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anonymouscheeses · 8 months ago
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Quick doodle of my favorite trio ever
(They are planning a date and cant agree on something)
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anthurak · 1 year ago
You know sometimes you just really have to respect the 'cascade effect' that sometimes happens with multi-shipping that leads to polycules.
Like we start with Charlie/Vaggie; cute, sweet, dramatic, wholesome, badass, what's not to love?
Then Emily enters the picture and just has amazing chemistry with Charlie AND we get jealous Vaggie to boot!
So at that point we just HAVE to 'Charlie has Two Hands' this, and really it's easy to imagine Vaggie and Emily getting along great, especially if Emily were to also become a Fallen Angel.
And on top of that, we've got hints of Emily potentially paralleling Eve to Charlie's and Vaggie's Lucifer and Lilith, such as Charlie opening Emily's eyes to the forbidden truth of the world just as Lucifer did with Eve. And with Lucifer confirming that Lilith, Eve and himself were a thing in the finale, we've got the Charlie/Vaggie/Emily 'Unholy Trinity' all good to go!
And then it's just so easy to imagine Lute having one of those hyper-repressed, homophobic hate-crushes on Vaggie, and from that it's easy to imagine that they used to have a 'thing' going on and now they've got a whole '(not)lovers-to-enemies' thing.
And if Charlie, Vaggie and Emily are paralleling Lucifer, Lilith and Eve, then it's all too easy to imagine Lute being their parallel to Adam. Which in turn makes it just as easy to picture Lute trying to rebound in a totally-no-homo way on Emily just as Adam did with Eve after Lilith left him. Only for Emily to leave Lute for Charlie and Vaggie just as Eve did with Lucifer and Lilith. Meaning that we've got another (not)lovers-to-enemies thing going!
And you know, with how the whole 'I am going to FUCK you' bit created the Lucifer/Adam ship, it's really only fair to have Charlie and Lute follow in kind...
So anyway, that's why I'm shipping Charlie/Vaggie/Emily/Lute now XD
Or as I like to call it: the REAL 'Charlie's Angels'. You know, because there's actually three angels now.
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winterxisxcomingx · 1 year ago
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Two wifes, more love
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dem0nkaii · 9 months ago
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Just a girl & her bodyguards 🤍✨
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thesupernaturalhouse · 1 year ago
Sooo kinda been talking about this au but wanted to actually summarize what it was and stuff cause there is no context- jsut like, headcanons and stuff for the au- I am gonna write it, jsut gitta get started soooo for now I'm jsut gonna talk about it lol
Anyways, the Hazbins Fallen au is a fallen Emily au, but uh, jsut a bit different-
So essentially Emily is tired of being treated as a kid, tired of being called lucifers replacement and all that, she just git out if a fight with Sera and.....sees some angles leaving, que her confusion
Due tit hat confusion she follows after them through the portal before it closes, she.....was not prepared for the scene infront of her, luckily she landed in a low populated area but the mroe she walked the more screams could be heard
The sight....isn't very pretty, blood splattered and angles standing over demons dead bodies and her fight or flight kicks in and she jsut runs, she doesn't understand what's happening and surely Sera will right? She tries to find Adam, or Lute, because she's to panicked to make a proper portal and.....well, finds them in the akkyway with Vaggie, que her running around the corner and nearly throwing up because how could they do that, why woukd they jsut rip off someone's wings liek that?
She doesn't realize when the senseless slaughter ends and the angles leave. She does end up slowly going back to that ally because she wasn't going to jsut leave her and kinda just, meakly waves at chalrie and Vaggie liek 'heyyyy you uh....you good-'
Charlie goes home with two stray cats that day to put it simply-
So yeah Charlie woukd know their both angles, she doesn't care, their hers now. Emily does end up getting a disguise via putting her magic in this necklace to make one, as long as she wears it no one can tell she's an angle
She did want to go back up to heaven but....not anymore, especially not after spending some time with them- she's kinda scared of Sera now, scared she'll take her away from them
Yes this is charlie x vaggie x Emily btw- ypu can tell its my favorite ship lately huh?
I already kinda have their designs, not redrawn but liek, my version of their Canon designs (and I guess my og design if Ems disguise-) But I'm gonna draw them digitally first so I can add color then share 'em
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melodymizu · 5 months ago
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kaden-gacha6 · 5 months ago
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insert-funny-name-here69 · 8 months ago
Everyone is saying that Charlie and Emily are so similar and ship them together because of that, but what if Emily develops a crush on vaggie in season 2 or 3.
I feel like Emily and Vaggie could bond over several things, imagine them having a duet where they both lament about being created only to serve other people
Emily: tasked with making other people happy and as a result feels pointless when not helping or being by herself. And Vaggie: Forced to be a soldier all of her existence and when she can’t help or serve Charlie she feels useless and guilty because of her past.
People say that the three of them can date each other in a polycule because, “Charlie has two hands” but why can’t it be “Vaggie has two hands?”
And I can totally see vaggie admiring Emily because she shares so many qualities with Charlie!
