#Robin Byrd
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hollywoodbabylone · 5 months ago
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NYC Manhattan Cable Legend Robin Byrd Action Figure by Suckadelic
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nochvemo · 1 month ago
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The Pink Ladies (1979)
Esta es una película para adultos que sigue a un grupo de cuatro amas de casa de Manhattan y sus aventuras diarias en la exploración sexual. Es una versión divertida y creativa de la fórmula clásica del género, y ofrece una dosis saludable de comedia y escenas extrañas que te mantienen entretenido. Todo empieza cuando Lori (la impresionante Samantha Fox), Kay (una Kandi Barbour muy sexi), Jane (Robin Byrd) y Leslie (Christine De Shaffer) disfrutan de un partido de frontón en el gimnasio mientras son observadas por un tipo que fantasea con ellas, imaginando el primer encuentro apasionado.
Richard Mahler (Roger Watkins) es un viejo conocido en el cine clásico hardcore (“Her Name Was Lisa”, “Corruption”…), pero incluso cuando está haciendo una película menor como esta, demuestra un talento poco habitual. Aunque alcanzó mayor notoriedad con el cine erótico de serie B, Watkins muestra aquí un toque admirablemente ligero y desenfadado con esta comedia sumamente disfrutable sobre las fantasías carnales de cuatro amas de casa y sus respectivos maridos. La narrativa accidentada y episódica avanza a un ritmo trepidante, mientras que el sentido del humor alegre y obsceno realza aún más la diversión. Las escenas de sexo son enérgicas, excitantes e, incluso, bastante imaginativas.
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rebouks · 2 months ago
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Ava: OooOoOOoohh.. Robin finally brought his BOYFRIEND home from school! Wren: [yawns] Shut up, Ava.. no one cares except you. Ava: Do you think he’s cute? Wren: No. One. Cares. Byrd: Is this the mysterious Aster? Robin: Uh-huh. Aster: How many siblings do you have..? Byrd: Not enough, according to dad. … Aster: You don’t have a console? Robin: Nah, dad gave me his old laptop though. Aster: An ancient one-.. why not just get your own? [Robin rolled his eyes, snorting derisively] Aster: What? Robin: Some people aren’t rich, Aster. Aster: Alright. Robin: Well, it’s annoying that you’re so clueless about wealth disparity even existing.
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theatrepup · 6 months ago
My YouTube playlist of Brian's work outside of the Rolling Stones.
I'll also include this article that provides more detail: https://tinnitist.com/2024/09/28/area-residents-stylus-counsel-brian-jones-show-tell/
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years ago
In 1969, a pre-teen boy named Alan Parish went missing, but in reality he was sucked into a board game named Jumanji that he was playing with his friend Sarah Whittle. He would remain trapped in the game for the next 26 years. (Jumanji, flm)
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camyfilms · 2 years ago
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I've seen things you've only seen in your nightmares. Things you can't even imagine. Things you can't even see. There are things that hunt you in the night. Then something screams. Then you hear them eating, and you hope to God that you're not dessert. Afraid? You don't even know what afraid is. You would not last five minutes without me.
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dontdenymeshakespeare · 2 years ago
Anne Boleyn Readathon
I spent three books reading only books related to Anne Boleyn
I am taking part in Escape the Readathon this month, but when I remembered that yesterday (19 May) was the anniversary of Anne Boleyn’s execution, I couldn’t resist doing a Anne Boleyn related readathon and read some of the Anne Boleyn-related books on my TBR. This was there I started. I always feel like this one was hyped when I was growing up in the Tudor reading space and I never got around…
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oldfarmerbillswife · 1 year ago
My friends were talking about this series and I said, "That's because they didn't even talk about the CARTOON department. It's even worse!" John K and Chris Savino being blatantly perverse; truly a culture problem at Nick.
John K was addressed in the Ren and Stimpy fan documentary, which had to have its narrative completely change mid-production when Robin Byrd and Katie Rice spoke up. His psychotic apology was in there too, not that anyone bought it; the whole thing was a big deal at least in the cartoon community.
But I don't think John started it. I think it's always been a thing and it's always a risk when children's entertainment is involved, no matter the network. Anything that has to do with catering to children or working with children whether that be education, medicine, clergy, daycare, or even professional clowns/princess impersonators--- these are the jobs that pedophiles are drawn to. And they always find ways to infiltrate the system.
