#Saint Mary Magdelene
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orthodoxadventure · 1 year ago
A podcast with pictures reflecting on the devotion of St Mary Magdelene.
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thepastisalreadywritten · 8 months ago
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On July 22, the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Mary Magdelene, one of the most prominent women mentioned in the New Testament.
Her name comes from the town of Magdala in Galilee where she was born.
Scripture introduces her as a woman “who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out” (Lk. 8:2).
Some scholars identify Mary Magdalene with the sinful woman who anointed the feet of Christ with oil in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Lk. 7:36-50).
Others associate her with Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (Lk. 10:38-42, Jn. 11).
Some believe the three figures to be one person, while others believe them to be three distinct individuals.
What the Scriptures make certain about Mary Magdalene is that she was a follower of Christ, who accompanied and ministered to him (Lk. 8:2-3).
The Gospels record her as being one of the women present at Christ’s crucifixion.
In addition, she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection.
The Gospels all describe Mary Magdalene going to the tomb on Easter morning.
When she saw that the tomb was empty, she stood outside, weeping.
Jesus appeared to her and asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” (Jn. 20:15)
She did not recognize him, however, and thought he was the gardener, until he said her name, “Mary!” (Jn. 20:16)
Upon hearing this, Mary recognized him.
She returned to the grieving disciples to announce to them the message of the Resurrection.
Pope Benedict XVI spoke about Mary Magdalene in his address before the Angelus on 23 July 2006.
He referred to her as “a disciple of the Lord who plays a lead role in the Gospels.”
The Pope recalled Mary Magdalene’s presence “beneath the Cross” on Good Friday, as well as how “she was to be the one to discover the empty tomb” on Easter morning.
“The story of Mary of Magdala reminds us all of a fundamental truth,” Pope Benedict said.
“A disciple of Christ is one who, in the experience of human weakness, has had the humility to ask for his help, has been healed by him and has set out following closely after him, becoming a witness of the power of his merciful love that is stronger than sin and death.”
On 10 June 2016, the liturgical celebration honoring St. Mary Magdalene was raised from a memorial to a feast, putting her on par with the apostles.
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aaartemisia · 10 months ago
“Five Saints Saga”
The story follows Pietro, with no memory of his past, washes ashore where he is taken in by a group of unique individuals blessed with elemental powers and supernatural abilities. He meets James and John, the lively pranksters, Miss M, the astute debater, Cecilia, the reserved and insightful "flower," Kateri, the serious older sister, Maria, the witty illiterate, and Anna Wang, the introverted Chinese girl with limited speech. Adopted by Lorenzo and Marina, a devoted Asian couple, Pietro begins his journey with this eclectic group.
Adopted by Lorenzo and Marina, an Asian couple with strong parental instincts, Pietro embarks on a journey with The group. During a late night walk, one of the Black Seven, Elvire Sven, abducts Anna for sinister intentions. Vira Tsavf, leader of the Black Seven, harbors secret aspirations to rule over the Five Flags. Amidst their quest, the group experiences sporadic moments of "consciousness blackouts," hinting at their forgotten pasts. The prophecy foretells that the Five Saints will overthrow the Black Seven, and light shall prevail against the darkness. As the prophecy unfolds, Pietro and the others prepare to face the formidable Black Seven, all while uncovering their lost memories. In the gripping narrative, Lady Cecilia foresees the emergence of the nine new heroes who will be christened *The Five Saints*. Armed with elemental powers reflective of their individual personalities, they embark on a mission to rescue Anna Wang, dethrone the Black Seven, and establish a base of operations from which to wage a war against the forces of darkness. The question looms. Can Pietro and his companions harness the power of light to overthrow the shadow looming over their world?
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why-is-it-always-autumn · 1 year ago
Eleven of those statements are canon to Homestuck, or at least strongly implied. One of them was made up by me.
