#Sarina Esmailzadeh
menalez · 2 years
Nika Shakarami was nearly 17 years old when she went missing during a protest rally on september 20. when she was found, dead, 9 days later, her family was not allowed to see her head when asked to identify her body. she was filled with injuries including a smashed nose and broken skull.
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another teen girl, 16 year old Sarina Esmailzadeh, was also killed. she was reportedly hit repeatedly in the head by the police.
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since the start of the protests 15 days ago, it is estimated 300 were killed and 15,000 people were arrested.
the fight for democracy and freedom in iran continues. do not forget about iranian women!
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desertpups · 2 years
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aghdas_k: Look at this beautiful teenage girl, full of life, singing with @Hozier 's "Take Me to Church". The Islamic Republic killed her in the protests following #MahsaAmini's murder. She only wanted to live a free life as a young woman. Say her name: #SarinaEsmailzadeh
hozier: The story of Sarina Esmailzadeh reached me this morning, I'm somewhat at a loss for words. We talk about freedoms with no understanding of what it means to pay the ultimate price in fighting for it. This brave girl was only 16 years in the world...
Since the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of Iranian "morality" police, authorities cut off access to the internet as protests escalated. @Amnesty are continuing to issue reports. Here is a petition you can sign or if you'd care to join me in donating; petition link
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butterbabyflapjack · 2 years
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برای گردآفریدهای ایران...
by Farid Karami
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west150 · 2 years
O my country;
Oh, endless sadness
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30ahchaleh · 5 months
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
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⚠️ هشدار : مطلب زیر داستان فیلم را لو میدهد ⚠️
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قفسی از بی عدالتی که بود زمانی کاشانه . مردمانی در آن از بی جربزگی ، دیوانه . میان آنان کسی غریب افتاده . میتوانست فرار کند اما ماند تا او هم خوانده شود دیوانه . زندگیش را داد تا بپرند باهم از این دیوانه‌خانه . سرنوشتش شد میان جاماندگان افسانه ، و به یادگار از او آن قفس شد آشیانه .
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چه آشناست این مخدوش خلاصه ای که برای این فیلم نوشتم
توماج صالحی ها ، نیکا شاکرمی ها ، مجیدرضا رهنورد ها ، ترانه علیدوستی ها ، وریا غفوری ها و تمامی مجنون هایی که میتوانستن نان به نرخ روز بخورند اما نخوردن ، ماندن در کنار مردمی که شاید روزی روزگاری این مردم بتوانند به آن خودباوری برسند تا بشکنند حصار این ظلم خانه را
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این فیلم بر اساس کتابی به همین نام ساخته شده است
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
در انگلیسی واژه
Cuckoo's Nest
بجز معنای آشیانه فاخته کنایه‌ای است به معنای بیمارستان روانی که هر دو جنبه ی این واژه مد نظر نویسنده کتاب بوده
چیزی شبیه واژه مجنون خودمان که کنایه است به عاشقی که دیوانگی میکند
سه فیلم در تاریخ اسکار توانستند پنج جایزه اصلی را تصاحب کنند این فیلم یکی از آن سه‌تا ست
پیشنهاد میکنم این فیلم را ببینید مخصوصا که خیلی شبیه حال و هوای این روز های ایران است
به باور من ساختن فیلمی که بوی استعاره بدهد سخت تر از ساختن فیلمی است که مزه استعاره میدهد
این فیلم یکی از آن مدل هایی هست که بوی خوش استعاره در هوای آن به مشام میرسد به گونه ای که اگر حس نشود چیزی از زیبایی های جریان اصلی خود فیلم کم نخواهد کرد
هم میتوانید آنرا در محدودی یک بیمارستان روانی ببینید هم در ساختاری فرا تر و حتی فرا تر
برای من زیبای این فیلم از آن جهت است که منجی یک قدیس مبرا از خطا و گناه نیست او نیز مثل دیگران با کمی و کاستی هایی در شخصیت خود روبرو ست اما همچون ظلم حاکم وقیح و حق خور نیست و البته فرق ش با دیگران در آن است که به درجه ای از خودشناسی رسیده که نمیتواند نمیتواند به اتفاقات پیرامونش بی‌توجه و بی‌خیال باشد
حتی آن هنگام که از بلبشوی خودکشی بیلی میتوانست باز فرار کند
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post-leffert · 2 years
Iran Human Rights Confirms State Killing of 16-year-old Protester Sarina Esmailzadeh
Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); October 7, 2022: Sarina Esmailzadeh, a 16-year-old girl from Mehrshahr in Karaj, was killed due to multiple baton blows by security forces in the September 22 protests. Authorities have aired so-called confessions by alleged family members announcing her cause of death as suicide.
