#Radial Magnets
Powerful Performance: Testing a 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase PMG by J.D. Engineering Works
Welcome to J.D. Engineering Works! In this exciting video, we show you the powerful performance of our 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG).
Our dedicated team of engineers has put their expertise into creating a high-performance generator that pushes the boundaries of single-phase power generation. In this video, we are showing you the highest standards of quality and reliability of the 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). . As we fire up the 5KW PMG, you'll be amazed by its steady 500RPM rotation, producing a clean and stable 220VAC output. The consistent power generation capabilities of our Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) make it an ideal choice for various applications, from off-grid setups and backup power solutions to integration with renewable energy systems.
Our team at J.D. Engineering Works is committed to sustainability and renewable energy solutions, and this Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) exemplifies our dedication to delivering cutting-edge technology that drives the future of green power.
Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting updates on our latest innovations and projects.
Thank you for being part of our journey towards a greener and more sustainable tomorrow. Together, let's power the world with clean energy solutions from J.D. Engineering Works.
For any queries regarding 5KW 500RPM 220VAC Single Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG), email us at [email protected], or Call or WhatsApp at +919582345931, +919289311243, +918851614166, +919999467601.
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ellenhenryart · 2 months
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(via "Carnival Red Pink Blue Symmetrical Flower" Magnet for Sale by ellenhenry)
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mpcomagnetics · 1 year
Radiation Ring Magnet
Radiation Ring Magnet Sintered NdFeB magnetic ring is a new product developed in recent years. It is mainly used in high-performance permanent magnet motors and sensors. In the application of permanent magnet motors, sintered NdFeB magnetic tiles are usually bonded into a ring, which has natural disadvantages: Since the processing of the tile-shaped magnet belongs to special-shaped processing,…
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chromaticflare · 8 months
Thank you for attending today’s Spell Seminar. This will be the first of many lessons explaining the spells and magic of WHA, ranging from the simplest of wall breakers to the wildest of windowways.
Today, we will be discussing one of my personal favorite spells, wall bend.
Spell Seminar Lesson One: The Wall Bend Spell
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First seen on pg 27 of chap 14, wall bend is a spell capable of bending and pulling solid walls as if they were cloth. Remarkably, after the spell was first revealed in chapter 14, we wouldn’t see the glyph until chapter 65.
Experienced spell makers may recognize the earth sigil this glyph’s center, as well as the pull signs (the funky arrows) along the glyph’s sides. However, the signs at the top and bottom of thus glyph (highlighted in gold and purple) are unusual. They will be the focus of today’s lesson.
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To understand the sign at the top of the spell (furthest away from Qifrey, highlighted in purple), you must first understand the one at the bottom (highlighted in gold)
Compound Signs
The sign drawn in gold is what we call a compound sign. Compound signs are signs composed of several other signs mixed together.
This one consists of three parts: a ribbon sign as the core, a bend sign on each end of the ribbon, and part of an inverted radial sign (strengthen).
Whereas a ribbon sign on it’s own just stretches things into long, soft ribbons, by combining it with bend (and inverted radial to boost its power), it is able to do one of two things; make a single portion of a wall bendable like a sheet of fabric, or allow the portion of wall near the spell to be bent and stretched.
Both of these interpretations are equally valid, but each has different implications as to the function of the bind (purple) sign. I only mentioned one of these interpretations in the twitter version of this lesson, but today, I’ll be going over both of them.
Interpretation One: Unify
Assuming the partial bending interpretation of the compound sign, bind has an important role in holding the wall together.
In this interpretation, bind functions to “bind” the entire wall together into a single cohesive object. This makes it so that, instead of stretching out just a single portion of wall, the spell instead stretches the wall in its entirety as a single cohesive unit.
In this version of the spell, the pull signs function to keep the wall connected to the spell, making use of the wall’s elasticity and stretchiness to do so. Imagine it like a magnet pulling the wall along rather than a direct connection between the spell and the wall.
Bind Interpretation Two: Glue
Assuming that the compound sign already effects the entire wall, then it makes much more sense for the bind sign to function like a glue between the wall and the spell.
In this interpretation, bind physically connects the part of the wall the spell is touching to the spell itself, allowing it to be dragged along with the spell to stretch the wall.
In this version, the pull signs serve simply as aids, helping to make it easier to drag the wall into the desired position and shape rather than just pulling it along as was the case in the other interpretation.
Regardless of which interpretation of bind one day proves to be the right one, this spell is unique for the lessons it can teach us about spell design and for the insights it can give us into magic as a whole. I’ve already designed 2 spells with bind, so it’s safe to say that it has a lot of uses both in universe and for us spell makers. I hope you enjoyed this lesson, and I’ll see you in the next one.
-Chromatic Flare
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astraiox · 2 years
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The radial magnetic field around NGC 4631 (Golla and Hummel 1994)
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radioactiveradley · 1 month
Hi! I have a question: can broken or fractured bones be seen in MRI scans and CT scans?
Also, when and how do doctors determine whether an MRI or CT scan is needed after an x-ray (in case they didn’t see a problem in the x-ray or unsure if there’s a pathology or not on the x-ray scan)?
Thank you!
You can absolutely see broken/fractured bones on both MRI and CT. If we're specifically looking for bony damage, we're more likely to use CT - MRI is the best modality for looking at soft tissue injury, but is far more expensive than CT, so we're not going to use it for any old break!
