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dimalink · 25 days ago
Tv in constellation
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Tele universe - it is true space. Especially, when you moving with using of TV translation with channel or with usage of VHS cassette in a new world. In a far-far galaxy. Or in world of Star Gate. Start Trek. Star Wars. Action movie. Action. All of these - it is so entertaining, and so pulling into. And it drags you in! World of television – universe in a box. High technology.
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And space. Unlimited space with millions of stars at the sky. Around stars, planets are rotating. And, there are, even, more of them, than stars. More than stars. Nebulas. And galaxies. All of these are unlimited.
Such a feeling of freedom and flight. Television – universe. Magical. Even mystical theme. Modern theme of a modern man. To watch tv. Especially, if it goes there interesting movie or a tv series.
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Tv set can be big or not big. Mainly, medium format is rather enough. And, of course, all of these, about a retro theme. TV level of 90s. Or 2000s. Crt tv. Those tv, that you can use to play with cable with three colors in Nes or Sega. And, maybe, even, in first PlayStation.
Whole world – inside television. Mystery. Mystery, which you can look at and, maybe, even, to take a part in format of videogame.
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Music theme – it, also, sounds like something mysterious and dragging in. Into the space. Into the tv watching period. Theme is more like stylish and cool 90s or 2000s. When you sit before Tv in the evening. And, try to find something interesting. And, maybe, you can play a console. Music is electronic. Synthesizers. Retrowave. Synthwave.
Retro nostalgia moment. Dedicated to tv. Age of 90s and 2000s. Time, when you spent before tv. While watching some channels and game consoles to play. It is so interesting to turn on television and watch for yourself - does it have for today something interesting! So, this way, one day, I see for the first time Star Gate! They were going by Tv! Or, tv series, or sci fi. Or X-files.
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Such an intro. Visual theme. About tv in space. It flies in space. With a random way. And, this is a small program. Program intro. Just, start and watch. At the visual side. With the music. Music is synthesized. Tv is flying in space. Mystery of 20 century. Tv mystery. And space. Tv space. Also, you can see a popular musician by tv. To see cool music clip. Why not – it is a virtual universe. Universe inside universe. Such recursion.  As, nesting doll. One inside another one.
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Visual fantasy about this theme. A little of mystical. Stars and space. With television, which, simply, is moving there, flying. A little moving, twitching. Stars, stars. To watch a space image – it is, also, standalone thing. And, what is it there amongst the stars? There, it is a tv is flying! So this is a joke answer. It is, simply, intro.  It is written with programming language Qb64. In terms of practice and search for a new themes. For point of interest. It is, always, interesting to do something, to try something.  Especially, if it goes good. If It turns out. Such idea for simple little programs intros. As intro for some cinema company before movies itself. But, with a form of a small program. With Basic.
It is so nice, in the little evening, to launch little program and to watch, simply, sit and watch! Relax, such modern meditation! Before your eyes – Tv in constellation! In its own constellation. Tele universe. Real one universe. TV moment!
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/
TUMBLR: https://dimalink.tumblr.com/ BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/ MASTODON: https://mastodon.social/@DimaLink
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basic-retro-programming · 3 months ago
QBasic Tutorial #55 - Mouse Interface Part 1 - Introduction To Mouse Input Programming ...
Post #332: YouTube, School Freeware, QBasic Tutorial, #55 Mouse Interface Part 1, Introduction To Mouse Input Programming, 2024.
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zeemczed · 10 months ago
So, I'm looking for what I believe to be a piece of completely lost media - the Killer Kombat Pong series of QBASIC games that were distributed via the AOL games board sometime between 90 and 98. I've found similar games in the genre (Pong Worz, Pong Kombat 1+2), but not the KKP series. This is a shame, because KKP was the most polished and playable of the games - the first was very rudimentary with only a multiplayer mode and three characters, but the second and third games added full arcade modes (with character endings!) and a full roster.
If anyone knows of any mass archives of AOL-distributed BASIC games, please let me know.
@foone - I think you're my best hope for this.
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poikilosblog · 7 months ago
MixMystery - Cooey's Call: Piano Edition - Victory
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realbadatpoker · 8 months ago
I miss extended ASCII from dos 6.2. I want my lines, and chr 219.
