futureh0g · 1 year
Mac shakes his head as he grabs the green tea from under the counter and starts to make it
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". . .No problems today Boss"
" Good. "
Fleetway walked back for a moment, as he grabbed a nearby kettle which seemed like it has been out for a while. He grabbed a small tea cup for himself, pouring the water from the kettle into the cup. He placed the container back, as he reached under the counter, grabbing a small bag of green tea, and placing it into the water. As he waited for it to settle, Fleetway began to tap his fingers against the counter, looking at Mac with spiraling eyes.
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" So, you've been doing alright so far, yeah? Good to hear. You got anything interestin' going on with 'ya so far? Just curious. "
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pokemoncenter · 6 months
On RP Etiquette
While this post is mostly intended for the Pokemon IRL RP community, the basic rules and thrust of this post should apply just as well to all RP.
(Written with help from @wingsofachampion!)
On “Yes, And”
RP, when you get right down to it, is a form of improvisational theater. Comedy, drama, the exact genre doesn’t matter, but it’s still improv all the way down. And that means the golden rule of improv still applies.
“Yes, And” is the basic rule of improv. It means: ‘Accept what came before without just shutting it down’ (“yes”), and then build on it and continue to iterate on The Bit (“and”). Sometimes, ‘Yes, But’ works just as well. What’s important is that you build on what came before without simply shutting it all down.
“No, And” can also work well. What doesn’t work is a flat ‘no’.  Those are generally discouraged, because it shuts down the RP-  Where do you go when your contributions have simply been discarded and swept away like nothing? This isn’t to say you can’t ever refuse; keeping your boundaries is just as important in RP as it is in life. But RP is a collaborative sport, and you have to keep the other party in mind as well.
As Professor Oak says, there is a time and place for everything.
Building off the previous post in a constructive way, even if it is denying it, is what is important.
To use an example:
If Sophora says legendary Pokemon do not exist, a reply of “Really? But what about [a specific legendary]?” can be acceptable or fun. So can “Yeah, and neither do flying-types!” or something similarly ludicrous. But what is not fun, is when a reply is simply “[a picture of legendary Pokemon waving at the camera right now]”. 
Similarly, for those playing sapient Pokemon or humans-turned-Pokemon, the post could be “I hate having a tail!”, and the responses could fall into several categories. “Humans don’t have tails!” would be acceptable, or “the furry RPers are weird” would be… less so but still on the safe side of the line. “[picture of you as a human right now] STOP LYING” wouldn’t be. Because, it goes back to the same thing: How is your RP partner supposed to reply to that?
Which brings us to our next point.
On Thinking Two Replies Deep
When I reply in a post, one thing I always try to keep in mind is that I have some sort of ‘hook’ in my reply for the other person to reply to. If it’s just shutting someone down entirely, there’s no possible reply other than a ‘nuh-uh’ ‘yuh-huh’ chain that would be more at home on an elementary school playground. 
It is related to “yes, and”, but still distinct. The point of it is that when you reply, you be sure to consider how others can reply. You can think of a few ways people can reply, and then go even deeper, and try to predict entire conversational flows. This way, you’re prepared, and you have a constant supply of ‘hooks’- And that means you can keep the RP going, and not shut it down.
In my case, the most common cause of me stopping replying in an RP thread is simply that I do not have anything I feel I can reply to. I have no contributions, and so I do not contribute. If there’s no hook, I can’t reply. On the other hand, just because you have a hook, doesn’t mean the thread will go exactly how you think, and a lot of the fun in RP is seeing how things go differently from what you expected.
But it’s always best to try to think two replies deep- Never just consider your reply, but consider how others will reply to your reply. 
On Checking the Pinned Post
This one, I’m not sure needs to be said, but I will re-emphasize it anyway. If you’re going to be interacting with someone to build off them, please be sure you read their pinned post. So many times I get people who are directly contradicting everything in my pinned post and it’s difficult to deal with.
On Giving and Receiving Engagement
Many people do wonder why they aren’t getting engagement. The secret answer to that is not actually secret: People will interact with who they know. If you want engagement from others, you have to give engagement to others yourself. 
If you have a new blog, no one will really know anything or interact with it until you get out there and start interacting more. And even if you are a well-established blog, that can still dry up fast if you don’t keep it going. RP is a communal sport- You have to give in order to get. This is true for engagement, for interaction, and even for the replies I was talking about from the start- You can’t get replies if you don’t give hooks.
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hazbinned · 3 months
I'm going to try to take it easy; I will not drop any threads, and I love them all, but I'm extremely stressed out by the amount that has piled up (66) and it's affecting my ability to write because I can feel myself slipping into that "I HAVE to get these done FAST and clear this number" mindset instead of the "I'm writing for fun" mindset. My level of focus is atrocious at the moment, and the quality of my writing feels like it's suffering because I'm more focused on getting the number down than on the content. I suspect that the fact that I leave for a trip on Sunday is stressing me out too (I won't be able to write at all during that) as well as some other life things and so on.
