#Rosie and Alastor’s friendship is the best
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nostalgiclittlespace · 7 months ago
request: CG!Rosie and Little!Alastor
Plot: Rosie's trying to get Alastor to sleep but Al's being a cranky lil baby (Alastor's little age is newborn)
Hope you enjoy! Sorry if it’s scatter brained, I wrote this late at night 😅
Title: A Fussy Fawn
Pairing: CG! Rosie x Little! Alastor
Word count: 940
Description: Despite Alastor’s insistence (and by that I mean his fussing) he definitely needs a nap. Good thing Auntie Rosie is always there for her fawn (fluff, hurt/comfort-ish)
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A Fussy Fawn
Alastor was not tired.
He had made that clear on several occasions—first when Rosie suggested they have some quiet storytime, then when she tried cradling him with a bottle, and again when she offered him a pacifier.
Rather than the polite words or violent displays Alastor usually would have used to convey his thoughts, the upper rooms of Rosie’s Emporium were filled with fusses and shrieks at her attempts.  Though his powers had diminished to near nothing when he regressed, the radio sitting on the nightstand randomly switched channels and crackled with static and interrupted songs.  His shadows did not attack him or Rosie; instead, they too tried to soothe him by offering toys and gear at random.  Like Rosie, they had no success.
Yet, despite Alastor’s insistence, he definitely needed a nap.
The Radio Demon sat criss-cross on the red quilted blanket Auntie Rosie had made him many years before.  Cast aside plushies and toppled wooden blocks littered the ground around him, attesting to his displeasure as he whined once again.
“Young man,” Rosie said, soothing yet serious, “you know you will feel much better if you just take your paci.  Look, I even got your favorite one!”
Indeed she had.  The red plastic and its matching silk clip shone softly under the low nursery lights.  A small deer had been painted onto the center.  It even had his name on the handle!  
Nonetheless, Alastor showed no interest in the comfort item.
Rosie attempted to push the pacifier into his mouth, but to no luck.  As soon as the pacifier reached his lips, he popped it out of his mouth with a miserable screech.  He threw it away from himself, as if the silicone soother had somehow offended him.
“Alrighty then, no paci,” Rosie sighed, reaching across the play area for his plush alligator and offering that instead.  “How about this one?  Would you like to play with him?”
Alastor shook his head vehemently before flopping over onto his stomach in silent protest.  Well, actually it wasn’t all that silent.  Grumpy fussing emitted from his frame as he laid there like a slug.
After only a few seconds, his chest only took heavy breaths, his frame shaking slightly, and his ears pinned back against his skull.  As he cried miserably, Rosie sighed softly, feeling a loss for ideas.  Normally, Alastor would accept quiet time without question.  In fact, he preferred it to some of the noisier or messier activities they had tried.  So, what could have possibly interrupted their usual schedule?
Nonetheless, Rosie didn’t question his moodiness, nor scold him for his lack of manners.  Instead, she scooted a little closer and placed a hand on his back.  She found a soothing rhythm, tracing small circles like it was second nature.  To be fair, it most likely was.  
Despite being a cannibal, an Overlord, and having lived a life sinful enough to condemn her for eternal damnation, Rosie never lost her kindness nor her maternal instincts.  She took anyone under her wing, especially the children living in Cannibal Town.  Alastor was no exception.
The Radio Demon finally seemed ready to accept some form of comfort; Auntie Rosie’s comforting presence finally making some difference.  Unsteady as a newborn fawn, Alastor crawled a grand total of two steps before planting his face in Rosie’s skirt.  The dress’s soft fabric provided a gentle pillow, undoubtedly even more comforting than the blanket beneath them.
His fawn ears twitched as Rosie scratched them gently.  Gradually, they relaxed from where they had pinned backward and returned to their usual perked state.  His whines diminished too–instead replaced by soft sighs of contentment when Rosie pet his head just right.  Finally, he seemed ready to settle down.    
My, he certainly is one for dramatics, Rosie thought affectionately.  Even when this young, he must make a fuss about the little things.
  As Rosie’s fingers mused with his tufts of hair, Alastor’s body grew steadily limp.  As his blinks grew slower and his breaths deeper, his Caregiver carefully lifted him into her arms so he was no longer half-draped across the floor.  With motherly precision, she guided him into a strong yet gentle cradle.
With equal heed, she slowly stood up, then carried him over to the rocking chair.  Alastor stirred, blinking blearily as the movement disturbed his half-asleep state.  He whined sharply, threatening to undo all the work in soothing him.  However, Rosie eased away the baby’s complaint with practiced care.  Whispered hushes, a gentle rocking motion as she carried him, which continued as they lowered onto the wooden chair.  It glided back and forth, slow but sure.  
Rosie reached over to the radio sitting on the nightstand beside them, careful not to jostle Alastor’s delicate slip back into dreamland.  A couple dial turns later, the nursery’s smooth jazz resumed drifting through the air.  This time, Alastor’s powers did not disrupt the lulling notes.  He simply blinked slowly up at Rosie, who smiled back down at him.
“I think you’ve fought sleep for long enough, darling,” she chuckled.  “Rest now.  We’ll have plenty of play time later.”
Whatever had disturbed him, she could find out later.  For now, getting him to sleep was a much higher priority.
Thankfully, Alastor seemed to agree as his doe eyes drifted closed again.  He curled up, tucking his body closer to his caregiver’s.  Rosie, smiling fondly, reached for the spare blanket they kept on the rocking chair’s back, and draped it over him.   The peace enveloped the scene, Rosie’s worries melting away with Alastor’s miniature snores. Even if he is a bit cranky, Rosie thought, amused, he still is an adorable fawn.
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kaya-world · 11 months ago
Alastor : So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Vox recently.
Kaya : No, Alli, it's not what it looks like, I swear.
Rosie : Oh really? So no reason for us to be jealous?
Kaya : No! You two are the only one for me.
Alastor : Is that so?
Kaya : I promise! Vox and I are just dating, okay? He’s my boyfriend.
Rosie : So there are no best-friends-feelings involved?
Kaya : You are still my two and only best friend! He’s just the love of my life, nothing more!
Alastor and Rosie : But we're still the platonic love of your life, right?
Kaya : Of course guys!
Alastor and Rosie : Kayou...
Vox : What the-
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thatoneacecryptid · 1 year ago
Anything Goes and Annie are Rosie and Alastor’s collective favorite musicals, they sing the songs together all the time in between gossip, change my mind (you won’t be able to)
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thecrazygamingzombie · 10 months ago
Alastor goes over to Rosie’s place for tea and cookies and absolutely nothing goes wrong
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holly-natnicole · 11 months ago
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bump-inthe-night · 4 months ago
Outside of the racism, I hate how Vivziepop ruined Alastor's positive relationship with Rosie. Two charismatic cannibals being best friends is a fun idea, but this was taken away for a shitty plot twist.
In season one, Alastor doesn't express discomfort around Rosie and appears to genuinely enjoy her company. If Alastor's mouth twitched and his voice became strained around Rosie, it would've shown us that there's something lurking under the surface in their relationship.
Alastor also needed to have a positive relationship with another character outside of Niffty. Rosie seemed to be the only other person he enjoyed being around. It's rare for there to be positive relationships between a man and woman in Vivziepop's shows, so Alastor and Rosie's friendship was refreshing to see. However, she couldn't resist vilifying another woman to make a man look better.
Vivziepop destroyed a positive relationship between two of her characters in an attempt to surprise her audience with a shitty twist.
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elsa-fogen · 1 year ago
Good intentions | Hazbin AU (part 9)
start here - previous part (8) - next
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the entire budget (1 bottle of lemonade and 2 candies) was spent on these 1.5 pages with effects. btw you didn't expect puppy-eyed rosie, but here you have it. NOBODY EXPECTS SPANISH INQUISITION!
and Alastor did NOT expect Rosie to care SO much about him. He will probably rethink half of his life in hell lol. I think he tends to underestimate positive feelings people may have for him (and he may have for others). His ass did not expect Rosie to cry about him.
Also them hugging was the best fucking thing to draw. I love them so much. Angels should look at them and forgive Alastor just for his friendship with Rosie.
also (2), i'm struggling not to draw Alastor significantly taller than Rosie. Help.
also (3), i wanted her to lick him lol but it didn't fit the mood. But i still have it... now you hve it too. Does this still counts as platonic??? hjhgsdgg
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ALSO (4) now i want to draw Rosie with loose hair. I bet even Alstor would have to rethink his aroace-ness
ALSO(5)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need your comments+reblogs please this is my fucking fuel, i'm dying without feedback. Especially now when i know how to end the story... please help me not to loose motivation for this!
next soon(?)