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zankalony · 1 year ago
149 Days of Coding
My Actual coding booth 😃 1. Introduction: Embracing a New Beginning at Day 149 Of course I know it too late to start the blog from day 149, but I was very busy with my old job, now I’ve been released a week ago, and I’m free to do what I want now. 2. A Journey Through Coding: From HTML to MERN I’m going to give a brief summary of the past days, I’ve started back in August 2023, with HTML,…
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View On WordPress
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mesutakcan · 2 years ago
QuickBasic - Fractal Code
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oldwindowsicons · 1 year ago
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Microsoft QBASIC
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nhaneh · 4 months ago
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@lynxden assuming you meant cpu and not gpu then yes xD
it's basically some of the most memorable and fun moments I've had learning programming has been about doing things the Hard Way™ - doing things manually tends to require you to spend more time thinking about what the computer's actually doing to accomplish the things you ask it to do, which is inevitably a lot more work and often nowhere near as efficient or capable because it's pretty unlikely that you just happen to be smarter than the entire R&D teams they have at Nvidia or Unreal or wherever - but it does force you to learn stuff, at least on a temporary basis.
I mean look, when I first learned how to do proper programming that wasn't just faffing around in Qbasic or whatever, it was on Turbo Pascal in DOS some 25-odd years ago, and I'm kind of forever grateful that when it came to doing graphics, instead of just having us use the built in Borland Graphics API, the teacher taught us how to enter VGA mode 0x13 via direct DOS interrupts, and then how to draw graphics by writing directly to the part of memory that held the screen for that mode.
I still remember the address being 0xA000.
So when I decided I really should take another stab at trying to figure out how the hells matrices work for 2D and 3D transformations a few weeks back, I thought hey why not try doing all of this directly using the Win32 GDI API, BitBlt:ing a framebuffer into the graphics because then I'll also have to re-learn a bunch of stuff that I've more or less forgotten over the years. Plus, there's a part of me that kind of wants to try to take some time to learn at least a little more about software reverse engineering - see if I could ever get to a point where I might be able to look into whether some examples of old games or software that doesn't work so well anymore could be updated to work a bit better.
So, step by step I'm gradually working my way towards a software triangle rasteriser to see about poking around with all of that and I dunno maybe I'll make something small and simple out of it like maybe some vampire survivors-alike or something like the original after burner or maybe even descent or something, who knows.
For now it's mostly a whole lot of googling around, trying to wrap my brain around stuff that feels like I used to find it easier to understand than I do now, and basically just reminding myself why I liked doing some of this stuff, haha.
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quinnhills · 2 years ago
Hi hello, quick question! As a trans woman have you ever been tempted by the call of coding/computer programming?
Hi! Quick answer: Been doing it my whole life. Got started on QBasic in the early 90s. Done little bits of web development and game development since then.
I enjoy it. I cannot run from who I am 🏳️‍⚧️
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hackernewsrobot · 7 months ago
Qub – a framework for building websites with QBasic
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dimalink · 2 months ago
Road to Countryside - Quest is done!
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Countryside and summer – what can be better for weekend? So, the same about a main hero of this videogame, he thinks the same! He is going to the countryside. He collects all his things, pack things and now, right now, he is going to countryside. He will take with himself a ball, which he likes to play. And will go. He closes the door. He takes on his favorite cap. He takes a place in a bus. He will buy a ticket for train. And he will find out himself at the countryside territory.
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There, he will go through the forest, though the field. He will pick up some flowers. He takes with himself several bushes. Several flowers, he will pick up and will plant them at his country house place! Even a bug, a funny bug he will take with himself! It is a storyline in a simple way!
Game with genre of quest and search for items. With style of different quests from early MS Dos graphics age. So, here, it is, also, a 16 colors. And different graphics primitives, out of them it is drawing everything here. Game is not hard. Usually, at every game scene you need to take 3 items. And. They are, rather, easy to see. Game is more for positive. And, not for make some hard things to gamer.
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So, here, there are here two phases. In first phase, you need to read text. It is a story. It is everything with description about what is going on. And what you need to do. So, it is straight – it is written. For example. I like to play with ball. It is good to take a ball with myself. Now, I am going to countryside. And, pack a things. So, now, you get a knowledge - about you need to collect a things. And go to a countryside.
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With the idea not to skip everything while do a fast mouse click, about text screens. There is a 2 seconds pause. So, every text screen has a duration with minimum about 2 seconds. And after you, already, start to click with mouse, when you want and it will be - something next. One more screen with text or, already, a game scene.
