#Realme 2023
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haiteknogadget · 2 years ago
HP Realme 5 Jutaan Pilihan Terbaik dengan Harga Terjangkau
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HP Realme 5 Jutaan - Di era digital ini, smartphone telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan kita. Salah satu merek yang telah muncul sebagai pemain utama di pasar smartphone adalah Realme. Dalam kisaran harga 5 jutaan, Realme menawarkan berbagai pilihan yang menarik dengan spesifikasi yang kompetitif. Inilah beberapa pilihan HP Realme Harga 5 Jutaan yang patut dipertimbangkan.
1. Realme 5 Pro
Realme 5 Pro merupakan salah satu smartphone unggulan di segmen harga 5 jutaan. Ditenagai oleh prosesor Snapdragon terbaru, ponsel ini menawarkan performa yang kuat untuk penggunaan sehari-hari maupun multitasking. Dilengkapi dengan kamera utama 48 MP, Realme 5 Pro memberikan hasil jepretan yang tajam dan detail. Layar Full HD+ memberikan pengalaman visual yang imersif, sedangkan kapasitas baterai yang besar memastikan daya tahan yang baik. Harga Realme 5 Pro berada di kisaran 5 jutaan, menjadikannya salah satu pilihan terbaik dalam kategori ini.
2. Realme 5i
Jika Anda mencari opsi lebih terjangkau, Realme 5i adalah pilihan yang patut dipertimbangkan. Meskipun memiliki harga yang lebih rendah, smartphone ini tetap menawarkan pengalaman yang memuaskan. Dengan kamera utama 12 MP dan baterai yang besar, Realme 5i cocok untuk pengguna yang lebih fokus pada kebutuhan sehari-hari. Desain modern dan layar besar juga menjadi daya tarik tambahan dari ponsel ini.
3. Realme 5s
Realme 5s adalah varian lain yang menonjol dalam kisaran harga 5 jutaan. Dengan kamera utama 48 MP dan mode malam yang ditingkatkan, smartphone ini memberikan hasil fotografi yang menakjubkan dalam berbagai kondisi pencahayaan. Performa yang cukup baik untuk tugas sehari-hari didukung oleh prosesor yang handal. Layar besar dan baterai yang tahan lama membuat Realme 5s menjadi pilihan menarik untuk pengguna yang mencari nilai tambah.
4. Realme Narzo 30
Realme Narzo 30 adalah salah satu pilihan lain yang patut diperhitungkan dalam kategori harga 5 jutaan. Dengan desain yang modern dan layar dengan refresh rate tinggi, ponsel ini memberikan pengalaman visual yang halus. Kamera utama 48 MP dan baterai yang besar adalah fitur menonjol dari Realme Narzo 30. Ditenagai oleh prosesor yang mumpuni, ponsel ini cocok untuk pengguna yang menginginkan performa optimal.
Dalam rangkaian pilihan HP Realme 5 Jutaan, Anda dapat menemukan berbagai fitur yang mencakup kamera unggulan, performa yang handal, dan daya tahan baterai yang baik. Dengan harga yang terjangkau, Realme memberikan opsi yang menguntungkan bagi para konsumen yang menginginkan kombinasi kualitas dan nilai.
HP Realme 5 Jutaan menawarkan sejumlah pilihan menarik dengan spesifikasi yang kompetitif. Mulai dari Realme 5 Pro dengan performa unggulan hingga Realme 5i yang lebih terjangkau, ada banyak opsi yang dapat dipertimbangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda. Dengan terus berkembangnya teknologi, kita dapat mengharapkan adanya lebih banyak inovasi dalam kategori ini pada tahun 2023 dan masa depan. Jadi, jika Anda mencari smartphone dengan harga terjangkau namun tetap berkualitas, HP Realme 5 Jutaan adalah pilihan yang layak dipertimbangkan.
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novicedraws · 1 year ago
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Random AU time, instead of being raised on earth realm and trained by the monks. Raiden is Li Mei's second in command and is naturally gifted with the powers of lighting/thunder.