Nickelodeon's executives failed because they were responsible for getting their employees. And they blatantly allowed abuse in the cartoon department, production department and the studios because they are making money. Sick. Sick. Sick.
I'm disappointed that this doc didn't even mention John K. I just think a doc tackling THIS subject on THIS company should have covered the entire history of Nickelodeon bc it explains how Dan even got away with this stuff bc it was a pre established place for creeps. Cuz its not only an enviroment that more or less tolerates them, but will actively bring them back after concrete allegations came out. And i think the doc should have stepped back on the timeline a bit to cover John K and explain how the workplace environment was changed by him-- and essentially primed Dan, Jason, and Brian to step in.
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historyandmemes · 1 year ago
*IMPORTANT REPORTING* A Times Investigation Tracked Israel’s Use of One of Its Most Destructive Bombs in South Gaza
(Source: New York Times | Last Updated Dec. 22, 2023) During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians, according to an analysis of visual evidence by The New York Times
Here's a clip for easy access, but please WATCH the FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE with no paywall * Warning: Graphic Content* Ultimately, the investigation identified 208 craters in satellite imagery and drone footage. ... the findings reveal that 2,000-pound bombs posed a pervasive threat to civilians seeking safety across south Gaza. Reporting By Robin Stein, Haley Willis, Ishaan Jhaveri, Danielle Miller, Aaron Byrd and Natalie Reneau
This is not defense, this is not justice, this is an affront to international humanitarian law. Stop the carnage.
The international community must do more than merely profess the defense of human rights; it must also ensure compliance in practice. DON'T LOOK AWAY. KEEP UP PUBLIC PRESSURE. PUSH FOR PEACE.
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gardenschedule · 1 year ago
Beatles defending each other ❤️
In 1965 [the Byrds] toured England and Paul invited us to his club, the Scotch of St James’s [sic]. He sent a limo to pick us up. He said he had been listening to our music. We were blown away. He took us for a ride through London in his Aston Martin, at great speed. He was really hip, he and John were so tight it was like one person at times. Unlike the Byrds, [where] Crosby would just leave you out to dry, the Beatles all defended each other to the hilt. If you criticised, say, George then they would all respond.
Roger McGuinn, in Paul McCartney: Now & Then, Tony Barrow and Robin Bextor
“They’re four very different people who together form a unit that is virtually impregnable. If, for instance, someone should find fault with anything one of them has done, the others rush to his defence. They close their ranks. They’re very close indeed. A lot closer than people think.”
George Martin, Disc and Music Echo (1967)
And actually, we’ve got the image of him all these years about criticising Paul – yeah, he did, but it’s like [when] you criticise your wife. “I can criticise her, but you can’t.” I was there once when some guy was saying that he didn’t think ‘Let It Be’ was such a great record, and he thought John would agree, and he didn’t.
November 10th, 2009: Journalist Ray Connolly
Q: How did Paul react [to “How Do You Sleep”]?
John: I don’t know because I never saw him, but I think he made a comment last year which was pretty spot-on which was ‘whatever I’m saying about him is my problem, or vice versa.’ The only regret I have about it is that it should never have been about Paul because everybody’s so bothered with who’s it about that they missed the track. That’s what bugged me. I’m entitled to call him what I want to, and vice versa. It’s in our family, but if somebody else calls him names I won’t take it. It’s our own business. And anyway, it’s like Dylan said about his stuff when he looked back on it, it was all about him.
Patrick Synder-Scrumpy with Jack Breschard, “Sometime in L.A., Lennon Plays It as It Lays.” Crawdaddy [March 1974]
"When John did 'How Do You Sleep?' I didn't want to get into a slinging match. Part of it was cowardice. John was a great wit, and I didn't want to go fencing with the rapier champion of East Cheam-- But it meant that I had to take shit--It meant that I had to take lines like 'All you ever did was Yesterday.' I always find myself wanting to excuse John's behavior, just because I loved him. It's like a child, sure he was a naughty child, but don't you call my child naughty. Even if it's me he's shitting on, don't you call him naughty. That's how I felt about this and still do. I don't have a grudge whatsoever against John. I think he knew exactly what he was doing, and, because we had been so intimate, he knew what would hurt me and used it to great effect. I thought, 'Keep your head down and time will tell,' and it did because in the 'Imagine' film (Imagine John Lennon, documentary), he says it was really all about himself."