We use CT to look at complex, 'comminuted' fractures, where the bone has split into multiple fragments, or in other cases where surgeons really need a clear three-dimensional view of the break.
If it's a clean transverse fracture (horizontal snap of a long bone) you probably won't need CT.
However, if you have this shit going on...
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(unstable comminuted fracture of left femur due to gunshot wound, courtesy of radiopedia)
Yeah, it's probably CT time.
Similarly, some fractures can be hidden when using X-ray - particularly intra-articular fractures (breaks within a joint).
Intercondylar fractures of the humerus or fractures of the radial head are a classic example. In these cases, we look at the plain radiograph for other markers - particularly signs of haemarthrosis (bleeding into a joint).
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Fat pad sign, on a non-displaced radial head fracture that is otherwise invisible on this elbow radiograph - courtesy of wiki
Can you see the slightly darker, raised areas that the red arrows are pointing to? Those are pads of fat around your elbow joint, which usually aren't nearly so obvious on a radiograph. They've been pushed outwards by soft-tissue swelling and bleeding around the break. If we see these two little 'dark flags', it means there's an injury hidden within the elbow joint itself, which we can't see. So, away to CT the patient goes!
Then we have the fabulous lipohaemarthrosis (the word every first-year student dreads having to say out loud in front of qualified staff). Check this baby out!
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Lipohaemarthrosis of the left knee due to a hidden tibial plateau fracture, courtesy of radiopaedia
Look on either side of the patella. See those dark blobs? They're fat. As shown on the elbow image, fat is radiolucent (appears dark on X-ray) in comparison to other soft tissue. Fat also floats on top of blood.
This means, if we lay you down with your knee pointing up, and you happen to have free-floating fat and blood around your joint... the fat bloops up to the top, and you get a clear line between the fat and the blood. This is a very clear sign of intra-articular damage - and, again, you'll be heading to CT to get a three-dimensional look at that hidden fracture.
As for when we would use MRI... If we suspect that you have a serious soft-tissue injury that requires surgery (tears to the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee being the classic example!) that's when you'll get a trip to my favourite magnetic man, Big Boomy Chungus. I can go more into that if you want, but it would probably need its own separate post!
Hope that helps! x
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oliviax727 · 1 year
Physics Friday: Electricity and Magnetism - why are they together?
Introduction - WTF is this?
So this is the first post which is pretty different to what I've done before on Tumblr, Reddit, etc. But given the fact that I have a bunch of knowledge on the subjects of physics, astronomy, mathematics, and computer science, I might as well ramble about it somewhere ... and what's a better place then a blog format on Tumblr!
So my idea is basically to do a weekly thing where I wax lyrically about some random topic within the realm of STEM, and let the internet people see it ... or not. I'm more interested in just getting the neat and cool ideas out there. So if you're seeing this and you're interested - neat! If you're not ... well I'm still going to do what I normally do and shitpost.
The topics will also vary in education level from primary all the way to university level. I'll try and highlight that in each post!
Some pre-info
Education level: High School (Y11/12) Topic: Electromagnetism (Physics)
Ok it's Physics time
At some point in your long life, maybe in class, maybe perusing the internet, you might've come across the term 'Electromagnetism' and gotten confused. Not because it's a complex word and it's 3 am but more that it's strange to see such an emphasis on a combination of Electricity (circuits, lightning, etc.) and Magnetism (Bar Magnets, etc.) and well, why is that? Why don't we focus on something like gravity and electricity or some other physical phenomenon? This is a question I often came across in high school. I saw all of the equations that related electricity and magnetism with eachother: Ampere's law, Faraday's law, the motor effect, Electromagnetic waves. But what intrinsically ties these two phenomenon together? After all, we know magnetism comes from electrons, and electricity comes. But still - this doesn't seem to complete the gap.
This was a question that a lot of people were concerned with, until Maxwell, Lorentz, and Einstein came along and changed our understanding of electricity, magnetism, and motion.
To figure this out, we won't actually need special relativity, because we can just imagine scenarios in a low-speed limit. But we still require relativity of a more classical variety.
So how does it work?
Consider a wire with a current running through the wire. Electrons are moving through the wire, causing the flow of current.
Now, because of Ampere's law, we know the wire produces a circular magnetic field around it.
Given what we currently know, the act of having a current - an electricity thing, producing a magnetic field, is really odd. But what if we were to introduce some velocity into the equation?
Say we now place an electric charge next to the wire, and it's stationary. Ignoring gravity for a moment, nothing happens. Why? Well because of the lorentz force F = qE + qvB there's nothing to move it. But now let's move this charged object at some speed along the wire, and let's say it's moving at exactly the same speed as the electrons in the wire. Now we have force! The charge begins to move perpendicular to the field and the charge starts flying towards the wire.
But this is a kinda boring explanation from the perspective of someone standing still, looking at the wire and seeing this happen. What if we were to look at things from the perspective of the charged object?
Well, given the rules of relativity, in the charge's perspective, the electrons are actually stationary, so from here - there IS no magnetic field!
So what happens now? Well because we have a straight line of electrons, and these electrons are still, we now have radially pointing electric field emanating from the wire. Because of this electric field - the charge will begin to move towards the wire, coincidentally at the same rate as what we see the observer.
