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creature-wizard · 4 months ago
So, I just read It's Not Impossible: Healing from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control by Svali.
For those who don't know, Svali is a conspiracy theorist who popped up in the early 2000s claiming to be a former Illuminati/New World Order programmer. Her claims are based on the stuff put out by the likes of Mark Phillips/Cathy O'Brien and Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler, which in turn derives from stuff like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, blood libel, witch panic, Michelle Remembers, and Alexander Hislop's anti-Catholic conspiracy theories. It's full of your typical Project Monarch psychological pseudoscience that can effectively be used to blame literally any symptom or behavior on programmed DID, whether or not someone actually has DID at all. It's got all the usual stuff about an alleged global cult that practices the most absurdly complicated, messy, and risky forms of mind control instead of just using the regular ol' indoctrination and manipulation tactics that work just fine for your more typical authoritarian assholes.
She is regarded as a ritual abuse/alter programming expert by people such as Ellen Lacter and Alison Miller, and if you search through the citations on many ritual abuse/RAMCOA websites, you'll often find her name. If you didn't have any familiarity with Svali's outlandish claims before, I think after reading this you'll agree that no sensible person should ever be citing her as an authority on anything. Here are some of the weird and ridiculous claims she makes in this book:
Fetuses are tortured and programmed in the womb. They are capable of making choices presented to them in-utero. (Yes, according to Svali, fetuses can fully understand language and process questions.)
Children can be forced to forget things by threatening them with death if they don't. (Literally not how memory works. If anything, death threats would make it harder to forget.)
Toddlers are trained as assassins and sent to kill wealthy targets, because wealthy people tend to have, shall we say, a predilection for children. (Yes, some wealthy people are child molesters. But claiming they're all into this as a group is absurd. It's also two antisemitic conspiracy theory tropes with the serial numbers filed off.)
Alice In Wonderland programming includes games of croquet where the balls are the decapitated heads of children. (Always with the absurdly over-the-top programming methods.)
The conspiracy programs people from birth to have a visceral fear and hatred of Christianity. (The function of this claim is to deny the traumatic impact of Christian religious abuse.)
"Many occultic groups" hate Israel and aim to destroy its national security through infiltration. (Of course we're going to get Christian Zionism in this conspiracy theory.)
"Higher occultic groups" round up Christians "from prisons and camps in third world countries under oppressive regimes" to torture and crucify them. (Typical oppression fantasy of white American Christian conservatives.)
Genetically enhanced individuals were first produced in the 1940s. (Quite unlikely, given that DNA's role in inheritance wasn't even determined until 1943.)
Claims that "The Light of The World" is an occultic painting that depicts the Antichrist. (Actually, it just depicts Christ.)
Theta systems are trained to psychically kill from the time they're in the womb. Theta assassins have sex with the target, then use the resulting soul tie to demonically kill them. (You know you're into some deep far right shit when they're talking about "soul ties" like this.)
Chi is a demonic power. (Always with the racism.)
Kabbalah is used to open portals to install demons. (And of course, the antisemitism.)
Druids can shapeshift into animals and trees. (This is how druids work in modern RPGs.)
Mages can shapeshift into various animals. (So many occultists WISH this was true!)
Cult children are genetically enhanced for intelligence. (Meanwhile in the real world, not a single alleged survivor has ever demonstrated said intelligence.)
Saturn, Prometheus, and Vulcan are demonic deities. (Pure religious bigotry here.)
Mothers of genetically enhanced fetuses are brutally tortured and gradually dismembered throughout the entire pregnancy. Supposedly, miscarriage is prevented with the cult's "state-of-the-art technology" that's "at least 50-75 years ahead of what's publicly known."
Supposedly, "all videos, CDs, computer games and other digital media now have subliminals embedded, that are fed at 0.03 microseconds." She claims that you can't pause the video to see the message because the images will be blurry, as they're only visible when the media moves. How very convenient, Svali. (By the way, conspiracy theorists have been claiming media is full of dangerous subliminal messages for years, programming children to turn into mass murderers and whatnot. So far there is zero evidence that rock music turns you into a killer.)
Direct quote, "It is amazing how desensitized our population has become to sex, violence and the occult due to this mind control technology that sits in everyone's living room." (Literally your old-time Satanic Panic rhetoric.)
