#Random ramblings from Poison
lollipopmixclo9 · 4 months
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T-Tarot Club | Lord of the Mysteries
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I can't think of a quote for them but PRAISE THE FOOL! 🙌
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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larz-barz · 11 months
anyone else just completely go through the motions when they write stories? like, no preplanning whatsoever? like, an idea just pops into your head then you write it and don’t plan things out at all? cause that’s me and that might be why my stories kinda suck 😃👍
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an1muuarts · 19 days
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it was around 1:30 am when this was recommended to me
and it was actually scary wtf
(also cw for drug overdose if youre gonna watch it)
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guys i have a idea of how to kill ai we make thousands of blogs and accounts on any app that sells data to ai and post the most awful deformed shit anyone has seen, it can be a photo we fucked with, a drawing we fucked up, writing with a million grammer errors and fucked up spelling, anything at all, flood the blogs and accs with that shit just put a fucking hand with six fingers or something go wild go crazy POST EVERY FUCKED UP THING YOU CAN AND DROPKICK IT INTO THE INTERNET VOID MAKE IT SO THAT EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK YOU CAN NO LONGER FIND PRETTY AESTHETIC ART AND ITS ALL THE FUCKED UP SHIT
then, we turn on third party sharing
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paradife-loft · 2 years
I feel a bit ridiculous about this, but despite the fact that the framing device plot for SuperS (i.e. Pegasus and Chibiusa and the whole ~beautiful dream~..... thing.....) is by far my least favorite (...hence why I stopped watching partway through said season), the other half of what's going on there, which is to say the thematic underpinnings of the Circus/Nehelenia/Amazoness Quartet stuff, is so good and makes me absolutely unhinged thinking about it
like it's all about. the seductiveness of reveling in an immature self-centered set of priorities. but also how those priorities emerge out of fear about what you might have to give up if you start taking others into consideration. and how a lack of support from others around you, a lack of anyone to help inspire you to care about anything else, is part of what narrows your concerns down, and feeds those fears, in the first place.
others wanting things from you but not supporting you, turns you inward to only relying on the indulgence of your surface-level desires to feel anything positive at all. and so then anything threatening that is an intolerable obstacle, because it's threatening the very shaky sole foundation you have for yourself - and how dare others demand anything of you? fuck all of them, they should serve what you want, and all that matters is being able to preserve your ability to get/do/have those things you want. having responsibilities toward others, much less wanting to have responsibilities toward others, is a ridiculous, cheap trap to fall into if you're not one of the lucky ones who gets to stay young and beautiful and carefree forever.
and ultimately. the self-sabotaging nihilism of it all. the way the Quartet thinks Ami is nuts for being excited to grow up and become a doctor to help people, because not only is helping people dumb, but she's also willingly giving up being able to avoid consequences for screwing off or being a dick* by virtue of ~only being a kid. the way they've come to rely on their Amazon Stones as (supposedly) the source of their magic power, and the thing keeping them young and beautiful and able to goof off and do hedonism all day, when they're actually siphoning their powers and feeding them to Nehelenia and the rest of the circus. the way Nehelenia accepts being sealed away in her loneliness in the dark once again because it's better, she thinks, than having to face a future where she loses her beauty and gets old - the codependency between her loneliness and her obsession with being perfectly beautiful to make up for it, and how feeding one only strengthens the other until she's trapped in needing both to function.
they're such internally and externally destructive disasters, and each facet of that is inseparable from the other, and I love them so much, they're subletting my head rent-free right now ;___;
*it's interesting to me, actually, that this is one season where we distinctly don't have the "find me our arc macguffin quickly or I'll kill you and send in your next replacement!" dynamic going on with the themed henchmen of the week - notable particularly as I'm halfway through Stars where that's very much present - and I feel like that choice reinforces the frozen-in-time, abdication-of-responsibility theme in a way that's pretty neat
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Imagine Nico wanting to learn more about bones since it’s kind of his whole M.O. so who other does he turn to but Dr Sunlord himself, Will Solace. Will is thrilled to teach him the names of all the bones which then kind of branches into him rambling about how Nico’s raised skeletons make no sense because they have no muscle to conjoin the bones and no nerves to move them, how are they doing that. It turns into little study dates; whenever Will gets time off in the infirmary (when Kayla kicks him out) he and Nico will sit with Will’s Biology books in Nico’s cabin. Sometimes the son of Hades will raise a specific bone from the Earth that Will names as like their form of flash cards.
Eventually to help him study them, Will starts writing the bone names over Nico’s skin. Arms and hands and legs covered in skin safe ink (he was worried about ink poisoning) and Nico stares at them sometimes, not because he’s studying, but because it makes his insides fuzzy when he thinks about how Will held his arm and stroked his thumb on the inside of his wrist as he wrote them.
So one boring day at the infirmary Nico sees the pen in Will’s pocket of his white lab coat and he takes it, then Will’s free arm that he’s not doing paperwork with. Will pauses long enough to see what he was doing as Nico starts drawing a lopsided smiley face. From then on it becomes the norm to see one or both of them walking around with random doodles going up their arms.
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alyakthedorklord · 2 years
Welcome to Danny’s
Danny making a cafe/restaurant/whatever named Danny’s, in gotham, while on the run from GIW. A bunch of ghosts visit bc danny also makes ecto snacks from the secret menu in a side room. Due to this, it has the same liminal feeling and insane shit that happens in denny’s parking lots. (It’s like the fun sized and feral au by @nutcase8691 but i have a funny name.)
Sometimes Danny’s holds concerts for a famous rockstar (ember). Sometimes suspicious patrons walk right through a wall (into the ghost section). Sometimes there’s a frankenweenie outbreak if Danny is sleep deprived. It’s always freezing and yet somehow no one ever really gets uncomfortably cold. There’s ice sculptures. Plants that twitch and wave even if poison ivy isn’t around. Astrology maps on the walls that sometimes shift into occult symbols and hieroglyphics. Sometimes, after closing, (which is at the weirdest times honestly its open all night but closes random hours of the day) if you look through the slats in the window blinds it’s like you’re staring into the cosmos.
If you set up a fight (meet me in danny’s parking lot, 3am) there will be a referee even if you didn’t communicate it with the shop. The ref gives weapons, knows first aid, and stops fights if they get too rough. The second the fight is over they vanish into thin air.
Danny’s is neutral territory. Sometimes bad guys try to claim it but danny sets them straight. He doesn’t care if its a gang or a rouge, if they mess with his shop, or with anything/anyone too close to his shop, the Man Himself will emerge with a baseball bat, knock people out cold, stand over their groaning bodies and announce, “welcome to danny’s.” He’s never lost. He took out bane once. The Joker he didn’t even use the baseball bat he came after him with his fists. The joker doesn’t even have to be doing anything if he comes near danny will hunt him down. It’s like he has a radar around the shop. Once a really tired Red Robin herded him into the radar with a confused Red Hood’s help bc he just didn’t want to deal. Danny takes the clown out with a spectacular flying tackle before joker even realizes he’s wandered too close.
Jason goes to check it out later. Comes up to the counter to order and the tiny wayne bait guy behind the counter takes one look at him and goes:
“let me grab the secret menu”
“Uh… no, i just want a-“
“Trust me.” The guy says, eyes turning Lazarus green. “You want the secret menu.”
Part 2 of my ramblings (NOT a proper fic)
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xiaomainlmao · 4 months
Tighnari teaching Cyno a few things about love with your help
Just a random brain rot from last night lol.
The slightly suggestive part is highlighted separately.
When Cyno starts developing a crush, he doesn't really accept it because he wasn't sure of his feelings. Of course he consulted Tighnari first, and of course he received a "you're falling for them idiot" from him after he denied it for the nth time.
But when Cyno finally accepts that he is in love, he consults Tighnari again.
Surely Tighnari could help him with his feelings right? Especially since he has you, and thus has experience in this field
Everything starts nice and easy, with the two of them first discussing how real the light novels are when it comes to relationships
Planning a confession was also not so difficult (executing the plan was a different story though, it took Cyno months to finally go through with it)
Oh boy, forget about organizing dates, Cyno didn't even know how to hold someone's hand without a strictness like he's arresting or protecting them
And that's where you came in.
