Write Stuff
111 posts
Author and wordsmith. Magicnation on AO3. Bi, any pronouns. Main blog: @obsidiannebula Queer side: @goodbiwinter
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avery-knight-writes · 1 month ago
Write a piece about a flood of something other than water
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avery-knight-writes · 3 months ago
So when I do finish this book I am writing (speaking it into existence bc adhd is a BITCH) Like what's your experience with publishing? How much does it usually cost? What kinda income does one get? I don't really care about making money but it would be super neat to make something since I cannot work. How do taxes work on that also? Google is confusing me
So far i have an idea and half a first chapter with thrilling notes such as " add a cat" and "insert spell here"
So I self publish, so that's the world I know. If you want to find a traditional publisher, you'll need to query agents and do a bunch of other stuff. My only advice for traditional publishing is that when going that route, money should always flow towards the author. If they're asking you to pay for something, they aren't a traditional publisher and there's a good chance it's a grift.
So let's talk about what I do know.
(And this turned out to be long as hell, so I'm putting in a "keep reading")
When you self publish, you are effectively acting as the publisher. If you want someone to do edits? You'll have to hire an editor. If you want someone to do the book layouts? You'll have to hire someone to do it if you can't do it yourself. You need a cover? You get the idea.
Now I don't pay an editor, so I can't really give you a price range on how much they cost off the top of my head. I do know they can get expensive though.
I also do all my own interiors, but I have a graphic design background and have been doing print layouts for decades. If you want to hire someone to do the interiors, that can run you $100-500, so I recommend just... learning to do it yourself.
Frankly, it's not terribly hard. I do mine in Apple Pages on my Mac for my paperbacks and Amazon has a free program for formatting eBooks (which you can export both as the Kindle format OR the more universal ePub format). With your print version, you just want to make sure you get your margins right, along with using a standard font like Times New Roman.
Like, literally just pick up a book and study the layout. Look at the front matter (copyright page, title page, etc) of a handful of books and mimic what you find there. I don't know why so many self published authors get that bit wrong. It's a book. Format it like a book.
Now the cover... this is where you'll probably end up spending something. I do my own covers for my comics, but hire out for my novels because I can't do the kind of covers expected of my genre. And you do want to match your genre, because you want a potential reader to know what they're getting into. I've seen so many self published books with terrible covers and it drives me nuts.
Cover design can run you anywhere from $35-$400 depending on who you choose to contract, and this is where I recommend you spend your money. On the cheap end you have companies like GetCovers. Now they primarily do covers made from edited stock photos, and I've honestly been pretty satisfied with their work... but you have to hold their hand and be very clear with what you want.
GetCovers is a part of Mibl Group, and it's pretty much all of their most inexperienced employees. The whole point of it is to get them the experience to work on bigger projects down the road. They have cheaper packages, but for their best work you'll probably only spend like $35-$45. If you're working in a genre that mainly uses stock images, that's who you want.
I often end up retouching the covers they do though, because I'm impatient. Like there are edits to The Witch and the Rose and Shadowcasting I made after they handed me the completed files. You're going to have to be very specific with what you want. The first version of the Bloody Damn Rite cover they did... was awful. But they did the revisions I asked for, and the version they delivered in the end was great.
Now if you want, like, original art or just more complicated, custom stuff? You're looking at at least $250 on the cheap end, but sometimes you end up in the ballpark of $700-$1000. Like on their regular site (just to use the same company as GetCovers for comparison), the Mibl group charges like $300 for a more complicated stock photo based cover (that requires more complicated edits) and at least $700 for covers that require digital painting, 3d modeling, etc.
There are a wide range of prices depending on what you're asking for. But, y'know, you're paying that once for a commercial piece of graphic design.
I'm cheap and can do some of the work myself, so I go for the $35 cover. I also figure out what fonts they used for the covers, so I can go buy my own commercial license for them and replicate a similar logo on my title page. You don't need to do that bit, I'm just finicky.
