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emthimofnight · 4 months ago
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Prince Isol practice!! I always gotta do a bunch of doodles of a character once I design them. 😛 Ended up making it a palette practice, too!
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humanoidhistory · 6 months ago
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Polish poster for Solaris, 1972. Artwork by Andrzej Bertrandt.
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scipunk · 9 months ago
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Love, Death & Robots - S3E3 - The Very Pulse of the Machine (2022)
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silverequation · 2 months ago
the Solaris Project was supposed to create the flame of hope that would change the world, rectify past mistakes and avoid bitter fates
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after beating Solaris Silver became the symbol of hope that moves through time to rectify mistakes and disasters and avoid bitter fates. Silver is the real flame of hope
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swdefcult · 2 months ago
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never-obsolete · 10 months ago
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Solaris 8 (2000)
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turturros · 2 years ago
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Solaris (1972) dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
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sonic-the-hedgehog-2006 · 4 months ago
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Worship of Solaris seemingly began after a single major event: when the city of Soleanna was hit by a huge fire, before being saved by a big eagle.
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Eagle symbolism is common throughout Soleannan worship, which is almost certainly due to the fact that Solaris assumes a form that loosely resembles one. To be compared to biblical similes (the fact that events that are difficult to parse in the bible are usually compared to mundane or understood concepts, such as the "impossibly loud" sound of angels being called thunder or the sound of trumpets), it is likely that Solaris was called an "eagle" just in an attempt to process his form or compare it to something understandable, only for this comparison to grow as the understood image of the god.
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Additionally, due to the "true form" of Solaris being not an eagle but rather flame, this dialogue heavily implies that worship of Solaris only began when Solaris manipulated a fire to consume Soleanna, before saving the city from the fire he himself caused.
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The eagle mural seen throughout Kingdom Valley suggests that Solaris was viewed in a positive, life-bringing light, lording over nature and being responsible for the day cycle. However, the Duke of Soleanna speaks of the Flames of Disaster being released as a known possibility in the Soleannan religion.
Due to this it can be assumed that the royal family and perhaps those close to it (such as Lord Regis, who was involved with the Solaris Project) understand that it was Solaris' flames that burned the ancient Soleanna, and yet they promote worship of the god nonetheless, perhaps out of fear or potentially to further the goals of the Solaris Project.
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Regardless, it is known that at least the "old sect" of the Soleannan religion feared Solaris and knew of the ruination he could bring, due to a mural found in Dusty Desert and the prayer heard in Solaris Phase 1.
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silverthehedgehogexplained · 2 months ago
Explaining Silver the Hedgehog's Backstory
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One of the most confusing subjects in the Sonic fandom is Silver’s backstory, the chronology of Sonic 06 and how it affects the characters. So in this post I’ll go over what we know about Silver’s backstory, its effects on his character, his involvement with Blaze and how the ending of Sonic 06 affects them.
Silver was born 200 years into a devastated future ravaged by the Flames of Disaster Iblis. The sky was always dark and the world was filled with endless wastelands ravaged by constant disasters and hostile Iblis spawn. The people are exhausted and live without hope. Iblis rampages and burns everything in its path. Silver has fought against Iblis for most of his life and tried to find the source of the disaster for just as long but no one could tell him how the world came to ruin.
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This backstory informs Silver's character in the following ways:
Silver is a warrior. He is proficient in and enjoys fighting, has very aggressive determined expressions with constant fists and is a noted fighter(Shadow describes him as a fighter in Team Sonic Racing) whose power is respected by Sonic and Shadow. Silver is extremely powerful and capable of defeating small armies of enemies and giant monsters by himself. This stems from his apocalyptic background in the hostile future filled with Iblis minions and disasters such as flame tornadoes that he had to battle constantly. When you surprise him in Generations he is instantly ready to fight and angrily looks around, he comes from a world where all manner of Iblis spawn could attack at any given moment. It is explained in Silver's introduction story on Sonic Channel that Silver fought and struggled for half his lifetime, indicating that Silver fought against Iblis and its forces from a very early age.
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Silver is naive, he has a black and white perspective and tackles things bluntly. He expects people to believe and cooperate with him when he says he’s from the future or explains outlandish things about his mission. He is earnest, he has no filter and acts unrefined when talking to people(which in Japanese is signified by his use of the informal "Ore" and "Anta" to address himself and others when he speaks). He sometimes takes things literally, misinterprets things or doesn't get jokes. He can also be unfamiliar with things in Sonic's time period. We don't know how people lived in the apocalyptic future or what they did and didn't have access to but it seems to be very rudimentary, destitute and even militarized as one of the glimpses into Silver's future from Sonic Pict shows him eating calorie bar rations that are described as apple flavored. Related to the above, Silver likely spent the majority of his time fighting.
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Silver is also very pragmatic. He has a straight to the point mindset and hates distractions, frivolous details or just things getting in his way. As a survivor there is no room for pointless things for him.
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On the flip side of that however, Silver is also wide-eyed. He loves challenges and experiencing fun new things he never had access to and is said to engage in cheerful activities following the historical change of 06.
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Silver is incredibly optimistic and hopeful. He was able to fight through the hopeless ruined future world because he had the hope for a blue sky and the determination to keep fighting when everyone else had given into despair.