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qsoap-righthere · 7 months ago
jon and dami on babysitting duty again
(if u didn't see my pinned post, i'll be posting on this acc for now lol just carrying on the regular posting)
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pawzunyan · 3 months ago
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the-banished-one · 1 year ago
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reading homeland vs reading daughter of the drow
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hannahelatham · 2 years ago
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it them
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kimp05 · 1 year ago
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love you seven times (2023) : appreciation post | xiang yun / cang hai costumes
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whyeverr · 1 year ago
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Nestled along the desolate and mist-shrouded shores of Cavalier Cove, this unassuming cottage looms as a haunting reminder of the mysterious forces that simmer just beneath the surface in Brindleton Bay.
Here, the saltwater's briny scent carries with it the hushed tales of merfolk curses, enveloping the surroundings in an eerie foreboding. Approaching this cursed dwelling beckons the lurking presence of the malevolent sea hag, who practices her dark arts within these walls, forever bound to the ceaseless rhythm of the restless ocean.
Lot details:
Lot Type: Residential (1 bed, 1 bath)
Price: §26,818
Size: 20x20
Location: Bedlington Boathouse, Brindleton Bay
I’ve used from all packs freely here—lots of Cats & Dogs, Realm of Magic, and Werewolves
Created in celebration of Simblreen 2023! @simblreenofficial
Download via the Sims 4 Gallery or tray files via Sim File Share. Please don’t re-upload or share without credit. Thank you!
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dani-luminae · 23 days ago
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After Jim encounters Star and Asha discovers Morph, Jim and Asha finally meet each other.
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dreamyren · 1 year ago
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boy best friends
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haiteknogadget · 2 years ago
Best Realme Smartphones 4 Jutaan
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HP Realme 4 Jutaan - Pengantar: Teknologi smartphone terus berkembang dengan pesat, dan Realme sebagai salah satu pemain utama di pasar gadget terus menghadirkan ponsel-ponsel terbaiknya. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi berbagai pilihan HP Realme 4 Jutaan dengan spesifikasi lengkap serta harga terjangkau. Mari kita lihat beberapa opsi terbaik yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan saat mencari HP Realme di kisaran harga 4 jutaan pada tahun 2023.
1. Realme 4 Jutaan dengan Kamera Terbaik dan RAM Besar
Salah satu aspek utama yang dicari dalam smartphone adalah kamera yang unggul dan kapasitas RAM yang besar. Realme menyadari kebutuhan ini dan telah menghadirkan pilihan terbaik di segmen ini:
Realme 7 Pro Realme 7 Pro adalah salah satu HP Realme 4 Jutaan dengan kamera terbaik dan RAM besar. Mengusung kamera utama 64 MP, Anda dapat mengambil foto tajam dan jernih dalam berbagai kondisi cahaya. Selain itu, dengan RAM 8 GB, perangkat ini mampu menjalankan aplikasi dan game berat dengan lancar. Layar Super AMOLED 6.4 inci memberikan visual yang menakjubkan. Harga Realme 7 Pro berada di kisaran 4 jutaan, menjadikannya pilihan menarik untuk penggemar fotografi dan performa tinggi.
2. HP Realme Harga 4 Jutaan dengan Baterai Tahan Lama
Ketahanan baterai adalah salah satu faktor penting bagi pengguna yang aktif. Realme juga menghadirkan solusi untuk kebutuhan ini:
Realme Narzo 50A Dengan baterai berkapasitas 6000 mAh, Realme Narzo 50A adalah pilihan kuat bagi mereka yang membutuhkan daya tahan baterai ekstra. Performanya juga tak kalah dengan dapur pacu MediaTek Helio G85 dan RAM 6 GB. Dengan layar 6.5 inci, pengalaman multimedia menjadi lebih memikat. HP Realme Harga 4 Jutaan ini menawarkan nilai luar biasa untuk pengguna yang menginginkan daya tahan baterai tanpa mengorbankan performa.