Tighnari starts with holding your hand and letting Cyno observe how gentle his hold was
If you don't mind it, then Cyno probably tried to hold your hand too, trying not to be too rough
He considered you a friend, plus he was in his "deep-learning" mode, so he didn't get embarrassed around you
Then came how sappy he should be, what phrases he should use and how often he should say things
Tighnari was in control through most of this conversation, but you had to help him neutralize his views because Cyno was a different person and you knew that all of Tighnari's tricks may not work for Cyno
(all of this would be easier if you know who Cyno's crush is, but depending on how you ask him, he would either be a bit too straightforward about his answer or would avoid answering that question for days)
(Cyno gets embarrassed easily and Tighnari loves teasing him)
You guys try teaching him the language of flowers! Just make sure the topic doesn't stray too far away from flowers though... (Tighnari may end up rambling about plants in general, and then start complaining about poisonous mushrooms and how people always mistake fungi for plants)
you both take turns telling Cyno about things he can do, things he can buy and where they can take them
Tighnari even teaches Cyno how he can make bookmarks out of leaves and flowers, because who doesn't love them?
All this ends up being a fun bonding activity for the three of you
When Cyno does go on the date, you both follow him
Is it to determine whether the person he's interested in deserves him or not? Partially
Mostly you, or rather, Tighnari is going to observe how Cyno deals with the date, because he's going reprimand him for any foolish mistakes he makes (Tighnari is a strict teacher in everything lol)
If Cyno's interest ends up being Nilou, then she'll probably notice the two of you behind him.
She might even wave at you when Cyno is not paying attention, a knowing smile on her face
the not-so-sfw part
this part starts when Cyno's crush (now partner) tries getting intimate with him
but Cyno is not experienced at all so he asks you and Tighnari about your first time
Tighnari may end up getting a bit too scientific though by using proper terms and all the risks involving everything
this is also the part where you start feeling like Tighnari may have an exhibition kink
"How do you kiss someone?" Tighnari's answer should have been "just go with it, it may feel awkward at first but you get into it eventually"
but no
he uses you to show Cyno how to initiate kisses
the first one is a simple, innocent one where he gently holds your face and kisses you
and then comes the "if they like it rough, try this", where he pulls into him and kissing you aggressively
"or this one, which is rather popular in light novels", where Tighnari pins you up against the wall
Cyno observes you both closely until Tighnari actually kisses you, that's when he turns away saying "okay I think that's enough for me"
Thank god he turned around
Thank god Cyno did not notice Tighnari's knee because gosh that would've been even more embarrassing than it already is.
Tighnari also shows Cyno how he can hold their waist or just hug them from behind in general
He wraps his hands around your stomach and snuggles close to your neck, making you giggle
Even Cyno thought that was a cute hug
In the next one, Tighnari holds your waist and sways you around. His instructions for this one was for Cyno to imagine he was in a ballroom, dancing to slow music. Just typical romantic stuff
The NEXT one however, was a bit more... intimate
Tighnari pulls you closer by the waist and snuggles into you, his tail effectively covering the hand that was hovering a bit too close to your thighs.
He tells Cyno that this one can be used when his partner is feeling down and wants to feel protected (except, Cyno did not know where Tighnari's hand was, so he thought it was a completely innocent affair)
He ends the session by teasing Cyno about how he should ask him about even more intimate things next time to which Cyno replies "yeah no, I think I get that part. Your recollection of your first experience was enough for me."
Tighnari just laughs, but you notice his eyes. The slight disappointment in them. He wanted to show you off.
You don't know how to ask him but questions start running through your head.
Would he do this in front of everyone? Knowing him, he won't. He'll probably want to do it in front of people he completely trusts
Does he want to share you? Maybe with Cyno, and that's it. Probably not even with Al Haitham or Kaveh.
Would he let someone else do the same things he does to you? No, you don't think so. He'll only let them get so far with you.
While you ponder, you notice Tighnari smiling at you.
He must have realized what you were thinking about, because he just smirks and asks "well, how did you like that?"
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Hurt/comfort AU based on a dream I had:
Tim has been Robin for a short time now.
Bruce finds Tim's fanfiction account.
At this point in time, Bruce has warmed up a little bit to Tim, but they still have a more professional relationship. Tim thinks he has to earn his spot still.
Bruce finds Tim's fanfiction account that has fics from before and after Tim becomes Robin.
The before ones are self-insert Bats ones. Plots like a nine, ten, and eleven year old being saved, being the witness to a crime, or solving the case before them. They all end with the self-insert joining the team.
The ones after Tim becomes Robin are filled with Batman being fatherly and kind to the self-insert (who's an additional vigilante) or to Robin. He'll ruffle their hair, hug them, and tell them that he's proud of them. All of this is stuff Bruce currently doesn't do for Tim.
There's only a few fics where Batman is written in embarrassed situations (and Bruce crossed referenced the upload dates. Some of the dates were after Bruce did something mean or fucked up. The others, Bruce has no idea why Tim might have been upset).
When Bruce first reads the fics, he's mad. He, incorrectly, assumes that Tim has always been trying to become part of the team and took the first opportunity available. He's cold to Tim for a few weeks because of this (because Bruce is an emotionally constipated asshole who doesn't communicate).
Then Bruce starts to notice that the relationships Tim describes in his fics don't match up with how their relationship currently is. The teen doesn't eagerly ramble about his activities, ask Bruce to hang out with him, or otherwise engage unless it's mission related.
In fact, Tim's fanfics seem to portray what doesn't happen in their interactions. With Bruce being cold to Tim, the self-insert gets more hugs, words of affection, and praise.
Bruce learns more about Tim's hobbies, likes, dislikes, and passions from the fanfics than he ever knew. Bruce has the startling realization that they just don't talk.
There's a few fics Bruce has been avoiding (the ones with Robin II tags), but he read the ones with Nightwing. Tons of brotherly bonding and affection, basically.
Bruce finally makes up his mind when Tim releases a new fanfic a few days after an interaction with Poison Ivy. In the fic, Robin had gotten dosed with cuddle pollen and was cuddled all night with Batman and Nightwing.
Bruce is in a panic because he realizes that Tim could've gone back to his own house afflicted with cuddle pollen, and Bruce would have never known. He doesn't even know if Tim was making this fanfic as a desire due to him actually being dosed or if it just came to his mind. This freaks Bruce the fuck out.
Thus, Bruce then uses the fanfics as guides for how he should be acting with Tim and Dick. He puts the effort to be a better mentor and parent to them.
It freaks the other two out at first (and Tim is the most resistant to the change), but they slowly become closer.
Bruce never tells anyone that he found Tim's fanfic account.
Part 2: After Red Hood comes back and does the whole Titan's Tower Attack.
Bruce, after realizing that Tim's fanfiction account now had Red Hood fics (both ones making fun of the man and ones where the crime lord is being kind/brotherly), tells Jason mid-fight that he should check out this random fanfic account Bruce thinks he'd enjoy.
Jason, obviously fucking confused why Batman is recommending fanfiction in the middle of a fight, just stops.
Bruce nods at this, tells Jason he cares about him (Bruce has been working on it!), and then just leaves.
Cue Jason researching this account (that he doesn't initially know is Tim's) and going through a series of conflicted emotions.
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pythonees · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ FLOWER POWER — xavier thorpe
WARNINGS: 18+, aged up characters, fairy reader, sex pollen (dub-con), frottage, fingering (f), unprotected piv sex, requited-unrequited love, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, crying
A/N: anon you are speaking my language! this is my favourite trope omfg. some flower knowledge required if you wanna know exactly what the flower looks like tough it's not necessary
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Your favourite place to be is the greenhouse, full of so much colour and life you could barely picture yourself anywhere but there. The love you had for plants and wildlife stems from your fairy genetics, able to control plants and compel animals to your will.
There were some days that you would spend your time in there way into the night, only noticing how much time has passed when a random couple would come by and disturb your fun with their giggling and less than pg noises. Then you'd have to sneak out without disturbing them and making an already awkward situation worse.
On others you would be accompanied by your friend and longtime crush Xavier, who would come to see how things were going and to make sure you got to meals on time. He'd always have to drag you out, forcing you to take a break from your plants and to instead take care of yourself. It was one of the many things you liked about him, they way he took care of you.
Most of the flowers wouldn't get past a seedling, withering up and dying the second the roots started to grow, the combination of flowers too different to grow despite you putting all your magic into it. Those days Xavier knew he'd have to bring food to you, listening in confusion as you rambled to yourself about what went wrong. But that day was not today. Today was a lucky day.
The flower you had created looks... funny. It's small with a few blooms, looking like a mix between a corpse flower and a tulip, but hanging upside down like a lily of the valley. The spadix sticking out from the flower is long and corkscrewed, a pinky purple colour that looks almost like jelly. The spathe goes from green to a deep black not typically seen in naturally occurring flowers. It's enticing to look at, with an odd smell that you can't quite place from where you're standing.
