#or potential of comics or even a movie to finish things off
bridgyrose · 6 months
I'm going to be starting another rewatch of RWBY and after seeing the animatic, its kinda nice to see all the loose threads starting to come together. We've had plots that were started and put on the back burner as the heroes moved on to their next destination, characters that we saw briefly only to leave them behind, and characters we had thought were dead at the end of vol 8, all of them coming together in Vacuo to help because of Ruby. The same Ruby that started this series wanting nothing more to become a huntress only to have her entire world view shattered the farther she went on her journey.
It all really puts into perspective that a smaller, more simple soul is all that's needed to spark hope. That the optimism that she's kept, the hope that she's spread, has had enough of an effect to try to keep everyone moving. And now, we come to a point where when Volume 10 comes out, we'll be picking up in the aftermath of Vale being destroyed in what I can only assume the panic of finding out about Salem and then silenced by her or by whoever was working with her at Beacon in an attempt to get the crown.
This has been a fun journey so far since I've started watching after vol 2 came out and I cant wait for whatever comes next when it comes.
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jytan2018 · 1 year
I read the comic in one sitting less than an hour after finishing the movie, and wow I have many Thoughts™.
- It's very obvious the two versions were meant to cater to different audiences AND tell different messages. I don't get why people are going "But the comic was better! It had more nuance!" just because Nimona was easier to root for in the movie.
- The comic was written back when ND Stevenson was still trying to process a lot of stuff, so all the characters are morally grey/straight up evil and the climactic battle is between a Ballister who regrets turning against Nimona, even if it was to save others vs. a Nimona who's too hurt to care if her lashing out was going to hurt innocent people.
- By the time Nimona got a movie adaptation, ND was a lot more secure in his sexuality, so the climactic battle was Nimona vs. the Director, the symbol of religious oppression and bigotry. It's not just about your friends turning on you because you're "too much" for them anymore, it's also about a society that would rather bring itself to the brink of ruin than coexist with you.
- (I totally get why people were upset about Ballister's surname change, though. Like come on, the media dubbing him Blackheart just to be mean was RIGHT THERE).
- Nimona's metaphor for not shifting is such a neurodivergent thing. Even in the comic, Nimona's parents insisting she's a monster who replaced their daughter is reminiscent of the changeling myth, which is what many parents thought their neurodivergent kids were—changelings who replaced their "real" children.
- Ambrosius being trained to cut off HIS BOYFRIEND'S WHOLE FUCKING ARM instead of merely disarming him is a very cop thing to do. As much as cops claim they're trained to de-escalate situations, their training still teaches them to treat everyone as a potential threat, and that level of constant vigilance can turn anyone into a trigger-happy/arm-choppy bastard. Even the Director, who can use a sword but probably hasn't actually fought someone in ages, STILL can't see Ballister reaching for the squire's phone without assuming he has a weapon.
- And on that note, the Queen getting killed simply because she was trying to reform the Institution and allow commoners to become knights? That's the best "no such thing as a good cop" metaphor I've seen. Because even if there ARE good cops and they ARE in leadership positions, the system will crush them before they make any meaningful change. It's not a good institution that turned rotten, it's an institution that only exists to spread its rot and refuses to be good.
- That's why Ballister's characterisation is so different in the movie vs. the comic. Comic Ballister had 15 years to come to terms with his trauma and the Institution's evildoing, while Movie Ballister is still freshly traumatised and hasn't found a way to define himself beyond the role he was assigned by the Institution.
- Not to mention Comic Ambrosius was not very noble to begin with and genuinely believed Ballister was better suited to villainy than heroism, while Movie Ambrosius never wanted the glory that came with his lineage in the first place and only antagonised Ballister because of indoctrination he needed to unlearn (which he did, all by himself, after witnessing the lengths the Director will go to just to kill Nimona).
- It really shows how important it is to surround yourself with loved ones who are open to change. Comic Ambrosius can love Ballister all he wants, but he'll still blast his arm off because he thinks Ballister deserved it anyway. Movie Ambrosius will stop to question what "the right thing" even means, even if he didn't love Ballister enough to defend him unconditionally.
I have so many more thoughts bubbling beneath the surface, but I'll probably address them some other day. In conclusion:
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[ID: A pink-haired Nimona grinning evilly while holding up a knife.]
Watch Nimona. This is not a request.
Edit: Added more thoughts!
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
Steve falls hard, is the thing.  At least, he does this time.  He knows it’s crazy, that Eddie has only been out of the hospital for a few weeks, that Steve has only really known him for a few days more than that. But he knows more than most people that life is full of cliffs and dangers and if there’s happiness to be had, he’s ready to take it.
It happens so quickly that he speeds right past any potential sexuality crisis, doesn’t pass go, just realizes one evening while he’s tucking a blanket around Eddie’s feet when he dozes off on the couch that he’s in love.   He knows it’s real, because Eddie’s feet are frankly stinky since it’s still hard for him to get around, and yet Steve’s content to curl up with Eddie’s feet in his lap and make sure they stay toasty warm.
He tells Robin that night, and once she’s finished swatting him with a nearby magazine and then hugging him until his ribs squeak, she asks him what he’s going to do about it.  “Tell him,” Steve answers, and Robin stares at him as if he’s grown two heads (he hasn’t, he checked).  “Just like that?” she asks, eyes wide.
“Know any good reason to wait?” Steve asks, and when Robin shakes her head no, he smiles.
The next day Steve puts on a clean pair of khakis and his favorite striped polo.  He ever so briefly considers wearing something not so preppy, but he doesn’t think Eddie would appreciate anything less than the truth.  The real Steve, polo shirts and all.  Begin as you mean to continue, and all that.
When he arrives at the trailer the next day (yes, that same goddamned trailer, flimsy and broken but in somewhat better shape than it was a few weeks ago), Steve takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, then remembers he’s supposed to use his key so that Eddie doesn’t have to get up off the couch too often.  He juggles the grocery bag in his arms and finds the key, glad to see when he gets the door open that Eddie hasn’t been disturbed.  In fact, it looks like he’s fast asleep.
Steve puts the groceries away and settles at the end of the couch like he always does, pulling Eddie’s feet onto his lap, and paging through a comic book.  A little while later Eddie stirs, blinking his eyes open and smiling at Steve.
They decide to watch a movie, but after a few minutes Eddie complains that his neck hurts from lying in the same position all day.  Steve helps him switch around so that his head is at the other end of the couch, and Eddie continues to gripe, but he’s smiling the whole time.  Steve can tell he likes the attention, likes when Steve slides an arm around his back and gently rearranges his limbs.  Steve likes it too.
Steve fetches some snacks from the kitchen and returns to find Eddie shuffling himself around again, claiming that the new position isn’t working either.  Soon they’re sitting next to each other, legs stretched out on a pillow on the coffee table, the television directly in front of them.  Steve is getting a suspicious feeling about the whole thing, and it only intensifies when Eddie gives a little sigh and rests his head on Steve’s shoulder.  “Thanks,” Eddie says softly.  “This is perfect.”
Steve’s not sure how much time goes by – time is weird when you’re practically holding your breath – but when he tilts his head to look at Eddie, Eddie’s looking right at him.  
“I’m falling for you, you know.”