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After reviewing the evidence and speaking to eyewitnesses and close sources, Iran Human Rights confirms Sarina’s state killing, and strongly condemns the pressure on her family by security agencies to force them into repeating the false suicide narrative. The organisation demands the international legal prosecution and sanctioning of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting’s (IRIB) directors.
Iran Human Rights Director, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said: “The authorities are using institutions like IRIB as propaganda tools to absolve Ali Khamenei and the forces under his command of killings like that of Sarina Esmailzadeh; just as they used this method for other state killings like Mahsa (Jina) Amini and Nika Shakarami.” He added: “IRIB and all institutions that contribute to covering up these crimes by airing and publishing forced confessions and false accounts, are complicit in the crimes and should be held accountable. Human rights violators, including IRIB and its directors and journalist-interrogators should be prosecuted and sanctioned by the international community.”
According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, “after her English class ended at noon on September 22, Sarina Esmailzadeh and several of her friends went to join the people’s protests near her language school. At the protest, security forces repeatedly beat Sarina on the head with a baton until she was severely bleeding from the head.”
As it was impossible to transfer Sarina to a hospital, a source said, people took her to a house nearby to treat her wounds but Sarina had already passed away.
A source added: “Sarina’s family didn’t know what had happened to her until her friends who were with her at the protest, contacted them at 10:30 pm, informing them that Sarina had been killed by the security forces.”
According to the source, when her family went to the location of the protest, people told them that Sarina’s body had been taken to the hospital by an ambulance. But her family’s search for her at hospitals and morgues proved fruitless and none of the relevant authorities would give them a clear answer about where Sarina’s body was.
Sarina Esmailzadeh was born on 2 July 2006 and lived with her mother and older brother. She had lost her father in childhood.
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Sarina's burial under strict security measures
Security agents contacted Sarina’s family at noon on September 23 and asked her to immediately go to the cemetery to pick up her prepared (washed according to Islamic tradition) body. When her family reached the cemetery, Sarina’s body was surrounded with security forces and they were not even allowed to inform other close relatives. Sarina’s family were forced to bury her under strict security measures.
According to Iran Human Rights sources, security forces only showed the family Sarina’s face for identification and according to her family, multiple injuries were clearly visible on her face and the right side of her forehead was completely crushed due to the severity of the blows.
State efforts to push fake scenario by pressuring Sarina’s family
16-year-old Sarina Esmailzadeh’s family have been under pressure by security and judiciary agents to prevent them from disclosing the details and circumstances of her death, and force them to repeat the suicide state narrative since that day.
“Since noon on September 23, all her family including her mother, brother and maternal uncle and aunt, have been under intense pressure and threats to force televised interviews,” a close source told Iran Human Rights.
According to the source, Sarina’s family have been summoned to the police station and prosecutor’s office several times, where they have been interrogated.
The source added: “Representatives from IRIB were also present at the prosecutor’s office and police station. Security agents told the family to repeat a series of dictated words in front of the camera, but the family refused. At the prosecutor’s office, Sarina’s mother was told to announce her daughter’s cause of death as falling from a building, which she refused each time.”