You walk around the flower, looking over it to see Xavier finally sitting down at one of the desks, drawing away. It's hard to stop yourself from watching him when he's in his element, face scrunched up cutely as he concentrates on every stroke of his pencil.
Xavier has been drawing every single flower you make, helping you fill out the journal you made with his art. You however have been staring at it for a few minutes, not knowing where to start in figuring out if it does anything. It's always hard to tell just what type of plant you've made from just a glance. Splicing together flowers is one thing, but infusing your very emotion based magic into the seedlings means that the end result is very... unpredictable.
You don't really remember the mood you were in when you created this, it had been a busy week of tests that had gone by in a study induced haze that you thankfully don't remember. The good news is that even if it's poisonous it won't kill you, it'll just make you violently ill for the next few days. You've only had that happen twice, thankfully, and when you're alone.
You've never had Xavier in the green house with you when you're trying to figure out if a new plant does anything, but you had been sick for a few days and hadn't been able to check on it, and he had missed hanging out with you. So you let him tag along. Now you're not so sure about your decision.
You carefully put yourself between the flower and Xavier, grabbing the bucket full of worms to start some tests. You use a stick to scoop one out, holding the wriggling worm up to one of the flowers to see if it reacts. After a few seconds of nothing happening, you gently nudge the worm against the petal. It starts to move, but not in the way your expecting a carnivorous plant to.
All of the hanging flowers lift up to face you, the inside of the flower a fleshy looking pink. The flowers start to shake just slightly, and you lean closer to try and get a closer look. That's when a haze of white pollen shoots out from the flower, hitting you right in the face. In your surprise you inhale sharply, sucking in a lungful of the mysterious pollen that stings your eyes and burns your throat. You drop the stick in a rush to wave away the plume of pollen, stumbling away from the plant.
Your name is called from behind you, but you're too busy rubbing your sleeve against your closed eyes, trying to get it off. You feel hands grip your shoulders and spin you around, pushing your sleeve away to dab gently around your face with his own sleeve. All you can smell is the familiar scent of sandalwood, weak but enticing and somehow able to overwhelm your senses until all you want is to get closer to wherever it's coming from.
When Xavier stops cleaning your face you slowly open your eyes, finding your gaze hazy and your head fuzzy. Xavier takes a deep breath through his nose, sniffing at the pollen that transferred from your face and onto his sleeve.
"Whatever that shit was smells good," he says, going back in for another sniff. You find yourself leaning in towards him, wanting, no, needing to be closer to him. You move so fast you stumble over your feet, Xavier barely grabbing your upper arms in time to keep you upright, "Woah there, you alright?"
You nod your head lazily, taking the last step needed to press your face into his chest. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist as you rub your face against him. Xavier huffs out a laugh, wrapping his arms around you to rerun the impromptu hug.
"You could have just told me you wanted a hug you know," Xavier laughs, and you can feel it against your face from where your pressed into him.
You tighten you grip, turning your face just enough so that you can mumble out, "You smell really good."
"Thank you? It's the same cologne I always use," Xavier laughs, a hand absently rubbing up and down your back. It leaves a hot trail on your skin that instantly spreads, until it seems to burn. Your skin is tingling and you can feel the tell tale wetness of arousal in you panties and that's when you know you've fucked up letting Xavier come in here with you. You know what type of flower you made.
You open your mouth to warn him about what you know is going on, when he dips down to sniff at your neck, nose pressed to your skin, "you smell good too, like vanilla and lavender."
With him standing so close and nosing at your neck, you can't hold back to quiet moan at feeling that tiny bit of skin to skin contact. It makes the burning you feel under your skin start to feel good, thighs pressed tightly together for some sort of friction.
Tucking your arms in between you, you slide them up until you can cup his face, pulling him away from where he's been smelling at your neck so that he can face you.
"What's wrong—" you cut him off with a kiss, desperate and needy as you moan against his lips. He kisses back almost immediately, the hand that was rubbing up and down your back going up to cup the back of your neck. His big hands feel great against your skin, more contact to stop the seemingly insatiable burn.
His tongue swipes tentatively against you lip, and your eagerly licking your way into his mouth before you can even think about it. Xavier's hands tighten at the back of your neck, holding you in place as he forcefully slows the kiss down. You whine impatiently, but let him do as he wants as you let your hands drop from his face and to his chest.
The buttons of his white shirt are annoyingly small for your rushing fringes, roughly pulling at the fabric as you undo the buttons. You get about half way down before Xavier seems to realize what it is your doing, hand quickly gripping your wrists to keep you in place as he pulls away from the kiss.
"Wanna touch you," you whine before he can say anything, leaning foreword again. You've got his arms trapped between your bodies, making sure to press your chest up against his for good measure. He swallows roughly, and you watch the bob of his adams apple as he stares down at you, pupils blown wide, "Please, Xavier. Wanna get my hands all over you."
"Shit, yeah, okay." Xavier lets go of your hands, and the second you're free they're back to their previous task, pulling and tugging at his shirt until it's hanging open. His tie is yanked open and off, thrown to the side without a care in the world. You splay your hands out, running them up and down his chest as you watch them with awe. Every bit of skin you feel against you makes the burning go away, makes the haze of your brain laser focused to Xavier and his skin and getting it all over you as soon as possible.
You trail your hands up his chest to loop them around his neck, tugging him in for another kiss. This time it's Xavier's hands that are roaming, gliding up and down your sides, stopping to fiddle with the hem of your shirt before repeating the pattern over and over.
"Please," you whisper against his lips, going right back to kissing him with a burning need that rivals the burning of your skin. Instead of taking your shirt off like you thought he was, he lets his hands roam further down, giving your ass a quick squeeze as he goes by before he's hiking one of your legs up, wrapping it around his waist. You quickly do the same with the other, moaning as he lifts you up against his body.
You're quickly turned around and deposited on a nearby empty table, Xavier leaning over you as he deepens the kiss. You keep your legs wrapped tight around his waist, using it for leverage to roll your hips up into his. You both moan, Xavier's hips stuttering against yours at the sensation.
When he pulls away you let out another needy whine, trying to pull him back to you. He does come back to press a quick peck to your lips, but then pulls away again. His hands go to the top of your blouse, fingering at the top button.
"Can I?" He asks, a flustered smile overtaking his face when you nod enthusiastically. Your tie is removed first, with a lot more care than his was, placing it on the table next to you guys. He takes his time undoing the buttons of your shirt, eyes roaming over each new inch of revealed skin like you're a work of art. It has your heart pounding, eyes wide as you watch him watch your body become more and more revealed.
When the last button is undone he slowly pushes your shirt open, exposing you to him. One hand braces him on the table while the other settles low on your stomach, slowly roaming up your body, over a bra covered breast and along your neck before he's cupping your cheek, leaning down to press a quick, searing kiss to your lips.
"God you look beautiful," he says, staring down at you in awe. You wriggle under him, holding your arms out for him. He laughs with a shake of his head, but leans down to meet you in a kiss. You roll your hips again, swallowing the moan Xavier let's out eagerly. When your hips keeps rolling up against his he meets you thrust for thrust, the constant pressure against you clit making you see stars.
Xavier's hand leaves you face to place roaming kisses down your body, stopping at you skirt to flip it up to reveal the grinding of your bodies. You know there must be wet spot on your panties from how soaked they feel, and by the way Xavier stares do at them with wide, hungry eyes.
"Wanna touch you, can I?" Xavier says, fingers running along the band of your panties. You nod eagerly, unwrapping your legs from around his waist so that he can take them of. He's not as slow about taking the panties off as he was with opening your shirt, wide eyes never leaving your exposed cunt as he drags them off and drops them on the floor, leaving you in just hiked up skirt.
His hands smooth up your legs and over plush thighs before he's using his hands to force your legs up and open, staring down at your glistening wetness. You place your feet up on the table as you let your legs fall open, like you're a fine art display for him to enjoy. He slowly runs a finger up through your folds, and it sends a heavenly shock of arousal through your body. He gently rubs his finger against your clit, making tiny, agonizingly slow circles.
"Xavier!" You whine, rolling your hips up against his hand, "please."
"So needy," he laughs, but does as you asks, sliding his finger down through your folds and slipping a finger into you. There's no resistance, walls soaked with arousal as your body greedily sucks his finger in. He gives a few experimental thrusts before he's adding a second, the satisfying stretch of his thick fingers making your eyes roll back.