Eddie bites his lip and smiles, his nose crinkling adorably.  “Yeah, I figured.”  He turns back to the television and snuggles in closer against Steve’s side.  “It’s good, ‘cause, you know.  Me too.”
You can read all of my Steddie ficlets in one place on A03 here.
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ghostsstolemymoxie · 19 days
Do you have any nsfw/sfw hcs for Logan (James howlett)
I absolutely do! Though they're a little bit hodge-podge IMO I do have some HCs for him that I think align pretty well with comic and movie canon. HCs below are for Fem!Readers but I may potentially do one for Masc!Readers if I figure any new ones out.
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SFW HCs first
↣ Logan absolutely goes insane when you play with his hair. Half because he gets annoyed when people mess up the style of it considering how it's a staple of his whole Wolverine-ness, but half because the sensation is comforting in a way he didn't expect. When he's drowsy and half-asleep or has woken up from a particularly bad nightmare, all you need to do is card your fingers through his hair, and as long as he's comfortable with you, he'll fall asleep right then and there.
↣ Logan isn't much of a cuddle bug, so he's not as likely to curl up and be the big spoon while you're sleeping. Mostly because he doesn't want to accidentally impale you if he wakes up from a nightmare and doesn't quite realise his surroundings. During the day though? The man will behave as if he is touch starved. Holding your hand or wrist to lead you somewhere, or an arm around your waist or his hand just tucked into your butt pocket whilst you're stood talking. Anything so that he can touch you and feel that you're there. On occasion, if you're particularly focused on something and he thinks he can get away with it, he'll just run his fingers up and down the curve of your spine, just to feel the warmth of you.
↣ This one is very X-men Evolutions coded but nobody touches the Harley. As far as he's concerned, touching the Harley means forfeiting the offending limb - especially if she gets scuffed, scratched, smeared or fingerprinted. The only exception is you, of course, since he trusts you to respect his belongings. He will still fuss over the bike though, and will offer a scowl and a grunt if you leave a fingerprint on her (though he'll forgive you as long as he gets to take a picture of you on the bike, just to keep in his wallet, of his two favourite ladies).
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For the NSFW HCs
↣ Like most of Tumblr, I wholeheartedly believe that Logan eats for his pleasure. Logan's women don't go to bed dissatisfied, even if it means his jaw aches for the next three days. He's a firm believer in "Round one is for me, round two is for you" so even if he's quick off the mark first round (which he can't always help, depending on how you've been teasing him all day or just how much he's fucking missed you) you can bet that the second round will be all about you. If he's in a particularly evil mood, he'll make round two last for hours before even letting you finish, just long enough for him to have worked up an appetite of his own again and get stuck in for round three. For him, it's a revolutionary concept to be interested in the pleasure of his woman. After all, he was raised in the 1800s and grew up through the late 19th Century to the early 20th Century, where the pleasure of a lady wasn't always first and foremost. Despite appearances and how he may act sometimes, he does have a gentlemanly side to him, even if that side manifests in burying his tongue so deep in your cunt you can barely keep from screaming the walls down.
↣ Logan also absolutely gets off on taunting you about the difference in age between you both. Whether it's 2000s movie Logan who looks 30 or 2017 Logan who looks well into his 60s, both of them quite enjoy the knowledge that despite appearances, he's your goddamn elder, and you're going to respect him. That means obedience, teasing, and a lot of soft domming from 'your old man'. He'll call you 'kid' or 'bub' or 'young lady' when he's trying to reprimand you, and will revel in you calling him 'Daddy', 'Old man' or 'Sir', even if he feigns offence at first. He'll mock that "Kids like you don't fuck like we did in my day", "The only damn good thing about living this long is knowing how to make pretty young things like you squirm" or his favourite little quip "C'mon, I need a little more than an ankle flash these days, Princess" when you attempt to seduce him coyly, before finally offering a wolfish smile and a beckon with a crooked finger when you finally show him something that would be considered criminally lewd in his day.
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So, yeah! Hopefully that was what you were looking for, and if you have any other questions or requests, please feel free to ask away (as long as you've read my pinned post <3 Divider credit @cafekitsune
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iamvegorott · 3 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt16
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
Marvin was back in the library and he’d been in that library for a week; reading, taking notes, getting annoyed, and falling into a routine of sorts as he did what Henrik said he was supposed to do and got settled into the House. 
He wasn’t aware of the time as he strolled between some shelves, taking a break from the current magic book he was reading and curious about what else the library offered. Marvin had already found the comics and manga Jackie had mentioned and, admittedly, read a few issues and volumes but he wasn’t going to tell Jackie that since he had a feeling his ears would be talked off. Maybe after he finished a series he’d mention it, but even then he wasn’t sure. 
When Marvin first ‘appeared’, as everyone called it, Jackie’s rambles were irritating but the longer he was here, the more Marvin realized it wasn’t really the rambling that got to him during that time. He was just on the verge of a mental breakdown at the sudden shift in realities and anything set him off. Now that he had accepted his new life, and had some consistency, Marvin discovered that he was used to Jackie’s excitement, hell, sometimes he found it…comforting. 
“These are romance books,” Marvin said to himself with a chuckle. “Curious to know who these are for.” He picked up one of the books and flipped it over to read the summary on the back. "God, this sounds so cheesy. Who reads these things?” 
“Hey, Marv!” Jackie’s voice spoke behind Marvin, but when he turned around, he didn’t see him. Marvin looked to the left, to the right, and still didn’t see him and he decided to look up a bit.
“Why are you on a bookshelf?” Marvin asked.
“Better view.” Jackie shrugged. 
“You must be a mixture of a cat and a dog.” Marvin chuckled as he returned the book to the shelf, accidentally leaving it so the spine stuck out a bit. 
“Would that make me like Catdog? You know the cartoon with the cat on one end and the dog on the other? Maybe not Catdog, since they’re two different people, so like a hybrid? A cat who barks or a dog that meows?” Jackie rested his cheek in his hand as he thought about it. 
“What about one of those little furry things you’re not supposed to feed after midnight?” Marvin suggested.
“Gremlins!?” Jackie laughed and bounced off the shelf, casually landing next to Marvin. “Did you know that there’s a scene after several Gremlins are killed that there's one in the background with a knife in them and they’re still moving? Like twitching and stuff which means that either it’s like slowly dying or it survives and that’s a whole different thing to think and worry about.” 
“I only know them by name, I haven’t seen the movie.” Marvin made his way back to where he’s claimed for his ‘researching spot’. 
“Movies.” Jackie corrected. 
“Are you putting those on the list as well?” 
“You have to at least see the first one.” 
“I guess I can handle that. Is this before or after the Twilight marathon?” 
“After. But we have to finish Avatar the Last Airbender first and we gotta watch the live-action as well. The show, not the movie. I wouldn’t put you through that.” 
“Is that our plan for the night?” Marvin was already tidying up and putting the last of the books on the coffee table.
“I’m actually going on patrol tonight after I get some dinner,” Jackie said. 
“You know, check around the city for signs of danger. Heroes do it all the time. You can join me if you want.” Jackie pulled his mask out of his hoodie pocket and put it on his face. 
Marvin thought about it for a second. He’s been cooped up in the House for a while, going out sounded like a nice break in the monotony. Plus watching Jackie bounce around and potentially singing his own theme song sounded entertaining to witness.
“Sure. Why not?” 
