#Good Intentions Hazbin AU
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elsa-fogen · 1 year ago
Good intentions | Hazbin AU (part 9)
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the entire budget (1 bottle of lemonade and 2 candies) was spent on these 1.5 pages with effects. btw you didn't expect puppy-eyed rosie, but here you have it. NOBODY EXPECTS SPANISH INQUISITION!
and Alastor did NOT expect Rosie to care SO much about him. He will probably rethink half of his life in hell lol. I think he tends to underestimate positive feelings people may have for him (and he may have for others). His ass did not expect Rosie to cry about him.
Also them hugging was the best fucking thing to draw. I love them so much. Angels should look at them and forgive Alastor just for his friendship with Rosie.
also (2), i'm struggling not to draw Alastor significantly taller than Rosie. Help.
also (3), i wanted her to lick him lol but it didn't fit the mood. But i still have it... now you hve it too. Does this still counts as platonic??? hjhgsdgg
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ALSO (4) now i want to draw Rosie with loose hair. I bet even Alstor would have to rethink his aroace-ness
ALSO(5)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need your comments+reblogs please this is my fucking fuel, i'm dying without feedback. Especially now when i know how to end the story... please help me not to loose motivation for this!
next soon(?)
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cringefailvox · 2 months ago
underrated hazbin hotel fic recs
hi! for the purposes of this list, my understanding of "underrated" is likely arbitrary, but i'm roughly judging by the metric of fics that either have under 100 kudos, or have an egregiously skewed kudos to comment ratio (i.e. 10 comments to 250 kudos, etc, bc wtf?) enjoy and please show these fics some love!!
blue light dreams by @morningsofgold - velvette-centric polyvees with a masterfully crafted atmosphere and fantastic character voices; spins such a rich and complex web of dynamics between all three of them that is just perfect. their other velvette-centric oneshot is delightful as well!
The Greedy Lack More by @hua-liansimp - radiostatic college au with eldritch horror alastor and a wonderfully toxic situationship where vox blackmails alastor into being his friend in exchange for vox's silence, but by no means is alastor going to make it easy for him
Paved With Good Intentions by ItsClydeBitches - platonic charlie & alastor character study where alastor learns that razzle & dazzle can sense malicious intentions towards charlie, and would've killed him when he first arrived if he'd actually wanted to hurt her. he has a mild crisis about it. their other genfic, A Wacky Wager, is also hilarious - husk and alastor make petty deals to entertain themselves, charlie disapproves
pivot by fiveandnocents - staticmoth smut with background polyvees where vox is the hinge, val is extremely jealous, and they are all really bad at this polyamory thing. really good inner narration from vox and val’s character voice is spot-on
Because I Love You by tellyvision - another platonic radiobelle fic, with genuinely gorgeous prose and very well-crafted character studies for both charlie and alastor’s worldviews. all of their other fics, which are mostly gen ensemble, i highly recommend as well
Bag of Bones by Candydollcurly - angel runs into vox at one of val’s shitty house parties and predictably, they hate each other. really snappy & clever dialogue, with one of my favorite angel characterizations ever. the rest of their fics are similarly fantastic, and a couple especially underrated ones are Eyes Up There (platonic valvel) and What You Came Here to Do (more deliciously toxic voxvalangel dynamics)
*explodes pancakes with mind* by nambi - extremely charming genfic with dashes of angsty introspection, set to a backdrop of alastor pulling increasingly irritating pranks on lucifer at breakfast until lucifer finally decides to retaliate
happy birthday mr voxtek president by @mwestbelle - dubiously consensual voxvalangel threesome, with a lot of vox and val being terrible to each other, to angel, and frankly to every unfortunate person who has ever entered their hundred mile vicinity. my other fav by them is love me cancerously (even more voxval nastiness)
The Good Old Days by @bloopdydooooo - really funny fic about vox and lucifer getting drunk at an overlord party and competing over who can get alastor to dance with them first. spoilers: they both fail miserably, and the only person who gets a radio demon dance that night is rosie :]
she who lies in his shadow by @bloodsbane - radiobelle pwp with touch/sex averse alastor, really fantastic stuff and honestly some of the only charlie/alastor porn i’ve actually enjoyed in terms of quality characterization AND gorgeous writing
kiss and swallow series by @issushaim - GENUINELY a travesty that this series doesn’t get more attention. intense, vivid, and delicious staticdust porn + character studies with exceptional dialogue and prose, and in general some of my favorite angel characterization of all time. really really fantastic stuff, i can’t recommend it enough
heard and heeded by @tarmairons - husk character study where he comes to alastor to barter for angel’s soul, but might have bitten off more than he can chew. dark, achingly visceral prose, still gives me a lingering ache in my chest every time i read it. ugh so good
what a waste of a lovely night by @valscigarette - vox takes angel on a dry run date in an attempt to figure out how to rekindle the magic with val. very fun and engaging dialogue, vox being a piece of shit as per usual while angel suffers along for the ride, and delightfully toxic4toxic staticmoth
The Radio Demon is Back in Town by @take-the-unknow-road-now - very cute and funny radiostatic where after the overlord meeting, alastor baits vox into having a drink with him. banter, dancing, food fights, and a rekindling of a kismesissitude for the ages ensues. filled to the brim with hysterical lines such as “one day i'll pop you open like a crab and feast on your insides” and “may you crash sideways into a vat of nuclear waste”
Red Skies and Valentino by alternatedoom - i really think this one isn’t as well known only because the author dropped all 25 chapters in one day and the summary tells you functionally nothing, but guys. it’s so fucking good. 86k of voxval being monsters in love, with hefty doses of angel & velvette, bg polyvees, and smatterings of radiosilence, telling the entire history of vox and val’s partnership in excruciating, lurid, and violent detail. i was mesmerized all the way through. you have to give it a shot if you’re a staticmoth fan because it is a masterpiece
SOS by @arahusk - a surreal, dark, and macabre husk/lilith/alastor fic where husk follows alastor’s distress signal to his home and gets roped against his will into whatever fucked up game lilith is playing with alastor. the radiohusk here is delightfully complicated and possessive from both ends, and lilith is a captivating figure. really excellent writing. i’m also a big fan of literally every other fic they’ve ever written
Between the Wings by nettle (stinging_nettle) - vaggie/lute dubiously consensual hatesex with homophobic overtones, my beloved. she’s written some delicious valangel and staticmoth too
all of his questions, such a mournful sound by @valleyghosts - angel character study and ensemble fic with a sprinkling of huskerdust. very sweet and charming, practically everybody gets a bonding moment and the characterization is airtight
Harlem Sunrise by Caelanmiriel - absolutely CRIMINAL that this fic only has six non-reply comments. this is one of The radiostatic fics for me, a 21k oneshot of vox fixing alastor up after the finale despite alastor’s best attempts to die out of spite, complete with vox’s unhinged rambling narration, alastor being utterly incapable of telling anyone the truth, least of all himself, and the two of them trying their hardest to hate each other and failing miserably. spectacular. go read it immediately
living in sin is the new thing series by @superkitten-poison - fantastic polyvees series, terrible people in love with perfect character voices and very funny dialogue
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shadebloopnik · 1 year ago
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"The only thing more painful than watching you fall, is watching you lose hope."