You buck down against his fingers, urging him to go faster. The burning is easing up even more with his fingers inside you, and you're desperate to make it stop so you can think again instead of being controlled by your pussy and the pollen.
"More, need more," you whine, fucking yourself onto his fingers. You feel a third slip in with the others, and you let out a satisfied moan at the feeling of being filled.
Xavier doesn't even have to move his hand, keeping them still as you roll your hips, watching as you desperately chase your high. But it doesn't come, even though you can feel it constantly at the back of you head, lingering.
You lift your foot off of the table to toe at his jeans, pushing at them until he gets the hint to take them the hell off. He gives your cunt a few more thrusts before he's pulling his fingers out of you, undoing he belt before dropping his pants and boxers in on go, letting them pool around his ankles.
His cock is beautifully thick as it sits between his legs, tip flushed and shiny with pre. He wraps the hand still covered in your arousal around his cock, giving himself a few thrusts before he rubbing the tip up through your folds. That touch alone brought you close to the brink, a long moan escaping you as the head of his cock brushes up against your clit.
You're in limbo as he continues to tease you, tip just barely pushing into your waiting hole before he's pulling out and gliding it up to your clit again. Slowly you lay back on the table, the surface ice cold against your over heated skin.
"Xavier please fuck me. Please, please please." You beg, tears forming in the corner of your eyes as you desperately roll up into him just as his tip teases at your hole again.
The little bit he slips in has you both moaning loud and long, Xavier resting both hands on the table as he lets his head hand between his shoulders. His cock continues to slowly slide into you in a way that makes you think it's never going to end, just filling and filling until you swear you can feel him in your stomach. But then he bottoms out, hips pressed flush against yours as he pants above you.
Your walls flutter around him, gripping and trying to pull him in deeper. Xavier groans above you, hips jerking slightly at the sensation. He stays there in you for a moment, still as a rock as he slowly starts to catch his breath. When his breathing is back to normal and he's no longer on the brink of spilling into you, he slowly pulls out, hands gripping the edge of the table by your head tightly.
His thrusts are slow and deep as he splits you open over and over. At first it's great, just being able to feel him in you to soothe the burn. But just like everything else, it's not enough, you want, no, you need more. You can't roll your hips with how close your bodies are pressed together and you choke back a sob of disappointment as you wrap your arms around him.
"More," you whimper, still trying and failing to roll your hips in the tight space between your bodies. You can feel your eyes watering again, staring up at Xavier as he pushes up from your body to stare down at your face, "Please Xavi, need more. Please please please—"
"Hey, shhhh. I'm gonna take care of you, okay pretty girl? Gonna make you feel me in you for days." Xavier whispers right in your ear, voice husky and deep from arousal. The table scrapes across the floor as his hips snap forewords, slamming into you hard enough to have you wailing, head thrown back in pleasure.
Xavier mouths at your exposed neck, hips jackhammering into you at a brutal pace. The wet sound of you dripping pussy fills the room, and through the slowly lifting haze of your arousal, you wonder if there's a student close enough to hear the obscene sounds coming from the greenhouse. But you don't care, mewling in pleasure as Xavier bites at your neck, soothing the abused spot over with his tongue.
Slipping your fingers into his hair, you hold him against your neck as he sucks hickey after hickey into your skin. The overwhelming sensations going on has your walls fluttering around him, choking on a moan as you come harder and quicker than you have in your whole life. Your legs are shaking, head thrown back as you feel the pollen induced haze finally start to lift, the burning heat dissipating.
Xavier gently slides out of you, ignoring your whine of disappointment as he takes himself in hand, furiously jerking himself off as he stares down at you with half lidded eyes. You slowly push yourself up on shaking arms, wrapping an arm around his neck to pull him into a kiss. Your other hand drops down to wrap around the one still jerking himself off, and the brief touch against his sticky erection is all it takes before he's spilling between you, hot cum coating your stomach and breasts.
You're both panting, the sweat on your bodies rapidly cooling in the night air. You shiver, breaking the kiss to wrap your arms around his waist and snuggle into his chest, chasing the warmth of his body.
"Not that I'm complaining," Xavier says, out of breath as a hand soothes up and down your back, "but where did that come from?"
"Flower," you mumble sleepily, a small smile on your face as you tighten your arms around him. Xavier's entire body goes tense in your arms, and the hands that were soothing up and down your back are now gripping your wrists, forcing you to let go of him as he holds them between your bodies, taking a step back.
"Flower, what do you mean..?" He looks back over his shoulder, staring at the new plant you created before his head whips back around, staring at you with wide, horrified eyes, "The pollen. That's the only reason why you— why this happened?"
He lets go of your wrists as if they're burning, quickly pulling his pants and boxers up. His hands fumble with the belt, and you slowly push yourself off of the table and onto unsteady legs.
"Xavier," you call, but he just shakes his head, turning away from you as he buttons up his shirt. He's walking towards the door at the same time, abandoning his things so that he can just get out. Get away from you.
Your wings flutter out, flying you across the room and in front of him faster than your unsteady legs could. He ducks his head when you get in front of him, turning away from your half naked form, "Move."
"No, Xavier. Not until you listen to me," he doesn't try to move again, but he keeps his face stubbornly hidden behind his hair. When your sure he won't try to bolt you take a steadying breath, reaching out to hold his hand in two of yours. His hand stays limp in your grip, but he doesn't pull away.
"This is all I've ever wanted," Xavier scoffs, trying to pull his hand free so he can leave again, but you're quicker, holding onto him tightly so he can't leave, "It is! Not like this, with one of my weird experiments blowing up in my face, but like, after a few dates. I always pictured our first kiss to be after some cute date, on one of those late night walks you like to force me on. Or maybe in your shed where you always look the most comfortable, face all scrunched up when your concentrating and I just can't help but kiss you. I just— this doesn't have to change anything if you don't want it to, but I'm not lying when I say that this was a dream come true."
Your left flying in front of him in silence, waiting desperately for the words to sink in. It takes so long you start to feel your throat close up, thinking the worst, but then he's slowly lifting his head to look up at you, and you can't help but gasp. His eyes are red and haunted, tears streaming down his face and dripping off his chin.
"I didn't..?" Xavier trails over, getting choked up as a fresh set of tears roll down his face, "I didn't take advantage— you actually want me?"
Your heart drops to your stomach, and you quickly let go of his hand to cup his face, wiping the tears away as gently as possible, "No, no no no. I love you, okay? So much. I might have been a bit out of it but I wanted you. Still want you, okay? You did nothing wrong."
He stares up at you, still crying, but instead of that fearful look in his eyes they're filled with hope, a small smile taking over his face. His hands are shaky as the land on your bare waist, barely even touching you at all, "You love me?"
"So much," you say without even a moments hesitation. Your thumbs are still gently rubbing over his cheeks, even as his tears have dried. The smile you get is blinding, his grip tightening on you as he pulls you closer for a kiss that makes your toes curl.
When he pulls back he looks happier than he's ever looked in a long time, hand reaching up to cup your cheek. You lean into it, a probably dopey smile on your face as you stare down at him.
"Love you too. Didn't think I could have this. Have you," Xavier confesses, pulling your flying body closer to his. He presses a quick kiss the the top of you breasts that your bra doesn't cover, right over your pounding heart.
"You have me, for as long as you want." You reply, carding your fingers through his hair. You stay like that for a while, his face pressed into your chest as he breathes you in while you soothe your hands over whatever part of him you can reach.
"Want you forever," he mumbles into you skin, and you can't help the wide grin that takes over your face. You cup his cheeks, tilting his head up so he can face you. You press kisses all over his face, smothering him with all your love before you give in to his huffing and press your lips together.
"Forever sounds perfect."
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©︎ pythonees — do not, under any circumstance, repost, plagiarize, modify or translate my work.
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
𓏲 APPLE OF MY EYE ᵎᵎ secret admirer! abby anderson
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synopsis: love is a free spirit; crushing is even harder. It all started with a special delivery of anonymous treats at your door. While you were yearning that it would be your best friend sending them to you.
song(s): apple cider by beabadoobee
content: takes place in game universe. follows the events leading up to seattle day 1. violence. death. repetitive mentions of apples; eating them, imagery etc. mutual pinning. implied character death by end. blood. right person, wrong time. missed connection. kinda implied fem! reader. Joel death mention. death foreshadowing. intuitive knowledge of death. Closely follows the song.
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Crush and Crunch.
Crunching with your crush. 
