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official-nrc-prophet · 2 days ago
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Oberbot Riddle
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hiding-under-the-willow · 3 months ago
I am being brave and wandering into your ask box so you can ramble about the ghost au. It looks neat and I'm so curious owo
Okay I'm just gonna try and synthesize all of the random notes I've written in the last few days into something of a vaguely coherent list lol
Grian and Joel are roommates looking for a new flat when they get the call that Grian has inherited a house, they very impulsively and foolishly decide to keep the thing that is way too large and far too run down for the two of them to handle, the house is so incredibly haunted, normal bbc ghosts plot ensues
Grian is the one who almost dies and ends up being able to see ghosts. Mumbo is the one who pushes him out the window. Which is ironic bc Mumbo was very much not pro killing the new inhabitants of the house when the other ghosts were scheming ways to get rid of them.
Okay so ghost facts.
Bdubs is obviously highly based on Robin the caveman, I imagine him being slightly closer to the end of the paleolithic period than Robin. I think he may or may not have had some weird cult stuff going in. Weird cult leader caveman guy worshiping the sun and moon. Yes the cloak is real moss. There's bugs in that thing
Wels and Hels killed eachother in a duel, right on the property line, which now neither of them can cross in death. So now both of them is just stuck on either side of the fence seething about it for the rest of time. I like how ridiculous and arbitrary the ghost property line rules are in ghosts, so I find this incredibly funny. Hels is the guy Black Knight stories are based on
Ren wasn't actually a king, he was some type of noble who tried to declare himself king of a specific area, hence the beheading. Whooooooo let's go treason!!
Cleo was not doing actual witch craft at the time she was accused of it, she was however probably doing other illegal and vaguely fucked stuff. Mayhaps that's why she was accused, someone wanted her out of the way and that was an easy and surefire way to get rid of her
Keralis. My silly silly little guy. Our Kitty stand in. I just thought the idea of him dying from pufferfish poisoning was really funny considering him and XB's whole thing. I wanna have XB around, I can't decide if I want him to be a marine biologist of some kind who drowned on the next property over that keralis talks to over the fence, or if he's just like a grounds keeper who takes care of the lake next door that keralis is parasocially obsessed with lol
Beef. Beef my beloved. Period piece romance novel protagonist looking mf <3 He grew up in a family of butchers, became an impressionist painter instead of joining the family business. Focused a lot on pastoral scenes, especially stuff involving farm animals and especially cows. His family thought his career choice was kind of useless and frivolous, his artist colleagues thought his choice of painting subject was kind of frivolous. That's where he got the nickname 'Beef', now it's all anyone remembers him by, AND the fucking paints killed him 😔
Scar!!! The scammiest fucking traveling salesman on the planet. Death of a Salesman death of the American dream type vibes on that guy. He's gotta pay his medical bills somehow man, can't even really blame him for all the grifting. He probably should've been more careful with who he was scamming though, he maybe pissed off the wrong guy (do not scam mobsters! They will have someone kill you about it!)
Xisuma, given the greatest honor of being my Captian stand in. He was a sharp shooter, until his eye got fucked up and he lost his good aim. They shipped him off to the country side to work in 'intelligence', he takes his job very seriously despite this obviously just being somewhere they put him to not have to deal with him. Seriously enough in fact to discover a spy in their ranks! Just in time for that spy to kill him real bad. Damn.
Joe my absolutely beloved. Pat stand in but not quite. He was a popular radio host, he did a lot of volunteer work as a voice/performer for hire. He gets recruited to do some announcer work for a scouting event. There is, mayhaps, a much more. Uh. DIY. Scouting event happening on the next property over. There is an accident involving some homemade fireworks next door (cubfan. when I get you cubfan.), the fireworks going off scares some kid in the middle of fucking around with a bow, Joe gets shot, you can assume the rest. Cub is ghosting around next door cause of the fireworks accident if it makes you feel any better lol
Mumbo my stupid nervous guy. Ran a large tech startup in the late 90s, should not have been given that kind of power over a company. Accidentally did like. A lot of finance crime. Found out about said finance crime and immediately had a fucking heartattack and died from the panic. My cringe fail businessman I love you
Yeah yeah okay so neighbor ghosts. Cub, Hels, maybe XB, and Gem.
Etho is their weird annoying neighbor, he can also see ghosts, but it'll take awhile for everyone to figure that out.