Sarina’s family have been under such intense pressure, threats and interrogations that they cannot even hold a funeral for her. In one visit to their home, security agents pulled down every death announcement posters and banner which they confiscated.
Simultaneously, Mehr newsagency which is affiliated to the Islamic Development (advertisement) Organisation, aired a short video with a woman they claimed to be Sarina Esmailzadeh’s mother, denying any state involvement in her daughter’s death. In the video, the presenter also tried to insinuate that Sarina had a history of suicide and was not mentally well.
On October 7, the Alborz province prosecutor, Hossein Fazeli Harikandi announced that 16-year-old Sarina Esmailzadeh had died after falling from her grandmother’s roof in the Azimieh neighbourhood of Karaj. He declared the cause of death to have been suicide, which he claimed she had a history of. He also called the news that Sarina had been killed by security forces  as “claims made by hostile media” and said her location of death had been one of the “disturbance-free areas in Karaj.”
The Islamic Republic used the same scenario for Nika Shakarami, a 17-year-old protester killed by security forces who they also claimed had died after falling from a building.
Nika Shakarami went missing after taking part in a protest on Keshavarz Boulevard in Tehran on September 20. In her last phone call, she said she was being chased by security forces. Her injured body was identified by her family ten days later. Security forces secretly buried Nika in a remote location after stealing her body from the morgue. NIKA'S PHOTO:
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Declaring Nika’s cause of death as falling from a building at the Amir Akram intersection, Mohammad Shahriari, the head of the Criminal Prosecutor’s Office for Tehran said: “The building where this lady’s backpack was discovered, was in the final stages of construction, and there are two clothing factories already in production with workers and security. No bullet or pellet wounds were discovered in her autopsy and investigations show that this incident had nothing to do with the street riots.”
On October 5, IRIB aired the forced confessions of Nika Shakarami’s aunt, Atash Shakarami and uncle, . Before her uncle speaks, a shadow can be seen to his left and the words “say it you filth!” can be heard being whispered. Nika’s aunt and uncle were arrested days after her killing and their forced confession were obtained under duress.
In response to the televised forced confessions, Iran Human Rights rejected the Islamic Republic’s contradictory claims of her death based on grainy edited videos and forced televised confessions based on duress and ill-treatment.
Iran Human Rights Director, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said: "The evidence points to the government’s role in Nika Shakarami's murder; Unless the opposite is proven by an independent fact-finding mission under the supervision of the United Nations. Until such a committee is formed, the responsibility for Nika's murder, like the other victims of the current protests, rests with Ali Khamenei and the forces under his command.”
Lawyers denied access to Sarina Esmailzadeh’s case by security agencies
Sources close to Sarina’s family told Iran Human Rights that while the prosecutor has opened investigations into Sarina’s death and her mother, brother and uncle are being summoned by security agencies every day, their lawyer has so far been denied access to their case by judicial authorities.
The death certificate was also taken from her family on the day of her burial and has not been returned since.
“At the prosecutor’s office, Sarina’s family were told not to do media interviews about their daughter’s death, especially foreign media, so that her case wouldn’t become well known like others killed in the current protests. Her family’s phones are also being tapped by the authorities and her mother has told relatives that she can hear voices on calls from her mobile phone.”
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isitandwonder · 2 years
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40 days since the death of Sarina Esmailzadeh, aged 16.
This is how her classmates remember her.
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bellamonde · 2 years
Meet Sarina Esmailzadeh. She was 16 years old when the Islamic Republic murdered her. For my non-Iranian followers, in this video, she starts off by saying what can the people of a country expect from their government? Well-being, well-being, well-being. She then talks about how the economy and Iranian culture are crushed and how there are restrictions in Iran that are strangling the people. Iranian people are focused on seeking basic rights and they don’t even have the time to think of the expansive rights that the west is seeking. 
