#Science 2.0
markscherz · 1 year
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I am thrilled to announce Version 1.1 of my poster showing (some of) the frogs of Madagascar, to scale!
It features 136 species, incorporating the latest taxonomic work.
>>>You can buy it here<<< I recommend 'Poster' in size 'Large' to get the best resolution and legibility of the text.
Proceeds go towards supporting my research!
Here's Version 1.0 at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München:
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weepylucifer · 8 months
i watch people react to the lotr movies on youtube sometimes - just for my personal relaxation - and this one guy just said "maybe this is presumptuous but why can't they just make a new, even stronger ring that controls all the other ones plus the one ring?" and, holy shit. why don't they just keep making even stronger rings. apart from all the lore and storytelling reasons for why that's not possible under those specific circumstances, i wanna send a complete stranger the wikipedia article for "arms race" so so so fucking badly 😂
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chemblrish · 3 months
There's this other researcher sharing the office with my internship mentor, but he's a physicist and he keeps (jokingly) roasting us chemists. I came to the Institute this morning and went to their office to say good morning and the physicist was like, "So, what are you going to break today?" (bc obviously chemists only ever break things or make them explode right) and my internship mentor was like, "Noooo Lena doesn't break anything, she actually fixes things, she makes great materials for me, but she doesn't want to do her Master's or PhD with me, so we can blame everything on her" god this internship is good for my self-esteem :')
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rootsinthefuture · 1 month
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“Hey, guys! I’m back! Kinda!”
“Taking the meds that last only through one class is so much better than taking them full time. I’m focused and alert but I’m still ME! I still experience that joy of learning instead of hustling through to get to the next assignment.”
“Only downside is that Home Ec class was horrible today. Why couldn’t Computer Science be the last class of the day? The feeling when the meds wear off is such a sharp contrast that it makes me feel sick.”
“I will continue experimenting. Currently, I’m still struggling to re-learn how to be the me I was before taking meds full time for 2 weeks. It’s like my balance between 2.0 and Classic is all haywire.”
“Stupid Dave and his stupid insistence with me doing homework the stupid “NORMAL” way.”
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thefigureresource · 20 days
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Nendoroid Kurisu Makise 2.0 [Steins;Gate] from Good Smile Company coming November 2024.
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poptartportfolio · 1 year
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Poptart and Zora (@southpawlynx)! <3
They are both menaces to society :3 <3
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sleepyy-dakota · 2 years
Hermittober Day 17 - Machine
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 6 months
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im sorry UTS, but WHAT on fucking earth is "creative intelligence and innovation"????? and why on earth would anyone studying nursing or midwifery need "entrepreneurship and innovation" as a double degree??
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Looks like a toy for playing around with some knot theory stuff
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The numbers can be re-attached via velcro patches.
One can use the threads/shoelaces for playing with some weaving patterns. Additionally one can use the slilicone pop-up dots as a binary/boolean indicator, which might be a good helpful tool.
Due to material reasons this thing only has 9 columns. The number 0 might get a different place or calculation mechanism.
I also still do not really know how I really want to use this strange thing.
A well-working flap:
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And a (useless) information for free:
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[ Source: lisburnmuseum.com ]
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shawsimmer · 1 year
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another life update
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dimalink · 7 days
Cabin Pilot – world tour in space for a pilot
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It is still in development a little videogame Cabin Pilot. It is programming with new for me dialect of Basic – BBC Basic for SDL 2.0. Basic it is very interesting! It has a good manual. That’s helps a lot.
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This game which makes you a pilot of a space avenger. You will fly across different planets. And to shoot. It is, something like, retro 8 bit simulation and arcade. 2 in 1. Something like for NES it was a games like Top Gun. Or I am very impressed with idea of videogame Spitfire (Spitfire Command) for computer BBC Micro. Just imagine, that at this 8 bit computer, out of several colors, it goes out a simulation and arcade, But how to look at this, whole aircraft of a second world war. It plays very interesting!
So, you are a pilot of a space avenger. And you fly different planets. Different planets here - it is different background. Blue, green. Blue - it is planet-ocean. Green - it is planet-jungle. You have a laser. And shoot with it. At once, a burst, lots of small lasers are goes out as you press shoot. With a space button. And you need to shoot in aim zone. It is small square, not big. To move at the enemy, do aim. And shoot. Main idea, is that enemy , at least, by its parts will to be in this little square.
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Game use simple sound. And, by the way, two sounds. One for sound of a motor or fly sound. Second -for shoot. And that`s all. Shoot – it is a fast series of a notes.
