#Report 12th December 2023
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skyovereuropeldkde · 1 year ago
For the first time, German TV MDR covers DNA contamination in Pfizer's mRNA vaccine! We are in a private laboratory in Magdeburg. Professor Brigitte König is examining Corona vaccines here. The result, all samples are contaminated. "With foreign DNA that should not be in the vaccine in this quantity. From my point of view, the alarming result is that all 5 batches had significant foreign DNA in them, which are well above the limit. It's about the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine. 5 batches were given to the Magdeburg laboratory because there was a suspicion." Foreign DNA could be contained in the vaccine, and beyond the limit. According to WHO, the limit is a total DNA content of 10 nanograms per dose. It is important that this is not exceeded, because there is a risk that foreign DNA could penetrate human cells.
Brigitte König is an external professor at the medical faculty of the University of Magdeburg. She shows us the result of her privately conducted investigation. All 5 examined batches are contaminated. For the lowest concentration, the limit was exceeded by 83 times. The highest concentration found was 354 times the limit to König. This is concerning. The client of the analysis is also a private individual. The biologist Dr. Jürgen Kirchner. He has been one of the vocal critics of mRNA vaccines for years. He operates a website called Gene Vaccines. There he also advertises his books written under a pseudonym. His last one is called "Sullied." He has also appeared on YouTubers like the controversial Corona critic Paul Brandenburg. And discussed with him his theses on vaccines. Also the findings from Magdeburg. When DNA contaminations are found in a vaccine, that are as far above the limits as we have found, then in my view a special paragraph of the Medicines Act automatically applies, that is paragraph 5. It says if a medicinal product is questionable, then it must be taken off the market. And the biologist tries to achieve this. In September, he was at a hearing in the Bundestag's Petitions Committee on the topic of pandemic planning. Here he used the opportunity to present the analysis results from Magdeburg. These are gigantic exceedances of a limit for a really very questionable medicinal product. But do the vaccines actually contain foreign DNA? The accusation is not new.
Already in April 2023, American scientists found foreign DNA above the limit in the vaccines from BioNTech and Moderna. Also in this pre-publication of a Canadian study from the end of October, several scientists come to a similar conclusion. The researchers write, our results extend the existing concerns regarding vaccine safety. But are such traces of foreign DNA actually dangerous?
Humans constantly carry foreign DNA in themselves. This can come from food, but also if bacteria enter the lungs. These floating DNA snippets are digested in the gut by enzymes. But there is a difference with the mRNA vaccination. The vaccine contains so-called lipid nanoparticles. They smuggle the mRNA into the cells. They do not differentiate, however, whether they transport mRNA or DNA. Could foreign DNA thereby directly penetrate the cell nucleus?
That is at least the concern of this American researcher, Prof. Dr. Philip Buckhaults. He is a clear proponent of mRNA technology. Yet he too says he found DNA residues in Pfizer vaccine. Here at a hearing in the South Carolina Senate, he explains the potential consequences of DNA. By email he writes us, at the moment no one knows for sure, whether the foreign DNA has caused damage or will cause damage. But there is clearly a justified theoretical risk of genetic damage to long-lived stem cells. We asked several renowned German scientists about this concern.
Only a few reply to our request. Among them is Prof. Emanuel Wyler from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, an institute funded by the federal government. He deems it extremely unlikely that the DNA could have negative consequences. Further, he writes, DNA in vaccines is not a new topic and is also tested for, for example, in a flu vaccine. Until now, no one has been interested, or one rightly trusts that the Paul Ehrlich Institute as the responsible authority performs the testing work correctly. In my opinion, this shows that this is not about DNA in vaccines, but either about fundamentally questioning vaccinations, our best weapon against infectious diseases, or about creating a sensation with the issue of Corona.
However, Prof. Gerald Dyker, a chemist at the Ruhr University, does think that negative consequences are conceivable. He writes to us, against the background that one was under extreme time pressure, that the manufacturer decided, either without knowledge or with the acquiescence of supervisory authorities, to release the product with the remaining DNA impurities for mass vaccination. For Prof. Bernd Mühlbauer of the Drug Commission, however, it is still not clear at all, whether the vaccine is actually contaminated to a worrying extent. But he writes that residual amounts of DNA in the case of an mRNA vaccine cannot penetrate the cell nucleus and cause damage. Such experiments, including animal tests over several generations, are necessary and perhaps have already been conducted. And how do the authorities respond to the debate?
The Paul Ehrlich Institute is responsible for the surveillance and safety of vaccines. We want to know, whether they themselves have tested the vaccines for foreign DNA or at least checked the results from Magdeburg. The written response is that parameters such as the residual DNA content in the vaccine are only experimentally tested by the manufacturer. The Institute thus does not test the vaccines themselves for DNA contamination but relies on the manufacturers' test protocols. The fact that the authority neither tests itself nor checks the analysis results from Magdeburg causes surprise to Professor Brigitte König.
"I would have expected, or assumed, that the authorities would at least randomly check the end product for contamination and purity. Depending on the product, or if something else is inside. As I said, the authorities can do that. Especially the Paul Ehrlich Institute has the equipment for it."
The competent Federal Ministry of Health questions the analysis from Magdeburg and points out that some of the tested batches were already expired, according to Dr. Kirchner's notification. However, for the found foreign DNA this is irrelevant, says the scientist. The DNA in these lipid particles does not multiply. And is more likely to be decomposed. That is, if the vaccine is not expired, we might expect even higher values but not lower ones. The DNA does not multiply in a sterile vaccine.
Since the authorities apparently doubt the investigation results from Magdeburg, we want to have various batches tested ourselves. We contacted more than 20 laboratories, some of them at German universities, but also private providers who can conduct such analyses. From all, we received rejections or no response.
So, we failed to have a DNA analysis conducted independently once again. It would indeed be important to conclusively clarify the question of the DNA content. Because one reason for suspected DNA contamination could be the manufacturing process itself, which is different from the one used during the authorization study.
The vaccine used for the clinical studies was manufactured mechanically without the involvement of microorganisms. This production path is named Process 1 in the documents of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Pfizer then switched to a different production technique, referred to as Process 2. Only very few subjects in the authorization study received this vaccine. Here, the material was supplied by genetically modified bacteria. This process was apparently less complex.
But did it actually pose a higher risk? That there were differences between the batches of the two different manufacturing processes has been a concern. Questions about comparability, characterization, and clinical suitability were raised. We ask BioNTech why the manufacturing process was changed nonetheless, but we do not receive an answer to this question. Regarding the suspected DNA contamination identified by the Magdeburg scientist, the company writes that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is not contaminated with DNA.
Furthermore, it states that the batches were subjected to comprehensive quality control by the manufacturer. The Magdeburg scientist says that she has now examined additional vaccine batches. Here too, she found foreign DNA.
However, we as an editorial team were not able to conclusively answer whether this analysis is indeed accurate and, most importantly, whether the suspected DNA contamination can cause harm. The most recent act in the debate is this official-looking letter from an association called Medical Treatment Association, which warns doctors about the vaccine. However, as informed by the responsible authorities, this is said to be a false report.