Now look at what we have here. From the perspective of the stationary wire, a magnetic field is produced. From the perspective of the charge, we have an electric field.
The fact of the matter is that the electric and magnetic fields are the same thing - just from different perspectives. A pure magnetic field is just an electric field viewed from a different velocity, and what you may see as an electric field is just a magnetic field but because we're moving relative to it, it now affects us.
How Special Relativity Comes into this
We can represent this effect using another equation:
E' = γ (E+vB)
Where γ is the lorentz factor. This is where the lorentz invariance - special relativity comes into this. This is a direct solution of Maxwell's Equations.
Let's simplify this by removing the γ in a low-velocity limit, and also multiply both sides by an electric charge term q:
qE' = qE + qvB
E' is the electric field in a frame moving at a particular velocity, whereas E and B are the electric and magnetic fields in a different frame of reference.
Notice how both expressions represent the force applied to a charge. This is a representation of the relativistic interpretation of electric and magnetic fields.
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Image Credit: Wikipedia
This image from Wikipedia, it shows the effect I've been talking about but visually. In the top section we have a man standing stationary to an electric charge, which emanates an electric field. From the perspective of the moving woman, the charge produces both a magnetic and electric field.
On the bottom we see the opposite. A stationary man sees a moving charge as having both an electric and magnetic field. But when we move at the same velocity as the charge, the magnetic field disappears and it appears entirely as an electric field.
In conclusion, why electricity and magnetism can be unified is because they are quite literally the same field, but from a different perspective.
Technically speaking, magnetic fields don't exist, they're just electric fields moving at a particular speed. We could also say the exact same about electric fields.
This revelation is what allowed Einstein to simplify Maxwell's equation into just one - using the power of tensors. Because really, the two forces are one in the same!
I very much hope you enjoyed reading this post. I'm going to be doing this every Friday. It's a bit rusty - and you probably had a hard time reading it. Feedback (both positive and negative) is appreciated!
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styllwaters · 1 year
What are most sea crawler meals like?
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Every culture has their own distinct dishes, but they mostly look something like this! Radial symmetry is an extremely common motif for sea crawlers, and this extends to their food. Shown here is a popular Daihrut dish: Qhuavan 'nudibranchs' and roe. The spikes are magnetic at the tips, attached to magnetic points on a table. The translucent lid keeps unattended food from floating away.
They're also very decorative! Crawlers are all about extravagancy.
More about food and crawler diets in this older post.
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theterribletenno · 5 months
Wasp, the Anti-Grineer Warframe
Wasp is going to be the most ordinary of the three Anti-Warframes. I'm actually kind of surprised how much love the Grineer receive as a faction but that's beside the point. Wasp is acquired by defeating Captain Visak Shuuk at Kaentake.
Health: 550 (750 at rank 30) Shields: 100 (150 at rank 30) Armor: 575 (675 at rank 30) Energy: 150 (200 at rank 30) Sprint Speed: 0.95
Passive: Activating any ability increases Wasp's armor by 30% for as long as the ability is active plus an extra 6 seconds after the ability terminates. Successive casts refresh this effect.
Ability 1: Nailgun, 25 energy. Wasp fires a massive iron spike from the barrels on his gauntlets at the enemy closest to his crosshairs within a 90 degree 45 meter cone centered on his aiming reticle, dealing 1,000 times 1+X (where X is equal to the enemy's level divided by 10) puncture damage with 100% status chance to the target enemy. Using Nailgun again within a 1 second window of its last use increases its damage by 250 and status chance by 25% stacking up to six times. If the target enemy is within 15 meters the spike will be aimed perfectly at the victim's head (or similarly vulnerable body part) applying relevant damage multipliers.
Ability 2: Solvent Spray, toggled ability, drains 3 energy per second. While active the mechanical pumps and tubes on Wasp's back and arms activate, spraying flammable caustic fluids from his gauntlets in a 10 meter 90 degree cone. The Solvent Spray deals 400 corrosive damage with 100% status chance per second. Holding the ability key for Solvent Spray ignites the fluid, changing its damage to heat. Damage change can be triggered while Solvent Spray is active or inactive. Wasp moves at full speed and can use all movement techniques while Solvent Spray is active, but all weapon attacks, gear items, and abilities other than Nailgun cannot be used.
Ability 3: Flash Weld, 75 energy. A fluctuating pulse of magnetized plasma blooms out from Cain and then retracts, stripping the defenses from all enemies it touches and adding the stolen armor to Wasp as overguard. Flash Weld emits a radial pulse with an initial radius of 5 meters, which follows him as an aura and rapidly expands outward by 15 meters per second over a duration of 2 seconds. Enemies in direct line of sight of Wasp and within range of Flash Weld's aura have 25% of their current shields or total armor stripped. When Flash Weld expires or when the ability key is pressed again while the ability is active the pulse instantly retracts to Wasp granting overguard based on the amount of shields and/or armor stolen from all affected enemies. Flash Weld cannot grant overguard exceeding a value of 10,000.
Ability 4: Attrition, 100 energy. If there's one thing the Grineer know it's their brutally effective military weapons. When Wasp activates Attrition he becomes a force of pure destruction. For the next 8 seconds Wasp gains infinite ammo, 100% heavy attack combo efficiency, and +30% fire rate and attack speed. When Attrition expires Wasp releases an explosion that deals 100 blast damage in a 12 meter radius with 100% status chance. For every enemy killed by Wasp's weapons while Attrition was active this explosion gains an additional 100 damage, 0.5 meters, and 10% status chance.
