#ADHD meds
laestoica · 2 years
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turns-out-its-adhd · 1 year
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slithymomerath · 1 year
They don’t want us medicated (“do you want to be dependent on that for the rest of your life?”), they don’t want us unmedicated (“please stop doing xyz, why can’t you do abc?”), they just want us to stop being neurodivergent.
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mariposas8494 · 2 months
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Did you take your meds?
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adhd-infodump · 2 years
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Credit adhdissues on instagram
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
When I say I want pysch meds to be less stigmatized I don't just mean people should be allowed to talk about the ways meds helped them, or talk about how they used to have depression and then meds cured them. People need to be allowed to talk about the way medication has harmed them and hurt them, about going off of meds, about the way the system forces meds onto people and doesn't care about their well beings, about side effects that most neurotypical people would find horrifying, about not wanting to be on meds, about being on meds but not magically becoming normal. The neurodivergent/mentally ill experience should not be watered down to make people comfortable, and especially not to make people comfortable with the largely neurotypical run medical system that often victimizes us as much as it helps us.
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thexie-and-stars · 2 months
i am so proud of myself!
i went outside, i exercised, i went for a walk, i wrote my science report, i drew a bunch of mushrooms, i drank water, i rested. i went to the museum yesterday, i went down a ramp in a wheelchair for the first time, I did fencing, I cleaned my room, I went to bed at a reasonable hour
I am unstoppable when I am on meds
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simplezllenial · 11 months
Neurotypicals : “oh adhd must not be that bad”
Me : “i couldn’t be bother to eat today and I just stood up for the first time in hours and might pass out from hypoglycaemia from the lacks of carbs”
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cigsnvalentines · 3 months
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Can they make adhd meds that look like this because I’d remember to take them a whole lot more
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First day of taking ADHD meds & I'm shocked. 🤯
After some time, I felt a tingling going through my body & then WOOSH - calm. No need to fidget/ move. My thoughts were not running around. I was c a l m.
And I could even feel when it was wearing off, I got all fuzzy & hyperactive again & I forgot things more easily. It was so interesting to experience!
Is that... is that what normal feels like?
Though I gotta say, the sensory issues got a lot worse. Which is understandable: the ADHD brr is silenced & the autism becomes main player aka you can focus way better (and sadly that includes sensory input).
Ahhhhhhh, it's so freaking cool, I took 10mg today (just like my plan) & I'm interested to see what the final dosis will bring:>
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neurodivergent-brain · 4 months
🎀 it is impossible to explain to neurotypical people how hard it is to just do something 🎀
🎀 No matter how much I want to just get up and clean my room, i physically cannot 🎀
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turns-out-its-adhd · 1 year
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adhd-chaos-queen · 28 days
Went to my GP today, 'cause I need a higher dose of my ADHD meds and they said they wouldn't perscribe it until i talked to a specialist... like, do know how long it takes to get an appointment?
I just wanna cry...
My meds are helping me, but it's not enough anymore.
It helps with sitting still and listening and taking notes, but it is not enough to focus and do more complex tasks.
It did for a while, but I'm all alone at work rn and it just get's too much and then I get overwhelmed and just stall which obviously makes things worse...
I feel like my brain is a car.
Lenme explain (also I'm european and will use kmh not mph)
My brain on a good day without meds can go like 40kmh
On a mediocore day it's like 20, and on a bad day it won't even start.
On hyperfocus with or without meds it's like 200... but thats rare
With my meds I can go from 70 to 100 depending on the circumstances.
But recently, even with meds it's been going just 60.
And since my brain knows it can do more but is currently unable to due to lack of resources I just get so frustrated.
And now basically my gas station told me I can't get the better gas my car needs until a mechanic looked under the hood.
I get where they're coming from, but I need a fast fix before it gets worse...
(Also I recently quit my job 'cause I hated it amd will start a new on, where I won't be alone anymore in December. But for these 3 Months I really need that extra help for my brain)
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Having ADHD does not mean what people think it means. It’s so exhausting having to explain that all the time
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adhd-infodump · 2 years
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
Reblog if you think people going off their meds are valid.
Reblog if you think people shouldn't have to justify their decisions to anyone else.
Reblog if you support unmedicated ND people.
Reblog if you support people trying to get off their meds.
Reblog if you support giving unmedicated people hugs and cuddles and all the affection we so often don't get from the community.
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