#Quetzalcoatl x Reader
Hey hope you're having a good day i like ur ariting a lot. Can I have prompt 62 "I want to protect you" with mordred and quetzacotl please. Thanks
Me, upon getting this ask: *HAPPY INTERNAL SCREAMING*
Love Prompt #62- I want to protect you
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Mordred Pendragon
Mordred Pendragon was an enigma to you.
She was simultaneously honorable and dishonorable.
Collected and crazed.
Calm and raging.
And currently, she was hanging around you like a bodyguard, mean mugging anyone who got too close and quite literally mugging anyone who got closer than that.
It was a rather strange experience how standoffish she had been as of late.
Maybe someone talked to her?
Unlikely, Mordred is too headstrong for that.
Whatever was going on, it felt nice in its own strange way.
Also, where in the world was Mordred leading you?
You quickly eyed your surroundings.
The forest? What are we doing here?
A moment later the two of you entered a clearing and the moment the two of you reached the center Mordred stopped dead in her tracks and turned to you, a shade of red on her face almost as deep as the red on Clarent.
Speaking of Clarent, said sword was brought forth by Mordred in a burst of red lightning and impaled into the ground as Mordred fell to her knee and began to speak.
“I, Mordred Pendragon, former knight of the round, entrust my sword, my honor, and my life to you. I may be a third-rate knight, but are you fine with that?” Mordred asked.
Wait a minute.
Had Mordred…
Just asked to be your knight?
You decided to speak, to give your answer in the most fitting way you could given the situation.
“Of course I accept you as my Knight, you are the only person to whom I would entrust that position.”
Mordred looked up at you in shock before smiling.
A moment later, you were on the ground with a manically laughing Mordred next to you while being embraced in a hug.
“I’ll be sure to do my best to prove the faith you placed in me here is not wasted, besides, what a knight does and what I want to do are completely in sync right now!” Mordred exclaimed in joy, not realizing her slip up..
“Oh? And what’s that?” you asked, a smirk on your face.
“I want to protect you! That’s what a knight does! And that’s what I want to do!” Mordred once more happily cried out.
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Quetz joyfully hummed as she walked beside you, a happy smile on her face.
Actually, she never seemed to not be with you actually.
You weren’t complaining, but you did have to admit that there were probably a thousand better things she could be doing than wasting her time with you as you did the rounds around the house, doing chores and the like.
Still, it was nice to have her here.
Wait, when did you let Quetz start living here?
Again, you weren’t complaining, you were just wondering why it took you so long to ask yourself this.
Heh, maybe Quetz was like a security blanket for you, something that you wanted to keep with you at all times.
Still, you were eternally glad to have her around, she always brightened the place up whenever she was around.
“Hey, Quetz?” you asked.
“Whatcha need?” Quetz asked, ready and willing to do anything you asked of her.
Especially if she finally got to help with chores for the first time after the last “Incident” that happened when she did the chores!
How was she supposed to know that humans made their furniture so fragile!
“Why do you always hang around me? I’m not complaining but i’m sure there are a lot of things you’d rather be doing right now.” You asked the literal goddess next to you.
Quetz tipped her head to the side and placed her finger to the side of her head as if in thought before speaking.
“Nope! I can’t think of a thing!” she happily exclaimed as she brought you close to her.
“C’mon Quetz, everyone has things they would rather be doing than what they are doing now!” You spoke into her, your voice muffled by her clothes.
“Sorry~! Not me, I’m already doing what I would rather be doing after all!” Quetz told you happily.
You managed to pull away from the embrace of Quetz long enough to look her in the eye.
“And what’s that?” you asked, curious.
“Well that should be simple! I want to protect you Mi Amor!”
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luxthestrange · 5 days
G.I Incorrect Quotes#123 Oh la novela-
Lumine spills out "El chisme" to Kinichi and Mualani while Paimon & Kachina play with the Baby Saurians
Lumine: I go"You dated the brutal Harbinger CAPITANO?"And THEY go-
Quetzal!Y/n"he wasn't the brutal harbinger capitano- when I was dating him!?-"
Kinichi & Mualani*Spanish soap opera gasp*nooooooooo-
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Capitano finding spotting you next to Mavuika and instantly inner panics
Capitano: "Ay carajos!", it's my ex...
Fatui: You and Pyro archon? Gross.
Capitano: Do I look mad?
Fatui*Looks confused but then looks at you who is looking directly at his superior*...!?!?
You wink at Capitano who flusteredly avoids contact and rubs his neck
Part 2 of:
"Gossip", "Ah dammit!"
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r0ttingj3lly · 2 years
Queztal and Atreus being the best of siblings and Kratos being the best dad.
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Olrox Letting His Blind Male S/O/Reader Uses His Sense of Touch to Examine His Serpent Form Would Include....
Author's Note: I wanted to try a x male s/o/Reader I admit I was nervous writing it so I hope I did this justice for the male readers. I notice Olrox's serpent form looks like the Aztec God Quetzalcoatl. I find that really cool. Would serpent be the right way to say it? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I know one thing that Quetzalcoati is not a dragon but a serpent or snake like being with wings or feathers. (Sounds weird but I have the urge to pet the feathers seeing his form)
CW: Mainly fluff Its kinda short I apologize :')
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Olrox doesn't show his serpent form often, unless its in battle he really doesn't use it. But in these moments with the man he loves, a man who is born blind who wants to "see" his serpent form.
He couldn't but he amused and touched by his s/o's desire.
Olrox: "If its what you want, then allow me,"
As his s/o sits down, Olrox transform into his serpent form and curl himself around his s/o.
Olrox would sigh as he feel his s/o's hands on his skin trying scan every scale and feather. He would slowly place his head on his s/o's lap. He would nudge his head against s/o's belly begging him to caress his feathers.
Olrox never thought he would do this for someone, but to have someone that trusted him that much meant a lot for him.
In these moments of bliss he wished it last forever, he wanted this to be eternal.
And he's got plans to make this happen...soon
Tagging: @saturghoul I hope I did ok
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gomu-fer · 7 months
The sparrow and the hunter
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Zoro x fem!reader
Warnings: pure fluff, mentions of daggers, zoro making fun of gods as he does, fem reader can transform into an animal idk thought you should know
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: In which Zoro falls hard for you and he struggles with it
When you first joined the crew, Zoro was very skeptical about what you actually would bring to the table, since your abilities were… unique to say the least, but you had helped them giving useful information and advise when in a very tight situation, and who was he to doubt his captains decisions.
“A BIRD?” Luffy exclaimed almost jumping out of his seat. Yes, you could turn into a bird
“Yep, that’s why I am a good informant! People don’t suspect of a tiny sparrow flying around” you explained followed by a wink
“But… how?!” The navigator asked still confused
You turned around tugging your shirt slightly down and removing your hair form your back to reveal a tattoo “This is an ancient mark that was bestowed upon me by my people, the mark of a god called Quetzalcoatl, also known as the feathered snake. It carries the power that allows me to transform”
This only made Zoro grow even more doubtful about you, a god? It sounded like a fairytale to him. But as it turned out, you were also a fearless fighter, extremely skillful with daggers and combined with your special ability it made you fierce, which earned you his respect quickly after having fought beside him and the strawhats.
As you slowly went from the quiet reserved new crewmate to show your real colors of a confident caring bright and easygoing individual, the swordsman didn’t mind sharing with you the ‘training zone’ which was just a section of the going merry Nami had assigned to such activities to prevent accidents. Most if not all of the time you would train separately since you only did cardio and battle training and Zoro was more of a heavy lifting kind of guy. Both seemed to enjoy the silence of each other’s company and only exchanging few hellos and goodbyes.
But of course that slowly began to change when Zoro became curious on your fighting tactics
“Where did you get that dagger?” He asked from the other side of the ‘gym’ after staring at you training from a while, you turned to him a little taken aback, he wasn’t the one to talk let alone start a conversation
“I made it myself when I was 12” you answered as you slowly walked to where the stoic swordsman was standing.
Zoro had noticed how this dagger was different from the others you kept on your belt, not only was the shape and overall hold and design different, you kept it in a cover around your thigh at all times, so it peeked his interest
You presented the dagger, making slow steady movements that made it shine in the afternoon sun, it indeed looked more homemade, and the sharp edge was of a black shiny material he had never seen before.
“My father was a hunter, he showed me how to build this type of daggers to protect myself since we lived in the mountains… and for artistic purposes” Zoro’s eyes examined every detail of the weapon, and in further examination he noticed how indeed everything about it was really you, your essence was plastered all over it
“Interesting” he said still fixated on the dagger “You can hold it”
Zoro looked at you now closer and speaking almost in a whisper, you handed him your beloved weapon and he took it slowly. It was lighter than he expected it to be, he made an aggressive strong move as if he was cutting something and you giggled which made him embarrassed and a little insecure
“What?” He blurted out in defense
“You don’t use it like that, it’s meant for self defense or close targets. You have to move fast and steady” you took his hand in yours and demonstrated how to attack with it cornering your own throat between the dagger
“Always strike with purpose”
The swordsman felt his heart rate accelerate and a pink blush creeping from his neck, his gaze fixated in yours and his mind racing. You offered a sweet smile before removing yourself from the hold, Zoro returned the dagger to you shyly “Nice uhm… technique… and beautiful dagger” he immediately turned around to resume his workout, still flushed and with nervous hands.
The green haired pirate felt his head spinning not believing how you, a freshly arrived new strawhat, had not only allowed him to hold something you treasured and valued so much, but also had pointed it to your neck with his hands while being a man that doubled you in size and strength. His head couldn’t stop thinking about the intimacy of it all, it had left him breathless. You trusted him
But really it was just the beginning of the end for this poor man. Zoro had found himself trying to have more of you, like you had casted a spell, craving for your attention and essence.
