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Agentic RAG: Neste steg i KI-chat for innholdet i digitalarkivet
I forrige artikkel fortalte vi om hvordan vi har testet ut en KI-basert chatløsning med RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) i bunnen. Denne løsningen ga oss nyttige erfaringer med å kombinere generativ kunstig intelligens med vårt eget arkivmateriale og veiledninger, hjelpetekster og annet støttemateriale. Erfaringene har vist at RAG er et godt utgangspunkt, men at vi raskt støter på utfordringer når vi prøver å dekke flere behov enn tradisjonelle søk eller enkle KI-svar kan håndtere. "agentic RAG"
Vi har tatt et steg videre ved å prøve ut en "agentic RAG", som er en utvidelse av den tradisjonelle RAG-tilnærmingen. Mens man i en vanlig RAG-løsning hovedsakelig henter frem informasjon og svarer direkte på brukerens spørsmål ut fra dette, opptrer en agentic RAG mer som en selvstendig “agent” som dynamisk justerer sine egne arbeidsprosesser. Den kan for eksempel validere svar, foreslå mer presise spørsmål, og endre søkestrategier når resultatene ikke er gode nok. Fremover ønsker vi å implementere enda mer autonomi i valg av funksjoner og strategier ut fra et satt mål i løsningen, men dette er en reell start.
Hva er en agent og hva er agentic RAG?
Enkelt forklart kan man si at en agent er et system som observerer et miljø/en situasjon/noen parametre, den har også fått satt et mål. Basert på observasjonene utfører den handlinger for å oppnå dette målet. Agenten vurderer effekten av sine handlinger, justerer strategien og fortsetter mot målet.
En agentic RAG er i bunn og grunn en agentisk tilnærming til informasjonsinnhentings-oppgaver basert på en agent-arkitektur. I en tradisjonell RAG har man en ganske statisk prosess for å hente frem og presentere informasjon. En agentic RAG innebærer at KI-en kan ta beslutninger på egenhånd om hvordan den skal løse informasjonsinnhentingen. I stedet for å ha fast definerte trinn for «chunking», innhenting og generering, kan en agentisk RAG dynamisk justere søkeparametere, revidere spørsmål, foreslå nye strategier, bruke ulike “verktøy” (f.eks. API-kall eller funksjoner) og avgjøre når nok kontekst er innhentet til å svare på en tilfredsstillende måte.
Det er nettopp derfor det snakkes mye om agentisk RAG for tiden. Vi og mange andre har prøvd å løse RAG ved hjelp av statiske regler for oppdeling av tekstbiter og søk med ulik grad av kompleksitet, og da oppdager man raskt at virkeligheten er mer rotete. Dataene er ikke alltid som man har sett for seg, og spørsmålene kan være vage eller flertydige. Da trenger man et system som kan operere mer fleksibelt, mer utforskende og mer problemløsende.
Hvorfor trenger vi dette?
Arkivkunnskap kan være kompleks, og brukere vet ikke alltid hvilke ord de skal søke på eller hvor de bør starte. Her gjør agentisk funksjonalitet en stor forskjell:
Forbedre spørsmål: Agentic RAG kan omskrive og bearbeide brukerens spørsmål for å gjøre dem tydligere og mer presise.
Kombinere søkestrategier: Systemet bruker semantiske og hybride søk som finner meningsinnhold, ikke bare eksakte ord. Hva som egner seg, kan den avgjøre på egenhånd. Den kan justere parametere som similarity, og tilpasse taktikken basert på resultatene.
Dynamisk tilpasning: Hvis svarene er mangelfulle, foreslår løsningen nye spørsmål, prøver alternative søkeord eller utvider søket – alt uten at brukeren må vite hvordan.
Kvalitetssikring: Løsningen validerer svarene og foreslår presiseringer om nødvendig, slik at brukeren får mest mulig pålitelig informasjon.
Hvordan fungerer løsningen i praksis?
Når en bruker stiller et spørsmål, tar systemet først tak i spørsmålet, forbedrer det eller gjør andre tilpasninger og benytter deretter semantiske og hybride søk for å hente frem relevant informasjon fra arkivene. Denne informasjonen struktureres slik at KI-modellen kan formulere et svar med lenker til kilder Alt dette skjer uten at brukeren trenger å vite nøyaktig hvordan ting fungerer, systemet tar hånd om prosessen og jobber aktivt i kulissene for å levere best mulig svar, i stedet for bare å presentere det første og beste treffet.
Agentiske egenskaper
Målbasert tilnærming: Systemet har et klart mål: å besvare brukerens spørsmål med størst mulig nøyaktighet. Dette er tydelig i hvordan det validerer svar og bruker fallback-strategier for å forbedre resultatene når de ikke er tilstrekkelige.
Adaptiv respons: Ved lite treff, tilpasser løsningen arbeidsflyten ved å benytte alternative strategier som omskriving, utvidede spørringer eller oppfølgingsspørsmål. Altså en viss grad av dynamisk beslutningstaking.
Systemet integrerer ulike teknologier og verktøy (LLM, Elasticsearch, hybrid søk) og velger passende metoder basert på behov, så den har fleksibilitet i hvordan det løser oppgaver.
Integrert logikk: Agenten fungerer som en koordinator som setter sammen, validerer og justerer informasjon fra ulike kilder.
Dynamisk kontekststyring: Systemet kan ta hensyn til tidligere samtaler og tilpasser neste steg etter dette.
Fallback-optimalisering: Med flere iterasjoner og alternative strategier øker sannsynligheten for at brukeren får et tilfredsstillende svar.
Proof of concept og veien videre
Denne løsningen er på et utprøvingsstadium og ligger ikke ute i en beta-utgave. Det er mange muligheter for utvidelser, og selve grunnstrukturen må forbedres. Den viktigste utvidelsen vil være å sørge for at løsningen har enda mer autonomi i valg av funksjoner og strategier, for eksempel ved å gi LLM-en en beskrivelse av målet og tilgjengelige verktøy, og la den selv bestemme hvilke handlinger som er nødvendig for å oppnå målet. Dette ville bringe det nærmere en løsning med reell "agency." Dette er vi i gang med. Fremtidige andre utvidelser kan for eksempel omfatte (med ulik grad av kompleksitet):
Forbedret validering og resonnering
Dynamisk søketilpasning: Juster parametere som temperatur, "similarity” og vekting automatisk.
Oppgave-oppdeling: Løsningen bryter opp komplekse spørsmål i deloppgaver og løser dem trinnvis. For eksempel, for spørsmålet «Forklar forholdet mellom A og B», kan agenten først hente info om A, deretter B, og så sette sammen informasjonen selvstendig.
Forbedrede feedback-sløyfer: Brukerfeedback: La brukere gi tilbakemelding, slik at løsningen kan justere hvordan den oppfører seg over tid.
Kontekstrevisjon: La brukeren revidere tidligere innlegg i samtalen, slik at konteksten blir oppdatert dynamisk.
Integrasjon med kunnskapsgrafer og andre data: Bygge opp en enkel kunnskapsgraf: Følger entiteter, relasjoner og temaer på tvers av samtaler, og foreslå relevante, sammenkoblede opplysninger. Under dette ligger også integrasjon med arkivdata og arkivkunnskap. Ved at for eksempel systemet tilpasser hvilke arkiv den skal bruke basert på spørsmålet.
Oppsummert vil vi si at agentic RAG er en naturlig videreutvikling fra RAG. Ved å gi løsningen evnen til å ta egne avgjørelser, velge verktøy, og tilpasse strategien underveis, blir den i stand til å hente frem og formidle arkivkunnskap på en mer dynamisk og pålitelig måte.
Ta gjerne kontakt med oss på [email protected] hvis du har tilbakemeldinger, eller er nysgjerrig på arbeidet vårt med KI, søk eller digitalarkivet generelt.
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The Mistral AI New Model Large-Instruct-2411 On Vertex AI
Introducing the Mistral AI New Model Large-Instruct-2411 on Vertex AI from Mistral AI
Mistral AI’s models, Codestral for code generation jobs, Mistral Large 2 for high-complexity tasks, and the lightweight Mistral Nemo for reasoning tasks like creative writing, were made available on Vertex AI in July. Google Cloud is announcing that the Mistral AI new model is now accessible on Vertex AI Model Garden: Mistral-Large-Instruct-2411 is currently accessible to the public.
Large-Instruct-2411 is a sophisticated dense large language model (LLM) with 123B parameters that extends its predecessor with improved long context, function calling, and system prompt. It has powerful reasoning, knowledge, and coding skills. The approach is perfect for use scenarios such as big context applications that need strict adherence for code generation and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), or sophisticated agentic workflows with exact instruction following and JSON outputs.
The new Mistral AI Large-Instruct-2411 model is available for deployment on Vertex AI via its Model-as-a-Service (MaaS) or self-service offering right now.
With the new Mistral AI models on Vertex AI, what are your options?
Using Mistral’s models to build atop Vertex AI, you can:
Choose the model that best suits your use case: A variety of Mistral AI models are available, including effective models for low-latency requirements and strong models for intricate tasks like agentic processes. Vertex AI simplifies the process of assessing and choosing the best model.