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liver-f4ilure · 7 months ago
2023 Prague Shootings
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(NOTE: I’m working on the Academy Maniacs post I promise!)
David Kozák was born August 12th 1999 in Hostouň, Czech Republic. Little is known about his early life.
After graduating high school Kozák started studying at the Charles University in Prague, specifically studying the history of Poland. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree and successfully defended his thesis, earning an excellent grade from his professor, František Stellner.
According to Czech police chief, Martin Vondrášek, Kozák had a gun license and owned 8 firearms at the time of the shooting. In the Czech Republic in order to obtain a gun license one must get a medical examination, amongst other things. Kozák’s friend, only named ‘Alice’, had become concerned with Kozáks mental state in summer of 2022. Due to this, Kozák underwent 4 psychiatric visits. During which he stated his suicidal tendencies before later stating his murderous thoughts aimed towards his parents and unassuming people. By the Psychiatrists advisory, Kozák visited the Psychologist once in December of 2022. In Czech Republic, psychiatrists must forward their reports to the patients general practitioner, if it is known to them, however Kozák did not disclose it, so no report was issued.
With this lack of knowledge, Kozák was able to obtain a gun license with the only rule being that he must wear glasses.
Police stated that Kozák had been planning the shooting for a while. On his search history was research about mass killers, including the ‘Forest Killer’ a spree killer in Prague who killed 3 people. He had also researched the teaching schedules of classes on the fourth floor and downloaded the schools layout and other surrounding buildings. Lastly, he made note about the possible amount of students in each classroom.
Kozák had told multiple friends about his gun purchases, especially Alice whom he told about undergoing shooting practices and his plans to start exercising saying that he’ll need to lift heavy bags in 2-3 months. Kozák also received a gift of CZK 300,000 (13,000 USD) from his grandmother and withdrew CZK 400,000 (17,000 USD) from his savings account. Both of which he used to purchase ammunition and other related equipment.
On December 15th 2023, Kozák was believed to have murdered a 32-year-old man and his 2 month old daughter in the Klánovice forest. He was one of many suspects in the case but it has not been confirmed.
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On December 21st 2023 Kozák murdered his father, Stanislav Kozák, at their home in Hostouň, accomplishing his ideas of murdering his parents. Kozák then drove to Faculty of Arts, Charles University. He entered the main building and began shooting at students and teachers, he killed 14 people and wounded 22 others. Kozák also fired at police and bystanders from the fourth floors balcony, like he had planned. The attack lasted 20 minutes before Kozák shot and killed himself on the balcony.
His (used) weapons were 9mm semiautomatic pistol (Klánovice forest) .380 ACP Škorpion semi automatic pistol (Hostouň) 9mm Glock 47 semiautomatic pistol, Sig Sauer semi automatic pistol (classrooms) .308 ZEV AR-10 semiautomatic rifle (balcony) and a 12 gauge Francolin Guardian pump action shotgun (suicide/balcony)
In the aftermath, Kozáks home was searched and there police found a letter confessing to the murders in the forest, as well as improvised explosives. In a post- Mortem examination Kozáks personality was found to be “schizoid with narcissistic and antisocial traits and a very solid IQ”. Police determined the motive was simply that he felt misunderstood and that the attack was revenge to society.
As of today the shooting has been the deadliest shooting in Czech history.
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changes · 1 year ago
Tuesday, December 12th, 2023
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stargazerbibi · 1 year ago
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[ 12th december, 2023 • 93/145 days of uni ]
-> AMS, RC, ILE and SO classes (total 7h30)
AMS test went so well! got a 17.5/20! that's the 3rd best grade in my year!! it was really confusing and i needed more time to write things down and actually formulate the correct model before searching for it in the options, but it wasn't too bad in the end xD RC test also went fairly well, so overall my studying paid off! hopefully the grade matches in this one too hahahaha
worked a few more hours on the RC project when i got home. i'm almost almost almost done, just need to finish 2 commands before friday so we can test it on the lab computers and then do the report (total 2h30)
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venusvity · 1 year ago
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Venus Victrix is the third full album of the fictional South Korean girl group VENUS. The album was released by Flowerbank Entertainment on December 18th, 2023. Before the release of the highly anticipated album, the girls released two pre-release singles, "DRAMA" and "I AM THE BEST," both getting two weeks of promotions and being met with widespread praise. With a total of twelve songs, VENUS would promote "THE BOYS", "UNTIE", and "BYOB (bring your own bestie)" for three months.
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Venus Victrix has a total of 12 tracks, with all the girls having writing credits on every song. The tracklist is nearly entirely produced by other people as Venus decided to take a step back from producing for the time being, with the exception of "Making The Bed," which is written, composed, and produced by Chloe.
Long-time creative director Adrian Reyes produced a majority of the album alongside Ideal Music producer CLOSURE AKA Zion of Arm Candy, THATZTY AKA Tyler of Sunlite, Piper of SNS, Yuki of SNS, LULU formerly of ALLUME, SOOORA AKA Sora formerly of ALLUME, TSUISON AKA Noah of DeepDive, DOWN2LEE AKA Finn of DeepDive, and most notably Lee Chang.
The girls were given the honor of picking a song from the Flowerbank Vault, choosing "I Love You" out of the 50 songs within the Flowerbank Vault. All money earned from the song will go to his mother.
TRACK OO6. BYOB (bring ur own bestie)
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Venus Victrix, received an impressive number of pre-orders, indicating its widespread appeal. Within just six days of the pre-order period starting, the album had received over 800,000 pre-orders, and by December 12th, the number of pre-orders had reached one million. Out of these one million pre-orders, 670,000 came from Korea, while 340,000 were from the US and Europe. Moreover, a limited edition vinyl of only 18,888 copies had sold out within days, further highlighting the album's popularity. As per the latest reports, the album had accumulated 1.2 million physical sales worldwide by January 12th.
The album debuted at the top spot of the Gaon Album Chart and broke the record for first-week sales on Hanteo among girl groups. It sold an impressive 590,000 copies in just one day after its physical release date. Gaon Chart would go on to announce that Venus' album received an official million certification after selling over a million copies in South Korea on January 22nd.
Undoubtedly, their highest performing album yet, VENUS, would be virtually unavoidable for the three months they were promoting, whether it be their songs being played on the radio or their faces on billboards; Venus was everywhere. Citizens would dub this era "The Venus Virus" as it seemed everyone and their mothers were listening or talking about the group during this time.
Venus was gaining popularity not only in South Korea but also worldwide. Venus Victrix made its debut at number two on the US Billboard 200 chart, with a total of 110,000 album-equivalent units. This includes 81,000 pure album sales, 26,000 stream-equivalent sales, and 2,000 track-equivalent sales.
