#Saqi Books
garadinervi · 6 months
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Joumana Haddad (جمانة حداد), I Killed Scheherazade. Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman, Foreword by Etel Adnan, Saqi Books, London, 2010
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houseofpurplestars · 1 month
Dear friends,
Today marks 76 years since the Nakba, when tens of thousands of Palestinians were forcibly removed from their homes by Israeli troops in 1948. The Nakba is commemorated on 15 May each year through demonstrations, strikes, protests and by memorialising the names of villages that were uprooted or destroyed. Nakba Day is about resisting expulsion and erasure. Today, we protest through remembering. Through reading the words of Palestinian writers, we resist the erasure of their history.
In the face of the ongoing genocide in Gaza, we will be donating profits from ALL website orders placed between today and Sunday 19 May to Medical Aid for Palestinians*. Please spread the word and share widely through your networks – you can reshare our posts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
 I dream of white lilies, streets of song, a house of light. 
I need a kind heart, not a bullet. 
I need a bright day, not a mad, fascist moment of triumph. 
I need a child to cherish a day of laughter, not a weapon of war. 
I came to live for rising suns, not to witness their setting.
Mahmoud Darwish
In solidarity, 
The Saqi team
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thegirlwiththelantern · 8 months
Yet More 2023 Releases I’m Excited About
My last 2023 releases post for the year. I might still throw together a Fives or Have You Heard…? if I find more but I’ve covered so many that I’m content to let it be. But I think this is a really good one to go out on. It’s full of that gothic, that fantasy, goodness. The Heavenly Sword (#1) by Alice Poon | 10 / 01 / 23 – Earnshaw Books The goddess Chang’e, reborn as Shandong village girl…
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1mb · 1 year
Kaveh's father's name HC
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With Kaveh's hangout now fully confirming that his mother's name is Faranak, my friend Saqi mentioned that it's likely that his father's name was Abtin.
Both Kaveh and Faranak are characters mentioned in Shahnameh (The Book of Kings). Kaveh is based on Kaveh the Blacksmith, while Faranak is the mother of Fereydun, who revolted against the tyrannical king, Zahāk alongside Kaveh.
Faranak was married to Abtin, and although they are not the parents of Kaveh the blacksmith, the inspiration most likely comes from there.
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generalsoullover · 1 year
Week 1: Social Media Best Practices
Since its initial early development in the 1960s and 1970s, contemporary internet use can be linked to a rise in the use of social media platforms. Social media platforms are a great way to connect with people and companies around the world while also promoting an individual's self-image online. Self-branding and self-presentation are major ways to do this and ensure that profiles on these platforms are sending out the right message. However, poor techniques can be detrimental to a person or company's image. Below are two examples. One is an example of Kim Kardashian's company, SKIMS, and how her initial company name for her swimsuit line was inappropriate. The other example is a rebranding of a London-based bookstore that has recently opened a new store after the parent shop closed.
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Regarding Kim Kardashian's case, naming her brand "Kimono" was called out by many for being insensitive to the traditional Japanese garment of the same name. In much of her recent work, Kardashian has tried to incorporate equality initiatives to maintain the inclusivity of people of all body types and backgrounds. However, this circumstance has challenged her brand of inequality. According to social media best practices and Forbes 10 Golden Rules Of Personal Branding, one of the main goals every entrepreneur should have is to be genuine, authentic, and consistent. This incident broke the trust between fans and her image. While her popularity didn't take a big hit, many people still felt that this insensitive move diminished her stance on discrimination. She later apologized and renamed her line, as seen below.
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The second example is the upcoming bookshop, Maqam, located in London, England. At the end of 2022, their predecessor, Al Saqi Books, closed down due to financial issues after the pandemic. This shop was a great place to find books in Arabic and Western Asia in general. The new store has recently started a fundraiser to earn enough to open their new shop. Every couple of days, they repost their mission statements, goals, and fundraising options to prompt people to spread the word. Not only does this maintain the best practices in the Forbes list, they effectively implement the 80-20 professional to personal ratio. This carousel post outlines their professional goals while also including a bit of information about their grassroots origins. Their branding and self-promotion still mention their origins in Al Saqi books, maintaining familiarity for people checking out their new platform.