Try things with assurance: Vertex AI offers fully managed Model-as-a-Service for Mistral AI models. Through straightforward API calls and thorough side-by-side evaluations in its user-friendly environment, you may investigate Mistral AI models.
Control models without incurring extra costs: With pay-as-you-go pricing flexibility and fully managed infrastructure built for AI workloads, you can streamline the large-scale deployment of the new Mistral AI models.
Adjust the models to your requirements: With your distinct data and subject expertise, you will be able to refine Mistral AI’s models to produce custom solutions in the upcoming weeks.
Create intelligent agents: Using Vertex AI’s extensive toolkit, which includes LangChain on Vertex AI, create and coordinate agents driven by Mistral AI models. To integrate Mistral AI models into your production-ready AI experiences, use Genkit’s Vertex AI plugin.
Construct with enterprise-level compliance and security: Make use of Google Cloud’s integrated privacy, security, and compliance features. Enterprise controls, like the new organization policy for Vertex AI Model Garden, offer the proper access controls to guarantee that only authorized models are accessible.
Start using Google Cloud’s Mistral AI models
Google Cloud’s dedication to open and adaptable AI ecosystems that assist you in creating solutions that best meet your needs is demonstrated by these additions. Its partnership with Mistral AI demonstrates its open strategy in a cohesive, enterprise-ready setting. Many of the first-party, open-source, and third-party models offered by Vertex AI, including the recently released Mistral AI models, can be provided as a fully managed Model-as-a-service (MaaS) offering, giving you enterprise-grade security on its fully managed infrastructure and the ease of a single bill.
Mistral Large (24.11)
The most recent iteration of the Mistral Large model, known as Mistral Large (24.11), has enhanced reasoning and function calling capabilities.
Mistral Large is a sophisticated Large Language Model (LLM) that possesses cutting-edge knowledge, reasoning, and coding skills.
Intentionally multilingual: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Arabic, and Hindi are among the dozens of languages that are supported.
Multi-model capability: Mistral Large 24.11 maintains cutting-edge performance on text tasks while excelling at visual comprehension.
Competent in coding: Taught more than 80 coding languages, including Java, Python, C, C++, JavaScript, and Bash. Additionally, more specialized languages like Swift and Fortran were taught.
Agent-focused: Top-notch agentic features, including native function calls and JSON output.
Sophisticated reasoning: Cutting-edge reasoning and mathematical skills.
Context length: 128K is the most that Mistral Large can support.
Use cases
Agents: Made possible by strict adherence to instructions, JSON output mode, and robust safety measures
Text: Creation, comprehension, and modification of synthetic text
RAG: Important data is preserved across lengthy context windows (up to 128K tokens).
Coding includes creating, finishing, reviewing, and commenting on code. All popular coding languages are supported.
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Accelerating Enterprise AI Development with Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) is transforming how companies harness the power of AI. By integrating real-time data retrieval with generative models, businesses can deliver more accurate, context-aware solutions at scale. RAG not only enhances decision-making and personalization but also streamlines the deployment of AI across various industries. This cutting-edge approach accelerates innovation and optimizes resources, making AI more accessible for enterprises. If you're looking to enhance your AI capabilities, now is the time to explore RAG's potential.
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🚀 Accelerating Enterprise AI Development with Retrieval-augmented Generation
The future of enterprise AI is here with Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG). By combining powerful generative AI with relevant data retrieval, companies can build smarter, context-driven applications at scale. From improving customer support with AI-driven responses to enhancing product recommendations, RAG technology is transforming industries. Want to harness AI with greater accuracy and performance? Adopt RAG to boost your enterprise workflows and stay ahead of the competition.
🔗 Learn how your company can accelerate AI development!
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Microsoft SQL Server 2025: A New Era Of Data Management
Microsoft SQL Server 2025: An enterprise database prepared for artificial intelligence from the ground up
The data estate and applications of Azure clients are facing new difficulties as a result of the growing use of AI technology. With privacy and security being more crucial than ever, the majority of enterprises anticipate deploying AI workloads across a hybrid mix of cloud, edge, and dedicated infrastructure.
In order to address these issues, Microsoft SQL Server 2025, which is now in preview, is an enterprise AI-ready database from ground to cloud that applies AI to consumer data. With the addition of new AI capabilities, this version builds on SQL Server’s thirty years of speed and security innovation. Customers may integrate their data with Microsoft Fabric to get the next generation of data analytics. The release leverages Microsoft Azure innovation for customers’ databases and supports hybrid setups across cloud, on-premises datacenters, and edge.
SQL Server is now much more than just a conventional relational database. With the most recent release of SQL Server, customers can create AI applications that are intimately integrated with the SQL engine. With its built-in filtering and vector search features, SQL Server 2025 is evolving into a vector database in and of itself. It performs exceptionally well and is simple for T-SQL developers to use.Image credit to Microsoft Azure
AI built-in
This new version leverages well-known T-SQL syntax and has AI integrated in, making it easier to construct AI applications and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) patterns with safe, efficient, and user-friendly vector support. This new feature allows you to create a hybrid AI vector search by combining vectors with your SQL data.
Utilize your company database to create AI apps
Bringing enterprise AI to your data, SQL Server 2025 is a vector database that is enterprise-ready and has integrated security and compliance. DiskANN, a vector search technology that uses disk storage to effectively locate comparable data points in massive datasets, powers its own vector store and index. Accurate data retrieval through semantic searching is made possible by these databases’ effective chunking capability. With the most recent version of SQL Server, you can employ AI models from the ground up thanks to the engine’s flexible AI model administration through Representational State Transfer (REST) interfaces.
Furthermore, extensible, low-code tools provide versatile model interfaces within the SQL engine, backed via T-SQL and external REST APIs, regardless of whether clients are working on data preprocessing, model training, or RAG patterns. By seamlessly integrating with well-known AI frameworks like LangChain, Semantic Kernel, and Entity Framework Core, these tools improve developers’ capacity to design a variety of AI applications.
Increase the productivity of developers
To increase developers’ productivity, extensibility, frameworks, and data enrichment are crucial for creating data-intensive applications, such as AI apps. Including features like support for REST APIs, GraphQL integration via Data API Builder, and Regular Expression enablement ensures that SQL will give developers the greatest possible experience. Furthermore, native JSON support makes it easier for developers to handle hierarchical data and schema that changes regularly, allowing for the development of more dynamic apps. SQL development is generally being improved to make it more user-friendly, performant, and extensible. The SQL Server engine’s security underpins all of its features, making it an AI platform that is genuinely enterprise-ready.
Top-notch performance and security
In terms of database security and performance, SQL Server 2025 leads the industry. Enhancing credential management, lowering potential vulnerabilities, and offering compliance and auditing features are all made possible via support for Microsoft Entra controlled identities. Outbound authentication support for MSI (Managed Service Identity) for SQL Server supported by Azure Arc is introduced in SQL Server 2025.
Additionally, it is bringing to SQL Server performance and availability improvements that have been thoroughly tested on Microsoft Azure SQL. With improved query optimization and query performance execution in the latest version, you may increase workload performance and decrease troubleshooting. The purpose of Optional Parameter Plan Optimization (OPPO) is to greatly minimize problematic parameter sniffing issues that may arise in workloads and to allow SQL Server to select the best execution plan based on runtime parameter values supplied by the customer.
Secondary replicas with persistent statistics mitigate possible performance decrease by preventing statistics from being lost during a restart or failover. The enhancements to batch mode processing and columnstore indexing further solidify SQL Server’s position as a mission-critical database for analytical workloads in terms of query execution.
Through Transaction ID (TID) Locking and Lock After Qualification (LAQ), optimized locking minimizes blocking for concurrent transactions and lowers lock memory consumption. Customers can improve concurrency, scalability, and uptime for SQL Server applications with this functionality.
Change event streaming for SQL Server offers command query responsibility segregation, real-time intelligence, and real-time application integration with event-driven architectures. New database engine capabilities will be added, enabling near real-time capture and publication of small changes to data and schema to a specified destination, like Azure Event Hubs and Kafka.
Azure Arc and Microsoft Fabric are linked
Designing, overseeing, and administering intricate ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) procedures to move operational data from SQL Server is necessary for integrating all of your data in conventional data warehouse and data lake scenarios. The inability of these conventional techniques to provide real-time data transfer leads to latency, which hinders the development of real-time analytics. In order to satisfy the demands of contemporary analytical workloads, Microsoft Fabric provides comprehensive, integrated, and AI-enhanced data analytics services.
The fully controlled, robust Mirrored SQL Server Database in Fabric procedure makes it easy to replicate SQL Server data to Microsoft OneLake in almost real-time. In order to facilitate analytics and insights on the unified Fabric data platform, mirroring will allow customers to continuously replicate data from SQL Server databases running on Azure virtual machines or outside of Azure, serving online transaction processing (OLTP) or operational store workloads directly into OneLake.
Azure is still an essential part of SQL Server. To help clients better manage, safeguard, and control their SQL estate at scale across on-premises and cloud, SQL Server 2025 will continue to offer cloud capabilities with Azure Arc. Customers can further improve their business continuity and expedite everyday activities with features like monitoring, automatic patching, automatic backups, and Best Practices Assessment. Additionally, Azure Arc makes SQL Server licensing easier by providing a pay-as-you-go option, giving its clients flexibility and license insight.