Actually publishing the book is easy. You'll want to use a self publishing platform like Kindle Direct Publishing or IngramSpark (or, if you're like me, both). I sell KDP books on Amazon, but all other distribution is through IngramSpark. You make more money on Amazon by using KDP, but even though they offer distribution, no book store will ever order through them. So I turn that option off, and then I take the same book and I make it available through IngramSpark.
On amazon I make a little more than $2 on a $3 ebook, and about $4.00 on a $12.99 paperback. When a bookstore buys an IngramSpark version, I make about $2.50 on a $14.99 book (if you wondered by my books cost more when not buying it through Amazon... that's why). Now if you buy yourself author copies, they cost way less -- in the end I think I can get them for like $5 a book? So when I sell them in person, my margins are much higher.
But, y'know, you have to actually sell them.
Because that's the hard part. When self publishing, you only have you to market it. I don't know how many books I'd be selling if I didn't have a pre-existing audience -- and even then it's not a huge amount. I've sold about 200 books this year? Which isn't nothing, and I appreciate every single person who's purchased one of my titles, but it's obviously not enough to quit my day job for, y'know?
That said, I've known people who do sell enough to make a steady living. So it's possible for sure.
But it's not going to happen overnight, and it won't be easy.
As for taxes, you'll need a 1099 and do stuff with the Schedule C. I always forget exactly what until I'm actually doing them, but it's not super hard, just annoying.
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avery-knight-writes · 11 months ago
Writing Tip - “Here’s The Plan…”
If you’re writing a scenario where your characters are about to pull off a heist or a big plot or something similar, the kind of thing where if it were a movie they’d all be huddled around a table with a map and clips of the characters pulling off their plan as one of the characters narrates it - just pause a moment
If you want your characters to succeed, keep the plan as vague as possible going in. This way your readers will be questioning what’s part of the plan and what isn’t, and it maintains suspense throughout the plan
If you want your characters to fail, explain the plan in as much detail as possible going in. This way your readers will be able to clearly recognise when a curveball is thrown and they get the satisfaction of knowing what the original plan was along with the dread of watching it all crumble to pieces around the characters. They’ll have that same sense of failure as the characters will
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avery-knight-writes · 2 years ago
Terms every writer should know
Here’s a quick cheat-sheet to some common terms you may run into during your writing career!
Alpha reader: A person that reads the manuscript with the knowledge it is unfinished and provides content feedback & support (like a coach, mentor or friend).
Beta reader: A person that reads the manuscript for the purpose of finding plot holes, sensitivity issues, and provide feedback, pre-publication.
Back matter or End matter: Additional content at the end of a book, such as acknowledgements, author bio, afterword, etc.
Front matter: Content preceeding the beginning of a book, such as publication information, dedication, title page, table of contents etc.
House: A publishing house.
Developmental editing: Editing that helps develop the content of a book, point out logic, inconsistencies, and focus the idea.
Line editing: Editing that helps the consistency and concision of the author’s style, finds redundancies, and fixes grammar.
Copy editing: Editing that focuses on grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary.
Passive voice: In passive voice, the subject is the person or thing being acted upon.
Active voice: In active voice, the person or thing performing the action serves as the subject of the sentence.
Flash fiction: Extremely short stories, usually of up to 1,000 words.
In medias res: Starting the narrative from the middle of the story.
Deus ex machina: Term for a common trope where all issues are resolved by a god-like force, typically when one writes themselves into a corner and cannot resolve the conflict in any other way.
Head hopping: A common error in narrative perspective, where the writer gives access to internal thoughts of two or more characters within a scene.
Dialogue tags: Sentences that frame dialogue to let the reader know who’s speaking.
Story beat: A structural element of narrative that signals a shift in tone, plot, or character. Can be used for chapters, scenes, and outlines.
Pacing: The rate at which a story progresses.
Pinch point: An event in the plot that adds pressure to the characters.
Plot point: A major turning point in a story structure.
