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izabesworld · 2 years ago
This image of an 1800’s “vardo” has been circulating on Facebook….
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Now this is the real image:
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We DO NOT need to photoshop traditional vardos to make them more appeasing, both are gorgeous, historical, and hold so many memories and weight.
Let’s stop trying to make Romani culture into an ancient aesthetic and accept it for what it is 👏 !
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the-fangirl-diaries · 1 year ago
Please! If you haven't already, go and listen to this music. It's cured me of my writer's block, it's beautiful, and it's like stepping through a time machine!!
Tagging a few of my mutuals and friends here! @zablife @izabesworld @cillmequick @look-at-the-soul @runnning-outof-time
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zablife · 11 months ago
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Tagged by @peakyswritings, @jomarch-wannabe, @leenieweenie12, @runnning-outof-time, @potter-solomons
Are you named after anyone? My father named me, but fuck knows why he chose it??
When was the last time you cried? Today (I cry all the time, I'm a Pisces 😂)
Do you have kids? Yes, Sonny, the furry ginger menace, is my biological son as far as I'm concerned 😜
What sports do you play /have you played? Nothing competitive but I used to surf and I had a ballet phase
Do you use sarcasm? Constantly
What's the first thing you notice about people? mouth/teeth
What's your eye color? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies 😱
Any talents? Pickpocketing (It’s a party trick! I always return whatever I've nicked 🤭), learning song lyrics
Where were you born? Australia
What are your hobbies? Writing, painting, swimming
Do you have any pets? 🐱 A revolving cast of fosters
How tall are you? 163 cm or 5’ 4”
Favorite subject in school? English lit
Dream job? Fashion photography, but my day to day is quite rewarding
No pressure tags: @izabesworld, @brummiereader, @pacifymebby, @little-diable, @thomashelbyswife
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Tagged by @jomarch-wannabe , thank you so much for the tag, darling🤍
Are you named after anyone?
Nope, luckily
When was the last time you cried?
Two/three days ago?? I honestly don’t remember
Do you have kids?
Does my dog count?
What sports do you play /have you played?
Dance, more precisely ballet and contemporary, and a bit of modern. But I’ve also tried other styles over the years
Do you use sarcasm?
Not really, I prefer irony
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their “vibes”
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but it depends on my mood
Any talents?
Nope I have to work hard
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Dancing, cooking, writing and reading
Do you have any pets?
Yes, a dog - a little shit that I love with all my heart
How tall are you?
1.70m, I’d REALLY like to be shorter tho
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
If money didn’t matter, a writer or a translator
No pressure tags: @call-sign-shark @zablife @runnning-outof-time @emotionalcadaver @evita-shelby @justrainandcoffee @cillmequick @lunarubra @rysko and whoever wants to do this
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zablife · 2 years ago
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🧐🤔🤯(All the other spellings I find of it do spell it Tachipen, now I am more intrigued than I already was knowing the meaning of the word! (This was the only source I found that showed the translation so directly to include.))
(not really an ask, just dropping by to say hi! 👋🏻)
Hi Ava!! I found both spellings as well, but more often the spelling "tachipen" which is also the way it's spelled in the captions. (Not that that's the most reliable source.) @izabesworld do you happen to know which is correct?
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
Appleby Horse Fair!
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To this who have followed my blog for a while, it has been a while! So hello, and thank you for sticking around 😃.
For those who are new, my name is Izzy and I’m a Rroma woman wanted to educate people on all things Rroma. I focus mainly on educating those on Peaky Blinders misconceptions and fanfic writing tips, but also share things about my culture, about Rromani culture and share traditions.
This time of year is a big part of the year for many Rroma men and women in England as it’s officially the time of the Appleby Horse Fair!
The Appleby Horse Fair, also known as Appleby New Fair, is an annual gathering of Gypsies and Travellers in the town of Appleby-in-Westmorland in Cumbria, England.
The horse fair is held each year in early June, attracting roughly 10,000 Gypsies and Travellers, about 1,000 caravans, several hundred horse-drawn vehicles, and about 30,000 visitors. The Gypsy and Traveller attendees include British Romanichal, Irish Travellers, Scottish Gypsy and Traveller groups, Kale (Welsh Romanies) and more!
My family is under the Romanichal section of this list, or if you’re English you’d know us better as Romany due to where we come from.