SQL Server 2025 release date
Microsoft hasn’t set a SQL Server 2025 release date. Based on current data, we can make some confident guesses:
Private Preview: SQL Server 2025 is in private preview, so a small set of users can test and provide comments.
Microsoft may provide a public preview in 2025 to let more people sample the new features.
General Availability: SQL Server 2025’s final release date is unknown, but it will be in 2025.
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Agentic RAG On Dell & NVIDIA Changes AI-Driven Data Access
Agentic RAG Changes AI Data Access with Dell & NVIDIA
The secret to successfully implementing and utilizing AI in today’s corporate environment is comprehending the use cases within the company and determining the most effective and frequently quickest AI-ready strategies that produce outcomes fast. There is also a great need for high-quality data and effective retrieval techniques like RAG retrieval augmented generation. The value of AI for businesses is further accelerated at SC24 by fresh innovation at the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA, which also gets them ready for the future.
AI Applications Place New Demands
GenAI applications are growing quickly and proliferating throughout the company as businesses gain confidence in the results of applying AI to their departmental use cases. The pressure on the AI infrastructure increases as the use of larger, foundational LLMs increases and as more use cases with multi-modal outcomes are chosen.
RAG’s capacity to facilitate richer decision-making based on an organization’s own data while lowering hallucinations has also led to a notable increase in interest. RAG is particularly helpful for digital assistants and chatbots with contextual data, and it can be easily expanded throughout the company to knowledge workers. However, RAG’s potential might still be limited by inadequate data, a lack of multiple sourcing, and confusing prompts, particularly for large data-driven businesses.
It will be crucial to provide IT managers with a growth strategy, support for new workloads at scale, a consistent approach to AI infrastructure, and innovative methods for turning massive data sets into useful information.
Raising the AI Performance bar
The performance for AI applications is provided by the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA, giving clients a simplified way to deploy AI using a scalable, consistent, and outcome-focused methodology. Dell is now unveiling new NVIDIA accelerated compute platforms that have been added to Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA. These platforms offer acceleration across a wide range of enterprise applications, further efficiency for inferencing, and performance for developing AI applications.
The NVIDIA HGX H200 and NVIDIA H100 NVL platforms, which are supercharging data centers, offer state-of-the-art technology with enormous processing power and enhanced energy efficiency for genAI and HPC applications. Customers who have already implemented the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA may quickly grow their footprint with the same excellent foundations, direction, and support to expedite their AI projects with these additions for PowerEdge XE9680 and rack servers. By the end of the year, these combinations with NVIDIA HGX H200 and H100 NVL should be available.
Deliver Informed Decisions, Faster
RAG already provides enterprises with genuine intelligence and increases productivity. Expanding RAG’s reach throughout the company, however, may make deployment more difficult and affect quick response times. In order to provide a variety of outputs, or multi-modal outcomes, large, data-driven companies, such as healthcare and financial institutions, also require access to many data kinds.
Innovative approaches to managing these enormous data collections are provided by agentic RAG. Within the RAG framework, it automates analysis, processing, and reasoning through the use of AI agents. With this method, users may easily combine structured and unstructured data, providing trustworthy, contextually relevant insights in real time.
Organizations in a variety of industries can gain from a substantial advancement in AI-driven information retrieval and processing with Agentic RAG on the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA. Using the healthcare industry as an example, the agentic RAG design demonstrates how businesses can overcome the difficulties posed by fragmented data (accessing both structured and unstructured data, including imaging files and medical notes, while adhering to HIPAA and other regulations). The complete solution, which is based on the NVIDIA and Dell AI Factory platforms, has the following features:
PowerEdge servers from Dell that use NVIDIA L40S GPUs
Storage from Dell PowerScale
Spectrum-X Ethernet networking from NVIDIA
Platform for NVIDIA AI Enterprise software
Together with the NVIDIA Llama-3.1-8b-instruct LLM NIM microservice, NVIDIA NeMo embeds and reranks NVIDIA NIM microservices.
The recently revealed NVIDIA Enterprise Reference Architecture for NVIDIA L40S GPUs serves as the foundation for the solution, which allows businesses constructing AI factories to power the upcoming generation of generative AI solutions cut down on complexity, time, and expense.
A thorough beginning strategy for enterprises to modify and implement their own Agentic RAG and raise the standard of value delivery is provided by the full integration of these components.
Readying for the Next Era of AI
As employees, developers, and companies start to use AI to generate value, new applications and uses for the technology are released on a daily basis. It can be intimidating to be ready for a large-scale adoption, but any company can change its operations with the correct strategy, partner, and vision.
The Dell AI factory with NVIDIA offers a scalable architecture that can adapt to an organization’s changing needs, from state-of-the-art AI operations to enormous data set ingestion and high-quality results.
The first and only end-to-end enterprise AI solution in the industry, the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA, aims to accelerate the adoption of AI by providing integrated Dell and NVIDIA capabilities to speed up your AI-powered use cases, integrate your data and workflows, and let you create your own AI journey for scalable, repeatable results.
What is Agentic Rag?
An AI framework called Agentic RAG employs intelligent agents to do tasks beyond creating and retrieving information. It is a development of the classic Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) method, which blends generative and retrieval-based models.
Agentic RAG uses AI agents to:
Data analysis: Based on real-time input, agentic RAG systems are able to evaluate data, improve replies, and make necessary adjustments.
Make choices: Agentic RAG systems are capable of making choices on their own.
Dividing complicated tasks into smaller ones and allocating distinct agents to each component is possible with agentic RAG systems.
Employ external tools: To complete tasks, agentic RAG systems can make use of any tool or API.
Recall what has transpired: Because agentic RAG systems contain memory, like as chat history, they are aware of past events and know what to do next.
For managing intricate questions and adjusting to changing information environments, agentic RAG is helpful. Applications for it are numerous and include:
Management of knowledge
Large businesses can benefit from agentic RAG systems’ ability to generate summaries, optimize searches, and obtain pertinent data.
Researchers can generate analyses, synthesize findings, and access pertinent material with the use of agentic RAG systems.
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Google Public Sector’s AI adoption Framework For DoD
Google Public Sector’s AI Framework for Department of Defense Innovation
For the Department of Defense (DoD), generative AI offers enormous potential as well as difficulties. It has the ability to significantly improve decision-making, expedite tasks, and increase situational awareness. But the DoD’s particular needs particularly their strict security guidelines for cloud services (IL5) call for well-thought-out AI solutions that strike a balance between security and innovation.
The necessity to “strengthen the organizational environment” for AI deployment is emphasized in the DoD’s 2023 Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Adoption Strategy study. This emphasizes the significance of solutions that prioritize data security, allow for the responsible and intelligent use of AI, and integrate easily into current infrastructure.
Google Public Sector’s 4 AI pillars: A framework for DoD AI adoption
When developing solutions to empower the DoD, Google AI for Public Sector has concentrated on four areas to address the DoD’s particular challenges:
Adaptive: AI solutions need to blend in perfectly with the DoD’s current, intricate, and dynamic technological environment. In line with the DoD’s emphasis on agile innovation, Google places a high priority on flexible solutions that reduce interruption and facilitate quick adoption.
Secure: It’s critical to protect sensitive DoD data. The confidentiality and integrity of vital data are guaranteed by the strong security features included into Google’s AI products, such as Zero Trust architecture and compliance with IL5 standards.
Intelligent: Google AI tools are made to extract useful information from a wide range of datasets. Google technologies help the DoD make data-driven choices more quickly and accurately by utilizing machine learning and natural language processing.
Responsible: Google is dedicated to creating and implementing AI in an ethical and responsible way. Its research, product development, and deployment choices are guided by AI Principles, which make sure AI is applied responsibly and stays away from dangerous uses.
Breaking down data silos and delivering insights with enterprise search
Google Cloud‘s enterprise search solution is a potent instrument made to assist businesses in overcoming the difficulties posed by data fragmentation. It serves as a central hub that easily connects to both organized and unstructured data from a variety of sources throughout the department.
Intelligent Information Retrieval: Even when working with unstructured data, such as papers, photos, and reports, enterprise search provides accurate and contextually relevant responses to searches by utilizing cutting-edge AI and natural language processing.
Smooth Integration: Without transferring data or training a unique Large Language Model (LLM), federated search in conjunction with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) yields pertinent query answers.
Enhanced Transparency and Trust: In addition to AI-generated responses, the solution offers links to source papers, enabling users to confirm information and increase system trust.
Strong Security: To protect critical DoD data, enterprise search integrates industry-leading security features, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Common Access Card (CaC) compatibility, into all services used in the solution submitted for IL5 accreditation. Future-Proof Flexibility: A variety of Large Language Models (LLMs) are supported by the solution, such as Google’s Gemini family of models and Gemma family of lightweight, cutting-edge open models. Because Google provides flexibility, choice, and avoids vendor lock-in, the DoD may take advantage of the most recent developments in AI without having to undertake significant reconstruction.
The DoD’s mission is directly supported by Google Cloud‘s generative AI-infused solution, which streamlines data access, improves discoverability, and delivers quick, precise insights that improve decision-making and provide the agency a competitive edge.
