vitsa-didicoy · 6 months
How to Donate to the Domari Society of Gypsies in Jerusalem
As many of you may know, the Domari community in Palestine is suffering alongside native Palestinians in the genocidal campaign headed by Israel.
Though we do not know much of the Domari's struggles in detail, I can only imagine it is the same extent as the Palestinians' struggles.
The Domari Society was founded by director Amoun Sleem in 2000 and since then she and her staff have done incredible things for the Domari, including providing resources and education to women and children.
On the Domari Society website, there is information on how to send donations via bank transfer, but considering that their main avenue may not be the most accessible to share and donate, I am making this post providing a step-by-step guide on how to donate to the Domari Society of Gypsies in Jerusalem.
This method works only if you have a PayPal and/or Xoom account (Xoom is owned by PayPal so if you only have PP, you can still donate.)
Click this [link] here. It will take you to Xoom's page for sending money to Israel (Jerusalem is occupied by Israel, so it must be through them). Make sure you are signed in to either Xoom or PayPal.
Enter a minimum amount of 35.66 shekels (minimum 10.01 USD) to send. Click (Send Now) to progress to the next page.
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3. Confirm information on screen and click (Next).
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4. Select (Bank Deposit) and click (Next).
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5. When selecting a bank, click (Other) and it will bring you to a page where you must enter the IBAN number of the bank you want to send money to. The IBAN for the Domari Society's bank is IL040176380000002503877 (copy and paste this exactly). Confirm that the bank is Mercantile Discount Bank Ltd and click (Next).
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6. Enter in contact information. It is as follows: First Name: Domari Last Name: Society Address 1: Shua'fat, Derech Shua'fat 10 City: Jerusalem Phone Number: +97225324510 Email: [email protected]
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7. Enter any information required and choose your payment option. On the last page, confirm the information listed and if everything is correct, click (Send).
Bank transfer may take a few days, but congratulations! You just donated to the Domari Society of Gypsies in Jerusalem. Know that your contribution will go towards the betterment of the Domari in Palestine.
Also, most information is found on the Domari Society's website, so if you wish to confirm that the donation is legitimate you can check the bank details here: [link]
Please share this whether you donate or not, it could mean life or death for Dom under occupation. May we all see a day where our people are safe. Te aven baxtalo 💙❤️💚
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sysboxes · 6 months
[ Alt. Boxes for International Romani Day]
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[Text; This system wishes all Rroma a great International Romani Day]
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[ Text; This system is Romani ]
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[Text; This system is proud to be Romani ]
Happy International Romani Day from Mod Luxray, this blogs resident Rroma!! Me mangav tut! Dja devlesa!!
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mioritic · 10 months
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"Tanzende Zigeunerin."
Kurt Hielscher, Picturesque Spain (New York: Brentano's, 1925)
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
A Point of Clarification (More Linguistics, CW: Slurs)
Another Dracula Daily related post. In the novel Dracula, the count has minions who are a racist caricature of people of the Rromani ethnicity. Stoker uses a variety of terms in the text, and as a person of Romanian ethnicity, I would like to clear up some possible places of confusion. The most commonly known word in the English speaking world that Stoker uses for Rromani people is Gypsy. This is an English word ultimately descended from the word Egyptian, based on a misunderstanding by medieval European Christians that the itinerant Rroma were nomadic Egyptians, based on an interpretation of the Bible that the ancient Egyptians were scattered by God. This is incorrect, and most historical, linguistic, cultural, and genetic evidence suggests that the Rroma originated in northern India, which might have been obvious if medieval Europeans talked to any of them, or knew anything about India. Most Rroma today consider Gypsy to be a slur, although some do not - this is (ironically) similar to the attitude about the word Indian by indigenous peoples of the Americas. Among social justice activists, both words are regarded as slurs and faux pas, and at the bare minimum both are inaccurate. So, if you are still using