3. Realme 4 Jutaan Terbaik dengan Desain Elegan
Desain yang menawan juga menjadi pertimbangan penting dalam memilih smartphone. Berikut adalah pilihan dengan desain elegan:
Realme 8 Realme 8 hadir dengan desain menawan dan pilihan warna yang beragam. Performanya didukung oleh MediaTek Helio G95 dan RAM 6 GB, memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang mulus. Dengan kamera utama 64 MP dan layar Super AMOLED 6.4 inci, Realme 8 membawa kombinasi yang apik antara estetika dan performa. Harga Realme 8 berada di kisaran harga 4 jutaan, menjadikannya pilihan menarik bagi pengguna yang mengutamakan tampilan.
4. HP Realme Harga Murah 4 Jutaan dengan Fitur Unggulan
Jika Anda mencari HP Realme Harga Murah 4 Jutaan dengan fitur-fitur unggulan, pilihan ini mungkin cocok untuk Anda:
Realme C25s Meskipun hadir dengan harga terjangkau, Realme C25s menawarkan fitur-fitur menarik seperti baterai 6000 mAh, kamera utama 13 MP, dan MediaTek Helio G85. RAM 4 GB juga cukup untuk menjalankan sebagian besar tugas sehari-hari. Dengan layar 6.5 inci, HP Realme Harga Murah ini memberikan nilai lebih dalam segi daya tahan dan fungsionalitas.
Dalam pasar yang penuh dengan berbagai pilihan smartphone, HP Realme 4 Jutaan terus mengukuhkan posisinya dengan menghadirkan ponsel-ponsel berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau. Tidak hanya menyediakan fitur-fitur unggulan seperti kamera berkualitas dan RAM besar, Realme juga memperhatikan desain yang menawan serta daya tahan baterai yang impresif. Apapun pilihan Anda, pastikan untuk mempertimbangkan kebutuhan dan preferensi pribadi Anda. Dengan opsi-opsi seperti Realme 7 Pro, Realme Narzo 50A, Realme 8, dan Realme C25s, Anda dapat menemukan HP Realme 4 Jutaan yang sesuai dengan kriteria Anda pada tahun 2023.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year ago
Me and my family went to a cabin where after going through it was magic. There was no back end of it it just expanded into land which was the ghost realm for some reason where you could rent out an invisible tricycle and ride it around in the ghost realm just zooming.
Then my favorite characters showed up for two seconds to say “Yuri best girl” ( Doki Doki Literature Club!). 
The gift shop OF THE GHOST REALM sold DDLC bookmarks.
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heyitsrink · 1 year ago
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Realm of the Villains | Crown
a crown fit for a pretender
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artemismoorea03 · 2 years ago
DPxDC Prompt: The Child Who Was King
(For anybody who has read my DPxDC fics you might know that I'm a huge fan of the "Unaging Danny" headcanon and this was directly inspired by that)
The team has already heard about Phantom in one way or another. Yes, the tyrant "Pariah Dark" had his name mentioned in some places but it was called the "Phantom Zone" for a reason. "Phantom Zone", "Land of the Dead", "Underworld", "Limbo" and countless other names are listed and describe the same place.
It also describes a King be it vicious or kind, old or young, a threat or a peace keeper. The stories are so varied that it's impossible for the League to know who to expect when they receive a mysterious sticky note which falls from the sky during the meeting.
The entire League is on edge, not knowing what to think until some members (Zatana and Constantine) recognize the symbol on the paperwork from ancient texts. The Symbol of the God of Time. Zatana says that Time works close with the King of Death and is send to bend at his will and often sends warning messages like this to alert those who are required to know. While Constantine just wants to leave before things get to be any more of a headache.
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks into months.
Most of the team thinks it was a mistake but one member of the team stays particularly on edge because the paper fell in front of them specifically. It isn't until they're on patrol in their area that another note appears with an address and a time and when they arrive in the area they make it just in time for a green portal to open and somebody to fall out of it.