Direct quote, "I personally believe that we are very close to the “end times” of Revelations, and that the Occultic messiah (or antichrist) is alive." (Always with the End Times mythology with these people.)
Yeah, so this is one of the people that therapists pushing this idea that alter programming is a real thing regard as an authority. They're citing a far right conspiracy theorist who claims toddler assassins are sent to kill wealthy targets and that druids can actually turn themselves into trees.
I'd like to reiterate here that the type of alter programming people like Svali claim exist is not something there was ever any real evidence for, and the whole idea originated among conspiracy theorists. This was not a case of something that actually existed just being co-opted by bad faith actors. It is very literally a witch hunt, and one way we know this is that the early modern mythology of satanic witches and today's mythology of alter programming use many of the exact same tropes. And we also know that people can be coached into confabulating memories of events that never took place (you can see very obvious examples of this yourself here and here).
None of this is to say that human trafficking, sex abuse, religious abuse, institutional abuse, and so on aren't real; they very much are. But the kind of stuff that people like Svali push is not, and it's so full of pseudoscience and far right bigotry that it will harm survivors of extreme abuse even more. The function of this mythology, and the quack psychiatry that goes along with it, is to push people into hyperconservative Christianity and scapegoat the religious trauma it causes.
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hateaintwinning · 4 months ago
Unwelcome-ozian's book selling step by step instructions on how to sexually assault a child. Including which sex positions to rape a child in and what to say to a child while raping them. As well as how to gas light, trauma bond, and abuse the child.
Link to free copy of Rules of Programming - you can see for yourself.
In light of unwelcome-ozian publicly abusing a teenage girl I wanted to put a spot light on this. This comes from someone who claims to have been taught how to abuse children, and is now teaching other people I guess? Presenting it as raising awareness for the sake of survivors of child abuse, but after what been brought to light about them this is a lot more disturbing.
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It provides step by step instructions on how to gas light and trauma bond a child to you after / as you sexually abuse them.
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They are currently threatening to post stories of a teenage girl being torutured and sexually assaulted, along with her identifying information without her consent, again. In retaliation for her coming forward about her experience with them.
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They are undeniably well aware of the damage and trauma they are inflicting.
They openly give "tips" on how to abuse children.
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acid-cowboy · 2 months ago
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hey guys, this is a Longlegs custom vhs with original artwork reminecent of retro vhs cover art (:
4:3 apsect ratio - formatted to fit your tv. Enjoy Longlegs in the way it should be enjoyed... on tape
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technofeudalism · 2 years ago
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silence-iz-violence · 5 months ago
The Groomer Doc - unwelcome-ozian/ UWO/ U.W Ozain is a predator
All the screenshots and posts regarding the grooming allegations against unwelcome-ozian (UWO / U.W. Ozain) in one place. Its a Google doc.
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august-zip · 8 months ago
One thing we don't understand about RAMCOA is how so many people talk about it and how it pretty much just showed up out of nowhere. Like we've heard of SRA but we've known about that for more than 5+ years. Ramcoa? Purely just the end of last year/the start of this year. Not saying it doesn't exist but its just appeared out of nowhere
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thornsent · 4 months ago
On RAMCOA, Satanic Panic, and the dangers of conspiracy theory
Lately I've seen a term gaining usage in online DID/OSDD communities, and I would like to talk about its origins and implications.
I want to establish right away that while I do not believe in RAMCOA or SRA, I do believe that these people are genuinely traumatized.
This is not written with the intent to invalidate anyone, rather I am legitimately concerned about the negative impact this is having on survivors of severe trauma as well as marginalized people targeted by conspiracy theories.
Let's begin with what RAMCOA is, and where the term comes from.
RAMCOA stands for ritual abuse, mind control, organized abuse. The term has its origins in the ISSTD, with the creation of their special interest group (SIG) dedicated to the topic. The ISSTD, which began in 1982, has a long history of controversy and is in no small part responsible for the beginnings of the Satanic Panic.
Multiple significant parties of the ISSTD have made claims of transgenerational Satanic cults dating back to two thousand years.
Michael Salter, who would eventually become the chair of the RAMCOA SIG in 2018, claimed in 2008 that there were secret tunnels and chambers beneath the school to facilitate the abuse. This claim was not only disproven, but it is reminiscent of both the Satanic Panic and Pizzagate-era allegations, both of which have also repeatedly been disproven.