that word in 2022, and you are not a Rromani person, knock it off. Stoker, however, also uses the word Romany in his text, which is just his spelling for Rromani, because by the 19th century it was known in English that “Romany” was the endonym (the word a people use for themselves) as opposed to the exonym (the word a people use for others). If you’re a descendant of settlers and live in North America and you find yourself often confused by the “changing” names of Indigenous groups, its usually because -- as is the case here -- the exonym for that group was a slur, and got adopted into English simply because settlers encountered that group’s enemies before encountering the group itself. The word “Rrom” means “man” in the Rromani language. “Rromni” means woman, “Rroma” is plural. “Rromani” is a female adjective, “Rromano” is a male adjective. Now, where we can really get into some misunderstandings in the context of Dracula is with the term Romanian, which Stoker often spells Roumanian. Rromani =/= Romanian. Romanians are people from the country Romania, of which Transylvania is a part, as well as Wallachia and part of Moldavia and Bukovina. Stoker’s Castle Dracula is located in Romania. Galatz is in Romania, and is called Galați in Romanian. The words Romania, Romanian, etc. have nothing to do with the words Rroma, Rromani, etc. The name of the country of Romania comes from a belief on the part of the Romanian people that they are historically descended from a province of the Roman Empire once called Dacia. The greatest piece of this evidence is that Romanian is a Romance language, which is to say a language descended from the language of the Romans, Latin. Despite being surrounded by nations speaking Slavic tongues, Romanian is closer to Italian than it is to Ukrainian, despite cross-pollination over the years. The reason I use a double-r (representing a trilled r) in my spelling of Rroma for the nomadic ethnic group is for disambiguation purposes, because in the Romanian language the word for Romanian people is Români. The double-r spelling is also used within Romania for this reason. Historically Romania has always had a relatively high population of Rroma, and historically speaking they have I think it is fair to say almost never been treated well. Today Rroma are the second largest ethnic minority in Romania behind Hungarians, but despite the similar names the Români have never treated Rromani people very well. From the time of their arrival in the region in the 1370s until the emancipations of the 1840s and 50s, Rromani people were enslaved within the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, and made serfs in Transylvania. In the 1940s there were genocidal programs carried out against them, and under the Communist regime there were attempts made to force Rroma to live in government built housing and abandon their traditional culture. Since the fall of the Communist government Rroma are extremely discriminated against in Romania, and it is mainstream there to be racist against them. Which brings us to Szgany, which can be a confusing word in Dracula until you know that the Romanian language didn’t have standardized orthography until 1881. Basically the only place you’ll see the word Szgany today is in Dracula or in modern gothic horror fiction copying Dracula without thinking and treating “Szgany” as just the word for Dracula’s servants or something. In the novel, Stoker uses it as if it referred to a specific group of Rromani people, ones native to the area around Castle Dracula, in the Călimani Mountains. However, Szgany is really just a phonetic transliteration of the Romanian word Țigani, which is just the Romanian word for “Gypsy”. The letter Ț in Romanian indicates a kind of “tz” sound, like in the word “pizza”. It is also found in Vlad Drăculea’s epithet -- Țepeș means “the Impaler”, and is pronounced like “Tze-pesh”. So Țigani sounds like Szgany, and is also similar to the word for “Gypsies” in many other languages: Zingari in Italian, Çingene in Turkish, Cigány in Hungarian, Tsingánoi in Greek, etc. These are all still slurs, and descend from the word Atsínganos from the Greek speaking Eastern Roman Empire, which means “untouchable.” Țigani is still a commonly used word in Romania, partially due to the racism and partially due to the desire on the part of Români to avoid association with Rromani. There is a feeling in Romanian that the word Rromani gives Romanians abroad a “bad name” due to racism against Rromani people in many parts of the world. This is all, of course, absolutely terrible. So, to summarize: Gypsy = at best inaccurate, at worst a slur Romany = 19th century English for Rromani, often spelt today as Romani, a common acceptable name for a diverse group of nomadic peoples ultimately descended from northern India Roumanian = Romanian, a person from Romania Szgany = Stoker’s attempt at spelling Țigani, a Romanian language slur for Rromani people.      
