mcschnuggles · 9 months
Regressuary 2024
uhh here's my prompt list. A lot of these ended up being multi-chaps so I don't have a full set of 29 prompts
Character B is picking on Character A. Is it because they know they're a regressor? Do they have their suspicions and are trying to confirm them? Do they have no idea and are just mean? Does someone have to intervene?
Character A is stuck and needs Character B to come rescue them.
Character A gets their first blanket.
Character A is always taking care of Character B while regressed. Maybe Character B would like to know what it’s like?
Character A has hit a rough patch in their life. Luckily their group of friends (and also caregivers) are there to help them pick up the pieces.
Character A gets shrunk to toddler size and Character B takes care of them.
Character A and Character B are both regressors. B tries their best to look out for A.
Character A is feeling off. Character B prompts them to take an early night in.
Character A is found by Character B when they’re small. A tentative bond forms from there.
Character A loves swiping clothes from their caregiver. What happens when Character B catches them red-handed?
Character A hasn’t had a break in a very long time. Character B helps them get there.
Character A introduces Character B to their very favorite, very special plushie.
Character A calls Character B by a special nickname for the first time. How do they react?
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locksylight · 8 months
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warmth and care of the sun
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~ T r a u m a ~
Summary:Lucifer is trying to spend some time to get to know Vaggie but she ends up in littlespace so Lucifer takes care of her.
It was rough keeping a big secret from Charlie. Even though she accepted her now and they were on good terms, things were still very stressful. Her wings contributed to that factor as well. They reminded her of what she did before Charlie found her and it gave her a lot of guilt. A few panic attacks later, she decided to talk about it to Charlie one day, hoping that she’ll feel better.
“Maybe you should talk to someone about this,” Charlie suggested, “I’m not exactly qualified and there aren’t many therapists in hell, but maybe you could talk to my dad,”
“Why Lucifer?” Vaggie asked, a little bit nervous. She didn’t exactly want to talk about all this heavy shit to her girlfriend’s dad. What if she makes herself look bad and he’s unaccepting of them? He did know she was an exorcist but never knew why she fell in the first place. It was too heavy to talk about in their little time together.
“Well, he’s also a fallen angel, he might understand how it feels,” The princess prompted.
Vaggie bit her lip, wondering what she should do. Finally, after a moment of hesitation, she sighed and agreed.
A day or two later, Vaggie stands in front of Lucifer’s room. It was just one of the nicer hotel rooms, so it wasn’t supposed to be as intimidating. But it was. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
“Mr Morningstar?” She called out, slowly opening the door and entering. He had one of the suites so she assumed he was just in one of the bedrooms.
“Ah, Maggie! Good to see you!” He popped up to her side and gave her a hug. She flinched, but then relaxed.
“It’s Vaggie, Sir,” She calmly corrected him.
“Vaggie, got it. Anyways, what brings you to my humble abode,” He asked, leading her to the kitchen area where he poured himself a glass of water.
“I- uhhh, I was hoping to talk to you about something,” She nervously looked around the room, trying to avoid eye contact. She really didn’t want to make this more awkward and terrifying than it already was.
“Oh, alright, let's sit then,” he walked over to the couch and gestured a hand to the one in front of it so they sat facing towards each other.
“So, I- Uh, Charlie wanted me to talk to you about some struggles I’ve been having that have to do with being a fallen angel,” she began, “I don’t even know how to start,” 
She thought about it for a second and took a deep breath.
“What do you do when… you feel so ashamed for being an angel that you think it would be better if you were gone?”
“That’s a tough question. Mind telling me why you feel ashamed first?” he asked. He would probably have to tell Charlie about these thoughts. It definitely wasn’t healthy.
Vaggie’s memories and reasons why she was guilty flashed in her head. The people she’s killed. The souls lost. It's all her fault. 
“I- I- I-,” She stuttered.
“Hey, it’s okay, take a deep breath,” he instructed. After she took a couple, she felt a bit calmer.
“I was an exorcist for years. I killed so many and hurt many more. I lied to Charlie, I lied to my friends, I even lied to myself. I kept saying that it was okay but it wasn’t! Nothing is okay! I’m not fucking okay! I’m a murderer.…” she confessed. He sucked in a breath but she wasn’t done.
“I wasn’t even punished! I- I deserve to feel hurt and pain. I deserve agony but no one will give it to me. My stupid wings are a constant reminder of the monster I am,” She began to stumble on her words as her lip began to quiver. She’s held so much in that she was an absolute mess now that she was talking about it. It made her headspace immediately fall like a bag of sand being thrown off a cliff. 
Before she knew it, she started crying, sobbing even. Lucifer got really worried and moved to sit next to her. He wrapped his arms around her shaking body. She was very much ugly crying. The hiccuping, hyperventilating kind too. Why was he giving her comfort. He should be upset with her.
“Vaggie, you don’t deserve any pain. You’ve changed. You’re not deserving of a punishment anymore. You deserve comfort and help,” He told her in a calm, gentle voice. It was quite nurturing too.
Being a caregiver, he could notice easily when a headspace dropped and he could tell hers went deep down fast. He gently pulled her into his lap and began to rock her, trying to calm the baby down.
“Shh, shhh, you’re okay, we all forgive you, shh, shhh,” He spoke soothingly into her ear. 
He made a rubber duck appear and held it in front of her.
“Look! It’s a ducky!” he sqeaked it, trying to get her attention. She looked up at it, still crying but not as many hiccups. Lucifer moved it around and made little quacking noises to entertain her. It seemed to help.