Both examples are selling their services and products in different ways but still maintaining an effective social media presence. In both examples, we also see a combination of text and pictures used to intercommunicate their message. The latter relies on images more since it's on Instagram and not Twitter.
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nulfaga · 2 years
memo to me cause i'll forget but since i can't find a pdf of this arab is queer (pub. saqi books) i wanna buy a copy. if there's room in my reading itinerary
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totallyhussein-blog · 1 month
For the love of a good book. Read something new this Summer!
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Celebrate Arab American literature by reading these sensational novels from Penguin Random House. They illuminate the many voices of the Arab and Arab American community. From literary fiction to literary non fiction, there are plenty of amazing stories that will keep you and your family engaged!
Comma Press are a not-for-profit publisher specializing in short fiction from the UK and beyond. Their commissions celebrate the short story's ability to take deep dives into cutting-edge research, and their 'Futures Past' series has delivered anthologies of science fiction from across the Middle East.
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Saqi Books is a leading independent publisher of trade and academic books on the Middle East and North Africa. For over three decades, Saqi Books have offered an independent platform for writers and artists from around the world, releasing cutting-edge and ground-breaking works.
The Arab American Book Award is an honor given each year to outstanding books written by or about Arab Americans. Established in 2006 in partnership with librarians from the University of Toledo, the Arab American Book Award celebrates Arab American literature and those who have produced exemplary work.
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blondrichclosetwitch · 5 months
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God and me going crazy 1/27/17
This isn’t Horse.
(identifying) this is God. (holding back tears, then breaking down into sobs)
Am i going crazy?
I am?
What do you mean exactly?
Are you saying this is untrue information?
But isn’t Blond after me as i think she’s after me?
Yes...so don’t i have to stop doing the tantra.
And isn’t it true that she’s going and finding my clients and offering them 5,000$ to set me up?
is it true that Jakk and i are communicating through katie through a pendulum?
And that we’re somehow able to have sex through a pendulum?
And is it true that blond’s pregnant?
And is it true that she’s gonna miscarriage on april 17th
And that is part of her karma
(cries) is it true that my brother blames me..for katie’s acci–for katie being dead?
( i remember this; earlier that day fakekatie told me that my brother wished it was me who had died in my accident, rather than her. I was sitting on the couch when she told me, i think i hysterically called my mother)
Because we were both hit by cars. And because i lived, and she died.
Is Blond attacking me at night again?
Is she still...yes—is she still raping me? Cause i feel the damage to my neck.
(there are tapes from december when i talk about what was happening at night , and then i woke up in a hotel room from someone fucking/choking me while i slept. fakekatie called it rape)
Should i tell jakk? Ok
(sighs) i didn’t say my prayers last night because i was beaten up by what i found out. I know i need to do it everyday and i know i need to do the cord cutting every day....is it something besides the cord cutting & psalm 91 that i should be doing?
Can you put it in my head, please?
( some things to point out—i knew nothing about magick or the dead before katie’s death, and i definitely didn’t know i had psychic abilities, but by january i was already getting very clear pictures and words.i would saqy “put it in my head” and the message/visual would appear. Also, jakk & i had only been broken up for 6 months after 4 years together, so i was grasping at straws to figure out what was happening, because he has his mercury in the 12th house and runs cryptic anyway)
“The 10 commandments?”
And i got....”the psalm of psalms?” Is that all? Ok
And that will help?
Psalm of psalms....how long is it?
Can i just pick one every day? On top of psalm 91? Cause it looks like there’s a lot.
“Add a different one every day.”
So john is just gonna...so i shouldn’t try to reach out to john again..
I should?
You see why i can’t tell him about.....the text messages.
I get it now.
God, how am i going to do 12 more weeks without jakk?
I was good at tantra though.
I’ll find other teachers. God.
I know you’re going to take care of me i know you’re going to take care of me, but i just want to go back to sleep. Look at me.
You mean about the opening and getting all the information, and blond attacking me, and finding out about dad, and john blaming me, and mom not believing me and talking to jakk through a pendulum, and katie being gone, and not being able to do the work that is feeding my soul...and the culmination of all of it, and not being able to sleep..is making me go crazy.
