creature-wizard · 11 months
How is saying the ego is your enemy toxic? What about every religion that believes in the importance of ego death?
Within particularly toxic forms of New Age and New Age-adjacent spirituality, people who have doubts or hesitations about what they're hearing are told that these thoughts and feelings are just their ego trying to resist. I'm sure you can see where this is a psychological manipulation tactic that could lead people into some very bad places.
The practical reality is, these people telling others to surrender their egos want to replace it with their ego, so other people become an extension of themselves. They usually call it "unity consciousness," but let's be real, it's the closest thing to getting assimilated into a hivemind as there is in real life.
The modern New Age movement often teaches people that if they feel uplifted and positive, then what they're experiencing is from spirit; but if they feel confused, doubtful, or fearful, then they are "in their ego." They claim that this is spiritual discernment, but in reality it's a thought-control technique; it keeps them focused on the anti-intellectual feel-good New Age stuff and makes them ignore ideas and thoughts that challenge them.
As for these other religions, I can't comment on them because I don't really have experience, but I can say that they'd need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
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cuartoretorno · 1 year
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larryhappiday · 9 months
PUZZLE: "Why Does My Husband Want My Younger Sister?"
A mother of three children has been sacked by her husband of seven years because he has ‘fallen’ in love with her younger sister. He has also sent her children away with her for no other reason. Family and friends are puzzled. The man has completely changed and become hostile to his beautiful wife. In a video clip, the lady narrated her experience to SoniaOfficial, a lifestory online medium. Get…
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Gotta love the scams.
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waifspiration · 6 days
i don’t have an aesthetic i am the aesthetic
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eroticlamb · 14 days
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Valeria Lukyanova ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ˖ ࣪ Unknown source
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cowgrlcunt · 4 months
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cluster-b-culture-is · 4 months
Cluster b (npd? Aspd?) Culture is constantly pushing down the need for affection 'cause you can't allow yourself to be human. Never again
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linnydreamy · 11 months
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trailerparkcqueen · 17 days
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comradetoad · 2 years
Kai Winn is one of the scariest, most sinister villains in all of Star Trek, and did a lot of horrible things, but her talking down to Kira about mourning for her boyfriend who died a horrible traumatic death just a few months ago is what makes me hate her the most
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skycathedral · 18 days
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charismatic, magnetic, electric
credit ♥︎
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mr-orange505 · 10 months
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Spirit Work II
Spiritual Imposters
Before committing yourself to a deity or spirit one must communicate by learning about the entity in question, making certain they are who they say they are. Discovery of a spirit you thought you were working with is something else that leaves one feeling betrayed, upset, and oftentimes empty. Knowing the signs can really help discern things.
Mental Sock Puppets
A mental sock puppet is the result of talking to yourself and concluding self-talks as something else. The ego talks, you listen to yourself. Not a spirit. Or you establish contact but are incredibly biased hearing your thoughts. Not theirs.
It acts in accordance to your expectations.
You received no new information.
It’s only as knowledgeable as you are.
It only abides by your will. No one else.
It gives no signs unless you’re looking for them.
These are easy to get rid of if you identify the problem, recognize the problem, and let the narrative and ego go. No one needs to hear it. No one wants too either. You only end up hurting yourself and other people if things get too out of hand.
Lying Spirits
Some spirits are opportunists. They can portray an illusion pretending to be someone they’re not in order to gain loyalty and trust. They can take the form of a deity, guide, companion, or anything else that you would be most receptive to. This is why it’s good to know the basics to energy work and magick. Remember to learn different energies and how they feel to you. Remember to analyze the situation, yourself, the spirit, the environment, and working before proceeding forward. A lot of these malevolent entities like to feed off you or cause more drama that’s not necessarily needed.
Spirit Work and Continued Relationships
Veneration and Practice
This is about worshipping the deities or spirits you work with and highly depends on your practices and influences you choose to use and construct.