Barry Miles, Many Years From Now, 1997
“Well the deal was, he could say that, but if you said that, if anybody said anything bad about Paul, John’d take a swing at you. He’d say “you can’t talk about Paul like that”, Paul was his best buddy. If you were talking to Paul and you said something derogatory about John, he’d get up and leave. Paul was more of a peaceful guy, but John had that hot head, and he’d say “you wanna talk about Paul? Let’s go”. You weren’t allowed to say anything bad about John or Paul to each one of them because they would defend each other to the nth degree, which I liked, because you could tell they were attached at the hip.
Alice Cooper Live and Uncut on the Kim Mitchell Show
You know, John loved Paul. No doubt about it. I remember once he said to me, “I’m the only person who’s allowed to say things like that about Paul. I don’t like it when other people do.” He didn’t like if other people said nasty things about Paul. And he always referred to Paul as his estranged fiancé and things like that, like he did on that [live] record ‘I Saw Her Standing There’ with Elton in Madison Square Garden. And he knew that his relationship with Paul was very important to him. But you know, like all great friendships, they’d grown apart and married different people and had different lives. He knew what he didn’t like about Paul, but he also knew what he liked about Paul.
1990: Former Beatles publicist Tony King
George didn’t mind slagging Paul off. But he HATED other people doing it.
Tom Petty
When I talk about George, sometimes I feel like I’m making him sound too much like he was a saint. By no means was the man a saint! Over the years with him and John, they could both be really brutal with Paul. I learned very early on that I couldn’t join them. They both on different occasions said, “We can say that, but you shouldn’t.” They were truly brothers who loved taking the piss out of each other, but they didn’t want anybody else doing it.
Jim Keltner on George Harrison
I felt protective of George. He was a long way from home and seemed to miss the attention of his family. The other boys were more grown up and so were a little less concerned with all that. I know, for example, that he always looked up to John, and probably even Stu, as big-brother figures. And conversely, it was sometimes difficult for them not to see George as something of a pain for being so young. Still, in their own way, they loved him. We all did. Even when things were pretty rough they all stuck together. They often argued amongst themselves, but just let an outsider have a go at one of them and the sparks would fly. At first they were close out of necessity; later it was out of love.”
Astrid Kirchherr
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toptophat · 5 months ago
2.6 thoughts!!!!
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't finished it yet!
It was a freaking blast, a rollercoaster of emotions, I honestly thought that Mr Reca, with how cuckoo he was in the trailer, was gonna be the antagonist, turns out he's a quirky memokeeper (who may still have his motives but for now he was definitely an ally) I guess, much like the galaxy rangers, there is no uniform, because I honestly thought they all would have some resemblance to Black Swan, but I can't wait to see more memokeepers, as well as more galaxy rangers
Speaking of galaxy rangers, ok!! Rappa and Boothill were the real protagonists here!!!! Poor trailblazer became a side character to these two champions and I love it!!! I've already made it clear that I adored Rappa from the moment her drip marketing dropped, I initially found her strange way of referring to everything as ninja stuff hilarious and quirky, I thought "are all galaxy rangers gonna talk funny?" But that was my first impression, now I wanna [forking] cry!!! I was already skeptical of this "Master Kucha" from the way he spoke! I didn't know that he was basically like the only parental figure she had, she's one of Dr Primitive's (Evil Ninja Osaru) test subjects in a hidden lab (Ninja capital) having to undergo harmful tests and torture (Ninja trials) this, coupled with the fact that her only source of free time and entertainment has been a ninja manga, she may have developed some sort of mental/ identity disorder, she's been living in a fabricated reality and no one can help her because they don't see the full picture, even her backstory has been distorted by her own retelling making her some sort of unreliable narrator in her own story. Dr Primitive is truly a despicable monster, torturing people and distorting an innocent girl's mind. There's a bright side to this tragedy though! That innocent girl is now our Rappa, and although her mind has been messed with, she still became a righteous galaxy ranger, kindhearted, unmatched skill, hellbent on hunting down the cruel doctor and she definitely lives up to that title too!!! So I'm rooting for her!!! And the moment we got to fight alongside her at the end after hearing "No Dazzle No Break" was gorgeous (can't wait to finish building her so she can continue to show them the way of the ninja!)
Once I finish reading her character story, I'll make a further analysis
Speaking of which, I'm actually gonna make 2!! One for both of our stars of the show, Rappa and Boothill, two people who had to revisit their past, and come to terms with their present and future, living up to the ways of The Hunt! I already deeply respect these two, the more I get of them, the more I can't help but respect them more!!! And I'm definitely excited to get more of them!! Galaxy rangers are the best!!