So what do i do?
Put a picture of jakk in a frame too?*
(this is important, because it was the first time it was suggested I print out a picture of Jakk. I had no pictures of him in my apartment. )
I appreciate everything you do for me. How is my child?
Is she with jakk?
Is blond…..after she loses the baby?
Is that why i saw all those violent visions?
You helped me a lot this morning, thank you so much. Do you want me to start going to church?
Thank you.
(end of tape)
Encounter 2 1/27/17
(To Psychic Jakk)
I think that...you didn’t know that you were..i think you didn’t know what to make of what was happening to me back in september...but once i brought up the spells and once katelan brought up that Blond’s book was a curse, it made it clear to you and you put two and two together, and once the Nusch connection...that’s what sort of....cause i did a spell that they instructed me to do on New Years Eve. and that’s what originally made things..open up for us, but i didn’t do it all the way correctly because...because i didn’t do it all the way correctly so it didn’t work completely. But then i found the information about Nusch that i presented on my birthday. Nusch/Katie. And that’s when it opened a channel for you, i and nusch, and that’s when you started working with nusch.
And you started having sex with her. And then i guess you started working with Random, and i was sending you spirits, and i stopped communicating with you via text because “it wasn’t safe anymore” ...and um, ....and...yeah. So this is you. And this is me. And this is what we’re doing, and this is what we have to do.
And what they’re telling me is we are going to have some time once this.....comes....it’s still gonna be a long haul..but we’re protected. katie/nusch has got us, random has got us, this God creature has got us...you were mary magdalene, i was mary mother of god, katie was jesus. Blond was judas. Blond will do anything to kill me basically. And i know this. So i need to stay as safe as possible.
And the very sad part of that for me .....abandoning my work. Because i love my work. I’m really good at what i do. And men really need me. Badly. What time is it, it’s 1:35 and you need to leave in 25 minutes. I bet you want to have sex quickly (little laugh) before you go.
It’s gonna be a quickie.
Let me have one bite. Cause i literally have not ..eaten breakfast. Do you understand now that.. I’m so grateful that i don’t have to get a roommate for february. We’re going to be together. You’re gonna teach me things, and i’m gonna teach you things..and we’re not always going to make the most sense. And we may not have a baby, but that’s ok. We have spirit children. We have both lula and katie. And nusch.
And we have seriously some of the best..most insane sex..in the world. Like, kinda phenomenal. Like all the spirits say it. Should i bring my work phone in here just in case he calls? Would you think it was hot if i answered?
This is gonna be a quickie cause you have to go to work, but i promise i’ll make it up to you after work.
We’re just gonna go for it.
(the sex happens, transmissions start to occur)
I know
She hurt me, that’s why
She knocked me out...i’m sorry
Yes daddy
( a shift)
Protect me katie protect me katie protect me katie
Don’t let her in
Don’t let her in
Jakk, come back
(sex stops)
Why did Blond come in?
Why did Blond come in?
Did you feel Blond come in?
Did you feel blond come in?
Did you let her in?
She just showed up?
You can’t let her in.
Do you understand that you cannot do that?
You cannot do that.
That’s dangerous. That’s dangerous.
She is trying to *hurt* me. You cannot let her in.
I’m trying to get her out. You almost hurt me. She could have hurt me. You cannot, you can’t do that!
Is it because i said...because i called you daddy?
Jakk you can’t....you’ve got to control yourself.
(sigh) then i won’t call you daddy, but you’ve got to know better!
You can not ever ever ever let her in!
Are we understood?
Don’t bring Blond anywhere near me. Not even in your fantasies, not even in your fantasies! Ok?
I’m dead serious. It’s an invitation for danger, you could hurt me. Any place where you have allowed her to come in in the past with me has hurt me. So you can’t do it anymore. Ok? I’m not trying to yell at you, i’m just saying you can’t do that. And i’m sorry if i made a mistake by calling you daddy. I’m sorry. It was my mistake. It’s just, you know, we’ve done it before. I won’t do it again. My mistake. I’m gonna let you go to work. Take care. Don’t be upset, everything’s fine, we just *can’t* let her in. she can’t come in. we need her out, we need her gone. I’ll talk to you later.