He now looked for you when he entered any room, always wanting to be in your presence even while you just were enjoying your hobbies or any mundane task, he was eager to learn things about you and oh what a wonderful person you were to chat to, always keeping the conversation fun and interesting, listening attentively when it was his turn to talk, always sharing a piece of your soul.
You had seen through his stoic scary facade and saw what he really was. Everything that Zoro did was driven by love and the deep meaningful connections with the people around him, always remaining loyal and acting as the protector of the crew not because it’s his job but because he cares. He may not be as expressive as Sanji, but you were able to read him.
This scared Zoro immensely, not only cause he started to catch himself feeling annoyed whenever the stupid cook swooned your way or called you sweet names, or cause he couldn’t stop thinking about you even when training or trying to nap, or cause somehow you seemed to enjoy being around him too. No, it scared him because it made him feel like you had a hold on his heart and was afraid of being vulnerable. He felt weak
So when he finally came to the conclusion he was falling for you, and falling hard, instead of talking about his feelings, he opted for actively avoid you but of course you noticed right away. At first you gave him some time pretending you didn’t notice, he probably needed space from you feeling like you were smothering him, but eventually it had started not only to become ridiculous but to hurt you, because at the contrary of Zoros better judgment, you cared.
You excused yourself from dinner way early one evening, making a lame excuse so that you could finally catch Zoro alone on the crows nest on night watch and confront him, tired of his obnoxious behavior. Your stomach stirred in nervousness as you laid down on your hammock trying to distract yourself while crocheting, the door creaked open and you saw Nami menacingly standing in front of the door
“When are you gonna pull Zoro out of his misery?” your brows furrowed and a scoff escaped your lips
“What are you talking about? He’s the one avoiding me” The navigator rolled her eyes and sighed very loudly clearly annoyed
“He’s head over heels for you y/n! But he doesn’t know what to do just spare him”
“That’s not true” you sounded almost sad, Nami slowly came closer to you changing her approach
“You’re kidding right?, I swear he almost got up and ran after you when you stormed out, he’s smitten I had never seen him like this” you didn’t answer, thinking about his change in behavior and Namis thoughts, it seemed like it made sense
“I was planning on talking to him later anyways”
An exited squirm escaped Nami as she aggressively pushed your hammock back and forth shaking you “FINALLY! I swear you both were driving me insane”
As the sun disappeared behind the ocean and the moon greeted you shining through the cloudless sky, you awaited for everyone to retire to their bedrooms to peek your head through the door of the girls quarters, the ship was lulled by the waves and not a sound could be heard, quite rare for the Merry to be this quiet only confirming everyone was fast asleep.
You looked up to see the swordsman’s green hair peeking through the crows nest, only making you more nervous
“I can see you staring you know?” Zoro spoke loud enough so you could hear but not to wake anyone up, a shiver ran down your spine before you cleared your throat approaching the tall nest
“Can we talk? Please?” You didn’t wait for an answer before transforming and flying your way up, feeling shaky as you landed in the edge and morphing back
“I guess” Zoro whispered, arms crossed in front of his chest looking up at the stars twinkling in the night sky
The gentle breeze made your hair dance revealing your glistening eyes and your pinkish cheeks, the moonlight softened you making you look like a fallen angel that had answered to Zoros prayers. Of course he knew what were you doing here, it made his heart quiver in anticipation both of not having a clue of how you may approach the topic and to finally see you up close again after a long time of staring from afar
“Why are you avoiding me?” Oh so we are going straight to it “I gave you space so you would figure things out, but it has gotten stupid what did I do wrong?”
Silence pierced your ears only hearing your heavy breaths both of how nervous you were and how quickly you had morphed to get up there with him, you had never been so blunt in your life but it was Zoro who we are talking about here there was no way around it
“I don’t know” after a while of you staring at him while his gaze shifted from you to literally anything else this was his response? You sighed defeated before getting up
“I won’t get in your way then” it hurt you deeply but what else could you do if you couldn’t reason with the hardheaded swordsman?. Before you could get on the ladder you felt a strong hand reach yours in a hurry
“Wait… stay” there was a shift in his tone, you had never heard Zoro speak like this, it was like soft plead for understanding. You hesitated but sat back down face to face while he kept his grip on your hand
“If you don’t tell me what you’re feeling I can’t understand Zoro” you also changed your tone to a softer one, making him feel secure, encouraging him to speak up.
There was no other way around it, even if he didn’t felt ready to say it out loud the more he did leaps around his feelings the worse it’ll get. Zoro squished your hand as he struggled to find the words
“I’m avoiding you because I can’t handle the way you make me feel” He couldn’t look at you even if he tried but if he did he would be met with a puzzled expression planted all over your face
“I am falling for you and I don’t know what to do”
Zoro looked intensely into your big orbs that shone as bright as the moonlight above both of you, the confusion of your face was washed away immediately, a loving smile now in its place. You giggled which made him back up in embarrassment you did that often
“You love me you big idiot! That’s what you do” you said before leaning in to lock your lips in his.
The pirates eyes widen in surprise but slowly welcomed your action, melting in your touch and positioning a hand in your back to keep you closer while both of your hands hanged from his neck. You tasted sweet like he imagined but way more addictive, he never wanted to part his lips from yours ever again, but breathing was necessary for both of you.
Your smile came back to your mouth as you separated, cupping both of his cheeks so he would keep looking at you
“I love you Zoro”
An unfamiliar warmth settled on his face, but a wonderful feeling captured his heart and then he knew, if he was to ever give his heart to anyone in the world it’ll be you, you’ll take care of it and love it unconditionally
“If I say it back you’ll kiss me again?” your laugh was heard again brightening the dark sea and the pirates soul
“I love you too y/n”
Omg I loved doing this oneeee, and ofc had to represent my culture adding an aztec god as reference ☝🏻 if you want a series or a follow up lmk, as always feel free to request and correct me, English is not mu first language
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twisted-tales-of-all · 3 months
Until We Meet Again
Summary: Although San is left alone to watch the shrine after his friends move onto the next plane, he faces someone who reminds him of his past love. Pairing: Naga!Choi San x afab!reader Genre: Fluff, one-shot, event, rated PG Tropes: reincarnation, fated lovers Word Count: 3.5K Contains: discussion of death and past lives, sense of not belonging due to bullying/othering (essentially racism) A/N: Apologies for the lack of banner and poor editing. I've been in quite a slump recently, but wanted to ensure I finished up this piece for the spring event. Please check out all the other pieces submitted as well!
Although he's grown accustomed to the lack of visitors, San finds himself exceptionally bored as the cold weather melts away into the beginnings of this spring. Decidedly, he exits his usual post within the forgotten shrine for a walk in the nearby gardens. Despite donning his human form, people can clearly tell that he's different. Feeling everybody's judgemental looks, he tries his best to focus on the well-trimmed stylized bushes and the pruned bunches of flowers that dared to bloom this close to winter's edge.
"Mommy, why are his eyes like that?" A child asks far too loud for their mother's liking, who rushes away with them quickly.
With a sigh, San brings a hand to his temple. Immediately greeted by the cool touch of scales, he only grows more frustrated by the clear differences between him and the humans. Despite his intense respect towards the deity who made him their shrine guardian, he cannot help the feelings of resentment in giving him this specific form. So often, guardians get beautiful animal forms - cats, foxes, dogs - but his deity did not follow these typical choices. Instead, San got the powers and form of a snake. Thanks to various stories about evil snake monsters - Quetzalcoatl, Leviathan, nagas, lamias, gorgons, etc. - most humans steered clear of the shrine for fear of a malevolent deity.
Finding his attempt at a calming walk frustrating, San turns on his heel and heads back towards his home, unaware of the pair of curious eyes watching the whole ordeal. Unlike the judgemental glares of most people in the garden, you look on with an almost naive sense of genuine curiosity. You've heard stories of the guardian spirits of shrines, but this is your first time seeing one. Guided by your urge to learn more about the stranger, you secretly follow his path to the shrine. You witness him drop his human disguise to reveal a far more snake-like appearance before phasing through the closed panels of the shrine, disappearing completely from view.
After a few blinks to reassure yourself that you aren't in a strange dream, you head back to the garden as you think about how to meet him again. As you pass by the flowers he admired earlier, you notice the winter jasmines and smile.
"Elegance and graace; symbolizing good fortune." Repeating the text from a book you read on flower symbolism, you decide exactly how to approach the interesting snake man.
Carefully reviewing your notes over the next few days, you coax a flower away from its friends, thanking it for blooming beautifully to help you. You bring it with you as you make your way to the quiet shrine. Despite not knowing anything about the deity honored there, you respectfully perform a basic prayer to them. After, you feel the presence of someone - or, rather, something - there with you. Trying to hide your smile, you present the carnation upon the stone slab resting between you and the shrine.
"I don't know whether you know the meaning of flowers, but I think it must be fate that you were admiring the winter jasmines. I have a feeling you are similar to them: elegant and graceful. Even if nobody else can see you as anything but a monster because you look different, I refuse to judge you like that. If you'd please, I hope you accept this flower as a testament to my fascination of you. I'd like to get to know you more. Maybe a name, to start."
He doesn't greet you, but you pique his curiosity with your flower knowledge. Peeking through the shutters while hidden by invisibility magic, he commits your image to memory. However, he doesn't have to go searching for you like he expected, as you return to the shrine the following day. For the first time in over a decade, San opens the shutters, allowing you to see the representation of his deity.
Very androgynous, the long-haired figure stands there, dressed in an ornately decorated red and black hanbok. Next to them, a small dragon reaches the height of their knees, threatening whoever it may be. You study the visual, trying to locate anything that might identify what kind of god they are.
With the same intensity, San studies you, wondering whether you have ill intent in coming to the shrine. Today, as well, he remains hidden from you, but he quickly chooses a plant for you. Using his powers, he commands a breeze to drop the mint at your feet.