I suppose just like this to acknowledge that me being slow to get your reply out does NOT mean I'm not interested. And that you're okay if it takes a while. I don't want anyone to be deterred by wait times or think I've stopped caring (especially new mutuals who I haven't interacted with much yet!)
If you see me replying to specific threads/mutuals a lot, and yours has been unanswered for a while, that's solely because it's what my mind is up for right now. I still care about my interactions with you!
I'm going to start queueing posts, so as to get the number down without it immediately shooting back up again. This means replies may take a while to get to you, but they will be better quality and I will be less stressed about them.
I know RP isn't a job and so on, and that I don't HAVE to feel bad about any of this, but I just don't want anyone to think I don't value them/our interactions. And please don't let this deter you from plotting with me or sending me things! I'll get out of this, I just need to take some 'slow time' to prevent me from freaking out and burning out.
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unholy-lamb · 3 months
RP CALL // About The Writer
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Hey gang!! Call me Lamb. I'm a twenty-two year old cisfem loser in the CST time zone who has been in the RP community way too long. I've been writing since I was about twelve. I'm always fiending for new threads and looking for new people with whom I can write!
I do NOT write with minors or anyone under the age of eighteen.
The Basics
My favorite pairings to write are OC/Canon. I do not write Canon/Canon ships, but I can be persuaded into writing OCs together if we vibe!
I am mostly familiar with writing MxF and FxF ships, and I will ask you to write either one of those for me. I can write any kind of ship for you. I am also more than okay with poly ships.
I am a master at doubling up. Seriously, it's my specialty! Come at me with all your craziest ideas. I adore hearing about OCs and their unique stories. I put the same amount of energy into both threads when doubling. I ask you do the same.
When doubling, I am more than happy to write anyone for you in return as long as they are not someone I'm wanting. Doubling is not necessary if you'd just like to write a canon character.
I have no problem doubling up in another fandom as long as I am familiar with the source material!
My writing style is literate to adv. literate. On average, I write roughly three to six paragraphs in a post. I do tend to do a lot more when writing starters or when the scene calls for it, and I can do less. I tend to mirror my partner's writing length and style.
OOC talk is not necessary, but I heavily prefer it! I love just going wild about headcanons, AUs, silly shitposting, plotting, etc.
I am VERY active in responses. Usually I tend to respond right away and I can write upwards of ten or so posts a day depending on engagement. I ask that my partners be able to post at least once a day to keep up interest! That being said, please let me know if something comes up, I'm more than understanding! We're all adults, adults get busy, no pressure.
My favorite genres/tropes to write are an entanglement of horror, fluff, dead dove, smut, angst, all of it! Give me a bit of everything!
I write exclusively on Discord. Servers are wonderful for organization.
Triggers & The Smut Stuff
NSFW will most likely come up in my threads. I ask that you be comfortable writing it! That being said, I prefer a 70/30 plot-to-smut ratio where the plot and characters take the central focus.
Triggers, limits, and no-goes will be discussed privately beforehand!
i. Cartoons - The Owl House - Inside Job - OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes - Arcane - Gravity Falls & Reverse Falls (AU) ii. Games - Portal & Portal 2 - Lies of P - Resident Evil - Transistor - The Wolf Among Us - Tell Tale's The Walking Dead - The Last of Us - OFF - Boyfriend to Death & The Price of Flesh iii. Internet Based Media - Creepypasta - Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared - Happy Tree Friends - Lackadaisy iv. Shows & Movies - The Boys - Stranger Things - IT (2017) & IT Chapter Two (2019) - The Umbrella Academy
Wrapping Up
Thank you for reading my yapfest! If you're interested, please let me know by DMing me on here or leaving a like on this post and I'll reach out!
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thedoctornumber11 · 1 year
Permanent Starter Call 3.0
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Liking this means
1. You’d at some point like a starter.  Everyone who likes this will get a starter at some point, even if it’s not right away.  If you can’t like, feel free to comment or reblog instead.  Just make sure I know what muse and blog!  Please only interact if you are an RPer with an RP blog.
2. You don’t mind being tagged in random starters at any point.  Once one thread comes to a conclusion, there’s a good chance I’ll tag you in a new one randomly.  Or just when I feel like it.  Who knows.
3. You don’t mind me sending you random asks and memes and headcannons and general OOC conversation.
4. You acknowledge that I enjoy being sent ask memes and I have no problem with people tagging me in random starters.  It also means you’ve read my rules and sent me the thing saying you’ve done so.
5. We can just generally be best friends because you liked this.  I’ll probably send you ooc messages just to say hello a lot and in general you don’t mind me sending you lots of stuff!