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ohbother2 · 1 year ago
Alastor lost his cool and flipped his shit immensely when Lucifer showed up - why would that be? and why wedge himself between Lucifer and Charlie? Why would he react so viscerally when his literal main-competitor for retaining his rank and respect is Vox, and Vox openly antagonises him first, trying to drag Alastor's reputation through the mud in his broadcasts
Alastor remains cool, calm, collected, and in doing so completely surpasses Vox's attempts
in many ways, Alastor is unflappable. Always smiling, always a step ahead, always the most powerful and domineering in a room
and then- Lucifer shows up. This short statured, rosy-cheeked, rather pathetic excuse of a man
he waltzes in to the hotel, a fumbling over-excited mess, the least threatening a person could possibly look in hell, barely reaching Alastor's waist
and yet, he outranks Alastor, he could over-power him easily, he is the predator
and Alastor simply cannot handle that
Alastor may be furious that such a week-minded, emotionally unguarded man ranks so far above him with no way for Alastor to even attempt to gain the same status
so what does Lucifer lack? what is the one thing Alastor can have that he can't?
a relationship with Charlie
his anger is calculated, he finds what hurts Lucifer, he finds his weakness, he grips onto it with both claws, and he drags it in front of him, mocking the fact that, yeah, sure Lucifer may outrank him, but in his daughters mind? one of the few things Lucifer can't control? Alastor has the power, has the lead - in all manners of 'power' and 'influence' that Lucifer cannot control, Alastor makes sure he knows he is on top - he is Charlie's favourite, he succeeds where Lucifer has failed her
regardless of his motives, he has been there for Charlie, and Lucifer hasn't, and that's all that matters
but why does he have this deep-rooted need to prove himself? why can he not accept that he is still the second most powerful in that hotel?
his need for power, for dominance, for control is shown again when Husk confronts him in the hallway
'big talk for someone who's also on a leash'
this time, Alastor doesn't even bother targeting Husker's, insecurities, his weaknesses
he drags him down the hallway chained at his neck, teeth gnashing and positively enraged
there's no typical Alastor intelligence or cunning behind this action - it is pure unadulterated rage, it's a: I can kill you, and I will
killing husk would be useless - Alastor obviously has a purpose for him, that's why he's been kept alive and the other overlords haven't, killing him would get rid of any leverage Alastor had, it would get rid of Husk full stop
Alastor has been gone for 7 years, and now he's back, supporting a cause he doesn't believe, forced to wander around the hotel halls and haunting its residents instead of freely roaming Hell
Lilith has also been gone 7 years - and she isn't yet back
Alastor just so happens to appear at the hotel mere moments after Charlie tries to talk to Lilith, marching into the foyer and wedging himself into the project with a showman's flair
he is chained, he is chained to that infernal hotel where he doesn't belong - he cannot be redeemed, he doesn't want to be redeemed
he is chained to Lilith, and by extension he is chained to Charlie
and in his eyes, he is powerless, so utterly and infuriatingly at the mercy of those above him, and that simply won't do
so what can he do? what can a man, whose greatest desire is power, who's biggest insecurity is the power and status he wields over others, do to reclaim some semblance of that power? how can he usurp Lilith? how can be make this soul-bond beneficial to him?
he can win Charlie over - he can replace her father in the process, he can mould her as he sees fit, he can play on her need to view the best in everyone, in the need to create friendships and her insatiable ability to care for those around her
he cannot get to Lilith, he cannot match Lucifer, but he can have Charlie
and he's nearly got her
and when he does? who's to say her naivety, her trust, the relationship he's intentionally crafted with her, leads her to strike a deal with him in a moment of need? when the angels attack, when the hotel begins to crumble, when heaven commands her to stop her efforts? why wouldn't she strike a deal, in her mind, he's as caring as a father figure, and a man who's been there since day one unlike either of her parents
she shakes his hand
he has her soul
he has Charlie, and he has Lilith, and he has Lucifer
there's nothing they can do, and isn't that really what power is? not raw-strength, not magic, not status, but the ability to control those who others may believe to be above your own station?
he's forced to the hotel, he's chained down and unable to grab for more power - if Lilith is preventing him from earning it himself, well, he can always just force her to give it to him
all it takes is one hand shake.
the cherry on top? he get's to show Lilith it's her own desire for him to be at the hotel that has allowed him to ensnare them all
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holly-natnicole · 11 months ago
Rosie: "Alastor, can you believe Susan fell asleep?"
Alastor: "Oh, I quite can; you see, I gave her a few sleeping pills earlier."
Rosie: "Oh, Alastor, you are always the best ar my parties."
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The bffs 🦌🌹✨
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misslycoris · 10 months ago
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𐂂 Oh best believe he's not gonna take you seriously at the beginning of your so-called friendship, I don't even think he considers it as one.
𐂂 He just considers you as one of the many people he knows. He also definitely doesn't think of you as an equal or anyone significant.
𐂂 He'll probably acknowledge your existence if you were a part of the hotel, but if you were just a random demon off the streets then no, he has better things to do with his time. Not unless you do something that grabs his attention.
𐂂 Deliberately trying to be on his good side won't affect him in any way, he's used to that treatment, therefore what you're doing is nothing special.
𐂂 But what does grab his attention? Subtle things. Giving him his space, if you have a phone or any technology invented beyond the 1930s you generally try and avoid him, thanking him as he passes you your portion of the meal he cooks for hotel bonding nights that Charlie mandated. Stuff like that when added up makes Alastor generally more appreciative of your existence.
𐂂 Only then you're upgraded from an acquaintance to an acquaintance that isn't as annoying to be around as the rest.
𐂂 That's when he strikes up random conversations with you, he appreciates it if you take the time to listen and add to it, even more so if you actually set aside something you were doing just to talk with him. It gives him a mini ego boost every time.
𐂂 Writing something while he talks about the hotel's structural problems? His smile widens when you close your notebook and join him by recounting the time you almost fell down the balcony.
𐂂 Eating breakfast and he talks about how he hunts the perfect deer for venison? There you are, chewing your food and nodding, listening to how he graphically describes the process while the rest of the hotel stares at him in horror.
𐂂 Another thing he does during this phase is popping out of nowhere and keeping up with what you're doing, call it interest, call it curiosity, or maybe it's boredom. Now that Alastor knows that you are more tolerant of him he'll fully use that to his entertainment.
𐂂 I can see him trying to get a deal out of you but it doesn't go anywhere, since I'm going to assume we are all smart enough to not hand our souls to Alastor on a silver platter.
𐂂 Survive his onslaught of impromptu shenanigans and move on to the next tier of actually being friends.
𐂂 Alastor treats his friends as his equals so there's that, also be ready to accept his invites to drinking coffee around the hotel and talking about the latest mess the hotel went through.
𐂂 The way he treats you compared to how he treats Angel or Husk is way different that it physically gives everyone a whiplash. I'm talking about something like this:
"Can you not scare off people, smiles? We're tryna bring in people into the hotel." Angel explains, Alastor only simpers as he feigns ignorance.
"Why, I don't know what you're talking about!" He laughs as he skips off merrily. Charlie and Vaggie then nod to each other and drag you into the conversation, whispering you something before they push you towards Alastor.
"Hey Alastor, I just wanted to ask if you could help me with something?" You ask, you haven't made up a chore to ask for help from him but you needed a reason to try and stop him from scaring any potential guests. Does Alastor know? I guarantee you he does. But does he let you do it anyways? Yes, absolutely he does.
"Anything to help a dear out, if you'll excuse us then!" Alastor bids goodbye for the both of you as you walk away, despite being the one to ask him, he was the one leading the way.
𐂂 Alastor also invites you to meet Rosie! Rosie finds you very endearing and if you had a penchant for cannibalism expect luncheons together with them.
𐂂 By this point everyone in the hotel notices how Alastor gravitates towards you, they have mixed reactions to it but the general consensus is to not disrupt your "bonding sessions" as Charlie puts it.
𐂂 Alastor oftentimes shares jokes whether or not you appreciate his humor. Side note, Alastor full-on cackles if you or Rosie say something outta pocket about somebody, and hangouts with both of them are generally a good time. He'll try to say shit like:
"Let's be nicer now." All the while he holds in a laugh after you and Rosie called Susan the wicked bitch of the West.
𐂂 This is also a silly thought of mine, but picture this:
You decided to stay up late one night after you decided to do whatever it is you were putting off and after a while, you decided to grab some coffee from downstairs.
Arriving at the kitchen you see, this eldritch abomination in the shadows looming over the cabinet where the instant coffee packets were kept. It then takes you a few seconds to register that it was Alastor and you were just left standing by the kitchen doorway, wondering what to say.
"Can I grab the coffee packets from that cabinet over there?" You point towards the cabinet, Alastor then quickly shifts back to his usual form and ushers you to the kitchen counter.
"Nonsense my dear! Why don't I make us some nice and hot coffee instead of consuming such tasteless things." Alastor insists and before you could even refuse he was already doing a French press.
𐂂 Though as you can imagine Alastor has his off days, he makes it clear to you when he isn't in the best of moods and you steer clear of him per his request. Then the fight with Adam happened. As the rest of the hotel was busy with rebuilding the hotel, you were balancing both looking for Alastor and helping paint the walls of the new hotel.