Appleby was given to us by King James (the second) of England in 1685 - supposedly - and by the 1900’s became a huge thing for English Travellers are it’s a time of year for us to come together, share our culture and even trade with a spit to the hand.
The Appleby Horse Fair, despite being a huge thing in Romani culture, isn’t shown in Peaky Blinders, and would be an amazing thing to show in fan fiction.
At Appleby, we have markets and history, where we see each other vardo’s and horses, tell people family stories and even make family tree connections! We like to call it a big family get together.
There are so many things I could delve into when it regard the Applyby Horse Fair, so let me know if you’re interested in knowing more about it ! 💗 (Even as an anonymous ask).
Much love to you all 👋
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the-fangirl-diaries · 2 years ago
Thank you for tagging me @runnning-outof-time
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr.loverman | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword
Tagging some of my friends in case they want to join :) 
@izabesworld @zablife @forgottenpeakywriter @look-at-the-soul @cillmequick​
This or That!
Thanks for the tag Mia @teenwolf-theoriginals ! 🥰
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr.loverman | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword
Tagging: @writers-hes @zablife @shelbydelrey @cillmequick @youtifulsunshinelixfics @look-at-the-soul @there-goes-thefighter @the-fangirl-diaries @raincoffeeandfandoms @emotionalcadaver
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
Hi! So I'm but sure if you've answered this before, I've just found your blog but find it interesting, especially since I'm trying to write stuff for Peaky blinders. I was wondering if you could tell me your take on the use of the word "gypsy" when writing. Because I know it is very controversial and a lot of people say not to use it because it's offensive. And I was just wondering if you could explain why, because I grew up in the US and am not really familiar with the culture and it wasn't really anything I grew up hearing about. So I was just wondering if your could maybe explain why people consider it a slur because I'm really am not sure. I don't want to me rude or anything it's just something I'm genuinely curious about. Because I've seen some people say they think it's offensive and some props say they think it's rude. I was also wondering your take on possibly using it in a Peaky blinders fic, because I think in the shot the Shelby's have use it a few times to describe themselves or when just they're being referenced or because I've heard it was used more in that time. And yeah. I know that was kinda ramblly and I'm not sure if it makes sense but I was just curious on your take about it. You totally don't have to answer though!!! Thanks for reading this!
Hey! I have answered this before, but I'm more than happy to answer it again so thank you so much for this question.
History lesson first:
The word "gypsy" has a few origins in relation to Rroma, so I'll go through the ones I know and work through them.
The first one I'm aware of is the idea Rroma individuals come from Egypt. Many were unsure of our origin but knew we had "strong" features and darker skin. These traits are due to us originating in South India. So the first meaning of the word I know us gypsies from Egypt, which is factually incorrect.
Another reason I'm aware of is the breakdown of the words - to gyp means to steal (or in some definitions to gamble). Throughout history, Rroma as a group were deprived of recourses. Many of us were involved in slavery in Eastern Europe for 400 years, and others were sold in the Atlantic Slave Trade to the Americas (leading to the group Afro-Romani).
If you deprive a group of people of the basic necessities to live, they're going to bargain to get them, maybe even steal. During these times in history, we were known for stealing food and fabrics from richer members of society. Therefore, gaining us the name "gypsies"
It's also important to factor in other ethnic groups that also use the name "gypsy" when in referral to themselves:
1-We have Irish Travellers, to start, who are not Rroma. Irish Travellers are from Ireland and are a whole other ethnic minority. People often confuse Irish Travellers with Rroma due to their similar nomadic lifestyle. Irish Travellers allow themselves to be called gypsies as it was a self-given title centuries ago, inspired by the Rroma definition of gypsy.
2-We also have English Travellers, who are often confused with Romanichal. In England, people are often confused with the difference between English Travellers and Romanichal - and so was I (in full admittance) when I began educating myself on the different types of travellers.
While there are marriages and cultural similarities between English Travellers and Romanichal, they're not at all genetically or historically linked. English Travellers come from Cromwellian times. The English Travellers also have their own views on the word gypsy, and doesn't have any historical nor offensive connections to them.
3-British Romany "Gypsies". British Romany Travellers are a very specific type of Rroma. British Romany Travellers have been in England since 1515 when Rroma began migrating to Europe after their migration from India. They're the descendants of Romany migrants who emigrated from India - therefore, the meaning of the word gypsy to them is in relation to the British's (is that a word?) idea of them coming from Egypt.