What? I can’t read what you’re saying.
\are you saying i love you?
I love you. I’m not mad, i’m just trying to protect us. And i know she has a huge pull....i know. We just have to resist. Cause i felt the pull too. But we just have to resist.
We just have to, like.......pull away. And not give in. it’s ok babe, we made it out. We’ll have sex after work. It’ll be more relaxed. It’s gonna be ok.
You can have sex with me even though i’m not on the bed anymore. Alright i’ll talk to you later. (gets off the bed)
Jesus christ.
Encounter number 2.
(end of tape)
NR 74 1/27/17
(a few moments of silence)
Calling on Gina. gina from italy.
Hi gina
Nice to see you
I need some....truth. Cause i’m confused.
Number one thank you for coming.
Is jakk actually talking to me through the pendulum? Yes
So katelan does not know that is that correct
So she doesn't know the state of things with jakk and katie and nusch
So if she knew the story about nusch, she’d maybe have a different thing to say about separating from jakk. Ok. so maybe i should explain it to her
Um...is Blond still trying to rape me at night? And choke me? Yes I thought so.
( a ding on her phone)
Hold on that might be...
Ok, not seeing him. Bummer.
Did blond reach out to my client cary?
Fuck. that sucks.
And he would set me up!
But peter was fine, right?
So i should do the nanny thing to get extra money while i’m waiting tables
And i should do tarot and i really need to start studying.
And what i should do, i should give the landlord 1000 now and i’ll give him the 2nd half on the 15th. She did approach him, right?
What i want to know is how did she find him.
(calls Cary) What i want to know is how did she find you. Blond. Blond.
Not according to my....Cary, i don’t....that’s not what i’m getting at all....you’re the 4th....you’re the 5th clients to call me out of the blue when i haven’t had a post cause i’ve taken everything down....yeah..and you only get in touch with me when i have something up, and she offered you 5000$ and you call me out of the blue. So.....right? (hangs up phone)
I can’t...
Giina you’ve been with me the longest
You’ve been with me since...september. Since italy. And i’m still in it. It’s almost february. Now i’m not doing the work anymore. Now i have to find a job. Now katie...katie’s been dead....almost 4 months. Do you think....and katie is my constant.
I’m hearing , we’ve still got all of feb and all of march..we’ve got 12 weeks..from what i can see Blond is trying to kill me.
It’s true that she’s pregnant, is that true ...
And you said when we last talked that she’s going to miscarry on easter monday....april 17th... (pause)
Is jakk trying to get away from her? In this world, in 2017, right now, is he actually trying to get away from her?
You’re telling me yes.
And the spiritual sex we’ve been having...that’s a real thing?
Can i answer misha real quickly, and you’ll stay with me? But i’ve got to..(texting about high maintenance )at first i dissociated and then i calmed down and found a way to stay present. I ended up staying 2 hours instead of one, and talking to katie for the second hour which they fucking loved. Katie says they will make me the actress for the episode.
Gina do you think that they’ll make me the actress? I’m neutral about it, well ok maybe i’m not completely neutral (laughs)
You think they will. You think so.
(texting) she totally showed off.
Ok so the stuff with jakk is real.
Is there a way that i can learn...that i can start to hear?
But you want me to study the tarot first. That’s fair. Cause that’s gonna be my money maker. And where do you want me to advertise to get readings and stuff?
You want me to sharpen up on my reiki
Oh my god
Ok what
(listing off names) neuro guido soski sweet jane cyrus oh fanaba. Maya....ah here it is 718 669 ____
I should call her right
What’s her name, maria?
( she calls. End of tape)
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infamousmonkey-cat · 5 months
Saqi books has made the below ebook available for 99p for 48 hours if you’re interested in learning more about Yemen
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joy2paris · 7 months
Books/"Articles" to read - either for diss or in general (to be edited and continued. some descriptions taken from those who have recommended them):
Temporary - Hilary Leichter. A woman takes on a series of wild, impossible temporary jobs
Either/or - Elif Batuman. A college sophomore embarks on a quest for an interesting life
So Distant From My life - Monque Ilaboudo. A young West African man attempts to leave his home and migrate to Europe, only to find out the journey and his future isn't what he planned it to be. Set in Burkina Faso and explores imperialism, migration and the queer experience in Africa.