𐂂 This is when the remaining walls he had crumbled down as you find him at his lowest, basically defeated and while he was royally pissed when someone saw him in such a vulnerable state, you were the best option out of the ensemble that was currently singing outside of the ruins of his old radio station.
𐂂 Hesitant as he was, he let you dress his wound with bandages, he wasn't comfortable with anything else you offered, not with cleaning up the wound itself, not with telling the rest that he was alive, and definitely not asking for help from anyone either. So you stayed there for a while after you finished dressing his wound up, his blood immediately soaking through the bandage. But you didn't say anything and let Alastor be, and after a few more minutes in silence, he got up and offered you a hand as if he wasn't the one who needed it. The only thing he says is:
"We mustn't dilly-dally now, the rest are waiting for you." Not us, just you. It sounded bitter but you didn't say anything.
𐂂 Romantic isn't the right word for Alastor, I imagine him to be somebody who doesn't outright say his feelings but there's a gradual change, and then one day, before you know it people around the hotel will start asking you if you two were a thing. He's not going to acknowledge the change verbally, but he does notice it and acknowledges it in his own way.
𐂂 Don't get me wrong he's capable of being romantic, acts of service is his go-to, and on days that he feels like it he can be very vocal with his affections. But it's not an everyday occurrence.
𐂂 This only starts right after something like seeing him at his lowest, that for me is when I feel like he's more willing to be more open to you. I mean, you've already seen him at rock bottom, so why not?
𐂂 Go to him during your more vulnerable moments, he's done it to you so he expects the same. Trust goes both ways after all.
𐂂 It starts out small, if you were used to setting things aside just to listen to him ramble, wait until you start to notice that he's doing the same thing for you. Usually when you're discussing something he multitasks, of course he still listens but efficiency is of the essence. Eventually though, he starts to physically put aside anything he is doing, showing that you have his full attention.
𐂂 There are also times when you (and the rest of the hotel) notice that your portion in meals that he cooked has significantly more than what the others have on their plates. Anyone who complains gets told that they were only imagining it by Alastor.
𐂂 Alastor also gradually becomes more lenient with you, letting you get away with a lot more than you should. Steal his monocle? He'll wear his glasses as he searches for you in the hotel. Break something by accident? He'll be by your side telling you to be more careful as he picks up every broken piece before you hurt yourself.
𐂂 Adjustment is key, I can see the other party doing more of it but he also makes an effort to meet you halfway. Are you particularly touchy? He doesn't get it but he knows it makes you happy so he makes an effort to accommodate you.
𐂂 Words of affirmation? Since he gets to see you get all flustered he's up for it! He finds you adorable whenever you do.
𐂂 Alastor tries for you, tries to navigate all of those unfamiliar territories that he's never had the chance to explore to ensure that you don't feel like the only one in your relationship. It does feel like it sometimes, I won't sugarcoat it, Alastor at heart is a man cold and sharp on the edges, but he isn't Alastor if he wasn't and he still cares for you all the same even if he doesn't show it.
𐂂 I'd say the most romantic part of the day for the both of you would be reading together in his room, fire crackling as you sit on the floor (much to Alastor's protest) while you lean against Alastor's chair. Sometimes he sneaks a peek into your book just to see what you were reading out of curiosity, and you'd rather not tell him that you could see him doing it from his reflection through the small mirror he had hanging by one of his shelves.
𐂂 Pet names for days! Yes he does call you chere, next question please. Pet names become more frequent the closer you two become, although, the more personal nicknames would be said behind closed doors. The most he'll call you in public would be darling, he didn't need to air out every part of his life and you both were content at that. Also, call me crazy, delusional even, but hear me out here sharks:
You were sitting by the fire, with Alastor still complaining that sitting on the floor was nowhere near as comfortable as you said it was, you only laughed lightly at how much of a fuss he's kicking up.
"I won't die a second time just because I decided to sit on the floor Al. Besides, you're a lot closer if I sit here. I like it like that. So let me have this one, please?" You don't know why, but he stops in the middle of his tangent. Something about what you just said struck something in him that got him laughing softly, even going so far as to ruffle your hair ever so gently.
"Oh, you dear old thing. I suppose I can't stop you." He eventually takes his hand back and goes back to reading as he hums together with the faint melody of jazz in the air.
𐂂 Alastor helps you dress up if you ask, need help with a zipper you can't quite reach? Hold his staff for a moment while he does. Can't pick between two things? Ask him and he'll give you his opinion, he'll often say you'll look just as lovely wearing either one but he does have his choice.
𐂂 You don't sleep in the same rooms unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you see it, if you're a part of the rehabilitation program you both would have a separate room of your own. Neither of you made any plans of asking Charlie to move you to his room or vice versa either since you were both unprepared for whatever questions she may have so you both agreed to put it off, there really was no urgency or need to stay in the same room anyways.
𐂂 Letters! Events like Valentine's Day never interested Alastor, there was no one to spend it with so he never needed to worry about it. But with you in the picture he starts to think otherwise, you both rarely ask for anything from the other so gifts would have to be purely given by initiative, and now was the perfect time. It takes Alastor an almost embarrassingly long amount of time to settle on writing you a letter, a heartfelt one dedicated to thanking you for being a part of his afterlife, for being someone he can trust, and for making the days less monotonous for him. Imagine his surprise when he hands you a letter only for you to give one of your own. You both share a laugh and settle down by the fire, reading your letters together as Alastor sits down on the floor together with you just this once to humor you he says.
𐂂 All in all, it takes a while, but with time, patience, and I mean a lot of it, you'll get there.
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Interested in hearing me yap even more? Give Signed, Alastor a go if you have the time. It's about a bat and a deer faffing around until they sort their feelings out.
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radioisntdead · 11 months ago
I have an idea.
Mom susan and daughter are reader
How about the reader tries to introduce her husband to her mother??
Good evening my dear! I wanted to see a Susan and Alastor in-law showdown and I wrote a drabble and then some headcanons, so I hope you don't mind, but if you do just let me know and I can replace Alastor with another requested character or an oc or something,
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The mother in-law
Susan & daughter reader, Alastor x female reader
Cannibalism, violent elderly, implied Violence AGAINST the elderly in the headcanons mostly, Susan invading boundaries, Alastor gets insulted by Susan, Reader needs a drink, poorly drawn Cat Alastor in a suit, OOC characters, not proofread, does anyone know a replacement for Grammerly??
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Alastor made the most of falling to eternal damnation, seeing it as a new opportunity,
He become an overlord, a cannibal, the feared Radio demon,
It was shocking enough to him that he had met you, and while it did take awhile and a long long friendship he did end up realizing he had feelings for you, a sweetheart of a cannibal, who worked with his dear friend Rosie and asked to court you in the gentlemenly way, with a bouquet of seven roses and a kiss on your hand, He was the happiest lil' deer in all of hell.
He'd take you dancing, you'd do something like reading or taking a nap as he did his radio broadcast, the two of you would go on walks,
It was bliss
Unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it, Alastor disappeared for seven years taking you with him, much to the distain of your mother.
During the time away you were wed, it was a small ceremony, only the two of you and the fucked up cat thing that looked strikingly like Alastor you adopted as your witness.
Anyways with the sudden seven year disappearance and marriage, he never got to formally meet his mother in law that you've told him so much about,
So once everything was settled and you got to visit your dear mama a couple of times, you decided to finally introduce them,
Unfortunately they already knew each other.
Oh no.
Alastor wore his best suit, he even put that evil radio cat into a suit, you wore a lovely dress that matched the aesthetics of cannibal town [Or an exact copy of Alastor's regular suit if you wanna give Susan a heart attack]
He walked arm in arm with you to the cannibal town home your mother lived in, and from the moment the door was opened there was only one thought on his mind.
Oh shit it was Susan, you were the daughter of the Ornery old bitch,
How was someone like YOU related to SUSAN??
Were you adopted? You had to be, he refused to believe that old lady had spawned you in any type of way, maybe she picked you up off the street?
Susan grabbed your hand pulling you in and looking over you, not bothering to greet the radio demon beside you,
"Where have you been I thought you died, Why are you with the guy with the shitty haircut that looks like someone went at him with a fucking hedge trimmer"
"Mama I visited you last week,"
Susan questioned immediately as you laughed nervously, barely two seconds in and she had already insulted Alastor,
you look over to Alastor who stood awkwardly in the door way, waiting to be invited in, the cursed cat in a suit standing by him also waiting to be invited in.
"And apparently you already know my Alasto-"
you were cut off swiftly by Susan squinting at Alastor
"You married the fucking embodiment of red-40?"
Alastor blinked, "Excuse me?"
"You're excused." Susan moved to shut the door in Alastor's face but was stopped by you stopping her
"Ma, please, Alastor come on in"
You said gesturing for your husband and the thing to enter, Susan scoffed mumbling about something as she turned around and sped into the kitchen.