They react, years of training tell them to catch the figure and when they do they discover a child no older than 14 under weight, pale with black hair and blue eyes, bruises covering them. They're breathing heavily as the kid leans against the heroes chest fearfully, the cape seeming much larger than them.
The hero doesn't know what to think when one final note appears.
Due to reasons which can not yet be discussed King Phantom is not safe in the Land of the Dead, you are here by entrusted with his protection. If you fail all will be lost.
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your-ne1ghbor · 9 months ago
Monster in TKORAT au 😜
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Idk man it came to me in a dream
Maggy is depressed af lmao 😝😝😝
Btw idk what the bottom half of the design should be tbh 💀
Ah well imma read some facts on the Dementors kiss to get some ideas 🧍
I was gonna do some Asha angst but I had to go somewhere so all I have is just this image with no dialog so here:
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Bye bye 😜🐀
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sotwk · 1 year ago
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4th Day of Yule: “Four Calling Birds”
Prince Arvellas Thranduilion x Reader
Third Age 247
Men-i-Naugrim, Eryn Galen
At first, the cacophony of merry calling, booming laughter, pounding hooves, and exploding snowbanks unsettled you. You had served in the House of Thranduil all your life, just as your parents had, and you frequently saw the king's sons around the palace. You thought you knew those princes well--or at least as well as a scribe-in-residence would reasonably be expected to know the royals. This morning however, you realized you had been given a unique opportunity to see the princes in a different light, released from the confines of court protocol and formalities. 
Who would have thought those gentle-mannered, refined lords could be so… so… wild out in the…wild? 
“No no no!!! I said I was not ready! That was foul play!” Young Prince Gelir sputtered, shaking off the mound of snow that had been dumped over his head by the shovel-sized hands of Prince Turhir. He clutched the silver mane of his horse to maintain his position on its saddleless back, while pawing furiously at his wet face. “You sneak! You rotten--”
You diverted your eyes, which had gone wide at the outburst of coarse verbiage from the prince’s mouth. Most of the cursing was drowned out by the taunting howls and cackles of Princes Mirion and Turhir, which were even more shocking sounds coming from the noble elder sons of King Thranduil. Noro! Noro! The deep voices shouted, and in thundering gallops all three riders vanished yet again behind the trees further down the Forest Road. 
“What does that word mean?”
You turned to the littlest of the Thrandilions, Legolas, where he squirmed in his seat on the sleigh between you and Prince Arvellas. Thankfully, his brother, who had remained silent for most of the ride so far, spoke up to answer. 
“Nothing you need to learn or utter for a while yet.” Arvellas shook his head and smiled. “In fact, I would advise you to avoid repeating any new words you hear coming out of Gelir’s mouth--especially when he is yelling them.”
Legolas scrunched up his nose and nodded. “All right.” The elfling leapt back up on his feet, despite being asked to sit down only a few minutes ago. You and Arvellas exchanged glances, and he raised his shoulders in a resigned shrug. It was probably too much to expect of a five-year-old to sit still, anyway. 
Legolas had already pouted plenty over the fact that he had to ride in the sleigh instead of being allowed a steed of his own. You sympathized with his frustration at first-- until you witnessed the sort of risky play the princes liked to engage in. You adored horses, even though you did not ride or own one, but the princes’ giant Arrochs, taller than you by over two feet, wider than a bull elk and possessing unpredictable temperament, frightened you a little. The older princes seemed to wield full mastery over them, but even Gelir was just starting to learn, so you shared in the Queen’s reluctance to permit little Legolas to mount one just yet. 
“Look up there, your High--Legolas!” You pointed towards the naked boughs of a nearby tree, where a curious tree mouse scrambled across a high overhanging branch to watch their sleigh pass by. “That one is called a skyrunner.”
