#ms dos
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ilikeit-art · 5 months ago
A sony laptop 1986.
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yeahiwasintheshit · 1 year ago
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yodaprod · 1 year ago
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David Computer, PROFI 203 (1983)
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married-to-a-redhead · 2 months ago
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Actually, I am this old:
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retrogamelovers · 3 months ago
#OnThisDayInGaming 🎂
Doom for MS-DOS turns 31 today in North America!
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regretsretrotech · 2 months ago
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Sometimes things don't go to plan. I went to go rotate my trusty Gateway 2000 system and the videocard said no. After that I was getting beep codes indicating no videocard detected.
Time for troubleshooting!
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Oh... okay then I guess not?
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Entered into SVGA mode in Windows 3.11 so... I guess it was a fluke?
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Lets make sure the AWE32 card is working, and it was. The system can't run Impulse Tracker but OCP works no problem.
Okay, fine, well, since I've opened it up to troubleshoot lets do some work in there.
So, a bit of history, when I first rebuilt this machine, it was 2018 and I had just gotten it. There's a possible post for all the photos I took cleaning it up and rebuilding, it but needless to say I was not very good or through with cable management.
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Yes, those are double AA batteries taped to a bracket, those are the RTC batteries.
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And it stayed pretty much that way, even after I put in a Pentium Overdrive chip.
Nor did I bother with the front panel wiring. For shame.
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There we go. There's a lot of wiring to the front panel. Three LED's, one push button and one key switch. That white assembly carries the system speaker and the front case fan.
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A nice crop of the CPU, a socket 3 Pentium Overdrive chip running at an oddball 83 Mhz. Below that is the 128MB of system RAM (only 64MB usable.)
Since the system was working, and came up with no further issues, I put it back together.
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nintendumpster · 3 months ago
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lumpytoast · 5 months ago
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One of the greatest video games of all time turns 30 today. Backed by a near-infinite catalog of mods, level packs and otherwise, Classic Doom will never die.
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mechanical-creature · 6 months ago
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Another 2022-present portable computer thing. This is a 1991 Corvallis Microtechnologies PC5-L. It's a ruggedized, waterproof handheld MS-DOS computer meant for industrial applications. It ran on Ni-Cd batteries and they died so now it runs on AA's I got two of them for $50 on eBay during one of those months when i impulse buy obscure electronics as a form of escapism This thing is an absolute brick. You could murder someone by hitting them on the head with this, and it would work fine afterwards. Here's pictures of its organs for anyone curious:
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That thick red wire around the screen PCB is a heater. Yep there's a setting to heat up the LCD so it doesn't get sluggish or shatter when you decide to leave it in the freezer. The thing runs on a little system-on-chip thing, which is interesting to see coming from the early 90's. Iirc the datasheet says it's capable of analog video out as well as driving the LCD, but I haven't poked around enough to enable it. Might be cool to hook it up to a TV. I did, however, open those 512k storage modules and I saw some unpopulated footprints on the boards. So I ordered some of the same chips, and at some point I'mma try soldering them on and see if it recognizes the extra space. They came with two voltmeter modules, which I couldn't get to work, so I took one of the casings and made it into a USB and WiFi adapter using an ESP32 running Zimodem, since this thing has RS232 ports on the top. I also made my own charging adapter, since they didn't come with one. I see that internal PCMCIA slot, and I tried putting a CF card adapter in, and tried installing the drivers, but it didn't work. I'm not good at DOS tbh, and I know nothing of what this slot is for. I might come back to it later. I did all of this in 2022-23 and haven't messed with it since. Except to use it to talk to my Kaypro 4 '84:
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More on that one later. I love portable computers !!!!!
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techturd · 2 months ago
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basic-retro-programming · 10 months ago
MICROSOFT has released the source code to MS-DOS 4.00 under the MIT license ...
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"Ten years ago, Microsoft released the source for MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 to the Computer History Museum, and then later republished them for reference purposes. This code holds an important place in history and is a fascinating read of an operating system that was written entirely in 8086 assembly code nearly 45 years ago. 
Today, in partnership with IBM and in the spirit of open innovation, we’re releasing the source code to MS-DOS 4.00 under the MIT license. There’s a somewhat complex and fascinating history behind the 4.0 versions of DOS, as Microsoft partnered with IBM for portions of the code but also created a branch of DOS called Multitasking DOS that did not see a wide release."
Jeff Wilcox & Scott Hanselman
Post 302: Microsoft, Open Source Blog, The release of the MS DOS 4.0 source code under the MIT licence, 2024.
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nixcraft · 7 months ago
kids who would run dos defrag utility and sit and look at the little squares change colors are either {developers, sysadmin, devops} now or retired farmers
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vaporwave · 8 months ago
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vvizardbone · 2 months ago
Handgonne: A thunderous boom and cloud of smoke send lead-formed Hell through the air. Its terrible force ripping through plate, flesh, and hide all the same. So long as it fires...
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dailyhomestarfacts · 3 months ago
Fact 99:
The Lappy 486 that Strong Bad uses in Real-Live E-mails is a Compaq LTE laptop
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Additionally, the DOS used is likely to be the MS-DOS
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dimalink · 2 months ago
Morning of penguin
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Penguin wakes up in the morning. He does not know - is it early or not. But, sun is, already, shining bright behind him. But, well, here it is all time - time for a snow. And ice-floes. Lots of water. You can go to dive. Or run with the snow.
Penguin starts, every, his day with something one of this! What can it be for today? It is interesting! It is good to walk behind this snow hill and certainly at this moment some idea come into the head!
Penguin all the time having fun and joy about every new day. And new snow. Ice-floes, sometimes, appears new. Sometimes, they swim to your place. And, some times, they swim away from you. Penguin, sometimes, jumps at the ice-floes and watch at the sky. And, little ice-floes move him to some place. And as he watched enough – he is, already, in a new place!
And, later, it is ok to go to another penguin as a guest and play with him with snowballs. It is, everything here in white. With the snow. And lots of ice-floes. And, sometimes, it is looks like that everything is the same. But, it is, also, interesting and funny here, someway, its own way! You can play with snow balls until the dusk! Beautiful dusk at the ice lands. To sit and look. And, after - to go back to your little house. Which is built, also, out of snow and ice-floes! So, everything, here is white and blue. So, this is a land, where penguin lives!
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/
TUMBLR: https://dimalink.tumblr.com/ BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/ MASTODON: https://mastodon.social/@DimaLink
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