#RWBY Carmine
thesoulbonder · 8 months
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The Knights
Hey peeps!
Here are my designs for Carmine Esclados & Bertilak Celadon!
Ever since I saw Carmine’s official design I’ve wanted to redo it, because her original design is a crime against humanity and it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen
So I redid Carmine using her description in the book, and figured I’d do Bertilak, too, since the poor guy got literally nothing after the book was published
I really wanted to lean into both of their allusions to the Red Knights & the Green Knight respectively, so I gave them (specifically Carmine) a bunch of different armor pieces, and now they kinda match with their silver colors, albeit Bertilak’s is rusted
I also wanted to highlight them being described as total opposites outfit-wise, since Bertilak is described to not even look like a Huntsman because of his outfit, whereas Carmine is clocked as a Huntress with one glance from Coco
Anygay, that’s them <3
I guess I’ll do Team SSSNN next, but that’ll be after I finish reading Before the Dawn lol
Individual Designs under the cut <3
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razorblade180 · 2 months
Carmine:Mom, where do babies come from?
Ruby:I grew you in the garden. It’s why your hair is sandy yellow and red like the roses.
Carmine:That makes sense.
Ruby:Yeah you came out of watermelon. It was quite the experience. Keep it a secret though. Not every kid knows this and it’s embarrassing to mention it to other grown ups.
Carmine:Okay! *runs off*
Ruby:…*looks right* What?
Jaune:Nothing. I’m not judging.
Ruby:I’m not telling our ten year old the truth about this.
Jaune:I mean it wasn’t a total lie. I did help you plow a rose bush to make room.
Ruby:*red* You are so lucky putting you on the couch ruins my sleep.
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ryuto12 · 2 months
My New V10 Predictions
Cause like it’s not if it’s when, this is VIZ we’re talkin about
Yang is going to hit Raven with enough backhanded comments to make absentee bird mom take damage
Coco is either going to insult the shit out of Emerald or just hardcore flirt with her
Carmine Esclados and her new employment found under a witch trying to end the world
And some point Yang and Raven have some really peaceful quiet moment where things are okay and Raven attempts to inquire about her and Blake, and Yang either basically tells her we’re to stick it or they actually have a small bonding moment
Qrow and Raven tag team fight scene
Anxious Nora hug, not a fast one. Not quite believing her eyes and being so scared seeing her found family again that it might be a dream
Weiss having some complicated feelings realizing Jacques is dead cause like, she hated him and he was pathetic but fuck he was still her father
Sun bouncing off the walls with the need to show Blake around since she showed him the cool spots in Menagerie so now it’s his turn
The Summer Maiden either fits in perfectly with Raven and Winter or is this glowing ball of sunshine next to the cold as her namesake specialist and deadbeat bandit filled with plot secrets
Ruby yoinks Raven and is like “yoooooo drop my tragic backstory”
Whitley character growth (if crwby gives him raggedy ass ripped jeans my prayers worked he deserves to finally break away from the perfect Schnee look like Winter and Weiss already did)
JNPR dorm scene
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brokentrafficknight · 9 months
Now have rusted knight Jaune be bullied by a cabal of redheads
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So it turns out this show has a lotta redheads
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rocknroll7575 · 17 hours
King Jaune
*At the Crown Meeting*
Gillian: Why should we make a deal with them?
Mercury: We lost nearly a thousand of our people, we can't breach their defences, and we're still waiting for reinforcments that are days away! Do you need more reasons?
Carmine: Then why did they offer terms if they are sure we can not get into the city?
Cardin: They probably have run out of food
Emilio: Then we should let them starve!
Mercury: Ugh! Then they will hate us even more!
*The group begins to argue completely, debating on what to do next*
?: I have something to say!
*Everyone turns to see Jaune, walking out of his tent, still clutching his broken ribs in pain*
Jaune: *walks into the middle of the group* I didn't become commander of our forces because I wanted to be, but because of other people's actions *Looks over at Carmine* And I did not take over as your king because I wanted to be king, but because of other peoples actions *looks at Gillian* But still here I am, your king! King Arc! That is my name! And tell me, what does a king do?
Ashara: He rules
Jaune: He rules! Good! *walks over to Gillian* and as a ruler *leans down near her ear* I have the last say *Pulls back* ME! NOT YOU! *points at Gillian* NOT YOU! *points at Carmine* NOT YOU! *Points at Emilio* AND NOT YOU! *points at Mercury*
*Everyone stayed silent*
Jaune: You have all had your plans and they have all failed! *begins to cough violently*
Gillian: Jaune! *rushes over to him*
Jaune: *stops her* I-I'm fine! I'm fine! *begins walking away back into his tent* We'll talk about this later...
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kamen20ghost · 7 months
The carmilla effect
Winter attends a party dress like this and it catches jaune attention.
Winter: having fun and hoping the outfit elm pick out for her wasn’t to showy.
Jaune: sees winter and awakens a gothic/ monochrome want/kink.” She will be mine.”
Next day they both wake up in a hotel room naked,hungover and content.