Marvin leaned against a street lamp, texting on his new phone, messaging the others on the ‘Septiceye Group Chat’ while Jackie was chatting it up with some ‘civilians’ as he had called them. So far, the patrol was just him and Jackie walking around the city. It was nice exploring the place when he wasn’t trying to escape. They got a treat from a bakery, tea and coffee from a cafe, they even popped into a frozen yogurt shop and tried a few samples before sharing a cup since they were beyond full by that point. It’s been a really nice and relaxing evening. 
You two enjoying your date~?
Anti’s text got Marvin to roll his eyes and he didn’t even respond. He tucked the phone back into his pocket with an annoyed huff. Marvin’s annoyance turned into a chuckle at the sight of Jackie casually holding up the largest fellow of the group he was talking to with one arm, holding them up like they weighed nothing. The others were all shouting in shock and taking pictures. 
Eventually, Jackie put the person down and the group were all laughing and saying he was cool. Marvin saw the brightness in Jackie’s face, the way he could tell that if Jackie was an actual dog, his tail would be wagging fast enough to cause a tornado. For a man who was likely strong and fast enough to snap the neck of everyone in the city in a matter of minutes, he was pretty adorable. 
“You all have a good day!” Jackie waved the group off, using that ‘hero voice’ Marvin caught him doing when he wore the mask. 
“Done with your fan club?” Marvin asked. 
“A good hero always has a great standing with civilians.” Jackie was still using that voice, chest puffed out and closed hands on his hips. 
“It helps when the hero is a dorky sweetheart.” 
“Well-I’m-I’m just-” 
And there’s Jackie’s actual voice. 
“Is it time to head back? The sun set a while ago and most of the shops are closed.” 
“It is getting late.” Jackie looked around and stiffened at seeing a woman strolling down the other side of the street. “Oh, shit.” He suddenly slipped away into a nearby alley. 
“Shouldn’t you go see if she-” Marvin didn’t get to finish before Jackie was yanking him into the alley as well. “What in the world, Jackie?” 
“She lives in the apartment above that store, she’ll be home in a moment,” Jackie whispered. 
“Why do you know that and why are we hiding?” Marvin used his regular volume and Jackie shushed him. 
“It’s nothing I just-”
“I will yell for her if you don’t tell me.”
“Marv, please-” Jackie’s eyes widened when Marvin took a deep breath and he waved his hands between them in a panic. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell, just don’t yell.” 
“Who is she?” Marvin lowered his voice to a whisper.
“She’s…I went on a date with a while ago. She called me a freak of nature that deserves to die alone and ghosted me.” Jackie confessed with a sigh and then tried to bury that sadness with a weak chuckle. “Not the worst date I’ve been on but not the greatest either. There was this other girl I went on a coffee date and she was really sweet but we just didn’t click and then this one guy-where are you going?” Jackie caught Marvin when he started walking off.
“I just want to talk to her.” 
“No!” Jackie held both of Marvin’s arms and tugged him back.
“I just want to talk, that’s all.” Marvin tried to free his arms. 
“With you, words are a lot more deadly than a weapon.” 
“I do have a pocket knife.” 
“Marv!” Jackie pulled fully this time and held Marvin to the wall so he could see him face-to-face again. “It’s fine. I’m over it. I just don’t want the awkwardness that would happen if she sees me, not unless I have to.” 
“Well, Mr. Fine and Over it. You currently have me pinned to an alley wall in the middle of the night, and you’re close enough that if I lifted my head slightly, we’d be kissing and it would be even more awkward if someone saw us like this.” Marvin waited as Jackie looked down at them and quickly held his arms up as he stepped away. 
“I just didn’t-I didn’t want you to-she doesn’t need-” Jackie’s blush was hidden by the dim lighting. 
“Let’s go back to the House and try to get an episode in before calling it a night,” Marvin suggested and Jackie’s body relaxed with relief. 
“That sounds really nice.” Jackie made sure the one woman was gone before leaving the alley with Marvin. 
Marvin held his hands behind his back as they walked, his fingers and phone glowing green for a moment before what looked like a small streak of green lightning jumped off his fingers and danced across the street. It headed for the shop Jackie pointed out and traveled up the wall, slipping through the crack of the partially opened window, and right when they were out of earshot, the lights in the apartment went out. 
A night of inconvenience while searching for new light bulbs would suffice. 
And what Jackie didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. 
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wyrdle · 6 months
Ikutsuki Backstory ideas and other character thoughts
Jotting this down for my own reference for a hopeful future comic about this pun man as well as for anyone interested in the babygirl lmao. Also I can't believe so little exists to help flesh him out more
Persona 3 spoilers under the cut
Ok so I haven't finished the game, but I've sped run reading wikis and watching movies and clips, pardon me if I get any details wrong. I also don't know the other games, but am semi-aware of some of the links between Ikutsuki and them.
Ikutsuki rambling about The Fall and a Prince out of the blue is painfully one of the worst twists I've ever seen 😂 You don't lore drop your way into justifying your motives lmao. I'd have liked some hints about his past, and then a final explanation for it. Whilst I understand it's meant to be a sudden twist, it just turns out anti-climatic and even annoying narratively haha.
So, to fill out how Ikutsuki's backstory, I was thinking it'd be rad if we saw his actual research days with Kirijo's CEO / Mitsuru's gramps. I'd likely scrap that they were actively looking to invoke The Fall, and have them primarily focused on the time-bending abilities of Shadows, all being scientists dedicated to helping humanity genuinely.
I dislike the idea of such a large group of scientists being omnicidal maniacs/Nyx worshippers, so I think simplifying the Kirijo family's guilt to simply accidentally fucking up their experiments and causing such catastrophic change to the world to be a better go at it.
Enter Ikutsuki, who is a part of this research team like every other hopeful/morally decent scientist. The experiment goes awry, Shadows are released en masse, Professoer Shuji Ikutsuki is swathed, bathed, consumed by this writhing dark mass that tells him about The Fall and whispers about the Prince who will be grandly rewarded for it.
In his canon pre-suicide speech, Ikutsuki talks as if he believes the current world has lots of wrong in it, going to the extremes of wanting to cleanse and rebuild it. I think it'd be fitting for him to start off as this hopeful scientist, cheery and dorky, only for him to go through the trauma of direct exposure to Shadows + being the lone survivor amidst the wreckage and dead bodies of his colleagues.
It's a combo of real-life horror and supernatural Persona weirdness that motivates him into being the manipulator/cold scientist he is. Idk if my timeline of events is right, but post-Tartarus formation, ikutsuki kicks off figuring out plans for The Fall in earnest. Prompting his secret research on children for inducing Personas etc. (I think Strega and Ikutsuki weren't involved with each other, so for this I'd say yeah, he'd be the one responsible for that instead of Kirijo group in general.)
Other fun things for him is that surviving the sort of possession by Nyx's fragments during the formation of Tartarus gives him 'the Potential'. AKA he discovers he can exist in the darkest hour, and is eventually the one who researches himself to enable others to do so as well. It's just more reason for Kirijo group to not suspect him, and even owe him for his work.
I'm likely getting plenty of canon timeline of events off, but I think it'd be really cool for the Chairman himself to be similarly affected by the Kirijo group's experiment alongside the SEES members. Albeit, in a way that fucks him up into becoming the antagonist. Not to say he has no free will/is being actively coerced by Nyx, but that singular moment of interacting with the Shadows changed him and his outlook on life quite drastically.