In the same way Grian can see ghosts bc Mumbo tried to kill him, Etho can see ghosts bc Hels tried to kill him (haven't decided how exactly that went down yet)
I've been thinking about what to do with the basement ghosts and I think I want to put team zits down there.
Uh. Other human cast. Jimmy is around! He kind of fills an Obi type role, silly friend who is just kind of around a lot. I think I wanna have Lizzie as like a local barista Joel has a crush on. The ghosts get in his way every time he tries to make a move on her.
Obviously a lot of the ghosts aren't strict one to one fill ins for the original show's ghosts. Ren and Beef are both kind of drawing elements from both Thomas and Humphrey, Wels and X are both kind of drawing from Fanny and Cap, Scar and Mumbo both kind of combine to make up Julian's character. So on and so forth. All of the stuff with Etho and his property's ghosts is obviously all stuff I just did cause I thought it was fun lol
Oh yeah! Ghost powers! Okay obvious stuff, Bdubs has Robin's ability to fuck with lights, Cleo has the same burning smell as Mary, Mumbo can push stuff like Julian. Non obvious stuff. I want Joe to be able to be heard through like radios and phones and such. Hels has to have something to have almost killed Etho but I've yet to decide what that is. If Hels has something I think it would be funny to then have Wels also have the same power, but like. Weaker. So he can be pissy about it. Obviously.
Uh yeah that's all i can think of off the top of my head
Anyways, yeah!!! That's the basic constructions of this au. I had this idea like 3 days ago and have. Obviously thought about it a lot in that time lmao
You can't put two pieces of media in front of me and not expect me to go insane about it <3
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nomisupernova · 2 months ago
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Through wreckage! Through silence! Wash it away!
All day fire fresh!
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knuckledust3r · 25 days ago
kind of insane how the fetishization of trans women is just normalized on tumblr now
yeah everyone wants a trans dommy mommy but no one wants to treat her like a real human being with feelings. everyone wants girlcock until she wants to be something other than a sex object. everyone wants the things they see in porn until she expresses something outside of their own needs
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general-gt · 2 months ago
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As a g/t fan, if you haven’t read this graphic novel, ‘We Called Them Giants’ yet, you absolutely should! It’s an amazing little story and I adored reading it! I even managed to get my hands on a copy with an extra little piece of art that I’ll put under a read more due to slight spoilers. Even if it wasn’t intentional, this really shows off the part of g/t I like the best and it’s an amazing story in general.
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deadduvznap · 8 months ago
thinking abt ftm tom riddle getting his pussy eaten 🫠 tom puts up an “ i’m tough “ appearance but as soon as you get him into bed and get between his legs he’s moaning like a whore and begging for more
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YES OKAY LISTEN HE loves to act all tough around you and the others like he will give ppl dirty looks for wven looking at you and he acts like hes dominant and ppl think he is cus hes definitely more i wouldnt say introverted but hes like very black cat head empty but intimidating but if you like touch him i mean even like kiss him or cuddle him he gets all mushy even though he tries not to he pretends hes not but hed get down on his knees if you told him too and you get him in bed ??? youd think hes literally a different person hes suchhh a pillow prince he doesnt wanna do anything but hes also so cock drunk okay im getting off track hes so so sensitive his nipples are so sensitive his cunt is sensitive everything about him you get between his legs and he can cum immediately and yep no doubt about it hes literally ascended flopped dead on whatever surface you put him on his hands are on your head and his legs are limp on your shoulders hes got tears in his eyes begging for you to let him cum because youve been teasing him and he doesnt even know what day it is who he is how long its been all he knows is that ur eating him out and its so good hes writhing around moaning like someone just punched him in the gut
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helenafreakgan · 6 months ago
how to kill myself no glue no borax
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creekmud · 1 year ago
sam got off on dean’s thigh one night while he thought he was asleep. dean was wide awake and he soaked in every little sound sam made
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year ago
*Reid and Garcia shopping for jellycats*
Reid: *picking up a jellycat* oh he's cute
Reid: *sees price tag* oh, he's not that cute
Garcia: *grabbing ten* yes he mc-fucking-is
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atlas-tries · 10 months ago
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Just a lil Gummigoo I drew on my work calendar (instead of work things)
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official-nrc-prophet · 7 hours ago
Riddle Rosehearts- an equestrian's honest opinion
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As you may or may not know, behind the screen and funny persona lies an equestrian with crippling sickly victorian child disease.