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fromthedust · 5 months ago
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The Winged Skull (two views) - probably originally carved on an old tombstone, is built into the outside wall of Pencaitland Parish Church, Pencaitland, Scotland
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Skull and Crossbones (two views) - Iglesia de Santa Cecilia (Church of Saint Cecelia), Trastévere, Rome
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Facade of Santa Maria dell'Orazione e Morte (Santa Maria of Oration and Death), Rome
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Gilles Peress - Seventeenth Century headstone - Enniskillen Cemetery, County Fermanagh, Ireland - 1987
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Skull of Mary Magdelene at Saint Maximin la Sainte Baume
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ladyartichokie · 7 months ago
What are patron saints? How do "get" a patron saint? Do you get to choose? Sorry if the wording is awkward, I'm not exactly sure how to appropriately word some of these questions.
Ooh, this is a good one!
So, in my mind there's three kinds of Patron Saints. There's the one connected to you by your name (for example if your name is Theresa then your Patron saint of one of the Saint Theresas) which is a decision made by your parents and (hopefully) guided by the Holy Spirit (my parents named me after saints who they had devotions to). Then there's the Patron Saint you 'choose' at Confirmation: this Saint is the Saint you choose as your guide. I put choose in quotations because many people believe that you don't choose your Confirmation saint, but that it picks you. I know I definitely feel that way about Thomas Aquinas, who it my Confirmation Saint. (Another fun thing about Confirmation Saints is that you take their name so I now include TA in my initials). The third kind are the saints who you just kind of... find. throughout your life. They're usually saints who are directly related to your life or who you have close proximity to. So, for me those saints would be Mary Magdelene, Saint Joseph, Saint Cecilia, Saint Perpetua, Joan of Arc, and Saint Dominic. To continue with this example, Dominic is one of those Saints for me because my spirituality is very Dominican (I can explain that if you need because spiritualities within the Church are pretty niche), two of the saints I was named for and Thomas Aquinas were Domincans (the one saint I was named for who wasn't a Dominican was born before Dominicans existed), and because I intend to become a Dominican Nun (the technical word is actually Dominican Sister but you don't need to worry about that unless you want to).
So, the real gist of it is that we believe your patron Saints choose you, not the other way around.
Please feel free to ask follow-up questions and if anyone has anything else to add then please do!
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jamiemaybeme · 8 months ago
every single reference to christianity i can find in bears' in trees songs because. yeah. fight me
uhhh idk why i'm doing this at 1am but enjoy ig
just five more minutes:
4am: "for god's sake it's only 4am"
fly out to alaska:
"well moses saw God in a burning bush, so i'm praying please"
bits n' pieces:
fyaaa (bandcamp exclusive): "praying to saint jude all of our lives"
i see blue:
nights like these: "stop asking st anthony"
EDITED: two of my very lovely friends, berry and jamie 1, pointed out that "mother help me, madonna and child" is a reference to mary and Jesus. thank you guys!!
i want to feel chaotic:
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rust: "a broken piece/of God's great plan"
"stop me eating the sand/stop me feeling so goddamm bad"
keep me safe:
laugh/cry: "demons of the soul"
and everybody else smiled back:
heaven sent is a coffee cup: ..."heaven" (repeated throughout the song)
mossy cobblestone (kind of): "stained glass" - stained glass windows are often found in churches
"my body is a temple" - common idiom with religious connotations
"and God knows i'll live forever/or die in the attempt"
confidant: "but because you were my home/built on stone instead of sand" - reference to the wise man and foolish man, a parable Jesus told in the new testament (in the bible)
little cellist: "“even Jesus Christ himself needed help to bear his cross”"
sun machine: "i cradle God on my walk to u n i"
"she preaches gospel truth down the hall"
if i just ask politely: " you tell me you're going to church in the morning"
"they said the clouds opened up/and the heavens came down" (technically it's an idiom but leave me alone idc /lh)
every moonbeam every fever dream:
kind love: "set 'em in stained glass windows/build cathedrals to our flaws/the spire's crowned by galaxies"
doing this again: "oh [my] God we're doing this again"
"my mother 'cites a rosary downstairs"
"but Lord these blesséd words fail me"
how to stay shining:
bart's bike: "find heaven sent in brooklyn street" - a reference to heaven sent is a coffee cup
how to build an ocean: instructions:
i can't see anything i don't like about you: "when i'm good, good god, i'm great"
"i am everyone and everything all of the time/oh god i'll be..."