With solutions that are not only strong and inventive but also safe, accountable, and flexible, Google Cloud is dedicated to helping the DoD on its AI journey. Google Cloud is contributing to the development of more nimble, knowledgeable, and productive military personnel by enabling the DoD to fully utilize its data.
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Test av KI-basert chat i Digitalarkivet
For et par år siden ble ChatGPT offentlig tilgjengelig, og det vi fikk prøve virket nesten litt… magisk? Plutselig var det mulig å kommunisere med en datamaskin med naturlig språk, og få fornuftige svar, til og med på norsk! Brukergrensesnittet minnet mye om chat-botene vi er vant med fra mange tjenester på nettet, men med KI-genererte svare føltes det nesten som at man kommuniserte med et menneske: Du kunne stille oppfølgingsspørsmål, eller be om enklere forklaringer, eller mer detaljer.
Kanskje en slik type KI-chat kunne være en være en fin måte å utforske og forstå arkivinnhold på, som et alternativ til tradisjonelt søk eller å få hjelp av en saksbehandler hos Arkivverket? Mange kan oppleve at arkivene kan være vanskelig å finne frem i, samtidig som arkivene inneholder mye materiale som er viktig eller interessant for store deler av befolkningen.
Men så var det med fornuftige svar, da. Helt fra starten var det åpenbart at ChatGPT og tilsvarende løsninger kunne komme med svar som var helt feil, med samme skråsikkerhet som riktige svar. Vi sier gjerne at den hallusinerer når den svarer feil. Dette er et stort problem med denne teknologien – du må egentlig dobbeltsjekke alle svar du får – og det sier også litt om måten slike KI-modeller utvikles på.
Bak KI-chatene ligger en stor språkmodell (LLM, eller Large Language Model). Disse lages (eller «trenes») ved å analysere store mengder tekst, i praksis store deler av internett. Disse modellene beregner (eller «predikerer») hva det neste ordet i svaret skal være. Det ødelegger kanskje litt av den magiske følelsen, men ChatGPT og tilsvarende løsninger er i bunn og grunn bare anvendt statistikk. Og hvis du spør om ting som er dårlig representert i treningsdataene så blir det statistisk grunnlag for å predikere ordene dårligere og du kan få oppdiktede svar. Det er også verdt å tenke på at KI-modellene ikke forholder seg til virkeligheten direkte, kun til tekster som beskriver virkeligheten. KI-modellen vet altså ikke selv om det den svarer er galt eller riktig.
Ofte inkluderer treningsdataene svært mye av tilgjengelig informasjon, men likevel vil fakta, meninger, tjenester og produkter som er viktige for f.eks. Digitalarkivet og arkiv-domenet ikke være en del av det modellen «vet». Det kan være fordi det er informasjon som er privat eller skjult, fordi den ikke anses som viktig nok til å inkludere eller fordi den er for ny. Hvis vi brukte f.eks. ChatGPT for å finne informasjon i Digitalarkivet vil den sjelden kunne gi riktige svar, samtidig som at det er en fare for at svarene den gir faktisk høres fornuftige ut.
Tillit til arkivene er svært viktig. Man må kunne stole på at det man finner er riktig, og at man finner det man trenger, og da passer det dårlig med løsninger som kan dikte opp opplysninger. Det er vanskelig å hindre hallusinasjoner i en AI-modell, men «Retrieval Augmented Generation» - eller RAG - er en måte å komme rundt problemet på.
RAG vil helt enkelt si at systemet kan basere svar på andre kilder enn de som modellen er trent på, slik at kunnskapshullene i modellen tettes. Det blir omtrent som å gi KI-modellen jukselapper. Det er fortsatt KI-modellen som skriver svarene, men den har altså tilgang til ekstra informasjon som den kan basere svarene på. RAG skjer i to trinn:
1. Hente informasjon Basert på informasjon i ulike databaser, kunnskapssamlinger, ontologier, dokumenter og bøker så lager man en samling over små kunnskapsbiter i form av "embeddings". Embeddings er et format som gjør at vi maskinelt kan finne likheter i betydning (semantisk) mellom f.eks ulike tekstsnutter. Når vi da får inn et spørsmål fra brukeren og gjør denne om til en embeddings kan vi gjøre et semantisk søk og finne de tekstbitene som er likest i betydning til det brukeren spør om.
2. Generere svar Brukerens spørsmål og de relevante bitene som har blitt funnet sendes som en pakke til en generativ KI-modell, som GPT, Claude, Mistral eller LlaMA, som laget et svar basert pakken den har fått. På denne måte kan vi sikre at KI-en har fått opplysningene den trenger for å gi et godt svar. Noe som er viktig i valg av modell er at den er god til å ta instruksjoner fra oss. I pakken vi sender legger vi nemlig til en hel masse beskjeder til modellen om hva den skal gjøre og ikke gjøre. Her finnes det et stort spenn av forskningsbaserte teknikker for å gi disse beskjedene på best mulig måte.
Denne teknologien har Arkivverket testet ut i en proof of concept (poc). Det er enkelt å sette opp en grunnleggende RAG-løsning, men for å få testet ut om RAG faktisk kan løse våre hypoteser om behov og utfordringer så har vi gått videre og laget en mer avansert og modulær RAG-arkitektur. Her har vi tatt i bruk ulike teknikker og algoritmer basert på forskning og det som rører seg i rag-verdenen på hvert av de ulike stegene i prosessen for å sørge for et mest mulig pålitelig og utfyllende svar til brukeren basert på våre data.
Poc-en består av to løsninger, som til sammen har latt oss teste ut RAG på flere typer innhold:
Den ene løsningen inneholder materiale om arkivkunnskap, som veiledninger og hjelpetekster. Dette kan være svært nyttig for brukere som har dårlig kjennskap til arkivene og som ikke helt vet hvordan de skal komme i gang med å finne informasjon.
Den andre inneholder to vidt forskjellige typer digitalisert arkivmateriale, henholdsvis arkiver fra Alexander Kielland-ulykken og dagbøker fra reindriftsforvaltningen.
En fordel med RAG er at det er relativt enkelt og billig å innarbeide mer informasjon, da dette skjer ved å oppdatere søket. Uten RAG ville vi vært nødt til å trene nye versjoner av selve KI-modellen for å oppdatere den med ny informasjon, noe som er langt mer ressurskrevende.
Det er et viktig poeng at løsning skal kjøre på våre egne systemer, heller enn at vi kobler oss på eksterne tjenester. Det er viktig at vi både har kontroll på teknologien vi bruker og på datagrunnlaget som legges inn i systemet. Det å kunne velge en modell som fungerer godt på norsk er viktig, og vi bør kunne bytte ut AI-modeller hvis det f. eks. dukker opp en ny som fungerer bedre til vårt bruk. Vi bør også ha mulighet til å velge teknologi ut ifra økonomiske faktorer.
Poc-en inkluderer også et chatte-grensesnitt, som du selv kan teste ut ved å klikke på lenkene nederst i artikkelen. I menyen til venstre kan du justere flere aspekter ved hvordan spørsmålene blir behandlet og hva slags svar du får, så her er det bare å leke seg!
Det er to momenter til som er verdt å legge merke til, som begge er viktige for å skape tillit til resultatene:
I tillegg til at løsningen svarer på spørsmål, gir den også en lenke til originalkildene slik at brukeren kan få bekreftet svaret eller bla videre i originalkilden hvis hen ønsker å utforske innholdet mer.
Løsningen forklarer at den ikke kan svare hvis brukeren spør om noe som den ikke har informasjon om, i stedet for å hallusinere frem feil svar.
_ _ _
Poc-en har vist oss at en chatteløsning med RAG i bunnen har mange fordeler:
Brukeren får beskjed hvis systemet ikke vet svaret, heller enn at løsningen dikter opp et svar.
Brukeren kan benytte naturlig språk, og skrivefeil eller dårlige formuleringer blir ofte forstått
Systemet vil forstår betydningen av det brukeren spør om og kan derfor gi svar som kan være nyttige for brukeren selv om det ikke samsvarer i språk. Den kan også gi svar ut fra informasjon som er relatert til brukerens spørsmål i større grad en f.eks et leksikalt søk.
Brukeren kan ha en dialog med systemet, og for eksempel stille oppfølgingsspørsmål eller be om presiseringer.
Brukeren får lenker til originalkildene slik at det lett å verifisere svarene hen får.
Vi ser også noen utfordringer ved en slik løsning:
En slik avansert RAG-arkitektur er avansert og ressurskrevende å lage. Det kan tenkes at det finnes andre løsninger som gir noen av de samme gevinstene.
Svarene man får er basert på arkivmateriale som kan inneholde utrykk og holdninger som er foreldede eller støtene. Slik utrykk og holdninger kan dermed også finne veien inn svarene som chatboten gir. Brukere er nok forberedt på at eldre materiale inneholder språk som vi ikke vil brukt i dag, men det kan virke støtende eller underlig hvis slikt språk benyttes i en nyskrevet tekst. Det finnes teknikker for å minimere dette problemet som vi kan ta i bruk, men man vil neppe klare å eliminere det helt.