It all sounded the same to you, the cracking of your vocal cords at the back of your throat pushing at enunciating every syllable in crush sounding like crunch; which were your teeth poking into an apple every Tuesday. Shiny Granny Smiths, on Tuesdays, Honeycrisps on Wednesdays, and Fuji on Fridays. 
You weren’t sure when the kitchen started getting apple deliveries; perhaps the never-ending garden of trees grown them with the perfect analytics to make sure they weren’t poisonous or synthetic apples but you weren’t complaining. The first time you tried an apple sounded ridiculous to say. Your first ever. You took the finely cut slice; detached from its core to your mouth, groaning in satisfaction as the flavors mixed together in your mouth like a rollercoaster. Juicy and bitter with a tinge of sweetness.  Just how you liked it.
Abby said they were even better with cinnamon. Rambling on about how sugar and spice equate to everything nice and the best finger-licking of your dreams. On apple days, during breakfast you found yourself sitting at a secluded table with Abby in front of you slicing the apples so they were easier to consume. Shared amongst the two of you as your hands reached for the same slices; Abby pulled her hand away to let you have the last. 
You enjoyed these bittersweet moments; like the apples of course. The sun beamed on Abby’s face in marigold and marmalade, as her blonde locks blew in the air slightly disheveled from when she went on patrol that day. Her fresh scent of pine, and fruit blend from her hair which was refreshing and comforting you. She took a final bite before flipping the knife down to take it back to the utensil bin for washing. Where then the two of you would part ways. It was never awkward. Eating apples in silence; you mean — because Abby had a schedule more vigorous and deathly than yours and you had other businesses to attend to. But she never would miss out on an Apple time with you. 
You’ve grown suspicious in recent meters. You weren’t one to talk about love either but it somehow found some way to bite back at you like the juices of the apple splattering on your lips when you would eat them.
It started with suspicious packages revealing themselves outside of your door, wrapped in a delicate ribbon, with a brown paper box tied off with the most absurd cursive handwriting that you could hardly read. But somehow making out, the delicate notion of
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An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Xoxo, eyes from afar.
So as anyone else would, at midnight, you stomped your way to Abby’s door pounding your fist into the wood until she slammed it open looking at you in bewilderment. Toothbrush in between her lips scratching her teeth; scrubbing away at any build-up as she watched you. Notioning with her hands for you to speak. She looked carefree, laidback her hair was down and she looked as though she freshly showered. 
“Thanks for the gift” you smirk, holding up the box with randomized love and self-care books with an intact nail polish set that was on top. It was a variety pack, swishes of different shades of pink and white, and even nudes to go for a clear coat; like a puff of cotton candy.
You were flattered, naturally, it was a sweet gift like a candy cane in the sweet summer breeze you wanted to just rip it out of the packaging and have a go. You also never had someone be so considerate of you. Thinking to bring you back something so pure and valuable that surely wouldn’t collect dust but you would bring out every month. You would make sure it wasn’t forgotten.
Abby furrowed her eyebrows, holding up her pointer finger motioning – one minute, running to the sink and spitting out the toothpaste rinsing her mouth off. 
“I didn’t give you that.” Abby specified, taking a washcloth to wipe at her hands and around her mouth as she let you inside.
“C’mon Abs, even if you did that’s—”
“I didn’t give that to you.” Abby’s voice was more serious this time, stern and strict with some urgency. Not that she was being rude about it, but she was trying to get you off her case. After a long day of patrolling where she did find goodies you would like along with some ribbons from a craft store along the way, Abby got to work making you a sweet delivery. After all, you deserved it. 
“But who else would know I like apples besides you!”
“Manny, Mel, Nora, Ow–”
“Okay I didn’t ask for names.” You hushed, fiddling with the box in your hand as you looked at the treats inside. Biting at your lips, it was like being given a hug but the person who gave it to you disappeared before you can offer one better, or even fully wrap your arms around them to give one back.
“This was really sweet I just wish I could give something back.” You mumbled, tilting your head down to look at the books yearningly. Amidst the violence, the blood, and the chaos, you still loved and that was what pushed you forward. That was what erupted a fire in you; triggering your passion and jumpstarting your heart like cables to a car. 
“I think you shouldn’t worry about it,” Abby suggested, not looking at you but folding her laundry to put away for safekeeping.
“What.” Abby shot back, acting as if she didn’t say anything prior, but you heard her well. Your friend, heart, and soul were being shifty with you; acting as if she didn’t care about your treats or that you were being admired from afar by someone with a sweet gentle heart. 
“Nevermind I’m being silly” You confessed, taking your words back and turning on your heels to leave her room.
Abby wasn’t going to let you leave. Lips parted as she watched your feet get closer and closer to the exit of the door.
“Show me.” 
You stopped walking, turning around slowly on your heels. Part of you wished it was Abby, though she would never really know. You watched the way she looked at Owen with appreciation but also disgust. How her love turned to hatred and pain. Abby wasn’t focused on you, you would think.
Abby wasn’t focused on you.
“I said show me,” Abby confessed, her voice as clear as day, “C’mere…” Abby patted the side of her bed where she sat comfortably. 
“G‘head tell me about it. I wanna see it too” Abby gave a smile. Truth is, behind her push n’ pull —  rigid love and aggression she still hoped for you. Amidst her passive-aggressiveness, she was giving the love she felt as though she would never feel again. The permanent hole in her heart that you kept on refiling and you didn’t even know. 
She didn’t want you to slip through the cracks of her fingers just yet. Hiding behind a mask, cowardly shying herself away from you. Owen wasn’t on her mind but having you think that especially as she set off on a spree for the man who killed Jerry, would fix that. You were a liability, she wouldn’t let you go. 
You made your way down the steps, to her bed tucked in the corner nook, sitting down as you opened the package. With that you started rambling, tossing the paper apart like a kid on Christmas, showing Abby the hardcover copies with a dopey smiley on your face. Abby couldn’t contain her own smile either. Watching as you went through each nail polish shade.
“Can I try these on you?” You held up a baby pink, it was in a ballet slipper shade, which would make a good neutral against her bright skin. 
Abby wasn’t going to resist, shrugging up her shoulders against her black long-sleeve shirt, pushing the shirt up on her arms, “Sure”
So you proceeded further with painting her nails that evening, toxic paint brushing on her fingers like a canvas —  while the two of you whisked away in laughter. It was like a red string wrapped around the two of your fingers, webbing you together and pulling you closer and closer until there was no gaps or lack of air. 
It was pure and for the moment you really valued it. What you didn’t know you had until it was gone. You wished you could have hugged her a little bit longer, and learned more about her besides what she was showing you at a service level. You wanted to know Abigail, not Abby. Before it was snatched away from you with the snap of the fingers. Get the gunpowder dust off the sea salt it was time for war. 
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 
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I like your hair today, and your necklace  xoxo, eyes from afar
Maybe it was the validation or the comments but you loved receiving the little notes wrapped in different color ribbons. Maybe you were looking forward to catching your second set of eyes. Lingering outside your door to see if they would show but it was always as if they knew your schedule. Catering to the perfect moments that you were gone to slip the delight at your door. 
The note of this week – bringing joyous to your being made you wear the delicate jewelry even more. At first, when you wore it, it was just a careless decision that you did for fun. Spontaneous and last minute as you untangled it in between your fingertips pulling out the birthstone necklace that was gifted to you from no other than Abby herself; weeks before the arrival of your secret admirer. But the moment you remembered, clasping it on around your neck was the moment you truly valued it even more. You were certainly never going to take it off. 
But your bright radiating aura, evidently in hues of pink and purple; signs of love and wisdom was shortly dimmed by the chatter during your afternoon meal. You were set to follow Jordan to the Serevena, patrolling being the last thing you wanted to do of the evening. Endless pit in your stomach nothing felt right. The snap before everything fell apart. 
Out for blood, out for vengeance was Abigail Anderson who returned with blood on her hands. Murderer!Murderer! Red-handed girl with fury in her eyes and a golf club sharp at the end splattering everything into two. 
Wrecking havoc; causing destruction. 
That was all you heard from Jordan as you chewed through the same-old burrito that evening. That was enough to make your eardrums bleed. You could feel your heart in your ears jumping out of your chest at the whispers of Abby’s name, eyes darting from table to table to hear if anyone had caught wind of such a subject: 
I heard she… 
Can’t imagine that…
That’s terrifying…
No Abby mention.
Coincidentally amongst Abby’s absence; the snarky girl was gone with the wind, and so was your secret admirer. The deliveries stopped coming, you were alone, with a set of eyes ‘watching you’ and apples to now peel on your own. . . you found it odd, but one thing for sure was that Abby would hear from you later, where you would gush about this admirer of yours and what you imagined them to be.
