Mittelalter zurückreicht. Ursprünglich wurden sie als eine Methode entwickelt, um altbackene Brötchen, bekannt als Semmeln, zu verwerten und somit nichts zu verschwenden. Diese Knödel werden traditionell zu Fleischgerichten mit viel Soße serviert, da sie hervorragend…
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As I already put in my bio, I sometimes post my fanfiction on ao3. For the newest (sixth) chapter of Walking a Travelled Path I had written how Harrow cooks Semmelkren (= "horseradish bread sauce" is the closest translation I could find) with the weapons-grade bread he and Runaan found in the Banther Lodge. Semmelkren is quite easy and quick to make, but I thought if someone would like the recipe (if you can call it that) I use, I would put it here.
The main ingredients are beef stock (or water and a stock cube/powder), Semmelwürfel (basically stale and hard bread rolls cut into cubes - from what I've read and heard though, American white bread for example is much sweeter than what we have here in Europe, so I can't promise anything regarding the taste should you use anything else than European white bread), grated horseradish and a bit of sour cream (but it's not necessary to add).
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1. Bring a bit of your stock to boil.
2. Add your bread cubes, gradually add the rest of your broth and keep cooking it on medium heat until you get a thick consistency.
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3. Now you can mix in like a spoonful or two of the sour cream - or just however much you like really (none at all is also perfectly fine), this recipe doesn't really have concrete measurements.
4. Add your desired amount of horseradish at the very end. It's actually important to wait with this step until you're almost finished, because otherwise the horseradish might lose its spiciness during the cooking process and you wasted a bunch of horseradish for nothing. A small piece of advice: Choose a pot of the right size or if you aren't sure, go a size bigger … In the middle of cooking I decided to cook more than I had initially planned (which you can see in the third picture) and had a hard time stirring thanks to the too small pot ^^'
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5. Garnish with a bit of grated horseradish and enjoy! (It would traditionally be served as a side dish to beef.)
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wtfuckevenknows · 8 months
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Cabbage cutting station 😂
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schadenfreudich · 1 year
I figured out how to best describe how Wilhelm eats things. He eats like a snake, trying to swallow the entire thing, but is limited by our human body.
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markgraeflerin · 9 months
Wandern im Altmühltal mit AVANTI - Teil 6: Erlebnispfad Juralandschaft, rund um Essing
#Bayern #Altmühltal #Wandern #Fotografie
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thesoftestcowboy · 11 months
German* food poll but we have meatless options
A while ago everyone did those regional food polls and i wanted to do one back then but forgot... anyway. If you don't eat meat the options can be very limited in (traditional) restaurants around here. I wanted to do one with dishes that don't typically contain meat or can at least be easily adapted. Also yes this is kind of based on both my personal tastes and experiences so it's biased towards southern food, lmao. If you're vegan please just pretend it's a vegan version it's almost impossible to find options otherwise
*yes some of these are technically considered to be from Austria or France but they're still incredibly common in the regions near the border.
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foodffs · 2 years
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Semmelknödel are classic bread dumplings. Serve with sauerkraut and sausage.
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sumquiasum · 2 months
top 5 types of dumplings throughout global cuisine?
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mirillel · 7 months
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Family visit to Austria might have been a shit show but it put my mind on the important things in life: Semmelknödel
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