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Second phase. It is a game phase. So, here, you are search for items. And, at the top, it is written – that you find some item. As a rule – you take this or that item. And, in the end – about, that scene is complete and press left mouse button. Control in game using mouse. And one mouse button - left. It is in use LBM (left button Mouse).
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Saying simple – it is funny and simple quest about a countryside. At every little picture, find items, It will be written. And move mouse all over the screen.
Theme – it is a road to countryside. Train. Listen player. With songs. Something really funny and cool. It is forest and field. Grass and flowers.
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Funny moment. So, you are going by countryside roads. So, you can count, that half of the road is behind you. And, around you - it is forest and field. Tress. Birds are singing. By the way - just a moment ago, it was a raining here. And, flowers and a grass are a little in water. Everything, is so refreshing. Excellent refreshing air. So, refreshing. And, summer and sun. So, it is warm. So, now, you will go out of the forest and it will be a hot weather. And you are walking and watch at all of this with calm and positive. Everything is, so, beautiful and interesting.
And, so, here before your eyes - it is interesting bug, he is sitting here. So big and interesting bug. And you decide to take him to your country side place! To make him run at your place.
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Wow! Now, with you, bug will live at your place, so big and interesting funny bug! So, look, he is at the grass, he is sitting or he climbs at the tree!
Weather is fine and you are walking and enjoy the life! Countryside season – it is, most best, beautiful time in a year. When it is weekend – immediately to go to countryside. Take a things and run! By the train, by bus. And run across the field. Happy run by field and though the forest.
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And, next, also, it is good, while you are walking the road to collect some little flowers and bushes to take some funny bush. Well, flowers are very beautiful and cool in the field. There are no such flowers at your countryside! So, now, they will to be! And, little bush such a fluffy funny and cool, it is growing. You can to see it with your eyes. Eyes catch them. And, it will be planted at your place too!
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At the sky, there is a bright little sun is shining. There are no clouds, almost. And, so, you are out of the forest, already, reach the field. And, you go forward though the field – and, already, there it will be a countryside place. And, there are grasshoppers, they are singing funny songs. And, little grass is green! Beautiful! Excellent place!
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And here, you are, already, walking by country houses place, walk by countryside till you reach your place. And, someone, throw away a gear! You take it with yourself! It can be useful! Something like, you can to say – in a things, it is very useful! And here it is your place. So. Quest is done and you are at the countryside!
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Basic Pascal version 1.17 "BLOCK" – most newest version. In this version there are 4 new games! Platform Ball, Cabin Pilot, Free Blocker, Free Bee. And even more retro games! It is a pack of retro games with modern versions of Basic and Pascal.
It is now in development new version Basic Pascal pack games. This game will be included in a new version.
Basic Pascal: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/packs/basicpascal/index_eng.html Website: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html Itchio: https://dimalink.itch.io/basic-pascal
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basic-retro-programming · 10 months ago
QBasic Tutorial #48 - Bouncing Ball Animation ...
Post #304: YouTube, School Freeware, QBasic Tutorial, #48 Bouncing Ball Animation in QB64, 2024.
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skelkankaos · 1 year ago
You can have lots of fun with the boot disk! *painstakingly typing out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for the PC beeper in qbasic*
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poikilosblog · 7 months ago
MixMystery - Cooey's Call - Feral (Piano Version)
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hydralisk98 · 2 years ago
Czarina-VM, study of Microsoft tech stack history. Preview 1
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Write down study notes about the evolution of MS-DOS, QuickBASIC (from IBM Cassette BASIC to the last officially Microsoft QBasic or some early Visual Basic), "Batch" Command-Prompt, PowerShell, Windows editions pathing from "2.11 for 386" to Windows "ME" (upgraded from a "98 SE" build though) with Windows "3.11 for Workgroups" and the other 9X ones in-between, Xenix, Microsoft Bob with Great Greetings expansion, a personalized mockup Win8 TUI animated flex box panel board and other historical (or relatively historical, with a few ground-realism & critical takes along the way) Microsoft matters here and a couple development demos + big tech opinions about Microsoft too along that studious pathway.
( Also, don't forget to link down the interactive-use sessions with 86box, DOSbox X & VirtualBox/VMware as video when it is indeed ready )
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Yay for the four large tags below, and farewell.
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