Lets all pretend that I drew these consistently for a second. This is the first time I actually seriously made some sort pf a comic strip and am honestly a bit happy with it lmao (even tho that last Alastor leaves much to be desired, i cannot with the angle i chose). Angelic Alastor AU details and better taken pics of each scene under the cuttt
Man im actually taking this AU sht seriously huh- here we goooo
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So AU summary, Alastor's an angel, though he's always been an odd sort and looked different from the other angels. His name is still Alastor, though he is also known by his title, Altruist. As time went on, it was the name nearly everyone knew him by.
He was close with Lucifer, who both admired each other's fantastical ideas, and oddity from the others. He was closely involved with Lucifer and Lilith, helping keep their relationship a secret. He was devastated when they both fell, having managed to keep his own involvement hidden(after countless pleading from the two to keep himself safe). Im a radioapple addict by heart lmao, but this is gearing more towards a poly between the three of them. Alastor was quite slow in processing his feelings for the two, even with Lucifer having already harbored feelings for him for ages, and Lilith being pretty forward.
After a couple events and other drama and detailsss, Alastor arrives at the Hazbin Hotel after he heard about Charlie. He sees her like a daughter, and it hurt him to know that Lucifer and Lilith left her behind in such a manner. He still doesn't believe in redemption(he's an angel, he knows those fuckers), but he still supports Charlie anyway he could. He still acts super creepy and all, but has good intentions. He lives a somewhat double life, juggling his appearance between being Altruist in Heaven and Alastor in Hell.
Lucifer, Lilith and Alastor, though initially had a rather stable relationship(as stable as you can get with one of them constantly smuggling himself into hell), had a bit of a falling out. Lucifer lost hope and motivation for everything, something that broke all their hearts. Lilith was a bit more fierce, wanting to take more action. Alastor was a sort of a mix between the two. He was cautious, and preferred to lie in wait, but wasn't as far gone as Lucifer.
Its why when Lucifer found out about his involvement with the hotel, he was absolutely furious. He didn't want Alastor to give their daughter false hope, didn't want her to reach for the stars only to fall back down, burned. He's too broken, and the idea that Alastor, someone who should KNOW how dangerous hoping was, setting Charlie up for pain, it hurt.
Basically sad old men lol
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nil-nothing-nada · 10 months ago
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This post is now considered outdated due to recent developments in my Stardew Valley AU. Please refer to this more recent post for information!
Mr. Qi Headcanons
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(A lot of these are based around the idea that he's secretly super powerful and is restraining himself most of the time because that's one of my favorite traits in a character, hehehe. Also, I am a sucker for freaky, supernatural biological traits if you can't tell by my ocs...)
Agender (Any Pronouns)
Full name is Adam Qi. (First name is by his mother, last name is inherited from his father)
Uses any pronouns, but if often referred to as a male since that's what he's used to. He's all around pretty relaxed about his gender.
Doesn't like his first name because it reminds him of his past humanity, so he never tells it to anyone. He prefers that people refer to him as Mr. Qi or just Qi.
Frighteningly good at masking and pushing down his emotions so that all he displays is cool confidence. Even in the worst situations he seems incredibly diplomatic and slow to anger, though if you somehow happen to see past this facade, you can tell that he is extremely volatile and barely able to restrain himself. Only a few specific things will ever cause the mask to slip, but when it does, he'll explode with uncharacteristically violent anger. Cheating at any of his games especially pisses him off, and he has "disposed" of the worst offenders.
Tries to keep a smile on his face all the time to better hide his intentions. (No, this isn't a reference to Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, sadly.)
Was human at one point, but is completely unwilling to talk about it. He becomes aggressive if he's pushed too much on this topic.
Around the time he turned 19, Mr. Qi was unwillingly possessed by a sort of "will of the universe" that has been jumping from person to person for eons. At first he was terrified, but since then he has grown to enjoy the power he received from it, despite the loss of his humanity.
Mr. Qi himself is only 32 years old, but he has memories and knowledge from countless centuries of lifetimes so he's often referred to as immortal.
The universe's will is always searching for its next heir, and Mr. Qi believes the farmer could be a perfect fit if they are given the right encouragement.
His clothes are made of an enchanted fabric that slightly shimmers like the night sky. It's also quite light and comfortable, as he is picky about the textures of the clothes he wears.
Very sensitive to touch, and hates when people touch him without permission.
Geiger counters and other sensors for hazardous materials go off around him, detecting him as the element polonium or the chemical hydrogen cyanide. Despite this, he is not actually harmful to be around in any way.
If he's angry he creates a static-y aura that can cause unprotected machinery around him to glitch and short circuit. He can also use this power on command, but he has to focus on it. (For visual reference, think about how Mono from Little Nightmares II tunes into the TV transmissions.)
Is fully immune to radiation. Additionally, all toxins have minimal effect on him and cannot kill him, although they might make him sick for a bit.
Regenerates from any damage immediately. He still feels pain like a normal person, but he usually just pushes past it.
He can't really control his strength, but he's usually only about as strong as a decently-exercised human. However, he becomes much stronger when he's truly angry, to the point where he'll clench his fists hard enough to break his bones. This power usually only lasts for very short bursts, though.
Is inhumanly agile and very quiet when moving. He frequently sneaks up on people unintentionally and startles them.
Has pointed, shark-like teeth and small, sharp claws. His claws are always partially out, but he can extend them further if he needs to.
Has a split tongue that is a bit longer than a normal human's.
His skin glitters and looks slightly iridescent in certain lights.
His eyes are impossibly dark, yet seem to sparkle like they contain small universes. Looking in them without preparation causes immense cosmic dread in the viewer, so he wears his reflective sunglasses to cover them.
His blood is dark like space and has a slimy texture.
Growls when he's angry and purrs when he's content. However, he hates purring around other people because it ruins his mysterious, threatening persona. (If I headcanon that someone growls threateningly I gotta make it so they purr too. Sorry, I don't make the rules...)
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palilu · 3 months ago
Hey there! It's been a while, huh? I'm sorry for my absence, but life got in the way.
I came up with some concepts and ideas about the Hazbin Hotel x Undertale AU of @discofama !
-She's seven years old.
-Charlie's an half-human half-monster Hybrid. While she has a human appearance, her pupils are much more pointy, but she can show her monster form when she's feeling really strong emotions.