Pitchfork would go on to rank the album 8.1 out of 10, making it the second highest-rated album on the site. "Venus not only pushes the boundaries of K-pop with their stellar vocal performances but also elevates the genre with 'Venus Victrix.' The album's catchy hooks and dance-worthy tracks are complemented by lyrics that delve into deeper themes, making it a standout release in the world of pop music."
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Multiple Youtubers would go on to review/react to Venus Victrix. Music reviewer Anthony Fantano would be the first to review the album, giving it a 7.8 overall.
"While 'Venus Victrix' has its merits, I can't help but feel there's a missed opportunity here. The vocals and lyricism are commendable, but the overall sound lacks a certain adventurous quality. It's a solid 7.8, but I expected a bit more risk-taking from Venus."
Twitter's favorite reactionary Zach Campbell would go onto react to "The Boys" music video, heavily praising the girls and the song for it's energy and visuals. Unlike Fantano, Campbell would go on to become a darling amongst Constellations.
"This music video is like a visual feast. [...] Venus is playing in a league of their own!"
Most notably, AJay Delux would post her video "Venus Victrix - First Listen." just two weeks after the album dropped. Her review of the album was very positive, praising the girls for their vocal talent and versatility. Sena and Jiah would go on to post the video on their stories, thanking her for her review and mentioning how much they love her videos. AJay would go on to rate the album a 8 out of 10.
"Alright, that was a wild ride through Venus's 'Venus Victrix.' The vocals and lyricism held it together, and the diversity in sounds across the tracks kept it interesting. I'm giving this a solid 8 out of 10. Venus delivered the fun pop with meaningful lyrics they promised."
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OO1. LOTS of interactions with other idols, especially for TikTok! Venus tends to stay in their bubble most of the time, but this time around, they really put themselves out there! Even bliss was socializing more, which is something constellations haven't seen since FOREVER. They mainly did the "BYOB" challenge with other idols, but for a few (mainly girl idols, lol!), they did the "UNTIE" challenge, which constellations ate up!
OO2. The long promotional schedule seemed to confuse a lot of fans with how fast-paced the industry seems to be nowadays. "I felt like we missed out on an opportunity with Burn The Witch by only promoting it for such a short period of time," Creative director Adrian Reyes would go on to explain at a press conference, "Things move too fast, and I want to change that. Venus is supposed to not be like other groups, which is why we went with what I feel is a proper promotional schedule. If it was full up to me, I'd promote this album all year." And while a majority of the internet knew what he was getting at, disgruntled K-pop stans on Twitter took this as an opportunity to frame Venus as "Pick Me's" and "Not Like Other Girls," which caused a multitude of fan wars on the site. None of the girls use the app, so they didn't see or care.
OO3. For the three-month promotional period, they will promote a different song and b-side for that month. For Dec-Jan, they promoted "The Boys"; for Jan-Feb, they promoted "BYOB" and concluded promotions with "Untie" in March. This gave fans an insane amount of content to be and look forward to, making sure none of their fans were bored. Even then, they still caused problems on every social media site they could.
OO4. Through their reality-styled web series, "VenusVentures," they would give their fans an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the making of Venus Victrix. However, the chaos backstage would turn out to be more entertaining than anyone expected. From funny bloopers during dance rehearsals to unexpected moments during the photoshoots, the web series was a hit, with many of the clips taken from the show going viral.
One of the more notable clips to go viral was a clip of Baebi and Chloe arguing over what they're going to have for dinner after they finished filming.
"I want a fruit bowl," Baebi would snap at Chloe over her shoulder, who would huff and flip her hair over her shoulder, looking annoyed as usual.
"I want Thai food. You always want nasty fru-"
"And action!" The director would shout, cutting the girls' fight off. Both of the girl's expressions would change in a split second, their annoyed ones being wiped away and replaced with fierce and confident ones, and the intro to The Boys would play. The clip, while not only hilarious, showed off the girl's professionalism and dedication to their craft.
OO5. Though there were A LOT of fan events organized by Flowerbank, one of the most notable ones would have to be the art gallery they put on. Venus invited Constellations to submit their fan art to Flowerbank to be displayed in a "Venus Gallery" as well as hold an art competition where the winners would receive not only VIP tickets to their upcoming tour but also to have their art incorporated into Venus' official merch, and also $10,000. The members of Venus personally selected the three winners. The event became one of the most special and heart-warming events between constellations and Venus, causing much buzz and conversations around all corners of the internet.
OO6. Though the girls are known for their versatile concepts, the music video for "Through Your Window" surprised many fans with its controversial yandere concept, which was a bit surprising due to the song's light and almost mystical sound. The visuals, though beautiful, depict the girls stalking their love interests and presumed murdering him after they see him talking to another girl. "We could've gotten Venus as fairies, but instead, we got them killing men," one fan would tweet, though another fan would quote the tweet in defense of the video, saying: "I would actually like to see Venus kill more men idk why yall are complaining," causing an internal fan war. Though the video's concept was questioned, the girls acting and visuals were highly praised, and a selfie of Bliss with blood splattered on her face soon joined the "the most annoying mfs have this picture as their icon" list.
OO7. Of course, it's not a Venus comeback without some drama. Chloe's iCloud would be hacked, leaking multiple pictures of her with a lesser-known actor, Jeon Juyeon. What really caused controversy around this was not the fact the pair might be dating but that Juyeon was Chloe's long-running fansite "CozyChloe," having over 50k followers on his fansite Instagram account. This blew up the internet essentially, causing just a shitstorm for literally everyone. The rumors only got worse when Juyeon went on to deactivate CozyChloe and private his personal account. Chloe would catch a lot of heat for this, a lot of people saying she's abusing her power as an idol and taking advantage of her fans. Though their relationship was never confirmed, Chloe would go live on the official Venus account, issuing an apology in front of the infamous "apology wall" at Flowerbank Entertainment.
OO8. More importantly, they'd collaborate with Tate McRae! Venus would release an English version of Untie with Tate on it, even performing the version with the pop star a few times. Most notably, they'd perform with Tate on the show with her acting as a six-member, causing a lot of jokes and memes between the two fandoms. While Tate was in Korea, Venus would make her an honorary sixth member, letting her stay in the dorm and taking her to their favorite restaurant. While the collaboration was a bit sudden and off guard, many people found the girl's bond cute and wholesome. The vlogs, including Tate, would go on to reach a collective 12 million views.
OO9. The outfits for Untie would come under fire by religious organizations, saying the outfits were too promiscuous and revealing for television. At first, the girls would ignore the accusations, but once the internet caught hold of them, it blew up and was impossible for them to ignore. "While I don't agree with them, I do understand why old people would think a strappy tank top is promiscuous," Sena would go on to say when asked about the controversy, "I think it's important as artists that we're allowed to express ourselves even if that means showing our shoulders. So, I guess don't watch it if you don't like it. It seems kind of easy. We're adults. I thought we knew that." And she'd give a cute smile and a fingerheart, causing the audience to laugh.