Boothill's up first because obviously I've already read his backstory so his POV was like an added 5 course meal!!! But I do wanna talk about his best moments (aside from the obvious highlight that blew me away) Firstly, we got more of Boothill the identity stealer (First Pom Pom now March 7th???) Actual Robinhill moments??? (I'm more of a GunsNRoses person now but it's still really cute) The way he was so relieved that he could "fake swear" again instead of the banana cussing was hilarious, Star Rail don't do this to my man, at least give him the "Ninja slang" treatment, let him swear 😭😭 And Boothill owned the dancefloor in the DJ Robin cutscene!!! We have a rapping ninja and a dancing cowboy, could this get any better!!! And obviously, there's the Lore!!!! Which was actually insane !!! I literally wanted to avoid spoilers in order to experience it blindly and it was worth it!!!! I wanted to [fudging] cry, it was so well done!! Andrew Russell and Kendell Byrd knocked it out of the park with their scenes!!! I freaking love Boothill and Rappa so much 😭😭😭 they're both life my dude!!!
This is just what I needed!!!
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magpizza · 2 months ago
Mag’s Sapphic Book Recs Part 2
Part 1
I read more sapphic books in 2024 so here are more books to check out! Note: these are not necessarily books that came out in 2024, just books I read last year.
Can we start off light with some romance? -Bachelorette Number 12 by Jae - A really sweet and fun book, about two medical professionals who don't get along having to go on dates due to a charity bid snafu. The banter was really fun, and as they get to know each other, it turned super sweet. -Lavash at First Sight by Taleen Voskuni - Two women get to know and develop feelings for each other despite their family's rivalry, all set during a food packaging conference. Really sweet and made me very hungry. -Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters - Two strangers inherit a sex toy shop, which forces them to work together and get to know each other. A good amount of fun sexiness but also great emotions and sweetness! -Loser of the Year by Carrie Byrd - Two teachers clash but then work together on the school play and develop a relationship. The humor in this book is wonderful, as are all the little reveals about the characters and their history as the story goes along. One of the most entertaining reading styles, so much heart and humor. -Looking for a Sign by Susie Dumond - A sweet and spicy story about a woman determined to date someone from each astrological sign. Some of the dates go well, some go disastrously, and all throughout you root for her to find someone who will be her match! -Outdrawn by Deanna Grey - Set at a comic company, two rivals attempt to work together to reboot a cult classic comic. I loved the peek into artist life and how the two clash and get together. While a novel, the book had some really fun art and sketches throughout!
How about romance but make it a little sad? -Here We Go Again by Alison Chochrun - Two childhood friends-turned-rivals who then had a falling out are roped into a cross-country road trip with their dying English teacher. A standout book about love, adventure, and loss. Get your tissues ready. -Forgetting With You by Robin Clairvaux - After an unlikely one-night-stand, two women find themselves still pulled together, and help each other through loss and life issues. Really sweet overall.
I know it's January but I'm still in the mood for some holiday romances! -I'll Be Gone for Christmas by Georgia K. Boone - swapping houses for the holidays is already tricky, but with the complicated dynamics of the lives they leave behind, this one gets deliciously messy at times! -It's a Fabulous Life by Kelly Farmer - an adaptation of the Christmas classic film It's a Beautiful Life, but the angels are drag queens with special powers! That alone caught my attention, but then the characters and lovely town kept me glued to the story. -Season of Love by Helena Greer - Your classic "woman inherits a Christmas tree farm and now she has to decide if she wants to save it from going under" story but with a fun twist: she's Jewish and gay! A really sweet romance.
Got anything way spicier? -The Black Diamond series by Anna Stone - this three-book series follows each sister in the Black family as they get down and sexy but also find love. The connected story through all three volumes was also very interesting with some fun twists along the way. -Triple Sec by TJ Alexander - a bartender is wooed by a polyamorous couple. I love a sexy book but I especially love a sexy book with a lot of warmth and heart to it and this one definitely had that! -One Weekend in Aspen by Jamie Clevenger - an amazingly heartfelt and emotional story about a lesbian weekend sex party in Aspen, and how two women meet and fall in love during it. -Dragon Queens by Kathleen de Plume - this one is a fantasy but has so much spice I wanted to include it here. A princess flees to avoid her marriage and is captured by a bounty hunter, but the two make a deal to pretend to be involved so the princess' betrothed won't want to go through with the marriage.