4-The Romanichal (Romanichal Travellers) are a Romani subgroup in England and other English-speaking countries. These are not English Travellers as they are descendants of the Rroma who once lived in India. Most Romanichal speak Angloromani - which is a mixed language that blends together both Romani vocabulary and English syntax.
There are around 400,000 Romanichal worldwide, 200,000 living in the United Kingdom, 164,000 living in the United States and the rest living in South Africa, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
5-Kale (Welsh Roma). The Kale are a group of Romani people in Wales and are often descendants of Abram Wood who was the first Rom to live in Wales in the 18th century. There are around 700-1,000 Kale members of society and speak their own version of Welsh Romani.
6-Romani (also spelt Romany or Rromani depending on where you come from). Romai people live in predominantly Europe and there are around 2-12million worldwide (shocking 10million confusion I know). The language you speak as a Romani person depends on where you live, where your ancestors lived etc as there are hundreds of Romani dialects.
The short answer to your question, which I probably should've put at the start and not the end, is please do not use the word gypsy when relating to travellers as for all "gypsy" groups there is a more specific name used in regard to them.
The word gypsy (also seen as gipsy) is rather ambiguous in dialect use as it doesn't specifically shown who you are in referral to. While some communities such as Irish and English travellers deem the word okay to use, the vast majority of the Rroma community do not.
The word gypsy in reference to the Romani community has connotations of illegality and is known as a racial slur. In 1971, the world Romani Congress unanimously voted to reject the use of the word gypsy due to the stereotypes associated.
The word gypsy was used against the Romani community during significant human parts of history - the Holocaust, the Romani slave trade and the Atlantic slave trade.
It's also important to keep in regard the use of the word, are you using it to write an 1800s piece? Is your story or piece of text historically accurate, and to use the phrase "Romani People" would be historically inaccurate as that isn't what we were called then.
Are you writing a piece that highlights the issues behind the word, where you aren't calling Romani people it, but instead highlighting the wrong in it.
Are you taking from a place in the early 1900s where Romani people called themselves Romani gypsies because that was the official documentation name given to us.
In summary:
Please don't go about calling Romani people gypsies unless in a historically accurate context.
I spent 20 minutes typing on this post, so thank you so much! I may have to open a window and I'm sweating like a dog in heat and need a break. You definitely gave me a lot of talking points (lol oops), but thank you for that also. All in all, I hope your answer is somewhere in this mess. 💗 May you have a blessed day!
Izzy 💓
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
Being Rom, my for you page on TikTok is filled with Romani content. I have MANY mutuals who spread awareness on the lack of education about Roma have a few who talk about the hate they receive on a daily basis due to their appearance and ethnicity.
I don’t do that, because I know the second I open myself up to the world, things become tough. So I stay on Tumblr having a happy little day.
However, with my for you page being Roma content, I often see things like these:
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Imagine using racial stereotypes about ANY ethnic minority in 2023. Imagine still, in 2023, thinking it’s justifiable to hate any ethnic group just because… You don’t like them?
Weird to me.
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
I was wondering if Season 6 of Peaky Blinders made any sense to you and your cultural background. Do the words mentioned that Ruby speaks accurate? The meaning behind the black madonna, and for it to be a symbol of protection from bad spirits? I would love to hear your point of view about that specific season.
To be blank and honest, I really liked Season 6 for the entertainment factor, but didn't think it was all too accurate and played closely on stereotypes of our culture, rather than our culture in itself.
What Ruby says "tickna mora o'beng" has absolutely no significance to me whatsoever. I'm not even sure if it's Angloromani as none of those words is words I've heard or used, and I assume it's them thinking Romanian is Angloromani again.
The translation of the words, from what I know was something about the devil, but even that has little significance to us as the majority of us are either Orthodox, Church of England or in modern times, Pentecostal. The devil can't come to us due to our strong ties to religion.
However, the Black Madonna was bang on the money. I, myself, have a Black Madonna rosary and a Black Madonna statue in my bedroom. Though we don't call her the Black Madonna, we called her Sara-la-kali.
The Black Madonna is more fiction than reality, as we don't pray to her or anything like that. It's like an old family tale and we keep imagery of her just in case the tales are true. She's the Goddess of fertility, protection and good fortune so is better to keep her there just for the odds.