Alastor leaned into you, hooking his arm with yours as the messed up cat clone moved around immediately crawling upon Susan's rocking chair.
"My dear it's not too late to leave and dine elsewhere''
"Alastor please, It's just one dinner with my Ma''
"Who's an ornery old-"
It's a very very awkward dinner, Alastor tried to compliment Susan's meatloaf? He got bullied, you did step in to shut that behavior down but that didn't do much, Alastor tried to help wash the dishes after supper? Susan stood over him watching as he washed every plate and each piece of cutlery, judging him.
Susan did not fear the overlord, and you were concerned.
After dinner was finished and dessert was eaten Susan stared both you and Alastor down as you sat on her couch.
"How long have you been married?"
"Six years."
"Where are my grandchildren then?!"
You hold up the mini Alastor, it's tail wagged slowly as Susan looked upon it with a look of disapproval,
"That's a shitty looking rat, is your husband dysfunctional?"
"Ma, can you not- NO, Alastor put away the tentacles she will RIP THEM OFF-''
AND HEADCANON TIME BECAUSE I am not the best at writing action.
You poor soul.
They can't kill each other because you exist,
It's like stopping two toddlers from fighting except one's well over a century old and your married to the other one,
You're an unpaid babysitter I'm so sorry
Alastor was raised to respect woman and the elderly but he is very close to attacking Susan
He can't do much because he doesn't want to get into trouble with Rosie because attacking one of her cannibals no matter who it is, was a whole can of worms he rather not open, and also she was unfortunately your mother,
He's questioning that, like after this dinner expect him to sit you down and just start throwing questions, like how?
He liked Susan's meatloaf well enough, he could live without it though,
Susan runs into him randomly on the street? She asks if she has a grandchild yet, no? He's getting attacked with the cane and asked if he cannot perform properly Violence on the ace deer
She tries to convince you to leave him and tried introducing you to a random cannibal she pulled off the street, but she stopped after you got upset at her.
Assuming you live at the Hazbin hotel with Alastor Susan visits, she somehow got a key to the room you and Alastor shared so you could be sleeping and Susan pops in swinging her cane, dropping lore
Alastor lives in mild fear, he's changed the locks, he's put Niffty outside the door as security,
Susan always GETS IN.
You have boundaries with her but she breaks them and your working on getting her to stop,
It becomes a hotel wide situation of getting Susan to not break in
She oddly enough likes Angel dust and you use him as a distraction whenever she appears without warning,
You owe Angel several favors.
You are in debt.
Susan eventually grows a fondness for the freak grandchild, she gets clothes, dresses him up and calls him sonny,
Alastor's not the most pleased but it's better then getting asked if he suffers from certain conditions
They sometimes fight over your time, like he's taking you out on a date and Susan pops in and drags whisks you away for tea or something,
They can't do much aside from verbal Insults and glares, but they did get into a physical fight, Alastor got hit with a chair, Susan almost got eaten, Alastor sent Niffty on her and she almost got stabbed
You threatened to tell Rosie and they both stopped, thankfully
Susan keeps divorce papers on hand just in case you ever change your mind, she's not afraid to attack an overlord, this woman is down below for a reason and she is FERAL.
If she catches Alastor chompin' down on your arm he's getting whooped with a cane and the both of you are getting a full lecture on if he's doing anything he's not supposed too, and if he is, he needs to go.
Alastor is very adamant that he would never intentionally harm you apparently the BITING DOESN'T COUNT AS HARM???
Dude has a fear of becoming like his father.
They have issues but they agree on things like this,
There's eventually a group meeting about Susan breaking into the hotel and while she's welcome she needs to stop popping in at late hours of the night or at the crack of dawn,
There's a Susan security system set up now.
Susan's never going to fully approve because you'll always be that small child she found on the side of the streets long ago to her and no man, woman or whatever is going to be good enough for her little girl, but she'll put up with it, she knows that while Alastor isn't the best person it could be worse.
She eventually respects your boundaries, yay!
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Good evening folks! Thank you for tuning in! I hope you liked whatever this was, I'm slowly working though requests! Now it's 3 am and I'm tired, goodnight! Have a cursed cat Alastor in a suit that I drew with my fingers
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He looks like a tatortot
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chiquite · 1 year ago
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Regressor Alastor with Caregiver Rosie Headcanons! ❤️🖤
I love these two sm their friendship is everything.
• Alastor 100% doesn't know anything about age/pet regression, nor does he realize he sometimes is little himself (he mostly refers to being regressed as his "episodes")
• He's mostly a pet (deer) regressor, but he does age regress from time to time.
• His regression is involuntary and happens when he's too stressed and near someone who he truly trusts, when he's little he's around 10yo.
• Rosie, however, does know what regression is and immediately recognized what was happening the first time Alastor was little around her.
• How he acts while little depends on whether he's pet or age regressing.
• When he's a little deer, he gets very clingy and stays very close to Rosie, never getting too far from her.
• He likes tackling Rosie in hugs and headbutting her arm and back lightly, that's just how he says "I love you" <3
• He losses his speech entirely, only communicating with squeaks, hums and whines.
• Rosie has no problem guessing what he wants, it's not that difficult when you are as close to him as she is.
• "Oh honey, you're munching on my sleeve, do you want a little snack?", "Don't give me that look darling, I know you're feeling sleepy!", "You're ears are pointing down sweetness, let's take you to a more quiet place, shall we?".
• When he's a little boy, however, he's Rosie's little helper.
• He still follows her everywhere but now he's always looking for ways to be involved in what she's doing.
• "Rosie! Papers!" "That's right sweet boy, we're filling these papers!"
• He needs attention and praise at all times, so Rosie always makes sure to give him small tasks to keep him occupied and make him feel important.
• "Good job bringing the sugar, darling! thanks to you we'll have a nice cup of tea now."
• He's very protective of Rosie, and also very wary of strange men (they remind him of his father, who left him and his mom), so you'll find him hugging Rosie while staring daggers at them, sometimes even growling.
• Rosie is the best at de-escalating situations and making sure Alastor doesn't harm himself or others.
• "I know you're mad honey but let's take some deep breaths okay? I'll pet behind your ears", "Someone's a little fuzzy, how about we go down for a nap huh? I'm sure that'll make you feel better"
• Rosie would love to explain what age regression is to Alastor, she really would but the guy is embarrassed enough about his "episodes" as it is! She knows that with his stubbornness if he knew he was a little he would do all in his power to repress that side of him even if it helps him and Rosie does not want that to happen.
• So for now, every time she senses he's stressed or in a bad mood she subtly and gently tries to make him regress, it works 8 out of 10 times and (although he won't admit it) it makes him feel more relaxed and focused afterwards so it works for them.
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holly-natnicole · 11 months ago
Rosie & Alastor being platonic best friends in canon is adorable!!
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certified besties <3
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potatobugxo · 1 year ago
I saw the Platonic Marriage and I love the concept of that🥰 also cause Alastor is an amazing character to begin with. Only if you have time or your ok with it👍 don't forget to hydrate and eat😸
yes ofc!! i would marry this man in a heartbeat we could be aces together<33 and thank you plz make sure u get something to eat and drink some water!!! take care!! warnings: suggestive ideologies (from angel dust) my takes on alastor's beliefs, reader is implied to be aro/ace the rest is fluff!!
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🦌❤️platonic marriage w/Alastor hcs❤️🦌
this man would be a husband just to be a husband ok shfsj
who better to marry than his dearest best friend? you both do everything together, share all the same interests, both have the same standards and tastes! it's called "best friend FOREVER" for a REASON
yes you guys are partners... partners in CRIME >:)
alastor always found the idea of marriage very alluring but always despised the physical/sexual aspect of it.
alastor loves to take part in the "generic" aspects of being married. he enjoys cooking for you (and vice versa) and being domestic, taking you on outings, linking arms, holding hands, dancing with you, why should any of that be considered romantic?
the both of you appreciate and enjoy being devoted to each other and having a strong connection
also cuddles!! okay yes cuddles. as we all know alastor is not one for physical affection however did we see him get thrown around like a ragdoll by rosie? yes are you and him going to curl up like cats on a couch together? absolutely
wedding rings? nah. friendship rings 👍
now, let's see what the other hazbins think!!
charlie absolutely thinks you two are the cutest!! very supportive of the both of you and your relationship. vaggie is pretty much the same, though very indifferent as she doesn't like alastor very much lol
angel dust visibly had a loading circle over his forehead when the both of you told him you were married platonically. he assumed from the start ya'll were smackin' monkeys, but you're just married for the fun of it?? okay
husk is just terrified of the both of you lol
niffty has two people to crawl all over and give roach crowns to so 💃
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jollmaster · 4 months ago
I really like your dynamic between Alastor and Rosie, just how I imagine them
It's really sad to me because of the leaks that Vivzie essentially "destroyed" their friendship in my opinion
Like, come on, these two are better suited to be friends - good, normal friends without contracts, debts, deals, and stuff
(that's why I deliberately ignore the canon and in my AU they are just best friends)
aw 🖤 thanks, I'm so glad that you like my point of view in my rewrite/AU (not a ship in traditional way, but 100% husband and wife, cannibal besties who hunt, gossip, bite each other, share weird interests and live together occasionally)
anyway I agree, radioroses are great in friend version too, c'mon let them be nice towards each other!
in leaks it feels like "no what are you doing the man who canonically enjoys the company of women can't be in a good friendship with a woman", why we should care really lol
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evil power couple, cool man and cool woman, no debts, no deals, just him and her
I said everything 🖤
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liliannadelaphinehartifelt · 9 months ago
Alastor - [ DEVOTION Pt. 6 ]
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Blame my obsession with K-dramas for how dramatic this last angsty part is. Also, to be clear, I do know some of you head-cannon Alastor as a ‘charismatic psychopath’ because of the way he acts in the show but personally I see him as more of a ‘dynamic sociopath’ while he was alive. I’m telling you this because I know authors tend to depict their faves so out of character just to progress the plot of their stories without any logical reasoning behind it. I am not that type of writer and therefore I don’t think my perception of (Human) Alastor is strange. Anyways, enough from me. Let’s get back to our regularly scheduled broadcast shall we?
