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aci25 · 2 years ago
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An Iranian model wore a black dress with a neckline that looks like a noose on the Cannes red carpet in protest against executions in her home country
Source: yahoo!
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soumyadeep2399halder · 2 years ago
International Working Women's Day
International women's day ❌ International working women's day ✅
The advent of the neo-liberal economy gradually replaced the International Working Women’s Day with the International Women’s Day. IWWD was the result of a long anti-capitalist struggle for social, political and economic freedom from discrimination against working women on the basis of gender.
The removal of the word “working” is a worldwide attempt to vilify the significance of this struggle. Today we take a stand against it and wish you all a Happy International Working Women’s Day.
Let us destroy the patriarchy and the capitalist society and become cognizant about and participate in this great struggle.
"If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise,then every woman in Africa would be a millionaire" - George monbiot
Long live struggling women.
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alavi2005 · 2 years ago
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با درود ❤ چنین شود و باز هم چنین شود 👌 چه چیزی بهتر از این ✅ این بخش برای شما چه پیامی دارد ؟ 🔰 گفتار پاک خدا را با دوستان خود به اشتراک بگذارید #کلیسای_امید_زنده❤_صادق_علوی #مهسا_امینی #polishgirl💋 #OpIran #IranProtests #party https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXHlViIpYA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bi3eamtress · 2 years ago
Keep fighting everyone!!
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porracristo · 2 years ago
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I dedicate today's art to the women who are fighting and leading a revolution in Iran, the world needs to give them more focus and support, until the regime is overthrown. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The girl illustrated in the image is called Nika Shakarami, a 16-year-old Iranian who was beaten and tortured to death in 2022, for being part of the anti-hijab protests that take place across the country to this day. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Nika was murdered for wanting simple things like singing, dancing and dressing the way she wanted. Unfortunately it was too big for such a small country. Instagram.com/porracristo/
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passion-of-arts · 6 days ago
Die Saat des heiligen Feigenbaums – Filmkritik
„Die Saat des heiligen Feigenbaums“ ist nicht nur der neue Film des renommierten Regisseurs Mohammad Rasoulof, sondern auch der diesjährige deutsche Oscar-Beitrag. In seinem dramatischen Thriller erzählt, der aus seinem Heimatland geflohene, Rasouluf anhand der fiktiven Geschichte einer Familie über die anhaltenden Unruhen im Iran und dem Kampf um Freiheit sowie blinder Hörigkeit gegenüber der Obrigkeit. Ob „Die Saat des heiligen Feigenbaums“ wirklich Chancen auf einen Erfolg bei der Oscar-Verleihung besitzt und warum dieser Film so unendlich wichtig ist, erfahrt ihr in der folgenden Filmkritik.
Hol dir Merch zu deinen Lieblingsfilmen & -Serien ➤ https://tidd.ly/3CpDuwM Filme im Sale ➤ https://tidd.ly/45KyTyG Film Bestseller ➤ https://tidd.ly/44K5EL1
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thomasknorra · 2 years ago
"Die iranischen Frauen sind immer noch gewillt, für die Freiheit zu sterben." (Alice Vachss) * www.alicevachss.com
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ereshckigal · 1 year ago
Das hier ist "Sexarbeit":
Nein, es gibt keine klare Grenze. Wer Sex kauft, kauft mindestens Vergewaltigung. Und oft finanziert er einen brutalen Zuhälter mit.
Hanna Lakomy aka Salome Balthus fällt immer wieder mit ihren stark täterschützenden Artikeln und Tweets auf. Sie fällt dabei gerne anderen "Sexarbeiterinnen" in den Rücken, die über erlebte Gewalt sprechen. Dementsprechend ist auch der Artikel einzuordnen.
Übrigens noch einige andere kontroverse Aussagen dieser Frau, die eine Escort Agentur besitzt, für die andere Frauen anschaffen:
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Gude, hab hier einen Artikel in der Berliner Zeitung gefunden, von dem ich meine, dass er dich interessieren würde:
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Link zum BZ - Artikel
Ja vielen Dank für den Hinweis und mir schicken! 🙏 Ich kenne den Artikel schon, aber vielleicht ist der auch noch für andere interessant!
Der Zusammenhang von zwischen den Themen "allgemeiner" Frauenfeindlichkeit und Sexarbeitsfeindlichkeit wird hier sehr gut erklärt.
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imageculte · 2 years ago
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Le compte Instagram Iranian Women of Graphic Design publie régulièrement des visuels de soutien au mouvement de révolte iranien et met à disposition une archive ouverte de quelques 700 affiches réalisées par plus de 150 graphistes du monde entier.
L’ensemble des visuels est libre d’usage dans le cadre de l’expression de la solidarité internationale. Lire le ficher ReadMe! pour connaître les conditions d’utilisation précises.
Plus d’infos par ici : https://linktr.ee/iwofgd
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abwwia · 3 months ago
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We stand with Women of Iran - their struggle continues!
Marjane Satrapi (b. 22 Nov 1969) is a French-Iranian graphic novelist, cartoonist, illustrator, film director, and children's book author.
#MarjaneSatrapi #iranian #iranprotests #iranianwomen #womeninliterature #PalianShow #HerStory
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granniemildew · 2 years ago
Watch "Stand with the Iranian people. Amplify Iranian voices. #iranprotests #mahsaamini #jinaamini #iran" on YouTube
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ivabellini · 2 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @ninaansary #instagram #foto “We are not citizens. We never were. We are captives. Millions of captives.” ~ Taraneh Alidoosti #taranehalidoosti #mahsaamini #womanlifefreedom #زن_زندگی_آزادی #iranrevolution2022 #iranprotests #iran
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saga-news-and-fandom · 2 years ago
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hetesiya · 2 years ago
Temel Demirer Twitter'da: "DİRENEN İRAN'A BİN SELAM (Çizim: #ManaNeyestani) #YahyaRahimi #JinaMahsaAmini #IRCGterrorists #StopExecutionsInIran #IranProtests #IranRevolution #IranRevolution2022 #WomanLifeFreedom #IranProtests2022 #SerkutAhmadi #SaraHadım #Yelda_Aqafazli #FarhadMeysami #AmirFrastiShad https://t.co/9fjRcMjUIo" / Twitter
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theyeetedsoul · 2 years ago
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This is Liana Modabberi. She’s only 3 years old and she’s hugging a picture of her uncle, Navid Afkari, a national hero.
Navid was a professional wrestler. He was full of life and joy.
However, after protesting for his basic human rights a few years ago, he was sentenced to death after the regime falsely accused him of killing a police officer.
A campaign started to stop the death sentence from being carried out.
There’s a rule that before execution, the prisoners can see and speak with their loved ones one last time.
Navid however, was killed at night. In silence. Without anyone knowing. Without hugging his loved ones for one last time.
This was a shock to all Iranians.
Today, they arrested his sister, Elham Afkari, and her 3 y.o daughter. Shiraz district attorney announced that they transferred Liana in custody to Investigative unit 14.
She’s only 3 years old!
Her mother is also innocent but there’s no news of her as of yet.
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virginiathegoat · 2 years ago
🚨 Mohsen Shekari, one of those arrested in recent protests, was executed in Tehran this morning.
According to the Islamic Regime's court reports, Mohsen Shekari tried to "block" Sattarkhan Street on October 3rd and also "injured" one of the regime thugs.
He was denied of having an designated attorney amid the court hearings, and the complete prepare of his capture and cross examination was opaque and against the lawful measures.
I'm begging you to repost and share as much as you can.
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