Romance is fun, but how about something more based in history? -Cantoras by Caro de Robertis - This book is one of my top reads for 2024, it was incredibly emotional, about five queer women who meet during the Uruguayan regime and find refuge and solace in each other and in a quiet beach cottage they decide to claim as their own. -The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye by Briony Cameron - queer pirate adventures on the high seas, this book filled that Our Flag Means Death hole in my heart with its sweet found family and daring action. -The Duke's Sister And I by Emma-Claire Sunday - a period drama where the main female character falls for her male suitor's sister. The characters are lovely and the story has a slow, cozy pace.
Can we get into some fantasy now? -The Alamaxa Duology by Hadeer Elsbai - I loved both books in this series. Really interesting society, elemental-based magic system, and two women fighting against misogynistic laws. Loved so many of these characters and found myself surprisingly emotional when something happened to them. -A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland - There's nothing like a selkie story and this one was so sweet and a bit heartbreaking. Loved it dearly. -The Order by TJ O'Shae - A young woman is kidnapped by an assassin rebel, part of a group trying to topple her father's regime. This book is a slow, winding burn. Really well-developed characters with complicated backstories and motivations. -Three Women in Paradise by Victoria Avila - A story inspired by Dante's Inferno, with many references to other classic art. Another favorite read for 2024. Loved this absolutely bizarre story that tore me apart and put me back together again. The writing really pulled me in. -Faebound by Saara El-Arifi - Two elven sisters have to leave the Elf Court and find themselves in an unknown wilderness where they encounter the Fae court. There's magical creatures, special bonds, and falling in love with the wrong people, it's got it all! Excited for the sequel coming out soon. -This Will Be Fun by E. B. Asher - The title says it all, it was fun! A group of adventurers already saved the world and broke apart due to the strain and trauma afterwards, but now have to come back together for one more important mission. -The Phoenix Keeper by S. A. MacLean - I love a story around animals, and this one takes place in a zoo for magical and mythical creatures! The main character and her love interest are rivals but as they came to understand each other, their relationship became very sweet. -Road to Ruin by Hana Lee - this book has three POV characters and I loved every single one of them. There's such a sweet way each one of them is described and how they connect and move throughout this very original world. The ending broke my heart a bit and I hope the sequel will fix it! -A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft - While on an expedition to find a fabled spring that promises untold power, two academic rivals must team up together to solve their mentor's murder! Can you tell I love people who hate each other teaming up? Cause I dooooo.
Enough magic, anything more sciency? -No Shelter But the Stars by Virginia Black - Two women from opposite sides of an intergalactic conflict become stranded on the same strange alien planet and have to work together to survive. An absolutely gripping journey. -Afterparty by Daryl Gregory - This book was amazing. A drug is making people believe they can see god with dangerous outcomes. A woman has to delve back into her past to find out who's released the drug and for what purpose. Gregory writes with surgical precision.
Now can you scare my socks off? -Please Stop Trying to Leave Me by Alana Saab - okay, not technically a horror book, but one that filled me with a lot of dread and fear just due to its subject matter. The main character deals with a lot of mental and emotional issues, things like that god sends her signs through instagram or that she needs to breakup with her girlfriend to finish writing her manuscript. The book takes a turn I wasn't expecting and I found it very touching by the end. -We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer - A couple just moved into a new home they intend to flip and a family claiming to have lived there before asks if they can come inside to see the house again. Reads like a creepypasta in the best way. This book kept me on my toes. -Someone You Can Build a Nest In by John Wiswell - A shapeshifting monster finds herself falling for a human woman and wanting to implant her with her eggs, but that would kill her. What's a shapeshifting monster to do? This book is surprisingly sweet and romantic despite that description. And it explores themes like who are the real monsters. -The Girl With All the Gifts by Mike Carey - Unlike most of the books on this list, this book doesn't have a sapphic relationship, but the main character is sapphic. A very unique take on the usual zombie apocalypse story
I want to read something with lots of art! -Crowded written by Christopher Sebela, with art by Triona Farrell, Ro Stein, and Ted Brandt - this three-book series is an absolute, fun, action-filled adventure. This world has a hit-man crowdfunding website and a woman has a hit put out on her that gets so many contributions she has the whole country after her! She has to hire a bodyguard and both their lives go to shit from there. -A Thing Called Truth written by Iolanda Zanfardin with art by Elisa Romboli - A workaholic scientist and a woman who fears nothing end up on a road trip where they re-enact scenes from movies. It's a story of self-discovery, and dealing with change and loss. They just had a successful Kickstarter for the second book to end the series!