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hadesisqueer · 2 years
How many confirmed LGBTQ characters does RWBY have? So far I can think:
Blake Belladonna (bisexual)
May Marigold (transgender)
Shion Zaiden from IQ (non-binary)
Yang Xiao Long (sapphic, orientation not confirmed)
Saphron Cotta-Arc (sapphic, orientation not confirmed)
Terra Cotta-Arc (sapphic, orientation not confirmed)
Ilia Amitola (lesbian)
Coco Adel (lesbian)
Scarlet David (gay)
Nolan Porfirio (mlm)
Carmine Esclados (lesbian-coded)
Little (non-binary)
Then there are characters that are implied to be LGBT either in canon content or side content like RWBY Chibi (see: Velvet in the novels when it was teased but not confirmed that she used to have a crush on Coco back at Pharos Academy, and when in Chibi they went on a date—or Cinder implying that she hasn't tried but wouldn't mind dating women but then again that's just Chibi so it doesn't count lmao. And more, I guess. Headcanons and vibes exist).
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powertaco · 4 months
A big old bag of updates
So the updates are here, and so is rambling. Radio Grimm is about 1-2 chapters from being done. I know what to do, I know how it goes, but it refuses to be written.
Something about how it was my 1st foray into Death's Whiterose stops me because, well, as soon as I finish it I'll never see them again. I mean I'll write them again in lots of aus but they just mean a lot to me, and I won't see these versions again.
That being said it's been very useful as my brain lets me write basically anything else. So here's an update to Ocean of Stars, Altered Paths, and half a dozen one shots, or rather the start of various stories people can trade in points for.
I come baring gifts basically as an apology for not updating much this week.
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elmothedictator · 1 year
Carmine : I like your new pants! Jaune: Thanks, they were 50 off! Carmine : I’d like them better if they were 100 off. winks Jaune: The store can’t just give away clothes for free. Carmine : Thats’s… not what I meant. Jaune: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Carmine .
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bridgyrose · 6 months
I'm going to be starting another rewatch of RWBY and after seeing the animatic, its kinda nice to see all the loose threads starting to come together. We've had plots that were started and put on the back burner as the heroes moved on to their next destination, characters that we saw briefly only to leave them behind, and characters we had thought were dead at the end of vol 8, all of them coming together in Vacuo to help because of Ruby. The same Ruby that started this series wanting nothing more to become a huntress only to have her entire world view shattered the farther she went on her journey.
It all really puts into perspective that a smaller, more simple soul is all that's needed to spark hope. That the optimism that she's kept, the hope that she's spread, has had enough of an effect to try to keep everyone moving. And now, we come to a point where when Volume 10 comes out, we'll be picking up in the aftermath of Vale being destroyed in what I can only assume the panic of finding out about Salem and then silenced by her or by whoever was working with her at Beacon in an attempt to get the crown.
This has been a fun journey so far since I've started watching after vol 2 came out and I cant wait for whatever comes next when it comes.
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howlingday · 1 year
Gillian: I don't care how blue his eyes are, or how his pants form well to his shape, or how built he is! I am not attracted to jaune arc!
Jax: ...
Carmine: ...
Theodore: ...
Jaune: (Clears his throat, Blushing)
Xanthe: And, once again, Ms. Asturias, no such allegations were made.
Gillian: (Huffing, Blushing)
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razorblade180 · 3 months
In the midst of going over blueprints for their future home, Jaune’s concentration gets interrupted by flowing petals. He cracks a smile before turning around to see Ruby completely obscured by her cloak.
Jaune:Have you come for my soul?
Ruby:Might as well. Already have your heart.
Jaune:Heh, then I kindly ask for you wait. Your payment will be paid in full down the aisle.
Ruby:How stingy. I’ve already given you both of mine; and a little extra~
Jaune:*red* How was work, you gremlin?
Ruby:Patrol duty was fine. Starting to think crooks know my schedule.
Jaune:Or you threw most in jail.
Ruby:Organized crime calls for chaotic heroism. Anywho, house plans going well?
Jaune:More or less. If all goes well then we’ll be living outside Vacou before our anniversary.
Ruby:Always thinking ahead. Meanwhile I’m struggling with awesome vows.
Jaune:You brought a world together. I’m sure you’ll think of something.
Ruby:Feelings are a little harder than a battle cry or call to arms. Speaking of feelings, I have a little something for you.
Jaune:*looks at cloak* Is that so~
Ruby:*blushes* It’s not what you think! Not this time. This gift is way better!
Jaune:I don’t know Rubes. Last gift that started like this was pretty amazing. *smiles*
Ruby:Just close your eyes and hold your hands out!
The knight chuckles as he does what he’s told. Immediately something weighted and cool to the touch lands in hands. Jaune opens his eyes and stars at a white scabbard. Somehow, this took him by surprise. It had his symbol in the middle and was surrounded by red thorns.