Michael has continued to assert his claim as recently as 2019. In 2023, Michael Salter would become president of the ISSTD.
But Michael isn't the only sketchy person involved in the ISSTD. Founding member and former president George Greaves would lose his license for engaging in sexual activity with his patient in 1994.
Bennet Braun, the founder and another former president, has faced multiple malpractice lawsuits due to misleading his patients, resulting in distorted memories and more harm done to an already vulnerable person. Braun’s license would be revoked in 2023.
Also accused of malpractice by multiple patients is Colin Ross, president of the ISSTD From 1993-94. Ross is also known for his claim that he can shoot energy beams from his eyes. This, unsurprisingly, was disproven.
In 2020, the RAMCOA SIG was renamed to the Organized and Extreme Abuse SIG due to the optics of the term no longer suiting the organization.
We have established that the ISSTD was founded and consistently led by conspiracy theorists and abusive psychologists who have since had their licenses revoked. Let's dig a bit into the Satanic Panic and SRA.
The Satanic Panic is a moral panic that began in the 80s and still goes on today. In recent years there has been a resurgence of the same rhetoric taking new forms, but it all has roots in allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse. The Panic of the 80s properly began with the publication of the book Michelle Remembers, written by Lawrence Pazder and his patient-turned-wife, Michelle Smith.
The text contains an account of SRA recovered through the pseudoscientific modality of recovered-memory therapy. The claims in this book have no substantial evidence and are generally regarded as a work of fiction influenced by social morality and pop culture at the time.
Over 12,000 claims of SRA were given during the height of the Satanic Panic, but even after the FBI launched an investigation no evidence of the legitimacy of SRA could be found.
The stories offered by SRA survivors are shocking: Multigenerational cults, sometimes stretching worldwide, going on for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years, in which children were bred as sacrifices and/or as slaves to “the elites of our society.”
That phrase should give you pause, because it's an antisemitic dogwhistle, and a loud one at that. The Satanic Panic’s roots go deep into history, back to the burning of so-called witches and back to the antisemitic conspiracy of blood libel.
Blood Libel is an accusation that Jews use the blood of Christians (typically children or infants) in the making of Passover bread and other religious practices. Such claims have resulted in the murder of countless Jews.
These accusations against the Jewish people have continued into modern times, seeing a resurgence within conspiracies such as Qanon’s claim that “Hollywood elites” are harvesting adrenochromes by enacting SRA upon children.
You cannot separate the concept of blood libel from the concept of Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Satanic Panic, and subsequently, you cannot separate conspiratorial thought from SRA and associated terminology.
Abuse that is orchestrated by multiple individuals is real. Conditioning is real. Religious and spiritual trauma is real. Cults, too, are real-- But Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse is not. Using these terms promotes conspiracy theories that put Jewish people and systems both at risk of harm.
Let's talk about programming now. The idea that a system can be programmed purposefully into a child is unrealistic pseudoscience.
The sheer amount of knowledge and effort an individual would need in order to maintain a constructed system like that is impossible, and this also assumes a much more widespread knowledge of DID and OSDD than is actually present.
While it is technically possible that an abuser (or abusers) may pick up on their victim's ‘quirks’, while it is technically possible that an abuser may realize doing X action leads to Z desired result for them, this is not programming. This is conditioning.
It is still a horrible abuse to inflict upon another person, but the concept of programming and mind control has its roots in yet another disproven conspiracy theory: Project Monarch.
Project Monarch was alleged to be a subset of Project MKUltra. It was said to be a project which trafficked children, using torture-based mind control to force them into becoming sex slaves for international trafficking rings, drug barons, Satanic cults, and “elites”.
These claims originate from Cathy O’Brien, who claims she uncovered repressed memories of this abuse under hypnosis, similar to Michelle Smith. She claims that this abuse led her to develop Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is echoed in the concept of programming as we see it today.
While we are on the subject of DID directly, I'd like to talk about HC-DID.
HC-DID is a community term meaning Highly Complex Dissociative Identity Disorder, which was coined to specifically describe DID caused by RAMCOA/SRA.
