#Secretary of STate
simply-ivanka · 4 months
Indict. Prosecute. Incarcerate.
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Zero tolerance for government officials manipulation of media, facts and public information.
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dadsinsuits · 6 months
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Chuck Hagel
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deadpresidents · 4 months
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"Everyone was calling everyone. I was honored to call one of the family members of the 9/11 victims; I called the House Homeland Security Committee and [Secretary of Homeland Security] Janet Napolitano. While I was in the Situation Room, I overheard one of the White House operations, saying [on the phone], 'Oh, I'm so sorry -- I didn't know you didn't work for President Clinton anymore. Do you know where I can reach him?' President Obama was calling his predecessors, George W. Bush and President Clinton. The operator is trying to find President Clinton. I looked at him and I said, 'Hold on one minute.' And I stepped back into the main room, [Secretary of State] Hillary [Clinton] was there, and I said, 'Madam Secretary, I'm really sorry to bother you, but do you have your husband's phone number?'
-- Mike Leiter, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, on the immediate aftermath of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. President Obama was trying to get in touch with his immediate predecessors to notify them about the successful special forces operation and bin Laden's death, but there was some trouble finding contact information for former President Bill Clinton until Leiter realized he could simply ask Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the former President's phone number.
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Meet the new Secretary of State
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not putting michie on here bc I want a fair fight lol
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gwydionmisha · 2 months
Help Barbara Phifer beat Denny Hoskins in Missouri
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18thcentury · 4 months
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Jefferson last Sunday June 9th
and Hamilton today June 14th.
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Secretaries of State play a key role in ensuring those who engaged in the January 6 insurrection are not permitted to run to represent the government they tried to overthrow.
In a letter sent today, CREW urged each Secretary of State to consider the recent ruling in New Mexico which found Otero County Commissioner and Jan. 6 participant Couy Griffin to be constitutionally disqualified from ever again holding state or federal office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause. This ruling, and past history, provides helpful guidance for Secretaries of State in determining whether candidates are constitutionally eligible to appear on the ballot.
Making ballot eligibility determinations, especially in light of this court ruling, is consistent with a Secretary of State’s oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The New Mexico court’s decision sets a high bar for disqualification, but there are current and prospective candidates throughout the country who, under the court’s standard, are likely disqualified from public office and thus should be excluded from the ballot.
Where the evidence supports disqualification, it is the constitutional duty of Secretaries of State to act accordingly.
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tempting-seduction · 2 years
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Born on 23 March 1952 in Wichita Falls, Texas, United States, Rex Wayne Tillerson is an American engineer and energy executive who served as the 69th U.S. secretary of state from February 1, 2017, to March 31, 2018, under President Donald Trump. Prior to joining the Trump administration, Tillerson was chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of ExxonMobil, holding that position from 2006 until 2017.
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readyforevolution · 7 hours
The state has put targets on the backs of left-wing independent media outlets it identifies as subversive. African Stream has been accused of being a Russian puppet in an age-old pattern of using Red Scare-style propaganda to manufacture consent for the continued crackdown on journalism and freedom of speech.
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memenewsdotcom · 10 months
Henry Kissinger dies
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dadsinsuits · 10 days
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John Kerry
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deadpresidents · 9 months
As quite a few Presidents were Secretaries of State and so many politicians vied for the position, when and why did that stop being the "gateway" to the Presidency?
That is a really good question.
You're correct that being Secretary of State was seemingly a stepping-stone to the Presidency at one point early in American history. Five of the first eight Presidents were Secretary of State prior to being elected President (Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J.Q. Adams, and Van Buren). Madison, Monroe, and John Quincy Adams were elected President directly from the State Department. But James Buchanan was the last President who had served as Secretary of State.
I think that one of the reasons that being Secretary of State was, as you said, a "gateway" to the Presidency in the early years of the republic was because it was one of the few positions in government that built obvious foreign policy experience for the holders of that job at a time when the country was still a pretty isolated, insular nation. The Secretary of State is basically the American version of a foreign minister, of course, but because it was the premiere Cabinet post (and still is), the Secretary of State often had higher name recognition nationally than anyone in government other than the President at a time when the Vice Presidency was an afterthought with very little influence. From the beginning of the federal government, the State Department was a very important part of the Executive Branch, so the early Secretaries of State also gained valuable administrative experience which only helped their cause when it came to running for President.
I think the reason that Secretaries of State stopped being viable candidates for President is because the the growth of the country meant that their were more-and-more qualified candidates who had gained the foreign policy or administrative experience through other means. The country started turning to military leaders and Governors, as well as candidates with more significant Congressional experience than was possible at the early stage of American history when Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and J.Q. Adams were going from the State Department to the White House. After Buchanan's election, not only were there no other Secretaries of State elected President, but very few were even nominated. James G. Blaine briefly served as Secretary of State in 1881 until a few months after President Garfield died in office and was the Republican Presidential nominee in 1884 (he served as Secretary of State again from 1889-1892), but since then, the only major party Presidential nominee who had previously served as Secretary of State was Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State from 2009-2013) in 2016.
In fact, the reverse has been true more frequently in recent history. Since 1884, four major party nominees for President have served as Secretary of State AFTER losing Presidential elections. Blaine lost the 1884 election and served as President Harrison's Secretary of State from 1889-1892 (again, that was his second stint at the State Department after his brief 1881 service). William Jennings Bryan was the unsuccessful Democratic nominee for President in 1896, 1900, and 1908, and went on to serve as President Wilson's first Secretary of State (1913-1915). Charles Evans Hughes was the Democratic nominee in 1916 and lost to Wilson, but went on to serve as Secretary of State under Presidents Harding and Coolidge (1921-1925). And John Kerry was the Democratic nominee in 2004 and later served as President Obama's second Secretary of State (2013-2017).
It's really difficult today for any Cabinet member to be elected directly to the Presidency (or even get close to the nomination -- just ask Julián Castro about his 2020 campaign). While there is no job that can truly prepare someone for the modern Presidency, Governors tend to be in a better position than Cabinet secretaries or members of Congress. Only four incumbent members of Congress have been elected directly to the Presidency -- James Garfield (1880), Warren G. Harding (1920), John F. Kennedy (1960), and Barack Obama (2008). And Garfield is the only sitting member of the House of Representatives to have been elected President. While the position of Secretary of State remains the prime Cabinet post in the United States, the days of the Cabinet being the gateway to the Presidency seem to have gone away with powdered wigs and shoe buckles.
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lifewithaview · 16 days
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Téa Leoni and Danni Wang in Madam Secretary (2014) Just Another Normal Day
While Elizabeth works to successfully broker a peace treaty between China and Japan, a Chinese student seeking political asylum threatens the deal. Meanwhile, tensions rise at home between Alison and Stevie during Alison's sleepover party.
*The US Attorney General, not the Secretary of State, has the power to grant or deny political asylum.
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defensenow · 1 month
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whenweallvote · 7 months
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The 2024 election isn’t just about voting for President. 99% of all elected positions are at the state and local level! 
Primaries are where YOU can choose who is on your ballot ahead of November's general election.
Swipe 👉🏾 to check out what you might see on YOUR primary election ballot this year, and make sure you are registered to vote at weall.vote/register!
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