“Abs on a scale of 1-10 how attractive do you think my admirer is” You pondered, hands entangled in the pages of a fashion magazine. Fingers dusting away at the thin layer of grime and grey from the dust and dirt; signs of age.
“Probably like a 3” Abby confessed bluntly as she walked around her room moving vastly to pack away her belongings. 
Abby’s side of her room was neater in comparison to Manny’s, her laundry was folded, memories stored away for safekeeping, and everything was where it needed to be. Including your ribbon and the scissors she used — the bad duct tape she stole for security. 
“Okay, maybe a 5, it could well off be a creep,” Abby muttered as she continued to push different survival items into her bag, jacket first, followed by flashlights and extra batteries. 
“I don’t think it is though,” Abby froze, panicking instilling in her, it was like a vicious game of hot and cold, you creeping closer and closer to her and it was time for Abby to fall back and bring on the passiveness. 
“I mean imagine this, they send me a final letter asking me to meet by the gardens where they reveal their identity to be no other than —”
“Save that for a fantasy, I’m leaving” Abby spat, cutting the happiness in the air with a thick knife which was her voice that evening. It felt like a safety net for her to drop off bad news right after you gave the good ones, almost debunking it creating a hostile environment, and shattering the rose-tinted glasses off. Then you remembered who you were talking to, what you were doing. A flower in the middle of an apocalypse, Abby being covered in thorns. 
“Is it because you killed that man”
“What makes you think it’s…who told you?” Abby furrowed her eyebrows stopping her movement to let you get a good look at her face.  Abby was looking you up and down like you ripped the bandaid off her arm like you were digging your fingers into a cut infecting it with your fingertips and any active bacteria. 
“Word travels around here pretty fast, this isn’t knew information”
A beat. And then another.
“Are you satisfied” You perk up, not breaking eye contact with the blonde in front of you. The fresh azul orbs dilating under the words that left your mouth. She looked at you with such admiration, but the mention of Jerry was enough to make Abby swing hard as she was back in the room holding her weapon of choice. Who was she to play god? Be the bearer of death? Call of evil? Abby thought back to what she was fighting for: was she satisfied? It wouldn’t bring her father back but there was a price on her head. Preferably until her life was obliterated and gone with her head. 
“Because you don’t look satisfied” Your voice cracked, you were cutting into her skin and Abby was growing steadily uncomfortable, shifting her weight. Cracking her knuckles and rolling her head as she looked at you. Like a pretty Jem stone in a dimly lit room; all eyes on you she didn’t want to talk about this with you. Someone she was so emotionally connected with, god — anybody else but you.
“I…I need to go.” Abby stood up, swinging her backpack in her arms as you followed suit in the silence.
You stood up mimicking her actions taking your magazine in between your fingers and holding it close to your chest. 
“When will you be back?” you whispered, picking at the skin surrounding your nails as you rubbed your lips against each other as you rocked your body forward and backward. Abby’s eyes softened, looking at you up and down as she stuck her tongue in her cheek, clenching her jaw tightly. It almost pained her to say. 
“Soon…I hope, I’ll be back soon” Abby asserted. Abby bowed her head, cusping your cheeks in between her hands as she gave a chaste kiss to your cheek. Calloused fingers rubbing at your soft skin, It was a friendly thing, right? Nothing more?
She didn’t even like you that much.
But you on the other hand weren’t sure of your own feelings.
Like a tough game of tug-of-war, you wanted her, then you didn’t, then you couldn’t shake yourself out of it. You liked her and you wanted her. You wished and hoped that the admirer of yours would be her. The person you had sleepovers where you would laugh about your events and enjoy the delicacies delivered by your admirer you would have it no other way.
When she pulled away you struggled to find the words, hands jittery somewhere between reaching to grab your cheek or to wipe off her kiss with your hand. You weren’t sure how to feel. It was as if someone held a gun to your head telling you the right pill or blue.  
“May your survival be long” you reminded, holding a hand at your arm scratching at your sleeves.
“May your death be swift” 
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 
If you could do it all again you would. 
You were alone, deep into your ocean of thoughts as your happy moments were coming to an end? Did you take it for granted? 
The burrito you ate that evening wanting to come up, mouth sticky with bile. You suddenly didn’t want to patrol the Serevena and help Nora move supplies. It felt wrong – almost impractical like you were in the wrong place. Foot cemented into the floor as you stood at your bed. Shoving supplies into your backpack, tying a strand of the ribbon from your admirer's box around the handle of your bag. You wanted to be back at the base with Abby where the two of you would have your sleepovers, cut your apples, and have competitive matches in the shooting range where you would tell Abby she missed a shot and she would tell you, you held the gun wrong. 
Preparing to leave, doing one final spin at your place of comfort. Freshly made bed and sorrowful grey sheets, you wished for a happier time and a great release. Opening your door, you were met with one box before you would go. Picking up the lightweight box it almost felt impractical to even be wrapped. 
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Parting gift for the one I stole these for… don’t forget me Xoxo, A. Anderson Your eyes always 
You smiled to yourself, it was all you ever wanted. Your best friend really was your admirer and you just hoped you could reach her before she was gone and it truly could have been your last time seeing her. Unwrapping the terribly wrapped paper object revealed a shiny sharpened knife with a brown handle. It was Abby’s knife, the one she savored and used only for your apples that she would cut during your lunch breaks. Tears brimmed your eyes moving the object around as if it were malleable, smiling gently to yourself at the irony of it all. Quickly locking the door and throwing the paper that was used to wrap the gift away in the hall trash you ran to try to catch Abby who was already on the truck, across from Mel as she set off on her journey. As the sun was getting low, so were you who had to travel adjacent from your new fount lover. 
What were you gonna say?
Besides: I knew it, of course, you wanted her to know that you felt the same; in fact even more.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 
“There’s no real you are real right now”
“Shh– baby, I’m real” Abby hushed bringing up her hand to your mouth to silence you. “I’m real.”
You were currently carrying a tray of med supplies but soon it all crashed to the ground; metal tin hitting the floor as Abby backed away into a corner. She looked disheveled different than you had last seen her; whispies around her face. Like she cared a little bit more, but maybe it was because she was with you. 
You couldn’t help but bring Abby into a tight hug head against her shoulder, resting your eyes in full solitude. You were home amidst the violence and her going AWOL that had made Isaac angry with all of you. You lied thickly through your teeth when Isaac dragged you in asking questions about the location and conspiration Abby had going on.
All you could say was you didn’t know.
And it wasn’t a lie but in fact the truth there was not much you really did know. 
Abby held onto you as if you were going to be snatched out of her hands as the both of you cried. Sobbs shaking the both of you. Abby couldn’t stop herself from applying gentle kisses to the side of your head and holding at the nape of your neck during the hug.
“You look like shit!” you acknowledged pulling at the sleeve of her jacket to which Abby rolled her eyes and pulled your hand away.
“Ahh could be worse”
A beat. And another; comfortable silence filling the air between the two of you. You didn’t wanna ask but for your newfound knowledge, you had no other choice but to. You wanted her to know, hell you haven’t seen her for very long and this well could have been the last time you would ever. 
“So it was you? All along” you sputtered, snickering under your breath as you brought your hands across your chest, licking the base of your lips as your eyes wandered off.
“It was – hey! You opened the letters” Abby gave you a look of disbelief, half of it was due to her being scared shitless, others it was the fact that Abby could feel her own hands getting clammy as she rubbed them against the base of her jeans to get it to stop.
“It said 2 —”
“Weeks I know” “I was desperate”
There was silence again. 
“I could just kiss you right now I can’t believe you are alive” You blurted out, giving Abby the most gentle smile. Abby for a second felt her world move in slow motion as she stared with such unconditional love. 
“Then do it”
So you did, rushing forward, throwing your body against Abby’s as the two of you leaned in for a swift kiss. Her lips were chapped, slightly rugged but you didn’t mind applying your smooth ones to her as the movements of your body synched together in eternal sunshine. Nothing in this moment mattered, besides her lips on yours and her hands against your body. Abby’s fingers stroked at your cheeks eventually moving down between your jaw and your neck as she continued. No breaks; no air, until the sound of boots stomping closer to the room rang your ears, forcing you to pull away.