This basically goes on forever and ever.  At any point I can randomly tag you in a starter, send you a meme, a message to start conversation, etc.  One might call this more of a friendship call than a permanent starter call, but permanent starter call works too!  It’s kind of the same as those interest trackers you see, except I find those a bit confusing and this easier.
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ocrpfinder · 1 day
21+ currently obsessed with high, dark fantasy settings. Really inspired by things like Souls-games right now (Dark Souls, Elden Ring) and fantasy like DnD, Baldur’s Gate, The Elder Scrolls/Skyrim, Lord of the Rings/Tolkeinn, Game of Thrones/George Martin, etc - you get the vibes. Worlds full of different creatures, monsters, magic, dungeons, gods, ghosts, curses, different kinds of kingdoms, etc. I’m quite leaning to something more in the line of Elden Ring/dark fantasy in particular, with a lot feuds, fighting, wars, factions, magic, etc. I’d love to do an ocxoc rp in such a setting. I’m open to any pairing + trans/nb characters. Bring me your rogues, your Chosen One, your mages, your elves, monsters, demigods, corrupt characters or good knights, healers, old warriors, legends, disgraced characters, fallen from grace characters, etc. The more unique the better! Open to non-human/not entirely human characters as well. Give me 8 feet tall people, people with 4 arms, eldritch abominations, animalistic creatures, etc!! Go wild! I’m definitely open to multi muse for this and fleshing out the world, but to give us a base, we could start with two setting out on an adventure together or stumbling upon one another and travelling together, something like that? Bring some ideas my way and we can brainstorm together!
I have very few limits and am open to dark, heavy topics, violence, gore, etc. I won’t rp underage content or rp out SA scenes though - mentions in backstory are fine, I just don’t want to write it. Would love some dark stuff at some points but we can figure that out together and all limits will be respected! I write on discord, advanced literate/novella style (1000-2000 words typically per reply) and of course not every reply has to be super long and I’m open to doing shorter style side threads if we need a break, but I tend to lose interest in really short replies. Open to smut - most of my characters are switches and I prefer to see what feels natural for our characters and don’t rush smut. Open to fading to black and also doing purely platonic dynamics. Open to all pairings - most of my characters tend to be cis amab or nb amab (I do also play trasnmascs, transfems and cis afabs though lol). I love queer dynamics so bring them all my way!! Unconventional dynamics too are awesome!! I love complex, nuanced characters and nuanced, realistic relationships too!! Open to realistic, drawn, animated, and description faceclaims and will probably use a mix myself. This is getting way too long now so I’ll round it out, but like if interested and I’ll reach out. Please be prepared to share some thoughts/preferences and (where I might lose some of you) a writing sample (I can offer one too.) Ty for reading this much<3 🗡️
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roleplayfinder · 2 days
21+ currently obsessed with high, dark fantasy settings. Really inspired by things like Souls-games right now (Dark Souls, Elden Ring) and fantasy like DnD, Baldur’s Gate, The Elder Scrolls/Skyrim, Lord of the Rings/Tolkeinn, Game of Thrones/George Martin, etc - you get the vibes. Worlds full of different creatures, monsters, magic, dungeons, gods, ghosts, curses, different kinds of kingdoms, etc. I’m quite leaning to something more in the line of Elden Ring/dark fantasy in particular, with a lot feuds, fighting, wars, factions, magic, etc. I’d love to do an ocxoc rp in such a setting. I’m open to any pairing + trans/nb characters. Bring me your rogues, your Chosen One, your mages, your elves, monsters, demigods, corrupt characters or good knights, healers, old warriors, legends, disgraced characters, fallen from grace characters, etc. The more unique the better! Open to non-human/not entirely human characters as well. Give me 8 feet tall people, people with 4 arms, eldritch abominations, animalistic creatures, etc!! Go wild! I’m definitely open to multi muse for this and fleshing out the world, but to give us a base, we could start with two setting out on an adventure together or stumbling upon one another and travelling together, something like that? Bring some ideas my way and we can brainstorm together!