Edit: And don’t even get me started on the possibility of Emily falling! The chemistry between these two is SO underutilized!
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rainbowmothed · 1 year ago
alright i adore lute and vaggie as exes as much as the next guy but what about emily and vaggie as exes
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hazbinrarepairs · 1 year ago
Rarepair Quiz Part.2
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aleafinacup · 3 months ago
2024 Fanfic Masterpost
All my fics of 2024! AO3 Here!
It’s the 31st of December so Happy New Year! I’d say I’ve been much more productive than 2023 and I’m very happy with how much I managed to post, so I hope to keep it up :33
Everything I’ve uploaded is just below the cut so you can enjoy them, maybe do some rereading, or perhaps even catch up on some things you might’ve missed <33
(Red for explicit)
1st January: Snow Banks and Sleeping Bags
1st February: Slip of The Tongue
5th March: Love is (Half) Blind (Ch1)
23rd March: Love is (Half) Blind (Ch2)
4th April: Love is (Half) Blind (Ch3)
30th April: Love is (Half) Blind (Ch4)
3rd July: Love is (Half) Blind (Ch5)
21st July: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 1 Lucilith
22nd July: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 2 Chaggie
24th July: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 3 (emilute half)
26th July: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 4 lucilitheve
26th July: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 5 charlute
4th August: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 3 (Chaggie half)
22nd September: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 6 vaggily
30th December: NS/FW Hellaverse Week Day 7 emilute
Happy reading!
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anonymouscheeses · 10 months ago
Wip I just started last week (i was supposed to post this last week. I made more progress already but i wanted to post Emily/Stolas part!)(this may take a month or two idk I usually make project stuff and lose motivation.)
But yeah I'm making a chaggily animatic for my rewrite au! (With my redesigns ofc)
This is post-show when chaggily go on a date! (To Emily's place ofc ;3) and Emily is a bit... anxious. Instead of Stolas' thing with the.. deal thing, idk whats going on over there anymore, she's more so worried how the date would go because she's an angel n well, they aren't. Plus, whos to say they arent dating her to pay back for the genocide...? So, anxiety everywhere! But Chaggie ignore the problem and plan on giving that angel a good night 😍 (they aren't getting angelussy 💀)
(I just noticed I leaked my Emily design before I even actually showed off her re-redesign. Omfg... yall.... I'm tired asf. Anyway ill probably reveal that design next week cuz I'm getting the expression sheet done. So yeah.... surprisee? The outfit isnt revealed actually, shes in her nightgown but still. EVEN THE ANGEL DESIGN UGH. well poop.)
Anyway yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself for this! I've never made a full song animatic, let alone make an animatic in.... years!
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manganyeh · 9 months ago
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winterxisxcomingx · 1 year ago
Vaggie: You kissed my girlfriend! Emily: OUR girlfriend? Vaggie: *mentally calculating* Vaggie: … Vaggie: I can work with this.
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askweisswolf · 9 months ago
Hi. I'm in hell. Emily had five minutes of screen time. Help me.
Fic rating: G Fic pairing: Vaggie/Emily (platonic) Fic summary:
Vaggie’s wings looked messy, was the point. Vaggie clearly felt messy about the whole situation, considering the energy in her curses as she pressed back against the wall in some attempt to find relief from a situation she seemed to have ignored until she couldn’t anymore. Even then, though… It still looked beautiful to Emily, somehow. An angel had regained her wings. or Down in Hell for the foreseeable future on Heaven's behalf, Emily offers to help Vaggie take care of her wings when they're looking particularly rough.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 10 months ago
A scene I have planned for the hazbins fallen au, for odette/clara/vaggie, family bonding horray!
Vaggie who wants to take a nap: ookay- oh my god- what the actual fuck??
Clara and odette chilling on the couch: hi!!/hello
Vaggie: what the fu- how the fuck did you two get into my house- WHY are you in my house!? How did you even get past the hotel lobby!? How did you get past the ward?!
Emily: yeahhhh uh.....listen- I- I love you.....but....I'm a bit worried about you? Also if they try to harm you the ward will throw them out the window so....
Vaggie: Em- im perfectly fine!! I don't want to talk to people!
Emily: I know!! Which is why I brought them! You 3 seemed to have a good time at the carnival bonding-
All 3 in denial: we were not bonding
Emily:.....yeah, sureeee you weren't. You 3 bickering liek siblings and making stupid bets totally wasn't bonding
All 3 look away
Emily:.....anyways, Charlie's at that meeting, Husk is gonna show me how to bake a pie, Angle is at work, Nifty is somewhere in the vents-
Manic muffled laughter
Emily:....pentious took the children to the park, keekee is doing cat things, and Baxter is in the basement, I didn't want you to be alone because I know your anxiety is up with this meeting and stuff-
Vaggie: okay okay I get it!
Emily: good. Have fun then! Bye!
Vaggie:.....I'm going to go take a nap
She gets woken up by...something I'm not sure yet I havnt planned that far lol
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