Other than the specific claim of origin, HC-DID is virtually indistinguishable from C-DID, otherwise known as polyfragmentation. This is a term with professional research and backing behind it, unlike HC-DID which is a term coined by someone within the RAMCOA community.
In my opinion there is no need for this term when there is already a well-known, scientifically-backed term to describe the same cluster of symptoms, and it is also well known that DID is already a highly complicated disorder with presentation varying widely from system to system. Usage of this term seems at best an alternative description for something which already exists, and at worst a way to further isolate an already vulnerable population.
To be clear, I don't for a second believe that the RAMCOA community has a secret agenda to isolate survivors or anything of the sort. I think the community as it currently stands is full of deeply traumatized, lonely, isolated, and younger plurals who are grappling for language to describe the horrific things they suffered.
I also believe that it has become a dangerous echo chamber that not only distorts people's memory, but may further traumatize and isolate them.
The RAMCOA community does not use plain language to discuss their experiences. Frequently they speak in a code, using esoteric community terms when they do not outright refuse to discuss what RAMCOA may be like whatsoever.
That is not to say that we are entitled to the stories of trauma survivors, rather that this language and how guarded the community is regarding information on RAMCOA results in a very insular community where discussing the subject with outsiders becomes difficult due to this inaccessibility of information. And this leads to these survivors feeling all the more cut off from the outside world, left with only the language coined by conspiracy theorists to describe the indescribable.
This inadvertently pushes the narrative of these dangerous conspiracies I've spoken about throughout this post. To once again make myself clear, I believe these victims in as far as I believe they went through something unspeakably traumatic at a very young age.
But with the volume of RAMCOA claims ever-increasing, yet substantiation of those claims ever-lacking, I cannot logically believe that the intense claims purported are completely and factually true given the evidence in front of me.
https://rentry.co/ssct_satanic-ritual-abuse https://scholar.google.com/scholar? hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C24&q=programmed+dissociative+identity+disorder&oq=programmed+diss#d=gs_qabs&t=1715683073093&u=%23p%3Dc6utAUJfID0J
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wiltedrosebouquet · 3 months ago
saw another post about ramcoa so i just want to take this minute to remind you that when you say shit like ramcoa not being real because you don’t think sra is real (which is…. still debatable given the context of the abuse and group), you are also discounting literally every other person who has undergone repeated abuse and brainwashing by other religions organizations (oh like i dunno, the christian and catholic church???????? hello??????????). this type of abuse is very real, absolutely exists, and happens to people all the time in all parts of the world with all types of religions and political alliances.
if your qualm with the term is that it’s not medically recognized in the DSM or likewise, please understand that even CPTSD isn’t recognized in the DSM at this point in the US even though folks are actively being diagnosed with it and treated for it. books like that are revised once in a blue moon, there are new terms being made to describe experiences constantly, things take time.
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 months ago
Hello everyone,
The Ritual Abuse page has been updated.
I see the numerous asks waiting to be answered. I plan on answering some of those this evening.
Take care,
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aep23 · 1 month ago
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creature-wizard · 7 months ago
Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler: Two Of The Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theorists Most People Have Never Heard Of
Fritz Springmeier is a conspiracy theorist who has written a number of absolute doorstoppers (the content of his books is poorly arranged and highly repetitive) claiming the existence of a global satanic cult that secretly controls the world - basically, your typical Protocols of Zion redux shit. Some of his books were written with Cisco Wheeler, a(n alleged) multiple system he claims to have deprogrammed from Illuminati mind control in 1994. Their work has been deeply influential on today's general belief in alter programming. Even if you've never read Wheeler and Springmeier's work directly, you may have come across their ideas. If you've seen anything about jewel programming, flower programming, alpha/beta/delta/epsilon programming, etc.? That's from them. Writers such as Unwelcome Ozian and Svali get their material from their work (in fact, Unwelcome Ozian's book Chainless Slaves literally copypastes some of their material), and people such as Ellen P. Lacter and Alison Miller of the ISSTD/RAMCOA-SIG frequently cite Svali. Furthermore, their work has had a huge impact on David Icke's reptilian alien conspiracy theories.