Lastly, I'm pained that he doesn't really fit into the group. I think there's so much potential there for him to actually be a part of the SEES gang, holding some genuine affection that's a remnant of his pre-Shadow affected self, even going as far as having hesitation/second thoughts. Idk lol, canon Ikutsuki's death is waved off with little impact beyond how he killed Mitsuru's dad, when this guy the SEES team trusts/looks for direction kills himself in front of them. There's no emotional pay-off or pain, his death/twist reveal is just an event that happens lmao. I'd have liked to see Ikutsuki genuinely be an adult figure all the kids needed, and for them to feel the sting of his betrayal on a more personal level than what we got.
Anyway, TLDR, I feel like this helps make Ikutsuki a better villain lol. His fingers are in all the pies already!!! Use him!
So normal about this long haired, bespectacled, goofy middle aged man. He has such dad energy, and I love the angsty narrative of being corrupted lol
pls yell about him to me tq very much
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abby118 · 11 months
Omg, the way that I have been a fan of Loki since TDW, and then even R*gnar*k I enjoyed at first solely because it was new content after years of waiting for more of the characters. After the hype went down for it being new content I began to see the flaws and it made me sad to see what the characters were reduced to. And then when the Loki series was announced I was so excited about it, Avengers era Loki and all, I thought we were going to get him acting like how he did in TDW or a mix of that and the first Avengers but no. And the fact that I had a hyperfication of Loki for years to the point that my entire family + friends were aware of it, only for it to be pretty much squaahed by the series, which I didn't even finish s1 and only watched 1 scene from s2 cause my brother was watching it and I was walking past him in the living room. It just makes me so sad because I still love Loki but I love his version from 2011-2013. I mean he was more Loki in the surprise Comic-Con thing TH did than he ever was in a series supposedly about his character, but it is not about him at all. Sorry for rambling, I just needed to let this off of my chest. Thank you for being a safe space for people to talk about 2011-2013 Loki era. How I miss the complexoty of his character and his costumes too + TH's more subtle acting work as the character.
Hey there! No need to apologise, I absolutely love that you took the time to write all that. I am forever grateful people see my blog as a safe space 🖤💚
I know exactly how you feel. When r*gnar*k came out, I had hope when the movie started but left the cinema with such mixed feelings. On one hand, it was new content, but on the other, it was SO out of character. It made me ask myself 'is getting crumbs of what I cherished worth it, when it is followed by utter disrespect?' And my answer was clear. They blew up Asgard for shock value, when it had enourmous potential. I get that ragnarök is supposed to be the end of everything, but the way they executed it felt so wrong and ungrateful to the story.
For that reason, for the disappointment I felt, I didn't think the series would be worth a watch. I didn't think I'd watch it but I gave the first season a shot this year and didn't even finish it because I was actually disgusted. I wish disney/marvel would just delete it at this point. Like a bad sketch that you crumble up and throw away. Act like it never happened.
We have this saying in Slovak that goes along the lines of 'stop when it's at its best' and I feel like that applies perfectly in this case. The 2011-2013 trilogy was the peak. It will forever be the only story I will accept from them.
Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night wherever you are. Stay away from the series, they don't deserve the access to the story. It's not theirs anymore. They are writing a poor fanfic.
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wicked-ghoul · 1 year
this is not meant to be critical BTW I just wanted to get something off my chest...
i’ve been trying to think of how to word this cuz like...
I REALLY enjoyed A Glitch in Time! My love for Danny Phantom has not wavered at all and I was given a huge boost of serotonin seeing my bbys again in a new story and I like a lot of what the story did for those charactors...!
That said...
I don’t quite feel the same level of “OMFG MY SOUL IS CLEANSED” that I see a lot of fans having and I couldn't quite pinpoint WHY because the comic IS really good and I DID really enjoy it...
But...like...okay, so:
The stuff that I’ve always found most fascinating about Danny’s issues is 1) His relationship to his parents. 2) His relationship to Valerie. and 3) How his anger and spite get the better of him and how that informs a lot of who Dark Danny became (yes I still call him Dark Danny don’t @ me lol)
I feel like the comic did touch on that 3rd thing but maybe not quite as much as I had hoped??? And to my memory he doesn’t even really interact that much with his parents and I don’t even think he talked to Valerie AT ALL in the comic...(I really need to go back and reread it lol)
I think that’s all being saved for a (potential) sequel comic which is perfectly fine, but I guess I was really hoping that the comic would explore that stuff and it just didn’t so I was kind of disappointed.
But that doesn’t make the comic bad! Far from it, I thought it handled everything really well! I loved the humor and characterization and it made me very happy!!!
But when Danny’s character arc happened...I liked it, I loved his little Steven Universe getting his powers back in the movie moment it was great and he was adorable as ever and I liked the idea of him helping ghosts rather than hunting them...but it wasn’t as big a deal to me as, y’know, Vlad and Dark Danny’s arcs! Which is fine, those arcs where great and I loved how they were handled...I guess I just wanted more for Danny? Like, specifically relating to his relationship with his family and Valerie more so than how he deals with the ghosts...but they’re clearly setting up for another comic so maybe THEN we’ll get to the stuff I was really looking forward to!?!
I really don’t wanna be a downer, but this was nagging at me ever since I finished the comic and I just needed to get it off my chest...
 I think I also am still reeling from some other fandoms I’ve been in where if you don’t like or agree with canon then you’ll be skewered and deemed “not a real fan” or “just not getting it” and I’ve gotten used to the Phandom’s “fuck it, we ball” attitude towards canon and now that there’s new official content I’m scared of a reawakening of the Anti vs True Fans bullshit from the days when Danny Phantom was still airing! (fandom trauma’s a real thing my dudes...)
So...yeah. To conclude, the comic is very well done and there’s a lot of great stuff in it and I can’t think of anything I truly disliked, just some nitpicks that kept me from being as emphatic as the rest of the fandom and I just wanted to express my disappointment. But I’m still so happy that we even got it and that it even worked to resolve/fix things that the show left hanging!!! I still love Danny Phantom so much and if they ever do make another comic I’m excited to see what they do with it!
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the-force-awakens · 8 months
Saw a gif set of Poe sticking up for Holdo, and now I'm thinking about how Poe is first to notice not one, yet TWO self sacrifices in tlj
Oh yeah, I think about that a lot. So much so, that I made a gifset about it once. It's something that I think goes over people's heads, by and large, just judging from how they talk about Poe in that movie -- but the sheer fact is, the movie opens with Poe doing the exact thing that Luke does. He goes out, one man against an army to give the Resistance more time to evacuate, by offering himself up as bait.
Poe recognizes a self-sacrifice, because...he's tried it. We see him do the same thing, it just largely gets overlooked because what happens is that it doesn't work. That's the horrifying fact for Poe: he's convinced that the most he can offer the Resistance is his own noble sacrifice, and if in the meantime, he can take down a fleet killer that could kill them all later? That's even better. But instead, Poe survives - Poe survives, again, let us not forget that he's also the only one, save the First Order and BB-8, that night in the village - and instead he has to reckon with the fact that people under his command have died again, while he hasn't.