all you get is confetti: "you are magdelene, mary" - mary magdelene is a woman from the bible, who was possessed by demons until Jesus told them to leave her alone. she then became a follower of Christ and was with him until his death. in all four gospels she is cited as one of the women, or the only woman, to be the first people to see Jesus' empty tomb. she also is the first person said to see Jesus resurrected. he speaks to her and she does not recognise him until she says his name.
henry says: "but/and i'll make snow angels out of all their bad dreams"
hot chocolate: "and if it snows right now that would be heaven/i mean honestly, that would be heaven"
nothing cures melancholy like looking at maps: "praying the police won't call on us"
we don't speak anymore: "we can part any sea/that surrounds us" - in the old testament, moses leads the israelites out of egypt by parting the red sea. it is a miracle that God performs through him. moses is also mentioned in fly out to alaska (above).
unreleased songs:
tea: "whether it's the devil's water or the holy water/your essence bleeds out and you diffuse"
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year ago
the video about negotiating the Bible or the other video on essential and non-essential doctrines, it seems very, idk, like you're putting your own prejudices in the scripture and saying that's what it meant to say instead of just going with what it says and following it
I think it helps to remember that what is in the Bible is what people chose to write. They wrote what was important to them, and that includes their prejudices. They certainly wrote some nasty stories about the people from their neighboring nations, almost as if to justify treating them poorly, even warring with them.
So when we read the Bible, it's worth thinking about what are the principles and values being conveyed? Does the writer have a prejudice against the people he's writing about such as the foreigner next door?
I think it's perfectly reasonable to say the overarching and most important lesson of the New Testament is to love other people, including the stranger, the immigrant, the poor, and to treat them well. And also not to let religion get in the way of showing that love. We can use this overarching principle to filter and interpret what else is written in the Bible. Certainly enslaving people would not be compassionate and loving, we think of that as sinful, despite what the Bible may say on the subject.
I could end here, but I have a little thought experiment for you. From what is written in the New Testament, Jesus seems to have had a lot of women followers and chose women to be leaders. Paul even refers to a female apostle and to other women in important leadership roles. Yet none of the books of the New Testament are from a female point of view or detailing their experiences. The patriarchal values of that place and time meant only voices of men were preserved and that includes their views on what is the proper role for women. Do these male voices accurately portray how Jesus valued women? Wouldn't you love to read what a female apostle thought on the matter?
And it's not just what people wrote, but also prejudices come in how we interpret and understand the text. Over the centuries, Mary Magdelene has been portrayed as a saint, a prostitute, Jesus' wife, a preacher. It seems the way men think of women and what their proper role is influenced how they understood and preached about Mary.
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almacambiondaughterofsaleos · 8 months ago
Mary Magdelene one of the saint supporting charlie hotel
Magdelene: Wait this hotel of yours i want to see it with my own eyes. Do you have anyone there name judas?
Charlie: Yes he stay at my hotel yesterday
Magdelene: Please take me to him.
Charlie: Sure why do you want to come?
Magdelene: He is an old friend
Charlie: Ok judas he really quiet he told me he gonna told his sin after he ready
Magdelene: Judas you very stupid.
Charlie: May i ask why?
Magdelene: Judas he betray a close friend and because of guilt he kill himself. I don't want poeple burden by their mistake choose to do that i want them to repent and becoming better
Good for mm
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a-wayfairing-stranger · 2 years ago
Inspired by @auxiliarydetective‘s post here’s my OC’s and their name meanings:
Magdelana- woman from Magdala (I got her name from Saint Mary Magdelene because I wanted some relgious imagery to her name due to her relationship with Gregor and the Inquistion.)