Phew, okay I'm ready for some sweet romances again! -The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth - Two young teens agree to a no-strings-attached summer of dates that imitate a romance movie's usual "falling in love montage." But of course, you can't have the montage without the falling in love part! A very sweet romance. -Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan - I love stories set in theme parks and this one did not disappoint! A young girl wants to get the boy she likes to fall in love with her and break up with his perfect gf, and save the park from closing down. Much of it doesn't go as she expects. ;) -If You Still Recognize Me by Cynthia So - Two old friends connect after a long time and find themselves feeling as if they had never left. A surprisingly complex story about friendship, lost love, and reconnection. -Wish You Weren't Here by Erin Baldwin - Two girls who can't stand each other also can't avoid each other in their small town and friend groups. Generally, they avoid each other but somehow get put into the same cabin at their sleepaway camp. From there, they get to grow a better understanding of each other!
Alright I'm ready for more of a thriller vibe! -The Girls I've Been by Tess Sharpe - This book was a fun thrill ride all the way through! Three friends dealing with some secrets coming out amongst each other find themselves caught up in a bank robbery. The main character has a complicated history that makes her uniquely equipped to deal with this dangerous situation. I also include the sequel, The Girl In Question in this rec!
Some escapism please, now back to fantasy! -The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland - three girls go after one supernatural killer. This book has such great structure and pacing. I loved how the three girls have very different goals and reasons that all align towards the same objective. Loved the writing and it stuck with me even after finishing. -The Misadventures of an Amateur Naturalist by Ceinwen Langley - one of the most original retellings of Beauty and the Beast! Loved all the changes and the way the author really made this classic story their own -This Ravenous Fate by Hayley Dennings - New take on vampires set in the backdrop of Jazz Age Harlem? Sign me the fuck up. Also, this has problematic past-best friends who are now enemies who now have to work together which is deeeelicious.
Now let's get into some science fiction! -Monstersona by Chloe Spencer - Two girls escape their small town after a vicious large monster attack leaves it all burnt down. I don't want to say too much more because the fun mysteries and surprises this story weaves are better discovered by reading it!
Now can you scare me but just a little bit? -I Will Never Leave You by Kara A. Kennedy - This book deals with a very toxic and controlling relationship, one that continues even after death. It touched on a very real and difficult topic in a great way that only horror could really pull off. I felt so much for the protagonist as she struggled to figure herself out through this relationship. -The Blonde Dies First by Joelle Wellington - This book had a great combination of mystery and thriller along with horror. It deals with evil spirits along with teen horror movie tropes in really interesting and original ways. All the characters were very engaging and their relationships were very complex, especially the sisters' relationship.
Let's get into some stories with lots of pictures again! -Sunhead by Alex Assan - There was such a sweetness to this graphic novel, about a girl feeling like she's pulling away from her friends but then makes a new friend who she feels oddly close to, as more feelings start to develop. -Bunt! Striking Out on Financial Aid by Ngozi Ukazu and Mad Rupert - Really great art style but also such a fun ensemble of characters all dealing with very relatable money problems. The story hooked me and the characters kept me thinking about them long after I had finished!
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rebouks · 4 months ago
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Alex: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! [wheeeeeeze] Byrd: Woah, lady-.. I know karate! Wren: No, you don’t. Byrd: [whispers] She doesn’t need to know that. Wren: It’s Alex, dipshit. Byrd: Ohhh-.. wait, really? Wren: Sure looks like her.
Alex: Oh my god, I found you-.. and I followed your CAT! I missed you so much!! I hope you’re not mad at me-.. I’m so SO sorry for not writing! I thought I was being organised by printing some labels out to save time, y’know? But then I forgot them at home when we went to my uncles and dad said we’d only be gone for a month, so I figured it wasn’t a huge deal, but then we stayed for what felt like it’d be FOREVER and I couldn’t for the life of me remember your address which is ridiculous ‘cause I SHOULD’VE had it memorised by now and I felt so awful as the months passed. I tried to remember it a couple times but you never wrote back so I figured I obviously got it wrong-.. then I tried finding your house on a stupid online map but the internet was crappy at best and the Bay is WAY bigger than I thought it’d be and I’ve never really seen your house in full view from the street either so, like.. I barely knew what I was looking for, and what if that camera car didn’t even map your house, y’know?!