Subsumed ability: Nailgun.
Signature Weapon Akgoblins: The Akgoblins are the Tenno answer to some of the Grineer's iconic weaponry. Ironically, the Tenno-made Akgoblins are closer to the original Orokin weapons used by the Grineer of the imperial era than the mass-produced bastardizations seen in their hands today. For players the Akgoblins blueprint is acquired for 25,000 credits from the orbiter market and is crafted using Twin Gremlins and Twin Grakatas plus 5 Morphics to meld them together. Akgoblins are nearly full-sized rifles, with their weight and recoil only a warframe could use them akimbo. The Akgoblins have a full-auto trigger and fire spike-like projectiles with a travel time and arc. Akgoblins capture the strengths of both of the weapons they are based on, having the superior reload speed & damage inherited from the Gremlins and the magazine size, max ammo capacity, accuracy, fire rate, and critical affinity of the Grakatas. Directly improving on both of its predecessors the Akgoblins have an innate 2 meters of punch-through. As Wasp's signature weapon the Akgoblins deal 30% bonus damage when they score a multi-hit with punch-through.
Closing Notes: I was a little nervous about Wasp at first but I've really come around on him. I certainly don't think he's breaking any molds but his combination of damage and tankiness surely leads to easy use.
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Testing Video of 11KW 1500RPM 5000VAC Three Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) In this video, we are testing this Three Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) step by step according to RPM from 100RPM to 1500RPM.
For any queries, please Call or WhatsApp at +919289311243, +919582345931, +918826634990, or +919999467601. Email:- [email protected]
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Multimodal neuroimaging in Long-COVID and its correlates with cognition 1.8 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cross-sectional study of the Aliança ProHEpiC-19 Cognitiu - Published Sept 12, 2024
Introduction: There is a growing interest in the effect of Long-COVID (LC) on cognition, and neuroimaging allows us to gain insight into the structural and functional changes underlying cognitive impairment in LC. We used multimodal neuroimaging data in combination with neuropsychological evaluations to study cognitive complaints in a cohort of LC patients with mild to moderate severity symptoms.
Methods: We conducted a 3T brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional MRI (fMRI) sequences on 53 LC patients 1.8 years after acute COVID-19 onset. We administered neuropsychological tests to evaluate cognitive domains and examined correlations with Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) and resting state.
Results: We included 53 participants with LC (mean age, 48.23 years; 88.7% females). According to the Frascati criteria, more than half of the participants had deficits in the executive (59%) and attentional (55%) domains, while 40% had impairments in the memory domain. Only one participant (1.89%) showed problems in the visuospatial and visuoconstructive domain. We observed that increased radial diffusivity in different white matter tracts was negatively correlated with the memory domain. Our results showed that higher resting state activity in the fronto-parietal network was associated with lower memory performance. Moreover, we detected increased functional connectivity among the bilateral hippocampus, the right hippocampus and the left amygdala, and the right hippocampus and the left middle temporal gyrus. These connectivity patterns were inversely related to memory and did not survive false discovery rate (FDR) correction.
Discussion: People with LC exhibit cognitive impairments linked to long-lasting changes in brain structure and function, which justify the cognitive alterations detected.
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unknownsoldiers · 2 months
Outlier Ability;
General Info;
★ - Common knowledge Outlier abilities come in three types: Physical, Mental, or External*.
- Mental Abilities are those that come from the mind like Soundwave’s Hearing, Skid’s super learning, or Mindwipe’s telepathy. - Physical abilities are ones that affect the mech themselves, such as Tailgate’s strength or Mirage’s invisibility. - External abilities are usually projected from the outlier in some way, such as Skywarp’s teleportation, Trailbreaker’s force fields, Windcharger’s magnetic arms, Damus’ glitch touch, Hupcap’s Electromagnetic manipulation, Thundercracker’s sonic booms, etc etc.
(*External also has it's own subcategories of Physical and Mental, but for the sake of simplicity, they are filed as one.)
—— ◆ - Acquired knowledge
Outlier: Lieutenant
Ability: Seismic Sense
Category: Physical
—— ✖ - No knowledge
How it works:
Seismic Sense is an acute sensation of anything touching the ground. So long as Lieutenant is touching the ground, he can sense any movement up to an undisclosed radial distance from himself. He can even feel things on the walls when in rooms or hallways. That is if they're at a certain height. This means usual forms of stealth from sight are ineffective. He is nearly impossible to sneak up on as long as his opponent is touching the ground. Lieutenant has also worked to allow his frame to move instinctively if he senses anything too close to him. This was especially helpful during the war as his hand-to-hand combat excelled, although he preferred to avoid it if possible. Due to this ability, particularly when it was fully honed he would be selected to be part of Prowl's 'Diplomatic Corps.' early in the war. [See Bio for more info]
The primary source of this ability comes from his pedes, and more specifically, the sensory pads on the bottoms of his pedes. They aren't metal but rather a silicone rubber that allows him to traverse various terrains without damaging or scuffing the sensors. While they can take a beating, Lieutenant would prefer to avoid injury as it is still a part of him and he can feel everything quite intimately.