After a chuckle, you pick it up and question the choice, "This could mean so many different things. I wonder which you thought of when choosing it for me. Are you suspicious of me, or maybe openminded and interested in me? Or maybe you just think I'm a stroke of good luck! Have I healed your loneliness? Give me some more information here!"
Before he realizes it, a smile creeps across his face. Your knowledge and playfulness entice him. Moving out of view and lifting his invisibility, he walks out of the shrubbery and clears his throat to get your attention. As you turn, you're greeted by his human form once again.
"Nice to meet you. You don't have to put up that disguise, y'know. Just be comfortable; I'm not scared. Oh, I'm Y/N, by the way."
"How...? You- How are you so nonchalant about it?"
Tilting your head in confusion, you remind him of a small puppy, naive and trusting in a horribly untrusting world. He can't help but laugh, at your naivety and at himself for suspecting you of ill intent.
"You can call me San. That's the name Bo-in gave me when they took me under their wing."
"Nice to officially meet you, San. Is Bo-in the name of your deity? What did their powers entail?"
"Balance, mostly. Water to fire; earth to sky; shadow to light. Ensuring nothing overpowered its counterpart. They brought me and Soo-ah to their temple, teaching us and granting us our own powers after some time. When it was time for Bo-in to move on from this world, they knew that dragons would soon be hunted, so Soo-ah remained by their side while I stayed to watch over the shrine."
As he talks, his disguise slowly fades away, showing his growing comfort around you. He continues by explaining that Bo-in gave both pupils more unique creature forms than typical spirit guides. Although he doesn't mention why, you assume that it was another attempt to balance things out. From choosing one man and one woman, giving them names that balance, and bringing one while leaving the other, everything was truly done in the name of balance.
While you enjoy learning everything, you have to get home, as the sun has almost made its full path through the sky. As you say your goodbyes, you promise to return another day in the near future.
"Y/N," he calls after you've taken a few steps. "Thank you."
"Just... thank you."
He'll never say it aloud. Never admit that you remind him of her. If he admits it, he'll have to acknowledge his feelings once again, after all this time. He'd have to recognize that he thanked you for returning to him and repairing his trust in humanity. That he can feel Bo-in looking down on him and smiling as everything goes according to plan.
"Y/N isn't Soo-ah." He says it aloud to convince himself and snap at his god for planning it.
When he rises the next morning, a bright red flower rests beside him. Since nobody has access to his magical abode, he immediately deduces it as a message from Bo-in. Wiping the residual sleepiness from his eyes and sitting up straight, San picks up the crimson petals to identify them. Camellia.
"Is this a joke, Bo-in? I only know two meanings behind the red camellia: love and a graceful death. What could you-?"
As it hits him, the words stop flowing. There's no way that's what they mean, right? But what else could this particular flower mean? Is it really a confirmation of Soo-ah's return? Hers is the only graceful death he can think of. Not to mention his love for her over all these centuries still holding strong.
The next time you go to meet San, you want to bring out another plant, but you can't figure out any that stand out, so you ask the local florist to choose a meaningful flower for you, essentially leaving the choice up to fate. When he comes back with a bright red flower that you don't know the meaning of, you find it quite a good match to your new friend, whose hair radiates a similar tone. Especially so after the florist explains that camellias are often used to symbolize overcoming adversity. After learning his story the day prior, you decide that this flower fits perfectly. Thanking him, you pay for the flower and begin heading towards Bo-in's shrine.
As you arrive, you're shocked by how grim the area feels. Usually bustling with greenery and a freshness in the air, you become overwhelmed by the thick, heavy air. Looking around at the bushes, it appears as if a tornado had focused its chaos upon the small pavilion. Dropping the flower, you rush to the shrine, tearing the shutters open and calling out for San.
"Quit your yapping."
Hearing a voice above you, you search the trees for a sign of him but cannot find one.
"San, come here. What happened?"
Plopping down behind you, he answers vaguely, "Bo-in is testing me."
With the momentum of the spin to face him, you nearly trip over your own two feet. Expecting to find his face at its normal height, you look around confused when that isn't the case.
"Down here."
You feel a light pressure on your foot and look down to find a red and brown snake atop it. Your gut reaction is to jump and kick it away, but you manage to stop yourself knowing that the creature is your friend.
"I can't change. Bo-in left me a flower, and, after a few hours, I felt my control over my powers weakening at a rapid rate. Now I'm here."
Squatting down, you hold a hand to the snake to bring him up to your level again. He wraps his scaly body around your arm, keeping his head near your palm. You try not to smile at his appearance, but it creeps through anyway.
"Laugh all you want." He huffs.
"I'm not laughing! I just think you're cute like this, that's all."
If a snake could blush, you're certain you'd see it right now. Tripping over his words and looking anywhere else but your face, San fails to respond to your comment. Your comment clearly flusters him, so you make a note to compliment him more in all of his various forms.
"So, what do we have to do to get you out of this form? It isn't some 'true love's kiss' type thing, is it?"
Although you were joking entirely, the silence that follows makes your heart drop a bit.
Eventually, he answers, "I sure hope not." Turning away from you and constricting more around your arm, he adds, "Let's try anything else before we assume that's the solution."
"You... don't have a clue?"
"No. Bo-in left the flower and then this happened. Nothing else. No clues."
Suddenly reminded of the flower you brought him, you look around to find it. He catches sight of its vibrant hue and everything immediately clicks in his mind.
"That's a camellia, isn't it?"
You hum in agreement as you bend down to pick it up, adding, "I didn't know much about it, but the florist told me that it's a sign of overcoming adversity. After hearing your life story, I-"
"That's the flower Bo-in left me."
"How strange. Do you think it means something?"
"Y/N." He pauses, and the emphasis in his voice sends a shiver up your spine, "That flower screams Soo-ah. It means perishing with grace, and symbolizes a strong, long-lasting love."
A strong gust blows at you, harshly ripping a few petals from their pistil. San carefully watches where they land, hoping for a coincidence rather than another part of Bo-in's scheme. Despite his wishes, however, each petal lands precisely in the center of the place it softly floats to the small pond, the shrine's entrance, and the zen garden.
"Water, earth, and air. With a flower as vibrant as flames."
Slowly, you approach the petal at the entrance. Looking in, there's now a cloudy but reflective surface in place of Bo-in's engraved likeness. Focusing on your reflection, you find a completely different image. Rather than you holding a snake, you see two people holding hands. You quickly identify San despite the longer dark hair and wedding-style suit, but you don't recognize the other figure who matches in an elegant white dress with red and gold jewelry. As you move, she moves with you, but this definitely isn't your own reflection.
"That's Soo-ah, isn't it?"
"You're Soo-ah, Y/N." Another booming voice responds before the snake in your hand gets the chance.
Quickly, you spin on your heel. There, just as androgynous as the carving, stands Bo-in. Despite the initial shock, standing there together feels normal. Comfortable. Familiar.
"It's like San says. Although your memories have been wiped upon reincarnation, you were once Soo-ah. Somehow, you were drawn back to this place despite my best attempts to keep you away. Therefore, as I promised you before approving the reincarnation, I will offer my explicit approval for your love. As a gift, I can also return your memories to you, should you want them back."
"Bo-in, revert this magic." Annoyed, San blurts out, interrupting the conversation. "I'd like to change this form again. It is awkward to stay like this while you both have physical human forms."
Despite the interruption, Bo-in appears unfazed, holding out a hand for San to slither onto. A dim light radiates from their palm and surrounds the small snake. Shortly after, San returns to a humanoid form. This interaction buys you some additional time to comprehend the situation and figure out how to answer such a difficult question.
Bo-in returns focus to you, "Have you decided, Soo-ah?"
A shiver runs up your spine, making you twitch from the discomfort. Although you understand that you're Soo-ah's reincarnation, being addressed by her name irks you. You haven't been Soo-ah in decades. You've been yourself all these years, not her. Meeting San was coincidental, even if there might've been outside forces influencing you to do certain things.
With this revelation, you decide, "I appreciate your offer, Bo-in, but suddenly acquiring memories from a past life feels like something that the human mind cannot handle. It'd likely send me down a spiral about my identity. I have to reject your offer."
A smile creeps onto Bo-in's face as you talk, but it's San who speaks first, "Man, you really ARE the same person."
Confused, your wide-eyed gaze hops back and forth between the two people in front of you. Neither cares to give any further context, and Bo-in confuses you even more by breaking out into bellowing laughter without comment. San quickly joins, and soon their laughs are too contagious to avoid. Although you can't pinpoint the reason for the laughter, it lightens the load in your heart.
Shortly after the laughter settles, Bo-in says goodbye and wishes you both luck. Leaving you and San alone, the air tenses again. You quickly go to apologize for not reviving Soo-ah's memories, thinking that may be why things feel awkward. However, before you can say three words, you feel lips on yours and hands cupping your cheeks. Your face heats up from the sudden affection, but you also melt into the sensation. You've been on your own for so long that you didn't realize how much you longed for someone to kiss you.
The interaction feels quick, but San pulls away with a heavy breath. The air is thick and warm between you, and you can't find the words to say after such a sudden interaction, but the silence that follows feels fresh, as if the kiss extended into the depths of your souls. When his breathing returns to normal, the silence finally breaks.
"I'd apologize, but I actually don't regret it."
You can't help but laugh. His confident aura lends to the cockiness of his comment, but he fully jokes. Despite his words, you know he's sorry for the sudden invasion of your personal space.
"Don't worry, San. I enjoyed it. You don't need to apologize."
"Okay, good. I mean, surely it must've felt like all those plays describe, right? Where you're swept off your feet by the man of your dreams."
Rolling your eyes, you refuse to give him the satisfaction of any answer whatsoever. Instead, you change the subject, asking him to adapt a little to the current culture. Although he finds current technology difficult to manage, you convince him to trade in the flower-passing messaging for a simple flip phone.