Ava: That was.. a lot. Alex: Sorry-.. you’re not mad, are you? [Robin shook his head and took a breath, but nothing came out] Wren: Oop. Byrd: Yeah, I think he broke. Ava: Ooh, do you know sign language? Alex: No-.. I totally should’ve learnt! I guess I didn’t know I’d be coming here though… Byrd: I can teach you! Well, some, I’m still learning, but Robin knows a bunch. Ava: He’s not mad, by the way. He was just worried. [Robin shot his younger siblings a look, fruitlessly warning them not to embarrass him] Byrd: I’m sure he’d say hi, if he could. Wren: I bet he’d say you look pretty too. Byrd: He’s been extra mopey without your letters-.. or maybe that’s just what puberty does. Ava: He has to wear deodorant now, otherwise he STINKS! Wren: You should stay for supper, dad’s baking something.. again. Alex: Ough.. I was supposed to be home ages ago, dad’ll kill me.. wait, what school do you go to?! Byrd: Bay C-… Wren: Not us-.. he goes to Copperdale. Alex: Ohh, yay! I promised dad I’d finally unpack tomorrow but the day after that is Monday, right? Wren: Well done. Alex: Okay-.. ahhhh! SEE YOU AT SCHOOL!!
[Robin deflated as soon as Alex liberated him from another bear hug and sped off, releasing a breath he’d kept tucked beneath his ribs for an uncomfortably lengthy amount of time] Robin: Ouuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Robin: Why-.. why am I like this? Wren: You’ll spew something out eventually. Oscar: Alright losers, pie’s-.. what’s up with him? Robin: I’m fucking BROKEN. Wren: I mean.. you’re a little fucked, but still good! Oscar: Quit it with the swearing-.. what happened? Wren: Alex showed up n’ he broke. Robin: I didn’t even get to say hi or ask why she’s here, or for how long-.. and you just had to be embarrassing! Oscar: What’d she say? Robin: She said Alex was pretty on my behalf and I’ve never said that and she’s a DICK! Oscar: That’s tame-.. for Wren. Robin: I hate you all right now. Wren: Not as much as you hate yourself. Oscar: Hey, too much! Robin, c’mon-… Robin: SHUT UP! Oscar: Right, you’re on dish duty. Wren: Seriously?! Oscar: You reap what you sow, honey.
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ adreinne. aero. alouette. altair. amaranth. aoife. arden. aria. arno. aster. astor. ava. avian. aviana. azure. baz. beckett. blackwell. blair. blythe. bram. branson. branwen. brielle. briggs. bromeliad. brooklyn. byrd. cale. callum. canary. cardinal. carlton. carmine. carrie. carrion. celadon. celeste. ceru. chaos. chirp. ciel. circe. citrine. claw. cobalt. collectoresse. collectorette. colm. corbett. corbin. corrie. corva. corvid. corvus. crane. crawford. creston. crosby. cross. crow. crown. dade. daya. dove. doverie. dovesse. draco. dracoonia. draven. echo. enda. ezio. falcon. feather. featheresse. featherette. featherine. finch. fletcher. gavin. hawk. heliconia. heron. hevea. hunter. jay. jaybird. jemima. jinx. jonah. jonas. kale. koko. krow. lark. lilith. lonan. lowen. luna. maggi. maggie. magpie. marigold. masie. mavis. melody. merle. merope. midnight. mimi. minnie. morticia. muru. nevermoresse. nevermorette. noir. noire. noiresse. noirette. nym. nyx. onyx. ophelia. orev. oriole. orpheus. ozul. paloma. phoenix. pigeon. poe. prophess. psitta. raven. ravenesse. ravenette. ravin. robin. sephora. sequoia. skye. songbird. sparrow. swan. taci. talon. torres. trinkesse. trinkette. tweety. valerie. vega. vera. volya. whistle. wing. wingesse. wingette. wren. zephyr. ákos.