This 16 year old girl was smarter than most adults I’ve ever met. It is her generation that is leading the change and they are smarter, wiser, braver and kinder than any generation preceding them. Sarina shouldn’t have died - this smart, amazing girl had her life ahead of her. But the Islamic Republic brutality killed her and ended a beautiful life. 
Say her name, repeat it. The world should know about this amazing girl. 
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
Up to as many as 45 people, including children, are feared to have been killed Friday in a crackdown on protests by Iranian security forces in the southeast of the country, human rights watchdog Amnesty International said.
Security forces fired live ammunition at "peaceful protectors from the rooftops of the governor's office and several other buildings" in the city of Khash in Sistan and the Baluchestan province.
The violence Friday comes after nationwide protests against the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, was detained for breaking the rules on headscarves, then found dead in the custody of morality police in Tehran.
Large-scale demonstrations have also taken place recently in Zahedan, following the alleged rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl after being detained by the police chief for joining in a protest.
As many as 14,000 citizens have been arrested in Iran over the last six weeks.
Sarina Esmailzadeh, 16, died after being beaten by security forces armed with batons on September 23.
Iranians are asking that you share this information and raise awareness to what's going on in the country.
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higherentity · 2 years
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Yesterday I went to a protest in Tampa to bring awareness to what is happening in Iran. We cannot let people forget what is happening. I’m not Iranian and I felt that just posting information online wasn’t enough. I encourage non Iranians to help out and go protest if you can.
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mxjimonerobbie · 2 years
Inktober day 10:portrait of Sarina Esmailzadeh
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Sarina was 16 year old girl who was murdered by the Iranian government for protesting for her rights. Iranian people have been in protest the past 3 weeks against for thier strict laws around what women should wear in public. These people are fight for their right to bodily autonomy and thier rights to what they should wear, they should not be murdered by the police for wearing hijab wrong or not wearing one at all.
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mysticalamity · 2 years
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ramandjafari · 2 years