"Dead heroes, no leaders" in my perspective, tlj is by and large Poe being forced to reckon with the fact that there's more to him and more to this fight than just dying for the cause. One thing I'm noticing throughout my chronological reread of stuff that's about/features Poe heavily, is that there is this desperate need for purpose that guides him, and that purpose seems to truly be to be a soldier, a hero that can pull of last minute miracles, and if he happens to die for the right reasons at least it'll be for the right reasons, and if he gets a little adventure in between, that's even better. That elusive search for that purpose pushes him off Yavin in Free Fall, and he's still struggling to find it when he's with the Defense Fleet in Age of Resistance.
So, Poe's spent majority of his life wanting to be a soldier like his parents. In some ways, he thinks that's what he's best at. When Leia implies that she can see more in him after L'ulo's funeral in the comics, Poe is confused - he can't see that potential in himself. And then even after he understands what she's trying to tell him, in the Enshado arc, he mentions to Snap that he prefers being a pilot, and not have to make the hard calls or moral decisions that command has to - for Poe, he's more than happy to be t he person to jump into the fire and do what's necessary, even if it costs him his own life. He doesn't fear death, he doesn't even fear it in Free Fall when he's just sixteen/seventeen years old, and it's clear that he still doesn't really by the time the movies roll around.
And TFA, he was originally supposed to be the martyred hero. And he still almost is - but that sacrifice is aborted, and suddenly Poe is the survivor of that mission to Jakku. And the First Order is so much larger than any of them could have ever imagined - so he offers himself as bait, to give the Resistance some time. He could have easily died, during that initial run. He strapped experimental tech that hadn't even been tested to his X-Wing, just to give him an edge, so the Resistance could finish evacuating. He was ready and willing to die for them.
And he knows, first hand, more than anyone else in the Resistance, just how big the First Order is. He puts himself between them and the ship he was just held captive and tortured aboard for days - and decides that if nothing else, the dreadnought has to go because it's a fleet killer.
(And sure, no one in that battle went into it for the "right" reasons. Every Resistance officer in that fight wanted a fight. They've lost people, just lost their home, lost their only support - and I've no doubt that's also going through Poe's head.)
But then...Poe isn't the one to make the sacrifice. It's everyone else, and it's on his command. And he knows it was the right call to make, because the Resistance can't be killed by a fleet killer later (good thing, too, since the first order ambushes them) but...he still lost people under his command, and he has to deal with the worst weight of leadership: being the one to survive.
And then he straight up gets grounded. Like, his X-Wing is destroyed. Poe cannot be the kind of hero that he believed he was anymore - that soldier/rebel pilot to run headfirst into things. Now, he's pushed into the role that Leia normally is: the one to stay behind, and trusting an important mission to someone else. Being the person that everyone tries to come back to.
And it results in Poe becoming what Leia knew he could be all along: someone people could trust and be inspired by to follow, to fight for. When the Resistance feels that it can't trust Holdo, they trust Poe. And under the threat of total obliteration, and the knowledge that they're officially the last line of defense between the galaxy and the First Order, and almost dying several times and losing so many people he was friends with and almost losing Leia - I really do think Poe realizes he doesn't want to die, he wants to live for the Resistance, for the galaxy, and not just die for them. He knows, now, that there's more to him than a noble sacrifice, and he sure as hell doesn't want the people who died while he got to live's deaths are in vein (we see that lampshaded explicitly in tros).
Poe recognizes a self sacrifice when he sees one, because it used to be the first thing he'd think to do. But by tros, we see that he cares less about a noble sacrifice, and more about surviving -- which is the biggest hurtle he's maybe overcome, considering how little he's always feared death.
This is already a touch incoherent and rambly because I'm tired, but I think - I think the slightly tragic thing about Poe is that he wanted to be a soldier like his parents. But he got so good at it, that he ended up flying straight into being a leader - and that terrified him, because that meant that Poe had outgrown the purpose he's been seeking his entire life, and it also means that he has to carry a lot more burdens, including the burdens of when his plans go wrong. He can't be the person to die with his squadron, he gets to be the one to survive and carry their sacrifice with him.
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hexhomos · 1 year
I'm sorry if you've been asked this before but what are your thoughts about Arcane potentially being canon? I do not like it.
And if you don't mind answering another question, how do you feel about the way people sort of interpret Jayce and Viktor?
I don't think it's a good idea and it strips away many of the interesting things about these characters and the *universe's story as a whole* to exclusively represent the simplified, time-limited version of events that could fit the runtime of a TV show.
I've been asked this before and I always say this: Arcane is the MCU version of league lore; with the same strengths (improved visuals, the fast pacing of a cinematographic adaptation) and same biggest weaknesses (flimsy story summarizations that sacrifice a lot of the compelling narrative and kill entire characters)
I've been a comic fan for nearly as long as the MCU has been viral and I can tell you every attempt to retcon MCU events into the estabilished comic universe has not worked. It has the opposite effect of interrupting character arcs and stories people actually like and undoing pre-estabilished facts about the magic of the universe, driving away fans of the original medium while failing to attract the new movie/tv-show audience to check out the original, because those are completely different demographics.
It's even worse with Arcane, as we already KNOW one big joke in the fanbase is "even if you like the show, dont play the game. It's stupid bigoted redditor shit and it sucks" - there's an entire genre of arcane fan accounts who are militant about not playing the game and encourage others to never play the game. I don't think league's execs understand this, though, which is why we are seeing this current trend of a DRASTIC pullback in any and all lore-related content for league coming from higher-ups, and some of the old estabilished writers leaving the company while CEOs promise they're trying to find "an unified version of the narrative experience."
To stay on topic here and also answer your second question; ive rambled at length about jayce viktor interpretations in my meta tag. I reccomend you to look there! You'll notice i havent gone into specifics about what in arcane's narrative is weaker since its included on those.
I'd like to finish this post in another way though. In the long run, I don't think it matters that execs are trying to force narrative retcons despite the internal and external negative response to it. Fans will always like the specific thing they like, and in this scenario, start to define what versions of the universe/character they're talking about by release year or authorship, which is already happening in league. This is why the vikjayce codex exists and will not change, and this is why you see people using "2011/2016 lore" and "jayce giopara", etc.
Remember all these MCU retcons I mentioned? Whenever a movie is past its expiration date and the story element they tried to fit into original canon is considered a fad, it's just rewritten back to what it used to be. The newest marvel news this month is that CEOs decided to kill kamala khan ahead of her upcoming movie, as the MCU couldn't fit her signature elastigirl powers and they want to swap those out for the dumb purple magic the movies gave her instead. This will not last, as these never do. In 4 years she'll be back to normal, and in the meantime, elastigirl kamala will continue to exist in all her source books and videogames. The same way league's original bios are preserved and spin-off game content like the LOR comics or Convergence will continue to exist; I can't change any shortsighted decision from the CEOs, but fans as a whole have systems to define different universes and pick the version they like best.
Arcane has been called an AU by people who've worked in LoL's narrative, and is just the newest shiny thing. It is not "canon", as it never fit any part of the current game universe, and any future attempt to "make it canon" is just another permutation of an AU. I would encourage anyone who's nervous or anxious about retcons to not give a shit and disregard it altogether. If it doesn't work, you can always change it back.