-She didn't have a family back on the surface. She lived in an orphanage all her life and she wasn't well-seen by the others.-
-She went to Mount Sheol to find answers about her origins.
-King of the monsters with a Goat appearance. While he's still silly like in the original show, he's also much more present in his Kingdom, even if only by afar.
-He still loves rubber ducks.-
-He and Lilith had an amazing and loving relationship, but it became strained after "the incident".
-He was very close and had a friendly rivalry with Adam, but after "the incident", their relationship became cold and only professional.
-He was an amazing Uncle to ---- and ---- and was their favorite babysitter.
-He misses his child a lot.
-The only human that decided to stand by the monsters' side during the war, and that's why she was locked in the Underground along with all Monsterkind.
-She's the Caretaker of the ruins.
-While she doesn't like humans, she has a soft spot for children.
-She always wanted to become a Singer.
-She used to sing lullabies to ---- and ---- to help them fall asleep.
-She loved Lucifer very much and was the reason why she decided to fight alongside Monsters.
-She and Adam had a sibling-like bond, but she hasn't seen him in a long time.
-She hopes her child is safe.
-A deer monster that has something to Hide.
-He has Flowey's role in the story. While he doesn't Attack Charlie and helps her a few times, in the story there are hints that he's actually trying to get rid of her. What are his real intentions...?
-He's a good friend with Rosie and a father figure to Niffty.
-She has Napstablook's role. She spends most of the time in the ruins and misses her Brothers alot.
-She has Papyrus' role. She's a kid Monster with the appearance of a Siberian Husky, who wishes to become part of the Royal Guard to protect others.
-Her real name is Vagatha. But Adam calls her "Vagina" to tease her.
-Adam and Lute are both like mentors to her, even though they both can be difficult in their own ways.
-She's very good at fighting.
-Adam taught her to play the Guitar. She's not bad at it, but not good either.
-She may be just a kid, but she's more competent than the Royal Guards at times.
The Royal Guard:
-The Exorcists have the role of the canine Royal Guards. They're all dog monsters.
-They all adore Adam and want to make him proud.
-They love being petted!
-They have a group special attack: THE ROYAL PUPPY DOG EYES!
-She has Monster Kid's role. She's the First Exorcist that got killed by Carmilla in the show.
-She's a dog Monster with the appearance of a Golden retriever.
-She's five years old.
-She looks up to Adam and Lute a lot.
-He's the Captain of the Royal Guards. A dragon Monster who you don't want to mess with.
-Has a deep hatred for humans and is very mocking and violent while attacking Charlie. He has his reasons, though...
-He still loves playing the Guitar and loves rock music. His guitar, just like in the original show, can turn into an ax.
-Adam and Lucifer weren't friends at first. Adam became really bitter, because he thought Lucifer was going to take away his wife and he was afraid to lose her, so he challenged him to a battle but he couldn't hit him even once (Similar to Undyne and Asgore) Adam felt very humiliated, but Lucifer offered to train him so he could beat him one day. The more the training went on, the more the two bonded, and when Adam was finally able to hit Lucifer, he felt... Bad, very bad. But Lucifer was super happy and proud of Adam. And that's when they officially became friends.
-Him and Lucifer were close and had a friendly rivalry. Everytime they met, they would attack eachother, in trying to get the other off guard (Much like Meliodas and Ban from The Seven Deadly Sins)
-He loved his wife very much. He was also a good, protective dad.-
-He cares about Lute alot, she was the one who got him out of his depressive state after "The Incident".
-He sees Vaggie as a daughter and really doesn't want her getting hurt again. That's why he's hesitant about letting her in the Royal Guard.
-He often wonders where Lilith went. He won't admit it (yet), but he misses her.
-Deep down, he's actually a softie.
-Adam's Liutenant, a german shepherd Monster that appears cold and ruthless.
-She hates humans too for what they did to Monsterkind and because of "The Accident".
-She and Adam fight together most of the time, and have synchronized attacks.
-She's secretely in love with Adam, but doesn't want to push him to have a relationship with her.
-She cares about Vaggie and sees lots of strenght and potential in her, but thinks that she's too merciful and it might get her killed.
-The oldest of the Royal Guards, along with Adam. She thinks the others can be too childish at times.-
Sir Pentious:
-The Underground's Royal Scientist and inventor. He's a snake monster.
-The Egg Boys are basically his children, since they were his first ever science experiment and he used a bit of his DNA to make them.
-He has a crush on Cherri Bomb, despite her destroying his work most of the time.
-He has a difficult friendship with the Vees.
The Vees:
-They're the stars of the Underground. Vox is still a TV, Velvette is a doll monster and Valentino is still a moth.
-They're less cruel and evil than the Canon Vees.
-They want Charlie's soul to go on the surface and become stars there too.
✨✨✨I hope you guys like it!✨✨✨
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thesupernaturalhouse · 1 year ago
Right so- Emily's personality ir charlies design for the hazbins Fallen au?? Which should I talk about first??
Let's go with Emily-
Alright! So, Emily is still her cheery self but also due to the nature of the au defiantly isnt all niave and trusting and stuff
In this au, she's learning about seras lies from others, which I think would give her trust issues. I also made her more, angry
I imagine in the au she holds grudges a lot more, mainly against alastor, and has more of a silent anger type personality- here's a small snippet of the pilot for the au
Emily: alright so now we watch *Katie starts throwing insults* ...oookay- vaggie, spear, down *gently holding said spears tip down
Vaggie: wha- but, come onn
Emily: no 'come onn' I don't think you scaring people with you angelic spear is a good ide- *Katie says soenthifn homophobic* .....neveemind *releases spear* do whatever you want ant. I want that bitch to fear for her life
Or it'd go something like that, I'll work out any kinks when I start writing the story, first I wanna awake an episode layout whoch is harder then it loks- I have the ideas but I need it in a list so- jsut gotta sort through all that
Like she isn't like Vaggie, spear raised, but not like Charlie, easy to forgive.
I do imagine she bites her tounge however if you ask for her hienst's opinion, she will NOT hold back. I think once she and Husk become more of a father-daughter duo, he starts rubbing off on her, and she starts blurting some ruder things out
He is so proud of his little(200k year+) girl
It's probably the most evident when I have her tell of Alastor- which will also be one instance of her being super protective over her found family.....listen I know yall love Alastor i do to, but I think he fandom over hypes him, and so does he himself, and I want Emily to kinda call him out, and threaten him in this au
But that'll be another post :)
Remember how I said charlie and slaviathen are like Ron and Tammy 2 but without all the sex? Yeah, well, then Emily is Diane! Vaggie is to but vaggie mostly focuses on getting them out and stuff. Emily and slaviathen just have passive aggressive argument and comments thrown at each other
"Always a pleasure to meet you charlies friends" "*strained smile* always a pleasure seaweed hair stranger" "oooo-Kay let's go- and let charlie Dela with this"
Why vaggie is passive with sleviathan and Emily is the protective one? Honestly idk but I think it's funny :) maybe it's cause Vaggie knows Charlie doesn't tale shit from slaviathen one bit so lets her gaurd down more because she knows charlie has it, so she's more passive or smth
Emily meanwhiem can't STAND being talked down to so absurd bites back no matter what. Which is also why her breaking point would be Katie calling them a slur.