The seismic sense is a glass cannon. It’s incredibly intuitive, but if not kept secret it can be easily used against Lieutenant. One of the biggest issues is the heightened sense can cause overwhelming pain or sensory overload (not the fun kind). This can come from various sources such as being hit/injured, reverberating foundations, or anything physical. This is due to the ability affecting his entire nervous system, his pain tolerance is significantly lower than even the civilian class. Fortunately, this is not the biggest Achilles heel as it once was. With significant training over many years, Lieutenant can still fight without being paralyzed by the pain. However, he still tries to avoid it, opting for infiltration, tricks, and quick kills to get the job done without interacting with the enemy if possible, to lower the risk of overwhelming agony.
At a glance - Pros & Cons:
Able to sense surroundings/persons acutely
Reflexes are instinctive
Blinded allows heightened senses to 'see' things more in-depth/further
The lower his other senses are, the higher his seismic sense becomes
Sensitivity is very high
Pain hurts significantly more than it should
Universe Note: While Outliers are already rare, fliers that are outliers are even more abnormal in this circle. No one quite knows why this is, however, the speculation is that it’s likely due to the spark naturally having to compensate for the ability to fly. It’s not as near impossible as those with .01% sparks or triple-changers, but it is the running theory.
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Topics to study for Quantum Physics
Taylor Series
Sequences of Functions
Transcendental Equations
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Separation of Variables
Vector Operators
Inner Products
Identity Matrix
Unitary Matrix
Unitary Operators
Evolution Operator
Rotational Matrix
Eigen Values
Linear Combinations
Matrix Elements
Delta Sequences
Polar Coordinates
Generalized Coordinate Systems
Components of Equations
Versions of the equation
Time Dependent
Time Independent
Position Dependent
Complex Waves
Standing Waves
Traveling Waves
Plane Waves
Boundary Conditions
Probability Densities
Statistical Interpretation
Discrete Variables
Continuous Variables
Probability Distribution
Conservation of Probability
Continuum Limit
Classical Mechanics
Center of Mass
Reduce Mass
Action Principle
Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
Physical State
Waves vs Particles
Probability Waves
Quantum Physics
Schroedinger Equation
Uncertainty Principle
Complex Conjugates
Continuity Equation
Quantization Rules
Heisenburg's Uncertianty Principle
Schroedinger Equation
Seperation from Time
Stationary States
Infinite Square Well
Harmonic Oscillator
Free Particle
Kronecker Delta Functions
Delta Function Potentials
Bound States
Finite Square Well
Scattering States
Incident Particles
Reflected Particles
Transmitted Particles
Quantum States
Group Velocity
Phase Velocity
Probabilities from Inner Products
Born Interpretation
Hilbert Space
Hermitian Operators
Determinate States
Degenerate States
Non-Degenerate States
n-Fold Degenerate States
Symetric States
State Function
State of the System
Eigen States
Eigen States of Position
Eigen States of Momentum
Eigen States of Zero Uncertainty
Eigen Energies
Eigen Energy Values
Eigen Energy States
Eigen Functions
Required properties
Eigen Energy States
Negative Energy
Eigen Value Equations
Energy Gaps
Band Gaps
Atomic Spectra
Discrete Spectra
Continuous Spectra
Generalized Statistical Interpretation
Atomic Energy States
Sommerfels Model
The correspondence Principle
Wave Packet
Minimum Uncertainty
Energy Time Uncertainty
Bases of Hilbert Space
Fermi Dirac Notation
Changing Bases
Coordinate Systems
Spherical - radii, azmithal, angle
Angular Equation
Radial Equation
Hydrogen Atom
Radial Wave Equation
Spectrum of Hydrogen
Angular Momentum
Total Angular Momentum
Orbital Angular Momentum
Angular Momentum Cones
Spin 1/2
Spin Orbital Interaction Energy
Electron in a Magnetic Field
ElectroMagnetic Interactions
Minimal Coupling
Orbital magnetic dipole moments
Two particle systems
Exchange Forces
Periodic Table
Free Electron Gas
Band Structure
Transformation in Space
Translation Operator
Translational Symmetry
Conservation Laws
Conservation of Probability
Parity In 1D
Parity In 2D
Parity In 3D
Even Parity
Odd Parity
Parity selection rules
Rotational Symmetry
Rotations about the z-axis
Rotations in 3D
Selection rules for Scalars
Translations in time
Time Dependent Equations
Time Translation Invariance
Reflection Symmetry
Stern Gerlach experiment
Dynamic Variables
Kets, Bras and Operators
Simultaneous measurements
Compatible Observable
Incompatible Observable
Transformation Matrix
Unitary Equivalent Observable
Position and Momentum Measurements
Wave Functions in Position and Momentum Space
Position space wave functions
momentum operator in position basis
Momentum Space wave functions
Wave Packets
Localized Wave Packets
Gaussian Wave Packets
Motion of Wave Packets
Zero Potential
Potential Wells
Potentials in 1D
Potentials in 2D
Potentials in 3D
Linear Potential
Rectangular Potentials
Step Potentials
Central Potential
Bound States
UnBound States
Scattering States
Double Well
Square Barrier
Infinite Square Well Potential
Simple Harmonic Oscillator Potential
Binding Potentials
Non Binding Potentials
Forbidden domains
Forbidden regions
Quantum corral
Classically Allowed Regions
Classically Forbidden Regions
Landau Levels
Quantum Hall Effect
Molecular Binding
Quantum Numbers
Gauge Transformations
Commuting Operators
Non-Commuting Operators
Commutator Relations of Angular Momentum
Pauli Exclusion Principle
Excited States
Ground State
Spherical Bessel equations
Spherical Bessel Functions
Polarized and UnPolarized Beams
Ladder Operators
Raising and Lowering Operators
Spherical harmonics
Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator
Coulomb Potential
Identical particles
Distinguishable particles
Expectation Values
Ehrenfests Theorem
Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Euler Lagrange Equations
Principle of Least Time
Principle of Least Action
Hamilton's Equation
Hamiltonian Equation
Classical Mechanics
Transition States
Selection Rules
Coherent State
Hydrogen Atom
Electron orbital velocity
principal quantum number
Spectroscopic Notation
Common Equations
Energy (E) .. KE + V
Kinetic Energy (KE) .. KE = 1/2 m v^2
Potential Energy (V)
Momentum (p) is mass times velocity
Force equals mass times acceleration (f = m a)
Newtons' Law of Motion
Wave Length (λ) .. λ = h / p
Wave number (k) ..