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Woman Life Freedom - for Jina Mahsa Amini, for Nina Shakarami, for Sarina Esmailzadeh, for every victim of the oppressive murderous Iranian regime. ❤️‍🔥 This and every other poster is free to download and print, to bring to a protest in your city, the download link is in my bio. . #jinaamini #mahsaamini #iranprotests #womanlifefreedom #womenlifefreedom #digitalillustration #portraitillustration #digiraldrawing (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj8NGKYKcR5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skleftist · 2 years
Liste der Menschen, die bei den Protesten im Iran seit 16. September 2022 getötet wurden (bis 6.11):
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Mohammad Ghaemi Far Asterki, Dezful
Oveis Shekarze’i, Sarbaz
Nasrin Ghaderi, 35, Marivan
Mohammad Hossein Salari, Mahshahr
4.11. Massaker von Khash
Mohammad Shah Bakhsh
Yunus Shah Bakhsh
Shahli Bar
Sohn von Haj Khoda Murad Brahoi
Sadegh Brahui
Mohammad Amin Heshmatian
Ali Kurd Kalahori
Mobin Mirkazehi
Nima Nouri
Kambiz Regi
Rahim Dad Shahli
Sohn von Anwar Salahshuran
Mohammad Selahshuran
Abdul Malik Shahnawazi
Azim Mahmoud Zahi
Murad Zahi
Saeed Sohrab Zehi
Yasir Bahadur Zehi
Shoaib Darghale, Chabahar
Mehdi Hazrati, Karaj
Mohammadreza Bali Lashak, Nowshahr
Prasto Mouradkhani, Karaj
Yaser Naroi, Zahedan
Mohammad Reza Sarvi, Shahr-e Rey
Mehran Shekari, Karaj
Irfan Zamani, Lahijan
Momen Zand-Karimi, 18, Sanandaj
Komar Daroftadeh, 16, Piranshahr
Aref Gholampour, Zahedan
Dastan Rasul Mohammad Agha, Baneh
Masoud Ahmadzadeh, Mahabad
Kabdani, 12, Zahedan
Adel Kochakzaei, Zahedan
Farid Koravand, Asaluyeh
Omid Narouie, Zahedan
Amir Shahnavazi, Zahedan
Ermita Abbasi, 20, Karaj
Zaniar Abu Bakri, Mahabad
Fereshteh Ahmadi, 32, Mahabad
Keyvan Darvishi, 18, Sanandaj
Fereydon Faraji, Baneh
Shahou Khezri, Mahabad
Motalleb Saeed Peyro, Baneh
Kobra Sheikh Saqqa, Mahabad
Mehrshad Shahidi, 19, Arak
Behnaz Afshari, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Afshin Asham, 28, Qasr-e Shirin
Hadi Haqshenas, Isfahan
Mohammad Lotfollahi, Sanandaj
Hamid Reza Malmir, Karaj
Ismail Muludi, 35, Mahabad
Sarina Saedi, 16, Sanandaj
Seyed Ali Seiedi, Teheran
Mohammad Shariati, Sanandaj
Parisa Bahmani, Teheran
Parmis Hamnava, 14, Iranshahr
Ebrahim Mirzaei, 42, Sanandaj
Sadaf Movahedi, 17, Teheran
Ramin Fatehi, Sanandaj
Mona Naghib, 8, Saravan
Abolfazl Bahu, Qaimshahr
Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, Saqqez
Rahim Kalij, Qaimshahr
Poriya Kayani, Shushtar
Farid Maleki, Teheran
Arnica Kaem Maqami, 17, Teheran
Messam Moghadasi, Teheran
Sina Malayeri, Arak
Ezzatollah Shahbazi, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Ali Jalili, Teheran
Ramin Karami, Kermanshah
Ali Bani Asadi, 20, Ahvaz
Mohammad Abdollahi, Ilam
Hamed Baji Zehi, Zahedan
Hossein Akbarzadeh, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Atika Gaem Magham, 17, Teheran