“Okay, I need supplies miserably Nora brought me to you, I have to go, I don’t know if this will be my last time seeing you: I hope it’s not, I’m not exactly in Isaac’s good graces – I think we both know that” Abby spoke with urgency, distrust but also sadness. Abby wasn’t sure but recently she’s been feeling as though things were slipping in between her fingers. She wasn’t sure how long this ecstasy and rapture would last, or the longevity of her contentment. Abby was certain the girl from the room; with the golf club and joel would show her face again.
“It’s okay” you assured, hands now at Abby’s biceps, lips rubbing against each other as you turned your head away from her face, shaking it slightly. 
“But don’t forget. . .” “I’m so incredibly infatuated by you” Abby whispered as she moved in closer to give a swift kiss to your forehead.
Now wasn’t the time for formalities or titles, but you wished with your fingers crossed and your eyes closed shut, that she would return for the conversation worth having. Full honesty and confessional where your girl that smelled of pine would tell you all her rushes of thoughts that nagged at her as she closed her eyes.
“Knife to the chest sweetheart, swing with your right not your left…it’s your better arm” Abby cautioned, pretending to bring her arm up to swing, giving a final squeeze to your cheek as she was headed for the door preparing for ground zero.
“Bye Abby” 
That was the difference, it was as if your body knew. Saying Bye instead of a see you later or, playfully threatening her to come back to you in one piece. Your eyebrows furrowed; your face scrunched as you cringed at your words, as mediocre as they sounded. You caught yourself doing that a lot and you weren’t sure why. Going from present tense to past tense. “I am” to “I did” to “I was” , this happened after you started dreaming. Dreaming that your body was against a cold tile, scrunching into a ball as you let out your last breath alone.
You knew. 
“This is not goodbye — don’t say that, it’s see you later!” Abby snapped, giving you a hand motion as she swung the door open, crouching down as she moved steadily through the room as it closed behind her with a loud CLICK! From the lock.
“I’ll see you later” Your hand went from waving to at your side as your smile dropped and abruptly the warm room felt cold. Very cold.
But you weren’t going to see her later. Body paralyzed to the floor as the bullet wound in your stomach bled crimson all over the floor. As red as the Honeycrisp apples you ate on Wednesdays. An auburn-haired girl rushes past you following the footsteps of Nora. You were crashing and your body was failing you. Whimpers of pain escaped your lips as you held onto your stomach like you had a bad stomach ache, rolling onto your side as your vision became a nuisance and blurry mess. During your last few moments, you thought of Abby and her bright smile, all the plans she had for the two of you, and how you were finally happy that you got your happy ending, 
But at what cost?
You weren’t going to get to drink apple cider with her or hug her again, and that’s what destroyed you the most as a salted tear fell from your eye. Apple was placed on the table rotting from the inside out, With Abby’s knife poked into its core. Death has met its match.
You were the apple of her eye, and you were destroyed and eaten whole indefinitely. 
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@beforeimdeceased @starologist @destielcore @rarestdoll @luvrgalore @ellsss @zahraaziza @emluvselandabs @abbyily @elliestrwbrry @mossc0vered @spacewlf @as2rid @ariianelle @spaceshipellie @lottiematthewsceo @emonopolyman @imamybubbles @mikasbby @trulygnomed
© cowgirlcherrie
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hypnos333 · 9 months
Love on the brain
Claudia X Reader
Synopsis: You are Claudia’s lover and Lestat has you and Louis right under his thumb and Claudia doesn’t like her lover seeing being so close to her enemy
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All your life you lived with authority in your life I guess that’s why you can say Lestat and Louis always considered you a legit child. When you met Claudia it was so very random.
You were just eating from the cookie jar till they entered with her.
“Sunshine meet Claudia she’s a new addition to the family” Louis greeted making you look at claudia with your light brown eyes.
“Why does she have different eyes?” Is she a vampire too? Oh you look so beautiful too!” Claudia rambled making you nervously chuckle as she got close to your face.
“Thanks” You said before rushing to your cookie jar then back to your casket
“Oh yes little miss sunshine, she’s differently a joyful but nervous around strangers. Don’t worry my lil milkweed she’ll get used to you do time” Lestat said as Louis sigh leading Claudia around.
“Be aware of a snake also” Louis warned making Claudia gulp down her spit. “Is it poisonous?” She asked.
“His name is Faust and no he is not poisonous so don’t worry your little pretty head” Lestat answered as they showed her the basics of being a Vampire
And do time You did get used to Claudia and you introduced her to Faust who was always being lazy in your room. Even after Charlie, Claudia fell in love with you. You seemed to always smile and laugh. You though seem to love Claudia but you noticed her humanity is off after Charlie.
After Louis and Lestat read her Diary, you distance yourself from her. And she left.
Secretly she been following you. and the mess of your family but mostly you. And then the fight between Louis and Lestat until Lestat left.
3 years. A lot changed in 3 years for instance Claudia begged you to go on a date. You said yes of course. You would always sneak in her coffin with just a bra and sweats before sneakily kiss her with het hands on your waist and your arms around her neck in the small space.
Her hands would wander up your skin to under your sports bra playing with your breast as you moan quietly. Until she’ll slip her hands out before putting her hands on your ass.
“You tease” You pouted as she kissed your neck as you close your eyes and enjoy her touch.
“Goodnight my love” She mumbled in your ear “Good night” You sigh
When you were alone walking to feast you saw Lestat, someone you haven’t seen in years shows up with a small gift in his hands.
“Hello my sunshine” he greeted her with a mysterious smirk. “Hello Lestat, May I help you with something?” You asked with a ick in your voice.
“Oh just wanna drop off a gift for you I was gonna give it to you earlier but it seems like Claudia have her plans” Lestat said handing her the gift. You opened it to see these most beautiful pink ring one standing out as you noticed it matched one ring he was wearing.
“I know how much you love rings especially matching ones” he smirked already winning her heard once more.
“I-I thought you hated matching Wha-“With you my little sunshine its an exception” He said gently to her.
You rushed and gave him a bone crushing hug before repeating the same works “Thank you” over again. You came home happy and smiling and both Louis and Claudia looked worried at that.
So they read her mind and Claudia was fuming with rage as her lover forgave him and I don’t think she was gonna tell Claudia anytime soon until Louis forgave him and he did.
She stormed out making You follow her in a rush leaving Louis thinking about forgiving the same man.
“HOW COULD YOU?!?” Claudia yelled baring her teeth out making you slightly flinch at the noise.
“Lestat is like a father figure to me, Claudia and I knew him longer then you so back off” You hissed before rushing away from her.
You sat on the roof for hours drinking blood bags and eating croissants. Until Louis came checking on her, he sat next to her before taking her blood bag drinking the rest of it making her give him an irritated look.
“Was that necessary Louis?” You asked him making him chuckled.
“Listen Sunshine I know how you’re feeling” he said ignoring the question. You already know where this conversation is going as you rolled your eyes.
“Hey! Don’t you eyes at me, I know you love Lestat as Family but- “He hides to many secrets… he hides to much I mean” You interrupt him making him nod as sigh.
“I know what you mean and I’m scared to be alone. What if I loose you or Claudia? I’ll be alone with no one” You shared your thoughts.
“Oh Darling i’m forever gonna be with you, me and Claudia aren’t leaving you ever” Louis reassured making her hug him tightly.
“Thank you Louis” You mumbled making hum in content.
Days past as they forgave Lestat Except Claudia.
“Louis, and My love I have a plan” Claudia said in they’re head
Louis and You worriedly look at each other as Claudia and Lestat continued to play chess.
“My love as much as you see him as a father figure we’re gonna kill him” She continued
“We’re gonna kill Lestat”
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trashyvanillabean · 9 months
So far we've seen Dan Feng in these (at least most likely unreliable) narratives as this imposing, stoic and regal figure.
What if he was just as unhinged, possibly even more unhinged, than even the Trailblazer?
Everybody has their quirks, from the wild to the mundane. What's Dan Feng's quirk?
Voluntarily poisoning himself (for experiments).
When he was just a young'un, one of the first things he did when he visited the Alchemy Commission was deliberately let a snake bite him just so he could experience the effects of the venom. He was forbidden from being left alone in the medicine cabinets without a supervisor.
When Baiheng first visited Dan Feng for a lunch between actual friends, the sheer volume of her panicked screams would make you think she happened across a dead body. And of course she would scream at the sight of the nearly dead body of the Luofu's High Elder, keeled over on the floor just barely breathing from the poison in his lunch because he refused a food tester. And then she finds out Dan Feng knew his lunch was poisoned, and wanted to guess what kind of poison it was.
