rintikhujan31 · 8 hours
Review singkat "Resign!" dan "Ganjil Genap" - Almira Bastari
Review singkat ala2 dr pembaca yang mau mengembalikan hobi membaca novel dan merutinkan diri untuk membaca
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2 novel yg kubaca krn iseng, dengan penulis yg sm: Almira Bastari . Kalau "Resign!", lagi pengen beli novel random di Gramed, tp random pick aja krn sinopsisnya menarik dan lg pengen yg agak ringan. Yang "Ganjil Genap", random pick krn lg langganan premium di Gramedia Digital, tbtb muncul. Keinget kayaknya pernah baca novel beliau yg sebelumnya.
Sedikit persamaan dr kedua novel: perbedaan usia yang cukup jauh antara female lead dan man lead. Dan aku jujur scr pribadi seneng cerita2 dg beda usia hahaha (asal ga kejauhan kayak beda 20 tahun aja sih 😅)
Dan kedua novel tsb POVnya perempuan. Sangat wajar krn penulisnya juga perempuan.
Personally aku lbh suka novel "Resign!" Krn "Ganjil Genap" menurutku agak muter2(?) entahlah.
Tp yg aku seneng dr "Ganjil Genap" krn menurutku, pertemuan antara female lead dan man leadnya unik, lucu bgt, ga nyangka 😂
Dan endingnya, meskipun agak mengejutkan, menurutku mmg seharusnya begitu. Udh gregetan sm female leadnya karena muter2 aja trs 😂 tp akhirnya berani ambil keputusan.
Apakah recommended utk dibaca? Ya, terutama yg "Resign!". Selera pribadi aja sih. Meskipun lupa-lupa ingat krn belinya 5 tahun lalu, tapi aku sampai baca ulang krn suka.
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lifeandwhatnow1996 · 10 months
Crazy Trip
So just got home from a quick 3 day trip from Camiguin Island, A lot has happened and i was not the same after i returned from that trip.
We did everything we could just to make them satisfied, we did the hard and dirty work, but at the end of the day tradition prevails, because of that one mistake, a mistake that could easily be forgotten and solved in a deferent way.
But! because of this crazy tradition and as what my holy senior said "Let us not forget the slowly fading tradition", by keeping it alive, they did what is needed to be done in order to keep that mindless tradition alive and burning.
Not to me though, I then decided that i will not join that nights activity and it will be my last night being in this organization.
i just felt tired and wanted to get away from this lunatic tradition and be freed and lived a normal life, a normal life that i just take for granted three years ago.
Now i wanted to be back from the place where i was three years ago. Not sure if it could be the right decision but in order to be freed from that imbecile tradition maybe it is the right decision after all.
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vriskan8or · 6 months
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let her go
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vgilantee · 1 month
the most embarrassing part about being a virgin smut writer is that those tiktoks of pussy eating/cock sucking tips and tricks have me taking notes. not to use irl because HA nobody's touching me any time soon are you kidding. but to make sure sex havers think I know what I'm talking about when writing my fictional character porn
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amygdalae · 7 months
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wowsillies · 3 months
I WISH Jorge had referenced the part of Luck Runs Out where Odysseus tells Eurylochus to be quiet because I feel like that’s an element missing from a lot of Eurylochus interpretations.
“I need you to always be devout and comply with this /Or we'll all die in this” is important because Eurylochus fails to do it by questioning Odysseus’ words (the bag is NOT treasure, it’s storm) and opening the wind bag and his actions lead directly to the facilitation of the death of most of the crew. I hesitate to say he’s to blame because, well, Poseidon is taking revenge due to Odysseus’ decision, but Eurylochus handed him means and perfect opportunity to do it.
So, after that, Eurylochus obeys everything Odysseus says to do. He takes men to explore Circe’s island. He stays put instead of running when Odysseus goes to rescue him. He follows intl the Underworld despite the fact that “hey this witch is helping us now by sending us to death’s realm, this is definitely not a trick” probably raised some questions. He doesn’t (or at least we don’t see) stray or talk to the souls in the Underworld even though Odysseus ends up doing it. He traps and kills the sirens.
He lights and gives out six torches.
So, if devotion to Odysseus wasn’t enough to save them? If Odysseusnis now using that devotion and trust to get them killed as long as he gets to make it home to his wife? What is he meant to do now?
Eurylochus doesn’t sound… fully there, during the second half of Mutiny. Whether there was divine intervention pushing him or madness or simply the pain of it all, he’s not acting rationally. He just saw six of his trusted men brutally murdered, asks Odysseus to lie and say it was a trick, and can’t even kill him when the truth comes out. Odysseus’ wounds are bandaged! (I’m not sure that he doesn’t actually know where Helios’ statue is from btw, both due to the melody and bc it seems outrageous)
We’re all talking about Odysseus pleading for Eurylochus to stop before killing the cows, but Eurylochus is pleading too. He asks how much longer is he expected to suffer, to push through doubt, to follow the orders. And Odysseus’ first plea is “I need to get home” (later “we can get home”). Let’s not forget Odysseus is selfish and Eurylochus knows that, maybe even loves that, but he’s not just hungry, he’s tired.
When Polites gets the location of the sheep cave from the lotus eaters and takes the men to it, he leads several of them to death and himself to his doom. When Eurylochus stumbles upon the cows, does he remember that? Does he deliberately invoke it?
Killing the cows isn’t about the hunger, not really. It’s about the devotion that was asked of him, the price he paid to learn that lesson, and the pain that silence put him through anyway.
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bertoyana · 5 months
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#ship so good they (accidentally) gave each other abandonment issues
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rubyfunkey · 2 months
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ponders them...
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ley-med · 5 months
Welp. Things get weird with the anesthesia department from time to time. Today a patient, left unsupervised for 5 whole minutes in their surgical ward, chewed their central line out...
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wrecked-fuse · 2 months
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Buddie staches doodle, inspired by @maydaydiaz staches post
🔪🔪🔪в вк не репостить🔪🔪🔪
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spoopdeedoop · 10 months
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something about fire and starlight
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ludinusdaleth · 3 months
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(from dani carr's most recent recap, please tell me if you know the artist, i have a few ideas who it is but no solid confirmation)
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 4 months
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happy pride month
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houseswife · 8 months
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mmmairon · 22 days
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I fear my hands may always be stained red
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yrsonpurpose · 8 months
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PAUL MESCAL & ANDREW SCOTT All of Us Strangers (2023) dir. Andrew Haigh — You're here. With me.
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