He gave the ducky to her once she stopped crying. She immediately tried to put it in her mouth.
“Ah, ah, ah, you don’t know where that’s been,” he took it out of her mouth and made a pacifier appear in her mouth. She sucked on while playing the rubber duck.
He lifted her up and placed her on the second couch. He snapped his fingers and her clothing changed. She was now in a thick diaper and onesie. Lucifer had babysat enough times to know what clothing helped her feel safe. 
He brought her over to the bedroom and laid her down in bed before he took off his shoes and climbed in too. She seemed very clingy so he definitely would need to cuddle with her.
She snuggled up close to him as he massaged her scalp. He felt bad that she had to deal with all of this guilt. It was upsetting to say the least. Even though they weren’t very close, he still cared and worried about her.
He felt content once he heard soft snoring coming from the girl. It was a peaceful sight, knowing that she was no longer fighting her inner demons. He slipped out of the bed without waking her up and went back into the small living room area.
He brainstormed what kind of toys Vaggie would like. He wanted to make sure she had something to do when she woke up. After summoning a couple of blocks, a shape sorting game, and setting up a cute purple tent and filled it with a bunch of pillows and blankets, he sat on the couch and scrolled on his hellphone. He contemplated calling Charlie but he didn’t want her to think he wasn’t good enough to take care of Vaggie.
He sat there for a while until a scream erupted from the bedroom. He shot up and scrambled towards the sound. He followed it and opened the door. The sight he was greeted with was sad to say the least. The poor girl was shot up in bed, bawling while clutching the blankets. He could easily see sweat beads rolling down her forehead too. Using context clues, he realized that she must’ve had a nightmare.
“Sweetie,” he sat down next to her on the bed. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead, waiting patiently for her to calm down. He wiped away her tears and held a tissue to her nose, which she blew into, clearing her sinuses. She cried for a minute or two until she was feeling a bit better.
Lucifer summoned a bottle filled with cold water and pulled her into his lap. A diaper change was in order afterwards but for now, he fed her the water, knowing that it would help. Once she finished it, she mumbled a “t’ank you,” 
“You’re welcome, Little ducky. Do you want to talk about your bad dream?” Lucifer asked. 
“Dun wanna think about it,” She told him. “Scary,” 
“It’s okay, baby, you don’t need to talk about it. I have a small surprise for you but do you need any help getting your diapy changed?” He asked. She nodded, feeling way too small to do it herself. 
He laid her down on the ground and began to make quick work of the change. Vaggie played with a small fidget cube so it wasn’t so overwhelming. Once he was done and taped everything up, he carried her on his hip into the living room where watched her play with blocks and sorting games.
Lucifer never realized how intense her trauma was. He was glad that he now knew so he could prepare for any future mishaps. It made him determined to be the best caregiver ever. He would make the small and scared fallen angel feel happy with herself again.
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honeyhalcyon · 9 months
Regressuary 2024 Prompt List
⭑ I made a list of prompts for Regressuary this year! ⭑ These are free to use though, it doesn't necessarily have to be for Regressuary; anyone who wants some inspiration can use them :]
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[Image Description: a pink box with darker pink edges on the upper left and lower right corners; the text in the middle reads "sfw interaction only please" and there is a drawing of a simplified yellow bee in the lower left corner /End ID]
Character A is regressing at home when Character B unexpectedly comes over. Does B already know about A’s regression, or are they unaware?
An attempt at a fun sleepover results in a tantrum over something.
It's Characters A’s birthday, but they're nervous about the date for some reason. Character B helps them regress so they can enjoy their birthday.
Character A has been fussy lately and can't seem to calm down enough for their nap. How does Character B help them settle down?
Character A decides it's time to play dress up and convinces all their friends to play as well.
Character A is feeling ill so Character B makes them their favorite comfort food.
Character A wants to go swimming with their friends!
Character A and Character B are sibbies; one likes cats and the other likes dogs more.
Character A and Character B are up to some mischief while Character C’s back is turned.
While at the store, Character A tells Characters B to hold their hand so they don't get lost.
Character A struggles a bit with fine motor skills when regressed. Character B surprises them with a new pair of velcro shoes.
While playing, Character A trips and falls. Character B watches nervously to see how A reacts.
Character A wakes up feeling small, and Character B takes them out for fun activities all day.
Character A and Character B watch a movie together, but it unexpectedly causes one of them to regress.
Character A and Character B are attempting to complete a puzzle, but are starting to get frustrated. Does Character C help them or let them figure it out on their own?
Character A refuses to take a nap and begins to feel rather grumpy. How does Character B soothe them?
It's a stormy day and Character A wants to go out and play in the rain!
Character A receives some new gear as a gift.
Character A is hesitant to try a new food, but Character B tries to make it more appealing.
Character A didn't have many toys as a child; Character B surprises them with a toy A has always wanted.
Character A tries to do something on their own, insisting they're a big kid. Does this end well or in disaster?
It's early in the morning and Character A is bored; they decide to wake up Character B.
Character A is sick but doesn't want to take their medicine. How does Character B navigate this?
Character A wants to have a movie night with all their friends!
Character A goes on an adventure, but ends up getting lost. How do they find their way back home?
Character A enjoys early morning cartoons and their favorite breakfast.
Character A has a very active imagination and convinces their friends to play out an elaborate story they've made up.
Character A is upset about something but Character B can't figure out what it is. How does B help them feel better?
Character A bakes some cookies, and Character B is having trouble being patient while waiting for them to cool down.