The grip of the hilt was this dark blue with a spiral of fierce red that went up and outlined the golden hand guard that was modeled in the shape of his symbol. He pulled out the gift from the scabbard to reveal cold, shining white steel that had its double edge and tip run red like hilt. If Jaune was being honest, he’s never seen a sword look more like a work of fantasy. Ruby stood right in front of him and put her left hand in the hilt, showing that his symbol had subtle thorn and rose engravings that matched her gold and red on her engagement ring.
The accomplished and proud Huntress then took a step back and started twiddling her thumbs while swaying, finding it hard to meet Jaune’s gaze; so she pulled her hood over her head. At this point it probably matched her face.
Ruby Rose:So uh yeah, that’s a Ruby Rose Original.
Jaune:You made this!?
Ruby:*nods* I’ll be honest. I spent so long shopping for wedding bands with Weiss helping. I’m still definitely getting one! But none of them really… felt like they were saying how I feel. There’s not a moment I want you feel like you’re fighting alone; even when we’re far apart. With this, I’m always by your side ready to help. The scabbard is a shield too but if I’m being honest I’m still a rookie when it comes to that kind of smithing. Consider this my own form of engagement to you.
Jaune:Ruby this is…I don’t even know what to say.
Ruby:*trembly* I uh..it’s fine if you treat this as a ceremonial blade too. After all…there’s history in Crocea Mors and I don’t want to step on that or make you feel like you have to stop wielding it because of m-
Two hands gentle hands pull back her hood and reveal teary, anxious eyes. Honestly, Ruby felt so ridiculous right now. All this effort into a heart felt token of affection and yet anxiety gripped her mind on how he’d take the jester. His thumbs run across her cheeks to catch a few stray tears.
Jaune:Hey, talk to me. What’s with the tears? This is an amazing.
Ruby:I just…Crocea Mors is its own vow. It has been for years and I know I shouldn’t be feeling guilty or nervous but I do. Gods, it’s so dumb hehe. Pyrrha would totally give me an earful for being so-
Jaune:Thoughtful? *smiles*
Ruby:..Heh, yeah. Yeah she would.
Jaune:Well, I don’t know if your beautiful brain and smithing skills have noticed, but you’ve really gotten good at knowing my style.
He briefly lets go of her and grabs his sword along with the new gift. Jaune pulls out both and puts them against one another. Yeah the hilt is different but it’s wide enough to work. Without hesitation, Jaune took the scabbard of Crocea Mors and slid it on the new sword easily; right down to the satisfying click in place that took Ruby by surprise.
Jaune:If you really feel guilty, then I can do this! Not gonna lie, I’d feel like shit getting that scabbard dirty in the future. It’s my first Ruby Rose original! Also gives you time to hyper fixate on shield crafting. As for the blade, I know this bad boy will keep me safe and sou-
Once again, petals flowed. Each one danced around him while the rose itself pressed her lips against his with gratitude and overflowing joy that dispelled fears like magic.
Ruby:Jaune Arc, you truly are my fairytale ending. My happily ever after.
Jaune:Hehe, And you said your vows would be hard? C’mere.
He pulled his loving fiancée into a deeper kiss before matching her smile. She was right. This present was the best.
Jaune:Does this engagement sword have a name?
Ruby:The deepest part of my soul wants to call it Bloody Moon but that doesn’t inspire luck as wedding gift.
Jaune:I kinda like what you said a few moments ago.
Ruby:Oh, so Ever After?
Jaune: Tale’s End
Ruby:That’s so- damn I’m marrying the right person. That’s such I good name! When our house is done I think my first order of business is mounting the scabbard with Crocea Mors somewhere nice and proud. Gonna need your height though.
Jaune:Naturally. And who knows. Maybe it’ll protect the both of us in a new way someday?
Several years later
Jaune:Alright squirt, ready for your first real sword sparring!?
A foolish question for a young girl waiting to dives out the front door and slide across a sand dune into a wide battle stance, her grin in full bloom with Crocea Mor ready to aid her first step towards greatness.
Carmine:Born ready!
Ruby:Do your best! Show him who’s boss!
Carmine:Ha! With this by my side, I might as well be invincible.
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sir-adamus · 6 months
Jax is going to be so passive aggressive to Mercury because of his prosthetics because of his anti-technology shit
like Gillian will probably just ignore him (and is likely to be dealing with her own internal conflict and questioning her loyalties considering Jax tried to kill her and she did want to be a Huntress before his manipulations led her where they are now) but Jax is a spiteful, pathetic bully with a lot to prove because he's useless on his own and is painfully aware of that, so he'll absolutely be taking shots at Mercury for his legs
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earth-unicorn · 9 months
Can you guess who's semblance this is? No cheating!
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Rising Dawn Au
Jax: Yes Vacuo is Mine!
Vermillion: idiot who’s going to get betrayed says what?
Jax: what? *looks down to see a knife in his chest*
oh you bitch.
Carmine: Jaune! Gillian! Jax has been betrayed!
Gillian: Really? Well I hope someone answers that scroll
Carmine: Huh?
Jaune: Because we fucking called it!
Carmine: Guys Jax is bleeding out!
Jax: *reaching out to them* help... me...
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dragynkeep · 1 year
actually though talking about after the fall
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behold our dark skinned queen!
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