And this card ALWAYS makes me mad. It's the reason I'm so against ever getting equestrian club cards- because Twst can't do it right. So I'm gonna go through the reasons this groovy is WRONG.
Keep in mind this is what I've learned at my stables and it differs based on who taught you and what precautions you take
The robes. Riddle and Silver dressed in their ceremonial robes to attract attention for their club- and I'll get right into it. This is not fucking safe. Horses have eyes in the sides of their heads, they can see what's behind them and the fluttering cape could spook them, get caught on the saddle, and generally be dangerous.
2. The shoes. When you ride a horse, you wear riding boots. Special shoes with a heel meant to catch on the stirrup and not slide through, letting you push up and balance on them.
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These are NOT those shoes. They are heeled shoes, yes, but they are FORMAL heels. They could easily slip through the stirrup, and be incredibly dangerous to ride in. For context, these are the riding boots that most people I ride with use.
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Yeah. Big difference.
3. What. Is. That. Saddle. We can see he uses a saddle pad, but the stirrups aren't in the picture and there's no discernable features that the saddle actually has. There's no saddle horn, but it doesn't appear to be an english saddle, and he's definitely not riding western. Here's a comparison.
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Saddles have so many intricate and personalized details! They are not just a slab of leather to perch on.
4. Riddle isn't riding a horse correctly. I'll keep it simple, or try to. He's riding like a jockey. Too short stirrups, leaning too far forward, but at least he's holding the reigns right. I'll add a picture for context.
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5. I am a bit confused on what his bridle is doing. It seems to be a Montar Monarch bridle, Which is used for sensitive horses and eco-friendly. But, the strands appear tangled and somewhat connected to part of his saddle, which is odd...
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hiding-under-the-willow · 2 months ago
Some Ghost Ren crumbs if you have please? Also! Is Martyn in the au?
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Martyn would've been around when Ren was alive, he's obviously not anymore, all of the other ghosts are getting very tired of him talking about it
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nomisupernova · 10 days ago
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anyamal crossing!
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knuckledust3r · 4 months ago
it’s gonna feel the worst today, okay
but he’s an old fuck who’s basically a talking corpse and definitely will not be able to do like, any of the shit he said he would
especially considering most of congress is blue and has a fucking TRANS WOMAN part of it now
we will wake up tomorrow and eveyrhting we like will still be there, and everyone we love will still be alive
and everything will be okay
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general-gt · 1 year ago
I love the g/t community here on Tumblr because we really do just feed each other. Someone gets an idea, someone else writes it, someone else draws it- and then it all happens over and over! It’s like a cycle of inspiration.
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deadduvznap · 10 months ago
rory keaner “ accidentally “ sending m! reader a video of him touching himself while whimpering 😓
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YOURE RIGHT HE WOULD ANON I LOVE HOW SMART YOU ARE !!!! im gonna go with they use modern technology cus i dont wanna have to deal w mental gymnastics of the 2011s because i was still young then but hed probably set the camera up to whete it looks like he "didnt know" it was on and its from like a 45 degree angle where you can see his dick wnd his face in frame too and as the video starts hes hand down his pants head thrown back and you can see hes wearing some band tee and a pair a shorts for pjs and his shorts rode up so you can see the side of his thigh hes pasty white like a dare i say vampire? and hie mouth ie open and hes making little noises and he grips his pillow with his other hand and he pulls his shorts and pants down to below his knees and his breathing is shaky and hes so sensitive he wraps his hand around the base of his dick and he strokes his hand up and he lets out a loud whimper and grips the pillow harder and his eyes flicker to the camera and he puts thr collar of his shirt in his mouth and he thumps his head on the wall and he moves his hand back down again and then back up and back down and he keeps doing it over and over hes drooling all over his shirt and the pillow is almost ripping by how hard hes gripping it and pulling it and his arm kinda hurts from how hard hes going but he cant stop he cant atop whimpering and moaning and he starts moaning your name too it sounds like it slips out on accident but hes doing it on purpose and he knows itll do something to you and when he gets close he uses both of his hands and he fucks his tip and the bed is kind of shaking and his phone is wobbling about to fall over and when he cums he cums HARD his cum is all over his hands and his lower tummy and his head is back against the wall and he drops his shirt collar out of his mouth and hes breathing heavy and he cleans up with some random shirt and picks uo the phone and he has a cute smile laughs and turns off the video and he "accidentally" sends jt to you and he doesnt crop out the end so you see him smile and look at the camera
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