⭑ Also, I used this generator to get inspiration for some of these prompts!
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[Image Description: a pattern resembling honey dripping down. /End ID]
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the-flaming-nightmare · 9 months
Regressuary 2024 Prompts
This is gonna be my second attempt at Regressuary, so I've decided to make prompts of my own this year! 🌞🦖✨
Everyone is more than welcome to use them (I would honestly be really flattered if you did lol), so by all means, use them if you wish! 💞
I've actually been working on some of these prompts in advance since September or October last year. I'm so SO excited!! I'm actually feeling really confident that I'll be able to complete it this year! 😁😁
I look forward to see everyone's lovely creations next month! 🥰
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1. Character A comes down with the flu and ends up regressing. Character B stays over to look after them.
2. Character A is sick but refuses to admit it and rest, leading to an inevitable drop in headspace when they're poor over-exhausted body can't take the pretending anymore: in comes Character B to care for them in their time of need.
3. Character A gets food poisoning, prompting Character B to look after them when they regress.
4. Character B accidentally says a naughty word in earshot of Character A. Character C is not impressed when they return home to discover A's enthusiasm for this new word.
5. Character A throws a massive tantrum and gets put into time out by Character B.
6. Character A gives Character B a makeover–while they're sleeping.
7. After spending a week of vacation in headspace, Character B attempts to re-potty train Character A in preparation for the coming school/work days ahead. A is not having it, and shows B exactly how they feel about it by having an "accident" outside of their pull-up.
8. Apocalypse/Littles are Known AU: Character B saves Character A from a zombie attack and takes them in.
9. Littles are Known AU: Character A, who's been in and out of Little Foster homes for many years, is taken to the hospital by their current Foster Caregiver for a broken foot. Character B is A's doctor, and upon examining them, realizes their broken foot might not have been as accidental as their Foster Caregiver said it was.
10. Littles are Known AU: Character A is feeling some anxiety on their first day of Daycare, but Character B knows just what to do to ease their fears.
11. Character A and Character B are roommates. One day after spending the evening regressed while B was out with friends, A accidentally left their sippy cup out on the kitchen counter. The next day when B comes into the kitchen for their morning cup of coffee, they make the unexpected discovery. An awkward but enlightening conversation between A and B ensues.
12. Character B comes home to discover Character A lying in bed surrounded by what looks like an entire box worth of popsicle wrappers.
13. Character A gets their period while regressed and goes to Character B for help and comfort. Having taken care of a regressed A while on their period a handful of times before, B knows exactly what to do for them.
14. Character A contracts the mumps and gets taken care of by Character B.
15. Character B gets Character A the puppy they've always wanted for their birthday.
16. Littles are Known AU: After months of waiting, Character B and Character C finally adopt and bring home Character A.
17. Character C has to leave for an overnight stay out of town, leaving Character A and and Character B to themselves for the first time since A started regressing with them. B manages to keep A distracted most of the day, but it's when bedtime rolls around that C's absence really hits A hard. B ends up staying up half the night with a very distressed A.
18. Character A does something dangerous and almost gets themself gravely injured in the process, which ends in them getting a spanking from Character B.
19. Character B and Character C take Character A on a trip to the beach.
20. Character A and Character B have a sleepover at Character C's house.
21. Littles are Known AU: After Character B and Character C end up having a biological child, Character A has a hard time adjusting to the new addition to the household.
22. Littles are Known AU: Character A is left on the doorstep of Character's B and C on Christmas Day.
23. Character A and Character B get into a fight over what to watch, which ends up resulting in B hitting A. Character C has to come in and deal with the situation.
24. Character A gets their wisdom teeth removed and wakes up regressed. Character B takes them home and looks after them.
25. Character A makes Character B a homemade card/gift for their birthday.
26. Character A accidentally eats something they're not supposed to and Character B has to rush them to the hospital.
27. In attempt to pet a wild animal while out at the park, Character A ends up getting scratched/bit by it. Character B comes to their rescue and aid.
28. Character A and Character B bake a cake.
29. Character A has an allergic reaction and regresses. Fortunately, Character B is there to help.
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dustbunnybaby · 8 months
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All ocs (And also an old pic but brbrbrbr I still really love it), except for Sycamore which is inspired by @mcschnuggles new fic because I literally had to draw something Immediately for it fhdjksflsd he deserves a nap,,,,,,
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stuffkin · 7 months
HAPPY REGRESSUARY everyone go read @mcschnuggles' lil guy n fic right meow. has not left my brain. i am thinking about them Forever
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regressuary day 11! ptsd hit the lil dude hard. - kaveh
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metal-caregiver · 2 years
Regressuary Day 2 : Playground / Toys
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Parining: Platonic CG!Eddie Munson x Little!Reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 1,010 Tw's: None (use of light "swears" ass, damn) Characters: Eddie, Steve, Dustin, (GN! Reader)
Prompt: Character A (reader) is so enthralled by their toys/playground that they keep putting off a bathroom break
Nicknames directed @ reader: Little one, Kiddo, Squirt Nicknames directed @ cgs!: Steve (mama) Eddie (Ed/Eddie)
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Disclaimer !! : I am disabled and have incontinence due to my disabilities. Diapers are NOT SEXUAL !! Do not sexualize me, my headspace, or my disability aids. READ MY DNI
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On this sunny day in Hawkins, Indiana...Clouds crept along the sky casting large shadows across the playground. It was a lazy day for Eddies party, not to say he had nothing to do. He had plenty of music to play and campaigns to run. To put it simply, they needed a down day. And to Steve's luck, Eddie had requested that you, Dustin, and Steve all walk down to the park together. 