I have very few limits and am open to dark, heavy topics, violence, gore, etc. I won’t rp underage content or rp out SA scenes though - mentions in backstory are fine, I just don’t want to write it. Would love some dark stuff at some points but we can figure that out together and all limits will be respected! I write on discord, advanced literate/novella style (1000-2000 words typically per reply) and of course not every reply has to be super long and I’m open to doing shorter style side threads if we need a break, but I tend to lose interest in really short replies. Open to smut - most of my characters are switches and I prefer to see what feels natural for our characters and don’t rush smut. Open to fading to black and also doing purely platonic dynamics. Open to all pairings - most of my characters tend to be cis amab or nb amab (I do also play trasnmascs, transfems and cis afabs though lol). I love queer dynamics so bring them all my way!! Unconventional dynamics too are awesome!! I love complex, nuanced characters and nuanced, realistic relationships too!! Open to realistic, drawn, animated, and description faceclaims and will probably use a mix myself. This is getting way too long now so I’ll round it out, but like if interested and I’ll reach out. Please be prepared to share some thoughts/preferences and (where I might lose some of you) a writing sample (I can offer one too.) Ty for reading this much<3 🗡️
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darkrpfinders · 16 days
Hello gang! Spooky season and autumn are right around the corner, so you know I am utterly craving some darker narratives. I cannot think of anything better than brainrotting while plotting and writing for some active RP threads. 🎃🎃🎃
I’m currently looking to write OC/canon in a few fandoms, which will be listed below! I write on Discord and my posts range from around four to six paragraphs depending on the scene, making me a literate writer! I’m 21+, so please be the same! I’m more than happy to do double-ups! NSFW wanted but not the main focus of the plot, triggers/limits can be discussed in DMs! 
The fandoms I’m looking for are as follows: 👻 The Owl House 👻 Arcane 👻 Resident Evil 👻 Creepypasta 
Like this post and I’ll reach out! <3 Thank you for reading!! 
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prpfz · 17 days
Hello gang! Spooky season and autumn are right around the corner, so you know I am utterly craving some darker narratives. I cannot think of anything better than brainrotting while plotting and writing for some active RP threads. 🎃🎃🎃
I’m currently looking to write OC/canon in a few fandoms, which will be listed below! I write on Discord and my posts range from around four to six paragraphs depending on the scene, making me a literate writer! I’m 21+, so please be the same! I’m more than happy to do double-ups! NSFW wanted but not the main focus of the plot, triggers/limits can be discussed in DMs! 
The fandoms I’m looking for are as follows: 👻 The Owl House 👻 Arcane 👻 Resident Evil 👻 Creepypasta 
Like this post and I’ll reach out! <3 Thank you for reading!! 
give a like and anon will get back to you
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rpking99 · 5 months
Blog Rules
I have a simple three strike rule. Here are the rules of the blog. Please follow.
Basic Rules
You must be 18+ to interact with this blog
All Muses are 18+
Don't be a dick
Treat mun and muses with respect
Am a human, please be considerate and not demand of me like a dog
Do not control my muses
I RP through threads and threads alone
I do not have to respond to an RP if I do not want to
I have the right to drop an RP if I want to, as do you if we RP together. I do ask for clear communication if that is a fact, however
Minimum of 3 lines per reply. I understand things can be tiering, sometimes the ideas aren't flowing. But no one liners
Max of 3 RP threads at a time for those new to my page. If I consider you a friend, that is upped to 5. And if we are close, there is no limit as long as you do not go crazy
If you send a picture through an ask, make sure it is SFW
If you use a picture in an RP, please make sure it is SFW
Most of my RP's are put in my queue. Roughly 25 posted a day
I take a week off every month or two for my mental health
If I do not respond within a week (Max) outside of my break, please message me and ask how an RP is going
Please be polite when messaging me about an RP I have not responded to. Do not send me an ask trying to continue your reply, do not reblog your reply, do not send the reply to me unless I ask about it and do not do all of these within three hours without speaking to me
Banned Kinks
Toilet play of ANY kind
Body expansion
Weight gain/fat
Diaper play/age play
Instantaneous mind control (unless specified by MYSELF)
Giantess/size play
Banned Muses
Jaques Schnee (RWBY)
James Ironwood (RWBY)
Tyrian Callows (RWBY)
Cardin Winchester (RWBY)
Katsuki Bakugo (MHA)
Endevor (MHA)
Tomura Shigaraki (MHA)
Disney Villains 
Joker (DC comics)
Purple Man (Marvel)
Mandrill (Marvel)
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel)
Kamoshida (Persona 5)
I am also not a big fan of Jauen Arc from RWBY. He is not banned, just not my fave.
If you have read the rules, please send the phrase "This IS The Highlight" in the ask box
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tgirlfoxtail · 5 months
hi! looking for FPE roleplay?
my friends and i have made an FPE server, with a focus on OCs (though canon characters are allowed) and interaction- be it friendly or conflicting- between those characters!
immediate note: 90% of us are 18+, and the server will remain that way until we decide to be more lenient later. we know this may stifle people joining, but if we do become more lenient, we're gonna be doing 16 or 17 anyways. right now, we are 18+.
there is no real "DNI" criteria other than that and don't be a douche lmfao
i'll also bring along the rules from the server, just so you know what you may be getting into; as of posting this, it's a good 9 of us strong, with a good portion up to roleplay already :)
the rules, at the moment, are as follows:
1. Don't be a dick lol you know the deal- no bigotry, admins are final arbiters, 3 strike system unless you *really* fucked up lol
2. If it wasn't clear from *my* language, yes, you can swear and shit- no slurs, with VERY minor exceptions. NSFW jokes are allowed, but spoil anything truly explicit. Gore discussion counts under this rule; spoil it (but obv it's allowed, cause.. i mean.. look at the animation lol).