After suggesting that you'll be back next time with a phone, you give him a hug and take your leave. He kisses your forehead, and you think about it the whole trip home. You can feel the smile etched across your face. It's not just your lips either; you just know there's a twinkle in your eyes and more light on your full face. Although unusual, you rationalize it with the thought that it's simply because it's been too long.
It takes a while for him to adjust to the phone, but once he does, you'd be easily convinced that he never puts it down. Multiple calls daily make you glad you didn't teach him how to message people. Meetings become more frequent and in new places as you show him some of your favorite places. Slowly but surely, he begins adjusting to the lifestyle you've known.
Although he's had a few slip-ups, calling you Soo-ah a few times, he immediately corrects himself and apologizes each time. You understand that you likely resemble her in numerous ways, so you don't get upset. And, just as you intended by refusing your past life memories, San begins falling for Y/N rather than simply seeing Soo-ah in you. The name swaps happen less and eventually completely fade away. You feel it in his demeanor, too. Rather than being restrictive and apologetic about his feelings, his confidence soars, and his actions towards you feel fuller, more genuine and complete.
A few months pass; the next season comes. You barely even notice before San points it out.
"The colors of spring are wonderful, but there's a serenity that comes with the beginning of summer. Don't you think?"
Caught off-guard by the sudden question, you look around so you can respond. Expecting the cleanness that comes when all the flowers of spring fall to the ground and get whisked away by the wind, you actually find yourself stuck staring at a rarity. Once something unrecognizable to you, your eyes catch onto a camellia. However, this one isn't as striking as the red one from before. Rather, as if someone stripped the color clean out, this lone flower stands a bright white, still managing to stand out against the browns and yellows of the season's transition.
Shocked at your silence, San follows your unwavering gaze to the bush. When he catches sight of it, his eyes widen, and he curses under his breath. Even without knowing the specifics behind the various color meanings of this flower, something about the striking white feels haunting to you. You remind yourself that the flower means long-lasting, mutual love, but San's words ring in your head: it means perishing with grace. Is it a bad omen? Bo-In hasn't interfered since that day, so there's no way they'd speak to you now, right? Is it a warning? Are you overreacting?
"They don't bloom this late. It shouldn't exist." Flatly, your boyfriend declares, a poorly-hidden concern painted upon his face.
Standing up from the bench, you approach the flower with San trailing a step behind you. Reaching out and touching it, the whole thing falls apart. Characteristic of camellias, the petals and sepals all collapse together at the slightest touch of your finger. With your arm frozen in position, you turn your head to the boy on your left, shooting him a concerned look.
Placing an arm around your shoulders, he files through a dozen statements to try and reassure you both that it's pure coincidence with no meaning. Even though you're certain both of you have worries in the back of your mind, you drop your arm and the topic all at once. Bouncing back into a happy state, you begin walking away and finally answer the question from earlier to segue into a new conversation.
"Summer really gives off that sense of a new beginning. Everything is changing, just like us. I think it's really appreciated in the cycle of seasons."
"Just like us... You're right. Here's to our new start with the season change."
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amphitritesmuse · 2 years
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Request by: anonymous
Original Request: Imagine how Namor would react to seeing Reader defend Namor and the son she had with him when Nakia went to rescue Shuri and Riri.
Pairing: Namor x Talokanil!Reader
Word Count: 1,266
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I apologize but I don’t remember exactly the conversations that happened when Shuri and Riri were held as prisoners. I saw the movie 2 months ago so my memory is kind of blank but I also changed the plot to make it interesting.  I just hope you enjoy the story, nonnie! I had fun writing it 😉
Wokol: Enter
In pixamech: My angel
In yakunaj: My love
Jump’éel tercio u bin yano’ob táan u yu’ulo’ob: A third of their kind is coming
I looked down at my son, as he puckered his lips in deep contentment while I gently stroked his black hair. He resembled his father so much, I thought to myself as I chuckled at his attempt to reach for my fingers and bite at them. As I continued to play with him, I recalled the day when he had decided to enter this world. The sun was nearly setting and the people of Talocan were gathered around the Capital City, joining their hands together.
There was much about his birth that was truly auspicious.
He was born under the Twelfth Heavenly Abode when the Morning-star had risen at the peak of the sky or the planet Venus as these surface-dwellers had named it. This was especially significant as it was also the same day his father was born. K’ukulkan had described that the descendants of his mother’s tribe had told stories of my son’s special birth and had given him the name, Quetzalcoatl. In their honour and my husband’s, I accepted.
I sat up on the cushions of the chair, eliciting a sharp cry from my son. “Shh,” I soothed him, carefully keeping him at my breast and rubbing the small of his back. Suddenly, a distant rustle of sandals approaches my chambers and there was a soft yet urgent knock at the door.
“Wokol,” I announce and Izel, my maid, rushed in. Her features as pale as alabaster and her dark eyes held fright.
“My Lady,” she greeted, “the Wakandans have arrived. They are being held in the prisons near the King’s Cave. Though, there is no one in their attendance.”
I frowned at her words. “What of the King? He is not overseeing this matter?”
Izel momentarily hesitated, wringing her hands together, nervously before she replied. “That is right, my Lady. However, I fear that the prisoners may be plotting their escape as I heard of a third Wakandan arriving soon. Possibly to aid them in their escape.”  
My lips twisted into a sardonic smile while holding up Quetzalcoatl in my arms. “Then it is only proper that we greet this newfound guest. Shall we go introduce ourselves and say hello, in pixamech?”
My son squeals and throws his hands up and I walked to Izel, placing him onto her arms as we walk out the door.
I held a basket of guavas, papayas, custard apples, and mamey, while Izel walked next to me with my son in her arms and the other servants brought the other snacks. As we approached the Wakandan prisoners, we placed the baskets down and I reached back for my son.
“What is all this?” One of them inquired.
“A few snacks.” I reply, with a quick calculating glance. “I thought you’d be hungry since you’ve come a long way and I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
“We haven’t come here as guests of the King, we were captured by your people and now, being held as prisoners.”
“Well, that could change if Wakanda decided to become allies with Talocan.” I approach the prison cells and look to the tall woman with the dark eyes and willowy neck. I smiled, “You must be Shuri, the Princess of Wakanda and heiress to its throne and your friend, Riri Williams, a surface-dweller.”
“I see you have been well informed,” Shuri says while her friend, next to her, rolled her eyes in pure annoyance.
“Just because I live in an underwater city does not mean I am oblivious as to what occurs in the Surface world.” I smiled sweetly, and suddenly, my son began to squirm in my arms. I look at him to see if he is alright but he is pointing behind me with a big grin gracing his face.
“In yakunaj,” I hear my husband’s voice and when I turned to see him, he held a look of bewilderment. “What is going on?”
“Jump’éel tercio u bin yano’ob táan u yu’ulo’ob,” I warn, ominously as my husband’s eyes travel to the prisoners. He moved towards them, each step echoing within the halls of the prison.
“I believe I have made a grave mistake in placing my trust in you.” K’ukulkan spoke, his voice becoming enraged by the second. Shuri narrowed her eyes while beside her, her friend shifted uncomfortably.
“We have done nothing -”
My husband snapped as the blood rushed to his face. “Oh, but you have. I hear that another one of your people is breaching the passage to my kingdom. I had truly thought we were coming to an understanding solely in the interest of our people but I have come to realize that all this had been fiction. You were simply feeding me lies and conspiracies to keep me from knowing your true intentions - to poison my kingdom.” K’ukulkan hissed in mock approbation.
“You are clearly mistaken,” a voice echoed through the halls. We all turn to face a woman in a chartreuse green armour holding ring blades. She looked between us and her face a mask of agony and anger. “We have not come to in the purpose of harming your kingdom. I can understand how you must be feeling. Wakanda was once the seat of complete power. Our supremacy was unchallenged. And now the King has died. As has the Queen Mother. ”
“And I’ve come here,” she continued, “for the sole purpose of taking the only heir to the throne back to Wakanda. With or without a fight, I will leave this kingdom with her.”
                                    •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
I quickly kicked the blade ring out of her hand and the Wakandan reached to coil her fingers around my throat and I lashed out instinctively with a sudden, hard punch to her face that made her rock backwards and let go of me. She winced in pain but charged towards me.
Though, before she could hit me, I aimed my fist for her again. This time she dodged my hit, grabbed my wrist, and threw me over her shoulder. I managed to turn the fall into a roll to escape her reach as my heart pounded in my ears. The pounding seemed to be almost enough to drown out Shuri’s shouts and my son’s cries as I blinked multiple times to clear my blurred vision.
Suddenly, she runs at me and in a quick and puzzling moment, got a hold of my leg to twist it, but before she could, I used my other leg to kick her down. As I did so, I grabbed her left ankle and yank her down to the ground. She landed hard and yelped in pain. Before she had a chance to stand, I grab her by the throat and slam her head against the ground.
The Wakandan’s eyes widen as she attempts to free herself but I ensured that she never got that chance.
“You should have thought twice before deciding to intrude my home.” I hiss as she began to choke for air and tears stream down her face. Something told me to look to my husband and when I did, I saw him with our son in his arms and an expression of pure shock crossed his features with a twinkle of admiration hidden behind his eyes. I loosen my grip around my enemy’s neck as she began to gasp for air and cough harshly. I look between her and Shuri and made a point in addressing them both.
“It’s come to my attention that you do not know who I am. I am (Y/N). Queen and High Priestess of the Talokanil and the Second-in-Command of the army of Talocan.”
This time, I turn my attention to the intruder as she rises to her feet, still gasping for air. “Your kingdom may be crumbling but I refuse to let you destroy mine.”