Hossein Jezi, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Seyyed Farhad Hosseini, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Hamid Saeed Mozafari, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Parisa Asgari, Teheran
Reza Esmailzadeh, Teheran
Kamal Fegghi, Bukan
Asra Panahi Jangah, 15, Ardabil
Aziz Moradi, Sanandaj
Sina Naderi, 22, Kermanshah
Armin Sayyadi, 18, Kermanshah
Mehrgan Zahmatkesh, Rasht
Negin Abdolmaleki, 21, Hamedan
Abolfazl Adinezadeh, Mashhad
Farzin Farrokhi, Saqqez
Omid Mahdavi, Teheran
Elaheh Sa’idi, Saqqez
Nadia Arefani, Karaj
Arian Moridi, Salas-e Babajani
Esmail Dezvar, Saqqez
Seyyed Ahmad Shokrollahi, Isfahan
Abolfazi Adinezadeh, 16, Maschhad
Daryoush Alizadeh, Sanandaj
Mohammad Amini, Sanandaj
Peyman Manbari, 29, Sanandaj
Mohsen Mousavi, 30, Teheran
Nagin Salehi, Teheran
Yahya Rahimi Sarab Shahraki, Sanandaj
Sopher Sharifi, Teheran
Emad Heydari, 31, Ahvaz
Reza Bonyadi, Teheran
Nima Shafagh Doust, 16, Urmia
Mostafa Beriji, Zahedan
Arman Hassanzani, Zahedan
Mahmoud Hassanzani, Zahedan
Morteza Hassanzani, Zahedan
Zolfaghar Jan Hassanzani, Zahedan
Mohammad Mehrdadi, Teheran
Jamal Abdol Naser Mohammad Hasani Barahui, Zahedan
Khodanur Lajai, Zahedan
Salman Maleki, 25, Zahedan
Saamer Hashemzehie, Zahedan
Ali Akbar Rabi’i, Isfahan
Mahuddin Shirouzehi, Zahedan
Arman Hassanzani, Zahedan
Mahmoud Hassanzani, Zahedan
Morteza Hassanzani, Zahedan
Zolfaghar Jan Hassanzani, Zahedan
Ali Bani Assad, Ahvaz
Mokhtar Ahmadi, Marivan
Khodanour Laje’i
Ehsan Khan Mohammadi, Teheran
Pouya Rajab Nia, Babol
Mehrab Dolat Panah, Talesh
30.9.: Massaker von Zahedan
Esmail Abil
Mukhtar Ahmadi, Marivan
Abu Bakr Ali-Zehei
Lal Mohammad Alizehi
Ahmad Sarani Alizehi
Balal Anshini
Lal Mohammad Anshini
Mehdi Anshini
Musa Anshini
Suleiman Arab
Amin Goleh Bacheh
Amin Badr
Riassat Badel Balouch
Abdorrahman Balouchi
Abdolrahman Baluchikhah
Ali Barahouie, 14
Ali Akbar Barahui
Mohammad Barahui
Mahmoud Barahui
Abdulghafoor Noor Barahui
Zacharie Barahui
Abdol Samad Barahui-Aidouzehi
Mustafa Barichi, 24
Lal Mohammad Brahoui , 18
Abdul Ghafoor Dehmardeh
Mansour Dehmardeh
Musa Doveira
Mohammad Farough-Rakhsh
Mohammad Ali Gamshad-Zehei, 18
Mohammad Amin Gamshad-Zehei, 17
Mohsen Gamshad-Zehei
Salahuddin Gamshad-Zehei
Vahed Gamshad-Zehei
Saeed Gergige
Matin Ghanbarzehi, 13
Mohammad Ghaljei
Aminollah Ghaljaei
Ibrahim Gorgij
Matine Qanbar Zehi Gorgij
Amir Mohammad Gumshadzehi
Ali Akbar Halgheh-Begoush
Omran Hassanzehei
Vahid Hovat
Azizollah Kabdani
Sedis Keshani, 14
Azizullah Kubdani
Nematollah Kubdani
Abubakr Nahtani
Musa Nahtani
Mohammad Eqbal Naib-Zehi
Hamid Narouei
Hamzeh Narouei
Mohammad Sediq Narouei
Younes Narouei
Abdollah Naroui
Ali Aqli Naroui
Rafi Naroui
Abdollah Naroui
Abdol Majid Naroui
Musa Dovira Narui, 18
Hasti Narui
Rafe Naroui, 23
Ali Agheli Narui,28
Abdol Vahid Tohid Nia
Javad Pousheh, 12
Aminullah Qoljai
Mohammad Qoljaei
Abdolmanan Rakhshani
Balal Rakhshani