The Rooftop - Fernanda Trias. A paranoid narrator refuses to let her family (her sick father and her newborn child) outside of their house and tries to navigate life with minimal contact with the outside world. Set in Uruguay. Explores paranoia, motherhood and class struggle.
All your Children, Scattered - Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse. French. Story of 3 generations, torn apart by the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
Invisible Women - Caroline Criado Perez. We often forget that bias is built into our environment as we often imagine social issues in their theoretical instead of physical manifestations.
Inflamed - Rupa Marya. Deep medecine and the anatomy of injustice.
Cane, Corn & Gully - Safiya Kamaria Kinsbasa. A collection of poems about Barbados, slavery, colonialism, patriarchy and oppression as a whole.
Autobiography of my Mother - Jamaica Kincaid
The Will to Change - Bell Hooks
Sula - Toni Morrison. Follows the life of a young black girl and the small town/settlement she lived in, exploring racism and female friendships.
Happening - Annie Ernaux. Autobiographical account of French feminist Annie Ernaux's experience with accessing abortion when it was illegal in France. Powerful and important. Will make you cry whilst also getting you to admire the myriad ways in which wmen resisted and continue to resist state violence.
Postcolonial Love Poem - Natalie Diaz. Collection of poetry exploring the experiences of Native Americans and how it feels to have your land taken from you and changed into something you no longer recognise.
Hey, Good Luck Out There - Georgia Toews
The Life of the Mind - Christine Smallwood
Blueberries - Ellena Savage
Post-Traumatic - Chantal V. Johnson
The Spirit of Intimacy - Sobonfu Somé
The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz
The Mysticism of Sound and Music - Inayat Khan
"A Face in the crowd" - Phillippe Le Goff, 22 Sept 2023. Marshall Berman, the celebrated political philosopher and urbanist died 10 years ago this month. His deep commitment to a Marxist humanism, a 'Marxism with soul' has still much to teach us.
"The Day Hip-Hop Changed Forever" - Ahmir Questlove Thompson
"[missing first few words]..Quiet?" The sound of gentrification is silence - Xochitl Gonzalez
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong. A touching memoir, beautifully lyrical
Post-Humous Memoirs of Brá Cubas - Machano de Assis. Perfect blend of beautiful writing and 'plot'.
Meltdown - ben elton
African Writers Series - Saqi and Banipal books
"What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men?" - Claire Dederer Nov 20th 2017. questioning the separation of the artist and art think piece
TED Youtube video - "Your elusive creative genius" - Elizabeth Gilbert. from the author of Eat, Pray, Love. talks about the creative process and the idea of "genius"
"How friendships change in adulthood" - Julie Beck, The Atlantic
"Ugliness is Underrated: In Defence of Ugly Paintings" - Katy Kelleher, July 31 2018 (The Paris Review)
"The Husband Did It" - Alice Bolin The Awl, Feb 2015
"Is Therapy-speak making us selfish?" - Rebecca Fishbein, Bustle
"You May Want to Marry my Husband" - Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Mar 3 2017
"The joy of sulk"- Rebecca Roache
"A thin line between mother and daughter" - Jennifer Egan, Nov 14 1997
The Unabridged Journals - Sylvia Plath
Flaubertian (comparative more Flaubertian, superlative most Flaubertian) Of or relating to Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880), influential French novelist in the style of literary realism.
Though he is an iconic figure of the realist movement, Flaubert is equally well known for his imaginative Orientalist works of fiction.