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
Have Some Madeira, M'Dear - Silco x Reader - Ch: 2
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AO3: Have Some Madeira, M'Dear
FFnet: Have Some Madeira, M'Dear
There’s a saying, in Zaun, about the things that keep us up at night. Some say it’s the ghosts. Others, the rats. And some say it’s the monsters.
But the real answer is this:
It’s the darkest parts of ourselves.
And, perhaps, the truest.
Zaun is independent - a city apart from Piltover, beating to its own drum of progress. You, the star reporter of Piltover’s Sun & Tower Newspaper, are tasked with capturing its heart and soul - and with it, the nature of its leader, the elusive Eye of Zaun.
You end up with much, much more than you bargained for.
A tale of two cities, and the things that go bump in the night. Canon divergent AU. Silco x Reader, but primarily ensemble piece. Part of the Forward but Never Forget/XOXO series.
Feedback and reblogs earn you smooches<3
@the-blue-quetzalcoatl @catgoblinchelly @juniper-sunny @mrfellssmokinghalo thank you for submitting your oc's for this tale<3
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First, I really must thank you for those Siegfried headcanons; it honestly brightened my day while I was fatigued from a head cold. Hope you're doing better, and take care. As for now - how about Siegfried, Quetzalcoatl, and a servant of your liking reacting to a master that initially seems to be permanently hidden, but in fact enjoys climbing about and hangs around hidden parts of Chaldea? Imagine just running into a small alcove with patterned pillows, throws, and books: that's master's nest!
You're very welcome anon! I hope you're feeling better as well.
He's concerned about how little he actually sees you, with how little anyone ever seems to see you. And when you do appear, it's always out of nowhere. He never heard you approaching, so it almost sent him into a bit of a panic.
He starts piecing together your habit of just hiding away in hard-to-reach areas when he saw you climbing up to the rafters above one of Chaldea's storage areas. Then he started spotting you in various spots most humans would avoid. He even swore he saw you in a vent at one point.
After having been summoned by you for a while, you invited him to your little hideaway. You moved a wall panel in your room and motioned for him to crawl inside. The hole led to a secret room you had filled with pillows, blankets, and various things to keep yourself entertained.
It's now a common hangout spot for the two of you. Though this had led to a lot of people constantly wondering where you and Siegfried were.
It didn't take her long to figure out where you actually were during the times you disappeared from everyone else's view. She spotted you climbing up into the various nooks and crannies of Chaldea, so she put two and two together very quickly.
She doesn't tell the others, however. She thinks it's adorable that you do this, and watching you scramble up things like a wild cat is pretty entertaining to her. The others would probably stop you if she told them.
She found your little nest by accident. She saw a couple of servants had broken a wall panel during a small scuffle, and she could hear your voice on the other side. So without a moment's hesitation, she poked her head in and found you curled up in a pile of pillows and blankets reading a book.
You begged her not to tell the others what she found, it was one of the few places you could get some peace in this place and you didn't want to lose that. She promised you she wouldn't, but only if she could be allowed in there pretty much anytime with you. So now you have a new hangout buddy.
Jack the Ripper (Platonic because Hollow feels the need for some family fluff)
She notices this habit of yours immediately. and happily joins you in finding all of the hidden little niches in Chaldea. Though her happy giggling gives where the two of you are climbing since she has a lot of fun doing this with you.
So if anyone sees Jack making her way up to a random corner of Chaldea, they know you're most likely nearby and she's heading to where you are. This does cause her to start keeping the giggling under control, since she knows you don't always want to be found by the others.
She was the one who discovered the place that would eventually become your little hideaway. She noticed the panel you two were leaning on felt a little loose, so she moved it, and found the entrance to a hidden room.
After getting all the blankets, pillows, books, and some games in there you two had the perfect hangout spot where you could spend some quiet time together undisturbed. As long as the other servants don't start getting too nosy that is.
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simpknight · 3 years
Kinktober 12: Quetzalcoatl x GN!Reader (Thigh riding)
Rating: Mature
Words: 430
Warnings: Thigh riding
Training with Quetzalcoatl was arduous, exhausting and tedious, yet she always managed to convince you to work out. Compared with Scatach, Quetzalcoatl was an angel; obviously she was strict but she knew your limits and adapted her training method according to your physical condition.
The first couple of days were the worst, after that you could keep up with her rithm.
More or less.
But the most important thing was you could spend a nice amount of time with Quetzalcoatl. You weren't exactly alone since she always invited Beowulf, Spartacus and Fergus so they could help you train, but it was nice to be with her. It also would've been better if Fergus didn't try to flirt with her when he had a chance, but either she didn't pay him attention or she just didn't realize what were his true intentions.
Being honest, you didn't really mind him flirting with her, but you saw her first so he'll have to wait in line. At least that's what you thought to yourself because you weren't actually that confident with yourself.
Until that day of course.
The goddess told you she had a special training for you so she invited you to go to her room. The words "training" and "special" didn't sound appealing at all, so you were scared to say the least. You tried to tell yourself it was going to be ok, that she probably wanted to do a yoga class or something of the sort.
But you were wrong.
Apparently the goddess did have feelings for you and she really couldn't contain herself anymore.
Before you realized you were on your underwear sitting on Quetzalcoatl's right leg, rubbing yourself against her thighs. She smiled at you the whole time, watching your hips move slowly.
"Oh, come on, master, go faster! Venga, más rápido! I know you can do it!"
Trying to encourage you, she gently tapped her leg, the subtle vibration between your legs motivated you to move faster. You supported your body on hers to keep balance and moved your hips like your life depended on it.
Quetzalcoatl's bare leg felt strangely nice; she was well-built and the fact that she let you ride her strong legs turned you on. You wouldn't mind if she decided to squish you between them.
Your underwear was so wet it didn't make a difference when you came.
Quetzalcoatl was pleased, but far from done.
"I told you this was going to be a special training, so don't think this is over. We still have lots of things to do, yes!"
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I saw your cute poly thing and wanted to ask if you would do a Ereshkigal and Quetzalcoatl one? For letters b d h k m n r s y
I most certainly can my good Anon!
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B-Bed: what's the sleeping situation like? Are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone?
Quetz is a very physically affectionate lady who is also quite muscular and quite strong.
Ereshkigal is an extremely petite and touch starved girl.
It took all of three days before Quetz was using the two of you as human sized teddy bears. This has led to the semi-amusing situation of Quetz not being able to sleep without the two of you around.
D-Dates: What do dates look like? Who usually plans them, or is it a group affair?
Erishkigal plans the more extravagant dates, the ones where all of you would have to get all pretty and dressed up nice, she also picks out the clothes for those, but she does have a preference for the dates Quetz plans due to the simplicity and intimacy of them.
A nice picnic under the stars lit by lanterns, a day at the park, a cold winter day spent snuggled up under blankets, these are the dates Quetz has with you all.
H-Hobbies: Does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them?
Quetz is really into luchador wrestling and while she knows she can’t use those moves on the two of you, she can definitely talk excitedly about them, infodumping everything she knows in almost one sitting which Ereshkigal is quite fond of.
Ereshkigal on the other hand, dabbles in streaming and up until her most recent spat with her rival Osakabehime, no one even knew she was dating anyone. Alas, the bat had a way of getting under Ereshkigal’s skin like no other and so one thing lead to another and now over two million people know that Ereshkigal, one of if not the most adorkable streamer in the world, is dating not just one, but two people at once who are also dating each other. That being said, she does truly love it when the two of you make cages with her or take her mountain climbing.
K-Knowing: Who can read their partners like a book? Is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners?
Ereshkigal is, surprisingly enough, extremely good at knowing what is up with either of you at any moment with only a single glance. Unfortunately, she was the one who had her walls up starting out and it took a while for the both of you to get her to let them down completely.
M-Memories: Is anyone more on the sentimental side?
Ereshkigal is perhaps the most sentimental person you could meet. She has seen the lives and deaths of countless humans and she values each one of them and the lesson she learned from them. That lesson being this.
Love, true love, is always something worth remembering.
N-Nights: What’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together?
Quite honestly, whenever Ereshkigal gets tired she kinda just… wraps herself up in the covers like a burrito. Shortly following this, a sleeping Quetz then grabs the Ereshkigal Burrito and you and holds the two of you close like her life depended on it.
R-Romantic: is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
Quetz is perhaps the most obviously affectionate with the two of you, not being afraid to tell you both how she feels or show it.
On the other hand, Ereshkigal is more… subtle in her affection, showing it through acts such as making a favorite dinner after a long day or simply being there for either of you when you need it.
S-Sharing: is there anyone who’s particularly territorial of their partners?
Quetz can be… rather viscous when it comes to the two of you but she’ll let the offending party live if they apologize.
There is no such guarantee with Ereshkigal, she may not often show it, but she is the goddess of the dead and up until quite recently, she was a rather brutal ruler.
Y-Yearn: who misses their partners the easiest (ie, calls them to hear their voices when all they’ve done is run to the grocery store)?
Quetz, oddly enough, is the one to do this if she is separated from either of you by a great distance, this distance being about a 30 minute walk away from her. Though, for someone who is the type to get excited just like a puppy whenever one of her lovers returns, that is to be expected.
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luxthestrange · 28 days
G.I Incorrect Quotes#121 ESTOY VIVOOOOOO!~
Dragon!Y/n who is...A mini version of Quetzalcoatl waking up after a 500-year slumber...and finding out Natlan's situation...you decide to meet the traveler you read so much about...
Quetzal!Y/n*Rising up in a red fog and debris*
I LIVE!!!!!
Quetzal!Y/n*Looks around cave*Let me see, what mortals need my protection?
Quetzal!Y/n*Is talking to self*-You as i say the word!-And lemme tell you something - anyone who is foolish enough to mess with MY land, vengeance will be MINE!!!!