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spale-vosver · 8 months
I've been doing a lot of thinking about Romani and Jewish solidarity lately, given our similarities.
We're both a diasporic people hated pretty much everywhere we go and blamed for all of the world's problems, especially in Southern and Eastern Europe.
We both have a closed culture that is very difficult to become a part of (from my understanding the only way to become Romani is to be "adopted" by a group of Romani or be born and raised in the culture)
We both have an extensive list of rules for living that are only fully known to the members of our communities and dictate things like diet, hygiene, prayer, etc
We're the two largest victims of the Shoah
We both often speak cultural languages associated with different demographics of the diaspora (Vlax Romani vs Balkan Romani vs Sinte Romani compared to Yiddish vs Ladino vs Arabiya Yahudiya)
We both often adopted the religions of the region in order to survive (forced Jewish and Romani conversion to Islam and Christianity)
I'm sure there's more I've forgotten, but feel free to chime in with your thoughts, and if I've misspoken please feel free to correct me -- since Romani is a wholly closed culture, I only know as much as Romani creators and educators are willing to share.
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fifiophobia · 2 years
Romani Superhero’s 💙❤️💚
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Dick Grayson aka Nightwing
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Wanda Maximoff aka The Scarlet Witch
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Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver
(Please take the time to read more under the cut)
I know it isn’t International Romani day, but I wanted to make this to celebrate and bring awareness about the Romani community. Characters who are Romani like Wanda or Pietro often get misrepresented or white washed in mainstream media (*cough cough* Marvel Cinematic Universe and the X-men *) for no good reason. This is horrible because the Romani are an already unrepresented group that deal with many injustices. According to The Council of Europe, some of the terrible things to occur to the Romani include:
“facing hatred and human rights abuses every day. Roma are refused access to decent housing, evicted without notice and left open to attack by prejudiced neighbours.-blocked from the jobs market and from opportunities to get better education and vocational training. Roma children are bullied at school, or sent to schools meant for people with learning difficulties. Roma women have been sterilised against their will”
This also doesn’t address the 500 years of slavery or the misuse of their culture from people who aren’t Roma
Unfortunately, this mistreatment exists around the world (including North America).
Despite this mistreatment, the Romani have contributed so much beauty into the world. Including the flamenco dance, movies, music, books, etc
I can’t speak on how good the representation Nightwing, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver are to the Romani community because I am not Roma. I created this because I understand how important these characters are, and how important they could be (if Marvel or DC hired Romani writers) to changing the perception of the Romani community. It’s important to recognize the beauty of other groups in real life and fiction; because their stories are important and should be told.
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While you're still here, please check out these links for ways you can support the Romani community
Where you can donate
fundraiser for Stanislav Tomáš’ family
A gofundme for a 50yr old Romani Woman injured in hit and run
Ukraine: Help Roma Access Humanitarian Aid
help for roma in eastern europe and turkey
A safe place for LGBT Roma
Resources where you can learn more
The European Roma Rights Centre
We are the Romani People by Ian Hancock
Opre Roma
Terms of engagement
Union Romani
Romanistan: by Jessica Reidy and Paulina Verminski
Romani Media Initiative
eriac_romamoma (an Instagram page dedicated to showing contemporary art)
Romani Design (a fashion line where you can buy beautiful outfits)
Voice of Roma
More accounts you can follow to support Roma and Romani activism
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ae-neon · 1 year
May 16th is Romani Resistance Day
Did you know Rroma were also targeted for extinction by the third Reich? Also experienced chattel slavery? Still experienced genocidal policies like forced sterilisation well up into the 2000s in many European countries? And still face incredible discrimination to this day? Neither did I until recently
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wolvierinez · 2 months
people who are still excited for mcu Doom or say shit like "it's so stupid it's brilliant" owe me and any other romani person they know at least 10 quid btw
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croziers-compass · 9 months
Imagine being part of a minority group that not only has faced genocide on a number of occassions but also when history regales the horrors of other minority groups that were slaughtered yours is regularly forgotten or left out. And then western culture takes the racial slur that people associate with your minority group and then profits off of it and it becomes a trend to purchase things with your racial slur all over the product which has little to nothing to do with your ethnic group.