You were used to Dustin being regressed a majority of the time. But surprisingly you hadn't had a proper playdate together! You supposed even though your caregiver hadn't labeled it as one, Dustin wouldn't mind either way. You packed your bag, and with hastily tied shoes and stuffie in hand, you set off to Eddie's house... 
Dustin was sitting on the floor of the Eddie and Waynes attempt at a living room, playing with the odd toy and Dn'D mini-figures Eddie always had laying around. 
"Dustin !!" You shouted, tossing your bag aside and pulling each other up into a spinning hug. 
The two of you giggled and danced around as Eddie picked up your things, Steve gathered up the toys and chalk for the two of you to play with at the park. 
"Hold up, squirt!" Eddie called out, reaching for your hand. 
You looked up at him, confused but with a flutter in your head. 
"Not so fast. You kiddos need to stick with us". Steve said, hand already entwined with Dustin's. For extra measure, Eddie sometimes had you hold onto the chains attached to his belts. Maybe all those unnecessary accessories could be practical sometimes. 
It wasn't far from the school thanks to Steve and Eddie's bikes. Eddie bragged how one day he'll own a "sick ass ride" which earned him a good slap from Steve. 
Once given the "ok", you and Dustin took your pacis and toys booked it for the swings. Each of you raced each other to see who could swing the highest til Dustin managed to scare himself and beg Steve to push for him. 
Your pumping became lighter as you were out of breath. Steve noticed and offered you Dustin's extra sippy with water which you gladly took. Eddie wasn't the best caregiver when it came to rules, and a bottle of water on top of all those sodas from lunch might have not been the best idea for your little state. 
"Little one, slow with the drinking".
You rolled your eyes at the voice from behind you and continued, taking huffs out of your nose causing Steve to giggle as you handed it back to him. Eddie wasn't going to deny you water, that'd be cruel especially when your drink of choice was every sugary and bubbled concoction you could get your hands on. 
"Come play!" you shouted as Eddie took a seat on the bench across from you. You watched him think for a moment before shaking his head. 
"Okay, Kiddo, but first let's take a potty and snack break?" 
You pouted, kicking the wood chips at your feet with a furrowed brow.
"No, no! We just got here! We don't wanna leave now!" Dustin shouted back, mirroring your disappointment. 
"Well if you two are sure..." Eddie hesitated but eventually caved in pushing you while he chatted with Steve.
Steve wasn't too keen on letting either of you out of his sight or out of arms reach. But with Eddie around, Steve could let the invisible leash loose a bit and allow the two of you to (mostly) run free. 
Even from afar the two knew you (especially), and Dusted needed a bathroom break, but neither wanted to force it. Dustin didn't have a preference between pull-ups or boxers but you much preferred your regular clothing over anything Eddie had offered. 
The two of you eventually chased each other back over to your caregivers. This time, Steve spoke up. 
"Dustin, do you need the potty?".
He paused for a moment, fidgeting before eventually giving Steve a nod. "Mhm! Yes mama"
Eddie turned to you, quirking his eyebrows and giving you a questioning look. 
"I don't need to! I want to play!" 
"Squirt I'm serious, let's at least go with them?" 
You looked to Dustin who seemed perfectly content going on his own with Steve, but you justified it in your mind that your friend was just too little to go alone! 
The two of you waited outside the stalls for Steve and Dustin to finish. You could hear the commotion from outside and based on the shouting from Steve you gathered that Dustin forgot to flush and refused to wash his hands. 
Eddie was just waiting for the moment til you asked to join. To his surprise, it never came, until he felt a tugging at his shirt. 
"Yeah, little one?" He asked, sing-song. 
"I'm sorry, Eds I didn't mean to," you said with a sob. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I was just having too much fun playing, and the running didn't make me have to, so I thought I didn't, and I.." 
"Woah, woah! Slow down there. You're ok". Eddie noticed the small wet patch between your knees and sighed. "Damn it,,kid you're all wet." He cringed "Let's get you changed ok?".
You sniffed, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. "Ok Eddie".
Lucky for you, Eddie always carried a pack of baby towels and a change of clothes. He reassured you as he slipped the clean clothes under the bathroom stall, offering you help and privacy when needed.
All was well as you joined Dustin back in the hallway, following your caregivers back outside. 
"I'm sorry Eddie..." You whispered, pulling on his jacket sleeve as Dustin dared you to another race.
"It's alright, kiddo doesn't worry. You're forgiven, it was just a mistake. Don't worry too much about it, and have fun". 
You smiled up at Eddie before running off, turning to wave "love you Ed's!" 
"Love you too, kiddo!" he shouted back, waving from his place next to Steve and smiling. "I love you". 
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teenyweenyeenymeeny · 8 months
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jadzplace · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Akamatsu Kaede & Saihara Shuichi, Gokuhara Gonta & Saihara Shuichi, Momota Kaito & Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki & Saihara Shuichi Characters: Saihara Shuichi, Gokuhara Gonta, Akamatsu Kaede, Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Age Regression/De-Aging, Diapers, Accidents, Mental Breakdown, Hurt/Comfort, Saihara Shuichi Is a Mess, Fights, Well mentions of a fight, Nothing is explicit, Regressuary, Bathing/Washing, Cuddling & Snuggling Summary:
Shuichi never thought he would have to go through such a horrid case ever again. Yet, when said case pushes him through his limit, he officially crashes.
Thankfully, his friends are there to help pick up the pieces.