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After you find your future warrior of your choosing being Lumine
Lumi: It's going to take a miracle to get us to win against the heavenly principals...
Your shadow appears in gigantic form and is surrounded by flames
Quetzal!Y/n: Did I hear someone ask for a miracle? Let me hear you say "aaah"!
Paimon, Kachina & Hashbrown* fear hide behind their big sister *Aaah!/RAH!
Quetzal!Y/n*Snaps fingers to the three* That's close enough!
Paimon: A g-ghost?
Quetzal!Y/n: Get ready, Child of the stars, your red-cloaked salvation is at hand! For I have been sent by Sun... to guide you through your masquerade!
Lumine: Who are you?
Quetzal!Y/n: Who am I? Who am I? I am the guardian of the Humanity! I am the powerful, the pleasurable~, the indestructible Y/n!
Revealing themselves from behind a pillar with jazz hands
Quetzal!Y/n: Oh. Ha, ha. Pretty hot, huh?~
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Lux:Todo el mundo tocando palmas!!!
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fategranddisorder · 3 years
Strenght (Quetzalcoatl) -request-
Warnings: my high school Spanish :')
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Quetzalcoatl hums a tune she heard long ago. Fully intending to watch recordings of wrestling that some of the Chaldea staff managed to save, but a light shining through the small crack of the door of the training room catches her eye.
Quetzalcoatl is very surprised to find you in the middle of a set of push-ups.
Sweat drips from your face on the floor. The gym is so silent the Rider could hear the droplets hit the floor.
Your face is serious and your eyes are bright, burning with determination. Yet there is also a solemness behind the determination. It doesn't feel right to her, it doesn't suit you so Quetzalcoatl decides to break the silence by humming out your name, not 'Master' but your own name.
You actually get so startled by it you almost fall flat on your face mid push up. Quetzalcoatl smiles as you manage to catch yourself and sit up on the mat, your legs cross-legged as you finally look up to the goddess.
"Quezt, what's up, I didn’t hear you come in." You say while wiping some sweat of your forehead with the back of your hand.
"I am amazed, Master! Getting some extra training! You need some assistance?" During her speech she quickly closed the distance between herself and you. And squats before you. 
Your lack of reaction makes Quetzalcoatl worry, especially when your eyes shift away from her.
"Master… ¿qué está mal? Why are you here all alone?"
Quetzalcoatl, for all her quirkiness and loud presence, could perfectly feel when someone is troubled. She gently takes your chin between her pointer and thumb. At this your eyes meet hers again.
Bright green, like emeralds, stare back at you. And you know Quetzalcoatl won't let this go, it would be easier to fess up and let her help.
Like always.
You bite your lip in frustration. 
"Master" Quetzalcoatl presses again. 
You release a breath, like you could just exhale the negativity that had accumulated in your chest.
"I just-, I get so tired of everyone needing to save me, reaching a helping hand towards me"
You lean back resting your full weight on your arms. The limbs are screaming in protest after your ruthless abuse of them but you ignore the sting. The Aztec deity before you sighs.
It must be scary for you, to have all these expectations and wishes of others resting on those small shoulders of yours. 
"I know I am not much of a mage… So everyone always fusses over me. I want to become stronger, even if it just physical, so that everyone will worry a little less"
"My dear master…"
Easily pulling you to your feet with her the woman almost crushes you in her embrace. You only let out a squeak as Quetzalcoatl holds you tightly against her.
It is warm, it is always so warm when she touches you. Quetzalcoatl always stands so broad and tall, making you feel safe and protected whenever she is near.
As she holds you, Quetzalcoatl soothes your worries about your own strength and abilities. "You will save the world. That's not a prophecy. It's just the future I decided to believe in."
You feel warm and you return the sentiment of the woman before you. Holding her tightly, nuzzling your face into her skin.
"So I'll protect you, and give you everything I have." Her words make you feel invincible, they always do.
And during the next Rayshift you had the strength to reach out and do the saving for a change.
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obeythebutler · 4 years
Hello, I know you already did yandere hcs (And I loved it!) but would you be interested in writing Beel x MC x Belphie specific stuff with a loving MC? I can't help but feel like Belphie would be a horrible influence on Beel and with Beel on the same page Belphie would have less reason to hold back imo. If not could I please get MC dressing up as their demon forms or otherwise admiring them/asking to be in them more often? Whatever direction you want to take with that one. Thank you in advance.
Life was full of surprises, both horrid and good.
Like the day Lilith fell, or the day when he was imprisoned,or the day when he met MC.
But the biggest suprise, the biggest shock Belphegor got was when he found his darling stroking Beelzebub's hair while he was asleep.
Beelzebub was the gentler of the two, the kinder, the softer one. He was the one who'd dry their tears after a particularly harsh punishment,cuddle them,coddle them, kiss them.
Belphegor was the bad cop here, the one who'd inflict punishment, the brat, the disciplinarian, the harsh lover.
So it was no suprise to Belphegor that MC would chose to lay what little affections they would want,if they were forced to, on Beelzebub.
Belphegor promptly left the room after staring at the pair for a good minute.
"MC's acting weird."
Belphegor nods." That day I saw MC stroking your hair as you were asleep." Beelzebub blushed at that, and continued walking, while avoiding his gaze. HoL was in sight, and in ten minutes they would be at the front gate.
" Try to keep a close eye on them." Beelzebub now firmly advised his younger brother who looked deep in thought.
"I will."
And it was left at that.
The second suprise was when MC clung closer to him as they slept.
Cuddling with your kidnappers sounds strange and absurd, but that is what MC was doing. Clinging to Belphegor like a baby as they slept and nuzzled their face into his chest.
Belphegor knew, that there was hate in your heart. Knew that you spat venom when you screamed at him after a punishment. But this, this was...something else.
He pondered over it for a while, and then closed his eyes, back to sleeping until Beelzebub would wake them up for breakfast.
The third time it happened, was when he and Beel stepped into the kitchen to find a whole array of various dishes laid out. And there was his favourite,Quetzalcoatl brain soup.
What exactly was MC planning? Perhaps the food had been meddled with some measly human poison which won't affect demons at all. It would be fun to ask MC to taste the food they had cooked with so much love, and watch their face go pale and their expression change to that of a caught deer.
If Belphegor was cautious, Beelzebub was impulsive, especially when it came to food.
His twin was already digging into the dishes, gobbling them one after the other with a look of pure bliss as MC watched with a smile.
Slowly,cautiously, Belphegor sat down and eyed the soup laid out for him. It looked perfectly normal,no weird smell or taste, or...texture.
The soup tasted delicious.
" What exactly are you planning?."
The fourth suprise was when MC hugged Belphegor from behind in his sleep, and he woke up, startled.
Belphegor had cornered MC against the kitchen counter.He was getting irritated with their false acts.
" Beelzebub may be a bit obvious but I am not..." He hissed against their neck as he growled, his tail slowly curling around their neck as a python's would. MC looked back at him with wide, scared eyes and muttered a soft apology about having alarmed Belphegor as he slept. The coil on their neck grew tighter, and suddenly MC couldn't breathe.
" Tell me, what are you devising? Don't you hate us to the very depth of your pathetic soul? Didn't you scream these very words?" MC shook their head violently.
"Now, now, don't lie to me, you know what happens when you lie."
They had screamed these words when they had imprisoned MC, screamed these words while being punished, spoke them while asleep, but their actions were a sharp contrast to their words.
" I-I" MC whimpered and clawed at his tail while trying to free themselves."I-I don-n't."
He stared into their eyes, searching for any traces of dishonesty, and released the grip on their neck as they wheezed, desperately trying to catch their breath.Belphegor snarled, and left the room.
" I don't understand." Belphegor confessed as he rested his head on Beel's shoulder. It was past midnight, and MC was asleep in the locked room.
" I tried threatening them, but couldn't find any evidence or proof they were acting all along.I-I don't know, Beel, what to do."
Belphegor was baffled.Beel reached down to pat his head and muttered "Maybe it's all an act.Maybe they are lying. Maybe they want to escape. Maybe..they hate us." Belphegor inhaled sharply.
" But, maybe they love us.Maybe they truly love us.I don't know the truth too, Belphie. We will see what happens in due time."
" Yes we will." Belphegor sat up straight.
" Where's your pillow?" Beelzebub asked, as seeing Belphie without his pillow was an extremely rare sight in itself.
" MC's napping with it."
Beelzebub smiled.
It was an adorable sight.
MC was sleeping in between the twins, with their head tucked in Belphegor's chest and Beel's arm as a pillow.
Perhaps, this was an act.Or perhaps it was real, that MC loved them.
But, regardless of an act or not, they both were going to enjoy it for as long as they could. Bask in their affections and love.
And if MC truly loved them, well, imagine the fun they both could have. No matter how much they punished MC, bruised their skin, tore them with words,MC would come crawling back to them, begging to love and be loved.
Oh, the fun they both could have.
Beelzebub and Belphegor exchanged knowing smiles.
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter XVI
Back at the entrance of Steyliff Grove, Aranea stood beside Biggs and Wedge. "Congrats. That concludes your "training." You've still got a hard path ahead, but don't let anyone tell you how to walk it."
"You may have been hired under false pretenses, but your assistance was invaluable all the same," Ignis said.
She smirked slightly. "Hmph. Tell me something I don't know. You can spare the pleasantries."
"Take care walking your path, Aranea."
"Oh, right. Thanks—I will. And I'll "train" you some more if our paths cross again. Oh, and before I forget—His Excellency instructed me to give you boys and firefly a ride back. If you need a lift, feel free to hop on." Aranea walks off with her acquaintances.
Ignis pulls out his phone and checks it just as Prompto sighed in relief. "Well, glad that's over with!"
The strategist lowered his phone after reading the information Cindy sent him. "Noct, I have just received word from Cindy."
"And?" Noctis asked.