O10. Towards the end of their promotions, VENUS would announce their third world tour! In April, the girls will travel to 22 countries, performing 66 shows all around the world. This will be their most extensive tour yet. The tour was announced via a promotional video posted to their YouTube channel. The video was set in a cyberpunk setting, with the girls dressed in sleek and futuristic outfits while walking through a city, being the only ones in black while the citizens are dressed in white. "Do you feel different?" The girls would ask in various languages, such as Korean, English, Thai, Mandarin, Japanese, and Vietnamese. The video ends with all five of Venus in front of a massive screen that is surrounded by little screens. The screens glitch for a moment before flashing white, the phrase "(IM)DIFFERENT." appearing on all of them, revealing to be the name of the tour. It's a short video but effective. In the description was a link to VENUS' official website, where tickets will be sold.
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.゚۪ ♡ ۫     OUTFITS #1 ... THE BOYS !
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.゚۪ ♡ ۫     OUTFITS #2 ... BYOB (bring ur own bestie) !
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.゚۪ ♡ ۫     OUTFITS #3 ... UNTIE !
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me-saw-hoo-dini · 1 month ago
Okay… so alright on December 28th 2022 Vanoss uploaded a compilation video of old clips of him and Delirious fucking around
and then IN TURN on January 12th 2023 DELIRIOUS uploaded HIS OWN Vanoss and Delirious compilation video
WHICH WOAH??? SAME VIDEO TOPIC A YEAR LATER???? WHY IS THAT???????? WHAT IS UP WITH DECEMBER 27th/28th AND JANUARY 12th?????BUTTTTTTT Delirious never uploaded a compilation video in 2024 and then Vanoss never uploaded one either at the end of 2024 and it’s passed January 12th 2025 and Delirious once again didn’t upload another compilation there for it is with deep sadness in my heart that I report that H2OVanoss is DEAD
January 1st btw
ALSO ps Vanoss has 6 videos on his extras channel that MAINLY have to do with Delirious and then theres an additional video that doesn’t have Delirious in title but it does have him in the thumbnail and then the title is “Professional Flyers” which is a whole ass Delierious quote… SO
In date order of those 7 it’s:
June 28th 2022
December 28th 2022
April 3rd 2023
May 17th 2023
December 27th 2023
January 15th 2024
May 23rd 2024
Idk I just thought it was interesting cuz like while Vanoss does have some other compilations of his friends on his extra’s channel Delirious has the most out of all of them and you could maybe chalk that up to Delirious being the 2nd most subscribed to YouTuber in the bbs/vc so Delirious is basically getting the “Vanoss in title” treatment FROM Vanoss but we’ve stated this a million times before: I am delusional
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leo-fie · 5 months ago
So since Sophie From Mars decided to post a video again after 9 months of silence, I went and looked how the abuse scandal actually played out.
On the 12th of December 2023, November Kelly and others came out with a statement accusing Sophie From Mars of sexual abuse on Twitter.
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Sophie responed to this by admitting the allegations to be true, but that she somehow didn't notice. She did not apoligise. It's noteworthy that she did so on Twitter and in form of a solemn jpeg, ie the text cannot be searched for. Sophie always said that Patreon is the center of her online presence, and her work is mainly found on youtube. Yet she kept this entirely to Twitter, knowing most of her audience will not see it. That's cold. Controlling.
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I was one of Sophies patreons at that point and had no idea, if it were not for an anon ask. I subsequently blocked and reported Sophie on everything save Patreon, where I demanded all of my money back. Crickets.
If Patreon really is the center of her online presence, that's where she would post an explanation, or apology, or anything. She didn't.
Months pass, now Sophie is back with a new video essay (which Youtube recommended to me despite me blocking, downvoting and not-intersted-ing everything). Someone posts it on r/breadtube, all the comments are about her being an abuser, yet the poster is fangirling too hard and alluding to some more statements that had been made about the scandal, yet refusing to provide any proof.
So I make a fucking Twitter-Account again, just to see what this could possibly be about.
Sophie From Mars made a further statement on Twitter on 11th of Janurary 2024. And only on Twitter. And it's solemn jpegs again. No apology, no responsibility. But a psychotic episode.
I'm not saying Sophie could not have had an episode. I'm saying it's very convenient to have something to blame her admitted blatant disregard for kink etiquette on. She's literally disguising her abuse as kink! That's not how mental illness works!
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I have no words for my disgust.
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whumping-valentine · 10 months ago
🦌 Fawn and Hunter - Part 10 🦌
Content: Conspiracies, noncon kissing, feisty whumpee (but if you made it all the way to part 10 you already know that lol)
1,800 Words
Hey hey, It's part 10! We're a whole 1/3 of the way done! Who's ready to meet a new character? 👀
This chapter is a big turning point for the series, which will be fully in swing by part 14! I had to fistfight my writer's block to finish this, pls appreciate my efforts 🙏
Also! I just wanted to let y'all know that Fawn's real name is revealed in this part, and while it may be traditionally masculine, they are still ambiguous and you can picture them as whatever you want. As a genderqueer person who's name is Lillian and doesn't want to change it, I'm all about erasing gendered names and turning them neutral. Just wanted to put that out there. Thanks!
Enjoy! 🦇
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       Going into town wasn’t something Hunter enjoyed doing. They hated being around other people, not to mention it was quite a long journey to get out of the woods. Their foot was pressed hard against the gas, the old truck’s engine roaring loud as it struggled to keep up. At least the sound somewhat distracted the thoughts in their head.
       Hunter didn’t have much experience driving, and especially didn’t have a license, but they knew enough to get them by. Besides, their driving skills were the least of their worries, their heart still beating from the adrenaline of nearly being what they could only assume to be a cult sacrifice. They tried to shake the thoughts away, but something like that isn’t just easily forgotten.
       The snow fell through the quickly darkening sky, hitting against the windshield, swirling around it, almost dizzying. A blur. A whirling whirlpool. Hunter pulled into the first parking lot they saw, a gas station.
       Outside the building stood a group of Christians, holding signs as they yelled about the upcoming rapture, yelling at the air to repent before it was too late. Not an uncommon sight to see in a small town like this, but usually it was in front of certain buildings and protesting gay people, or something. Also it was usually much earlier in the day, not at the brink of dusk in the middle of winter so close to Christmas.
What on Earth was going on? Yelling about the upcoming rapture is usually something done by old folks on facebook, not in real life. Still, Hunter gave the group nothing more than that simple passing thought as they entered the decrepit store.
       The floors were made of lazily placed tiles, some missing, or mismatched. The lighting was yellow, buzzing, and some even blinking, barely holding on. A moth flew around them, flapping its tiny wings while a cockroach skittered across the floor. A nacho station stood in the open. Ahh, yes, the best gas station nachos around. To eat those you’d have to have a death wish. The air smelt more of musty mold than it did nacho cheese.
       Hunter turned their head to a corkboard full of posters. Missing people's posters that Hunter was no stranger to. They took their time reading them, until one in particular caught their eye. One with a photo of Fawn.