Og selv om RAG reduserer faren for oppdiktede svar betraktelig så er det ikke helt en vanntett metode. Den generative modellen som skal formulere svaret kan fortsatt klare å hallusinere innhold som ikke var med i informasjonsbitene som svaret skal baseres på. (https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/06/can-a-technology-called-rag-keep-ai-models-from-making-stuff-up)
_ _ _
Vi har et godt grunnlag som kan peke ut noen retninger for videre utforsking, og vi er spente på hva vi kan lære av dere som prøver løsningen. Veien videre har ikke blitt avgjort, men selv om vi har laget en omfattende og grundig poc så er det mye arbeid igjen for å få en ferdig løsning. Hensikten med en poc er å finne ut om man er inne på noe, om konseptet er teknisk mulig å realisere. Det langt unna et ferdig produkt, noe som betyr at det kan forekomme små og store feil. Merk også at datagrunnlaget som benyttes ikke nødvendigvis er oppdatert, og at f. eks. veiledningene man søker i kan inneholde feil.
Et kjent problem er at selv om kildehenvisningen blir riktig, så kan den en sjelden gang f. eks. starte nummereringen på 2 eller hoppe over 3. Årsaken er at det søket er mer optimistisk enn språkmodellen-en og derfor finner flere mulige kilder til svar enn det språkmodellen faktisk finner svar i. Dermed kan listen over kilder ha litt underlig nummerering.
Her er lenker til de to løsningene, så du selv kan teste dem:
Veiledninger og arkiv-kunnskap: https://rag.beta.arkivverket.no
Alexander Kielland-ulykken og dagbøker fra reindriftsforvaltningen: https://rag-transcriptions.beta.arkivverket.no
Ta gjerne kontakt med oss på [email protected] hvis du har tilbakemeldinger, eller er nysgjerrig på arbeidet vårt med KI, søk eller digitalarkivet generelt.
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IBM Granite 3.0 8B Instruct AI Built For High Performance
IBM Granite 3.0: open, cutting-edge business AI models
IBM Granite 3.0, the third generation of the Granite series of large language models (LLMs) and related technologies, is being released by IBM. The new IBM Granite 3.0 models maximize safety, speed, and cost-efficiency for enterprise use cases while delivering state-of-the-art performance in relation to model size, reflecting its focus on striking a balance between power and usefulness.
Granite 3.0 8B Instruct, a new, instruction-tuned, dense decoder-only LLM, is the centerpiece of the Granite 3.0 collection. Granite 3.0 8B Instruct is a developer-friendly enterprise model designed to be the main building block for complex workflows and tool-based use cases. It was trained using a novel two-phase method on over 12 trillion tokens of carefully vetted data across 12 natural languages and 116 programming languages. Granite 3.0 8B Instruct outperforms rivals on enterprise tasks and safety metrics while matching top-ranked, similarly-sized open models on academic benchmarks.
Businesses may get frontier model performance at a fraction of the expense by fine-tuning smaller, more functional models like Granite. Using Instruct Lab, a collaborative, open-source method for enhancing model knowledge and skills with methodically created synthetic data and phased-training protocols, to customize Granite models to your organization’s specific requirements can further cut costs and timeframes.
Contrary to the recent trend of closed or open-weight models published by peculiar proprietary licensing agreements, all Granite models are released under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, in keeping with IBM’s strong historical commitment to open source. IBM is reinforcing its commitment to fostering transparency, safety, and confidence in AI products by disclosing training data sets and procedures in detail in the Granite 3.0 technical paper, which is another departure from industry trends for open models.
The complete IBM Granite 3.0 release includes:
General Purpose/Language: Granite 3.0 8B Instruct, Granite 3.0 2B Instruct, Granite 3.0 8B Base, Granite 3.0 2B Base
Guardrails & Safety: Granite Guardian 3.0 8B, Granite Guardian 3.0 2B
Mixture-of-Experts: Granite 3.0 3B-A800M Instruct, Granite 3.0 1B-A400M Instruct, Granite 3.0 3B-A800M Base, Granite 3.0 1B-A400M Base
Speculative decoder for faster and more effective inference: Granite-3.0-8B-Accelerator-Instruct
The enlargement of all model context windows to 128K tokens, more enhancements to multilingual support for 12 natural languages, and the addition of multimodal image-in, text-out capabilities are among the upcoming developments scheduled for the rest of 2024.
On the IBM Watsonx platform, Granite 3.0 8B Instruct and Granite 3.0 2B Instruct, along with both Guardian 3.0 safety models, are now commercially available. Additionally, Granite 3.0 models are offered by platform partners like as Hugging Face, NVIDIA (as NIM microservices), Replicate, Ollama, and Google Vertex AI (via Hugging Face’s connections with Google Cloud’s Vertex AI Model Garden).
IBM Granite 3.0 language models are trained on Blue Vela, which is fueled entirely by renewable energy, further demonstrating IBM’s dedication to sustainability.
Strong performance, security, and safety
Prioritizing specific use cases, earlier Granite model generations performed exceptionally well in domain-specific activities across a wide range of industries, including academia, legal, finance, and code. Apart from providing even more effectiveness in those areas, IBM Granite 3.0 models perform on par with, and sometimes better than, the industry-leading open-weight LLMs in terms of overall performance across academic and business benchmarks.
Regarding academic standards featured in Granite 3.0 8B, Hugging Face’s OpenLLM Leaderboard v2, Teach competitors with comparable-sized Meta and Mistral AI models. The code for IBM’s model evaluation methodology is available on the Granite GitHub repository and in the technical paper that goes with it.Image credit to IBM
It’s also easy to see that IBM is working to improve Granite 3.0 8B Instruct for enterprise use scenarios. For example, Granite 3.0 8B Instruct was in charge of the RAGBench evaluations, which included 100,000 retrieval augmented generation (RAG) assignments taken from user manuals and other industry corpora. Models were compared across the 11 RAGBench datasets, assessing attributes such as correctness (the degree to which the model’s output matches the factual content and semantic meaning of the ground truth for a given input) and faithfulness (the degree to which an output is supported by the retrieved documents).
Additionally, the Granite 3.0 models were trained to perform exceptionally well in important enterprise domains including cybersecurity: Granite 3.0 8B Instruct performs exceptionally well on both well-known public security benchmarks and IBM’s private cybersecurity benchmarks.
Developers can use the new Granite 3.0 8B Instruct model for programming language use cases like code generation, code explanation, and code editing, as well as for agentic use cases that call for tool calling. Classic natural language use cases include text generation, classification, summarization, entity extraction, and customer service chatbots. Granite 3.0 8B Instruct defeated top open models in its weight class when tested against six distinct tool calling benchmarks, including Berkeley’s Function Calling Leaderboard evaluation set.
Developers may quickly test the new Granite 3.0 8B Instruct model on the IBM Granite Playground, as well as browse the improved Granite recipes and how-to documentation on Github.
Transparency, safety, trust, and creative training methods
Responsible AI, according to IBM, is a competitive advantage, particularly in the business world. The development of the Granite series of generative AI models adheres to IBM’s values of openness and trust.
As a result, model safety is given equal weight with IBM Granite 3.0’s superior performance. On the AttaQ benchmark, which gauges an LLM’s susceptibility to adversarial prompts intended to induce models to provide harmful, inappropriate, or otherwise unwanted prompts, Granite 3.0 8B Instruct exhibits industry-leading resilience.Image credit to IBM
The team used IBM’s Data Prep Kit, a framework and toolkit for creating data processing pipelines for end-to-end processing of unstructured data, to train the Granite 3.0 language models. In particular, the Data Prep Kit was utilized to scale data processing modules from a single laptop to a sizable cluster, offering checkpoint functionality for failure recovery, lineage tracking, and metadata logging.
Granite Guardian: the best safety guardrails in the business
Along with introducing a new family of LLM-based guardrail models, the third version of IBM Granite offers the broadest range of risk and harm detection features currently on the market. Any LLM, whether proprietary or open, can have its inputs and outputs monitored and managed using Granite Guardian 3.0 8B and Granite Guardian 3.0 2B.
In order to assess and categorize model inputs and outputs into different risk and harm dimensions, such as jailbreaking, bias, violence, profanity, sexual content, and unethical behavior, the new Granite Guardian models are variations of their correspondingly sized base pre-trained Granite models.
A variety of RAG-specific issues are also addressed by the Granite Guardian 3.0 models.
Efficiency and speed: a combination of speculative decoding and experts (MoE) models
A speculative decoder for rapid inference and mixture of experts (MoE) models are two more inference-efficient products included in the Granite 3.0 version.
The initial MoE models from IBM Granite
Granite 3.0 3B-A800M and Granite 3.0 1B-A400M, offer excellent inference efficiency with little performance compromise. The new Granite MoE models, which have been trained on more than 10 trillion tokens of data, are perfect for use in CPU servers, on-device apps, and scenarios that call for incredibly low latency.
Both their active parameter counts the 3B MoE employ 800M parameters at inference, while the smaller 1B uses 400M parameters at inference and their overall parameter counts 3B and 1B, respectively are mentioned in their model titles. There are 40 expert networks in Granite 3.0 3B-A800M and 32 expert networks in Granite 3.0 1B-A400M. Top-8 routing is used in both models.