Now, I am at the point, of calibrate game balance. To calibrate, I need a game process. You, something like, fly and shoot at enemies. Enemies are rockets. And different space ships. Which also can shoot in response. It is rather dynamical and rather realistic. Also, something to simulation, someway. I need to fix game balance. So, this is a task! And it requires a time!
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And, one more point, that’s for sure, in game, it will be a story with text. Now, a game structure is complete. And game will have a 2 episodes. In first episode it will be 4 levels. In second episode it will be 3 levels. And a text screens with story. In a first episode - you are a young pilot, which for the first time, is send to battle missions. And everything start with patrol flight.
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In a second episode – you are from the beginning are dropped  without a training into a active big battles. At the very frontline. And you always move by planets. One planet – it is planet ocean. When you will start your story. And there is a planet-desert, planet-jungle. And planet with background cyan color. And every planet, where you will be, they has a their own screen with description of the planet. It is something like element of science fiction.
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Of course, all of these, a little reminds about Star Wars, yes, there is something about it. Cabin of a spacecrafts and space avengers makes a big impression in this series of a movies. Han Solo, Chubaka, Princess Leya, Skywalker. All of them, are flying there. And, I am more about retro episodes. 4,5,6.
Speaking about a cabins. So, before game starts you can select a cabin. One of 5. Something like different space ships. But as idea, it is only a visual side. Cabin for interest!
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Such a space shooter about space, different planets. And space avengers, science fiction.
What will make this little game be different from this game I say – Spitfire (Spitfire command)? I have my own little game. Another. You are space avenger. Different planets. And it plays another way. There is a story. 5 types of cabins at you selection. Different backgrounds. And science fiction. Simulation and arcade.
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As a real thing, it is very cool that I saw this game SpitFire (SpitFire Command) for BBC Micro – at the very start I want to make my own program something like that. Saying right - game has a title Spitfire Command. And I just say it more short for myself.
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 Are you ready for world tour around the space? And different planets? Maybe, you are ready! But, little game is still not programmed for the final release. I have some troubles. I write a story for some time. And I have a questions about a game balance. And I, at the start, plan it as a faster time to finish everything. But scales of the game expands a little.
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What ahead?
Calibrate game balance
Programming of text screens and description of planets
Check, that everything works as planned!
Game for this time with BBC Basic for SDL 2.0. Cool Basic! I decide to try some new Basic!
Live long and prosper! Have your good Basic day!
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Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro. With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.
Basic Pascal: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/packs/basicpascal/index_eng.html
Itchio: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/BasicPascal/773385 Website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html
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olliethescribe · 1 year
Oh look, it’s propaganda @tmntausummit ! The second I saw that it was gonna be a fashion show, I had to send my most fashionable lads. ***
“You’ve got the goods!”
The boombox in front of them stood proud, a sleek confidence packaged into each circuit running through it, likened to veins pumping the life-saving funk of eighties groove into its stereo heart. A Prince-inspired beat blared into the open air, taking any listeners (un)lucky enough to be caught in its radius on a one way trip to Project Runway. Well, not quite, but a fashion montage nonetheless. 
Speaking of said listeners, well…
Five minutes earlier
“Are you absolutely sure the failsafe is in place, Donatello?” The magician tsked as he looked the finished piece over.
It didn’t take much for the purple turtle to convince him that this was a good idea, something that should’ve been a sign that this wasn’t exactly the most sound thing he could agree to. Still, he gave in, primed and ready with song lyrics and melodies. Wasn’t like he’d fall victim to his own hypnosis without a proper escape plan. Wearing earplugs worked well when handling the Foot Clan, but for willingly listening to an illusion trap? Well, a brief yet sharp pinch or slap could fix that. And given how Donnie described the way things worked, it almost completely dissuaded his fears. Almost. 
“Oh, Ron, doubting me this far into the project? You wound me!” Donnie mimed a fainting motion, hand bent over his head with his elbow pointed to the heavens, leaning back before righting himself just as quickly. “But, once again, we’ll be fine. That’s a Genius Built guarantee (patent pending). Now, let us commence!”
His finger hovered over the power button as he looked to his pseudo-uncle for approval. Ron smiled at him, nodding with just a touch more confidence. 
“For science! And fashion!”
“You’ve got the goods that can make me smile!”
The curtains blew open as Donnie stepped through, a full ombré suit adorning his person, his blazer starting white at the top before fading into a layer of yellow then one of orange then red. Massive sequins and rhinestones in jewel tones bedazzled the edges, shining in the bright light of the dressing room. 
He did a turn around as Ron clapped and cheered, taking his seat as his brother’s mentor got up and skipped with joy into the dressing room, the magician muttering excitedly about clothing for hippo men only existing in dream dimensions. 