"The Plight of the Eldest Daughter" - The Atlantic, by Sarah Sloat
"A Poet's Faith" - Life and Letters 11 Dec 2023 Issue, by Casey Cep, The New Yorker
(up to 12 May from scrolling through screenshots on camera roll)
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kinhluan · 8 months
Blog: Getting to know Arabic Alphabet
A tool that I'm using to translate the Arabic Language are Google Translate and the Arabic Alphabet language numerals chart:
مقدمة عامة هل الانتفاضات العربية حدث تاريخي أم زوبعة في فنجان؟ قد يبدو هذا لعنوان استفزازيا اً وغير لائق بعد كل تلك الفرقعة الكبرى التي أحدثها الربيع العربي في الأجواء المحلية والإقليمية والدولية . بعيد عني كل البعد الاستهانة بحدث كهذا، فله بواعث موضوعية وآثار إيجابية من دون شك . وسيرد لك لاحقا ذً أكثر من مرة على مدار الكتاب، ولكن الأمور بخواتيمها كما يقال . وما حققه الربيع العربي حتى القن هو سيطرة التيار الإخواني – السلفي على السلطة في بعض البلدان العربية . فهل هذا حدث تاريخي يا ترى؟ الحدث التاريخي ينتقل بالناس من وضع سابق إلى وضع لاحق، من وضع سيئّ إلى وضع أفضل . الحدث التاريخي يفصل ما كان عما سيكون . فهل الربيع العربي من هذا النوع؟ من المعلوم أن الأحداث الكبرى في تاريخ الأمة أو تاريخ البشرية ادرة جدا نً ولا تحصل كل يوم . هذا أقل ما يمكن أن يقال . وبالتالي، لا ينبغي أن تخدعنا نشرات الأخبار المليئة بشتى أنواع الوقائع والحوادث، بل وحتى الكوارث والحروب والمجازر . فمعظمها ليس إلا فقاعات تطفو على السطح . أما الحدث ذو الدلالة والمعنى، أي الحدث التاريخي بالمعنى الحصري للكلمة، فشيء نادر الحصول، وكذلك الأمر في ما يخص ظهور الشخصيات العظام فأحيانا .ً يمر قرن أو قرنان من دون أن يحصل حدث تاريخي أو تظهر شخصية كبرى في التاريخ ... عندما زار الأميرال فيليب ديغول بكين قال له أحد القادة الصينيين : شخص مثل والدك لا يظهر في التاريخ إلا كل قرن أو قرنين على الأقل ... وعلى هذا المنوال يمكن القول بأن نابليون لا يظهر إلا كل خمسة قرون . وماذا عن الأنبياء وبقية القادة العظام في التاريخ؟ ماذا عن الفلاسفة الكبار الذين يعدوّ ن على أصابع اليد الواحدة أو اليدين : سقراط، أفلاطون، أرسطو، ديكارت، سبينوزا، جان جاك روسو، كانط، هيغل، نيتشه، هيدغر ... وماذا عن أبي العلاء المعري ورسالة الغفران التي لا مثيل لها في القداب العربية ولا حتى العالمية، اللهم إلا الكوميديا الإلهية لدانتي؟ والأمير عبد القادر الجزائري هل تعتقدون أنه ) بتسامحه الجم وحمايته للمسيحيين في دمشق من المجزرة ( يتكرر في التاريخ العربي أو لإسلامي اً؟ كثيرا وماذا عن أستاذه أو قدوته الكبرى ابن عربي؟ أدين بدين الحب أنى توجهت ركائبه فالحب ديني وإيماني !... إلخ، إلخ . من الأحداث لكبرى مثلا اً في تاريخ العرب والبشرية ظهور الإسلام قبل أربعة شر قرنا عً ونيف وتشكيل حضارة كبرى وإمبراطورية مترامية الأطراف ... ولكن انهيار هذه الحضارة قبل ثمانية
هاشم, صالح. الانتفاضات العربية على ضوء فلسفة التاريخ, Dar al Saqi, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/seattleu/detail.action?docID=6305824.
Created from seattleu on 2023-11-11 20:29:10.
Translation: (first 5 line) General introduction: Are the Arab uprisings a historical event or a whirlwind after all the great shock that the Arab Spring caused in the local, regional and international atmosphere? It is far from me to underestimate an event like this, as it has objective reasons and positive effects without a doubt. This will be told to you later more than once throughout the book, but things come to an end, as they say. What the Arab Spring achieved until the end was the control of the Muslim Brotherhood-Salafi movement over power in some Arab countries. Is this a historical event? The historical event moves people from a previous situation.
