teachingrounds · 2 years
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Here's a companion case to yesterday's. This is a neonate with respiratory distress.
The right mid to lower lung is hyperinflated. There is leftward medisastinal shift, including prominent medisatinal fat (that's not a mass in the left lung). CT shows cystic expansion of the right lung (2nd image). This is a congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) formerly known as congenital cystic airway malformation (CCAM). CPAM is a multicystic mass with abnormal bronchial proliferation. Differential diagnosis includes pulmonary sequestration, congenital lobar overinflation, and bronchogenic cyst (usually not aerated).
Case courtesy of Jeremy Jones, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 22542
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taccoman · 2 months
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This Scene DESTROYED me
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sakuraswordly · 6 months
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laurxzk · 1 month
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dalej jestes glodna ulana swinio?
(kierowane do mnie i osob ktore to potrzebują usłyszeć)
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Didi A Raded, 2023
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xantchaslegacy · 8 months
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Bolas' 8
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aneurizma · 3 months
Majko isusova ckrnut cu od ove vrucine
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*LF is sitting in a bush, tuning a very old, very dusty, very dented guitar.*
Ahhh, I should've done this before coming here. Is it even going to sound good enough if it has these dents?
× @learningfrenchslenderman
[ Rade is sitting out next to the fountain, a worn blue-grey book with a golden peacock on the cover as well as text that read 'Pride and Prejudice' in hand. ]
“May I ask why you are concealing yourself within a bush?”
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milllllllllllllena · 17 days
ja kiedy podczas nauki nie myślę o jedzeniu:
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anomymoose · 4 months
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Repainted my Domri from last year, come a long way in such a short period
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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This is an 11-year-old girl with several months of right chest pain.
This case is your reminder that not all important chest x-ray findings are in the heart and lungs. There is a mixed lytic/sclerotic lesion in the right lateral 10th rib. At CT this was shown to be an expansile mass with a large soft tissue component. In a patient of this age, you should be thinking sarcoma, and this was indeed Ewing sarcoma.
Case courtesy of Brian Gilcrease-Garcia, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 65212
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Cześć! Drobna przypominajka! 💗
ʚ zasługujesz na wszystko co najlepsze! ɞ
ʚ jesteś pieknx takx jakx jesteś! ɞ
ʚ dasz sobie radę! ɞ
ʚ jedzonko to twój przyjaciel nie wróg ɞ
ʚ masz prawo do odczuwania emocji! ɞ
ʚ jeśli czujesz że nikt w ciebie nie wierzy ja w ciebie wierzę słonko ɞ
ʚ lepiej spróbować czegoś i żałować niż nie spróbować i żałować próbuj nowych rzeczy! ɞ
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valtoswife · 3 months
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laurxzk · 1 month
"Kocham cię"
poczekaj.. jeszcze nie ważę 40kg
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camyfilms · 3 months
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Well, this is not mission difficult, Mr. Hunt, it's mission impossible. "Difficult" should be a walk in the park for you.
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