Both base pre-trained and instruction-tuned versions of the Granite 3.0 MoE models are available. You may now obtain Granite 3.0 3B-A800M Instructions from Hugging Face, Ollama, and NVIDIA. Hugging Face and Ollama provide the smaller Granite 3.0 1B-A400M. Only Hugging Face now offers the base pretrained Granite MoE models.
Speculative decoding for Granite 3.0 8B
An optimization method called “speculative decoding” helps LLMs produce text more quickly while consuming the same amount of computing power, enabling more users to use a model simultaneously. The recently published Granite-3.0-8B-Instruct-Accelerator model uses speculative decoding to speed up tokens per step by 220%.
LLMs generate one token at a time after processing each of the previous tokens they have generated so far in normal inferencing. LLMs also assess a number of potential tokens that could follow the one they are about to generate in speculative decoding; if these “speculated” tokens are confirmed to be correct enough, a single pass can yield two or more tokens for the computational “price” of one. The method was initially presented in two 2023 articles from Google and DeepMind, which used a small, independent “draft model” to perform the speculative job. An open source technique called Medusa, which only adds a layer to the base model, was released earlier this year by a group of university researchers.
Conditioning the hypothesized tokens on one another was the main advance made to the Medusa approach by IBM Research. The model will speculatively forecast what follows “I am” instead of continuing to predict what follows “happy,” for instance, if “happy” is the first token that is guessed following “I am.” Additionally, they presented a two-phase training approach that trains the base model and speculation simultaneously by utilizing a type of information distillation. Granite Code 20B’s latency was halved and its throughput quadrupled because to this IBM innovation.
Hugging Face offers the Granite 3.0 8B Instruct-Accelerator model, which is licensed under the Apache 2.0 framework.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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SFT Supervised Fine Tuning Vs. RAG And Prompt Engineering
Supervised Fine Tuning
Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) enables robust models to be customized for specific tasks, domains, and even subtle stylistic differences. Questions about when to utilize SFT and how it stacks up versus alternatives like RAG, in-context learning, and prompt engineering are common among developers.
This article explores the definition of SFT, when to use it, and how it stacks up against other techniques for output optimization.
What is SFT?
Large language model (LLM) development frequently starts with pre-training. The model gains general language comprehension at this stage by reading vast volumes of unlabeled material. Pre-training’s main goal is to give the model a wide range of language understanding abilities. These previously trained LLMs have performed remarkably well on a variety of activities. The performance of this pre-trained model can then be improved for downstream use cases, such summarizing financial papers, that can call for a more in-depth understanding.
Using a task-specific annotated dataset, the pre-trained model is refined to make it suitable for certain use cases. This dataset contains examples of intended outputs (like a summary) correlating to input instances (like an earnings report). The model gains knowledge of how to carry out a particular task by linking inputs with their appropriate outputs. It refer to fine-tuning using an annotated dataset as supervised fine-tuning (SFT).
The main tool for modifying the behavior of the model is its parameters, which are the numerical values that are acquired during training. There are two popular supervised fine-tuning methods, albeit the number of model parameters it update during fine-tuning can vary:
Full fine-tuning: modifies every parameter in the model. However, comprehensive fine-tuning results in greater total costs because it requires more computer resources for both tuning and serving.
Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT): In order to facilitate quicker and more resource-efficient fine-tuning, a class of techniques known as Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) freezes the initial model and only modifies a small number of newly introduced extra parameters. When dealing with huge models or limited computational resources, PEFT is especially helpful.
Although both PEFT and full fine-tuning are supervised learning techniques, they differ in how much parameter updating they carry out, thus one might be better suited for your situation. An example of a PEFT technique is LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation), which is used in Supervised fine-tuning for Gemini models on Vertex AI.
When should one use supervised fine-tuning?
If you have access to a dataset of well-annotated samples and your objective is to improve the model’s performance on a particular, well-defined task, you should think about utilizing Supervised Fine Tuning. When the task is in line with the initial pre-training data, supervised fine-tuning is very useful for effectively activating and honing the pertinent knowledge that is already contained within the pre-trained model. Here are some situations in which Supervised Fine Tuning excels:
Domain expertise: Give your model specific knowledge to make it an authority on a certain topic, such as finance, law, or medical.
Customize the format: Make your model’s output conform to particular structures or formats.
Task-specific proficiency: Fine-tune the model for certain tasks, including brief summaries.
Edge cases: Boost the model’s capacity to manage particular edge cases or unusual situations.
Behavior Control: Direct the actions of the model, including when to give succinct or thorough answers.
One of SFT’s advantages is that it can produce gains even with a small quantity of excellent training data, which often makes it a more affordable option than complete fine-tuning. Moreover, refined models are typically more user-friendly. Supervised Fine Tuning helps the model become proficient at the job, which minimizes the need for long and intricate cues during inference. This results in decreased expenses and delayed inference.
SFT is an excellent tool for consolidating prior information, but it is not a panacea. In situations where information is dynamic or ever-changing, like when real-time data is involved, it might not be the best option. Let’s go over these additional possibilities as they may be more appropriate in some situations.
LLM Supervised Fine Tuning
Supervised Fine Tuning isn’t necessarily the only or best option for adjusting an LLM’s output, despite its strength. Effective methods for changing the behavior of the model can be found in a number of other approaches, each with advantages and disadvantages.
Prompt engineering is affordable, accessible, and simple to use for controlling outputs. For managing intricate or subtle jobs, it could be less dependable and necessitates experience and trial.
Like prompt engineering, In-Context Learning (ICL) is simple to use and makes use of examples found within the prompt to direct the behavior of the LLM. ICL, sometimes known as few-shot prompting, can be affected by the prompt’s examples and the sequence in which they are given. It might also not generalize well.
In order to increase quality and accuracy, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) gathers pertinent data from Google search and other sources and gives it to the LLM. A strong knowledge base is necessary for this, and the extra step increases complexity and delay.
The capacity of a language model to recognize when external systems are required to respond to a user request and provide structured function calls in order to communicate with these tools and increase their capabilities is known as function calling. It might increase complexity and delay when employed.
Where to start?
You may be asking yourself, “What’s the right path now?” It’s critical to realize that the best course of action is determined by your particular requirements, available resources, and use case goals. These methods can be combined and are not exclusive to one another. Let’s examine a framework that can direct your choice:Image Credit to Google Cloud
If you want to be sure the model can understand the subtleties of your particular domain, you can begin by investigating prompt engineering and few-shot in-context learning. Here, Gemini’s huge context box opens up a world of options. You can experiment using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and/or Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) after you’ve perfected your prompting technique for even more refining. A lot of the most recent methods are shown in this graphic, although generative AI is a rapidly evolving subject.
Supervised Fine-Tuning on Vertex AI with Gemini
When you have a specific objective in mind and have labeled data to assist the model, Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) is the best option. Supervised Fine Tuning can be combined with other methods you may already be attempting to create more effective models, which could reduce expenses and speed up response times.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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IBM Watsonx Assistant For Z V2’s Document Ingestion Feature
IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z
For a more customized experience, clients can now choose to have IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z V2 ingest their enterprise documents.
A generative AI helper called IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z was introduced earlier this year at Think 2024. This AI assistant transforms how your Z users interact with and use the mainframe by combining conversational artificial intelligence (AI) and IT automation in a novel way. By allowing specialists to formalize their Z expertise, it helps businesses accelerate knowledge transfer, improve productivity, autonomy, and confidence for all Z users, and lessen the learning curve for early-tenure professionals.
Building on this momentum, IBM is announce today the addition of new features and improvements to IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z. These include:
Integrate your own company documents to facilitate the search for solutions related to internal software and procedures.
Time to value is accelerated by prebuilt skills (automations) offered for typical IBM z/OS jobs.
Simplified architecture to reduce costs and facilitate implementation.
Consume your own business records
Every organization has its own workflows, apps, technology, and processes that make it function differently. Over time, many of these procedures have been improved, yet certain specialists are still routinely interrupted to answer simple inquiries.
You can now easily personalize the Z RAG by ingesting your own best practices and documentation with IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z. Your Z users will have more autonomy when you personalize your Z RAG because they will be able to receive answers that are carefully chosen to fit the internal knowledge, procedures, and environment of your company.
Using a command-line interface (CLI), builders may import text, HTML, PDF, DOCX, and other proprietary and third-party documentation at scale into retrieval augmented generation (RAG). There’s no need to worry about your private content being compromised because the RAG is located on-premises and protected by a firewall
What is Watsonx Assistant for Z’s RAG and why is it relevant?
A Z domain-specific RAG and a chat-focused granite.13b.labrador model are utilized by IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z, which may be improved using your company data. The large language model (LLM) and RAG combine to provide accurate and contextually rich answers to complex queries. This reduces the likelihood of hallucinations for your internal applications, processes, and procedures as well as for IBM Z products. The answers also include references to sources.
Built-in abilities for a quicker time to value
For common z/OS tasks, organizations can use prebuilt skills that are accessible. This means that, without specialist knowledge, you may quickly combine automations like displaying all subsystems, determining when a program temporary fix (PTF) was installed, or confirming the version level of a product that is now operating on a system into an AI assistant to make it easier for your Z users to use them.
Additionally, your IBM Z professionals can accelerate time to value by using prebuilt skills to construct sophisticated automations and skill flows for specific use cases more quickly.