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Most importantly of all however is Silver's deep love and drive for peace and prosperity. Silver is a very empathetic person that cares deeply for the state of the world and people around him. Note the beginning of his story in 06 where he expresses outrage at the state of his future with dark skies, endless wastelands and people that live in despair then contrast that with his later dialogue throughout the series where he expresses love for blue skies, beautiful vistas or just places where people live happily. Something as simple as a desert is beautiful to him simply because there is no destruction and the people are happy. Silver particularly loves and desires to protect smiles and blue skies because he came from a world that is stated to be filled with darkness and despair according to Sonic Team's Sonic Channel stories. Silver fights for peace and prosperity for the world and its people because he has experienced quite literal hellish suffering and devastation.
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I also want to emphasize that Blaze isn't part of Silver's backstory and he didn't have her in his life in the apocalyptic future. Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka confirmed that Silver and Eggman Nega originate from the future while Blaze originates from her dimension and writer Ian Flynn has confirmed that Sonic Rush takes place before Sonic 06 with these answers on his podcast.
"I can't get too much into it because this is kind of internal stuff that has not been clarified publicly but Sonic Rush comes first, the Blaze of 06 is the Blaze of Rush and she doesn't die, she turns into Burning Blaze and warps back to her own dimension and forgets the events of 06."
"I don't know how much I can get into it without being given the official go-ahead, but Blaze is not from Silver's post-apocalyptic future. She is from her own dimension and it's extremely nuancey, but she doesn't really see or interact with Sonic until like the very very end of Silver's campaign. It's...an incredibly narrow loophole but she doesn't necessarily know that it's Sonic they're after. Again I'm sure someone can tear that apart very easily but suffice to say, I believe the intention is that she doesn't know that Silver is targeting Sonic specifically and she has no interaction with him or really anybody else in the main cast for that reason."
Meaning that Silver and Blaze only met shortly before the events of 06 and Silver faced the ruined future on his own before that point.
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Things are gonna get a bit complicated here but Blaze only temporarily appearing in the future before being ripped away from Silver actually ties into their Tanabata parallel. In the story of Tanabata, Orihime(the princess) only descends to the world of Hikoboshi(the cow herder) for a short while before they are separated for neglecting their duties. At the end of Silver's story, Silver neglects his duty by refusing to seal Blaze away and so they are separated, only to ever meet again when crossing paths in Sonic's world.
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When arriving in Wave Ocean, Blaze notes the world of the past. This is because Blaze seems to actually have amnesia.
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According to Ian Flynn, the reason why Blaze was kept away from the cast besides Silver in 06 is as a narrow loophole to keep her from realizing it was Sonic they were after. In a 2012 Q&A for the Sonic Boom convention, Sonic Team Creative Officer Takashi Iizuka stated that the characters in 06 had amnesia and at the end of the Metal Virus arc in IDW we learn that rough inter-dimensional travel can cause amnesia which happens to Sonic when he crashes into Blaze's dimension. Blaze then reawakens Sonic's memories by reminding him of his super form, something that Blaze was kept from in 06.
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What happens with Blaze in 06 as I understand it is that at some point prior to the events of the game Blaze was transported to the future where she developed amnesia upon arrival before joining Silver in his war against Iblis. They are deceived by Mephiles into trying to assassinate Sonic before Silver learns the truth and returns to the future to seal Iblis away, he is unable to do so however due to not being a compatible vessel and Blaze seals Iblis and herself away instead. Following the defeat of Solaris and the subsequent historical change, Blaze warps back to her Dimension and forgets the events of 06(according to Ian Flynn).
Silver also warps back to the future and forgets the events of 06 but not his apocalyptic life under the devastation of Iblis, only the events of 06 itself and his original partnership with Blaze which was clarified in his Fast Friends Forever profile that states he can't remember how his future was restored(as in the events of 06). 
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So yes, the ending of Sonic 06 doesn't change Silver or Blaze's backstories. Silver is still the apocalyptic warrior from Sonic 06 and Blaze is still the imperial princess from Sonic Rush before and after the events of 06.
The endings of both Silver’s Story and the Last Story of 06 tie into the game’s themes of duty, sacrifice and exchange.
“Do we have to sacrifice something in order to gain something?”
To gain something you have to lose something, to become a hero you must be willing to make sacrifices. Blaze sacrifices herself to save the future and in exchange for the peaceful happy future he always wanted, Silver, alongside everyone else, loses their memories of the events of 06.
But Silver's duty doesn't end there. He continues to protect the peace of the future as new disasters and changes in the timeline occur, and just like with Iblis, Silver will continue fighting them for a peaceful world.
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sunos-official · 1 month ago
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cosmonautroger · 4 months ago
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Andrei Tarkovsky, Солярис, Solaris, 1972
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emthimofnight · 5 months ago
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Mephiles' reborn into his newest incarnation, Prince Isol. He is trying to pose as royalty in an attempt to slip under the radar and reclaim Iblis, his other half, to return to his true glory as the sun god Solaris. He's a wolf, since Apollo/Helios (god of the sun) in Greek/Roman mythology is associated with wolves, roosters, horses, and cattle. :P Isol has little memory of the events of 06, nor his identity as Mephiles.
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dyemelikeasunset · 3 months ago
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OCs for my other project Solaris. Rilu and Kye are me and my wife's buff fem4masc couple
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jadedazemations · 29 days ago
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Most the page:
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Their name’s Neo Solaris btw 👉👈
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superscourge · 6 months ago
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uhhh tehe <3 so resurrected au got an update
this is solaris! they're what you get when mephiles and iblis fuse into one body :] since meph and iblis are both mobian hedgehogs, solaris is too!
they're very powerful and can unfuse at any time ^^ also theyre like 8 feet tall hi
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kemalamalam · 2 months ago
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made some thumbnails for my Solavellan spotify playlists
my ass will do anything but draw them properly ✌
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