"We're to return to Lestallum. Her friend works as an engineer at the power plant. She'll take care of the mythril."
"Uh-huh. And that'll take care of our boat problem!" The sharpshooter cheered.
"Once you're rested and ready, I suggest we hasten back to Lestallum. Make sure you're prepared," Ignis stated.
"Shame to say goodbye to such a nice fishing spot. Wanna see what's biting before we bail?"
Noctis' eyes gleamed at the thought of fishing at the Vesperpool. "Hell yeah I wanna fish."
Before the prince could take another step, Callyx came stomping over with a sharp glare directed towards (Y/n). He walked straight towards her, but was stopped when Prompto built up the courage to place himself between the two guardians. The man was unamused and growled at the boy, "Step aside, human. I won't hesitate to kill you. Either way, I get what I want."
"What's your deal?" Prompto asked, glaring back at him.
"That damned bitch standing behind you," Callyx spat.
The marksman was about to summon his pistol, but stopped when Ardyn sauntered over with an eerie smile plastered to his face. "Now, now. This squabble should be solved righteously."
The emerald-eyed spirit looked towards the chancellor. "The hell're you proposing?"
"A duel, to put it in simple terms."
Callyx scoffed. "You just want some entertainment."
"Do you not desire to settle this dispute, Callyx?" Ardyn questioned his guardian.
"Of course I do."
The chancellor casted his somewhat odd smile in (Y/n)'s direction. "Do you accept?"
Prompto turned around to face his girlfriend. "Why don't we just leave, (Y/n)? Let's forget about these guys."
"Couldn't agree more," Noctis spoke up.
(Y/n) thought for a few seconds before meeting Ardyn's gaze. "If I go through with this, what happens if I win?"
"You and your companions can be on your merry way without the fear of a target on your back. Of course, only for a short while. If you were to lose, I believe Callyx will deal with you personally," the auburn-haired man answered.
She scowled at him. "You're threatening me?"
"Of course not, my dear. I only believe it to be fair if my dearest friend were to win, he'd get to do what he pleases with you. If he so desires to see your demise, he may dispose of you."
"What?" Prompto gasped. "No way! We're leaving."
Ignis saw (Y/n) bite her bottom lip. He could tell she was tempted to accept the duel to get the empire off their back for the time being. "(Y/n), you need not entertain these men."
The (h/c)-haired spirit glanced over at the advisor. After a few seconds, she hung her head. "But if I can get the empire off our backs even just for a little bit..."
Ardyn stepped around Prompto, earning a glare from him, and held out his hand towards the girl. "Do you consent to the terms, my dear?"
(Y/n) glances at Callyx for a split second before placing her hand in the chancellor's. She saw the look of concern on Prompto's face, quickly averting her eyes. "I accept the duel."
"Then it's settled." Ardyn glances at his guardian. "Let us venture out, Callyx."
The three boys, (Y/n), and even Aranea follow Ardyn and Callyx. They trek a little ways away from the ruins and to a vast, open area. It was the perfect place for a fight. The two spirits faced each other while the others stood on the sideline. From her peripheral, (Y/n) could see Prompto nervously fidgeting where he stood.
Ardyn took his hat off and explained the one rule of the duel—no transforming. The two guardians were shocked at the rule, but they didn't argue.
(Y/n) and Callyx put some distance between them, summoning their weapons. Ardyn placed his hat back on his head as he signaled the start of the duel.
Callyx was the first to attack, blinded by his anger from their previous battle at Fort Vaullery. His sword was easily deflected by the Creator's Blade wielded by (Y/n). She easily shoves him back, eyes narrowing when she saw black horns protruding from his forehead. Because the man was unable to keep his emotions in check, his spiritual and human forms were clashing. It was also possible for both forms to collide if a spirit desired to enhance their human body without turning into a complete beast. She was positive his horns had sprouted due to both possibilities. Since he was not in his tiger form, it wasn't breaking the rule. "You're not good at controlling your emotions, are you? Or do you really think the only way you can beat me is by enhancing  your body?"
"Shut the hell up," Callyx barked. "This time, I will be the victor no matter the cost."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, deciding not to entertain him with words. Instead, she continued to block his attacks. She watched his every move closely, noticing a pattern as the fight dragged on. His movements were becoming more sloppy because of his out-of-control emotions. Although she was exhausted from their journey through Steyliff Grove, she had no issues blocking and sidestepping.
At one point, she sidestepped and kneed Callyx in the gut. He fell to his knees with the wind knocked out of him, but she wasn't finished just yet. With a roundhouse kick, she kicked him in the face and sent him crumbling to the ground. As he fell, his blade slipped out of his hand. He gritted his teeth in pain, eyes beginning to glow. She took a few steps back and saw not only his eyes were glowing but jade stripes had appeared on his cheeks. "You really are desperate..."
Callyx got back to his feet, grabbing his sword with a click of his tongue. "Damn you...!" He held up his hand and sent a powerful bolt of lightning directly towards her. It hit her directly in the abdomen, sending her flying backwards. She groaned painfully as she was still feeling the small effects from the quetzalcoatl's spell.
Even with the potion Prompto gave her, she was still slightly frazzled from the beast's lightning spell. "I hate lightning spells," she huffed, pushing herself off the ground. Eyes returning to her opponent, she saw Callyx was readying another lightning spell. Having no other choice, she enhanced her body the moment he sent another powerful bolt of lightning towards her. Her many tails sprouted from her lower back and wrapped around her protectively, deflecting the spell. Unwinding her tails from around her, she glowered at the spiky-haired man as she created a large fire vortex around him.
(Y/n) was taken aback when Callyx leapt through the flames, unfazed by the fire or the heat. He patted out a few flames on his clothes before charging at her with his blade now infused with a lightning spell. The girl quickly raised the Creator's Blade and blocked the sword before it could be plunged into her chest. She struggled against him, his strength becoming overwhelming because of his enhancements. Without hesitating, she used her tails to swat him away like a fly.
The golden-eyed spirit, with her free hand, conjured a series of throwing knives made of pure flames. She tossed them, each one impaling Callyx's body. He screamed at the top of his lungs as the small knives pierced his body and burnt him. Some even pinned him to the ground.
With an exhausted huff, (Y/n) strolled over to the male guardian. She jammed the Creator's Blade into his left shoulder, eliciting another howl of pain from him. His horns and stripes vanished while his eyes ceased glowing. She squatted down beside him with an unamused expression. "I really should kill you, but I refuse to stoop to your level. You may be the enemy, but I won't kill my own people."
Callyx managed to grin through the immense pain he was suffering from. "You might want to change that philosophy of yours. This won't be over until either one or both of us are dead."
Refusing to entertain him any longer, (Y/n) withdrew the Creator's Blade from Callyx's shoulder. She turned to the others and saw their expressions. Aranea was amused, Noctis and Ignis were impressed, and Ardyn was still smiling even with Callyx heavily wounded. When she saw Prompto's expression, she knew he was going to be mad at her for accepting the duel. He was most likely going to give her the silent treatment for some time since he wasn't fond of losing his temper with others.
"I believe I'm the victor," (Y/n) said, locking eyes with Ardyn. Her tails vanished as she walked over to the others.
"Indeed, you are," the chancellor cackled. He took off his hat and bowed. "I am quite impressed by your strength. A well-earned victory."
"This means you're gonna leave us alone, right?" Noctis asked.
"For the time being, yes. Once we meet across the sea, however, those terms become annulled," he explained. The prince was about to retort, but Ardyn continued. "Commodore Highwind, please see these gentlemen and lady safely from here while I tend to my dear Callyx." The chancellor walked away after helping the male guardian.
Aranea watched the two vanish before smirking at (Y/n). "Damn, firefly. You're just full of surprises. If you weren't with these guys, I'd ask you to join me. We could kick some serious ass together." She placed a hand on her hip. "Now then, you're headed to Lestallum, right? I'll take you there, but no further."
"Got it," Noctis replied.
"So, ready to ship out?"
"You bet. Let's fly."
The group returns to the ruins where Aranea left her drop ship. Everyone was safely aboard and they departed from the Vesperpool. (Y/n) was talking to Noctis and Ignis about her recent duel with Callyx, complimenting her on her skills. During the conversation, her eyes drifted over to Prompto. He was sitting on the floor of the drop ship away from everyone else, scrolling through the pictures on his camera.
Excusing herself, she walked over to him even though she knew he was giving her the silent treatment. She sat beside him with a sigh and glanced down at the camera, seeing he was examining the pictures he took inside Steyliff Grove. "Wow, those are all amazing shots, Prom," she said even though she was aware of the lack of response she'd receive in return.
She leaned back against the wall of the drop ship and stared up at the ceiling. "You're angry and I understand completely. I know you're gonna give me the silent treatment for a while and I don't blame you. Even though I made you mad, I don't regret trying to protect you and the others. But..." A sorrowful frown blossomed on her face. "Please trust in me more, Prom. Trust that I can handle myself in battle, even against someone like Callyx. I know you want to protect me, but you can't protect me from everything." She got to her feet and walked away.
Prompto gripped his camera tighter. He lifted his head to say something, but stopped himself when his eyes landed on her retreating form. There was truth in her words, but he wanted to believe he could protect her from everything. He also wanted to deny her accusation of not trusting her enough, but his urge to protect her stopped him from trusting in her capabilities wholeheartedly.
He mentally cursed himself and her for their current emotional turmoil. Looking back down at his camera, he tried to think of something else while scrolling through pictures. Unfortunately, the pictures he's taken of (Y/n) were appearing more frequently and caused his emotions to become even more entangled. In the end, he turned off the camera and took a short nap.
A few hours later, they arrived in Lestallum with the Regalia. Aranea told them of the trouble at the power plant and how she would be unable to help. The group took it upon themselves to help with the issue and thanked the ex-mercenary as they parted ways with her.