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greetings-inferiors · 3 months
It’s actually insane to me how bad security breach was (or specifically how much I didn’t like it). Like before it help wanted was my favourite game in the series. The dreadbear dlc was fantastic and made me so hyped for the future of the franchise. The way they talked about the game and what it was made me fall in love with it before it was even out. My fnaf obsession was at an all time high, I could not have been more excited for it. Then it released and me and my best friend, the two biggest fnaf fans I know, designated the entire day to play it together, just like we did with help wanted and the dlc (potential reasons as to why hw is my favourite, the in jokes we made about it live on today). And you could feel the enthusiasm drain from us in real time. As we realised how lame the roaming animatronics were. As the frustration of the game slowly scraped the rose tint off our glasses. When I realised the time advancements were scripted instead of being in real time I felt a part of me die inside. The Monty boss fight would crash after a certain amount of time so we were forced to speed run it to try and advance. We beat the game and when the comic appeared we were both like “this is it?” When we tried to look up spoiler free ending walkthroughs, the fire exit ending just wouldn’t work no matter what we tried. I remember getting to the pizzeria sim location, my favourite Scott-original game, and I could feel the pit in my stomach swell. Finding candy cadet was awesome, but once we got past the empty hallways that were supposed to have endos, and the blob (which took a lot of trial and error), the afton fight started and I immediately threw in the towel. My friend was like “no come on we can do this” but was so frustrated by the fight which clearly wasn’t play tested at all. We stuck through it, praying that Roxy just didn’t come (an instant death sentence, because they never once hint at how to get rid of her, Freddy even has a voice line implying you can hide, which no you can’t she can see you even though she’s blind.) and hoping that Freddy didn’t randomly just kill you out of nowhere. We did it eventually, even after Roxy had been chasing us, and the cutscene just kind of ended. God. I am not kidding when I say that it was my least favourite piece of fnaf media. And I had read every book. Played every single troll game. I felt my love of the franchise die in real time. Even after Ruin, a genuinely fantastic game (because it’s a different game from security breach), and Help wanted 2, the sequel to help wanted, my favourite game in the franchise, and a good game in its own right, both games me and my best friend played on the day they released that we both enjoyed, it just wasn’t the same. We didn’t even finish help wanted 2, we got to the normal ending and phoned it in. Once we collected two plushies I was done and wanted to sleep. I’ve only seen the ending from astralspiff’s full series marathon. It looks fantastic. But I just don’t feel like even watching a video of it. I haven’t watched any of the really recent fnaf theories. It’s not the new presenter he’s fantastic. I just don’t really get excited by them anymore. I haven’t read any of the recent books. The movie was great, I guess. I’ll play into the pit, but it isn’t really out of wanting to. It’s out of obligation. Like I’m a fnaf fan, I should play fnaf games, right?
It is wild how drastically security breach killed my interest in the franchise. Fnaf was one of my core interests, one of the things like undertale or kingdom hearts where at any time I could talk about it for hours. One terrible, awful game was able to make it something that I get a bit interested in whenever a new one drops.
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bbbeowulf · 9 months
I have a lot of art resolutions that I wanna get through this year so I figured I would share them with all of you… VIA BINGO CARD!!
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Bingo card inspired by AlmaKRowan on Twitter/X!!
List and explanations below the cut!!
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Architecture: I want to learn how to draw buildings, rooms, etc.!!
Adopts: I want to make adopts!!
KOI character refs: Reference sheets for the characters in my story “Knights of Irene”!!
ArtFight: I’m gonna aim for 20 attacks/revenges, but we’ll see!!
GraVT piece: a group picture of the indie VTuber group I’m in, GraVT!!
Animal studies: learn how to draw animals better
PNGtuber+ comm: I made one for myself (see it HERE) but I want someone to commission me for one >:,(
VTuber redesign: potentially maybe redesign my VTuber (even tho I literally just killed myself making the PNG+ model but WHATEVER IM ON DRUGS IG)
Leo TOTIKFR animatic: animatic for my OC Leo to the song “The Only Thing I Know For Real” by Tyson Yen
Holiday YCH: YCH comms for major holidays!!
Snow Fairy MAP: I have a part in @jurygarroth’s Snow Fairy MAP so I need to get that done :D
Bug studies: I wanna learn how to draw bugs :3c
OC sticker sheets: I wanna make (AND SELL) sticker sheets of my OCs (and maybe other fandom characters like MLP and stuff!! We’ll see.)
RP movie posters: movie poster style illustrations of my active role plays!!
Emotes: re-do my twitch/discord emotes
Sell canvases @ gallery: I have an art gallery in my town that I wanna apply for and sell some irl artwork!!
YCH comms: more YCH comms!!
Lobelia lore animatic: lore animatic for my VTuber
Pose studies: learn how to draw poses better
KOI cover: book cover for “Knights of Irene”
Abaddon Webcomic: this is a HARD maybe, but I’ve tried to make this webcomic happen 2 or 3 different times and I always got sick and tired of it before I got ANYWHERE with it. I think if I take it in more of a mini comic approach like Shen or Merryweather!!
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There are a few more ideas I had that I didn’t put on my bingo!!
Leo’s Final Form: conceptualize Leo’s final form and draw the finalized version
Backgrounds: get better at drawing backgrounds
Foliage: get better at drawing foliage
Color Theory: learn color theory
Interesting shading: play around with colors and shade with different colors perhaps to make it pop?
Aphmau art: draw more Aphmau art
KOI: Finish planning out KOI and potentially start writing it? It’s not art in the sense of it being written not drawn but whatever I wanna do this
Commissions: keep doing commissions! I wanna try to do at least 20 this year 👉👈
Art trades: do some art trades with people outside of ArtFight!!
Art raffle: do an art raffle 🧍
GET HIRED BY YORUNOMACHI: *on my hands and knees sobbing, begging, throwing up*
Do Aphtober/Cringetober/some form of tober AND FINISH: I doubt I’ll finish lmfao
Make OC profiles on UnVale: it’s like toyhouse but it doesn’t make me want to kms when using it
Learn VTuber Rigging: I just wanna know how to do it :3
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Anyways I’m sure there’s more but this is just a list of everything I can think of off the top of my head! A week from now I might decide to not do any of this LMFAO! But we’ll see how much I actually do this year!! Yippee!!
Happy new year everyone!!
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dirtyvulture · 10 months
😎 I woke up this morning and finished Darkest Knight part two and it was Amazing as always Vulture, really knocked it out of the park! I am a early 2000s kid ( I was born in 2000) so I know and LOVE the X- man movies( even if the timelines of those things are a massive mess) so it was fantastic reading out some of the classic scenes play out ( and Hugh Jackman - don’t know if I spelled his name right - was BORN to play that role ) . I am also not joking when I say that I thought and saw the whole thing playing out in the X - mansion in the lens of that movie in my head but didn’t say anything because I didn’t know if that was what you were going for.
I loved all the cute little interactions between R and Nat. It also seems to me that Nat might be catching some feelings for our dear Wolvie . And that little scene where R and Jean see each other again for the first time in a while, do I detect a hit of jealousy from one Miss Natalia Alinanovna Romanova ? Scott is still a dick as always, but I wonder how did he ( or anyone else in the manor for that matter know about the RR , I would think anyone there would think that Nat is a Mutant in trouble) ? Also R scolding themselves for scaring Nat 🥺🥺🥺. Nat picking out the flannel shirt that matches R eyes and the little blush afterwards ( quick question, is R actually Color Blind? Because that statistically happens in men more then Women. Not finding fault , just wanting some clarification. ) is so stinking cute!!!!!