Rudolph Meyer
DOB: December 18th, 2003
19 years old
Height 5 feet 3 inches
Light brown hair
Green eyes
Rudolph was reported missing October 12th, 2023 by their coworker after repeatedly failing to turn up for work or answer calls. They could have gone missing days or weeks prior.
If you have any details on Rudolph's whereabouts or disappearance please contact the Woodmar Police Department at 110-100-1000.
       Hunter looked at Fawn's phone again. They did have many missed calls from the same number. They must've missed it when snooping through it. Though they also noticed they picked the perfect day to wander into town.
       Today was their birthday.
        Hunter smiled to themself as they looked at the date. Without a care in the world they took the poster from the wall and folded it up into their coat pocket. They took a quick look around the store, walking down aisles. Looking at the drinks, they took a moment of contemplation before taking a bottle of alcohol.
They noticed there was only one other person in the whole store. The only employee, a tired looking woman with dark circles under the eyes, wearing a face mask. Hunter approached her.
       “Hey.” They said.
       “Hello. Can I help you with anything?”
       “If you can answer some questions, yeah. Do you know anything about that one missing person? Rudolph? They went missing rather recently, it seems.”
       "Yeah, little Rudy, as I called them." She said, "I was the one who reported them. It was very unlike them to miss a shift, and not answer calls. I hope they're okay, I know they didn't come here from a very good place."
       “Sorry to hear that. It’s pretty scary.”
       "Oh, tell me about it. Scary, stressful, and saddening. I’ve been a mess ever since they disappeared. A mess with worry, overworking, I don’t think I’ve had a single peaceful day of sleep. Even worse because I'm on the night shift, and little Rudy was working daylight. It was really only us two keeping this place up and running. Our boss has had to fill in for them. Poor woman's already busy enough as it is. Oh, I’m so sorry, I’m venting.”
       “Hey, I’m the one who asked.” They dismissed the apology with a shrug, “What about those crazies out front?"
       "Oh, yeah, those guys have been there for a while. Ever since those crop circles were found last week, people have been going nuts. I've seen folks walking around with tinfoil hats." She laughed. "It's probably just something in the drinking water. Or maybe just the nature of humans. They lose it so easily."
       “They’ve been preaching about the rapture all week?”
       "Oh, they've been preaching about everything. The zombie apocalypse, an alien invasion, a plague, vampires, werewolves, demons, UFOs, government conspiracies, the second coming of Christ. It's like everyone's gone completely looney."
       Hunter wanted to agree and dismiss it, but they could only think about everything else that happened. Fawn's dreams, that cult in the woods, the giant skeleton… were they going crazy, too?
       "Cold gettin’ to you?" She asked.
       “Yeah, I guess. I’ve had quite a day.” They sighed, looked around, and placed the bottle on the counter, “I’m just here for the drink, I guess.” They flashed their ID and paid.
       “Thanks,” They said, and turned to leave.
       “Oh, and, uh, hey!” She called out as the front doors dinged, “Um… Let me know if you find anything out about Rudy, will you?”
       Hunter paused in the doorway, the cold wind whipping in past their face. They turned and said, “I’ll be sure to let you know.” then left.
       When Hunter returned home, it was pitch dark outside, they were gone all day. There was a pile of dust in the snow on the front porch. Going inside, Fawn was curled up, asleep on the couch with the broom resting against the wall. They walked over to them, and nudged them awake, nudging their shoulder. Fawn slowly blinked their eyes open.
       "So," Hunter said, "were you going to tell me today was your 20th birthday, Rudolph?"
       The use of their real name made Fawn's heart drop into their stomach, jolting them wide awake. "How- how do you know that?"
       "I just so happened to find this while out in town today." They said, showing off the poster. "It seems your coworker is pretty worried about you. Anaira, was it? Very nice lady."
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       Fawn could only stare up at the poster with wide eyes as Hunter smirked down at them. The use of Anaira's name just made their heart drop even more. They had a conversation? She had no idea she was talking to their captor…
       "It's a good thing I've got this poster. Afterall, I need to start building up my collection again after you destroyed it."
       “So you wanna kidnap more people? I ain’t enough? You want more after me? What're you gonna do with me then, huh? Kill me? Let me go?” They antagonized.
       “I think you think too much. Don’t read into it.”
       “I fucking hate you.”
       “Thanks! I don’t try to be liked. Especially not by people who act like bratty teenagers. Though I suppose it's no wonder why you do, you still are one!"
       "Not anymore. I'm 20. I'm not a teen, I'm not a kid, and I'm not being a brat. Why would I be anything but cynical to the person who's holding me captive?"
       Hunter ignored the last part, "It doesn't matter if you're 20 years old or 200 years old. Act like a teen and you might as well be one, eh?" They picked up on the fact Fawn did not appreciate being infantilized in the slightest.
"I am not that young." Fawn mumbled, bitterly.
"Well, you're certainly younger than I thought you were. Can't even drink yet, how cute is that? It's too bad we can’t share this.” Hunter said, holding up the bottle.
       "Oh, great, now you can smell like cigarettes AND alcohol."
       “Mmm, you’ll go nose blind, eventually. I go through a lot to steal these cigarettes, you know? Of course you don't, you're too good, despite being such an unruly badmouth."
       “What the hell do you want from me? Stop mocking me. I cleaned your stupid fucking house, I should at least get a thank you but ohhhh, no, I probably don't even deserve that, right?”
       “You want a thank you? I can give you a thank you.”
       Alarm bells immediately started going off in Fawn's head. They way they said it and their tone didn't sound too nice, almost more of a threat. Much to their dismay and horror, Hunter kissed them on the lips.
       Fawn froze up and their eyes widened, then squeezed shut as Hunter held the kiss. When they pulled away, Fawn scrunched their face in disgust, wiping their lips with the back of their hand.
       "Oh, relax, it's just a kiss.”
       “A gross and dirty kiss from your gross and dirty lips is what it was! What the fuck! Blahk!” They continued wiping their lips, which now tasted like cigarettes, shaking their head and shivering in disgust.
"You'll survive." Hunter said, dismissing their revulsion, "But as for me, I've had quite the unfortunate day, and I need my sleep."
"Oh no, I don't give a shit."
Hunter didn't respond, simply they just picked them up by the back of their shirt collar and pulled them through the cabin. Fawn cursed, kicked, and hit but it didn't do anything at all. They entered the bedroom and Hunter threw Fawn onto the floor, holding them down with a knee on their back as they tied their hands together.
"I'm going to sleep. You're going to lay on the floor and shut your mouth."
"Fuck you and fuck your—! Mmph!" Fawn spat, getting a cloth shoved into their mouth, with another being tied around their head to secure it.
"There. Now stay quiet." Hunter threatened, pushing Fawn's face into the floor as they stood up, hitting their nose off the hardwood. Fawn let out a growl in response.
HERE'S A THOUGHT! IF YOU WANT QUIET YOU CAN JUST LET ME GO! PEACE AND QUIET, ALL ALONE FOREVER, EVERYBODY WINS!! Fawn screamed in their head as they fought the restraints, mumbled nonsense coming from their mouth.