Dee nearly pulled his phone out while he waited before remembering himself and where he was. So he leaned back, eyes up to the ceiling as the song that kept them there continued to play on loop, until the ceiling was suddenly gone. As were the walls when he looked around, the couch he sat upon and the dressing room Ron occupied suddenly in a much larger building. 
“Where in the name of Marie Curie are we?” 
Donnie’s question was interrupted as Ron popped out of the dressing room, posing dramatically as the curtains swooshed back to reveal him in his brand new outfit. 
A sky blue smoking jacket with gold swirls over a lilac button-down shirt and dark purple bowtie, paired with an amethyst and rhodochrosite paisley print cape clipped to his shoulders with tiny hippo-shaped epaulettes with pearl string tassels swinging for tails. Grey silk slacks held up with an hand-embroidered black leather belt adorned his lower half, a brass pocket watch dangling from the free space between belt loops. His shiny brown leather boots clicked with each step and heel turn against the tile floor, small sterling silver rabbits placed lovingly beside the playing card-shaped buckles that kept them closed. 
The purple turtle ahead of him was too busy looking around to pay him much mind. 
“What are yo-” Ron glanced up and to the side, taking a moment to register the scenery change. “Oh, Wellington Sunday… this wasn’t in the spell…”
“Uh, no duh this wasn’t in the ‘spell’!” Donnie shot a cursory glance Ron’s way, eyes focusing on movement behind the hippo magician as the dressing room itself disappeared. 
Figures in the distance steadily approached, accompanied by the echo of hard acrylic on marble. Eerily familiar features were hidden under lavish accessories. They got ever closer, closing in. 
“That’s it! I’m activating the failsafe!” Dee slammed a button on his bracer, waiting for the pinch that would get them out of this if things went south. But no pinch came. 
“I’d hazard a guess and say it hasn’t worked.” The fear edging Ron’s voice only lended to the sincerity of his question, silently cursing the fact that his razor rings had become flower crowns in this strange state of not quite sleep. 
“No, not even close.”
They traded glances as a new thought came to mind. 
“Donnie, we can make another boombox, yeah?” Ron was hesitant as he spoke, starting to understand the emotional investment Donnie put into each piece of his tech. 
The purple turtle swallowed uneasily, watching as more figures quickly appeared. There was only one option. He sighed.
“Affirmative. Do what you must.” 
A sudden rush of footsteps neared in further and further to them, forcing the two back to back as Ron considered how to go about things from there. It wouldn’t take much to rush the crowd-
“Hi! Welcome to our fashion show! You’re just in time!” 
The magician blinked at the crowd of, oh, turtles, in front of him. He nudged Donnie, hoping the terrapin teen had just heard what he had. 
“Uhh, hello? How did we get here?” Ron bent down to their level, nearly forgetting he was well over seven feet tall in his hippo form. 
The tiny representative in front of him smiled at him, a name badge with the name ‘Leo’ scrawled on it tacked to their shirt. 
“Don’t worry about it. Now, c’mon, it’s your turn on the catwalk!” This Leo motioned for the two of them to follow as the rest of crowd began to walk off, swishing and swaying as they went about their business.  
“Donnie what do you think of-”
But Donnie had skipped ahead, taking notes and samples of his surroundings with scientific curiosity, greeting other Donnies on his way to the catwalk. 
Yeah, they were gonna be there for a while. Wherever ‘there’ happened to be. 
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chemblrish · 3 months
10 July 2024 // Internship day 8
A conversation between my internship mentor and me that we had today:
Him: so, what are your plans for after your bachelor's degree? Master's?
Me: yup.
Him: where?
Me: same team as my bachelor's now.
Him: oh really?
Me: yeah. I have a very interesting research topic and my supervisor is great, so I'm not going anywhere.
Him: and then what? Are you thinking about a PhD?
Me: OH NO.
Him: haha, going for the industry straight away?
Me: I honestly don't know. I don't have any plan yet.
Him: I see. Well, if you change your mind and start thinking about it, let me know :)
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
Some of you fully conceive of space as a theoretical/spiritual plane like heaven rather than an actual real place that exists and can be studied. And it shows.
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“I spent yesterday as a spaced out zombie because I forgot I can’t take melatonin 3 nights in a row.”
“I woke up thinking today was Wednesday (it’s THURSDAY) because I have 0 memory of yesterday whatsoever.”
“Now I missed a whole DAY’S worth of classwork and homework!”
“This month has been a rollercoaster.”
🎶“Wake me up, when September ends.” 🎶
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