And then people apply that racial slur to themselves and use the excuse of "reclaiming it" when we all very well know that those people "reclaiming it" aren't actually part of your ethnic group. But your diversity makes a great cover for anyone that thinks that they can slip into it like a skin.
Additionally imagine if your ethnic group was so culturally appropriated that it isn't even treated like an ethnicity but a spiritual movement by western culture.
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vitsa-didicoy · 7 months
Rromani Store Showcase
LucyDoeDesigns on Etsy [link]
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Gorgeous beaded jewelry and handmade dolls. Support Rromani businesses 💙💖💚
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Ethnicities of Moldova series, featuring Ukrainian, Gagauz, and Romani people in traditional clothes
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sysboxes · 6 months
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[Text: This system wishes all rroma a great international romani day!]
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[ Text: This system is Romani]
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[ Text: This system is proud to be romani]
Happy International Romani Day from Mod Luxray, this blogs resident Rroma!! Me mangav tut! Dja devlesa!!
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izabesworld · 1 year
Appleby Horse Fair!
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To this who have followed my blog for a while, it has been a while! So hello, and thank you for sticking around 😃.
For those who are new, my name is Izzy and I’m a Rroma woman wanted to educate people on all things Rroma. I focus mainly on educating those on Peaky Blinders misconceptions and fanfic writing tips, but also share things about my culture, about Rromani culture and share traditions.
This time of year is a big part of the year for many Rroma men and women in England as it’s officially the time of the Appleby Horse Fair!
The Appleby Horse Fair, also known as Appleby New Fair, is an annual gathering of Gypsies and Travellers in the town of Appleby-in-Westmorland in Cumbria, England.
The horse fair is held each year in early June, attracting roughly 10,000 Gypsies and Travellers, about 1,000 caravans, several hundred horse-drawn vehicles, and about 30,000 visitors. The Gypsy and Traveller attendees include British Romanichal, Irish Travellers, Scottish Gypsy and Traveller groups, Kale (Welsh Romanies) and more!
My family is under the Romanichal section of this list, or if you’re English you’d know us better as Romany due to where we come from.
Appleby was given to us by King James (the second) of England in 1685 - supposedly - and by the 1900’s became a huge thing for English Travellers are it’s a time of year for us to come together, share our culture and even trade with a spit to the hand.
The Appleby Horse Fair, despite being a huge thing in Romani culture, isn’t shown in Peaky Blinders, and would be an amazing thing to show in fan fiction.
At Appleby, we have markets and history, where we see each other vardo’s and horses, tell people family stories and even make family tree connections! We like to call it a big family get together.
There are so many things I could delve into when it regard the Applyby Horse Fair, so let me know if you’re interested in knowing more about it ! 💗 (Even as an anonymous ask).
Much love to you all 👋
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menomodumps · 9 months
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I made another one
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kattahj · 2 years
As someone who has a number of Romani students, it's really fucked up to me how damn-near impossible it is to find Romani characters in American (and, to be fair, other countries) media that don't fall into one or more of the following stereotypes:
1. A witch or someone with magical/supernatural powers
2. A thief or criminal
3. A circus performer or fortune teller
4. A sexy "free spirit" who acts as inspiration/liberation for the protagonist (basically an ethnic version of the manic pixie dream girl/boy)
Obviously there are some real life Romani people who fall into those categories (the non-supernatural ones, at least). Especially when it comes to entertainment, that's a traditional profession for many Romani. But Romani people are also just people. When was the last time you saw a Romani character who was just a mundane, everyday person? A school kid, shop clerk, nurse, businessman, political activist, someone hanging out with a group of friends, or waiting for the bus, and who didn't come off as another genre element in a fantasy story?
The way they're written, you could replace them with elves and it would change nothing.
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ur-fav-is-romani · 2 years
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Richard "Dick" Grayson is Romani!
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