When it happened in front of Jingliu, she punched Dan Feng in the stomach hard enough to make him puke it all back up and carried him all the way to the Alchemy Commission.
Yingxing once went on a peaceful walk with Dan Feng in Fyxestroll Garden and listened to Dan Feng talk about botany and plants he recognized. (Haha, he's nerdy~)
He turns his head just for a moment to really appreciate some water lilies and lotuses; and when he returns his attention, Dan Feng is chewing on something.
Neither of them brought food.
Yingxing: "What are you eating?"
Dan Feng freezes like a cat caught in 4K.
Yingxing looks behind him and notices another brightly (and quite dangerously) colored flower bushes.
Not too long ago, Dan Feng was quite excitedly rambling about those specific flowers being poisonous:
Nausea and vomiting
Respiratory issues
High temperature
Rapid and irregular pulse
Possibly hallucinations
Dan Feng: 👀
Dan Feng flees at 15 meters per second so Yingxing can't catch him.
And despite his best efforts, including stationing a Cloud Knight in every nook and cranny hidden somewhere on the Luofu, Jing Yuan failed to account for the random potted plants in the Seat of Divine Foresight.
Not a single one of them is medicinal, let alone edible.
Oh dear.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
HI AGAIN. Ever since I found your blog and also sent a totally normal ramble abt cannibalism I've been just. Gently tossing your guys back and forth in my head. You're a wonderful writer and I'm always excited to see you on my dash!!
Gonna throw my hat in as asking an actual question- How would your guys fare if their obsession had a particularly weird or morbid interest? I get the vibes that some of them would most certainly encourage it but I also feel like Vinnel would hit me with a hammer if I panic infodumped about ebola-
[Hellow, glad to see you again! Also, I know you probably just forgot, but "your guys" encompasses way too many characters to talk about at once, so I'll assume you were going for TCE staff.]
Morell especially likes hearing about your cannibalism infodumps. They're actually useful to him, since he's going to be living with you, and he needs to know what he can and can't feed you, as well as a possible child between you. It's actually interesting stuff, he'd like it if you talked about it to his family too, you're a smart piggy. Any other topics are usually met with less enthusiasm (unless kitchen/food related), and he'll ask you to quit it if you start talking too much about mushrooms. Overall, it's nice background noise to work to.
Patches is all about infodumping. In fact, you're subjected to it often too, even if he doesn't always stop to explain basic concepts you'd need to understand his rambling. He'll give you a recorder he has, so he can keep the sound of that boundless enthusiasm in your voice forever. He's much more participative than the others, asking various questions and tossing random scenarios at you that'll prompt you to learn even more. There's a potential he'll get distracted and stop working to just research this with you the whole day.
Gallon loves a weirdo -No offense- Feel free to dump all that morbidity on him, he soaks it up like a sponge (so does Martin, be careful). Although he prefers to let you speak unhindered, only egging you on when it seems you're getting passionately angry about things, there's a chance Gallon may begin his own little tidbit sharing regarding a variety of poisons and toxins. He's selective with what he lets slip, but figures it could interest you.
Santi likes listening to you. Doesn't matter what it's about. There's only one thing he doesn't want you to morbidly talk to him about, anything featuring kids. Other than that, you think a rant about the intricacies of cannibalism's effects will kill his mood? Hah, nice try. He usually doesn't have anything smart to say, but may actually pitch in with some first hand details if you mention something sexual and morbid.
Let's face it, this is going in one of Grimbly's eardrums and out the other. Unless, you can talk like you're in a true crime podcast, then he's all ears. Grimbly typically responds to these interests by bragging to others about how his Mommy's "so smart" and "cultured" and he learns so much with you! You should start a YouTube channel!
Nebul likes to hear what you think is morbid. He'll let you ramble when you've been good enough to earn his attention, or if it allows you to keep obeying him. He has his own morbidities to share with you, as a wraith who has seen the darkest parts of many a mind. Surely, you of all people would be fascinated to know how the brain reacts to very invasive types of trauma only some monsters can inflict...
Vinnel will use this to his advantage during shows. You're placed in dangerous games where the whole goal is for you to explain said morbid concepts to the audience while Vinnel or Jingles try to destabilize you so you'll fall into painful contraptions or get cut/bruised/undressed. Sometimes Vinnel pays attention to your infodumps, other times he openly doesn't, it's a coin toss.
Belo sincerely discourages you from seeking such dark information in your brain. A lesser's mind is like a canvas, and it shouldn't be furnished with such desolate knowledge... If your morbid interests somehow can shine a glimmer of positivity or utility, the angel will be a little more inclined to letting you keep pursuing these topics. Otherwise, Belo actively attempts to distract you.
Sybastian doesn't understand about 80% of what you're about to tell him, but he has all the time in the world to sit and listen to his favorite person spit words. He's not verbally communicative during these episodes, but he may clap depending on how impressive the information is, and he remembers things you say enough to sometimes present you with paraphernalia vaguely related to the topics of your morbid interests.
Fank-e is a good bet because he can add onto your information in real time, or correct small detail you may get them wrong. He's generally happy to give you links to more information sources and try to match your level of knowledge, uncaring of how dark the subject theme may be.
If there's one thing you can infodump to Krulu about, it would be diseases. Plagues and ailments of several types are his specialty, the chances of him imparting bits of knowledge you absolutely should not possess on this matter are high. Another thing you may infodump to him about is corvids. It gets him in very favorable moods, surprisingly.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
helloooooo :)) sliding in with a generic marvel-esque vaguely criminal organization landoscar au with background lestappen because I am nothing if not predictable
Oscar is their resident poison specialist (he makes new poisons, tests them, makes antidotes, etc. for the organization to use). His preference is plant based poisons, like belladonna and nightshade, because he graduated college with a botany degree and therefore has a lot of knowledge about them that he can put for use. He spends most of his time in his greenhouse full of toxic, beautiful plants that he tends too very, very carefully. They’re his babies.
There’s a whole backstory involved with how he came to join the organization that involves him accidentally killing his college roommate
Lando is a former gymnast turned espionage guy who also does theft on the side for funsies that works for the organization. Like vaguely cat woman-y? Obviously he’s super flexible and super good at his job because duh.
His favorite hobby is breaking into Oscar’s greenhouse via the windows and watching him work. Oscar is super fascinating to him, and he’s enamored with how absolutely brilliant this quiet, stoic boy, with maybe five facial expressions total is.
Lando sits there and listens to Oscar ramble about his complex science things. He doesn’t understand most of it ngl, but he loves the way Oscar’s face lights up when he goes on a long tangent about the chemical properties of cyanide and why it’s superior to arsenic.
Also sometimes lando brings Oscar random pretty shiny things that he stole that he thinks Oscar might like and leaves them on his desk, kind of like a crow. Oscar keeps all of them in a box under his bed. He looks at them when he feels down (he doesn’t tell lando that)
Oscar is equally obsessed with lando but this is already wayyyyyy too long so 😭 you just gotta trust me on this one
And then eventually, the rest of the people in the organization pick up on the growing landoscar feelings situation. Alex and George give lando a bunch of (loving and caring) grief about it. A bet between them is born. “$50 lando is too chicken to confess to Oscar by the end of the month”
Yada yada time skip a week or so and lando and Oscar FINALLY do something about the tension between them one night late in Oscar’s greenhouse, lando freshly back from a mission. Boom they kiss and then lando, being the idiot that he is, as soon as they pull apart, goes “lol George and Alex owe me $50 now”
Cue misunderstanding trope. “Oh you only kissed me for a bet?? You don’t actually have feelings for me 😔 I knew it was too good to be true.”
Lando realizes his mistake but Oscar’s already out the door, disappeared into the night.
And then Oscar gets kidnapped by the enemy 🤗 because he’d normally be more aware and vigilant and stuff but his emotions are really going through it so. The ransom note comes through the next day.
Gonna leave it on that because otherwise I will spiral into a full blown fic when I already have too many wips to finish
I'M SO????? HOW DID U JUST RANDOMLY SLIDE IN HERE WITH THIS???? i am so obsessed with these details my god the POISON? CATMAN ESPIONAGEGYMNAST? christ. and then lando leaving him little gifts like a crow. OSCAR ACCIDENTALLY K-WORDING HIS ROOMMATE (and possible guilt)?? the classic misunderstanding thingy "but oscar gets kidnapped" leading to a climactic rescue oh oh oh this is the stuff of dreams.
idk what to do with myself exactly cus this is so gorgeous. anyway have a moodboard for your efforts cus like my goodness this was lovely to read.
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