The burning of the vardo in S6 was very important to me and was probably the closest cultural connection I had seen. When many of us die, we choose to die with our vardo's. We do this for spiritual reasons, we believe if our items aren't rid of, we can't pass them over to the afterlife.
Burning the vardo sets our spirit free, free of torment. It also allows us to take our worldly possessions to wherever is next.
I do have so much to say about this, but I apparently take forever to type as this has taken me 15 minutes and I need to get my Saturday clean on. So, thank you so much for your question, I may make another post about it later, however, for now, this is my overall view. May you have a blessed day! <3
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
What are some Traveler or Romani foods? I’m wanting to write something where Tommy’s wife uses an old cookbook she found (either belonging to Polly or Tommy’s mum) and tries to make some of the dishes and maybe Tommy is grateful for his wife doing so because makes him reminiscence about his mum, how love is so much more than just what is visible and stuff like that?
I’ve just written a whole response to this and then my phone crashed - I’m gonna cry!
However, our food is most comparable to African American Soul Food.
When we use the animal, we use all of it. We heavily season our foods to keep them fresh and often accompany our dishes with veg and stuffed peppers.
We have culture staples - like Sodmay which is basically stuffed cabbage with incredibly seasoned meat and rice pushed inside. This is also poupar in West Asia and the Balkans.
We use lots of soups - Lamb soup with typically garlic, paprika, bell peppers etc etc…
I had so much more than this when I was originally writing but I’ve literally got to go to work lol so might add more later!!!
Thank you so much for this ask, may you have a blessed day 💗
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izabesworld · 1 year ago
Been 3 months… A whole year older and a brand new baby! 🙈
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
I know you've written extensive reference resources for people looking to respectfully write Peaky Blinders content, but I was wondering if I might could request some insight on how best to write a backstory& some headcanons for Disney's Clopin from HoND?
I know the big 2 of no g slur and no crime family, but what might be some other narrative trope pitfalls or historical time period important cultural things to watch for when writing about him and his family?
Thank you, and also your blog is really cool!
I’m gonna actually cry - I wrote an amazingly articulated response to this and bam, I clicked the wrong thing and now it is gone. My life is over 🤣…
However, at this time it was illegal to be Roma. Majority of us were slaves in the Romania region and it stayed that way until the mid 1800’s.
HoND is banned in my house, no one in my house has been allowed to watch it and none of us will ever read it purely because of the offensive stereotypes it holds.
At this point of time for our community, if you weren’t a slave for an owner, you were a slave in the way that’s you were less than homeless, less than a peasant and less than stray cats and dogs that roamed the streets.
There was no respect for us, and our bodies weren’t ours. We’d often be taken advantage of by “country people”, no matter the race of them.
Imagine if there was a hierarchy of races at the time - people saw white people as superior and each and every race as less. Roma were at the pit bottom. We were used by each and every race.
Men, would kidnap Roma women to sell them for s3x work, Roma men were basically in hiding. We didn’t have birth certificates and we weren’t allowed to be buried in churches. There’s absolutely zero documentation of the majority of us for that time period - my family included.
AND HONESTLY - if I’m being 100% real, this is the era of King Louis and majority of us in France were probably criminals. It was illegal to be Roma - we couldn’t have jobs, we couldn’t buy food and we weren’t allowed to own properties. We probably were involved in some crime (stealing etc) in order to survive - I can’t see it another way.
Sensitive but important things I’d add is that the majority of women in his family were probably involuntarily prostitutes - owned by French men.
They probably were involved in crime and had to steal in order to get food and items the family needed.
The men probably didn’t have “real” jobs and lived completely and utterly nomadically.
It was a rough time to be Roma to say the least.
NEVERTHELESS- Thank you for this ask because I myself had to ask some questions before answering. All my love!
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izabesworld · 1 year ago
It’s my birthday!!!! 😋😋😋
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
Okay, okay. Who is the best Peaky Blinders character? NOT the most attractive, the best character (best development, most depth etc).
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izabesworld · 2 years ago
Hello, it's me again!
I hope it's not a bother, but I am having a slight issue with my fanfiction and was wondering if you might be able to help.
In the chapter I am writing right now, there's a big family gathering at Lizzie's house. I would love to include John and Esme's children in the story, but as far as I know and, the only one whose name is apparently mentioned is Katie, who could be one of the four children from John's previous marriage.