For regressuary! Or mar-egression? I dunno, it’s a late fic, but it be like that. Based this off of one of mcschnuggle’s prompts from here, hope you enjoy!
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mcschnuggles · 10 days
i've gotta put together a fandom to-do list i keep forgetting what i want to cover for regressuary
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locksylight · 8 months
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Happy regressuary! I ain't got much planned but I'll be doing some redraws of my older stuff!
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jacksdinonuggets · 8 months
Little Vaggie needs a babysitter! luckily, Lucifer is there for her.
Vaggie woke up in the big soft bed that she and her partner shared. It was really cozy and warm. She didn’t feel like doing adult things that day. In all honesty, today just felt like a regression day for her.
“Babe, we have to get up,” Charlie tried shaking Vaggies shoulder.
“Don’t wanna,” She brought the blankets up to her nose.
“Why not, sweetie?” She asked.
“Not feeling big today…” She admitted shyly under the blankets.
“That’s okay, Vaggie, you can be small today but I can’t look after you. I have errands to run,” She told her.
“What? B- but you always ‘ook after me!” Vaggie objected. What was she going to do? Charlie couldn’t leave her!
“I know, I know…” Charlie tried to calm her little one down. She knew she’d be out for almost the whole day and Vaggie wasn’t exactly comfortable regressing around the other residents. But, someone she did get along with well was her dad.
“Alright, I have an idea. I’m going to call over my dad so he can babysit you, ‘kay?” she told her.
“O-Okay…” Vaggie pouted. Charlie ruffled her messy hair before helping her get changed.
After they finished, Charlie got out her phone and called her dad.
“Y’ello,” He answered.
“Hey, Dad. I was wondering if you could come over in like 5 to 20 minutes to watch over Vaggie for the day? She’s regressed and I don’t want to force her to be big,” She explained the situation to him.
“Sure! I’ll be happy to babysit! See you in 10!” He said before hanging up.
Charlie sighed in relief. She was glad he was so supportive of them. If he wasn’t she wasn’t sure what she’d do. 
As they waited for him, Charlie tried entertaining Vaggie with a couple of stuffed toys. It managed to keep her busy until he arrived.
“Hey, Charlie!” Lucifer appeared in the room in a puff of smoke and glitter. He gave her a hug before kneeling down before Vaggie.
“Heya, little one, I’m going to be babysitting you today. Want some candy?” He pulled out a piece of wrapped chocolate and gave it to her. She gladly took it.
“Dad, she hasn’t had breakfast yet, you can’t give her candy!” Charlie scolded her father.
“Oh right! Sorry, apple pie,” He stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Its okay, you didn’t know. Now, it’s pretty easy, just keep her entertained, fed, and make sure to change her when she needs to be. Sometimes she’ll be pretty embarrassed and won’t tell you, just make sure to check every now and then, alright?” She whispered into his ear. Vaggie had to wear protection because she was pretty out of touch with her bladder when small. It was sort of like a trauma response though since she mainly regressed due to her traumatic experiences during exterminations. Using the big kid bathroom also made her slip out of her small headspace a lot.
“Alrighty, Charlie. Remember, I was around when you were a baby, I can handle this,” He assured her.
“Hmm, okay,” Charlie replied nervously. This was the first time Lucifer would be babysitting Vaggie. Sure, he’d taken care of her every now and then but Vaggie was a lot different.
“Okay, Sweetie, I have to leave now, but my dad’s going to stay here and watch over you. You’ll have tons of fun, I promise,” She kneeled down to the floor where Vaggie was playing.
“I’m gonna miss you…” She mumbled behind her pacifier. 
“Oh, baby, I’ll miss you too,” She gave her a hug before she left the room and hotel.
Now she and Lucifer were alone in their giant bedroom. It was very nerve-wracking for Vaggie since she’s barely regressed around him before. It was scary. Her stomach grumbled which snapped her out of her scared thoughts.
“Looks like someone hungry! I’ll fix something up for you, don’t you worry!” He assured her. He summoned a small, floor chair with a tray attached to it. It was the perfect size for Vaggie. She was embarrassed at first and hesitated but once Lucifer assured her that it was alright and he wouldn’t judge, she crawled in. He set the tray down and made some cut up eggs appear. As he fed her, he noticed how worried and scared she was during the whole thing. She would eat with uncertainty and nervousness. 
Once she was done and full, he took her out of the small seat and set her back in the middle of her mess of toys and books.
“What do you feel like doing?” He asked her. She shrugged, not knowing exactly what she wanted to do.
“How about a story? You want that?” He suggested. She nodded and slowly crawled over to his lap, still worried about being small around him. He smiled and opened the book.
He read about five books before Vaggie got bored. She held a kitty stuffed animal that reminded him of key-key. The stuffed toy was cute and he pet its head when he was done, which made Vaggie giggle a little.
She wanted to play by herself for a while so he sat at the desk, scrolling on his phone and updating Charlie about what was happening. He also made her a sippy cup with some juice in it. 
“T-t’ank you,” She mumbled when he handed it to her. Lucifer lit up. She spoke! That must mean she trusts him! He got so happy that his smile reached all the way up to his eyes.
She drank all the juice so fast that it kind of scared him. Was she that thirsty? Or maybe she just liked the juice.
“You like the juice?” He asked. She nodded happily. Lucifer smiled.
The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. Vaggie did however have a tantrum when he went to change her diaper. She only allowed Charlie and Charlie only to change her but in the end, she ended up getting a fresh, new one on her anyways. 