Boudica- Victory (Got her name from the Celtic Warrior who fought against the romans, because I picture her clan being like the Celts plus they both have/had red hair)
Leta- Gladly (Honestly her name just sounded nice)
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thepastisalreadywritten · 2 years ago
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On July 22, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Mary Magdelene, one of the most prominent women mentioned in the New Testament.
Her name comes from the town of Magdala in Galilee, where she was born.
Scripture introduces her as a woman “who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out” (Lk. 8:2).
Some scholars identify Mary Magdalene with the sinful woman who anointed the feet of Christ with oil in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Lk. 7:36-50).
Others associate her with Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (Lk. 10:38-42, Jn. 11).
Some believe the three figures to be one person, while others believe them to be three distinct individuals.
What the Scriptures make certain about Mary Magdalene is that she was a follower of Christ, who accompanied and ministered to him (Lk. 8:2-3).
The Gospels record her as being one of the women present at Christ’s crucifixion.
In addition, she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection.
The Gospels all describe Mary Magdalene going to the tomb on Easter morning. When she saw that the tomb was empty, she stood outside, weeping.
Jesus appeared to her and asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” (Jn. 20:15)
She did not recognize him, however, and thought he was the gardener, until he said her name, “Mary!” (Jn. 20:16)
Upon hearing this, Mary recognized him. She returned to the grieving disciples to announce to them the message of the Resurrection.
Pope Benedict XVI spoke about Mary Magdalene in his address before the Angelus on 23 July 2006. He referred to her as “a disciple of the Lord who plays a lead role in the Gospels.”
The Pope recalled Mary Magdalene’s presence “beneath the Cross” on Good Friday, as well as how “she was to be the one to discover the empty tomb” on Easter morning.
“The story of Mary of Magdala reminds us all of a fundamental truth,” Pope Benedict said.
“A disciple of Christ is one who, in the experience of human weakness, has had the humility to ask for his help, has been healed by him, and has set out following closely after him, becoming a witness of the power of his merciful love that is stronger than sin and death.”
On 10 June 2016, the liturgical celebration honoring St. Mary Magdalene was raised from a memorial to a feast, putting her on par with the apostles.
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snake-bites-tail · 18 days ago
happy international women's day to Mary Magdelene, Mother Mary, Sophia, and all the saints and goddesses I haven't had the pleasure of meeting â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
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processandproductionemmamarie · 2 months ago
thematic research
After researching Christianity generally, I have identified parallels to my theme of desire and repression within biblical narratives, theology, doctrine, symbols and practices:
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Albrecht DĂŒrer, Adam and Eve, 1504 / Albrecht DĂŒrer, Adam and Eve, 1507
biblical narratives
Adam and Eve (from Genesis 2-3) The first 'fall' involves themes of desire, with Eve's temptation to eat the forbidden fruit often interpreted as her succumbing to lust. The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden reflects how desire is punishable. The themes of guilt, shame and repression are also present when Adam and Eve cover their naked bodies with fig leaves. The covering can also be interpreted as symbolic of how 'sin' changes perceptions of the body
David and Bathsheba (from 2 Samuel 11) King David's desire for Bathsheba (a married woman) leads him to commit adultery and murder Bathsheba's husband, Uriah. The story explores themes of unchecked desire as well as repercussions and repentance in the aftermath of sin
Mary Magdelene was historically interpreted as a sex worker, although this is never explicitly stated in the Bible. This misinterpretation influenced her image in Christian art and culture. Mary is often depicted as a model sinner who found grace through Jesus. Her story represents themes of sin, desire and the possibility of salvation
theology and doctrine
the concept of original sin states all human desire is tainted by sin and needs to be suppressed through religious discipline. Sexuality is especially tied to this doctrine
celibacy in priesthood and religious orders rejects natural human desire to focus on complete devotion. Tension is created through the need for intimacy and the religious ideals of purity
virgin/whore dichotomy is the contrast between the grandiose respect shown for the virgin mary as a perfect ideal of purity versus Mary Magdalene and Eve. The stark binary between desire and virtue is evident here.