The RR was presented as the basically the worlds worst boarding school in the Age of Ultron flashbacks, in the Peggy Carter series ( I don’t know about the comics because I don’t read them , I just have access to google and wiki) before they launched the RR into the sky in BW. At least that is how the “ class” stage is presented and we have no idea what the RR looks like for the “ graduated” widows. So I wonder how Nat is reacting to leaving one “ boarding school” and walking into another one , especially when she sees the “ other half” of the school, where students are taught and trained to control their abilities.
I loved seeing some of my ideas and contributions making it’s way into the story even if it wasn’t in a way that I expected . And all of my head canons about the truck is shot down now because I didn’t know that they were going to leave it behind. 😭😭😭 ( in all seriousness it’s cool , I am just joking) . But since they are in the school Nat can stumble upon the “ questionable” YouTube channel from one of the kids on their phone. Nat can stumble upon the Hudson’s wartime nurses, R’s time in the wars and all the documentaries and  specials from history class ( I have more thoughts on this but will put it in a separate post so this one isn’t too long).
This is the last bit of this post. Speaking of classes and the school I can’t wait to see R and Rouge reunite ( because you can’t convince me otherwise that Rouge wasn’t Wolverines adopted kid . In the movies and the early 2000s cartoon was that way . I don’t know about the comics and original cartoon, but I do know that in those things Rogue was in her 20s. The girl was a grown ass woman and she had a on again off again type thing with Gambit.) . R having the same reaction as Movie Wolverine to ice man ( a dad who has a teenage daughter and someone is sniffing around his daughter) and refusing to call him anything but junior. Rogue has the reaction of a kid who’s single parent who brings a potential partner home will looking at Nat . So while R has her “ dad” stand off with Ice man sizing him up , Rogue is having her “kid” stand off with Nat sizing Nat up. Both just kinda stares daggers at their respective opponents and both Ice man and Nat are just like 😨😓👀 “ Hahahaha ! I am in danger!”
All the kids at the school  absolutely love R and she is one of the favorite teachers/ staff at the school . No one likes Scott because he is a dick ( like seriously man you didn’t have to disrespect Nat like that, I get that you might have some  security concerns but do that in private and not RIGHT IN FRONT of the poor girl) .
Also please tell me that Nat picked the pocket knife back up and didn’t just leave it in the unconscious widow ( side note I wonder who that widow was) ? OH SHIT !!!!!! I just realized that Nat probably has a tracker in her ( like as seen in BW) and that is why the widow was able to find them in the mall . NOW Nat is at the school!!!!
:D I'm so glad you liked Part 2!
Hugh Jackman is ❤️ and Wolverine has always been my favorite superhero, so it was only a matter of time before I wrote a Wolverine-inspired!R for this fandom. :) And yep! I pictured the OG X-Mansion from the first X-Men trilogy as well, but of course you are welcome to use your own imagination.
Glad you caught on to that. :) Nat is definitely starting to pick up on affection for her friend. And yes you did! No spoilers now, but Jean and R definitely have some history, which of course Scott is very familiar with and unhappy about lol.
It wasn't stated in the fic, but R basically told the X-Men in an unseen text/call that Nat escaped the Red Room and that's why she needs their help. So that's how Scott knows where Nat is from, but he could've been more subtle about it. Also, this R is not colorblind! (How else would she pick out the redheads? 😂) But the flannel shirt thing was just supposed to be a cute moment, and more implies that R is very bad at choosing her own clothing, so she looks better when someone helps her. :)
That's a good point about the Red Room! I know R is excited to show Nat what the school really has to offer, but she might have to be careful so she doesn't trigger anything.
I know, I'm so sorry about your brilliant truck headcanon. 😭 I had already written the part where they ditched it when we were discussing it on here, and it was too late to go back and make the switch lol.
You are in luck, @mostlymarvelsstuff has already talked me into including a scene with Rogue and R in Part 3. :) But I definitely want to base their relationship more off what we had in the movies, like a parent-daughter relationship. And Nat just seeing R interact with the younger kids in general will be a very heart-warming experience for her. :)
Hmm...Perhaps Nat would have picked it back up, the pocket knife is very sentimental to her now. And I based the Widow off the same one who hunts Nat and Yelena in Budapest (and dies when she falls off that pillar)...Not sure if she had a name though.
The tracker thing 👀 I won't lie, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind but it's a good guess.
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vampiremilfs · 2 years
hiiii <3 big ask big answer is what i'm expecting would LOVE to know your top 5/faves across various media that are new(in release or just new to you) this year! so: shows, movies, games, books, songs/albums, new artists you've discovered etc
brief comment i wanted to make, but this was the year i finally took control of my mental health and went to go see someone about it so congratulations to me for finally breaking down the wall of "im fine" and allowing myself to admit that i could use some help. that aside, lets get into it! beware, possible spoilers
1. Nope (dir. Jordan Peele) - this movie surprised me so much and reflects a LOT of my views on performative/spectacle-like behavior in front of the Camera and the effects things like hollywood or social media could potentially have on people...not going to get into that but i just liked the movie alot okay
2. X (dir. Ti West) - love me some camp. love mia goth. i also really liked Pearl and cannot WAIT for MaXXXine, i am so ready
3. Cruel Intentions (dir. Roger Kumble) - i dont think 2022 was the first year i watched Cruel Intentions but everytime i watch it, it feels like something brand new...i am so compelled to read the book that its based on like seriously
4. Turning Red (dir. Domee Shi) - this is the only Disney movie that exists to me...the mother-daughter relationship portrayed here is just so personal
5. Kiki’s Delivery Service (dir. Hayao Miyazaki) - yeah im extremely late to watching this lol. i watched literally every other ghibli film growing up but somehow, in some way, skipped over Kiki. so i watched it over the summer as an adult and needless to say...yeah i missed out as a kid asjashd
6. American Psycho (dir. Mary Harron) - this is the funniest film ive seen this whole year. im not even kidding
1. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul - never thought id enjoy a show about a middle-aged white male turning to meth production to make ends meet and becoming the most annoying character ever created, but here we are. loved it, and literally EVERYONE around walt deserved so much better (jesse, gus, johnny/saul, mike, skylar, marie, hank)
2. Ranma 1/2 - ive taken a break from watching new anime this year and started diving into older ones. i love ranma simply bc its a bit ahead of its time and is just so easy to digest. just a fun little show!!! a great way to take my mind off of shit
3. The Sandman - just found out recently that this was a DC comic so congrats to DC for successfully infiltrating my anti-superhero visual barrier LOL. anyways i am in dire NEED of the next season
4. You - PENN BADGLEY. thats all im going to say. im a huge fan of Gossip Girl (2007) and as soon as i saw him playing the lead character i RAN to watch the first season when it dropped. was not disappointed
5. The Witcher - ive never played the game lol but the show is so good...im not a fan of GoT (and therefore will never watch HotD) so this show p much fills the dark fantasy void for me
6. Bridgerton - im so glad i got over my weird distaste and finally gave this show a try...i see the hype, i see it!! and the show itself is so beautiful to look at, despite being historically innacurate or whatever
7. Gossip Girl (2007) - ive watched and rewatched this show a grand total of maybe like....20 times in my life total. rewatched it again this year. all six seasons. it never gets old despite being the most ridiculous insipid shit ever. im also currently watching the new version, and while i love the cast and maybe the soundtrack, it doesnt match up to the campy and fun vibe that the first one had. it takes itself way too seriously and the plot is almost nonexistent lol
but anyway, lets move on to music!! im skipping over books bc i have currently finished NONE from the book haul i had back in october.
just gonna list out a bunch of songs that have carried me thru the last half of this year :]
ass like that victoria monet / bang (my body) chase icon / meta angel fka twigs / wish i never kehlani / king for a day pierce the veil, kellin quinn / pass the nirvana pierce the veil / antagonist nova twins / gibson girl ethel cain / like a tattoo sade / the perfect pair beabadoobee / so it goes tamino / daybreak’s bell l’arc-en-ciel / colors flow / distant tevomxntana, cayo / grapefruit tove lo
sorry if this is extremely long. thanks for asking!!!!!! ❤️
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Thank you for asking!!!!! Love a chance to talk about myself.