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On a cozy November evening, the Garden District of New Orleans bloomed with life. Its magnificent houses and mansions stood tall in the late-day sun, and the woeful winter breeze passing through the dazzling neighborhood rustled the greenery lining each home.
Many of the Jazz City’s locals regarded the area as an affluent attraction for outsiders to gawk and marvel at, while those who resided there took pride in its beauty.
You considered yourself fortunate to be a part of such a gleaming community, living a subtle life of luxury due to Alastor's wild success, but not entirely involved with other well-kept wives of similar influential figures.
Socializing had never been your forte; though it was required of you in mannerable situations, the constant exchange of loose friendships with strangers never entirely appealed to you.
Although, being married to a renowned public figure with an image to uphold puts you in compliance with the aversion.
Parties, local events, and even headlining musical performances became your routine social appearance.
Alastor was immensely proud to have you on his arm, charming the masses with your soft approach, swooning the newspapers with your angelic appearance and kind public gestures.
You did your best to make a lovely impression on anyone you encountered, wordlessly adhering to Alastor’s commanding ego and polishing the rough edges of his public image with practiced selflessness.
Few knew you personally, and even fewer saw you as a socialite.
Sure, you'd been polite to anyone who passed on the street, made small talk with neighbors, did charity work for those who thought to ask, and even donated effort towards Rosies spontaneous book club meetings every other weekend -though they were thinly veiled gossip sessions she'd orchestrate with fellow homemakers.
There wasn't a single person you could call a 'friend' who wasn't already close to your husband…
How Rosie had managed to crowd her stunning home with so many familiar yet strange faces, claiming to be precisely that -your friend- baffled you in more ways than one.
Yes, these people were acquaintances and admirers to some degree, but your friends?…
You had none besides Alastor, willing to remain by his side in matrimony just as you had from the moment you met him, reluctant to make any other connections since your shared childhood.
It didn’t help that Alastor developed a habit of scaring away new acquaintances behind your back and even resorted to violent acts of service to keep other suitors at bay before your shared vows.
As a result, the happy faces you saw now felt fabricated; every congratulatory remark didn't resonate with your heart, and the more people that arrived to celebrate you and Alastor, the more lost you felt.
They didn't know you.
No one knew you, but they adored your husband and, in turn, fawned over you.
Everyone spouted half-truths, mirroring the ones Alastor had been telling you for months, and your heart grew heavier with each one told.
You could manage seeing him falsify his real identity to the public, to unsuspecting strangers, and to posh parasites.
You could handle being put on a pedestal, seen as the perfect wife, and expected to echo his ideal perception.
Lying to others was child's play, a game you two had grown to love, but Alastor developing the need to lie to you wasn't a tolerable offense.
The party began smoothly; guests swooped in with delightful gifts, either handmade or recently bought from the showcases of New Orleans's finest shops; gentle swing music wafted through the air of Rosie’s lavish two-story home that sat only a block away from your own.
She'd gone to the extreme for the whole ordeal: live music, tantalizing food laid out on tables in the parlor, decorations befitting a small ball neatly adorning the house exterior, and the creme de le creme of Louisiana's socialites filling the guest list.
Alastor uttered nothing but praise for his dearest friend's efforts, thanking her for the collaborative success with a broad smile and chaste kiss.
You followed his gratitude with a gracious nod, content with sitting at your designated table now lined with small gifts from an array of affluent attendees.
"My, Rosie, you've outdone yourself again! You even got Anthony and that grump Husk to show face," Alastor chuckled, eyeing the chattering crowd carefully until his gaze landed on the two opposing men.
Rosie hummed triumphantly, champagne flutes in one hand as the other flicked off an imaginary offense, "Oh, come now, Alastor, you know I'd do my best for the occasion! Everyone in town begged to be here. Not every day they get to meet radio's biggest star and his wife!"
She flashed a genuine grin at you, noting the slight glare on your face as you returned it, but said nothing.
Her attention reverted to the man beside her, who continued observing the crowd, sharing passing remarks with Rosie when a person of interest appeared.
You oversaw their exchange, deliberately soft-spoken the whole evening, often having to avert your focus to converse with a couple who'd come to give their gift and admiration.
Still, the minute the guests left to join the party again, you'd zero in on them.
Alastor felt your eyes on him, burning holes into the back of his head despite you sitting down to rest as the party moved along.
He refused to acknowledge your staring, patiently waiting for you to call for his attention rather than assume you needed it.
After ten minutes of idle chit-chat, he was obliged to give it to you, as Rosie excused herself for the time being.
You said nothing as he peered down at you over his shoulder, amber eyes glinting gold under the lowering sunlight pouring in from the opened bay windows behind you, lips curled into a familiar smile that you considered returning for a moment.
It was hard for you to deny how magnificent Alastor looked in the thrall of pride, dressed in a Burgundy suit with cream accents, hair neatly styled to hide his natural brown curls from the eye of others, and his skin glimmering under natural light.
He was beautiful, deceptively desirable even in your eyes filled with one-sided hurt, and you wished to let go and stand by his side with the utmost confidence in him just as you'd done so many times before.
It would be so easy to forget his transgressions then, to fully enjoy the celebration of your children's oncoming arrival together, but as he elegantly turned on his heel to approach you, splinters of suspicion pricked through your forgiving nature.
You wouldn't t let him charm his way out of this.
Enough was enough.
Alastor watched as your expression grew hard, hidden from the festive crowd by his lean frame as he knelt at eye level with you.
To those around you, the gesture came off as romantic, an endearing sight of a husband tending to his pregnant wife, and not the unspoken detachment of trust between a loyal lover and her predatory protector.
Alastor reached for one of your hands, subtly tugging it from resting on your stomach to resting in his palm.
A sickeningly sweet smile plastered his face as he placed a ginger kiss on your gloved knuckles.
His eyes never left yours as he enacted the loving gesture, swirling with unabashed mischief as you dug your nails into his skin, and the slight pain beckoned him to hum with delight.
You were angry and even enraged with him, but you showed it subtly and practiced, and if he were an ordinary man, Alastor would've considered feeling guilty for it.
But your husband was far from average, far from the definition of guilt, and you wouldn't have him any other way because, despite all his faults and evils, you loved him.
You loved him, felt loyal to him, would do anything for him, yet he lied.
He carried on belittling your trust to mere innocence.
Resentment radiated off you in waves, barely drowned out by the party's happenings but settling on Alastor's shoulders with force.
"Is there something troubling you, my dear?" he asks lowly, eyes steady on you as your smile tightens.
"You." is the only word that leaves your lips, laced with lethal rage in the softest tone, and the contrast elicits a rare frown from him.
He lets your response linger, tangling with laughter and music but remaining in his consciousness as he rises to his feet.
A specific anger curls in Alastor's chest, one he seldomly felt for himself, but the look on your face as he rose to his full height above you made it potent.
Something was different; that sweet girl he'd grown to cherish now looked tainted, and now he knew it was his fault.
"Darling…" he began to formulate an inquiry, faltering in his well-tailored demeanor to conjure a suitable remedy for your anger, but his excuses weren't quick enough.
You carefully stood to your feet, forcing a smile before raising on your tip toes to kiss his cheek, smoothing a hand over his suit until it rested where his heart was.
Your lips neared his ear, whispering spiteful words that didn't match the loving aura you showcased to the onlooking guests.
"You, my love, are a heartless lying bastard. Keeping secrets from me, your wife, of all people? Is that what your devotion to me means? Not trusting the woman who loves you? The mother of your children? If it is, then you can burn in hell with satan himself..'
The strain of smiling through your pain began to take its toll.
Tears welled in your eyes as each hurtful word fell on his ears, but you refused to cause a scene at such a lovely event and resorted to walking away from him as swiftly as you could manage.