At the power plant, they meet with Holly. She gives Noctis a safety suit and he puts it on before walking through the gate. Prompto chuckled at the raven-haired boy. "Lovin' that outfit, Noct!"
"Why don't you wear one?" He retorted.
"Well, that's the only one. And if anyone stands a fighting chance in there, it's you. Forget about fashion and go," Ignis stated.
"(Y/n) could help."
"I think I'll leave this in your capable hands," the spirit snickered.
"Ugh..." Noctis headed into the power plant to meet up with the hunter that went ahead of him.
While waiting for him to return, (Y/n) pinched the bridge of her nose with an exhausted sigh. She leaned against a large wooden crate when she felt a small dizzy spell wash over her. Prompto and Ignis noticed her state, but the strategist was the one to address her. "(Y/n), would you procure rooms for us at the Leville?"
She lifted her head. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. You are clearly exhausted." Ignis handed her enough gil for two rooms.
"I could use a nap..." She took the money, thanking him. She glanced at Prompto and saw he was going to say something, but he closed his mouth and looked away. With a sorrowful sigh, she spun on her heels and headed to the hotel. She forked over the gil for two rooms and wandered upstairs to the single bed room. She thought about jumping into the soft mattress, but instead went to take a shower in the small bathroom attached to the room.
An hour passed while (Y/n) bathed. Most of the time while she was in the shower, she stood underneath the shower head and fell into deep thought. Her mind was filled with many thoughts, some good and some bad. An entire hour had passed before she knew it.
With a towel wrapped around her body, the spirit wandered out of the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the double bed, sighing heavily. Her (h/c) locks dripped as she hung her head. It wasn't long before the thoughts from the shower came back. She replayed what she said to Prompto inside Aranea's drop ship. A groan fell from her lips. "Why did I say that...?" She combed her hands through her damp tresses. "I could've just said nothing. He deserves to be angry," she mumbled to herself. Now thinking clearly, she came up with the decision to apologize to Prompto once he and the others returned from the power plant.
Standing up, (Y/n) walked over to the chair where she left her clothes. The moment she unwound the towel from around her body, the door to the room opened. Her eyes widened in horror, body petrified as Prompto walked into the room. She couldn't move an inch when the boy's eyes landed on her naked form. His cheeks turned a bright red and he swallowed hard, eyes raking over her exposed body. Realizing he was staring, he quickly turned around. "O-Oh, six...! I-I should've knocked! I-I didn't mean to, I swear!"
The girl, once being able to move again, quickly snatched up her towel and wrapped it back around her. "I-It's not your fault. I completely forgot to lock the door," she stated in a shaky voice. She hugged the towel against her body, her own cheeks turning red. "Gods, I should've taken my clothes to the bathroom with me..."
Prompto fidgeted with his fingers, cheeks set ablaze. He had no idea what to do with himself. He fidgeted nervously and stared down at the floor. His mind kept mentally showing him an image of his naked girlfriend. He scolded himself for thinking of dirty thoughts. To prevent an awkward silence from settling over them, he cleared his throat and changed the subject for both their sakes. "I-I came by to apologize. You were right..."
(Y/n) kept her back turned to him. "No, I was in the wrong. It was stupid of me to take on that ridiculous duel. I know I said it was to protect you and the others, but that just felt like an excuse. There was really no point, but I was blinded by my emotions. I wanted to give Callyx a piece of my mind and thought having the empire off our backs for a while would've been nice. I should've just ignored those bastards. I'm sorry, Prom." Her hands bunched up the hem of the towel just above her cleavage.
The moment (Y/n) built up enough courage to turn around, two arms wrapped around her from behind. She gasped in shock as her back came in contact with a warm chest. Her muscles tensed slightly before relaxing. Prompto's blonde hair tickled her cheek when he nuzzled his head against the side of hers. His nose brushed against her ear, causing her to shudder. She didn't move her hands away from her towel because it would fall again if she let go. She enjoyed his warmth even though she was embarrassed to be held in his arms with only a towel around her.
"What you said on the drop ship... You're right. I can't protect you from everything, but I'm gonna try my damndest to," Prompto whispered. "I know you can handle yourself in battle. It's just... I hate seeing you get hurt. I'm sorry for ignoring you, (Y/n)."
Her heart was a racing a mile a minute inside her chest. "It's okay, Prom." She lifted a hand and placed it on one of his arms that was wound around her shoulders. "With all that off our chests, c-can I please change?"
Prompto's eyes widen and he immediately backs away from her. "Y-Yeah, of course! I'll, um...I-I'll wait in the bathroom until you're done."
"You don't have to wait in the bathroom. Just turn around."
"I-I think the bathroom would be better..."
She turned around to face him with a puzzled expression. "What's the issue with just turning around?"
Prompto rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from her. "I d-don't trust myself to not take another peek..."
The girl giggled at his honesty. "Then you best head to the bathroom."
He nodded and dashed into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
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A List Of All Of My Current Works Pt.1
Genshin Impact
Tsundere Diluc X Reader
First Meeting Rosaria X Reader
Breaking An Entering: Electric Boogaloo A Sequel To First Meeting
Triad Pt.1 (Ningguang X Beidou X Reader)
Sara Kujou X Reader
Eula, Hu Tao, Sara, Ninguang and *Spins wheel* Barbra’s reaction to an S/O who has gone loopy after taking some medicine to fight their fever randomly confessing their undying love.
Jean Gunnhildr N.S.F.W. Headcannons
Lumine, Eula, and Jean With A Reader Who Uses A Frying Pan As A Weapon
Catching Her Eye-Ningguang X Reader
Worthy Of You-Sara X Reader
Differing Types Of Art-Yoimiya X Reader
Kokomi X Injured Reader
Ningguang Brainrot
Yandere Raiden Shogun
Holiday Gift-Layla, Furina, and Kokomi X Reader
A Gift To A Friend- Kaeya, Childe, Beidou, and Furina X Reader
100 Followers Event: Ei X Reader-Sharing
Reverse 1999
Dikke X Reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O Pt.2
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
SFW And NSFW Jacques De Molay Foreigner x Reader
Morgan, Baobhan, Melusine, and Barghest With Master Reader
SFW and NSFW Anastasia Hedcannons
Gareth And Mordred Fluff Scenarios and Headcannons
Fairy Knights and Morgan with a Depressed Master Reader
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Angst-
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Hurt Comfort-
"I'm So In Love With You" Artoria Pendragon X Reader
"You're Beautiful" Medusa Rider and Gorgon X Reader
"Do you trust me?" Serenity and Shuten Douji X Reader
"You're Cute When Your Angry" Rin Tohsaka and Mordred X Reader
"I'm So In Love With You" Medusa and Gorgon X Reader
"I Want To Protect You!" Mordred and Quetzalcoatl X Reader
Bradamante X Reader
Caenis X Reader
Penthesilea X Autistic Master Reader
Poly Scathach, Nightingale x Reader
Lancer Artoria X Reader With Powers Like Alucard From Hellsing
The Knights Of The Round Finding Out About Artoria Saber, Lancer, and Alter's S/O
Medusa, Caenis, and Gorgon With An S/O They Like To Tease
Nobu with a former Master Reader who became a servant
Penthesilea and Caenis with A Reader Who Loves Their Personality
Artoria And The Child Of Mordred X Reader Being Called "Grandpa"
Nagao Kagetora x Reader
Death By Snu Snu- Shuten Douji, Mash, Raikou, Barghest, and Castoria X Reader
Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, and Reader Poly Headcannons
General relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons-Toko, Jack, and Mikan
Mahiru, Kaede, and Ibuki caring for an S/O with a broken leg
Celestia, Miu, and Kyoko when their S/O who's the opposite calls them cute for the first time
Himiko and Kirumi with an energetic and affectionate S/O
Himiko X Tenko X Reader
P3: Mitsuru With Someone Who Loves To Play With Her Hair
P5: Futaba and Makoto X Smart Delinquent Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
100 Followers Event: P3: Mitsuru Kirijo-Secret
Gehrman X Reader
Micolash X Reader
Impostor Iosefka x Reader
Choir X Reader
Elden Ring
Malenia NSFW Alphabet
Guilty Gear
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.1]
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.2]
What Dates With Them Would Be Like-Testament
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
"You're Beautiful"- Bridget X Reader
Baiken Teaches You How To Fight!
Testament NSFW Headcannons
100 Followers Event: Undercovers, Ramlethal
Stealing Their Hat-Testament x Reader
Elphelt X Dragon Install Gear Reader NSFW
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
Tsubaki Yayoi X Reader
Mai Natsume X Reader
Wagner With An Affectionate S/O
Hilda Relationship Headcannons
Yandere Wagner x Reader
Orie X Affectionate Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
Incorrect Under Night In Birth X Reader Quotes
Miss Fortune, Black Dahlia, and Eliza x Reader
Street Fighter
Cammy White NSFW-A Nice Hot Shower
Juri Han X Reader
Married Life With Juri Han X Chun-Li
Elena & Menat X Reader Headcannons
Rivals To Lovers With Sakura & Makoto X Reader
Laura & Karin X Reader Dating Headcannons
Elena X Reader Fluff Headcannons
Getting Caught In The Act With Cammy, Elena, & Karin
Death By Snu Snu With Chun-Li And Juri Han X Reader
Tis But A Scratch! - Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki X Reader
Decapre X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Kissing Chun-Li, Juri, and Cammy's Abs
Calling Them Sugar Mommy-Karin Kanzuki & Mitsuru Kirijo X Reader
Resident Evil
Jill Valentine X Reader
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockart X Dragoon!Reader
Sephiroth X Reader: 100 Followers Event-Bite
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
The Freedom Of Choice-Levi X Reader (Platonic)
Marina And Abella Relationship Headcannons
Marina X Reader She Met Post Termina
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