The way I got this ask and like IMMEDIATELY forgot any piece of media I have ever consumed?? If I forgot any of my faves... sorry to them!!
Also, a running theme for most of my faves is that they have overcome being otherized and/or trauma and came out being pettier and more self righteous, lol.
Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto. Pettiest bitch alive and he DESERVES IT! Should be pettier.
Wei Wuxian from MDZS/The Untamed. Went through hell, kinda literally, and did awful things but still chose to do the right thing, every single fucking time.
Fenris from Dragon Age. Watching him emerge from such an awful place and learn to let people in, while remaining sooo rough around the edges, was lovely.
Spock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From both TOS and AOS, less so from Disco/SNW, because he's just so fucking funny and also watching him be so repressed and then be forced out of that repression is fun. I love him. Baby boy.
Joy from EEAAO. Loved watching her anger, loved watching her creativity, and I loved watching her anger make her mother change. I love that she was able to give up the anger because she was finally seen and her hurt was legitimized.
***** ****** from ******* ******** because *runs away*
NGL.... it's still my boy Edward Elric. In many ways, I should let him go. But he was my first rep of atheism in literally the funniest fucking way ("Yeah I've seen God but... nah.") and I still enjoyed his journey, even if I now have major issues with the narrative and apologism and recognize Scar as a far more compelling character than Edward. Sorry to everyone but when I saw Edward at age.... 13, I did not realize what war crime apologism looked like. At least I let go of stanning Mustang. Cause I wanted that man carnally for a long time.
Sook-hee from The Handmaiden. Watching her fuck shit up was cathartic.
I need to finish my watch through (bingewatching two seasons in a week was mentally taxing, tbh) but Flint and Max from Black Sails. Again... love a selfish character who has felt left behind by the world and so they take what they can from the world. They deserve it!
Recency bias I guess but I'm REALLY loving Frieren from... Frieren. Watching her learn to value other people while going around with her lil :3 face is nice.
I feel like this list is leaving a lot of faves out--my lovely Sailor Jupiter who I imprinted on like a baby duck and have carried in my heart ever since, Dimitri Fire Emblem, Qifrey, and probably so many more. The characters that I love just for horny reasons (Yae Miko, Kaveh, Tighnari my beloveds). Characters I love for their potential (Finn, Poe, and Rey from Star Wars)(Also Cassian but I guess I could love him more if I watched Andor but I will not be watching Disney+ shows.) Characters who I love now (Louis, Lestat, Claudia from IWTV the show) but haven't finished their arcs yet, so idk how I'll feel int he future. Etc etc.
I will also say that this list feels a biiiiiit swayed by characters who I have experienced more in fandom. There are characters from one off books, video games, comics that I CONNECT with more, maybe idolized more, but engage with less often because there's no fandom, so they come to mind less immediately. And they've been butchered less by fanon, so I don't project onto them as much. Like they are FULLER vessels, which means they have less room for me to go "Oh, yeah, we are exactly the same. Let me into your brain."
This list is mainly of characters I love to play with like bratz dolls in my brain and is less about like... maybe heavily fucking with them while consuming their media and then being able to let them go when I'm done.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'As critics and fans laud Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer, a major talking point is Cillian Murphy in the lead role. He's delivering a tour de force as the inventor of the atom bomb, which many think will win awards, and rightfully so. The movie shows he has that gravitas, covering a wide spectrum of emotions as a torn scientist who knows he's dooming the world.
A lot has to do with his method acting and immersive style. Coincidentally, it pays off years of friendship and camaraderie between Murphy and Nolan, as he's been a supporting character in a few films, including Inception. However, Murphy really broke into the Hollywood mainstream scene via Nolan's Batman Begins. While his performance as Oppenheimer brings Murphy's journey with Nolan full-circle, it ironically reiterates he wasn't fully utilized as Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow in The Dark Knight Trilogy.
Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow Missed Out on a Better Ending
In Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, Murphy's Jonathan Crane, much like the comics, was a doctor conducting unethical experiments. He enhanced the fear gas for Ra's al Ghul to use to break Gotham City. But Christian Bale's Batman ended up arresting Scarecrow, which led to a minor cameo in The Dark Knight. There, Crane was once more peddling contraband, only to quickly get locked up. The Dark Knight Rises then gave him another short cameo, pretending to be a judge and casting people out of Gotham to their death.
The thing is, when Bane and the League of Shadows were taken down, the film never wrapped what happened to Crane. It's presumed the cops nabbed him, but this was a very dangerous villain to have on the loose. Given Nolan had a powerhouse actor to work with, Scarecrow could have been reintegrated into the League, or even murdered by Talia for not finishing the job her father wanted. This unfortunately resulted in an underwhelming finish, as he ended up being nothing more than a joke after being set up as a maniacal mastermind in the first film.
Murphy's Scarecrow Tied into Batman's Broken State Heavily
What really resonated with The Dark Knight Rises's Batman was how broken Bruce Wayne was. He hid away from society after Rachel Dawes' and Harvey Dent's death, blaming himself. He feared the public eye, feared attachment, and simply, feared the symbol of the cursed Batman. That alone was grounds for Crane to have returned, psycho-analyzing the Caped Crusader and letting him know fear internally is immortal. Like energy, it can be converted, but never destroyed. The way Murphy's Oppenheimer goes through his journey -- realizing his sins, embracing his mistakes, but accepting he's a necessary monster -- proves Scarecrow could have had that same emotional depth as a man sacrificing his soul in the name of science.
The franchise could have even flipped the script with Bruce finding him on the lam and probing his mind, a la Clarice and Hannibal Lecter, to really find out they state of his mental health. Going this route would have been apt given Scarecrow first gassed him and showed Bruce's innermost fears about losing family, being terrified of bats and how the idea of being alone would haunt him as he grew older. This is why Rachel passing shook up Bruce -- he was experiencing nightmares come to life once more, and it was all due to the seed Crane planted.
That was the perfect window for Crane to speak about grief and trauma, which would have been fitting since he tried to kill Rachel once in Batman Begins. In the process, he could have shown Batman, he was a necessary evil, just bringing out the real Gotham and people's primal states in a way that would have aligned with Joker's schemes. Unfortunately, while The Dark Knight Rises harped on fear, the twisted chemist who revived it in the Bat got the short end of the stick, and came off as an average thug Batman didn't care to hunt anymore.'
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