       As Fawn calmed down and was left to their thoughts, they didn't care that they had to sleep on the floor. They didn't care that they were treated like a pet. They only cared about how everything they fought so hard for was ruined.
       They were going to celebrate their 20th birthday as a way to say that they managed to survive so long. That they finally escaped their childhood home. Now they were here, held captive, and back where they started.
       And to make it all worse, they would now have to forever remember that as their first kiss.
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You'll be seeing a lot more of Anaira in the near future, as well as a few more new characters! Lemme tell you, once chapter 14 hits this'll be like a completely different thing than what it started as. Shit's about to get crazy and hit the fan.
Also, surprise! This part has art attached. I was originally not gonna give them designs, and just leave them to the interpretation of the reader, but I'm slowly becoming attached to them and couldn't help myself. I just had to draw them! You can still picture them however you want.
Also I'm curious how old you think Hunter is? 🤔 the answer may surprise you (and Fawn, too).
Taglist: @parasitebunny @whumpy-wyrms @fruitypinapple00
If you want added or removed, lmk in the comments !
Thanks for reading ! 💕🦌
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putschki1969 · 1 year ago
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Kaji Fes. 2023 Day 1 Broadcast Date
As previously announced, 「30th Anniversary Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#19 - Kaji Fes. 2023-」 held at Nippon Budokan on December 8th and 9th, 2023 is set to be broadcast on CS TBS Channel 1. Today, the broadcast date for Day 1 has been revealed.(Source)
📺DAY1:2024/02/24 21:00~ 📺DAY2:2024/03/??
��The broadcast date and time of Day 2 will be announced on the TBS channel official website as soon as it is decided. ※You can watch it on your PC or smartphone via "SKY PerfecTV! Streaming". You can also watch the archived video for one week after the broadcast. [Note: I don't think this service is available overseas] ◇TBS channel official website In other news, you can check out a detailed live report by LisAni! on their website (Source)
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「HIGHWAY STAR PARTY 2023」 Broadccast
A broadcast day for last year's Highway Star Party has also been revealed!
📺TBS Channel 1 Date:February 12th 21:30~ ▶https://lnky.jp/aOa9mTL ※You can watch it on your PC or smartphone via "SKY PerfecTV! Streaming". You can also watch the archived video for one week after the broadcast. [Note: I don't think this service is available overseas] ◇TBS channel official website
♪Parade ♪stone cold ♪Sokyu no Fanfare ♪Butter-fly (everyone)
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kanmom51 · 2 years ago
Jikook in Award Shows
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2015 MAMA
160703 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS at 5th GAON CHART K-POP Awards
KBS song festival 2016 (29 Dec 2016) how does it fit in the timeline?
170110 [BANGTAN BOMB] Message to A.R.M.Y as 'Blood, Sweat & Tears' last day
Sapporo Snow Festival 2016
M countdown That ain’t cake JK is looking at
2017 BBMA’s JM’s tweet
KBS music bank comeback Feb 2017
There was no fight or argument
2018 Golden disk award 3 (2 previous links in my recommended posts)
MAMA 2018 Hobi being a gatekeeper
Melon 2018
Melon 2018
Jikook Melon 2018
Melon 2018 & Only then
3 years to Melon 2018
Melon 2018 - the lipreading
Just because - Only then again
Jikook and award shows and award show subtle moment
TMA 2019 red carpet
TMA 2019
TMA 2019 red carpet JK signing I love you to JM
Bangtan Bomb 29 Aug 2021 - SBS 2020 performance: Link 1;  Link 2;  Link 3; Link 4
AMA’s 2021
Link 1 Jikook;  Link 2 Jikook;  Link 3 - NJ the protector; Link 4 Jikook again; Link 5 My universe - “we are made for each other”;  Link 6; Link 7 - Jinkook; Link 8 his eyes tell;  Link 9  cutie pies;  Link 10 NJ the protector another angle
AMA’s 2021 behind BTB
TMA’s 2021
TMA’s 2021
TMA 2021 JK’s powers of teleportation
TMA 2021 ending
TMA’s 2021 it’s already been a year
Grammy's 2021
Bangtan bomb Grammy’s 29 September 2021
JK looking at JM - again
Grammy’s 2022 Masterlist
Red carpet - love this
JM finding his way to JK
How this looks so familiar
Did someone say smooth like butter?
Someone needs to tell them JM is taken
Here we go...they are adorable
Love them
What you looking at JM?
More footage from the Grammy’s
Bangtan bomb Grammy’s 29 September 2021
TMA’s 2022 Masterlist
TMA’s 2022 here we go
We didn’t get this camera in the live stream
They are so beautiful, and posing for photos
Those broad smiles
The way they connect on stage
I’m still here
This too
Words not needed
JK being JM’s copy cat
The way JK finds JM so endearing
Jikook are Jikooking
Same moment better angle and clarity
Third time’s a charm?
Came across this photo
TMA’s BTB released 25 December 2022
TMA’s 2022 reminder clip (LINK?)
SBS inkigayo 2023
SBS pre recording June 12th 2022
More Karmy reports from the SBS pre-recording
And more Karmy posts from the SBS pre-recording
JM/JK leaving SBS after performance pre-recording
Bunch of JM and JK beautiful photos from the performance
BTB BTS  'Proof' Music Show Promotions Sketch - 17 September 2022
Who do you think took JM’s photo?
JM at the Inkigayo pre-recording 28 March 2023
MNET 2023
Mnet pre-recording
Mnet pre-recording 13 June 2022
JK singing My you to army during Mnet Pre-recording
BTB BTS ‘Proof’ Music Show Promotion Sketch
Music Bank 2023
JM/JK arriving to pre-recording of KBS performance
JK being JM’s protector
Music Bank - JK ending fairy to JM’s “rest of my life”
Music Bank 17 June 2022 - BTS ending clip
JM/JK leaving KBS
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jasperygrace · 1 year ago
December 2023 Year in Review
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Hello hello, everyone!
To herald the coming new year, I thought it appropriate to go over some of our achievements from the last year and see how far we've come in the development of An Immortal Laid to Rest.
If you are interested in learning more about the novella project, feel free to check out my dedicated WIP Page or the project's Introduction Post.
So without further ado, let's begin!
Year in Review
Now, when I was writing this, I was taking into account milestones that were completed during my tumblr hiatus last year. This will be more of a year-and-a-half in review, but I still find it important to have these accomplishments written out.
So let's take a look at them, shall we?