3. If it *also* wasn't clear from my PROFILE and also EVERYTHING ELSE about me, systems- and I want to specifically mention fictives- are very welcome here. Endos are not. System stuff's serious, as is all the drama around it; I don't want none of it here >:(
4. gimmie oreos (i like this joke also they genuinely taste good)
5. When it comes to RP, please create a thread for any channels with "-threads" as a name; it's to avoid bloat and people covering each other up in separate locations, but similar spots (ie halls and classrooms). Also, be polite; you may RP however you want, but don't judge if someone wants to RP a certain way or doesn't want to RP with you due to your style.
6. Anyone may set a scene, a general canon will likely be tracked or made somewhere by me and anyone who's ideas sound neat and get a majority 👍 from my friends.
7. grand dad
8. Rolling for actions is allowed- if you've ever played apocalypse world systems, this'll be familiar. Use 2d6, 1-6 is a failure (consequences and no completion of the action), 7-9 is a mixed success (do the thing worse, consequences, etc), and 10+ is a full success (thing is done without unforseen complications). Double 6s can be considered a crit, with snake eyes being a crit fail, if you feel so inclined. Modifiers can be from -2 to +3, and can be discussed beforehand.
9. Teeechnically there can be multiple of the same character, but preferrably try Not to do that. don't need a million me's running around but it's also funny lmao
here's the link, and do your required reading, as without doing so you won't be able to interact immediately. have fun, and see you there! AND DON'T BE LATE !!!
(also, psst, you can slide me a few bucks and i can actually draw ocs in the FPE style; there will be examples in the server, sorry for shilling-)
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magpiesmemes · 10 months
|| Magpie's Tumblr RP guide ||
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So it's been a while since I made one of these but with the shut down of omegle, more people are joining the site to rp, I figured I'd explain some of the basics.
Now none of these are necessary, you can just do as you do but these are some of the 'norms' here on tumblr currently. They may change and evolve over time, they've done so countless times in my time on tumblr but here's this for now for those who might find it useful!! Please feel free to offer feedback on this, I struggle with giving instructions so I've tried to make it as clear as possible but my brain isn't the best with this kind of thing. I will correct anything that needs correcting and add things as time goes on, so please do check back if you request an explanation/addition to something as I will try to add it asap.
Last updated: 29/11/23
Basic Etiquette
Don't reblog roleplays that aren't yours, often this will mess up peoples thread trackers and it's a nightmare.
Rather than reblog asks to continue them as roleplays, make a new post and link the ask in that post. This avoids blog clutter for both parties.
ALWAYS read peoples rules and about pages. No exceptions.
No one is obliged to write their character purely as they are in canon. Canon divergence, au, or just additional headcanons for canon characters is very common. Do not make issue with someone just because their writing for a character doesn't fit with how you see them. It's their character, just don't write with them if you don't like how they write them. Simple as that.
Don't godmod. This means don't take control of a persons character unless otherwise instructed by the other writer, do not assume attacks immediately hit/injure/kill their character without prior planning for such a thing. You can write the attack, just don't assume it lands. This also applies to your character being aware of things - just because YOU know something, doesn't mean your character does.
Mun does not equal muse. Many people play villains because they're fun, don't assume that these people share the viewpoints of such characters just because they're writing them. The RPC would be painfully boring without some villain muses to stir the pot!!
xkit rewritten
The absolute saviour of tumblr rp when you're on pc, unfortunately I don't believe it's available on the phone app but it's super useful for pc users. For chrome you can find it in the chrome extensions, I'm sure it's available similarly for other browsers. The functions on xkit that specifically benefit rp are: clean feed (for blacklisting any content you don't want to see), mutual checker, tag tracking+ and trim reblogs. Any others are entirely up to your discretion whether you want to use them or not. To use 'trim reblogs' the post must be in your drafts or posted, then you can use the little scissor tool at the bottom of the post to snip off older replies and avoid posts becoming excessively long.
So if you're like me and want a chronological timeline for those you follow? Here's how to do that. Go into account settings. Not the blog settings to edit how that looks, you want the settings that has your account info, dashboard preferences, ect. Click 'Dashboard', which should be on the right hand side menu on your screen if you're using pc. Optional: Enable 'Show timestamps' so you can see how old posts are. I find this useful as it ensures I'm not responding to something that is 5 years old lmfao. Scroll down and turn off 'Best stuff first'. This should make your 'Following' tab chronological, ensuring you see whenever people you follow are posting.
