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Moor Account 2
In the final chapters of The Moor's Account, Mustafa undergoes a transformative journey as he finds a new role in the native community on his way to Spanish-occupied Tenochtitlan. Mustafa meets diverse indigenous people throughout his journey, each contributing to the culture he participates in. When they got to the city of Tenochtitlán in Mexico, they were dressed in their old Indian clothing and were brought before a large gathering in the church led by Bishop Juan de Zumárraga. Mustafa and Dorantes are worried they don't have enough money to sail back home. Mustafa asks about his freedom once again,however Dorantes didn't sign the papers to grant Mustafa's freedom. In the end, Mustafa and his wife set a new expedition and he also led a false expedition which tricks a group of Castilians in order to gain his freedom.
The theme of greed being dangerous is shown repeatedly throughout the course of the book. It also demonstrates how important learning from the past can solve problems and work efficiently together.
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Moor’s Account Material
In Chapter 11 of "The Moor's Account," Mustafa faces tough challenges during a Spanish expedition. The passage I chose shows the harsh realities he deals with. In this part, Mustafa goes through a mix of strength and vulnerability, reflecting a bigger theme of human greed and entitlement. His feelings include fear, frustration, and realizing how the journey involves exploiting others. When Mustafa thinks about his situation, you can see a subtle criticism of the expedition's greedy goals and how it affects relationships between characters. Finding a quote from an academic source can help us dive deeper into Mustafa's experiences, helping us understand more about human nature, greed, and entitlement in the story.
Balot, Ryan K. Greed and Injustice in Classical Athens. Princeton University Press, 2001. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Dec. 2023.
Wyer, R. S., Jr., & Srull, T. K. (Eds.). (1994). Handbook of social cognition: Basic processes; Applications (2nd ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Greed plagues the crew on their journey of discovery as each person follows their own path despite the mistakes they make. That supports Mustafa's awareness and insight in knowing not to lose the curse of freedom and opposition to possession.
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Blog: Getting to know Arabic Alphabet
A tool that I'm using to translate the Arabic Language are Google Translate and the Arabic Alphabet language numerals chart:
مقدمة عامة هل الانتفاضات العربية حدث تاريخي أم زوبعة في فنجان؟ قد يبدو هذا لعنوان استفزازيا اً وغير لائق بعد كل تلك الفرقعة الكبرى التي أحدثها الربيع العربي في الأجواء المحلية والإقليمية والدولية . بعيد عني كل البعد الاستهانة بحدث كهذا، فله بواعث موضوعية وآثار إيجابية من دون شك . وسيرد لك لاحقا ذً أكثر من مرة على مدار الكتاب، ولكن الأمور بخواتيمها كما يقال . وما حققه الربيع العربي حتى القن هو سيطرة التيار الإخواني – السلفي على السلطة في بعض البلدان العربية . فهل هذا حدث تاريخي يا ترى؟ الحدث التاريخي ينتقل بالناس من وضع سابق إلى وضع لاحق، من وضع سيئّ إلى وضع أفضل . الحدث التاريخي يفصل ما كان عما سيكون . فهل الربيع العربي من هذا النوع؟ من المعلوم أن الأحداث الكبرى في تاريخ الأمة أو تاريخ البشرية ادرة جدا نً ولا تحصل كل يوم . هذا أقل ما يمكن أن يقال . وبالتالي، لا ينبغي أن تخدعنا نشرات الأخبار المليئة بشتى أنواع الوقائع والحوادث، بل وحتى الكوارث والحروب والمجازر . فمعظمها ليس إلا فقاعات تطفو على السطح . أما الحدث ذو الدلالة والمعنى، أي الحدث التاريخي بالمعنى الحصري للكلمة، فشيء نادر الحصول، وكذلك الأمر في ما يخص ظهور الشخصيات العظام فأحيانا .ً يمر قرن أو قرنان من دون أن يحصل حدث تاريخي أو تظهر شخصية كبرى في التاريخ ... عندما زار الأميرال فيليب ديغول بكين قال له أحد القادة الصينيين : شخص مثل والدك لا يظهر في التاريخ إلا كل قرن أو قرنين على الأقل ... وعلى هذا المنوال يمكن القول بأن نابليون لا يظهر إلا كل خمسة قرون . وماذا عن الأنبياء وبقية القادة العظام في التاريخ؟ ماذا عن الفلاسفة الكبار الذين يعدوّ ن على أصابع اليد الواحدة أو اليدين : سقراط، أفلاطون، أرسطو، ديكارت، سبينوزا، جان جاك روسو، كانط، هيغل، نيتشه، هيدغر ... وماذا عن أبي العلاء المعري ورسالة الغفران التي لا مثيل لها في القداب العربية ولا حتى العالمية، اللهم إلا الكوميديا الإلهية لدانتي؟ والأمير عبد القادر الجزائري هل تعتقدون أنه ) بتسامحه الجم وحمايته للمسيحيين في دمشق من المجزرة ( يتكرر في التاريخ العربي أو لإسلامي اً؟ كثيرا وماذا عن أستاذه أو قدوته الكبرى ابن عربي؟ أدين بدين الحب أنى توجهت ركائبه فالحب ديني وإيماني !... إلخ، إلخ . من الأحداث لكبرى مثلا اً في تاريخ العرب والبشرية ظهور الإسلام قبل أربعة شر قرنا عً ونيف وتش��يل حضارة كبرى وإمبراطورية مترامية الأطراف ... ولكن انهيار هذه الحضارة قبل ثمانية
هاشم, صالح. الانتفاضات العربية على ضوء فلسفة التاريخ, Dar al Saqi, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from seattleu on 2023-11-11 20:29:10.