She hates being talk down to, which stems form her years in heaven being treated as a child by almost everybody, good intentions or not it was still always so condescending to her. Especially when it was from Sera or the other heaven born and elder/arch angles
So she definitely internalized that, remember how I said she was often referred to as 'lucifers replacement' by many elder angles?? Yeah, that's where it MOSTLY stems from
She'd also have resentment and hatred for lucifer because of it all, like "I never want to meet whoever the fuck lucifer is" kinds mentality, it's due to this that she refused to search him uo and relaize he was her girlfriends, one of them, DAD
So the dad beat dad episode is...fun!! Emily gets piss drunk with HER dad, husk after realizing the short man in the middle of the living room is lucifer
It's after that whole song at the beginning happens does she realize he's lucifer, cause charlies only referred to him as dad so-
......I should start drafting a psot for her and Peter's relationship- mlm and wlw solidarityyyy
She also be a lot more sexual active I think because liek heaven is restricted so being in hell with norestricrions she definitely is THRIVING on that freedom
I have a scene planned out for when Angle takes them to that bdsm club that involved her buying black silk stuff because why not-
Anyways, the finale change in Emily, I think, for her personality that is would be she absolutely take sfter a more Sloth like sin
"Screw both of you I'm sleeping in!" She absolutely HATES waking up early in the morning, especially if it's after a night of certain events. Vaggie will throw clothes at her and force her to get up. Charlie will already be downstairs full of energy-
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months ago
How would the Sins take learning about Alastor being Lucifer's son? Alastor may not have met them in the main AU, but I imagine in the Raised Together AU, Alastor met them fairly young. Poor little Deer, those guys are huge even when they try to shrink down some!
God I wish we could see Helluva Boss characters in Hazbin Hotel.
Asmodeus and Bee being as friendly as they are and Charlie having Belphegor's number in her phone makes me think those three at least are on good terms with Lucifer and his family. Not entirely sure about Mammon, he's probably the weird uncle who you nod along politely too as he describes his latest MLM scam and then make some excuse not to sign up without hurting his feelings. And there's not much to speculate on with the other Sins, but I'll go out on a limb and say Lucifer probably wouldn't bring Satan around his kids when they're on the younger side.
Not that he was rushing to introduce Alastor to the Sins in the beginning anyway. Alastor was pretty freaked out by the fact he became a demon when he was brought to hell, but at the very least Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie are fairly human-ish looking. Strange, for sure, but not terribly frightening on their own. That is, if you don't know what they're capable of. Even so, it took Alastor a good while to adjust to suddenly being in a new world with magic and demons and the Sins, well... From a human kid's point of view, they look like monsters. So Lucifer and Lilith weren't rushing to introduce Alastor to them.
I like to imagine Lucifer telling them he had a new kid wasn't entirely intentional too. Like he was in a meeting that went sideways, nursing a migraine, and at some point had to jump up on the table in full angel mode and yell at everyone to shut up and sit down, this meeting has gone on long enough and he wants to get home to his kids dammit! And then he realizes what he said after a good ten seconds of blank staring.
Cue a bunch of chaotic demons bombarding Lucifer with questions that have absolutely nothing to do with why they were holding the meeting in the first place while our dear fallen angel wants to cry.
It would be a few years before Lucifer would let any of the Sins come meet Alastor, and the first ones he would invite would be Asmodeus and Beelzebub for aforementioned reasons. (I mean, maybe the other Sins are just as friendly, but as I said, I have nothing to work with as far as the rest of them go.) They come bearing gifts for both kids, but Alastor's pretty much squeezing Charlie's hand the whole time despite being forewarned that they were coming and having seen pictures of them in advance. Asmodeus brought kid-friendly toys covered in hearts and other cute shapes while Bee loaded them with enough sugary treats to put down two school buses full of grade school kids.
I think that normally, Alastor would have been a very outgoing and friendly kid, but in the wake of everything that's happened he's become more withdrawn and timid. While Asmodeus and Bee might be a bit much for him at first, both are surprisingly adept at reading and responding to other people's emotions. Hell, Bee can literally taste them. So although they come on strong, it doesn't take long for them to read the mood and take a more gentle approach when it comes to Alastor, though Charlie responds better to their boisterous energy.
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androgynousblackbox · 10 months ago
More stuff for this AU:
-Vox is the benefactor for the hotel and was there literally from the start. Velvette send him an email just the same as the richest motherfuckers that she could find in hell with a copypasted message, not really expecting much from the king of hell himself, but was then surprised when Vox appeared at the door of her run down apartment claiming to be "intrigued" by her proposal. After Velvette sold her pitch to him, Vox gives the biggest laugh ever and gives Velvette all the money she needs to make the hotel, promising that if this idea of her works and they can actually turn sinners into winners she will receive a lot more money. Maybe they could have a whole franchise of redemption if all turns out okay! -Vox and Mammon are greed besties. -Velvette dates Verosika. Verosika is very supportive of Velvette´s project. -Valentino is still very much a pimp and trafficker of guns that works closely with Carmilla Carmine. He came to know about the project of Velvette after she gave a passionate presentation on the news, after destroying verbally everyone who mocked her. Valentino thought to himself that he just had to be friends with such a huge bitch. -Angel Dust and Husker are angels dedicated to the extermination. The extermination is kept a secret from the rest of heaven still, including his own twin sister Molly, who he lives with. -Adam is the oldest sinner on all of hell and the first official resident of the Hazbin Hotel. He fucking hates Vox for condeming him there, but Vox literally has no recollection of who the fuck is him. That must have been data that got lost on one of his many updates. Adam is so fucking tired of hell that will do anything to get the fuck out of there. -Lute is the second resident and a fallen angel who fell when she tried to make Husker fell. Angel Dust found her out before she could do much and casted her away instead. Originally she just wanted a place to crash, but ends up staying because it's not that bad of a place after all. -Velvette has a crush/hate on Charlie because "she is not even that pretty, I mean fuck, if Lucifer wanted a good looking bitch I could have been that" and Verosika is 100% the kind of girlfriend to be there, nod and say "yeah, babe, you are so right, you are so much prettier. Honestly Lucifer missed a chance when he didn't pick you up as his fake daughter." Velvette is also the number one fan of Charlie because clout (and also she is pretty, fuck it). -Alastor literally came back to the tower after reporting on some event on a mobile station and Lucifer had already adopted Charlie, on whom he dotted and pampered on as if she was his actual daughter. He didn't get it, but Lucifer seemed happy in a way he haven't seen him in a long time so of course he let it slide (after investigating on Charlie's background to make sure that she wasn't scamming Lucifer). After realizing that Charlie had no bad intentions whatsoever and didn't represent any danger for Lucifer, only then he started to warm up to her and treat her as his own surrogate daughter too. Obviously, since Lucifer was his then obviously they were going to have the same family too.