k = 2 PI / λ
= p / h-bar
Frequency (f) .. f = 1 / period
Period (T) .. T = 1 / frequency
Density (λ) .. mass / volume
Reduced Mass (m) .. m = (m1 m2) / (m1 + m2)
Angular momentum (L)
Waves (w) ..
w = A sin (kx - wt + o)
w = A exp (i (kx - wt) ) + B exp (-i (kx - wt) )
Angular Frequency (w) ..
w = 2 PI f
= E / h-bar
Schroedinger's Equation
-p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x, t) + V (x) w (x, t) = i h-bar [d/dt] w(x, t)
-p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) T (t) + V (x) w (x) T (t) = i h-bar [d/dt] w(x) T (t)
Time Dependent Schroedinger Equation
[ -p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x) ] / w (x) = i h-bar [d/dt] T (t) / T (t)
E w (x) = -p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x)
E i h-bar T (t) = [d/dt] T (t)
TISE - Time Independent
H w = E w
H w = -p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x)
H = -p^2 [d/dx]^2 + V (x)
-p^2 [d/dx]^2 w (x) + V (x) w (x) = E w (x)
Energy / wave length ..
E = h f
E [n] = n h f
= (h-bar k[n])^2 / 2m
= (h-bar n PI)^2 / 2m
= sqr (p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4)
Kinetic Energy (KE)
KE = 1/2 m v^2
= p^2 / 2m
Momentum (p)
p = h / λ
= sqr (2 m K)
= E / c
= h f / c
Angular momentum ..
p = n h / r, n = [1 .. oo] integers
Wave Length ..
λ = h / p
= h r / n (h / 2 PI)
= 2 PI r / n
= h / sqr (2 m K)
Planks constant (h)
Rydberg's constant (R)
Avogadro's number (Na)
Planks reduced constant (h-bar) .. h-bar = h / 2 PI
Speed of light (c)
electron mass (me)
proton mass (mp)
Boltzmann's constant (K)
Coulomb's constant
Bohr radius
Electron Volts to Jules
Meter Scale
Gravitational Constant is 6.7e-11 m^3 / kg s^2
History of Experiments
Diffraction Gratings
Black body radiation
Planks formula
Compton Effect
Photo Electric Effect
Heisenberg's Microscope
Rutherford Planetary Model
Bohr Atom
de Broglie Waves
Double slit experiment
Casmir Effect
Pair Production
Schroedinger's Cat
EPR Paradox
Tossing a ball into the air
Stability of the Atom
2 Beads on a wire
Plane Pendulum
Wave Like Behavior of Electrons
Constrained movement between two concentric impermeable spheres
Rigid Rod
Rigid Rotator
Spring Oscillator
Balls rolling down Hill
Balls Tossed in Air
Multiple Pullys and Weights
Particle in a Box
Particle in a Circle
Particle in a Tube
Particle in a 2D Box
Particle in a 3D Box
Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Scattering Experiments
Diffraction Experiments
Stern Gerlach Experiment
Rayleigh Scattering
Ramsauer Effect
Davisson–Germer experiment
Cauchy Schwarz inequality
Fourier Transformation
Inverse Fourier Transformation
Integration by Parts
Levi Civita symbol
Laplace Runge Lenz vector
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mcatmemoranda · 8 months
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Mechanisms of nerve injury – The major mechanisms of upper extremity peripheral nerve injury are compression, transection, ischemia, inflammation, neuronal degeneration, and radiation exposure.
●Diagnostic testing
•Electromyography and nerve conduction studies are useful for identifying and classifying peripheral nerve disorders affecting the upper extremity.
•Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine is useful to identify disc herniation or degeneration and the degree of nerve root compression as well as to exclude the possibility of a mass lesion.
•Neuromuscular ultrasound can be helpful in assessing individual peripheral nerves in patients who present with an unusual upper extremity mononeuropathy.
•Laboratory testing and cerebrospinal fluid analysis are generally reserved for patients with conditions associated with an inflammatory, infectious, or endocrine source.