Streamlined architecture for easier deployment and more economical use
IBM Watsonx Discovery, which was required in order to provide elastic search, is no longer mandatory for organizations. Alternatively, they can utilize the integrated OpenSearch feature, which combines semantic and keyword searches to provide access to the Z RAG. This update streamlines the deployment process and greatly reduces the cost of owning IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z in addition to improving response quality.
Use IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z to get started
By encoding information into a reliable set of automations, IBM Watsonx Assistant for Z streamlines the execution of repetitive operations and provides your Z users with accurate and current answers to their Z questions.
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Use Intel Gaudi-3 Accelerators To Increase Your AI Skills
Boost Your Knowledge of AI with Intel Gaudi-3 Accelerators
Large language models (LLMs) and generative artificial intelligence (AI) are two areas in which Intel Gaudi Al accelerators are intended to improve the effectiveness and performance of deep learning workloads. Gaudi processors provide efficient solutions for demanding AI applications including large-scale model training and inference, making them a more affordable option than typical NVIDIA GPUs. Because Intel’s Gaudi architecture is specifically designed to accommodate the increasing computing demands of generative AI applications, businesses looking to implement scalable AI solutions will find it to be a highly competitive option. The main technological characteristics, software integration, and upcoming developments of the Gaudi AI accelerators are all covered in this webinar.
Intel Gaudi Al Accelerators Overview
The very resource-intensive generative AI applications, as LLM training and inference, are the focus of the Gaudi AI accelerator. While Intel Gaudi-3, which is anticipated to be released between 2024 and 2025, promises even more breakthroughs, Gaudi 2, the second-generation CPU, enables a variety of deep learning enhancements.
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Intel Gaudi 2
The main attributes of Gaudi 2 consist of:
Matrix Multiplication Engine: Hardware specifically designed to process tensors efficiently.
For AI tasks, 24 Tensor Processor Cores offer high throughput.
Larger model and batch sizes are made possible for better performance by the 96 GB of on-board HBM2e memory.
24 on-chip 100 GbE ports offer low latency and high bandwidth communication, making it possible to scale applications over many accelerators.
7nm Process Technology: For deep learning tasks, the 7nm architecture guarantees excellent performance and power efficiency.
These characteristics, particularly the combination of integrated networking and high memory bandwidth, make Gaudi 2 an excellent choice for scalable AI activities like multi-node training of big models. With its specialized on-chip networking, Gaudi’s innovative design does away with the requirement for external network controllers, greatly cutting latency in comparison to competing systems.
Intel Gaudi Pytorch
Software Environment and Stack
With its extensive software package, Intel’s Gaudi platform is designed to interact easily with well-known AI frameworks like PyTorch. There are various essential components that make up this software stack:
Graph Compiler and Runtime: Generates executable graphs that are tailored for the Gaudi hardware using deep learning models.
Kernel Libraries: Reduce the requirement for manual optimizations by using pre-optimized libraries for deep learning operations.
PyTorch Bridge: Requires less code modification to run PyTorch models on Gaudi accelerators.
Complete Docker Support: By using pre-configured Docker images, users may quickly deploy models, which simplifies the environment setup process.
With a GPU migration toolset, Intel also offers comprehensive support for models coming from other platforms, like NVIDIA GPUs. With the use of this tool, model code can be automatically adjusted to work with Gaudi hardware, enabling developers to make the switch without having to completely rebuild their current infrastructure.
Open Platforms for Enterprise AI
Use Cases of Generative AI and Open Platforms for Enterprise AI
The Open Platform for Enterprise AI (OPEA) introduction is one of the webinar’s main highlights. “Enable businesses to develop and implement GenAI solutions powered by an open ecosystem that delivers on security, safety, scalability, cost efficiency, and agility” is the stated mission of OPEA. It is completely open source with open governance, and it was introduced in May 2024 under the Linux Foundation AI and Data umbrella.
It has attracted more than 40 industry partners and has members from system integrators, hardware manufacturers, software developers, and end users on its technical steering committee. With OPEA, businesses can create and implement scalable AI solutions in a variety of fields, ranging from chatbots and question-answering systems to more intricate multimodal models. The platform makes use of Gaudi’s hardware improvements to cut costs while improving performance. Among the important use cases are:
Visual Q&A: This is a model that uses the potent LLaVA model for vision-based reasoning to comprehend and respond to questions based on image input.
Large Language and Vision Assistant, or LLaVA, is a multimodal AI model that combines language and vision to carry out tasks including visual comprehension and reasoning. In essence, it aims to combine the advantages of vision models with LLMs to provide answers to queries pertaining to visual content, such as photographs.
Large language models, such as GPT or others, are the foundation of LLaVA, which expands their functionality by incorporating visual inputs. Typically, it blends the natural language generation and interpretation powers of big language models with image processing techniques (such those from CNNs or Vision Transformers). Compared to solely vision-based models, LLaVA is able to reason about images in addition to describing them thanks to this integration.
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) or ChatQnA is a cutting-edge architecture that combines a vector database and big language models to improve chatbot capabilities. By ensuring the model obtains and analyzes domain-specific data from the knowledge base and maintains correct and up-to-date responses, this strategy lessens hallucinations.
Microservices can be customized because to OPEA’s modular architecture, which lets users change out databases and models as needed. This adaptability is essential, particularly in quickly changing AI ecosystems where new models and tools are always being developed.
Intel Gaudi Roadmap
According to Intel’s Gaudi roadmap, Gaudi 2 and Intel Gaudi-3 offer notable performance gains. Among the significant developments are:
Doubling AI Compute: In order to handle the increasing complexity of models like LLMs, Intel Gaudi-3 will offer floating-point performance that is 2 times faster for FP8 and 4 times faster for BF16.
Enhanced Memory Bandwidth: Intel Gaudi-3 is equipped with 1.5 times the memory bandwidth of its predecessor, so that speed won’t be compromised when handling larger models.
Increased Network capacity: Intel Gaudi-3’s two times greater networking capacity will help to further eliminate bottlenecks in multi-node training scenarios, which makes it perfect for distributing workloads over big clusters.
Additionally, Gaudi AI IP and Intel’s GPU technology will be combined into a single GPU form factor in Intel’s forthcoming Falcon Shores architecture, which is anticipated to launch in 2025. As part of Intel’s ongoing effort to offer an alternative to conventional GPU-heavy environments, this hybrid architecture is expected to provide an even more potent foundation for deep learning.
Tools for Deployment and Development
Through the Intel Tiber Developer Cloud, which offers cloud-based instances of Gaudi 2 hardware, developers can utilize Gaudi accelerators. Users can test and implement models at large scale using this platform without having to make investments in on-premises infrastructure.
Starting with Gaudi accelerators is as simple as following these steps:
Docker Setup: First, users use pre-built images to build up Docker environments.
Microservices Deployment: End-to-end AI solutions, such chatbots or visual Q&A systems, can be deployed by users using tools like Docker Compose and Kubernetes.
Intel’s inherent support for monitoring tools, such as Prometheus and Grafana, enables users to manage resource utilization and performance throughout their AI pipelines.
In summary
Enterprises seeking an efficient way to scale AI workloads will find a compelling solution in Intel’s Gaudi CPUs, in conjunction with the extensive OPEA framework and software stack. With Gaudi 2’s impressive performance and Intel Gaudi-3‘s upcoming improvements, Intel is establishing itself as a formidable rival in the AI hardware market by offering a reasonably priced substitute for conventional GPU-based architectures. With OPEA’s open and modular design and wide ecosystem support, developers can quickly create and implement AI solutions that are customized to meet their unique requirements.
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🚀 Accelerating Enterprise AI Development with Retrieval-Augmented Generation
In the fast-paced world of AI, enterprises are harnessing the power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to supercharge their AI initiatives. RAG integrates information retrieval with generative models, enabling more accurate and context-aware outputs. This cutting-edge technology reduces development time, enhances decision-making, and scales personalization, making it a game-changer for businesses across industries. Stay ahead of the competition by adopting RAG for smarter, faster, and more reliable AI solutions.
🔗 Learn more
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GPU Clusters Storage Scaling Issues: SSD & Network Limits
Large-capacity SSD presentations were everywhere at this year’s Future of Memory and Storage 2024 (FMS 2024) conference in Santa Clara, California. A year ago, many consumers felt that 64TB was too big of a capacity. SSD roadmaps for goods coming out in the next few years revealed capacities as high as 128TB and 256TB in several presentations and exhibit booths at FMS 2024. Why the abrupt alteration? Have all of us in the flash industry gone insane following a challenging year financially? What is happening?
An explanation is required
The fast advent of generative AI provides the same rationale for this rapid shift as it does for many other current developments in the IT industry. Within the storage market, there have been rumors that fast, low-cost SSDs will eventually replace HDDs as they become too slow. The problem has been that HDDs are cheap, and resourceful storage software developers are always coming up with innovative ways to squeeze out just enough performance out of them.
That is, until the advent of massive GPU clusters, which devour massive amounts of data for training very quickly. Large language models (LLM) with exponential growth require an increasing amount of data for training. GPU clusters process information faster than conventional CPUs. HDDs are finding it impossible to keep up with this enormous increase, even if users attempt to stripe data across thousands of HDDs. To do it would simply demand too much power and space.