-Alastor at the start didn't want anything to do with Lucifer, prefering to do the overlord shit on his own, but Lucifer kept following him around and helping him out so much that he realized that it was for the best for the two of them remain together. Lucifer fell first, but Alastor fell harder kind of deal. -Lucifer had a wife and daughter when he was alive, but he was killed for an investigation he was conducting when his daughter was literally just a baby and he always regretted not being able to be there for her. Charlie fills that void for him, even if he knows the dates don't match up at all and Charlie could really never been his daughter. He was so lucky that Charlie herself carried on with her own daddy issues that makes her suck up all the affection like a sponge, instantly. -Both Alastor and Lucifer also received emails from Velvette offering to be sponsors for her hotel. They never even read it. Alastor has Sir Pentious as an assistant who reads all that crap for him and deleted it instantly because he thought it was a scam (and he was right). -Emily is the demon maid of the hotel and literally the only person who believes in redemption. Nobody has the heart to tell her that it's all bullshit made for profit, not even Vox.
(this AU is available for asks, btw! Maybe I can get inspired to write something else)
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aro-in-danyl · 4 months ago
HP X HH AU - Alastor is Harry Potter and Voldemort is his Shadow
I've got a whole concept idea for how Alastor time-traveled to early 1910s New Orleans and how he trapped Tom Riddle as his shadow- but that's a separate post entirely. This is about what happens if they get de-aged in Hell following their retreat from Adam. Because I want to see the Hazbin crew's reaction to Harry and Tom.
When Adam slashed him with his guitar, it purified both Alastor and his shadow to an age when they were still innocent.
Alastor, Harry, to age 11 -- moments before he'd disintegrated Quirrell to death.
Voldemort, Tom, to age 10 -- days before he led his fellow orphans into a cave to torture them.
They awaken in a crumbling radio tower covered in blood and a broken radio staff clutched in Harry's hands.
Tom, being raised Catholic and carrying all the trauma that comes with being able to talk to snakes from a young age, is the most terrified.
Harry still hopped up on the adrenaline of facing his parent's murderer from what he believes is only minutes before, manages to hear the creaking of the radio tower and get them out before it fully collapses.
They wander Hell and quickly come across various demons, all of which have nefarious intentions. They try to escape but even with magic there's only so much 2 human children can do against demons until-
"HEY!" Something hits the back of a hellhound's head, knocking him out and giving Harry the chance to run to stand in front of Tom.
They both look warily at their savior: a tall heavy-set demon with imp-like horns and bat-wings. In his hand was the broken guitar he'd used to smash over the hellhound's head. He looked angry.
"BITCH! You owe me a new guitar!"
Adam sees these kids and assumes they're the reason he's in hell. That he has to save them and then he can return to heaven - how else would 2 human children who reminded him of his own just happen to wander into his path?
So he takes them in and re-learns what it means to be a father responsible and care have empathy for his descendants. He meets other sinners who are not the worst and it makes him feel guilty confused.
For 3 months, he tries to find a way to get these 2 children back to the human world. They're both so bright and kind but absolutely fucking traumatized. He's going to have to find them better parents when he takes them back because they were under no circumstances going back to whoever they were with before.
Everyday he's with them, the kids open up just a bit more. What does it say about their homelives that they feel more comfortable in Hell living with what they think is a demon? They have so much potential like Abel and capacity for goodness like Cain before he-.
He tries -oh god how he fucking tries- to get them out of this hell-hole, but eventually he has to man up and ask for help.
HA! Sike. No, he obviously was supposed to demand Lucifer send them back. After all, it must've been his fuck-up that got these kids stuck here so it was his responsibility to fix it. Not Adam's!
Yeah that sounded right.
He marches up to the Hazbin Hotel with the kids behind him he wasn't scared shut up and knocks on the door.
Lucifer contacts Ozzie to open a portal.
Problem #1 The moment Harry touches the tear in realities, he hits a brick-wall. Or at least what feels like one. The portal is nothing more than a 2-way mirror for him. He can see but not cross-over.
Problem #2 Lucifer takes a closer look and realizes that their souls are already marked for Hell. But they're full of holy energy even after 3 months.
Adam refuses to believe this and demands to talk with Heaven.
Problem #3 ...No one has heard from Heaven since the failed Extermination.
Adam stays at the Hotel since it's safer for the kids cheaper than renting his overpriced studio apartment that smells like piss and cheese. Niffty fucking hates him though, he hurt her favorite bad boy! He's not dead she would feel it but he's gone again because of him!
Over the next 3 months, the kids grow. Not normally though, every time they make even a minor sin, they age rapidly before Adam's eyes. Sometimes he swears their nails seem claw-like, their teeth sharper when they smile, and their eyes seem to glow when he's looking out of the corner of his eye.
They eventually get in contact with Emily who first informs them that Sir Pentious was redeemed. She then takes a look at the kids with Lucifer. They discover that the children had been de-aged to a period of innocence due to the holy-light that had flooded them.
Lucifer tells Adam it was likely his holy-light wave that sliced the hotel in half that did the deed. They must've gotten caught too close to the blast-radius.
They hypothesize from their rapid age growth and behavior, that sinning will eventually revert the children back to their original demon forms.
And Adam-
Adam, for once in his immortal life, refuses to give up on his children.
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elsa-fogen · 1 year ago
Good intentions | Hazbin AU
part 1
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Ah yea, i forgot to mention. Lilith is back. She tried to make Charlie close the Hotel and they argued about it very hard. And then angels said to keep the Hotel, which meant no coming back in Heaven for Lilith.
Don't know if it's gonna affect the plot besides Charlie's mommy issues....
tbh i don't know what's the plot gonna be either. just drawing whatever comes to my mind i guess
part 3
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ranchycowgirllover · 2 years ago
So we got ourselves a Charlie Re Design
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I decided rather than basing her off of a doll like the original I wanted to go for a puppet vibe (this will play into her lore re write). I’ve also given her horns and the little anime neck wings (idk what those are called) to give her a more demonic appearance. Her eye color and nose shape were changed to be more reminiscent of her mother. I’m also making her the tallest out of the main cast to add to her other worldly vibe. I’m also renaming her to Abrahael(shortened to Abbie) rather than Charlotte. Abrahael in demon mythos was said to be Liliths child (tho she will not be a succubis)
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Lore + Character Re write
Okay so her whole “Disney Princess in Hell” thing is kinda lame. She’s princess of hell, like you can make her good person who’s naive but give her some bite. Idk out of all the characters in Hazbin she’s the one I find the least interesting. So she’s the one I’m probably going to change the most. In my little re write au she is an Eldridge horror, she still very much has good intentions and wants to help people. But she knows that she’s the princess of hell, she is very aware that should easily kill just about anyone. But this comes with her being quite arrogant and taking risks she shouldn’t (like inviting Alastor into the hotel), she is not a planner so people like Alastor who are would be able to more easily manipulate her.