When Charlie came back, she found that Vaggie had managed to age back up on her own. She was now doing chores around the hotel, trying to make up for the time she’s lost. Lucifer told Charlie about what happened and all the details. She thanked him and the two went their separate ways.
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moonshineplaydate · 8 months
AN: I watched Amphibia for the first time recently so, I’m sorry if this is OOC at all!!
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Don’t Wanna Be Alone
Summary: Marcy wakes up in the middle of the night, regressed with no one around, so she decides to go find her friend!
Characters: Little Marcy, Caregiver Anne
Warnings: SFW Age regression, DNI if NSFW,
Marcy’s time in Amphibia had been nothing short of a blessing for the overly energetic girl. The world, especially Newtopia had been the fantasy adventure she’d always dreamed of having, weird, terrifying creatures and all. She had filled every page of her journal with nothing short of unbridled, yet still neatly written passion. The formally socially awkward school girl has reinvented herself into a brilliant inventor and strategist, excelling to the point where she had become friends with the King.
She loved every bit of her new life, she had friends, confidence, a whole new world to explore and study, but there was one, or rather two people missing that would complete this. Anne and Sasha. Marcy’s two friends that she missed oh so much, don’t get her wrong, her life was so, so great now but she just wished she could share it with the two people she cared the most about. Alas, no matter how hard she looked, they were nowhere to be found, presumably appearing in a wildly different area of Amphibia. She tried to brush it off, saying that she’d get to ask them about it once they found each other, but nothing could deny the aches in their heart or those tight, drowning knots in their stomach whenever Marcy thought about the too for long. That didn’t mean she would stop thinking though.
Besides, she did get them stranded here to go on an adventure together but that wasn’t going according to plan…
That what she tried to think about less.
Luckily, at least one of her problems sorted itself out when Anne quite literally turned up at her doorstep, and after around a twenty minute long adventure with some kind of moral lesson to be learned, they were finally back home. Well at least at Marcy’s home, the palace. They honestly couldn’t get enough of the look on Anne’s face when she saw where they had been living, wishing that shed been here from the start. The girl certainly looked quite disheveled, she’d have to ask Anne where on Earth her other shoe went and why she hadn’t bothered to replace it. But that wasn’t why she’d brought Anne here.
The Plantars needed a place to stay while in Newtopia, and Andrias was a, supposedly, nice king so it was no problem for them to stay in one of the lavish guest rooms, the items in it probably being worth more money then they’d ever seen. That was…a real problem, Marcy would have to find a way to sort that one out. Begrudgingly, she gave Anne some space to unwind after a brutally long day, knowing they’d see each other in the morning.
Marcy retreated into her room, pulling off their long fluffy boots and leaving them next to a well made, sparkling bed which she plopped herself down on. They hummed as they opened their heavy journal, sitting it on her lap, scribbling away about everything that happened in the day, their hand nearly shaking with excitement as they wrote Anne’s name.
Marcy obviously knew Anne was here, she’d seen them nothing more then five minutes ago, but seeing it right there, written on the page…she’d really found her. After all this time, she wouldn’t be alone in the castle anymore, they could have sleepovers and pull pranks just like back at home! They giggled cheerfully at the thought, continuing to write and doodle away with a giddy, smiling expression worn on her face.
Marcy only began to notice how lost in their writing she truly was when the light began to fade from her room, leaving a pleasant, warm illumination for a more freezing void like shadow that crept over the whole room.
‘Night already?’ They yawned, thinking allowed. It was only now they realised they spent the better part of a couple hours gushing about Anne and all her memories about her, filling up a good amount of pages with the love coated ink. Marcy blushed a little at this realisation, promptly shutting their journal and hoisting it up. She patted the top of it as she left it on her desk, hanging up her coat and cloak since she was already standing up. It was also only now that they realised how tired today had made them, their blinks becoming longer like it was trying to coax her to sleep, her movements being more slow and sluggish. Marcy sighed and rubbed her temples, dragging herself over to her own bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth with a newt substitute for toothpaste, which she hoped was safe to use.
After a bit, the exhausted girl practically crawled her way over to her bed, having barely managed to get herself into her PJ’s without passing out. But once her face hit her pillow, she was already out like a light.
Unfortunately for Marcy though, it seemed like her body was working against her as she awoke herself barely even an hour later, into one of the darker corners of the light. Maybe she was doing too much work before bed and interrupting her sleep patterns…again. But that wasn’t what she should be worrying about.
For some reason that Marcy couldn’t put together right now, something felt so, so wrong. Sure, their bed was really comfortable and warm and she could just snuggle up under there until she fell asleep again, but she didn’t wanna! There was one massive problem that she couldn’t put her finger on until she cautiously peered her eyes out from the protective confines of her blanket, looking around the room like a cat deciding if somewhere was safe. But she was nothing. And she realised what the problem was.
No one else was with her. She just got Anne back, everything should be great for her, but she wasn’t here. She knew she sounded clingy, that her friend couldn’t always be with her, but they wanted her to be! Being alone felt like the biggest problem ever to her right now, and proactive as always, Marcy went to solve it. Anything to get her out of the room anyway, that terrifying, lonely room.
Stepping quietly out of the hall, which looked a lot bigger then she remembered, Marcy kept their hands curled up to their chest, making small, teetering steps against the carpeted, well made floors. Her eyes squinted as she tried to read the numbers on the doors, letting out a frustrated whine at each one that wasn’t Anne’s. The self proclaimed artificer was so close to giving up, to just accept that she’d be alone and cry her eyes out until Olivia found her…but, that was something she did when she was little. And she didn’t need that write now.