Why not utilize HDDs for large-scale data storage and SSDs close to the GPU for speed? Not only an app, but a workflow is what generative AI is. Data must be ingested, curated, formatted for training, fed repeatedly to GPUs, and checked periodically to prevent restarts. Public LLMs require user data for optimization and fine-tuning, and application-specific data must be quickly accessed for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) during inferencing. Transferring data across various storage systems is a complicated, costly, and power inefficient process that takes attention away from improving models and making use of preexisting ones.
That’s where inexpensive, high-capacity SSDs come into play. IOPS, or input/output operations per second, is a common metric used to assess SSD performance in compute systems. The throughput per capacity (MB/s / TB) is a measure of device performance for storage systems. The system requirement for big GPU training clusters can reach up to 100 MB/s of bandwidth per terabyte of store capacity. These massive storage systems require system capacities ranging from petabytes to exabytes, which means hundreds to tens of thousands of separate drives are needed to store the text, photos, and videos for multimodal models.
With bandwidths up to 50 times higher than HDDs, SSDs allow for the same system throughput to be achieved with fewer SDDs than with many HDDs. Because of their lesser quantity, they must have a larger capacity than HDDs in order to meet system capacity needs. To what extent is it bigger?
That is contingent upon network bandwidth and performance needs. Although ultrafast networks are typically used to connect these storage devices to GPU clusters, the combined bandwidth of those networks is still far less than that of the SSDs. Capabilities up to 64TB are frequently the limit for the greatest GPU clusters. When SSDs with capacities of 128TB or even 256TB are offered for systems or smaller clusters with lower performance requirements, some users wish to expand those capabilities up.
SSDs in networked systems consume a great deal less power than traditional computer programs since they don’t run at full speed. Furthermore, in comparison to conventional mainstream computing SSDs, design concessions are made to lower costs because speed and high write cycle support are not critical.
What is a GPU cluster?
A GPU cluster is an assembly of several Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) connected to each other so as to function as a single computing unit. These clusters are made to tackle challenging computational tasks like deep learning, artificial intelligence (AI), large-scale data analysis, and scientific simulations that call for a lot of parallel processing capacity. GPU clusters are frequently utilized in data centers, research facilities, and other enterprises that need large amounts of computational power for jobs that are larger than what can be handled by a single GPU.
SSDs and HDDs
Here’s the main explanation
Because of this, the storage systems are easier to manage when using all SSDs as opposed to a mix of SSDs and HDDs. They also have fewer drives and storage servers, lower energy consumption, fewer racks, higher reliability, longer useful lifetimes, better latency characteristics, and less idle time on GPU clusters waiting for data.
Now, where does it go?
Large-capacity, reasonably priced SSDs are becoming the preferred storage solution for large GPU clusters and GPU-as-a-service cloud providers. These initial uses demonstrate how the SSD’s benefits over the HDD in terms of performance, power, and capacity justify its higher price. Over the next few years, it is expected that other high-performance use cases where HDDs are slower in MB/s / TB will switch to SSDs. Although it’s fantastic to be less expensive, idling CPUs, GPUs, and other accelerators is costly in terms of power and system costs if customers are unable to fulfill their performance requirements.
We’ve been familiar with the storage and memory hierarchy for a long time; we’ve been adding new technologies to it all the time and changing the locations of the pyramid’s blocks. In response to the growing need for this new class of SSDs that balances cost, power, and performance for storage applications needing huge capacities, a Micron has now added capacity SSDs as a new brick to the pyramid.
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ROCm 6.1.3 With AMD Radeon PRO GPUs For LLM Inference
ROCm 6.1.3 Software with AMD Radeon PRO GPUs for LLM inference.
AMD Pro Radeon
Large Language Models (LLMs) are no longer limited to major businesses operating cloud-based services with specialized IT teams. New open-source LLMs like Meta’s Llama 2 and 3, including the recently released Llama 3.1, when combined with the capability of AMD hardware allow even small organizations to execute their own customized AI tools locally, on regular desktop workstations, eliminating the need to keep sensitive data online.
AMD Radeon PRO W7900
Workstation GPUs like the new AMD Radeon PRO W7900 Dual Slot offer industry-leading performance per dollar with Llama, making it affordable for small businesses to run custom chatbots, retrieve technical documentation, or create personalized sales pitches. The more specialized Code Llama models allow programmers to generate and optimize code for new digital products. These GPUs are equipped with dedicated AI accelerators and enough on-board memory to run even the larger language models.Image Credit To AMD
And now that AI tools can be operated on several Radeon PRO GPUs thanks to ROCm 6.1.3, the most recent edition of AMD’s open software stack, SMEs and developers can support more users and bigger, more complicated LLMs than ever before.
LLMs’ new applications in enterprise AI
The prospective applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are much more diverse, even if the technology is commonly used in technical domains like data analysis and computer vision and generative AI tools are being embraced by the design and entertainment industries.
With the help of specialized LLMs, such as Meta’s open-source Code Llama, web designers, programmers, and app developers can create functional code in response to straightforward text prompts or debug already-existing code bases. Meanwhile, Llama, the parent model of Code Llama, has a plethora of potential applications for “Enterprise AI,” including product personalization, customer service, and information retrieval.
Although pre-made models are designed to cater to a broad spectrum of users, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can leverage retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to integrate their own internal data, such as product documentation or customer records, into existing AI models. This allows for further refinement of the models and produces more accurate AI-generated output that requires less manual editing.
How may LLMs be used by small businesses?
So what use may a customized Large Language Model have for a SME? Let’s examine a few instances. Through the use of an LLM tailored to its own internal data:
Even after hours, a local retailer may utilize a chatbot to respond to consumer inquiries.
Helpline employees may be able to get client information more rapidly at a bigger shop.
AI features in a sales team’s CRM system might be used to create customized customer pitches.
Complex technological items might have documentation produced by an engineering company.
Contract drafts might be first created by a solicitor.
A physician might capture information from patient calls in their medical records and summarize the conversations.
Application forms might be filled up by a mortgage broker using information from customers’ papers.
For blogs and social media postings, a marketing firm may create specialized text.
Code for new digital items might be created and optimized by an app development company.
Online standards and syntactic documentation might be consulted by a web developer.
That’s simply a small sample of the enormous potential that exists in enterprise artificial intelligence.
Why not use the cloud for running LLMs?
While there are many cloud-based choices available from the IT sector to implement AI services, small companies have many reasons to host LLMs locally.
Data safety
Predibase research indicates that the main barrier preventing businesses from using LLMs in production is their apprehension about sharing sensitive data. Using AI models locally on a workstation eliminates the need to transfer private customer information, code, or product documentation to the cloud.
Reduced latency
In use situations where rapid response is critical, such as managing a chatbot or looking up product documentation to give real-time assistance to clients phoning a helpline, running LLMs locally as opposed to on a distant server minimizes latency.
More command over actions that are vital to the purpose
Technical personnel may immediately fix issues or release upgrades by executing LLMs locally, eliminating the need to wait on a service provider situated in a different time zone.
The capacity to sandbox test instruments
IT teams may test and develop new AI technologies before implementing them widely inside a company by using a single workstation as a sandbox.Image Credit To AMD
How can small businesses use AMD GPUs to implement LLMs?
Hosting its own unique AI tools doesn’t have to be a complicated or costly enterprise for a SME since programs like LM Studio make it simple to run LLMs on desktop and laptop computers that are commonly used with Windows. Retrieval-augmented generation may be easily enabled to tailor the result, and LM Studio can use the specialized AI Accelerators in modern AMD graphics cards to increase speed since it is designed to operate on AMD GPUs via the HIP runtime API.
AMD Radeon Pro
While consumer GPUs such as the Radeon RX 7900 XTX have enough memory to run smaller models, such as the 7-billion-parameter Llama-2-7B, professional GPUs such as the 32GB Radeon PRO W7800 and 48GB Radeon PRO W7900 have more on-board memory, which allows them to run larger and more accurate models, such as the 30-billion-parameter Llama-2-30B-Q8.Image Credit To AMD
Users may host their own optimized LLMs directly for more taxing activities. A Linux-based system with four Radeon PRO W7900 cards could be set up by an IT department within an organization to handle requests from multiple users at once thanks to the latest release of ROCm 6.1.3, the open-source software stack of which HIP is a part.
In testing using Llama 2, the Radeon PRO W7900’s performance-per-dollar surpassed that of the NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation, the current competitor’s top-of-the-range card, by up to 38%. AMD hardware offers unmatched AI performance for SMEs at an unbelievable price.
A new generation of AI solutions for small businesses is powered by AMD GPUs
Now that the deployment and customization of LLMs are easier than ever, even small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) may operate their own AI tools, customized for a variety of coding and business operations.
Professional desktop GPUs like the AMD Radeon PRO W7900 are well-suited to run open-source LLMs like Llama 2 and 3 locally, eliminating the need to send sensitive data to the cloud, because of their large on-board memory capacity and specialized AI hardware. And for a fraction of the price of competing solutions, companies can now host even bigger AI models and serve more users thanks to ROCm, which enables inferencing to be shared over many Radeon PRO GPUs.
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