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Gian Lorenzo Bernini, The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, 1647-1652 / Caravaggio, Mary Magdalen in Ecstasy, 1606
symbols and practices
crucifixion, the image of Christ on the cross, has several interpretations, especially throughout art history. In some interpretations, the crucifixion carries an undertone of desire where pain and ecstasy are intertwined. An example is Bernini's Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
The Eucharist (communion) is the act of consuming Christ's body and blood (wine and bread) carries a sensual connotation but is framed as strictly reverential
Saints and martyrs' stories involve themes of resisting desires. Saint Agatha is tortured after she refuses to give up her virginity and Saint Sebastian's suffering is often eroticised in art from the Renaissance and Baroque periods to contemporary visual art, like Robert Mapplethorpe and Kishin Sorayama's photography which reimagines the idealised body of St Sebastian
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Robert Mapplethorpe, St. Sebastian, 1970 / Kishin Sorayama, Yukio Mishima as St. Sebastian, 1968
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chemicalcain · 2 months ago
#you mean Mary Magdelene? (via @crotalinae-serpentes)
good news everyone, we've had a fujoshi saint for 2,000 slutty, slutty years
the catholic church has just canonized its first fujoshi saint
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ramrodd · 3 months ago
The ending to Mark is totally available to the harmonization of the Gospels prohibited by the Marxist protocols of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction and the Jimmy Tabor's Weather Underground axiom that Harmonization is the enemy of the Truth,
The Gospel of Mark is Roman military journalism that Cornelius composed and sent up his chain of command to Theolphilus to expand on Pilate's original euangelion to Tiberius that Tertuallian cites in Book V of his Apology, We can infer from the historic context that Pilate's euangelion is a harmonization of Mark 15:1 - 16"8, The Gosple of Peter and Tertullian's research.
we know from those elements abd Nattgew that Pilate ordered a guard mount to be posted to secure the corpse of Jesus at the behest of the Chief Priests and Pharisees. Matthew claims that the chief priests and Pharisees went to Pilate on the Sabbath, the day after Good friday, to appeal for the guard mount, but the Gospel of Peter is far closer to the reaality: the guard mount , consisting of 16 soldiers and a cneturion, rolled the stone into place and affiexed 7 seals that woul be featured in Revlation 5 on Good Friday and that Mary Magdelene and John Mark were witness to this activity before the sun went down beinging the Sabbath,
We know that the Mary Magdelen and the women returned to the tomb during Begin Moring Nautical Twilight, just before sunrise, and they wondered who would roll away the stone, because we alson know from the Gospel of Peter and Matthew that the Roman guard mount had been put into a swoon during the actual Resurrection and given a vision that included the Talking Cross, which is the ratifcation of the stoci covenant cutting ceremony that extablished the new covenant between the God of Judea and the Roman separation of churc and state represented by Cornelius, as a proxy for the stoic servant leaders of the admistrative state of Rome, the centurions,
Anyway, they weree still unconscious wehn Mary Magdene and the women arrived at the tomb to discover the stone had been rolled away and there was a young man sitting the the tomb, These women were the first witnesses to the empty tomb,
While they are talking with the young man, who is probably the same young man who supervised the conception of Jesus, the Roman soldiers began to recover and rose out of the mist of the ground fog of the early spring morning and appeared, to the women as saints arising from their graves and frighteened them Mary Magdene and the women probably knew the soldiers of the 10th Legion, but didn't recognize them in the dwindiling twilight and ran away without saying anything to the soldiers. \
And the Gospel of Mark ends there because that wes the last eyewitness contact with the Jesus Followers, who the Romans tagged as "Christian", according to Tertullian, until the Holy Spirit hooks Cornelius up with Peter sometime after Tiberius's death in 37 CE. The Gospel of Mrk is a miliary intelligence report and it ends when the Jesus Followers break contact with the Roman Guard Mount, who are the second witness to the empty tomb that Bart "Giggles" ehrman pretends didn't happen to defend his Chapel Hill Campus Crusade for Apostasy frnachise that has made him a 6 times best selling author on the NYTimes Best Seller lists.