Marcy had become so much more confident and hardworking since landing in Newtopia, they thought that maybe, just maybe they’d gotten rid of their little side. But it sprung back up, a couple weeks into her stay after so long suppressing it, it came bursting right it with little her crying in her room. Luckily it was Olivia that found her, who didn’t persist with any questions afterwards but still, she worked hard to make others perceive as a strong adventurer, or to be accepted. To be seen as normal. To regress would be to through all that away, so, she wasn’t regressed, no matter how much she just wanted to curl up in Anne’s arms, how much she wanted a toy to keep her hands busy, how much she wanted a paci.
How much she didn’t want to be alone.
Marcy pushed down her fears, trying to put on a brace face as she considered making the isolated walk back to her room before her sleepy eyes glanced over one of the doors in the castle. Anne’s room! She finally did it, all by herself like a big girl teenager. After bouncing on the spot for a little while, a big smile on her face, she shakily ran over to the door before knocking at it, quickly but gently.
Marcy pushed down her fears, trying to put on a brave face as she considered making the isolated walk back to her room before her sleepy eyes glanced over one of the doors in the castle. Anne’s room! She finally did it, all by herself like a big girl (cross out) teenager. After bouncing on the spot for a little while, a big smile on her face, she shakily ran over to the door before knocking at it, quickly but gently.
The excited student turned artificer swung about on her heels, arms buzzing and twitching with excitement at her sides, beaming up at the door like it was the best thing since sliced bread. When it finally opened, she had to suppress a squeal in her throat at the start of the bushy haired, messy, most perfect girl she knew staring down at her, seeming a little tired and confused.
She yawned, while Marcy just stayed looking up at her, her smile getting a little wider at the nickname.
‘What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be asleep?’ Anne asked her, seeming a little skeptical about why she was here though that was probably her time in Amphibia talking. Nothing ever seemed simple here. Now that March actually had to answer the question as to why she was here, they couldn’t help but blush over how childish it seemed. Not being able to handle being alone, having to come all the way here in covet of the scary, dark night to see her friend just so she wouldn’t be so scared. There was no way they could tell Anne that, she’d think that they were small right now! Which she wasn’t! Marcy had to think quickly, and blabbered out a lie.
‘I..uh, I jus’ missed you!’ Smiling up at Anne like an angel, Marcy desperately hoped the Thai girl would buy it, even though it technically wasn’t a lie. For the most part she did, Anne could tell there was something going on with them, but had no idea what it is and didn’t want to pry. Instead, she just kneeled down a bit to be at Marcy’s eye level, something that made her feel oh so tiny.
‘How about we go back to your room then? I’ve missed out sleepovers,’ she admitted in a hushed whisper, hoping not to disturb anyone else. Anne would get a response very quickly, Marcy nodding up and down and squealing a little under her breath, the feelings of excitement bubbling up inside her brain and washing away her maturity.
Anne decided not to make the impatient girl wait, wondering why she was acting..different. She couldn’t put her finger on it just yet, but they seemed a lot more excitable then normal, more bouncy, more giggly.
Though as they walked, the self proclaimed artificer/rogue seemed to be stepping a lot more close to Anne, to the point where their arms were brushing against each other with every step. Anne looked down at her friend, seeing that she was looking down, playing with her fingers a little; a nervous habit she’d grown to recognise. Delicately, she planted her fingertips on Marcy’s arms so they knew she was there, before tracing her hand down to Marcy’s, interlocking their fingers in a gentle, protective manner.
Marcy practically cooed at this, walking in the dark was scary, even with Anne. They had no idea how they managed to make the perilous journey before, but was just glad Anne was with them this time.
‘Fank you!’
Marcy exclaimed sweetly, her voice having a distinctive lisp to it, sounding more carefree and…childish. It suddenly clicked with Anne, why Marcy was clingy, why she was more giggly and absent minded to the world around her. Why she didn’t want to be alone.
‘Hey, Marbles,’ she began, talking slowly as they approached Marcy’s room, bumping open the door as she got the two of them inside before continuing the conversation, hoping it would make her feel safer.
‘Mhm?’ Marcy hummed back, tilting her face to look at Anne, looking like a baby deer.
‘Don’t take the wrong way,’ Anne began, already not liking how she was phrasing this but she knew she had to stay committed.
‘But are you..small right now? You just seem a little more..’ with her free hand, Anne placed the side of her hand next to her head before lowering it down, making it literally appear smaller.
Marcy looked horrified at the small question, her hand squeezing against Anne’s for a moment as she stared, half blankly and half fearfully. She had totally forgotten that Anne even knew about her regression in her own joy to see her again, and now she was gonna think that they were just a little kid, who needed to be coddled and couldn’t do anything for themselves. Everything they’d done in Newtopia to become reputable and…and normal, something they never got back home, would be gone! Olivia knowing was terrifying, Marcy knew neither of them would tell anyone but couldn’t help but be on edge whenever it was brought up. How would people in Amphibia even take it? Could she lie to them about it? No, that would make things so much worse, like it was with the Music Box, like it was with everything-!
‘Marcy!’ Anne gasped in front of her friend’s face, a couple tears beginning to fall down their cheeks. Marcy didn’t even realise they were zoning out and could only stare up pitifully at their friend, lip shaking, sniffling at the cruel thoughts of their own mind.