Alastor was left to stand alone, his jaw clenched and his control wavering as he heard your heels click further away.
A few guests tried to gain your attention, but you quickly and respectfully declined their engagements, barely making it out of their view as tears streamed down your face, but by fate's grace, you found solace in Rosie's kitchen.
All of the cooks, maids, and waiters were absent.
Everyone was upstairs enjoying the festivities, celebrating you and Alastor's happiest time, but here you were.
Beside yourself and utterly alone.
You tried to sob quietly, choking back frustrated screams while pacing, but the look on Alastor's face after you'd confronted him about lying brought more tears.
You'd never seen him hurt, taken aback, guilty like that.
He'd always been so perfect in your eyes, composed and deliberate about his presence.
Now, you'd ruined that image, and at what cost?
Would he come clean now or shut you out even more?
Was your anger worth any of it? Was his lying worth it?
Your heart was a mess, desperate to connect with his, but reluctant to it all at once.
Maybe father was right…
The sound of quick footsteps approaching the kitchen didn't register to you, drowned about by your excessive crying, but another presence was made evident as two gentle arms wrapped you in a hug.
"Oh, honey, come here…" Rosie cooed into your hair, frowning as your cries became hysterical, muffled by the frilly fabric of her dress.
"H-he's been lying to me, Rosie! Alastor…..a-and everyone else in this decrepit city has been playing me like a fool!"
You shuddered violently, trying to breathe correctly despite a filled stomach and a rush of anger taking its toll.
Rosie hushed you gently, letting you cry in her arms until your breaths came steadily.
She ushered you to sit somewhere comfortable as she gathered a few items to help your nerves settle.
"He lied to me," you repeat tiredly, watching as she throws together a pot of tea, using herbs you know all too well.
A sprig of Lavender, sprinkle of cinnamon, bits of rosemary, and a few drops of honey. Finally, a dash of lemon for taste.
This a simple but potent recipe for a calming and effective cup of tea.
Rosie sighs, debating what to say as she lets the mixture steep in a porcelain cup of hot water.
You weren't wrong; Alastor was hiding things from you, and though she hated to see you so distraught because of his hidden deeds, the possibility of hurting you with the truth weighed on her.
Betray, her closest friend's trust, tell his wife the haunting truth and pray she still loves him after hearing it.
Or, keep up the charade he'd so carefully created to protect you, risk driving you mad with resentment, and contribute to the cycle of pain you felt?
Rosie had difficulty choosing which path to follow but soon made her decision as you spoke again.
"Rosie…tell me the truth. Is he…is he seeing another woman? Planning to leave me? To leave us?.." you glance at your stomach, fearful of her answer and terrified your assumptions might be right.
Oddly silent, she doesn't answer your questions immediately and finishes preparing your fresh cup of hot tea, "Rosie, please! Whatever Alastor is hiding from me, I need to know. I…I'm his wife, and I have the right to at least know what's being kept from me. What is he doing out so late all the time? Why can’t I leave the house without him anymore? And for goodness sake, why does he insist I don’t read the paper?!”
The blonde freezes where she stands, whipping her whole body around to stare at you intently, and you stop yourself from rambling seeing her serious so suddenly.
"Al isn't being unfaithful, dear. That I can tell you for certain.."
"Then what in god's name is he-"
Rosie drew closer to you, dawning an all-too-sweet smile you'd learned to dread.
That happy expression was practiced, used only to console your fears or quell any questions you had.
She'd gotten so well at fronting the mask that you nearly began to believe anything she said when it was on, but now you knew better.
You knew that smile meant more lying, and in that moment, you lost the will to trust anyone in Alastors' close circle.
Even Rosie.
"I think it's time you go home and rest, dear. All this stress and crying isn't good for the babies," the blonde moved you gently, helping you stand and walk the expanse of her kitchen, up the stairs, and down corridors until the ongoing party reached your ears again.
That entire trek back upstairs felt meaningless, a distant woeful memory you existed in just to be flung back into reality by Rosie's voice, "I'll go get Al and have him take you-"
Your head snapped up at the mention of the one man who'd caused so much sorrow, tongue poised to speak harshly about him, but your penchant for politeness tempered it.
"That won't be necessary, Rosie. I'll get home just fine on my own."
She balled, clutching the string of pearls around her neck, "Oh goodness no, dear! This may be uptown, but it is still no safe place to walk about all alone. And dare I say, Alastor’s just wouldn't have it-"
"Rosie. I don't wish to see or be near him!.." you hissed as quietly as possible, lips pursed and eyes glaring daggers into her crowded parlor room.
Despite her better judgment, Rosie let the matter go, frowning as she made a heady suggestion.
"Why don't I have a close friend walk you home then? Just in case. There is a murder running 'round, and we can't have you getting hurt or caught up."
There it was again…
You knew she was referring to anyone but you. Alastor, Angelique, her.
Everyone but you seemed to have a significant stake or curious investment in your unborn children's well-being.
The eerie overprotectiveness always made you weary, but at this point, you found it alarming, to say the least.
However, Rosie was right to a point.
There'd been a murder -or several- running a muck in Louisiana’s deep south.
Specifically, New Orleans.
Although the gruesome crimes were frequent, morbidly committed, and consistently reported on by papers and radio shows alike…
No one, not even the expert authorities, seemed to pinpoint a suspect or apparent killer among the public.
All that they knew was the killer's intangible motives, their style, their choice of victims -but nothing substantial enough to apprehend them.
You couldn't care less about a possibility of the Bayou Butcher coming for your head.
Your anger towards Alastor proceeded your worries for personal safety.
Rosie didn't wait for you to come to reason with her observation, already scurrying into the parlor to find your husband and tell him of your wishes to leave.
It irritates you how fragile she, Alastor, and everyone else he knows treated you.
It was as if you couldn't fend for yourself, as if he was the only one capable of cognitive thought in your marriage, and to some degree, the realizations stung your pride.
Traces of anger grew in your heart towards him minute by minute, something you never dreamt of feeling for him, but dreams can quickly turn into nightmares as your father would say…
This moment was that turning point. You could feel the shift as you turned away from the packed parlor, ignoring those who gave greetings as you stalked toward the front door.
Some asked if you needed assistance, and others watched in confusion as you slipped out the door and let it slam shut behind you.
Not many people were on the front porch and lawn, and those who were let you pass through without saying a word.
You presumed they were just waiting for the moment to gossip again, whether it be about you or someone else.
The need to care wasn't one you had, taking brisk steps down the sidewalk under a setting sun as rare chilled breezes sweep the southern heat from your face.
It was convenient that Rosie only lived a block and a half away from you, and Alastor’s shared estate.
The semi-long walk gave you time to think, time to enjoy the scenery around you and get away from the suffocating expectations put on you simply by being the Radio Star's perfect wife.
You scoffed at the thought, trying not to get angry again as your steps took you around a familiar corner, but the negative feeling quickly lessened when you felt a gentle rap of kicks in your stomach.
The twins gave a subtle tussle, sensing their mother's distress, and to some degree, you believed they were trying to cheer you up.
Their tiny gestures worked, putting a smile on your solemn expression and keeping it there to your destination.
You shuffled up the steps to your home, tired, feet sore, and ready to cry again as the large structure reminded you of the man you'd left to endure the company of his admirers.
Not yours.
That had always been the difference.
With a sigh, you unlocked the front double doors, shutting them swiftly as street lamps began to light up and locking the ornate wood panels right after.
It was a habit Alastor insisted on and one you didn't intend to break tonight.
He'd have to come through the back door, and as small as the hassle would be, you still found it a suitable enough sign of discontent from you to him.
With nothing but sleep on your mind, you trudged up the staircase, pulling your gloves off and preemptively pulling pins from your styled hair.
By the time you reached the bedroom, your hair flowed loosely down your back, and your dress zipper was pulled down (by some miracle, you managed to do it on your own).
You tossed the pins on your vanity, jewelry, gloves, and clutch purse, following suit.
Your shoes regained their spot in the closet, your clothes were thrown into the bathroom hamper, and your nightrobe was thrown over your arm as a replacement.
You were ready for bed after one hot shower, a face care routine, and a hair brushing session.
Alastor still isn't home yet…
The clock had struck midnight thirty minutes ago, and he'd yet to show his face.
You half expected him to, but after years of seeing him angry on very few occasions, you highly doubted he'd return without cooling himself down first.
He tended to go hunting as an alternative…which left you alone for hours on end.
Sadness and guilt crept into you as the argument replayed in your mind.
The emptiness of your shared bed did not help your aching heart, and the heavy silence of the house made it worse.
You may have gone too far.
Maybe he wasn't hiding anything, and I overreacted?
Maybe I was wrong to doubt him, to worry and fret over something trivial.
Your thoughts spiraled again, tears filling your eyes as regret got the best of you.
"What have I done…?" you mumbled in earnest, glancing around the room, wishing to apologize to Alastor or at least explain yourself in a better tone.