The elfling oohed and ahhed with loud appreciation, as he did at every creature you pointed out to him. Seeing the unbridled enthusiasm of a child enjoying new woodland discoveries made you so very glad you pushed aside your nervousness and accepted Arvellas’s invitation to join them on their winter ride down the Men-i-Naugrim.  
But being in the presence of the Scholar Prince in this situation, even surrounded by his boisterous siblings, challenged your ability to wrestle away unwanted thoughts about him. It was easier to think of yourself as his mere colleague when you were busy working side-by-side in the libraries, with piles of texts to fill your mind. You reasoned that Arvellas had asked you to come for the benefit of your wildlife expertise; no had yet surpassed you in the number of pages written to document the native flora and fauna of Eryn Galen. 
And what a pleasure it was to travel through these woods with the princes! For no matter how loudly they hollered, how fiercely they threw snowballs at each other, or how savagely their horses charged in and out through the trees, the forest animals did not retreat from their chaos. In the many years you had dedicated to tracking the native beasts of this realm, you had never before seen so many different creatures and rare species all at once come out of hiding, drawn to the exuberant energy of the five Thranduilions. 
You were so enraptured by the number of singing birds that perched on the sleigh’s front bow, and the squirrels that scrambled onto the backs of the pulling horses, and the one cheeky fox that crept up a delighted Legolas’s lap for some pets, that you did not immediately notice that Arvellas’s eyes were not on the wondrous sight of the gathered animals.  His gaze, perpetually kind and soft, and blue as the sunny winter skies, had settled solely on you.  
When you looked up and your gaze finally crossed paths with his, a strange, completely unwilled squeak flew from your throat. Mortified with yourself, you scooted sideways on the cushioned bench to maximize the distance between you. Suddenly, his arm stretched out and his hand encased your fingers in a tender squeeze that sent a clear message. 
You found yourself leaning close to the prince, drawn to him just like the woodland creatures were, goosebumps rippling over your skin when he whispered your name. His hand left yours to reach for your face, and your eyelids fluttered in anticipation. 
“SNOW!!!” Legolas yelled happily, dropping back down in the center seat while you lurched away in time to avoid knocking heads. “It is snowing!”
At least the falling ice flakes kept the elfling completely oblivious! As you tried to gather your composure, the roar of laughter announced the return of the other princes. Three riders burst back out on the road ahead, but only Mirion drove his horse all the way up to the sleigh. 
“Come on, honeg,” the eldest prince said, and stretched out his hand to Legolas.  “I will take you for a turn.”
The elfling jumped up so hastily he almost toppled off the sleigh. “Truly??”
“Are you sure that is wise?” Arvellas tried to say, even as Mirion yanked their littlest brother onto the Arroch’s back, securing the child in the circle of his arms.
“This is his opportunity.” You did not miss the twinkle in the Crown Prince’s eyes, and certainly not the indiscreet wink he tossed at Arvellas.  “And what can be wiser than seizing hold of every opportunity?”
They galloped off to rejoin Turhir and Gelir, and their merry band launched into a raucous song that faded with them into the distance, leaving behind the sleigh in the silence of the falling snow. 
It took a very long minute before Arvellas finally broke that silence. “I apologize if this outing has not turned out to be quite what you expected,” he sighed.  
“No… I suppose it hasn’t.” You took a deep breath, and something in the smell of the fresh snow and the way it brushed your cheeks gave you courage. Or perhaps the princes’ attitude of reckless abandon had pulled you in, too.
You scooted back across the bench, even closer this time, and snuggled in when Arvellas moved his arm to welcome you and draw you against the warmth of his chest. “Because I never would have dared expect anything as wonderful or perfect as this.”
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Yuletide Series MASTERLIST
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Yule Event Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @freshalmondpandadonut @fizzyxcustard @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @lemonivall @LiliDurin @quickslvxrr @ratsys @spacecluster @scyllas-revenge @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell @acornsandoaktrees @warriormirkwood @emmanuellececchi @minaturefics
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