June 28th 2022 — Project : Desert 2nd Anniversary July 1st 2022 — Begin Art Nouveau Series July 15th 2022 — Mid Monthly Report 2nd Anniversary July 27th 2022— Vinnie Art Nouveau painting completed. August 20th 2022— Orias Art Nouveau painting completed. August 28th 2022 — Draft 1 completed. September 12th 2022 — Begun Draft 2, Pre-Log October 21st 2022 — Completion of Pre-Log; Begun Draft 2, Act 1 Novermber 3rd 2022 — Briar Art Nouveau painting completed December 2nd 2022 — Reese Art Nouveau painting completed
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December 23rd 2022 — Completion of Draft 2, Act 1 January 1st 2023 — Begun Draft 2, Act 2 February 22nd 2023— Clotho concept art completed May 18th 2023 — Completion of Act 2 May 29th 2023 — Lachesis concept art completed June 4th 2023 — Atropos concept art completed June 28th 2023 — Project : Desert 3rd Anniversary
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July 5th 2023 — Begun Draft 2, Act 3 July 15th 2023 — Mid Monthly Report 3rd Anniversary
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August 9th 2023 — Completion of Act 3 August 10th 2023 — Completion of Draft 2’s entirety September 9th 2023 — Begun Draft 3, Pre-Log November 20th 2023 — Completion of Pre-log; Begun Draft 3, Act 1
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It took: 379 days / 12 months and 14 days to complete Draft 0. 375 days / 12 months, 10 days to complete Draft 1. 332 days / 10 months, 29 days to complete Draft 2. We are currently 107 days/ 3 months, 16 days into the writing of Draft 3.
It has been 1275 days/ 3 years, 5 months, 27 days since Project : Desert began.
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Seeing accomplishments laid out like this puts into perspective how much I've managed to do in the last three and a half years. From a short story in a zine to a novella in the making— I guess I'm just proud of making it this far.
But most of all, it tells how I need to be a lot easier on myself. I tend to get caught up in my work and berate myself for not working hard enough. In the moment, I can't see the work that has been done and how it adds up to the final product.
With that thought in mind, it's with a heavy heart to say I won't be doing the Mid Monthly Report anymore. What started as a way for me to see how much art and writing I managed to do in the span of a month has evolved into deadlines of work that hasn't been done; work that's fallen behind. And it's hard to keep up with on top writing and just generally life.
I don't think MMRs will be gone forever. I plan to start utilizing quarterly reports to keep y'all in the loop of what's happening. But for the time being, this will be the last proper Mid Monthly Report for awhile.
It's been a good time, y'all and I'm incredibly thankful to have y'all be on this journey with me.
As always, thank you for readings, and I hope you'll support me in my future endeavors!
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dumb-cdc · 1 year ago
Genocide: A Working Definition
Dumb CDC welcomes you to enjoy our timely upcoming series Genocide: A Working Definition. We hope to promote conversation through this collection of diverse essays by recognized figures in places.
After 2 months into Israel's siege on Gaza, members of the UN have called for a humanitarian ceasefire. First on December 8th, where the US vetoed the Security Council vote, and then on December 12th, where 153 members of the UN General Assembly voted in favor of ceasefire. The aim of the ceasefire is to allow for humanitarian aid and recovery in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt as defined by the UN).
At this moment, Palestine is experiencing a third telecommunications blackout. 9 out of 10 people cannot eat each day. Succumbing to wounds, injury, and disability is an imminent risk-- 14 hospitals are operating and only partially. The complete closure of food, fuel, water, and medical channels is part of Israel's "collective punishment" against the civilian population. Punishment that is considered separate from the indiscriminate airstrikes, bombings, and raids.
In under 70 days, the explosive power of 3 atomic bombs have been dropped within the 141 square miles of Gaza. That would be the equivalent of the city of Atlanta, GA experiencing the horror of Hiroshima 3 times over.
And so, people are finding themselves asking: Is this genocide? Yes, people are still asking themselves this.
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We here at Dumb CDC understand that historical continuity is a difficult concept. We also understand that everyone has developed their own yardstick for measuring genocide in 2023.
On December 6th, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported a civilian death toll of 21,731 civilians. In these figures, children are 40% of all deaths (n = 8,697). These numbers do not include adults and children who are missing or have an unknown status.
The simplest assessment of the value of Palestinian life would be a correlation between Palestinian civilian deaths and Hamas militant deaths (Israel's measure of military success).
On December 6th, CNN reported that 5,000 Hamas militants were confirmed dead by Israel:
1.74 living children + 2.60 living adults = 1 dead Hamas 2 living children + 3 living adults = 1 dead Hamas *round up when the units are humans
On December 15th, Reuters reported that 7,000 Hamas militants were confirmed dead by Israel:
1.24 living children + 1.86 living adults = 1 dead Hamas 2 living children + 2 living adults = 1 dead Hamas *round up when the units are humans
And before you say "but is this genocide?", please know we anticipated this question. Obviously there are confounds we simply cannot account for in this complex situation.
We acknowledge that this is an overestimation of the value of human life in Palestine. Additional things must be destroyed to yield 1 dead Hamas. We still need to factor in the destruction of the built environment, healthcare systems, sanitation systems, food systems, and natural resources of the population (among other things). It is difficult to place a value on heritage sites, historical landmarks, and places of worship, but these together do yield 1 dead Hamas.
Human rights monitoring has been greatly disrupted. And in under 70 days, 90 journalists providing on-the-ground coverage of the war have been killed by airstrikes and snipers (v. 69 killed during the entirety of WWII; v. 63 killed during the entirety of Vietnam). We understand that this puts further limitations on our data.
We cannot confidently make inferences about the real value of human life in 2023 until more data becomes available. Until then, Dumb CDC remains committed to measuring genocide in units of population health indicators to inform a new, working definition.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year ago
Senate Sodomite in Capitol Sex Tape Is the Latest Attempt by Biden to 'Bring Back Decency'
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Once upon a time, a president whom I shall call "Slick Willy," using a form of sorcery unbeknownst to modern man, transformed a starry-eyed intern into a consensual humidor in the Oval Office.
Some believe the real magic was that he kept his job, but, as a Democrat, that was the easy part. And it was just the beginning.
Today, Joe Biden and his myrmidons in the Democrat Party are using their useful idiots to tear down every stitch of decency in American politics. They are doing this on purpose — as per the 45 goals of Communism — and are employing their most broken malcontents to carry out the mission.
FACT-O-RAMA! LOOK AT THESE THREE GOALS OF COMMUNISM;  6. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and press. 7.  Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media. 8.  Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” 
I do not recall celebrating the 12th day of Christmas when my true love sent to me 10 drag queens a-twerkin'.
As reported earlier, a couple of barebackin', raw doggin' lads brilliantly filmed their foray into amateur porn in a Senate room, allegedly reserved under the name of Sen. Ben Cardin.
           RELATED:  Democratic Senate Staffer Filmed Gay Sex Tape in a Senate Hearing Room
FACT-O-RAMA! Amateur porn is a multi-billion-dollar industry. It is driven by people too unattractive to make "real" porn, but too damaged to stop trying. Kind of like how 90% of the nation's" burlesque" dancers are too fat to be strippers but too emotionally crippled to keep their clothes on.
Understand this: the left, especially the hardline "Gaystapo" kids hate you, this country, and everything decent. They believe they are victims of "genocide" and "right-wing bigotry."