I have tried looking up the rest of the kids' names (there are six or seven altogether) but according to the sources I've gone to, including the Peaky Blinders Wiki, none of the other children's names are mentioned.
Therefore, I would love some ideas on names!
Once again, thank you in advance. :)
I LOVE MAKING NAMES OH MY DAYSSS!!! Thank you so much for asking me this…
Romani names
👧🏻Kezia - a traditional name that came about in the 1800’s.
👧🏻Mercedes - I’ve never seen a Romani family without a Mercedes, it was going to be my name 🤣…
👦🏻Boonie - I think it’s is Romanian Roma but it’s definitely one I’ve seen.
👧🏻Carmen-Maria - I’m not sure why this one is popular but the amount of Carmen-Maria’s about could populate iceland.
👧🏻 Anastasiia
You could also look into the Shelby family tree, as we often repeat names!
So, one may be Charlie after Charlie Strong, one may be Birdie after Birdie Boswell, even the brothers, one could be Finn or Arthur.
For example, my name is a great grandmothers and then my two middle names are both my grandmothers. My brother is my grandads name and then a 2nd great grandad for his middle name.
There could be:
Charlie Arthur Shelby
Martha Ada Shelby
Birdie Martha Shelby / Birdie Martha Ada Shelby
Charlie Michael Shelby
OR - with them being English Romani, they often have “English” names that aren’t very English.
Esmeralda, Britannia, Naomie, Queenie, Bohemia.
Biblical names are big - Matthew is a HUGE one, Abrahama, Matthew-Michael etc etc…
Thank you for this ask, I hope it was at least semi-helpful. Have an amazing and blessed day!! 💗💗
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izabesworld · 1 year ago
hello! I just found your page because I was planning on writing Peaky Blinders fanfic and I wanted to incorporate a more accurate depiction of the Shelby’s Roma heritage, but I was a bit of a loss as a non-Roma. I’m essentially writing a “Grace lives” fic which naturally has me thinking about the sapphire necklace, which the Duchess claims is cursed, and I was wondering your thoughts on how accurate Tommy’s treatment/reaction of the curse is? Assuming Grace takes it off, would he have given her a Black Madonna like he did for Ruby?
I would also love your opinion on the more prevalent Roma beliefs in the show, particularly regarding the depiction of curses and ghosts. I know you’ve mentioned that the Shelby’s are in no place to be haunted, and I get that you mean they have methods to preventing ghosts from haunting them, but I was wondering if you could elaborate that, particularly in regards to their religious background?
(I also have more questions but I don’t wanna overwhelm you on the first ask lol)
Hi! I’m so sorry it took me a while to reply to this, I’ve had such a week with my baby haha.
The ruby necklace is a bit of tricky one really, as it’s more “old folk” type of talk, and it isn’t really something new-generation Rrom are involved with. It’s more of that great-grandparent superstition.
Running with the fantasy side of Peaky Blinders, I doubt Tommy would’ve given Grace anything to protect her afterward, as while she is his wife, she wasn’t a child or anyone who “needed” the backup of protection if that makes sense. However, for fanfiction / fantasy purposes, it could definitely be manipulated that way! :)
The same sort of goes for the second part of your question. While I don’t believe the writers would’ve ever put the Shelby’s as candidates for anything to do with the “spiritual” world with ghosts, spirits and auras, there’s definitely a way it could be manipulated that was for fictional purposes.
In Roma culture, religion can often override that. We know that Arthur was old-testament Catholic, and Polly “dabbled” in religion when it came to the war. However, they all relied on the Church | Tommy when exposing Grace for who she really was, Polly when she had troubles, Arthur with Linda, Tommy with his daughter when answering with the Devil.
While they are Romani, they are also British citizens who still follow the ideals of the century and do seem to be quite disconnected from their culture in that way - bar Aunt Pol.
All of it is truly up for manipulation - if you wish to go for a more cultural root in your fanfiction, it could be expected for Tommy to give Grace protection, wether that is the Black Madonna or if it’s a family heirloom like (for example: an old family jewellery piece he believes to be protected, a clothing article etc). For the same reasons, you could also manipulate it where the Shelby’s would be haunted with spirits or ghosts in the same way and how they deal with that could either be with religion or seeking help from older people in the “clan”.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask as I have really enjoyed answering this!!
Much love ❤️
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