Here's a selection (yes, seriously, the following wall of text is only a small sample) of their claims from their trilogy series on Illuminati mind control (They Know Not What They Do - An Illustrated Guide To Monarch Mind Control, The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, and Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula), which they wrote/published in the mid to late 1990's:
The Illuminati is a multi-generational satanic cult made up of thirteen elite bloodlines, who are working behind the scenes to enthrone the Antichrist in the year 2000. (It's been over twenty years, still no Antichrist.)
The Illuminati is behind the French Revolution and the Abolition movement. (Conspiracy theories invented by people who were pro-monarchy and pro-slavery.)
The Illuminati is pushing for gay rights as part of their plan to bring the Antichrist into power.
The Illuminati creates effeminate gay men by dosing pregnant mothers with progesterone and estrogen.
The Illuminati practices "trauma-based mind control," which in this context refers to an alleged (and very unsubstantiated) practice of inflicting brutal tortures to trigger the formation of alters, which will be programmed for various tasks, and made accessible to programmers via special codes and triggers.
TBMC practices often (though not always) take the form of satanic rituals. (Evil is always very, very theatrical in the minds of conspiracy theorists.)
The Illuminati's rituals are "based upon the most ancient mystery religions," because "one of the secrets of the Mystery Religions, especially the Egyptian Isis mystery religion was the ability to use drugs and torture to create multiple personalities." (Citation needed, Fritz.)
The European witch hunts were actually justified, because Europe was full of satanic practitioners of trauma-based mind control. (Seriously, what kind of ghoul claims the witch hunts were in any way justified?)
The Nazis' eugenics program wasn't actually about eugenics. It was actually a front for researching mind control, and that Project Monarch was based on research conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele, whom they claim was an "adept in Caballistic magic" assisted by "Askenazi hasidic black magic adepts." (This is a variation on the claim that Jews actually orchestrated the Holocaust)
Groups that are part of the Illuminati and practice Monarch mind control include (but are not limited to) The Catholic Church/Jesuits, Mormons, Assembly of God churches, the Watchtower Society, Hasidic Judaism, modern witchcraft, Druidry, Santeria, Freemasons, Golden Dawn, NASA, and professional baseball. (I think we can agree that some of these groups are very harmful, but that doesn't mean they're part of this conspiracy he's talking about.)
There are many different types of Monarch alter programming, including but not limited to gem programming, elemental programming, flower programming, color programming, Gumby programming, beehive programming, sex kitten programming, Greek letter programming, carousel programming, demon programming, alien programming, Mensa programming, Atlantis programming, paper doll programming, tumbleweed programming, waterjar shaking programming, Cinderella programming - it goes on.
"Body programs" can be installed to cause hearing problems, circulation issues, headaches, digestive problems, heart failure - basically, all those health problems that people who aren't conspiracy theorists would explain through allergies, stress, mental illness, or just common flaws of the human body.
Most slaves have "end-time programming," and will be activated to round up and kill opponents of the NWO when the time comes from the Antichrist to take power. (Again, it's been over twenty years.
Cisco Wheeler was programmed to be part of the Antichrist's elite imperial guard.
They claim, and I quote, "drugs, torture, hypnosis and MPD all work to enhance memory" and "most slaves have some photographic memory capability." They also claim that systemwide photographic memory can be created through brain stem scarring. (Conspiracy theorists literally made this up.)
The brains of Monarch slaves are more active than normal people's brains, because both sides of the Monarch slave's brain work simultaneously. (Both sides of everyone's brains are working all the time, that is literally how brains work.)
Mind control implants have been a thing since the 1960's. One woman had an implant disguised as a pubic hair. JZ Knight had an audio implant in her teeth that activated her to become a New Age leader. Microchip implants can affect DNA growth. "Fiber optic" mind control devices can be shot into the skin from a distance. (You can tell they rely on their audience to not understand anything about electronics in addition to neuroscience.)
Switching alters can literally change the color of your eyes. (It's impossible for someone's eyes to instantly switch color in the same way it's impossible for their skin to instantly change color.)
Fairy tales, fantasy media, movies, and television shows are full of deliberate programming. Some (but not all) of the media Springmeier and Wheeler implicate includes The Wizard of Oz, The Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, Disney films in general, A Little Princess, Star Trek, Star Wars, E.T., Tiny Toons, The Simpsons, Frankenstein, Bewitched, and Labyrinth.