Most times there will be an altar setup or shrine dedicated to these spirits. Offerings of food, drink, incense, and trinkets would be a way of showing your dedication and interests of the spirits. There are other forms of interaction I have seen before.
Connection through art, music, nature, and meditation are just some of these other mediums. You don’t have to make this complex, and sometimes people have busy schedules making veneration hard to come by.
Try to keep things simple and remember it’s always okay to take a break due to circumstances. Spirits understand life comes first.
Patrons and Matrons
A Patron and Matron are deities that a devotee has a connection to. Its beyond standard devotional relations and is the main contact point for guidance and protection. It’s important to recognize that these types of relationships are built. They are not assigned.
Wicca is known for the patron and matron concept where duo theistic practices entail encouraging practitioners to seek out two divinities. The patron and matron would represent the divine masculine and divine feminine.
This is not a requirement in most practices, but in Wicca it is recognized in many circles.
Fallow Times
There are times where communication between you and the spirits can be difficult, and that’s okay. It happens with everyone. It doesn’t mean a spirit has left or that you’ve lost your ability to communicate. This feeling is temporary, and it’s a reminder that whenever this does happen, you need to take care of yourself first. Get the rest you deserve and try again later. Remember, this is normal due to circumstances – including stress, environmental factors, and any sort of disturbances one may have.
Oaths and Vows
There are many reasons why an individual would take an oath and vow. That’s between the practitioner and the spirit. This promise can come about for many different reasons, and even sometimes at the request of the spirit. However, this isn’t required if you are just working with them. It doesn’t mean control or status either. You can’t parade this around to get your way in certain situations. It doesn’t look good or help. Be aware of that. Remember why you did this, and what does it mean for you. That’s the most important part.
Displeasing Spirits
Those that are new to Spirit Work sometimes worry about displeasing the spirits. Repeat after me, deities and spirits who choose to work with you won’t get mad at you for being a human.
They will know there will be shortcomings, quirks, and variations.
You have NO obligation to listen to ANY person on this subject otherwise.
IF you do upset a spirit or make it angry question yourself as to why. Remember, communication is the key, and sometimes frictions can happen.
IF the behavior seems off and out of place, you may be dealing with an imposter. Check your sources and confirmation methods before determining the circumstances.
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waifspiration · 17 days
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hauntingsofhouses · 8 months
guys cmon. be ffr please. akemi did Not love taigen. the only reason why she was desperate to search for him to the point of putting herself in danger is because she didn't want to get married to an abusive man (which she believed at the time that takayoshi was). when seki tried to dissuade her from running off, her reason was not "but i love taigen and wanna be with him 🥺" it was because she refused to be controlled and have her autonomy taken from her; she literally says "i won't be locked away in edo married to a stranger." and when seki still tries to argue that getting married to the heir of the shogun would be better than getting caught by brigands, she then says "that kind of man"—referring to takayoshi—"treats women like animals. they say he's a tyrant." and when seki chuckles and says "what man isn't?" her response is "you." she doesn't even talk about taigen. she is using him as much as he was using her. they both see—or, well, saw—each other as means to an end. for taigen he saw that marrying into the tokunobu clan would elevate his status and wealth. for akemi she wanted the right to choose who she married, and she wanted that person to be someone kind. that's it! neither of them loved each other. but since they were courting of course they acted sweet to each other, and they do still care for one another, especially due to their romantic history. but let's be real! akemi is a boss bitch who dropped taigen and forgot all about his ass as soon as she saw takayoshi was a nice guy. because duh? not only is takayoshi a better lover (it's implied their lovemaking lasted a long time) but he's also kinder towards her and presents her with an opportunity to claim power and freedom, which she would not have if she had married taigen, as she would have still been stuck under her father's thumb. so literally why should she settle for taigen's stupid ass! she may be a little naive at times but she's still incredibly intelligent. she would not do something stupid for the sake of "love." you know who would though? taigen.
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