Sleeping without him felt foreign, unreal, and even like a self-inflicted punishment.
You saw no benefit to it, and you were consumed with worry.
I can’t do this…
With your mind racing but your body ready to rest, you decided that taking one of Angelique's tonics would soothe you enough to relax.
You left the room on a mission, carefully treading downstairs and into the kitchen, and with haste, you found the cabinet holding the container of vials she’d gifted to you every month.
You opened it swiftly, hoping to find what you needed, but the box was empty.
"Oh, for the love of!-" you hissed angrily, shoving the box away with a grimace, but the sour expression didn't last long as you remembered where to find extra tonics.
Angelique was an insightful woman, cautious enough to give you extra in case something like this happened.
Fortunately, Alastor insisted on putting the additional vials somewhere else so as not to mistake them for regular tonics.
You'd agreed to his idea, allowing him to keep them safely locked in the basement, but now you needed them.
Leaving the moonlit kitchen, you drifted into the second hallway, walking straight ahead to the basement door.
Its key hung on a hook to the left, a small silver trinket Alastor kept a tight watch on, and you tended not to mess with it.
That went for the basement as well.
It was his area of the house you stayed away from not only out of personal reluctance but also out of explicit instructions from him.
His reasons for your avoidance ranged from "Trust me, It's too dangerous for you, darling.." to "Just as you have the library as a safe haven, I have the basement as mine…"
You hadn’t thought to question him, having no reason to, but for once, you disregarded his wishes to grant your own.
He'd never know you went down there only to retrieve medicine. What harm could one peek do?
You plucked the key from its hook, unlocking the creaky black walnut door before reaching into the dark abyss for the lamp switch.
Your fingers found it on the left wall, flicking the switch to bring a warm golden light into the damp room.
The steps croaked under your slow footsteps, holding firm under your nearly doubled weight until you stepped onto the cold wooden flooring.
Alastor kept the space oddly clean; a chair sat in one corner, his hunting gear was neatly arranged on one of two long oak tables, and the walls held other hunting equipment.
You noticed most of the hanging instruments were carving aids, something your own father used to cut and properly clean his own game after he went hunting during your childhood.
Seeing the array of butcher knives and other tools did not frighten you; they were familiar and expected from your husband's choice of hobbies.
Nothing caught your attention at first, usual kickbacks and things tucked away in corners and a hefty radio set on the second table, but little stood out.
You treaded carefully though, peering curiously at different items as you searched for the spare box of tonics, but they were nowhere to be found at first glance.
You figured to look deeper, rummaging through cabinets and under the table, mindful of your swollen belly as you bent down or reached above.
The longer you searched, the more anxious you felt.
Somewhat afraid of being in the basement alone, and a little scared Alastor would find you down there, though he explicitly asked you not to be.
"I have to hurry.." you mumbled, eyes frantically searching the space again as the last cabinet you searched held nothing important to you.
A particular corner of the room caught your gaze. Right behind the armchair was a stack of boxes of different sizes.
You drew closer to them, spotting the extra medicine box on top, gently grabbing it from the pile, but you couldn't look away from the most enormous box sitting right at your feet.
It was huge and made of sturdy metal, unlike the rest, and you were sure a whole person could fit in it if they tried.
How odd…
You'd never seen it before but the box felt sorely out of place, among other things.
You couldn't peel your attention away from it, some invisible force urging you to look inside, and despite your better judgment, you gave into the desire.
Setting the medicine box down on the chair, you moved the other cases off the larger one, clearing it off before cautiously kneeling to open it.
There was no lock, only four bolt latches, which you found easy enough to undo, but the real task was lifting the heavy lid up high enough to see inside.
You managed it with a few determined huffs escaping your lips, letting the heavy lid hit the stone wall before taking a look inside.
You immediately wish you hadn't..…
"Oh God…" you whispered in utter shock and horror at the sight in front of you, feeling undeniably sick from it, mind racing to make up a rational reason for the vulgar sight.
But what rational reason on Earth could justify your beloved husband hiding a literal mutilated body in the basement.
Your heart sank seeing the poor souls' faces sunken in with dread, drowning in their blood, maned at various points as if an animal had mauled them.
Body parts were missing, skin had been flayed, and you almost couldn't tell if the person had any recognizable features left.
It was horrible…a brain-altering nightmare come to life before your very eyes, and it made you sick.
You began to cry, unconsciously sobbing hysterically as the dead body lifelessly peered back at you, terrified of it… slightly afraid of the man you presumed caused the damming scene.
With a sense of urgency, you reached to shut the lid, flinching as loose blood splattered onto you from the impact of the box closing, and the chill of red liquid dripping down your skin was enough to make you scream in pure disgust.
It was a guttural, frantic cry you'd only expressed in recent nightmares, but a deserved one.
Your body began to shake in peril, the gruesome image engraved into your mind as you scrambled to get to stand, but you weren't as composed as before and stumbled backwards haphazardly as a result.
Everything moved faster than you thought; your body had abandoned control, leaving you to fall without warning.
The room spun as your head collided with a table's edge, a dull pain erupting in your skull on impact, and your consciousness wholly disrupted.
The blinding pain of falling to the hard floor didn't register to you as panicked tears seeped down your face, screams you couldn't hear left your lips, and blood began to pool from your head and between your legs.
Shock, terror, helplessness, fear, and panic were all you could feel.
Intense pain in your stomach and head amplified the emotions but became distant sensations as your vision blurred and faded.
The very last words you remember speaking was a cry for help, a desperate plea for everything you'd seen to be a mistaken dream, a cry for anyone -no- your husband to save you from the terrible ordeal.
A plea for him to appear and tell you it's not true, that the body in the bolted box wasn't his doing, but your hope of him hearing you -anyone hearing you- dwindled rapidly as your concussion took hold.
---------- ----------- -------------- -----------
Rosie found Alastor quickly enough, merely having to spot his neatly styled curls drifting in the wind as he stood out on a balcony alone.
A drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
He blew smoke into the murky winter air, eyes dark and narrowed as he stared at the evening sky.
It was rare to see him frowning.
Alastor Hartifelt, of all people, not smiling?
Rosie nearly couldn't believe it the closer she drew to him.
He was…upset.
His smile was thoroughly washed away by your harsh words and prods for the truth.
You'd managed to take his cheer in one fail swoop, leaving him alone to think, and he couldn't blame you.
You, his ever-so-loving wife, his confidant, and his soon-to-be motherly doting doe, were rightfully at odds with him.
He'd hurt you, the very reason he'd began lying in the first place was to avoid doing so, but it'd happened anyway.
A genuinely ironic turn of events, in his opinion.
Alastor glared at the rising moon, cursing whatever higher power meddled dared to meddle in his life of all people, but his inner ranting was cut short as the sound of Rosie clearing her throat hit his ears.
The radio host spun on his heel to face her, fronting a slight smile to hide the agitation he felt at the moment, "Done socializing already, dear Rosie?"
He strived to sound polite and unbothered, but the edge in his tone showed through despite his best efforts.
Rosie paid no mind to his touchy attitude, knowing where it stemmed from.
She came to stand by his side, nodding in response to his question, "I didn't have much time to. I was with your lovely wife…trying to calm her nerves."
Alastor's frown returned at the mention of you, a thin line on his lips and a glint of guilt in his gaze.
"How is she?" he asks quietly, and Rosie's cheery expression falters hearing it.
"She insisted on returning home… by herself. Incredibly distraught on her way out.." She admits.
His chest tightened, heart sinking instantly picturing you at home alone, "Why didn't she-"
Rosie clicked her tongue dismissively, interrupting his line of questioning, "Al, she was severely distraught. Please let her be. I only know a fraction of what went on between you two, but it's obvious to her that you're hiding something. Not to intrude on your marriage, darling, but you must make a choice before something irreversible happens to it…to Y/n."
The blonde couldn't hide her somberness, staring at her long-time friend with a sense of earnest sincerity as she continued, "I shouldn't be the one to tell you this….but if you really do care for the girl, love her like you say you do, then you'll tell her the truth. You'll tell her, and she'll still be by your side…."
Alastor lowered his head, and for the first time in his adult life, he felt perplexed, stuck at impasss of foreign emotions.
He cared for you; some might call it love, and he'd been aware of it since childhood.
You'd told him all your secrets, good or bad, and trusted him.
You trusted him enough to reveal the mental abuse your father had put you through during childhood.
Trusted him enough to tell him how badly you wished you'd died instead of your mother to make your father somewhat happy again.
Alastor even knew of the times you'd been left completely alone as a child for weeks on end, how your father's neglect made you feel less than, and the permanent effect it had on you.
Your desire to fill a void, be loved without being shoved off, and be seen as more than a convenient soft-hearted person for someone to trifle with.
He knew every little thing about you, and it was because you had faith in his loyalty.
He found it easy to divulge his thoughts to you in the same manner, but allowing his secrets out into the open made him uneasy, even if you'd proven trustworthy from the beginning.