Blog Design
Try to make sure you have a header and an icon for your blog, you can set those using the 'blog settings' tab. Even if there's no picture of your character themselves, try to use an image that captures their vibe - this advice is for both the icon and the header tbh. While not having one isn't bad, it will make people less likely to follow back or perhaps even block you! Often iconless/headerless blogs are spam bots and everyone loathes those.
Meanings of words commonly used by RP accounts:
Mutuals - Your mutuals or 'moots' are those following you that you follow back. Private - This means that the blog only interacts with Mutuals. Selective/semi-selective - Won't roleplay with everyone, they'll rp with people based on their own preference. Thread - A single rp storyline. Verses - Different timelines of characters. Eg. Kidverse, fantasyverse, ect. Mun/Mundane - You! The writer of the blog! Muse/Muses - Character/s you're writing. Faceclaim - The 'actor' of your muse, whether canon or otherwise. Who do you imagine playing them when writing or whose icons would you use for them.
When writing with someone it's a good idea to put their username in the tags at the very least, this allows them to find your threads easier. ie: '#magpiesmemes' would be used by others if they were to write with this blog.
Making tags for individual threads is also useful, meaning you can find specific rps far quicker. They don't have to be fancy but some people do like to make fancy ones. A nice simple one would be 'Thread: Threadname'.
Also having tags for specific verses is a good idea, indicating to your rp partner what timeline they're writing it. Something like '#kidverse' will do the job but you also can make those fancy.
Having a tag for rp memes you've reposted is a good idea also, meaning it's easier to find if someone wants to send you something. '#memes' does the job just fine.
Lastly, if you're a multimuse then having character tags is a good idea, indicating to people what character they're writing with. Something like '#charactername' is fine but again, any tag can be fancied up to your likings.
Pinned Post
Having a pinned post at the top of your blog has become fairly standard practice in the rp scene these days. Usually this has your important links on it (rules/muse pages) and some explanation of what kind of blog yours is. For example: 'This is a Private, selective blog for charactername from fandom/an oc. Written by mun. [Ruleslink] - [Muselink]' This would work as a simple rudimentary introduction for people checking out your blog. You can pin a post by selecting the three dots in the top right on it after it is posted, ensuring it's the first thing people see when looking at your blog. This is mine, for example but it needn't be so indepth. I just have zero chill. If you're writing on a sideblog then it's best to also have a pinned post on your main account with a link leading to your roleplay account. That way people will know that you're a roleplayer looking to write if you follow them - and also they may follow the link to check out your stuff!
Making Rules/Muse pages
These are important to indicate to people what you will or won't write, your personal writing preferences, ect. Many people won't rp with people who don't have these as it means they can't be sure of boundaries. People often use a post to do this, linking it in their pinned post to ensure people can find it. [Tutorial on how to link posts here]. That's the simplest way. You can also make a google doc or even make a carrd instead, linking them for people to refer to for this information. Alternatively you can use your pinned post and simply list it there - though there is risk of it cluttering your page if you have many muses. To avoid that, you can use a 'read more' such as the one this post was under. Make a new paragraph and various options come up, you want the one that looks like two straight lines with a squiggly line between them. [This icon].
Things to have on your rule page:
- Things you won't roleplay/triggers. - What is your stance on shipping (do you autoship with people who rp your muses partner or do you prefer chemistry first, ect.) - Writing length preference. Do you prefer short simple threads, paragraphs or more novella style? - Do you use icons? Do you prefer your partner would use/not use icons? Same questions with text formatting. - Tagging requests. Are there things you want to avoid on your dash using xkit's blacklist?
Things to have on your muse/about page:
- Basic description of who your character is, it's best to write it as if you're explaining them to someone who hasn't seen what they're from - even if they're a popular canon character. - If they're an oc with a universe of their own, a basic explanation of that universe would be useful but isn't really necessary if you can't/don't want to. - A picture reference of some kind is also useful, if possible. - A description of the verses you write them in. For example: 'Kidverse - This verse is set when my character is aged whatever and this is a short description of what they're like in that particular verse.'
Advertising Your Blog
One of the many ways people advertise their blogs is by posting self promos. These are usually edited images with a little blog tagline, links to important pages and a short description of your blog. Here's an example of my own. Including tags of the fandoms you write in/write with is a good way to try and draw attention your way. Alternatively, if you're limited in your image making/editing skills you can make a simple post, perhaps with an icon or gif to draw attention. Explain your blog, what you write, who you're looking to write with, ect. Make sure to include tags so people can see it!
More To Do?
Okay, so you've got the basics down, now what? Well, there's a lot you can do to make your blog more functional and/or appealing.
Thread Tracking
So you've got a roleplay but you're scared you'll forget to reply? I recommend RPThreadTracker. There's a how-to use it on the site faq and it's a lifesaver in keeping track of your threads tbh.