●Median neuropathies
•Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common upper extremity mononeuropathy. Typical symptoms include pain or paresthesia in a distribution that includes the median nerve territory, with involvement of the lateral portion of the hand. The symptoms are typically worse at night and characteristically awaken affected individuals from sleep.
•Less common median nerve syndromes include entrapment where the median nerve passes through the pronator teres muscle and injury to the anterior interosseous nerve that branches at the elbow.
●Ulnar neuropathy – Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow is the second most common compression neuropathy affecting the upper extremities. Symptoms include sensory loss and paresthesias over digits 4 and 5 and weakness of the interosseous muscles of the hand in severe cases.
●Radial nerve syndromes – With compression of the radial nerve at the spiral groove, the triceps retains full strength, but there is weakness of the wrist extensors (ie, wrist drop), finger extensors, and brachioradialis. Sensory loss is present over the dorsum of the hand and may extend up the posterior forearm. With posterior interosseous neuropathy, forearm pain and weakness of finger dorsiflexion is typical.
●Proximal neuropathies – Several uncommon proximal focal neuropathies of the upper extremity typically present with pain and sensorimotor impairment. These include suprascapular neuropathy, long thoracic neuropathy, axillary neuropathy, spinal accessory neuropathy, and musculocutaneous neuropathy.
●Brachial plexopathy – The brachial plexus is vulnerable to trauma and may be affected secondarily by disorders involving adjacent structures. Most brachial plexus disorders show a regional involvement rather than involvement of the entire brachial plexus.
●Cervical radiculopathy – Cervical radiculopathy is a common cause of both acute and chronic neck pain. Most radiculopathies arise from nerve root compression due to cervical spondylosis and/or disc herniation. Lower cervical roots, particularly C7, are more frequently affected by compression.
●Other syndromes – Additional uncommon peripheral nerve syndromes affecting the upper extremities include focal amyotrophy, mononeuropathy multiplex, multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), and zoster radiculoganglionitis.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
resurfacing - intermission
thoughts. brain full of thoughts. whirlwind of emotions and memories and questions and-
another body pops up in front of them. then, it's on the floor, in multiple pieces, bleeding out. another thought eliminated.
they activate the ability that allows the other part of their mind, which is always there but doesn't really feel like part of them, to take over. they mentally sit back and watch as their steel-grey, speckled with red hands wield a sword and fell grineer, after grineer, after grineer, after grineer-
a voice sounds in their head. another grineer falls. a bullet pings off of the back of their skull, and they whirl around, lato in hand, dropping that soldier too, before they're standing still on both feet again, no targets left here.
"-perator?" the voice repeats.
they bullet-jump through the dust that their death-dance had kicked up. on top of the metal ramp, they find another squad. they ready the blade.
don't think about it. the brief moment of peace as they jumped up the ramp had been enough. what were they? why did they have the right to mow down these targets? why were they different than these bodies on the floor? who-
"Operator, answer me!" Ordis all but shouted.
They froze, blinking out of their trance. The Grineer on this platform turned around, saw them, and started shouting. Whoops.
One radial javelin later, they holstered their skana and raised their hands up to their field of vision, so Ordis could see.
"Ordis? I'm fine, what is-"
"Operator, you reached your extermination target half an hour ago," he said, a hint of despair in his voice. "The Lotus isn't even here anymore either. You just- you weren't listening- is everything alright?"
Oh, whoa. Shit, okay. "It's... fine, I just have a lot on my mind right now," they signed, distracted, hands on autopilot while their mind struggled to recall how they’d even got here. "Heading to extraction."
"The Liset- has been there for ages- is waiting for you. Please hurry."
"Thanks. Sorry."
They suddenly felt exhausted, so they opted to just jog, instead of bullet-jumping. It's not like there was much danger left in this base, really. Something about the sight of so many bodies and blood everywhere left them with a sour taste. It was eerily quiet, and the whirlwind of thoughts threatened to start up again, summoning a residual feeling of fear.
"Half an hour, you said?" they signed with one hand, suddenly desperate for distraction. They were beginning to understand how they'd ended up here in the first place, but something was preventing them from thinking about it fully.
"Yes, Ordis thought- it was a glorious bloodbath- that you were just letting off some steam," he began, biting away the glitch with an annoyed tone before turning back to concern. "But then, you didn't seem to hear me, and you just kept going. You’ve pretty much exterminated the whole base."
That explained the eeriness of the place. They were close enough to hear the cycling of the Liset's engines now. They picked up their pace a little bit, eager for the white noise - anything above this deathly blanket of silence. "I'm- I'm sorry, again. I don't know what came over me." They arrived at the landing craft, jumped, and let the magnets take hold of their limbs.
"Operator,” Ordis said, warm but still concerned, “Ordis understands that yesterday was quite an eventful day. I- I have been thinking about it a lot, too."
In the artificial gravity-field of the Liset, the Operator let their body drop down to the floor, clunking their head back against the metal walls, really letting themselves feel the shock. It barely registered. 
They let their arms rest for a short second before raising them just enough so Ordis could see. They weren’t paying attention to their own visual feed anymore. "Eventful is one word for it."
For a minute, they just breathed, luxuriated in being surrounded by the familiar noises. They couldn't hold off the thoughts forever like that, though. "What's the part that gets your attention the most?"
Ordis sighed. "Simaris, to be honest. Now that I've had some time to think, I really don't think he meant any harm."