Jalil Rakhshani
Mansour Rakhshani
Mohammad Rakhshani, 12
Heydar Narui Rashid
Abdol Majid Rigi
Behzad Rigi, 30
Mohammad Rigi
Gungo Zehi Rigi
Amir Hossein Mir Kazehi Riggi, 19
Hamid Reza Saneipour
Omid Safarzehi, 17
Omid Sarani, 12
Ahmad Sargolzaei
Abdolmalek Shahbakhsh
Abdullah Shahbakhsh
Ahmad Shahbakhsh
Danial Shahbakhsh
Daniel Shahbakhsh, 11
Farzad Shahbakhsh
Imran Shahbakhsh
Majid Shahbakhsh
Mohiuddin Shahbakhsh
Omran Shahbakhsh
Yaser Shahbakhsh
Abdol Khaleq Shahnavazi
Amir Hamzeh Shahnavazi
Mahmoud Shahnavazi
Mohammad Eghbal Shahnavazi, 16
Omar Shahnavazi
Omid Shahnavazi
Thamer Shahnavazi
Yaser Shahouzehi, 16
Jaber Shiroozehi, 12
Najm al-Din Tajik
Najmuddin Tajik
Abdol Samad Thabitizadeh
Abdul Wahid Tohidnia
Mohammad Reza Adib Toutazehi
Esmail Hossein Zahi
Hamid Isa Zehei
Jalil Mohammad Zehei
Majid Baloch Zehi
Mohammad Ali Esmail Zehi
Samer Hashem Zehie, 16
Gholam Nabi Noti Zehi
Abdol Jalil Qanbar Zehi
Khalil Qanbar Zehi
Erfan Nazarbeigi, Teheran
Samad Barginia, Piranshahr
Amir Mehdi Farrokhipour, 17, Teheran
Amir Reza Naderzadeh, Nowschahr
Abdolsalam Ghader Galvani, 32, Oshnavieh
Mohammad Jameh Bozorg, Karaj
Hamin Foulavand, Varamin
Nader Kokar, Rudsar
Milad Ostad-Hashem, 37, Teheran
Siavash Mahmoudi, 16, Teheran
Mehdi Asgari, Garmsar
Mehrzad Avazpour, Nowschahr
Mohammad Hosseinikhah, Sari
Hossein Ali Kia Kanjouri, 23, Nowschahr
Mahmoud Keshvari, Karaj
Lina Namour, Teheran
Morteza Nowroozi, Langaroud
Mohammad Hossein Sarvari-Rad, Garmsar
Ehsan Alibazi, 16, Shahr-e-Qods
Sarina Esmailzadeh, 16, Karaj
Hamid Fouladvand, Pakdasht
Alireza Hosseini, 26, Teheran
Seyyedeh Ameneh Vahdat Hosseini, Karaj
Javad Khansari, 36, Teheran
Hossein Morovati, Qarchak Varamin
Hediyeh Naeimani, Nowschahr
Pouya Ahmadpour Pasikhani, 17, Rasht
Ahmad Reza Qoliji, Hamedan
Parsa Rezadoust, 17, Hashtgerd
Mohammad Javad Zahedi, 16, Sari
Kanaan Aghaei, 18, Karaj
Mehrdad Avazpour, Nowschahr
Pedram Azarnoush, 16, Dehdasht
Mehrdad Behnam-Asl, Dehdasht
Mohammad Reza Eskandari, 25, Pakdasht
Sasan Ghorbani, 32, Rezvan Shahr
Arvin Malamali Golzari, Fuladshahr
Esmail Heydari, Ardabil
Javad Heydari, 36, Qazvin
Mohammad Hossein-Khah, Mazandaran
Yaser Jafari, Ilam
Rouzbeh Khademi, 32, Karaj
Shirin Alizadeh Khansari, 35, Tschalus
Mehdi Leylazi, Karaj
Mohammad Rasoul Momenizadeh, Rasht
Mohsen Pazouki, Pakdasht Varamin
Maziar Salmanian, Rasht
Mohammad Reza Sarvari, 14, Shahr-e Ray
Setareh Tajik, 17, Teheran
Mohammad Amin Takoli, Teheran
Matin Abdollahpour, 16, Urmia
Fereydoun Ahmadi, Saqqez
Roshana Ahmadi, Bukan
Mehdi Babr-Nejad, Gouchan
Amir Hossein Basati, 15, Kermanschah
Amir Bastami, Kermanschah
Ghazaleh Chalavi, 33, Amol
Abdolfazl Akbari Doust, Langarud
Mehdi Mohammad Fallah, 33, Amol
Mohammad Farmani, Shahr-e-Ray
Alireza Fathi, Sanfar
Amir Ali Fouladi, 16, Islamabad-e Gharb
Mohsen Geysari, 32, Ilam
Mehrdad Ghorbani, Zanjan
Milan Haghighi, 21, Oshnavieh