Basically, any piece of entertainment that isn't morally pure from a far right Christian perspective is part of the Illuminati's plan to corrupt the youth and lead them down the patch of witchcraft and into satanism.
The story of the Golem is actually about a mind-controlled slave, and that "the main goal of the Cabala is to create a mind-controlled slave called a golem." Also, the Brothers Grimm were "Cabalistic Jews." (For a guy who insists he's not antisemitic, Fritz Springmeier sure likes to accuse people of being Jewish and demonize Jewish stuff.)
Famous Illuminati slaves include (but are not limited to) Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Roseanne Barr, Bette Midler, Madonna, and the Beatles. They claim Charles Manson was programmed with Beatles music.
(List break here because this whole thing was longer than Tumblr's allowed block length. Again, I emphasize, I am only posting a small sample of the BS they put in their books.)
The Illuminati's intelligence agencies have programmed "thousands upon thousands of slaves." The Naval Ordinance Test Station at China Lake was actually a Monarch programming facility, where thousands of babies were kept in cages. "Lots of 1000 babies was a small batch," and "many batches were 2000 or 3000 babies."
The average Monarch system is programmed with 1000 alters.
The Illuminati prefers to program blond, blue-eyed children without visible body defects or scars. (Funny how these conspiracy theorists keep claiming to hate white supremacy, then insist blond, blue-eyed children are special targets.)
The Illuminati has no trouble finding sadistic torturers because, and I quote, "essentially all human males can be taught to engage in sadistic behavior." In fact, the Illuminati's Mothers of Darkness are often necessary to make sure the male torturers don't go too far.
The Illuminati used chimpanzees to physically torture children. (The pair of them clearly do not understand how strong chimpanzees actually are.)
Babies can learn to read by six months old with the use of subliminal tapes.
Learning to write backwards makes you more likely to dissociate. (Bizarre variant on old 'Satan does things backwards to mock God' canard.)
Failed Monarch programming/TBMC causes autism. Autism is when children withdraw from the world and retreat into themselves. (If there's two things we know about autism, it's that it's not traumagenic, and it's not about withdrawing from the world to retreat into your own mind.)
If you hang someone upside down long enough, they will begin to reverse pain and pleasure. Yeah, supposedly, if you physically reverse a person's body, their mind will start reversing, too. This, apparently, is how we get kinksters who like pain.
Scars can be made more visible via hypnotic command, and this has been a thing in the occult world for centuries. (Modern version of the Devil's Mark/witch's tit myth.)
Moles are a sign of prior electroshock torture. (Another modern version of the Devil's mark/witch's tit myth.)
King Hezekiah - yes, the Biblical King Hezekiah - was a child victim of satanic ritual abuse. (Of course the Bible chapter they cite - 2 Chronicles 29 - mentions nothing of the sort.)
Direct quote, "Vice-President Al Gore is a vampire and carries a briefcase of blood with him." (Modern conspiracy theorists love to sling blood libel at Democrats.)
Hillary Clinton is an Illuminati Grand Dame and programmer. (Gotta accuse those Democrat women of being witches.)
Roma people practice cannibalism. (Pure anti-Romani racism.)
The Illuminati has the cure for AIDS.
Adrenochrome is a secret black market drug. (This is a modern form of blood libel.)
Snuff pornography is a real thing. (It's really not.)
Being on Prozac makes you susceptible to becoming homicidal or suicidal if you're exposed to certain electromagnetic frequencies. The Illuminati is deliberately exposing people to these frequencies to increase these behaviors in order to get anti-gun legislation passed.
Cellphone towers emit electromagnetic frequencies that can control people's minds.
Putting one's hands behind one's head is a secret Illuminati hand signal meaning "I'm master." Folding one's hands is a secret Illuminati symbol for "you can't break the circle." Thumb-twiddling is an Illuminati hand signal for S&M. Other normal, everyday hand positions/gestures/movements are given equally conspiratorial explanations.
The "Vulcan peace sign" is an Illuminati/occult greeting. (This claim isn't just demonizing Star Trek - it's antisemitic.)
High-ranking members of the Illuminati hold fancy cannibal dinner parties and feed children to lions and tigers.
Lots and lots of child sacrifice happens. There's even rituals where children sacrifice other children and eat their hearts.