‘Shh, shh, it’s okay Marbles, it doesn’t matter to me if your big or small right now, mkay?’ Anne said, though her tone was leaning towards the latter; she already knew. But there wasn’t any judgement or even disinterest on her expression targeted towards the little, she looked concerned and care, eyes locked on Marcy as her thumbs gently wiped away her tears. Marcy just shuffled closer to her, desperate for any comfort, desperate not to be alone. They buried their face in Anne’s neck and wrapped her arms around the the taller girl.
‘Now, hun, do you wanna tell me what’s got you all worked up or is that a bit too big for you right now?’ Anne asked, making no effort to hide that she knew Marcy was little right now. There was no point to it, she needed the comfort.
Marcy babbled for a few seconds, not trying to hide it as a wave of sorrow got caught up in her throat from how soft she was being treated. When she finally got her words out, they were mixed in with snivels and quiet sobs.
‘I-I ain’ su-suppos’d to b-be lil’..I wanted to do be-better here!’
Marcy cried, getting frustrated as they stomped their foot on the ground, crying a little harder onto Anne’s warm body. In response, Anne began rubbing circles into Marcy’s back, squeezing her a little tighter in their hug.
‘Oh, baby, no, no, you’ve been doing so well here! You still are!’
Stubbornly, the little looked up at Anne, unsure of what she was getting it. She couldn’t be doing good if she was just a little kid right now!
‘You’ve done so much for Newtopia, and you’ve become a hero down here! There’s no shame in needing a little time to relax however you feel like, sweetie, no matter what I’ll always be proud of my special little adventurer.’
The words cut into Marcy lovingly, by the time Anne got to that sweet nickname at the end, she was crying even more. But not from sadness, Marcy just couldn’t handle all those big emotions right now. Anne being proud of her? It was validating, it felt like she’d just been given permission to be herself. The little adventurer kept babbling out something that resembled, ‘I love you’ to Anne, even if it was a little hard to tell with her lisp.
‘Aww, I love you too, just don’t hold off on being little when you need to, okay sunshine?’
Their friend asked, looking at Marcy patiently, keeping a hand lightly clung to their arm.
‘M-mhm!’ Marcy nodded. Slowly, the raven haired artificer regained some composure, still feeling pretty small, staring up at Anne with a smiling, slightly tear stained face.
‘Do-does dis mean you’ll s-stay with me?’
Beaming right back, Anne ruffled Marcy’s hair, her touch not leaving Marcy’s body.
‘Of course I will, I’d love to spend time with my little angel!’
Finally, Marcy wasn’t alone, whether she was big or small.
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the-flaming-nightmare · 9 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thank you once again for the tag, @anewkindofme! 🧡❤
I'm now working on Day 10 of Regressuary, so here's what I've written so far:
TK peered anxiously around the bright, colorful room. There were toys and other fun looking activities galore, Littles occupying every corner of the room, some playing together while others played on their own. Despite the exciting environment that would have normally been enough to pull him away from his dad's side, it wasn't enough today.
The sudden noise and movement of two Littles squealing as one ran after the other right past them, had TK tightening his grip on Owen's hand and pressing himself closer to the man.
"Hey, it's okay, baby." Owen gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I know it's a little overwhelming, but you're going to have so much fun!"
TK made a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat. "Do I gotta stay, dada?" He turned his head and looked at the man with a pleading expression.
Owen smiled apologetically. "I'm afraid you do, champ."
"Can't go t'work with you?"
"No, honey, you can't. I'm sorry. But you'll only have to stay for a couple of hours. Just until Tommy can come get you, okay?"
"But tha's so fars away!" TK whined, tears filling his eyes and throat growing tight.
"Oh, baby bear. C'mere." The Caregiver pulled the boy into his arms. TK immediately burrowed his face into the man's shoulder, hands coming up to clutch at the back of his work shirt. "I know this place isn't the exact same as your old daycare, but I bet if you give it a chance you'll see that it's just as good as the last."
While this wasn't TK's first time attending daycare, it was the first time he was attending a new one since they left New York. He'd been going to his old daycare since he had been classified at seventeen, so it was understandable why he was feeling so anxious.
TK sniffles, a few tears managing to slip free and soak into the blue fabric of his dad's shirt. "Wha' if..." he trailed off, the tightness in his throat becoming almost suffocating and preventing him from speaking anymore.
"What if what, bud?" Owen gently coaxed, rubbing circles into the middle of TK's back.
The Little swallowed hard and took a few shaky breaths before he finally felt able to speak again.
"Wha' if n'body wants t'be my f'end, dada?"
"Baby bear, that's something you never have to worry about." Owen quietly chuckled. "You are the kind of person everyone wants to be friends with.
"Of course I am! I bet almost the entire daycare will want to be your friend by the end of the day."
Despite the worries and fear that still wanted to flood his veins, the corners of TK's lips curled up into a small smile, and the grip he had on the Caregiver began to gradually loosen.
"You're gonna be okay, honeybun."
Owen gave the Little's back a comforting pat, before gently pulling out of the embrace and cupping TK's face in his hands, wiping the leftover tears from his cheeks.
"Feeling any better now, champ?"
TK shrugged, leaning into Owen's touch. "Guess a lil'."
"Would you like dada to try and help you find a quiet spot for you to stay at until you feel ready to play with the others?"
TK sucked his bottom lip between his teeth as he thought it over.
"Ah-ah, no biting on your lip, baby bear," Owen gently chided, pulling the little boy's lip free. He slipped the blue pacifier that hung from the clip connected to the Little's sweatshirt into his mouth. "That's what this is for."
Tagging (if you wanna): @angelique-of-the-volturi-guard and @thegoeticcleric
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