Then there was the matter of killing for you.
Alastor had done it so many times without your knowledge…
Stalking down men who stared at you too long for his liking, carving up anyone who spoke ill of you, happily taking the life of those who spoke down on your relationship.
Most of his murderous tendencies were purely driven by his obsession with you, a twisted kind of possessiveness he couldn't let go of, and one that made it easy for him to spill blood for you in the blink of an eye.
He did it to keep you safe…and that’d only be possible with him and no one else.
What stopped him from telling you how far he’d gone to do so, showing you that unnatural side of him only his victims saw, could only be described as fear.
Fear of losing you.
Fear of stripping the warmth from your heart.
Fear of losing the one thing, the one person who'd loved him despite all his flaws.
Fear of never truly smiling, never feeling a genuine emotion again because you -your presence in his life- allowed him to do just that.
Alastor hated to call it what it was, but as he was evading your attempts to understand, lying straight to your face and hoping you'd dilute your intuition was a way cowards way out of telling you the whole truth.
His pride dimmed, a frustrated grunt rumbling his chest as he glared at the drink in his hand.
Rosie sighed, flashing him a soft smile of pure reassurance, "Go to her, Al. Put a stop to her worries and relieve yourself of the burden. If not for your marriage, then for her sanity. She is too lovely of a girl to be treated so faithlessly."
He tongues his cheek at her words, a bitter burn of smoke and whiskey on it as he swallows thickly before nodding in agreement, "Seems I have no choice."
"You best head off. It's getting rather late, and I'm sure she misses you dearly, Al."
Alastor took one last drag of his cigarette, dropping it in his half-full bourbon glass before letting Rosie take it from him as he straightened his suit.
"I'll bid you good night then. You have my gratitude, Rosie, and the party was a splendid success, if I may add." His tone was back to normal, engaging, and mildly charismatic. Rosie smiled wide at his improving mood, accepting his thanks before shooting him off with a quick peck on his cheek.
“Au revoir monsieur!…”
“Au revoir mademoiselle..”
-------- ---------- ------------ --------------- -----------
Alastor made it home without trouble, humming a snappy tune to distract himself from the evening's progressing events.
However, as he reached the back door of your shared home, his shadows twinged with alertness.
His hand froze over the gold doorknob, a certain heaviness settling in his chest as the specters frantically twisted against the back porch walls.
Something is wrong. Can't hear Y/n. Can't hear their heartbeats. Can't feel them-
Alastor stiffened as his shadows enlarged, fueled by the panic he was resisting, "Find her!" he bellowed the order out on instinct, and the leering spirits dove into action as he barreled into the darkened home.
"Y/n!?" he yelled for you, head whipping in every direction as he searched the first floor, stomping up the stairs next to search the second floor but coming up empty.
He stood in your shared bedroom, remaining calm as he tried to figure out where you could be.
All your belongings were here, and you had readied for bed from the looks of your tampered vanity, but nothing else gave him a clue about your whereabouts.
That was until his shadows called to him; a certain bellow of wailing sounded from the lower part of the house, and one Alastor didn't like the sound of.
A warning.
A frenzied one at that.
Found her…hurry.
Without a second thought, Alastor bounded back downstairs, following the whips of his shadow self as it traveled through the halls, only to stop in front of a doorway he dreaded.
The basement. Its door was wide open, the lamp light eerily aglow as his shadows whirled past the steps to engulf the room.
“Y/n?!…” Alastor called for you again as he crept down the creaky wood steps, voice stiffer than he intended it to be, but its edge paled compared to the large lump forming in his throat when his eyes spotted you.
Splayed out on the floor, on your side, lying limp and motionless.
A small puddle of blood was forming near your head, another was quickly growing in between your legs, and splatters of it covered your face, hands, and nightgown.
For the second time in his life, Alastor felt true terror, bewildered by the sight of his darling wife in distress and paralyzed by the powerful possibility it was his fault.
He’d only felt this fearful once before, afraid his father would end his mother’s life right in front of him after a hefty night of drinking, but even then, he found the courage to act.
Merely killing his father out of pure rage-filled instinct, but now…how he would remedy your suffering alluded him completely.
She's barely breathing… Their heartbeats-
"That's quite enough from you!" Alastor roared in utter frustration, moving without thinking, willing himself to do anything but panic.
He worked as quickly as his mind would allow, trying not to break down as he knelt beside your still body, "Y/n…darling…wake up… please…" he begged quietly.
Being as cautious as ever, he cradled you close, praying to whatever cruel god there was that you'd respond or at least open your eyes while he carried you out of the haunting basement.
Your body twitched at the sound of a familiar voice, feeling lighter as solid arms lifted you from the cold floor and whisked you from the damp room.
The sound of a rapid heartbeat thundered in your ear as waves of coherence fought to establish itself in you, but the severity of your wounds made it a struggle to function.
You settled for listening to the heartbeat, the voice accompanying it a vague background noise but a comforting one.
Your vision wasn't any better, only allowing you to see a murky image of a man, one you knew well but couldn't determine was real or not in the moment.
“Al..astor?..”you whispered in awe, smiling sadly as he looked down at you, clearly worried.
“Stay with me, darling… Keep breathing, please…”
Alastor felt you shiver violently in his arms hearing him speak, racing up the stairs as cautiously as possible to avoid hurting you more, barging into your shared bedroom seconds later.
He laid you down on the bed, disregarding the blood and dirt staining the sheets as he tried to assess your injuries. "Fuck…fuck…fuck!" he rambled angrily, breaths coming quick, and his mind in a rare frenzy as a result.
Your eyes refused to stay open, an apparent wound was on the side of your head, and the impact of your fall had indeed done something to warrant your lower half bleeding.
He needed to stop the bleeding from both areas, keep you awake, and determine the twin's state all at once.
Alastor knew this but struggled to pull himself together, only able to grasp at one of your hands with both of his to ground himself as a frustrated smile adorned his face.
Pull it together, or she and your children die.
It's all my fault… it's all my fault…
She'll die if you don't act…
It's all my fucking fault…I-
She needs help! Wallowing in your depraved guilt won't change that!
His shadows chittered, reasoning with their host despite the panic they felt seeping off of him.
Alastor screwed his eyes shut, an anguished growl leaving his chest as he tried to think of a solution and push away his panicked state.
You remained still, on the verge of passing out again, trying to hold onto reality a little longer, squeezing your savior's hand back as a weak tether to it.
Alastor froze, feeling your gesture, head lifting swiftly as you attempted to speak, "It h-hurts.." you muttered painfully, acknowledging a new ache you'd only felt a few weeks prior.
Intense shocks of strain spread in your abdomen, noticeable contractions that felt different than previous ones, but as much as you wanted to articulate the agony they caused, you couldn't find the strength to.
You screamed instead, gripping Alastor’s hand hard as the constant pains grew more robust, making your cries grow louder.
The terror in your screeches struck him hard, an almost unnatural sound he'd never imagined coming from you, but your following words gave the sounds plausible clarity.
"Th-they're c-coming!" you choked between labored breaths, feeling dizzy as your blood loss took its toll, but the growing urge to push trumped your need to pass out.
Alastor came to his senses upon hearing your warning.
Fully aware that he couldn't handle this situation alone, he did the only thing that made sense to him.
Ask for help. Something he hated to do but saw no alternative for.
"Go get Rosie. Make it quick. Find my mother next and get her here as well…" he commanded his shadows quietly, heart still racing as he took solace in comforting you.
The bed dipped as he sat down, free hand cradling your head as the other raised yours to his lips.
He planted a kiss on your knuckles; brows furrowed as the feeling of your fingers gripping his slightly lessened, an indication of culminated exhaustion and blood loss.
"Stay with me, ma chere. Just a while longer, alright? Everything…everything’s going to be fine…" Alastor muttered soothing words into your ear, a ploy to keep you and himself calm, and to some extent, it worked.
You hung onto his every word, confused and alarmed by him but clinging to the safety his presence brought.
You couldn't forget what you saw in the basement, the horrid image still stuck in the back of your mind as you cried in agony and writhed in desperation for help.
You couldn't believe that Alastor, your perfect husband, the man watching over you now so fervently, had done something so horrible to another person.
You had many questions, fears, and even more confusion than before.
Nevertheless, your dire position now completely overshadowed the underlying nightmare that was your marriage.
Your children.
That's the only thing you could clearly envision, enduring the heartache, suffering through the genuine threat to your life, all for their sake.
Confronting Alastor could wait.
Surviving the night and bringing healthy twins into this world couldn't.
xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
I'm putting the reader through a lot...but you all will survive... Maybe. Also, the song choices for this one kind of hit just right. ;)
TAGS ❤️: @rapturenyx @michi-keinz @shealizxx @nissrinina @destinyisastar @bubblegumheartsy @sailorsmouth @aestheticgals-blog @rameisa @ellesette
This edit is so fitting, I fear... Credits to creator ❤️
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