The shape of your skull affects your personality, and the Illuminati creates permanent personality changes by changing the shapes of people's skulls. (This is literally phrenology, which is pseudoscience.)
The Illuminati implants real, actual demons into victims, which can only be removed through Christian deliverance. Also, accepting Jesus as one's Lord and Savior is the only way for victims to truly heal, no ifs, ands, buts, or maybes.
Down's Syndrome can be cured with cranial manipulation. (Craniosacral therapy is quackery.)
Many people diagnosed with schizophrenia have actually been given implants by the government.
Ronald Reagan is "our future president." (Yes, Fritz Springmeier wrote these words during the Clinton administration.)
The US government has built 140 massive underground bases for various purposes, including housing "several varieties of aliens."
The Illuminati has been creating human clones and biological robot doubles for years, and has created such doubles for politicians such as Jimmy Carter. (Allegations of clones and duplicates goes back to the witch hunts, where witch hunters would claim Satan conjured up doubles for witches so their families wouldn't miss them while they went to the witches' sabbath. Also, it's a form of dehumanization.)
Therapists treating victims of alter programming/trauma-based mind control should separate their clients from their programmer (read: isolate them from friends, family, and acquaintances) and hold multi-hour therapy sessions to help them remember their abuse and discover their hidden alters (read: make sure they're constantly exposed to this narrative so they'll start to internalize it and begin "remembering" what you want). Wheeler outright says that the "better therapists" will wear down their clients with lengthy question and answer sessions. She recommends having a team of therapists to work on a single client, with a female mother figure and male father figure.
Depression is a sin that comes from a lack of faith.
Trance-Formation of America is a good example of how mind control victims are treated. (Trance-Formation of America is also part of the Project Monarch/alter programming conspiracy theory.)
Full quote, "All Illuminati victims of mind-control have been terrorized by their abusers about how God hates them and how God will punish them for their badness." (In other words, much of what these people are chalking up to alter programming/TBMC can very easily be explained by religious trauma from being brought up in a conservative Christian environment.)
Again, these are the types of claims made by the two people from which all of this stuff about all of these specific types of alter programming, body programs, etc. originate. Whether or not people on RAMCOA sites acknowledge Springmeier and Wheeler outright, much the stuff they're claiming can very much be traced back to them.
Now, some of you reading this might still be wondering whether the alter programming could more than a conspiracy theory; like, maybe there's actually people out there who are really doing this, even if they aren't involved in some grand sinister conspiracy. And the answer is still no.
First, this conspiracy theory effectively proposes that there was an epidemic of people engaging in this very specific practice back during a time period when the most that people knew about DID (if they knew about DID at all) came from from the Sybil book or movie (and the real "Sybil" never had DID); or even before that point, if we include the people who claimed they were programmed in the 40's-60's. The idea that all of these unconnected people all independently came up with this is simply beyond absurd. If this was a real practice being done out there by any significant number of people at all, extensive technical literature describing the procedures in full detail would have to exist. This literature would at some point have been found in the homes, workplaces, etc. of programmers. Alter programming has allegedly been practiced since at least the 1940s, and not a single piece of this literature has ever been found anywhere; not on the most depraved 4Chan user's computer, not in the edgiest occultist's library, and not in the home of any child molesting priest. The only literature that describes these supposed practices comes from conspiracy theorists, and they aren't nearly detailed enough to constitute any kind of actual manual. It's very telling that when Fritz Springmeier et al name books that supposedly contain this sort of information, the books either contain nothing of the sort (for example, old grimoires), or have no evidence of ever existing in the first place.
And while it's true that extreme trauma can cause dissociation and the formation of alters, that's about the only thing this conspiracy theory gets right. Everything else is like some kind of edgy sci-fi take on it, about as accurate to real neuroscience as Jaws is to real sharks. The people who thought they saw evidence of "structured DID" back in the day made a similar error to the people who look at natural hills and mountains and think they're seeing ancient pyramids, or look at Bimini Road and actually think it's a real man-made road rather than a natural rock formation. People would look at someone having literally any trauma response or distress behavior (which may or may not have actually involved DID or OSDD), and think they were seeing the work of some diabolical mastermind. Basically, it's a form of pareidolia. The therapists would share their beliefs with their patients, who would internalize it in their own minds, and come back with stuff that seemed to confirm their therapists' suspicions.