Alright so her lore- she was puppet built by Lucifer to be a daughter to him and Lilith. She didn’t have a childhood she just simply awoke one day. Her parents weren’t married btw they didn’t exactly get along . I’m thinking about making a comic about this Re Write so that’s all I’ll say
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Her parents
And here’s some extra art
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(I’m so glad I can finally draw Abbie and Vaggie doing cute couple stuff)
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kilfeur · 8 months ago
La nuance du conflit entre le paradis et l'enfer (The nuance of the conflict between Heaven and Hell)
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Y a quelque chose que j'apprécie dans le conflit c'est que ça apporte son lot de nuance. Au premier abord, on pourrait voir comme une énième histoire "le paradis est mauvais et l'enfer est bon". Mais je trouve que c'est quand même un peu plus complexe. Sera est un bon exemple de cette nuance. Elle tient à la sécurité du paradis et pense que sa solution d'exterminer les pêcheurs est la bonne solution. Elle dit plusieurs fois de ne pas poser de questions. Car la dernière fois que quelqu'un s'est rebellé, c'était Lucifer et elle était témoin de ça. Je me demande comment était la relation entre ces deux là. Sera est l'opposé de Lucifer, elle sait ce qui ce qui se passez chez elle et a une relation amicale avec Emily, qu'elle apprécie et se soucie d'elle. Mais pour la préserver de certaines vérités, elle lui cachera la vérité concernant l'extermination.
Contrastant avec Lucifer qui a été absent, délaissant l'enfer et son statut de roi à cause de sa dépression Et il est contre l'idée de sa fille pour éviter qu'elle vive la même chose qu'il a vécu par le passé. Emily et Charlie se contrastent aussi, Charlie est pleinement consciente de la situation de l'enfer et au début idéalise le paradis avant de comprendre ce qu'il en retourne vraiment. Emily n'a pas vraiment d'animosité envers l'enfer, les démons voir même les pêcheurs. Mais elle est ignorante concernant les décisions que prennent le paradis pour l'enfer. Elle espérait que Sera soit dans l'ignorance mais non. On pourrait avoir un scénario où justement Emily soit déchue et tombe en enfer. Mais je pense que ce serait plus intéressant si elle change les choses de l'intérieur, avec l'aide de Sir Pentious, qui est la preuve que les pêcheurs peuvent se repentir. Ce serait un parallèle avec Charlie avec son Hazbin Hotel qui souhaite repentir les pêcheurs et Emily qui essaie justement d'ouvrir les yeux des habitants du Paradis.
Quand à Sera, je la vois pas foncièrement méchante, ses intentions sont compréhensibles mais ce sont ses méthodes qui sont mauvaises. On ne sait pas vraiment qui amène les âmes aux Paradis ou bien ce sont les âmes qui font le chemin tout seul entre le paradis et l'enfer. Et Sera pourrait se questionner sur les choses qu'elle a apprit, elle pourrait douter sur ce qu'elle croit. Je pense qu'elle sait bien qu'on ne le laisse le croire. Dans la chanson "Tu ne le savais pas" elle dit à Charlie qu'elle se bat pour une noble cause mais qu'elle ignore tant de choses. Donc y a encore de choses à découvrir.
One thing I like about conflict is that it brings its own nuance. At first glance, it might seem like the umpteenth "heaven is bad and hell is good" story. But I think it's a bit more complex. Sera is a good example of this nuance. She wants heaven to be safe, and thinks her solution of exterminating the sinners is the right one. She says several times not to ask questions. Because the last time someone rebelled, it was Lucifer and she witnessed it. I wonder what the relationship between these two was like. Sera is the opposite of Lucifer, she knows what's going on In Paradis and has a friendly relationship with Emily, whom she likes and cares about. But to protect her from certain truths, she hides the truth about the extermination from her.
Contrasting with Lucifer who has been absent, forsaking hell and his status as king because of his depression And he is against the idea of his daughter to avoid her experiencing the same thing he has in the past. Emily and Charlie also contrast, Charlie being fully aware of the situation in hell and initially idealizing paradise before understanding what it's really like. Emily has no real animosity towards hell, demons or even sinners. But she is ignorant of the decisions heaven makes for hell. She'd hoped Sera would be in the dark, but no. We could have a scenario where Emily falls into hell. But I think it would be more interesting if she changed things from the inside, with the help of Sir Pentious, who is proof that sinners can be redeemed. It would be a parallel with Charlie and his Hazbin Hotel, who wants to repent the sinners, and Emily, who is trying to open the eyes of the residents of Heaven.
When it comes to Sera, I don't see her as inherently evil, her intentions are understandable but it's her methods that are bad. We don't really know who brings souls to Heaven, or whether it's the souls who make their own way between Heaven or Hell. And Sera might question the things she's learned, she might doubt what she believes. I think she knows better than to let us believe it. In the song "You didn't know" she tells Charlie that she's fighting for a noble cause, but there's so much she doesn't know. So there's more to discover.
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totally-lyrical · 23 days ago
Heya, hiya, nice to meet ya, my name is Lyric, he/him pronouns please
this is the blog where i reblog too many things and scream into the void about my fandoms!!!
this post here is gonna be to help me keep track of things so i can find them later!
Under the cut is the detailed stuff, but right here is the rundown...
be nice to me and others!
fanart is not only welcome, but encouraged!
My Ao3 is MercilessMidnight and i write dumb shit there
My twitch is also MercilessMidnight and a stream dumb shit there
My YouTube is also also MercilessMidnight and i make dumb shit there (link not working, please be patient)
first off, my counters...
Times Lyric got jumpscared by five nights at freddy's (including flinches, vocal reactions, and physical jumps): 54
Current total fandoms: 30
next up, details!
Current Hyperfixation: writing
Current Main Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
My tags!
Frostbound Book - Posts related to the novel I'm working on called Frostbound.
Vessel of Pestilence - Posts related to my Kallamar Cult of the Lamb AU.
Crown of Conquest - Posts related to my Cult of the Lamb AU that needs it's own whole post to describe
Good Intentions - Posts about my Persona 5 Royal no metaverse AU.
Elevator to Heaven - Posts about my Persona 5 Royal roleswap AU.
In Our Ranks - Posts about my. my among us fanfic. yeah im sorry
Ladybird AU - Posts about my Miraculous Ladybug salt au.