Though not necessary, you can find icons to use usually by searching the 'charactername icons' or 'faceclaim icons' right here on tumblr, be sure to follow peoples instructions for using them though. Some people will want a like/reblog for their use.
Many people, like myself, use some form of text formatting when writing. Some of the usual ones are small text, like the one I'm writing in now. That's done either by using 'ctrl+shift+-', 'ctrl+-' or you can use this:
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while highlighting text. This tool also allows you to colour your text, italicise, ect. Play around with it in your own time to see what works for you. Some other useful keyboard shortcuts:
'Ctrl+b' - Bolds highlighted selection 'Ctrl+i' - Italicises highlighted selection 'Ctrl+z' - Undo, good for if you've accidentally erased text you didn't mean to erase.
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|| ⸻ RULES . ||
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WRITER: Fen. 22+ She/Her
VERSE: Canon Divergent, Comic Based Magneto, NO MCU,
A STUDY in Survival, the burden of memory, the seductive allure of power, the rage of the oppressed, the cost of vengeance, the blurred line between freedom and war, building a world, being of war, the burden of leadership, the temptation of extremism, the enduring hope for a better tomorrow, the weight of the past, the fight for a future, the enduring question: can peace be forged from the ashes of hatred?
STEADY: Selective activity. No worries if you don't hear back right away, I haven't forgotten!
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|| ⸻ ROLEPLAY : .
TRIGGERS: MINORS NOT WELCOME, Mature Themes, Darker Content Warning (Historical Context, Mental Health, Gore, Violence, ...)
DISCLAIMER: I strive for historical accuracy, but I'm not an expert. Do your own research for in-depth knowledge. I am not your source.
WARNINGS: Please let me know your triggers in advance, especially concerning the Holocaust (a significant part of Magneto's history), character death, violence, or sexual content. I can adjust my writing style to respect your comfort level.
CURATE your Experience: You are responsible for managing your own online environment.
ZERO TOLERANCE: This blog prohibits hate speech, including sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of intolerance.
SHIPPING: Relationships might develop organically through RP, but I don't actively pursue shipping.
RESPECTFUL Boundaries: Constant pressure regarding specific ships (like Cherik) won't be tolerated. While some interactions might be considered "shippy," this doesn't imply a permanent ship preference.
HARASSMENT is Unacceptable: Harassing my RP partners will result in blocking and reporting. The same goes for anonymous hate messages – they'll be ignored.
OPEN COMM: Despite the character I portray, I'm approachable. Don't hesitate to speak up if you have any concerns about our RP.
PARTNERS: Mutuals Only. Selective. Selective OC friendly. Chemistry Based. No Duplicates. I have Mains. Shyness is okay! Memes are a great way to let me know you are interested when we are not mutuals yet!
OPEN PROMPTS: Don't hesitate to throw out ideas and prompts! We can develop them into full-fledged threads, keep them short, even without extensive plotting beforehand.
LAYOUT: I use icons, headers, and some color coding for aesthetics. If this layout is difficult to read on your device, or if you prefer larger text, please let me know!
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mynameistate · 3 months
ooc~pls read!
I just had to give a HUGE shout out to the Tumblr team for helping me back into this mess. I've missed you all dearly. <3
I'm happy to report that in these last 10+ years that I have popped in and out of the rp space, I've been fine tuning my debut series. While it is not ready for publishing just yet, soon, I wanted to give a heads up to any old friends here that I will have something for you planned. This blog 100000% is the reason and inspiration for everything I have written since the last time I logged on. I always caught myself wanting to change Tate's story completely and that just wasn't right.
So. A new prodigal son, completely separated from ahs/this character, bloomed. Although, you may find yourself questioning if the Devil himself infected this story as well.
I'm so excited to introduce you to our new golden child.
I just checked my messages and while a lot of you have deactivated- I've got my most precious flower's still messaging me to ask when I'll reply to our rp threads. Sorry I left you hanging for so long, but mama's been cookin.
Some of you have followed me IRL over the years & it only seems fitting to bring you along on this next journey as well.
All updates will be posted onto THIS ACCOUNT first; but if you'd like to be notified when the book drops please send me a message so I can let you know personally.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my sinful heart, for helping my love of writing blossom into something that is now completely out of my control. I promise, this story is tainted.
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hopetune · 4 months
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#HOPETUNE: an affiliated robin rp blog, harmonizing with mik (20, they/them, gmt +8). singing about hope and fledgling wings. rules and portrayal notes may be found under the cut!
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ON AFFILIATION: this blog is affiliated with gnostic hymns. as such, personal blogs and rp blogs not affiliated with gh will be softblocked or blocked.