They jerk their arms a little in a scoff and raise their hands to start arguing, but Ordis quickly continues.
"I mean it! He's just... really into gathering data for his Sanctuary, Ordis thinks. And he clearly knows a lot, and has a lot of confidence, so it makes sense that- the arrogant bastard- he would think he knows what's best in any situation. He's just… blinded by his knowledge."
"Ordis," they begin, carefully.
"Ordis won't trust him with your life ever again, though, Operator," he said, a touch of anger to his tone. At Simaris, or at himself? "He is not worthy of that."
"Wow," they signed, taken aback, "thanks?"
Ordis simulated a sharp exhale. A laugh?
"Anyway, for what they're worth, those are Ordis' thoughts."
And then he's silent again.
"I," they begin. And halt. They don't even know where to start.
"What were you thinking about just now, when you were- slaughtering- fighting those Grineer?" Ordis asked, after a moment.
That directed them enough to begin untangling the mess in their head. "The only thing I can recall now is just how much I didn't want to be thinking at all," they signed, tiredly dropping their hands after, as they calculated what to say next.
Ordis remained silent.
"Simaris called me Hunter," they signed, slowly, thinking. "Lotus calls me Tenno. You call me Operator. The Grineer call me Warframe. None of these... fit."
"Why not?" Ordis asked, and they could hear where he carefully didn't use their title.
"They're not my name," they stated, carefully. And then immediately started to doubt it. "Are they? Is my name-"
"No," Ordis agreed, "they're not. I- I remember, I think. You did have a name, once. It is... Ordis cannot remember it," he said, sadly. “Ordis can’t remember a lot of things, these days.”
"That's okay, neither can I," they signed, a pang of warmth going through them, before dropping their hands listlessly into their lap again.
They sat back and just stared blankly out of the glass ceiling of the Liset, pieces of space debris flashing past, stars twinkling in the far, far distance, except where they’re blocked out by a slowly growing dark spot in front of them - the Orbiter.
Their mind was shying away from it, but in the companionable silence, they forced it back to the previous day.
Simaris and his sentinels and secrecy. The messages that still didn't make sense. The Chroma, controlled by an unknown entity and having vanished into the night. It had clearly been like them, though. Simaris had called the way they spoke with their hands "Orokin-era Tenno sign language". Chroma had used it. Were they both Orokin-era Tenno? Why had they not recognized the other?
“What did you think about that Chroma?” they asked.
“Ordis thinks it is likely happy to be free from whatever was controlling it,” he said, after a moment’s contemplation.
“Yeah,” they agreed. “It signed at me. Thanks, it said.”
“It- signed at you?” Ordis asks, baffled.
“Yeah, did you not see?”
“Ordis was preoccupied with- giving the golden asshole a piece of- getting the O- getting you out of there safely,” he said, finishing primly, despite the self-inflicted interruptions of varying origins. He was trying, and they felt oddly touched, that he would do his best to no longer call them by a name they did not recognize.
“Well, it did,” they signed, feeling more alert the more they thought about it, and irritated, as the puzzle piece didn’t seem to fit, no matter which way they turned it. “What am I not seeing?”
“What do you mean?” Ordis asked.
“I understood the sign. We speak the same language. Why is that?”
“Well, you are in a warframe, right now, and Chroma is also a warframe,” Ordis said, very matter-of-factly.
“... huh. Wait, no, hold up.” That didn’t feel entirely right. They were in a warframe? Chroma was the warframe? “What’s the difference?”
Ordis was silent for a stretch too long. “Ordis isn’t sure, actually. There used to be a memory there, in that spot, but it’s gone, now.”
Well. “What a giant headache,” they complained, getting up as the Liset docked back into the Orbiter.
Staticky crackles - Ordis’ equivalent of a chuckle.
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kshery-j · 11 months
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Cleaning and Inspecting Your FPV Drone Motors
Maintaining your FPV drone motors is essential for optimal performance. Follow these steps to ensure your motors are clean and in good condition:
1. Motor Vibration:
Arm the drone without propellers.
Feel each motor's vibrations using your fingernail.
Excessive vibration may indicate a bent motor shaft.
2. Free Spinning:
Manually rotate each motor to check for rotational friction.
Compare the friction to a spare or new motor.
If a motor doesn't spin freely, consider replacement, cleaning, or lubricating the bearings.
3. Shaft Straightness:
Disassemble the motor to access the shaft.
Examine the shaft's straightness.
If the shaft is bent, replace it with a new one.
4. Shaft Play:
Gently try to wiggle the motor bell radially.
Minimal play is acceptable in the longitudinal (side-to-side) direction.
Excessive play indicates a problem and may require bearing or motor replacement.
5. Inner Parts:
Check if the magnets on the motor bell are securely fastened.
Ensure there are no visible signs of breakage.
Replace the motor if any issues are detected.
Use canned air or blue tack to remove debris stuck to the motor bell.
6. Screw Torque:
Verify that the motor screws are securely fastened.
Apply thread locker to ensure they stay in place.
Tighten any screws that may have come loose during flight.
7. Bearings:
Clean the bearings if they exhibit significant friction or appear dirty or corroded.
Place the bearings in an ultrasonic cleaner to remove debris and contaminants.
Regularly inspecting and cleaning your FPV drone motors is crucial for preventing issues and maintaining peak performance during your flights.
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