Writing tag - just miscellaneous writing or poetry.
Art tag - drawings and arts and such. i am not good at art but that will not stop me
The Great Goose of Gotham - Posts about my DC OC Goose.
Dr. James Wright - Posts about my OC James Wright. hes a fruit
Aryn Ross - Posts about my OC Aryn Ross. He is James Wright's love interest.
Science Yaoi - Posts about the Aryn x James ship.
Cicerobot - Posts about my OC Cicero, a robotic jester.
Splatoon Headcanons - My tag for my headcanons about splatoon.
Lyric's Collection of People from Outside the US - exactly what it says on the tin
Posts about L - my tag for talking about my irl friend L
Here's a complete list of fandoms...
Cult of the Lamb, Splatoon, Alice: Madness Returns, Portal, Hollow Knight, Five Nights at Freddy's, Poppy Playtime, Stardew Valley, Hermitcraft, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Hazbin Hotel, Miraculous Ladybug, Danny Phantom, Monster High, Ever After High, Camp Camp, LEGO Monkie kid, Batfatm, Minecraft: Story Mode, Power Rangers, Hades, The Stanley Parable, Skyrim, Super Mario Brothers, Nicktoons Unite, Persona 5, Persona 4, Persona 3, Voltron, etc
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hxllo-nana · 9 months ago
Thanks for answering my last Ask!
Now to finish the more Asks I had planned (hence the 1/?.).
It is interesting, looking at the stickers again. Phantom is the only one w/o a spot of red, which I think kind of fits them, considering Phantom's kind of well, weird (and dead) status in DR.
Also really interesting Dust Sans and Frisk and Dust Sans and Phantom parallel each other a lot in terms of backgrounds and poses. While Dust Sans and Papyrus don't really as much. Though, that is kind of fitting in a way. Paps and Phantom kind of parallel each other too. Don't know if any of this was intentional, but I still thought it was cool. (Talking about the Dead Ringer stickers again).
It is cool u are still working on the Hazbin Hotel Undertale AU btw! But I understand u have been busy. I am excited for more of that, and ofc, the next episode of Dead Ringer, whenever that ends up being!
(Not mentioning Bonnytale here, because while I am excited for that, I know it is not going to be for awhile. For the reasons u gave. And/or etc. Understandably so).
Also, just wanted to ask, I know it is not super likely, considering how Dead Ringer is, there probably isn't a ton of time to really show them (which, totally understandable), and u do what u want w/ DR ofc; I am curious to see whatever u do, whatever that may be. Even though I have a feeling my heart might get emotionally destroyed in coming episodes. I love darker, horror-y, etc. stuff, but I can also be quite the softie sometimes. It is a funny mix!
Anyways, just wanted to ask if we may see Muffet and/or Grillby (I think Dust Sans left Undyne at Grillby's?? I am not sure, can't completely remember) some/etc. in Dead Ringer? Totally get if we don't though and like, I don't need to show up at all, I am happy with the characters being focused on and stuff already, and there is also always other series's (that I have seen stuff involving the character(s) with those series in some form). I am just curious.
Last thing, just wanted to ask if u have checked out TS!Underswap!? It is a super a great fangame u can find on like Gamejolt. That is a take of Underswap, but more so keeps the OG personalities of swapped characters. But the new roles/role swaps creates really cool twists w/ the characters and the Underground itself (the Underground is very different because of these role swaps, and because they decided to swap the seasons of the areas too, which causes the areas to be quite different too). They also want to expand and/or try to expand on characters and stuff too.
Anyways, it is really cool, with a lot of mysteries actually, actually quite horror-y and stuff too like OG UT (and DR) could be too, routes, choices, fun gameplay, and some really great takes on characters
(like Sans/Crossbones, Chara, and Muffet are so great. Paps, Asgore, Burgerpants, and the bits we see or know about Alphys and Asriel sound fun and/or look cool too. Flowey is very, different, for various reasons, 1. being they are not Asriel, because he is alive, but Flowey is great too. And the Temmie(s) who have swapped places with Flowey are great and sometimes quite terrifying too. Just great takes on characters all around!) and good, fun OC's too.
So yeah, just wanted to know (I know u have been busy though) if u have checked out TS!US! If u haven't, u totally should if u ever get the chance. I get if u don't want to and/or can't though!
Alright, I am done with asking Ass once again (for now). See ya, and I hope u are doing fine! 2/2.
For the stickers
1. Papyrus and Phantom are both in the same picture, being that the scarf is red. Sans does not have red for-
2. Sans and Papyrus are facing one path while Dust is facing the other, both are facing back of Dust. Sans has the same pose as Dust because even tho they are facing different paths t-
3. Grillby and Muffet may get a special appearance, maybe not
I’ve heard of TSUnderswap, i wasn’t ever a fan of the swap one so im not sure if i’ll like this one too. It’s a nice concept tho and there’s some cool things about it, i’ll try to check it out more if i can
i’m doing alr, thanks!
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ever-growing-system · 2 months ago
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All of our goobers know their source isn't real in this dimension (despite it being real in theirs ofc)
Sunny also knows this but he is more affected by his source than everyone else. Please respect that and don't bring it up.
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Chill. Knows about his death now. HATES JIMMY He/they #Daisuke
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Werecat who looooooooooooves to flirt with anyone they are involved with (only our partner). This explained a lot about our brain when we discovered she existed because most of us are the "get flustered" type, not the "fluster them" type. She/it/they #Nexus the werecat
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Yes, from hazbin hotel. He is another one of the flirty ones. His name is Anthony but he doesn't go by that. He/him #angel
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Also from hazbin hotel. Doesn't hate Angel, just heavily dislikes him. Aroace. Hates the idea of this blog. Hates the internet in general He/him #alastor
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The dragon. Despite the fact Jinx can shapeshift, there is another dragon here! When they front is the only time we get dragon shifts (therian style) They/it #symmeth
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Wow, a lot of us are from the same universe. Very sarcastic. Not nearly as many issues as in the show. Misses Stolas. Terrified of hellfire (not regular fire, it can't hurt him) "why should I give a shit about pronouns?" @ask-blitz-withthesilento #blitz
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The fox! Just like Symmeth, we only experience fox shifts when Nova fronts! They're very playful and cuddly. They hate typing because it feels weird to type with the body's human hands. They/it #nova
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Anxious wreck. Misses Mabel. Smart. Hates Bill, obsessed with ford in the "Wow my grunkle is AWESOME!" He/him #dipper
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LOOOOOVES STARS!!!!! And birds. Gets very sad when talking about Via. Hates talking about Stella. Loves Blitz. Literally almost died for him. He/him/star #stolas
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Came back bc we were tired and pissed. Has memories of being active at around 10-11 (a time of a lot of fear for us). IS THE SAME BASTARD FROM THE 2013 CREEPYPASTA. Has the memories from the story (maybe a bit different but we don't know bc we haven't read it in a while) Anger holder. Does not have all of the disorders as in canon (except ADHD and tics not linked to Tourettes.) HATES THE OTHER CREEPYPASTAS. You call him Ticcy Toby and he will kill you. He/they/it #toby (#???)