ولم يكن غريباً أن المصريين كانوا يعبدون فرعون، ولكن الغريب أن فرعون كان يعتقد حقاً أنه إله.
What it says: It was not strange that the Egyptians worshiped Pharaoh, but what was strange was that Pharaoh truly believed that he was a god.
"أعلى مستوى من السعادة هو العثور على من يحبنا حقًا، يحبنا كما نحن."
What it says: “The highest level of happiness is finding who really loves us, loves us for who we are.”
"المغرب سيكون قد خسر 30 سنة هباء إذا لم يدفع قضية الصحراء في هذا الاتجاه"
what it says: “Morocco will have lost 30 years in vain if it does not push the desert issue in this direction”
Dar al Saqi, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/seattleu/detail.action?docID=6305824.
Created from seattleu on 2023-11-11 20:29:10.
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arablit · 11 months
Novelist Mohammed Hanif on the Re-release of Sahar Khalifeh's Classic 'Wild Thorns'
On the first day of 2023’s Women in Translation Month, Saqi Books is releasing a new edition of Palestinian novelist Sahar Khalifeh’s classic Wild Thorns, originally published in 1976, translated by Trevor LeGassick and Elizabeth Fernea. They have shared the book’s new introduction by novelist Mohammed Hanif. By Mohammed Hanif Wild Thorns opens with Usama, who is returning to Palestine after…
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rnewspost · 1 year
After 44 years, London’s first Arabic bookshop closes down | Arts and Culture News
After 44 years, London’s first Arabic bookshop closes down | Arts and Culture News
London, United Kingdom – The last days of Al-Saqi Books were some of its busiest. A closing-down sale ensured a steady stream of customers flitting in and out, most expressing confusion and disappointment at the news that the iconic London bookshop, located in the Bayswater area, would close its doors for the final time on December 31. “It’s such a sad trend,” muttered one older man in a Syrian…
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mubashirnews · 1 year
After 44 years, London’s first Arabic bookshop closes down | Arts and Culture News
After 44 years, London’s first Arabic bookshop closes down | Arts and Culture News
London, United Kingdom – The last days of Al-Saqi Books were some of its busiest. A closing-down sale ensured a steady stream of customers flitting in and out, most expressing confusion and disappointment at the news that the iconic London bookshop, located in the Bayswater area, would close its doors for the final time on December 31. “It’s such a sad trend,” muttered one older man in a Syrian…
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ahnewsworld · 1 year
After 44 years, London’s first Arabic bookshop closes down | Arts and Culture News
After 44 years, London’s first Arabic bookshop closes down | Arts and Culture News
London, United Kingdom – The last days of Al-Saqi Books were some of its busiest. A closing-down sale ensured a steady stream of customers flitting in and out, most expressing confusion and disappointment at the news that the iconic London bookshop, located in the Bayswater area, would close its doors for the final time on December 31. “It’s such a sad trend,” muttered one older man in a Syrian…
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ritsmas · 2 years
Λουκέτο βάζει στις 31 Δεκεμβρίου το μεγαλύτερο βιβλιοπωλείο της Ευρώπης με εξειδίκευση στα βιβλία από τη Μέση Ανατολή
Λουκέτο βάζει στις 31 Δεκεμβρίου το μεγαλύτερο βιβλιοπωλείο της Ευρώπης με εξειδίκευση στα βιβλία από τη Μέση Ανατολή
Λουκέτο βάζει στις 31 Δεκεμβρίου το μεγαλύτερο βιβλιοπωλείο της Ευρώπης με εξειδίκευση στα βιβλία από τη Μέση Ανατολή, λόγω της αύξησης των τιμών στα αραβικά βιβλία, αλλά και λόγω των αρνητικών επιπτώσεων του Brexit. Το λονδρέζικο βιβλιοπωλείο Αl Saqi Books άνοιξαν, το 1978, τρεις φίλοι που κατέφυγαν στην Αγγλία από την πατρίδα τους, τον Λίβανο, και στα ράφια του βρίσκει κανείς ποικιλία βιβλίων…
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