ON SHIPPING: i have my personal preferences but i'm generally open to shipping with those i'm familiar with ooc + dynamics with good chemistry. especially with regards to romance, i would prefer to plot everything out just so we're clear on everything. do also note that i headcanon robin as a lesbian, so i won't do anything romantic with male-identifying muses, but anyone is free to feel what they feel about robin regardless of gender, she's just not going to reciprocate everyone's feelings. 
ON HEADCANONS: i have certain headcanons that do indirectly affect muses around robin. specifically, i headcanon her resonance to evoke a certain sensation within those affected. i'll go into further detaili won't force you to accept this if it's something you don't want to write, but i hope it's something that can be considered when it comes up in our writing. though i would like to reiterate that it's ultimately your choice whether or not to include it in your replies/interactions!!!
ON FORMATTING: i use small text with icons in my writing. if you have any issues with readability or would like me to change my format, please let me know! as for my personal preference: i would prefer it if my partners could use small text in their replies so i can read it more easily <3
ON OOC CONTACT: as tumblr's IMs have been acting up recently (for me at least) i prefer discord dms. my username is emblian! i am part of gh's discord server so you may also ping me there. i will let you all know now that, while i have grown more comfortable speaking with others ooc, i am still prone to bouts of anxiety and may pull back at any given moment. please don't take this personally! i may just need some space and time to get myself together.
ON REPLIES: my schedule has gotten considerably less free since i'm starting my semester so expect me to take anywhere from a week to a month to reply. i'll do my best to avoid having my partners wait for too long, of course, but i just want to be clear just in case you think i might be ghosting you or forgetting our thread. though that's not out of the question—i'm also a pretty forgetful person, so feel free to ping me if you feel that may be the case!
ON TRIGGER WARNINGS: i will use general trigger warnings for things such as gore, extreme violence, suicide, and other topics that i deem sensitive enough to warrant it. i will be using "tw // (word)" as a tag. if you have any triggers you'd like me to tag, please feel free to let me know through a dm. i also tag spoilers under "hsr spoilers"
ON HYV GAMES: i am not as familiar with genshin or honkai impact 3rd as i am with honkai star rail. i will defer to my partners for information but please be patient with me if i have lapses in the lore! i would also appreciate it if you could gently correct me on whatever i may get wrong. 
robin is renown throughout the cosmos, so it's perfectly fine to assume any hsr muse knows her/knows of her regardless of whether or not they've interacted with her in canon.
robin will often disguise herself when appearing in public, especially in places where she knows she has many fans, so it depends on the situation whether or not your muse will recognize her. if your muse is a stranger to her, she will likely not blow her own cover.
related to the point above: she will probably not disguise herself when going to places in teyvat or remote planets like jarilo-iv, as no one would probably recognize her there.
as of right now, robin is on a journey for self-discovery. she has no tours, no concerts, no schedules, no nothing. encounters with her won't be within the context of her as a performer, but rather, her as a person. people who don't already know her as a songstress will likely see her as someone very ordinary.
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schleckermaul · 4 months
「 GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! 」 ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: luce ▐ PRONOUNS: they/it ▐ SEXUALITY: bi ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken 💕 ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i have a cat named edmund who is my entire world. we go on walks and i teach him tricks every now and then
unfortunately spend a lot of time playing o.verwatch. i started playing because of l.ifeweaver and got stuck. still playing l.ifeweaver tho
currently training my dying attention span back to being able to read again. i try to do poetry daily, but i'm also reading "song of the six realms" by judy i lin rn! the cover is beautiful and it's been a fun read till now
i used to go by atlas in rp circles! took a big break after the pandemic hit and switched over to luce bc it didn't sit right anymore
i have ocd so i get pretty obsessed about organization and how the blog looks. if u see me deleting posts, this is why
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): i'm 25 now so ... 11 years, with rping specifically ▐ PLATFORMS USED: coughs ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: i hopped from hyperfixation to hyperfixation throughout the years, but my best time has always been writing break. my time in the c.ritical r.ole fandom was also pretty banger, until it kind of exploded at the end
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i tend to transmasc beam my characters, that's kind of the trend for me ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: oh man, generally speaking, anything from ph or vnc gets my vote, but i've been using gilbert for a long time! i'm also particularly fond of antoine de sade from vnc ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: angst! as ur average ph enjoyer, i'm a big fan of tragedy ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: both! i like plotting a little and then just seeing where it goes. occasionally i also like to go ham on a meme. in regards to memes, @/nobully has inspired me a lot! her meme replies are always so good ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i ramble lmao. lots of things to say, though i try to balance out ... everything, while still giving enough space and engagement for the reply from my partners ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: late at night, usually. i also really like getting up a bit earlier to get some writing in when i'm excited about a thread ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: in some ways, but not in most. break in particular i've just written for a long time, so that writing him comes easily to me not because we're alike, but because i know him well. autism event and such (it's been years)
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