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Lacey from Lacey's games. Formed when we were 10 (before Lacey's games were a thing so they've shifted between forms) Is traumagenic like toby (same reason too :3 It was ROUGH) She/her #lacey
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The fuckn undertale AU, first of the bunch. Not traumagenic. Mostly a silly guy but can also get very defensive. That's not hate or determination leaking from his eyesockets, those are his eyes. He/it #killer
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Constantly annoyed and sarcastic. Likes calling me out for stupid shit. Constantly dying. He/him #geno
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The bitch in our ear telling us to eat. Makes sense though, he's always starving. He/him #horror
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Quiet. Doesn't do much unless provoked. Does talk to Phantom Paps sometimes. Not even Jinx can see him. I don't think he minds being called Dust or Murder but he responds to just "Sans" more often He/they #dust
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Like Cyn, Spamton, and a few others, he does move around a lot. He jerks our head around and shit but it's never intentional. He's normally around when we're watching or participating in drama. Does not have a typing quirk (he doesn't care to type out his glitches) He/glitch #error
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Used to be the boss of Dust, Horror, And killer but is not anymore bc of headspace stuff. Very... Creepy sometimes. He/it/void #nightmare
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Like from Omori. Very quiet. Not as depressed as in the game but you shouldn't bring up his sister. The flower in his hair is from her. It's fake so he can keep it forever. His timeline is after the good ending, despite knowing the general vibes of the bad ending. We haven't fully played the game so he may form more when we do. He/him #sunny
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I used to be Chara's friend and when we fell into the underground, I died on impact. I saw everything that happened... I wanted to stop them but I couldn't. Now we're all together!!! I also have green-brown heterochromia! They/them #Kylie
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From deadplate. Very cold and stubborn. He is passionate about cooking but is not allowed to cook because he doesn't like the limited ingredients and will kill us. Not a cannibal anymore but still somewhat ok with it. Misses Rody. Aroace but doesn't know what that is. Sorta like Alastor. 28 He/him #vincent
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creepypastalover97 · 1 year ago
Ok guys! I'm back!
Now like I said in my announcement yesterday, I'm going to be starting a new au. Since the new series "hazbin hotel" dropped yesterday on Amazon prime I had some thoughts. Well technically I have had these for like two years actually....
Anyway this will be a crossover series between hazbin hotel and *drumroll* demon slayer!
Now I know you all might be thinking "but pasta, hazbin hotel and demon slayer have nothing in common besides demons!".
Well what if I tell you hazbin hotel could act as a unforetold sequel to demon slayer?
Let me explain
Since demon slayer takes place in the taisho era (1912 - 1926) and hazbin hotel, which is the afterlife is clearly home to a lot of inhabitants from many different time periods, up to present day. It kinda makes sense.
Take alastor for example. He was from 1920s new Orleans, which despite the different continents. Was not to far off from the taisho era. Speaking of...
Go check out "demonslayedher". She has a post on what year demon slayer took place in. She cover's how demon slayer chapter 1 took place in 1912.
Anyway like I was saying... since demon slayer took place in the taisho era and a lot of the characters died in the end. Both humans and demons would have ended up in the afterlife. Being heaven or hell.
And since hazbin hotel is set in place in hell. Basically the afterlife. It would make sense if some of the demon slayer characters ended up there after they died. That brings me to the next discussion
Who's in hell and who isn't
Now I'm going to go ahead and say who is obviously going to be in hell or are only there of their own free will.
Muzan, michikatsu/kokushibou, douma, hakuji/akaza, hentengu, gyokko, gyutaro, ume/daki, kaigaku, nakime, lady tamayo, koyuki, and sanemi's mom and dad.
Now that I got that over with now onto the part of this post that might get me some hate...
Those who'd you didn't expect to be in hell.
That's right!
Some of your favorite demon slayer characters are going to end up in hell!
Now just to put this out there. I don't have nothing against any of the demon slayer characters at all. I just noticed that some of their life choices/ actions might have them end up in hell if they existed in that universe. Anyway...
Here's who is also in hell
Tengen, hinatsuru, makio, suma, kyojuro, shinjuro, zenitsu, jigoro , sanemi, genya, kotoha, the rest of the uzui family
Now before you all try to flame me (no pun intended) for putting some of your favorite characters in hell hear me out.
Listening? Good.
Now I mentioned that this a hazbin hotel x demon slayer crossover. Since it's a crossover involving hazbin hotel, that means it's also a crossover with helluva boss. Since hazbin hotel and helluva boss take place in the same universe that means some of the lore applies here.
If you remember in episode 1 of helluva boss "murder family" then you remember Mrs. Mayberry. If you remember her, then you remember what she said during the beginning of the episode:
"You do everything right in life, play by all the rules and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world, after one measly massacre propelled by blind rage." - Mrs. Mayberry.
This was coming from a woman who clearly was a cheerful and kind person who had a passion for teaching children. But that all flew out the window when she saw that her husband cheating on her, causing her to snap and be filled with murderous intent, although she was immediately horrified of killing him in front of her students after coming to her senses. Dispite the circumstances she still ended up in Hell for one act of blind rage after living a lifetime of otherwise good behavior.
So it seems that no matter how much the good out weighs the bad you are doomed to hell. Unless you happen to have some type of heavenly purpose in the eyes of heaven then they will overlook the bad
Example, adam
We were just introduced to Adam in the first episode of hazbin hotel. And he is so far a total dick. It seems because he is the first man, that he got immunity to be let into heaven dispite him being total trash. Which shows heaven can be so unfair.
Which got me thinking about some of the demon slayer characters.
Rengoku Kyojuro accidentally choking that little girl in his sleep? Hell
Kotoha throwing baby inosuke into a river? Hell
Zenitsu harassing girls? Hell
Tengen attempting to kidnap the butterfly girls and spanking aoi butt? Hell
Genya pulling a girl's hair? Hell
Shinjuro drinking excessively, neglecting his sons, and hitting baby senjuro? Most definitely hell
Dispite the circumstances for each of these actions, heaven wouldn't care. They would still see these as flaws or sins. Because in their eyes "angels don't make mistakes"
Which is why I like the idea of this crossover
Because even if they did end up in hell, they can just go to the hazbin hotel and try to get redeemed so they can go to heaven.
Which has so much potential.
One of the interactions I'm excited in writing is definitely going to be between kyojuro and charlie😊
Anyway what do you all think?
Are you excited for what I have in the works?
If so leave a comment.
Until next time guys!
Pasta out👋
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