Logline: The story summary in one single sentence, much like a premise or an elevator pitch.
Synopsis: A detailed description of a story’s plot, for the purpose of sharing with literary agents.
R&R: Revise & resend: A changed or revised manuscript requested by agents or editors.
Manuscript: The main body of an unpublished book.
Shelf time: The time during which you set aside your project to come back to it with a fresh perspective.
Zero draft or vomit draft: A draft written by the author solely for themselves, used to get the story out on the page without external pressure.
Exposition: Where background explanation about the story, world, or characters is provided.
Subtext: The meaning behind the text, the dialogue, the plot, or the characters.
MC: Main character.
Motif: An image, phrase, or symbol repeated throughout the book for thematic significance.
Theme: The moral statement, argument, or question at the heart of a story.
Trope: A cliched story element, particular to certain genres.
Save the post so you can find them easily 😊
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avery-knight-writes · 4 years ago
“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.”
— Somerset Maugham
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avery-knight-writes · 4 years ago
The significance of plot without conflict
In the West, plot is commonly thought to revolve around conflict: a confrontation between two or more elements, in which one ultimately dominates the other. The standard three- and five-act plot structures–which permeate Western media–have conflict written into their very foundations. A “problem” appears near the end of the first act; and, in the second act, the conflict generated by this problem takes center stage. Conflict is used to create reader involvement even by many post-modern writers, whose work otherwise defies traditional structure.
The necessity of conflict is preached as a kind of dogma by contemporary writers’ workshops and Internet “guides” to writing. A plot without conflict is considered dull; some even go so far as to call it impossible. This has influenced not only fiction, but writing in general–arguably even philosophy. Yet, is there any truth to this belief? Does plot necessarily hinge on conflict? No. Such claims are a product of the West’s insularity. For countless centuries, Chinese and Japanese writers have used a plot structure that does not have conflict “built in”, so to speak. Rather, it relies on exposition and contrast to generate interest. This structure is known as kishōtenketsu.
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avery-knight-writes · 4 years ago
What I can tell you as a transgender woman is that occasionally I will read trans woman characters written by cisgender authors. And I can pretty much always tell when the author is cis, even if the character is portrayed respectfully, because they get some details wrong or something. But I certainly don’t think that they shouldn’t be allowed to take a stab at it, and I actually appreciate any representation that isn’t egregiously harmful. And I certainly don’t think that only transgender women should be allowed to write transgender women because then it falls on me, and that’s rather tokenizing, isn’t it?
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
Beating my plot with a stick: why! Don’t! You! Make! Sense!
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
I know adverbs are Controversial, but “said softly” means something different than “whispered” and this is the hill I will die on.
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
why are writers so cold? they're surrounded by drafts
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
Of course, the real way to tell whether you’re in a Hard SF novel is if people keep providing you with unsolicited explanations of basic physics and everyday technology which you should, by rights, already know.
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
another valuable writing lesson i’ve internalized from Homestuck: make your characters like things. and not cool things. the homestuck kids are richly devoted to terrible Nicholas Cage movies and bad romance novels, historical reenactment, nerd rap, and wizard slash. they make shipping grids. they are furries and bad hackers and LARPers and juggalos. 
that’s what gives characters depth, not their sparkling eyes or their bad-ass ninja skills, or genius I.Q. give them disorders and hang-ups and quirks, make them obsessed with sudoku or crafting stuffed animals, make them loathe bananas and going out in the cold.  
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
trying to come up with a title like
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
I’m compelled by stories where the characters suffer a lot, but only if there’s catharsis in the end. If they just die without ever getting to recover I’m OUT because what’s the fucking purpose then? Voyeurism? Bye
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
fun things to slip into conversation include
“i’m kinda fucking w/ the fourth wall here but-”
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avery-knight-writes · 5 years ago
I have a new essay up!!!! Cha boi got to talk about all the reasons why fanfic is awesome and worthwhile and beautiful, go check it out <3
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