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PRONOUNS︰ adore/adore. ae/aer. ama/amazon. av/avi. beak/beak. bill/bill. bird/bird. black/black. ca/caw. cage/cage. caw/caw. chirp/chirp. chrip/chirp. chyr/chyr. claw/claw. cloud/cloud. collector/collector. coo/coo. corv/corv. corvid/corvid. corvus/corvid. cro/crow. crow/crow. dark/dark. dove/dove. echo/echo. fea/feather. feather/feather. finch/finch. flight/flight. float/float. flock/flock. fluff/fluff. fly/fly. fruit/fruit. grain/grain. hawk/hawk. hum/hum. hx/hxm. hy/hym. it/it. ix/ix. jay/jay. melody/melody. midni/midnight. mimic/mimic. murder/murder. myr/myr. nest/nest. nevermore/nevermore. night/night. owl/owl. parr/parrot. paw/paw. peck/peck. perch/perch. plume/plume. proph/prophecy. raven/raven. reincarn/reincarnation. river/river. robin/robin. seed/seed. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. sing/sing. sky/sky. soa/soar. soar/soar. song/song. spar/sparrow. star/star. swan/swan. talon/talon. thxy/thxm. thy/thym. trill/trill. trinket/trinket. tweet/tweet. ve/ve. whistle/whistle. wing/wing. 🐔. 🐣. 🐤. 🐦. 🐦‍⬛. 🐧. 🕊. 🕊️. 🖤. 🗑️. 🦃. 🦅. 🦆. 🦉. 🦚. 🦜. 🦢.
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hannahhook7744 · 20 days ago
New Descendants Characters;
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Liamani Segura as Princess Pink Hearts of Wonderland (or Princess Primula 'Pink' Euphrosyne Gulisa Diamond Hearts of Wonderland in my au). Daughter of the King and Queen of Hearts.
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Brendon Tremblay as Max Hatter (Or Maxwell 'Max' Hatter in my au). Son of the Mad Hatter and brother of Maddox Hatter.
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Alexandro Byrd as Luis Madrigal (or Laurencio 'Luis' Agustín Nattura Madrigal in my au). Son of Luisa Madrigal (and Ryder Nattura in my au).
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Kiara Romero as Hazel Hook (or Clara Janice Hazel Hook in my au). Daughter of Captain James Hook.
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Joel Oulette as Robbie Hood of Locksley (might rename him later. Still deciding on if it's necessary or not. Best I can think of is Robinson rn since I already used Robert for Bobby's name. If it comes down to it I might just say Robbie and Bobby are their actual names). Son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian.
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Zavien Garrett as Felix Facilier (I personally like the name, so I'm keeping it). Son of Dr. Facilier.
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Christian Convery and Dayton Paradis as Squeaky Smee (or Skipper 'Squeaky' Smiegel in my au).
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Luke Roessler and Ryan McEwen as Squirmy Smee (or Sterling 'Squirmy' Smiegel in my au).
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🔸Pre-Queen Singles Discography🔸
Today, on June 29th, 1973 - 'Pre-Queen' Story!
'I Can Hear Music' / 'Going Back' released in the UK, Germany and USA
🔸In the summer of 1972, Trident Studios' in-house engineer Robin Geoffrey Cable instigated an experimental project in an effort to emulate the "wall-of-sound" style made famous by Phil Spector. Queen happened to be recording their debut album in the studios at the time, so he invited Freddie Mercury to lay down the lead vocals who, in turn, roped in Brian May and Roger Taylor to provide percussion, guitar and backing vocals - as paid session musicians.
In June 1973, shortly before Queen's own debut album was released, EMI decided to cash in on the emerging glam rock trend and rushed out the resulting recordings as a 7" single under the name of Larry Lurex - an obvious send-up of Gary Glitter.
source ➡️ discogs.com
🔸The Ronettes (and later Beach Boys) classic 'I Can Hear Music' was recorded that summer in Trident Studios and features (per Freddie's insistance) Roger Taylor on drums and Brian May on guitar. The single was released in the UK a week before Queen's first album, becoming the first solo product by a Queen member. Freddie insisted the Queen name not be used for the release, so it was released under the pseudonym Larry Lurex.
🔸'Goin' Back' is best known as a 1966 single by Dusty Springfield. The song written by Carole King and Gerry Goffin and was recorded by a number of artists including The Byrds, Phil Collins and eventually Carole King herself.
The song was used as the B-Side to the Larry Lurex single "I Cant Hear Music".
source ➡️ queenvault.com
👉 'Mother Love' (taken 'Made In Heaven' album, 1995) ends with first strophe of song 'Going Back'
📸 Pic: 2016 Freddie Mercury 'Messenger Of The Gods' Boxed Set 7" Sleeve
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