Saeed Iranmensh, Kerman
Yasin Jamalzadeh, 28, Rezvan Shahr
Erfan Khazaee, Shahriar
Hannaneh Kia, 22, Nowshahr
Mohsen Mohammadi Kochsaraei, Qaemchahr
Behnam Layeghpour, 37, Rascht
Sadreddin Litani, 27, Oshnavieh
Amir Hossein Mahdavi, Rasht
Mino Majidi, Qasr-e Schirin
Mohsen Mal Mir, Nowschahr
Amin M’arefat, 16, Oshnavieh
Abdolfazl Mehdipour, Babol
Mahsa Mogouei, 18, Fulad Shahr
Amir Mehdi Malak Mohammadi, Teheran
Iman Mohammadi, Islamabad-e Gharb
Saeid Mohammadi, 21, Islamabad-e Gharb
Abdollah Mohammadpour, 17, Urmia
Seyed Mehdi Mousavi, 15, Zanjan
Seyyed Sina Mousavi, Amol
Seyyed Abbas Mir-Mousavi, Langarud
Mahdi Mousavi Nikou, 16, Zanjan
Hadis Najafi, 22, Karaj
Mehrab Najafi, Zarinchahr
Amir Nowroz, 16, Bandar-e Anzali
Arash Pahlavan, 27, Machad
Danesh Rahnema, 25, Urmia
Parza Rezadoust, 17, Karaj
Erfan Rezaei, 21, Amol
Ali Mozaffari Salanghouch, 17, Gouchan
Mohammad Mam Saleh, Sardasht
Mohammed Reza Savari, 14, Haschtgerd
Amir Hossein Shams, Nowschahr
Pouya Sheida, Urmia
Morteza Soltanian, Esfahan
Mohammad Hassan Torkaman, 27, Babol
Mohammad Zamani, 16, Teheran
Mohammad Zarei, Qrachak
Sasan Bagheri, Rezvanshahr
Farjad Darvishi, 23, Urmia
Zakaria Khayal, 16, Piranshahr
Erfan Khazaei, Zahedan
Farzin Lotfi, 35, Rezvan Shahr
Minoo Majidi, 62, Kermanschah
Diako Mehrnavaei, Bukan
Nika Shakarami, 17, Teheran
Reza Shahparnia, 20, Kermanschah
Abdolsamad Sabeti Zadeh , Zahedan
Milad Zare, 25, Babol
Hajar Abbasi, ca. 70, Mahabad
Fardin Bakhtiari, Sanandaj
Iman Behzadpour, Sanandaj
Reza Lotfi, 25, Dehgolan
Aysan Madanpasand, Tabriz
Fereydoun Mahmoudi, 32, Saqqez
Mohsen Mohammadi, 28, Divandarreh
Fouad Ghadimi, etwa 40, Divandarreh
Mahsa Jina Amini, 22, Teheran
Unbekannter Todestag:
Saeid Iranmanesh, Kerman
Omid Safarzahi, 17
Afshin Shahamat, 16, Teheran
Jabir Shirouzahi, 12
Die Namen sind zusammengetragen v.a. aus folgenden Quellen:
https://english.mojahedin.org/news/iran-pmoi-mek-publishes-names-of-martyrs-of-the-iranian-peoples-nationwide-uprising/ externer Link
https://iranwire.com/en/politics/108299-remembering-victims-iran-protests-2022/ externer Link
https://www.en-hrana.org/woman-life-freedom-comprehensive-report-of-20-days-of-protest-across-iran/?hilite=244+killed externer Link
https://www.amnesty.de/sites/default/files/2022-10/Amnesty-Bericht-Recherche-Iran-Proteste-getoetete-Kinder-Jugendliche-Polizeigewalt-Oktober-2022.pdf externer Link
https://iran-hrm.com/2022/10/13/26-names-of-killed-children/ externer Link
https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wie-iran-den-protest-bekaempft-die-blutspur-des-regimes-a-da6d644d-a42f-4271-8331-58cd291b460a externer Link
https://hengaw.net/en/news/16-kurdish-citizens-killed-in-the-protests-on-the-40th-day-death-anniversary-of-zhina-mahsa-amini externer Link
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isitandwonder · 2 years
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