What's going on here is a pretty straightforward case of confabulated memory cultivation. This kind of thing happens all the time in places like the New Age starseed movement, where people start learning New Age mythology and what kind of alien beings they supposedly could have been in a past life. Whether through hypnosis, vivid dreams, or even incredibly vivid flashes of mental imagery out of the blue, people begin "remembering" supposed lost memories that simply cannot be real because real historical evidence contradicts them at nearly every turn. You can see examples of this for yourself over here and over here.
Confabulated memory cultivation isn't really practiced on purpose, per se; at least, not typically. What happens is you have people who legitimately believe that they can retrieve lost memories, whether from their childhoods or from a past life. And unlike literature that tells you how to program alters, literature that describes methods to supposedly retrieve lost memories exists in abundance. People have made jobs out of allegedly helping people retrieve lost memories ever since people believed that was a thing they could do.
The alter programming conspiracy theory was part of a mental health fad where people believed that repressed memories were the root cause of many ordinary mental and physical health problems. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, chronic stress, PTSD, C-PTSD, BPD, schizophrenia, bipolar, autism, ADHD, allergies, mast cell activation syndrome, fibromyalgia, and more are all chalked up to repressed memories and alter programming. Very, very tellingly, many of the symptoms described in this type of literature are exactly what you'd expect from religious trauma in a conservative Christian environment. In fact, the alter programming conspiracy theory implicitly denies that it would be possible to develop serious trauma from the kind of abusive parenting that conservative Christian culture encourages and condones.
Also, the fact that the ISSTD/RAMCOA SIG continues propagating the claims made by Springmeier and Wheeler definitively shows us that the purpose of ISSTD/RAMCOA-SIG is repackaging Satanic Panic and far right conspiracy theories more generally, and that the very term "Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, & Organized Abuse" is in fact a Trojan horse intended to slip all of this stuff back into legitimate psychological discourse and discussions of systemic abuse, religious abuse, human trafficking, etc. The fact that people cannot question RAMCOA without being accused of denying these things shows that this is working out really well for the the ISSTD/RAMCOA SIG right now.
I'd like to emphasize that I am not trying to say that people who were led to believe they were victims of alter programming haven't been severely abused in some way, or that none of them have DID. This conspiracy theory is very much built to prey on these sorts of people. The point I am making is that it is indeed a conspiracy theory, and that it harms many people, both with and without DID.
Now, I know there's some folks out there who have been led to believe that real evidence of widespread alter programming or even widespread ritual abuse (ie, the practice of abusive occultic rituals) were found, but conservative Christians simply co-opted real events to attack the people they didn't like. And that simply isn't what happened. It was the conspiracy theorists - people like Dr. Lawrence Pazder and Mike Warnke - who positioned themselves as ritual abuse experts and instructed police and therapists on what to look out for. It was always a literal witch hunt from the very beginning.
If you are looking for any kind of mental health support, or wish to talk about real forms of abuse, I strongly recommend avoiding terms like Satanic Ritual Abuse, Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, & Organized Abuse, Organized Abuse, Organized Extreme Abuse, Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Trauma-Based Mind Control, and so on, because these are all terms created and used by conspiracy theorists. We have other terms to talk about real abuse, including spiritual abuse, religious abuse, systemic abuse, institutional abuse, sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and so on.
Likewise, if you see someone using these terms, you know that their information is downstream from conspiracy theorists, and therefore, is highly suspect. If you're looking for any sort of mental health/trauma support whatsoever, be very wary whenever you see someone using them. Even if they mean well, what they're putting out there is still contaminated by the myths and misinformation of the Satanic Panic, which will never support actual healing.
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hateaintwinning · 4 months ago
Spreading awareness, protecting a community
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queeraliensposts · 1 month ago
It's very telling that a lot of the people who called minorities "the blue maga" for not wanting to fucking die during the election are also adamently anti-gun. Guess you care about marginalized people so much, that not only do you not care if the man that wants to kill them goes into power, you also don't want them to be able to defend themselves!
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technofeudalism · 1 year ago
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helsingssketchy · 2 years ago
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Colored version of my last art piece I posted, hope you all enjoy it!
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queered-into-oblivion · 6 months ago
Maybe those giant catfish are also Aogami…
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