Mark 16:9 - 20, and John 20 and 21 are textual evidence supporting Dennis MacDonald's and Robyn Faith Walsh's contention that a literary committed shaped the Gospels, expecially Mark, Soeajubg frin a Post Modern Literary Criticism context as a litrarue major, the syntax of John 21 and Mark 26:9 - 20 is identical, even in translation,
With all due respect, the dialougue of this video is liek a couple of kids arguing over the statistics of their Baseball bubble gum cards. The sooner you ditch the Marxism of Jimmy Tabor and Giggles Ehrman, the sooner you will arrive at the transcendent experience of Molly Worthe's Born Again ephphany,
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silvestromedia · 8 months ago
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Saint of the day July 22
Sts. Philip Evans and John Lloyd. Philip Evans was born at Monmouth in 1645, was educated at SaintOmer, and joined the Society of Jesus at the age of twenty. In 1675 he was ordained at Liege and sent to South Wales. He was soon well known for his zeal, but no active notice was taken by the authorities until the scare of Oates plot, when in the November of 1678 John Arnold, of Llanvihangel Court near Abergavenny, a justice of the peace and hunter of priests, offered a reward of £200 for his arrest. Father Evans refused to leave his flock, and early in December was caught at the house of Christopher Turberville at Sker in Glamorgan. He refused the oath and was confined alone in an underground dungeon in Cardiff Castle. Two or three weeks afterwards he was joined by Mr. John Lloyd, a secular priest, who had been taken at Penlline in Glamorgan. He was a Breconshire man, who had taken the missionary oath at Valladolid in 1649 and been sent to minister in his own country. After five months the two prisoners were brought up for trial at the shire-hall in Cardiff, charged not with complicity in the plot but as priests who had come unlawfully into the realm. It had been difficult to collect witnesses against them, and they were condemned and sentenced by Mr. Justice Owen Wynne principally on the evidence of two poor women who were suborned to say that they had seen Father Evans celebrating Mass. On their return to prison they were better treated and allowed a good deal of liberty, so that when the under-sheriff came on July 21 to announce that their execution was fixed for the morrow, Father Evans was playing a game of tennis and would not return to his cell till he had finished it. Part of his few remaining hours of life he spent playing on the harp and talking to the numerous people who came to say farewell to himself and Mr. Lloyd when the news got around. The execution took place on Gallows Field (at the north-eastern end of what is now Richmond Road, Cardiff). St Philip died first, after having addressed the people in Welsh and English, and saying ‘Adieu, Mr. Lloyd, though for a little time, for we shall shortly meet again, to St John, who made only a very brief speech because, as he said, ‘I never was a good speaker in my life.
St. Dabius. Irish missionary to Scotland called Davius in some lists. He was part of the great monastic missionary effort in the British Isles, and then in Europe. Several churches there bear his name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dabius
St. Movean. Abbot and companion of St. Patrick also called Biteus. Movean was abbot of Inis-Coosery, County Down, Ireland. He served as a missionary in Perthshire and died as a hermit. https://pyhiinvaeltaja.wordpress.com/2011/08/04/st-dabius-movean/
St. Mary Magdelene Roman Catholic, First person to see the resurrected Jesus. Feastday July 22
St. Theophilus, Roman Catholic Admiral and Martyr. An officer in charge of the Byzantine fleet stationed at Cyprus, he was captured in battle against an Arab fleet, despite the pleas of his officers to retreat when the cause was hopeless. He spent one year in a Muslim prison and was then martyred after he refused to abjure the Christian faith. Feastday July 22 https://sdcason.com/st-theophilus/
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