I personally do not care what people "do in their bedrooms" but attention-starved men, becaked in glitter and lacking daddy's love, have made it their mission to humiliate themselves in an effort to "stick it to those conservatives." That's you and me.
Thus far, the Biden administration has given us a luggage-swiping bald man in a dress and cheap lipstick, a transamabob who took his shirt off at a White House picnic to show us his "moobs," and now a couple of dudes "building back better" in a Senate chamber.
BREAKING REPORT: Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the staffer for Dem. Senator Ben Cardin who purportedly made a GAY SEX TAPE in the Senate Hearing Room has been terminated.. Unconfirmed reports are now emerging that the room may have been reserved under the name of Dem. Senator Ben… pic.twitter.com/Bf1KlKNFAR— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) December 16, 2023
Woah, a couple of dudes playing "Brokeback Mountain" in the Capitol. You jolly ranchers really showed us!
So a cat named Aidan Maese-Czeropski, who worked for Maryland Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin has been sperminated terminated for taking the back road in a Senate room. It's not his fault. He is a victim who is being "targeted" for "who he loves."
So the gay man taking traffic in the exit-only lane believes he is being punished for "who he loves." Dude, did you not get the memo? NO ONE CARES you're gay. Maybe refrain from getting tagged by "who you love" on a table where our legislators meet. We ask so little.  
FACT-O-RAMA! Never mind those devils at "Urban Dictionary." First and foremost, cornhole is a drinking game, popular in the midwest, that involves throwing bean bags at a hole in a piece of invertedwood. This is the hill I will die on. I shall fight for this until I am out of Carling Black Label beer, and my enemies will have to bull the bean bag from my cold, dead fingers.
If "LGBT genocide" means asking Democrat staffers not to bring their bat boys into Senate chambers for a game of wrecktum, call me a monster.
"Now hold on a minute KDJ, you do NOT strike us as a puritanical type."
This is true. I may have plowed a field or two in a public setting, but never have I gone to a place of reverence, nor have I videotaped my wayward son in action just to "piss off those stupid Conservatives."
Keep it classy, commies. The more you show your hand — and anything else — the more people will pull away from your party and start voting for real Americans.
Let's see if our marginalized and unemployed friend Mr. Maese-Czeropsk dares to put his resume on Monster.com
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drtanner · 1 year ago
The flat colours are all done, details, extra versions and all! Now all that's left is the shading, and I'm going to take my fucking time with that because I'm fucking exhausted and also I have a couple of days to get it done. With a bit of luck, I'll sleep tonight (doubtful) and I'll be able to make some good progress tomorrow.
Goodnight, internet.
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f1 · 2 years ago
I spoke up for Hamilton because he speaks up for others says fan behind Abu Dhabi petition | 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
A petition to declare Lewis Hamilton the winner of the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix has reached the milestone of over 100,000 signatures. Hamilton’s controversial defeat in the race, following a final-lap restart in which he was passed by Max Verstappen, cost him that year’s world championship to his Red Bull rival. The petition calls for the result of the season finale to be overturned and Hamilton declared the winner as the rules were not followed when race director Michael Masi arranged the restart. Masi only allowed the lapped cars between Verstappen and Hamilton to rejoin the lead lap, ignoring the others which were a lap behind. Hamilton’s team Mercedes filed a protest against the race result, which was dismissed by the FIA. The team later chose not to take the matter to the FIA International Court of Appeal. However Patel Gordon-Bennett – who has no affiliation to any of the drivers or teams who were in that race – believed the outcome was an “injustice” and began a petition on Change.org soon after the chequered flag fell on the 2021 season. “I started the petition a few hours that evening after the race on December 12th, 2021,” she told RaceFans. “I was in my living room watching the race on Sky Sports F1 with my family. “As soon as we saw the injustice, we were in shock and disbelief. I felt that this was a scheme to rob Mercedes and Lewis just as it was when they changed the rules to suit Red Bull’s car.” Mercedes initially struggled to compete with Red Bull in 2021 following an off-season rules change which forced teams to redesign their floors. This was done in order to cut downforce and reduce the strain on Pirelli’s tyres following a series of failures the previous season. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Hamilton’s eagerness to draw attention to causes such as diversity and the environment was an inspiration to the founder of the petition. “Lewis had always been speaking out on other’s behalf – the disadvantaged, the disenfranchised and those without a voice,” she said. “I felt it was time we spoke up to help Lewis when he was being faced with injustice. “In addition, it was disgraceful to the sport to see how one person can change the rules in the spur of the moment to get the result they want. If this was going to be F1, I did not want to be a part of it.” Following an investigation the FIA concluded Masi had acted in “good faith” but “human error lead to the fact that not all cars were allowed to un-lap themselves.” Masi lost his job as F1 race director over his handling of the race. The report referred to radio communications broadcast by F1 of Masi’s exchanges with Mercedes and Red Bull, which included the latter pressuring him to move the lapped cars out of the way during the Safety Car period. It was stated in the report that the race result remains “valid, final and cannot now be changed.” Having started the petition almost a year and a half ago, Gordon-Bennett was taken by surprise when it began to rapidly amass signatures in recent weeks. “I didn’t expect many signatures and in fact I had almost forgotten about it,” she said. “I was quite surprised when a friend from Ghana texted me a few days ago to say they saw my name in The Mirror newspaper as the person who started this petition and how it had gained 80,000 signatures. I have no idea what has caused an increase in the signatures recently.” The petition is yet to prompt a response from anyone in F1, she added. “No feedback from anyone in motorsport or F1 or from Hamilton. From the latter, it would be marvellous just to meet him.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 F1 season Browse all 2023 F1 season articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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untitledgoosegay · 1 year ago
The article from the Hill in the screenshot can be found here; it was published on December 11, 2023.
This is a lot of technicalities, but I think in this scenario having specific facts is important:
TL;DR, to the best of my knowledge, while the statement from the Biden admin is recent (December 11, 2023), it's about bombings that happened two months ago, with munitions that the US sent to Israel over a decade ago.
As far as I've been able to find from news sources, the Israeli military last used white phosphorus munitions on the Lebanese city of Dheira, on October 16th* [Amnesty International, October 13 and 31] [Human Rights Watch, Oct 12]. The rounds that have been identified [Amnesty International, Oct 13] were manufactured at the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas between 1989 and '91 [Arkansas Times], and munitions from the same batch were used in 2009 [Mondoweiss, Dec 11] [Washington Post, Dec 11], so Israel has had them for over a decade. The Pentagon claims it hasn't sent any white phosphorus munitions to Israel since before October 7th [WaPo], though needless to say it's been providing other weapons, munitions, and military aid in grotesque proportion. I can't find any other sources on that claim, but it seems like it should be verifiable? I also can't find any more concrete reports on when the US has sent white phosphorus munitions to Israel; if anyone has that information or knows where I could find it, I'd be grateful.
* One Reuters article features a photo of a white phosphorus explosion dated November 12th, but I can't find any other reports of white phosphorus being used after October 16th. I've emailed the journalists to ask for clarification.
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