Translation: (first 5 line) General introduction: Are the Arab uprisings a historical event or a whirlwind after all the great shock that the Arab Spring caused in the local, regional and international atmosphere? It is far from me to underestimate an event like this, as it has objective reasons and positive effects without a doubt. This will be told to you later more than once throughout the book, but things come to an end, as they say. What the Arab Spring achieved until the end was the control of the Muslim Brotherhood-Salafi movement over power in some Arab countries. Is this a historical event? The historical event moves people from a previous situation.
ولم يكن غريباً أن المصريين كانوا يعبدون فرعون، ولكن الغريب أن فرعون كان يعتقد حقاً أنه إله.
What it says: It was not strange that the Egyptians worshiped Pharaoh, but what was strange was that Pharaoh truly believed that he was a god.
"أعلى مستوى من السعادة هو العثور على من يحبنا حقًا، يحبنا كما نحن."
What it says: “The highest level of happiness is finding who really loves us, loves us for who we are.”
"المغرب سيكون قد خسر 30 سنة هباء إذا لم يدفع قضية الصحراء في هذا الاتجاه"
what it says: “Morocco will have lost 30 years in vain if it does not push the desert issue in this direction”
Dar al Saqi, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from seattleu on 2023-11-11 20:29:10.
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Topic: Israel-Palestine Conflict
Casualties rose from the beginning of the Hamas that has been carefully planned to capture Israeli hostages, in response, IDF has been using mobilized military vehicles to counter Hamas. These are the data and sources that tell the situation is happening that would trigger nearby states' involvement into a global conflict.
This journal is about the timeline that covers up the history between Israel and Palestine depicting the conflict between these two.
The Palestine and Israel conflict has been the most debated topic in every meal we eat, every tea we drink, and every sip of coffee with the newspaper that has the cover about this conflict on the front page. In the land of holy which marks the start of the religion of billion followers, there is bloodshed, genocide, and terrorism in every corner of infrastructure, the debate never stops ending so the conflict has no resolution.
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Through the lens of Franz Fanon we could imagine the house he is depicting on how social was packed into multicultural ethnic in a house. There are the white and the Muslim which has packed in a house as French has dominate its supremacy to the others including Muslim and ban everything the French consider a threat to “vivre ensemble”. In particular, French authorities were imposing a ban on the abaya Muslim dress for women in schools and saying it violated rules on secularism in education that they show religious affiliation.
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I finished this book recently and it gave me many wonderful experiences and here are my thoughts:
The Pigman is the story that contributes to the maturity and youthfulness of the teenagers that they have been through tragic aftermath consequences, therefore, a memorial epic is written to contribute to the loss of a lonely old man whom they considered as a loving father. Throughout the novel, there were two main characters John Colan and Lorraine Jenson are well-developed personalities over time and show the values of maturity and friendship between them as well as Mr. Pignati, Both are close friends with each other however they have contrasting personalities in their way and for different reasons. John is an intelligent good- looking boy who wants to be an actor despite his father's rejection, he is a troublemaker who causes many problems in school like setting firecrackers in the bathroom, and he also has many different bad habits such as drinking, smoking, and involved in many conflicts with his dad. On the other hand, Lorraine Jenson is a sensitive sophomore girl who considers herself a paranoiac, besides, her dream is to be a writer and she is especially interested in psychology with her sense of observations and predictions usually spot on. In the story of the Pigman, it is obvious that John and Lorraine have experienced a situation where the two main characters have in common about lack of parental irresponsibility towards children as well as upbringing them in the arms of love, therefore these ideas have shaped and influenced John and Lorraine to be more mature and become more assertive in their way toward to an adult world.
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Both animation and documentary depicted arab how barbaric they were as can be seen through swinging knives and dancing girls, the main component of these depictions is how Hollywood portrays arab as terrorists, barbaric, and uncivilized. Moreover, the tension in how the West depicts arab also can be seen through the movie Network which refers to a disastrous political event in the 20th century.
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If someone could see this photo and say it's a meme depicting 2 goofy men with shocked looking faces pointing at a beefy dog with a logo badge on its chest. That's exactly what I'm about to tell you about my best friend, Bob, who is obsessed with football and is a passionate fan of the club Manchester United (MU). Bob and MU are like bees with sweet honey, always giving each other sincere feelings from the first days of finding each other. When MU was in its darkest days, when the online media massively mocked this team in one way or another, I noticed that this coldness and sadness also overwhelmed Bob's mood. At this time, he only prays that "girl" MU regains her top form like before. Day by day I noticed his face was very cold when his friends teased him because Mu lost too much, but he was patient until the day passed when he could smile. The photo above was when he sent it to anti-fans when his team emerged at the end of the season and was at the top of the leaderboard.
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Hi, I’m Kinh Luan rather to be Luan.
He/ him.
I’m first year.
Im from Vietnam.
I’d rather write an article in Vietnamese than English because it’s not my first language. However, I will stick with English writing to improve my understanding of reading and writing.
Google docs is my favorite place to write and it also easier for me to edit it.
I love watching movies and when I have free time.
List of movie that I recommended :
- Nightcrawler
- Drive
- Come and see
- Dune
- 2049
- Fallen Angel
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